-4r- THE AM AHA STTKDAY BEE: JUNE 16, 1912. B 35 Cent Laces Yard 9c A swell line of beautiful Not tingham Bands which are so popular this season, fine shadow and neat Crochet ef fects In cream, white or ecru, a delayed ship- f ment at 25c and 35c M C. values, at, yard .. " Ulo tYoynhnrAifif nriced Clt leSS than cn&t n f nmdtiction Several big shipments of goods bought specially for our Anniversary Sale and delayed in transit on account of Chicago strike situation, have been received at taMg discount-the railroad company and the manufacturer, stand the loss-oar customer, get the benefit The,e together with a complete clearance of all odd lot, and broken line,, PREVIOUS to INVENTORY, will make this the greatest bargain-giving week in the history of Omaha merchandising. Come early Monday High Grade Wash Goods Sale Monday About a carload of high grade wash goods was tied up in Chicago and arrived too late for the Anniversary sale and now we have to slaughter them. Ratines that should bring 11.B0 to, $2.00 yard will go at $1.00 Ratines that should bring $1.25 to 11.50 yard will go at ...... 86s Ratine Voiles that should bring (1 to $1.25 yd. will goat ..69c Voiles worth $1.00 will go at 59c Voiles worth 85c will, go at 50o Voiles worth 6c will go at o Voiles worth 50c will go at 35o Voiles worth 89c will go at 8Se Voiles worth SRc will go at 15o An entirely new line of Egyptian , Tissues and woven . Klaxons, the "genuine article." will go at.lBo . New French Percales, 15c and 13c quality UH New Scotch Ginghams.'Anderson's 39c values New Scotch ' Madras, 60c and 89c values New,' Batistes, at yard loo French 1 Batiste, pretty patterns, at. 1H Silk and mercerised goods, worth up, to 76c yard ......Mo, ase, Mc New. Pllsses for underwear and kimonos . ..,. ...18c ana ISO New Serpentine;' Crepe, etc., and everything, new "and arrived late will be closed out and prices made to do. the work quickly. Mail orders filled, promptly. PreAnventory June Sale of. Silks 3,000 yards of all silk foulards, pongees and messalines, in dots, . stripes and neat figures,' all this season's styles that HQ sold up to 76c; your choice Monday .;. . . . . 0 Yard wide washable silks In neat stripes, white ground with col ors, navy and white, lavender and white, Jucher and white, a - few imported Japanese silks in this lot, to close before stock taking, worth 75c to $1.00, at 36-inch all silk satin foulards, i . in, a good variety of white, up-to-date styles, mostly navy and black grounds, that sold for $1.00, in our clearing sale at ......-:684 Yard wide black yarn, dyed, all silk mess&Une, fine, firm qual- ....... ....38 ity, worth $1.00 '.'.....75' 10 pieces of yard wide Black Chiffon, feau de Sole, the $1 quality, at .,...78 i pieces of yard wide black dress taffetas, strictly: ' all silk chiffon finish, very" 'spe cial ...... --58 3Se Bilk Boot BtockWi-Pffc1 goods, in black, tan and white, with high spliced double heels and toes, every pair guar- QKrj ; t anteed .. v Children's 8So Muilln Drawers All sizes 2 to H years, well made, hemstitched or tucked, good quality cambric, on Q sale Monday, at, pair .... " Pre-lnvenlory Clearance Dress Goods . -. : All. the Remnants left from the past few weeks' tre mendous selling must go and in order to insure quick clearance we've marked them all at EXACTLY HALF. 1,000' Remnants, in- v , They- are lengths Haff eluded in this sale: the very best of the sea- sonp - oirertngs marked 85c Mohairg-52 inches wide,, just 20 pieces in; the lot; on sale at, per yard..v... .....;50c from 2l2 to 6 yards- finest qualities of all wool fabrics. Shirts, Made to Measure Perfect fit "and workman ship guaranteed; Monday. at $2.75 52.00 Ml Over Laces 98c A grand clearance of all the odd pieces of Venice and Nottingham Allover Laces, worth to QQf $2.25 a yard, at.. vl Four Big Lots of New Embroid eries, 3&c, 5c, 9c and 35c Baraains in women's readv-to-wear aarments surpassing an ever known. Offering not only several delayed shipments from our Anniversary Sale but making a clean sweep PreAnvenlory Clearance of our entire stock of beautitui anaiasmonaoie wearing apparei. In the Domestic Room Monday 10c Hope or Lens- C3 a dale Muslins..... 4t 20c Unbleached Rochdale Sheetings, 94 wide; at, a yard ....... ...UOC , 25c Aurora Bleached Sheeting, 8-4 wide. .19c v15c Aurora Pillow Tubing, 42 inches wide;" heavy weight; at, yard. . . .10c 10c Unbleached Muslin , " 36 inches wide, Farmers Choice; at, yard . . .6M:C ' 7U'C Bleached Muslin, 36 , inches wide . . ... . . . ,5c 50c Ready Made Sheets Are 72x90 Size ...,.33c 15c Imported Huck Tow els 19x38 size .:. .IOC 10c Chamois Finished - Long Cloth and India Linons, at . . . . ... ',7iC 350 Tailored SuitsMade to ' sell up to $45.00; every one of them strictly man-tailored and as classy a lot of designs as you will often see. All most desirable fab rics and , colorings, in two lots Monday at.... $7.45 and $12.45 Ladies' and Misses' Silk Dresses Messalines, chif fons, etc., all newest de signs, $20.00to $30.00 val ues; in Monday's sale at. choice,,... ......$10.00 $4.00 Silk Underskirts Taf fetas and messalines; on sale at . . . . . $1.79 All the Evening Gowns, Street and Afternoon Dresses at Just Half Price $175.00 Gowns $87.50 $150.00 Gowns $75.00 $100.00 Gowns $50.00 $89.00 Gowns. . $44.50 $75.00 Gowns.. $37.50 $50.00 Gowns. .$25.00 And all others at just' . Half Regular Price. Not one gown re served; all the newest wanted materials and . colorings shown in wide range of ex quisite designs. UWV and Mvctnxa WAISTS I $1.00 values, including lawn J and lingeries, in high jor low j .neck, sailor' collar, Peter Pan and other styles ...... -..3So I BAXWTY LIHOEBIB and TAH OKE9 WAISTS Made to sell ' at $2.00, all newest summer : styles, splendid variety, in all sixes, choice ......... :.i.B9o All the Finest Sum. mer Dresses at y3oti Imported lingeries and ratine, crepes, Irish linens, etc., ex quisitely trimmed many of them shown at opening display. $125.00 Dresses $83.34 $98.00 Dresses $65.34 $85.00 Dresses, $56.67 ' $79.00 Dresses $52.67 $69.00 Dresses $46.00 $55.00 Dresses $36.67 $45.00 Dresses $30.00; $35.00 Dresses $23.34 All Ooera and Evening Coats and Coats and Wraps $20.00 to lff5.00 values nearly all samples slightly soiled, at :. . . $5 "d $10 ' Your'choice .while they last. Thousands of Pretty Sum mer Dresses sent us spec ially by the manufacturers; linens, ratines, embroider ies, dimities, tissues, lawns and other wash materials; all colors and white, the most delightful bargains ever, at $4.95, $6.95, $8.95 and ......$12.50 50 dozen Tub Dresses On sale in ' three big lots at prices less than the actual worth of materials at.. 50c, 98c and $1.98 Children's .Wash Dresses Values to $2.00, in pretty , ginghams and lawns, all colors and sizes, at. . . .79c BSAVTZrVXi avaaCBB WAISTS I SrXX WAISTS, worth up to $5, r- I Mmnalirtos. chiffons and Jao Bilks,- 25 different styles for election, ; all . at on ! price, choice .......... ..... . ..S1.45 I jUlAOATir siss' Clearance Specials linen Dept Monday Pure Linen Hemmed Pat tern Table Cloths,' size 8x12 ; "worth $4.00 each, at . . .. ....... $2.50 Pure. Lineii Dinner Napkins to match, size 20x20, worth $4 dozen ....'.: .J .... $2.50 Unhemmied Pattern Table Cloths,, assorted, designs, siza 8x12, worth $2.25, ea. $1.25 Circular Scalloped Table Cloths, full size, pure linen, worth $6 each ..... .$3.98 Hemmed or Hemstitched pure linen Huck Towels, full size, worth 39c each . . . . . -25 Imported Mercerized Table Da--mask, good; width, assorted patterns, worth 59c, yd. 39 Excelsior Quilted .Table, pads ready for use, size 54x54, worth $2.25 each ...$1.50 Sterling Table Felt, full 54 inches wide, heavy and sound , resisting, worth 39c yard, at 25t values un to 13, at 8o Mar quleettes, Linens, Allover Enr.- brolderies and . . Lingeries, beautiful line for selection. Ecuadorian Panamas $5.00 to $8.00 values, shown in Mon day's sale in three lots , .' $2.95, $3.95 and $.95; j jLnjxnjLixi Lriaiii.rwiiii"Mirwr"ii"ii " "" ......1 ' . .' . ' J...'.'..'"., i L- . . -. . ' . ,sMMWsWMMMSlMsss $15.00 Steamer Trunks $9.50 Made of basswood, linen lined, enamel duck covered, with heavy sole leather straps; great snap Monday,' $Q50 ... I - " . ' M at , Remarkable Bargains in White Dress Fabrics Pure Linen Natural color Automobile Suiting, yard wide, worth' 75c a yard, at ; . .. . ' V.-.39C Pure Linen Dress Materials, double fold, yard wide, as sorted colors, worth 65c a yard, at. ... ...... . .i v.35c Fancy Figured "White Pique, assorted, heavy, for skirt ing, worth 50c a yard, at ................. v. . . . .oc Assorted colored line suitings, good width, worth 39c yard, 40 Inches width, worth 20c yard ...... 12K Persian and French Lawns and sheer chiffons, worth 75c yard at 45 New Spring White Goods, ia Lawns, Mulls and Swisses, worth up to-2 Bo yard ..10 at 10 White Flaxons and Luna Lawns, , plain or figured, worth 29c Vard ........ ...15. Victoria, Lawns, sheer and fine Why Pay More for Drugs and Toilet Goods Sals starts Monday sad continues aU next week. 91 size pure hydrogen peroxide, extra r.es for , . - 26s 25c can of Menne&'s or Colgate's talcum pow der for ,.il6 25c can of William's Violet or Carnation Talcum for .10o 60c box ot Java, Rice or Pozzont's face powder for 85o 25c size Pond's Ext San. itol or Peroxide face '--Creama, each .....16o i6o can ' tr. E3. I Grave or Peroxldp 1 tooth powder or paste for lOo ,25c Sanltol or Enthy mal tooth powder .or . paste for ..lSVaO- - 60c tube . of P u b e c o tooth paste, sale price at .;. .. 35o 25c Tooth Brushes, big snap, - sale price, each, "at .. . lOo 35ci Jar Massage-Cream, 2 to a customer, each, at .....Oo 16c pkg. of 20 Mule Team Borax for ..So Three cakes of Life Buoy soap for ... .100 One big lot of lOo bar toilet soaps slightly soiled, at per cake SHo iQc Jap Rose or Palm Olive soap, at 2 bars for'...... ......:.l6o Large size Of Pompelan Massage Cream, at 49o 25c box, 3 bars, of high ly scented toilet s6aps, per box. lSe k Big assortment oi Bathing Caps at Just ,H regular price. One full quart of pure Witch Hazel and bot tle, for .. 35o $1.50 extra heavy Hot Water bottles go at 75o ' ' ' -T - ' In the Domestic 18c Imported Dress Oing hams . ... .' . .' 10c 10c 'Lawns, good colors and patterns ".5c 18c Batines, the popular summer dress fabrics; on sale at 10c iy2c Apron Ginghams In blues, browns and greens, at ... ......... .....5c oc Simpson 'Printr-r nearly all colors, yd...5c 25c Poplins, all newest col ors; on sale at"'. . . . .15c 18c Plisse Cloth for under wear, white and colors, at 12C 18c Silk Finish Foulards; all good patterns, at 10c 25c Bleached Table Da mask 58 inches wide- at.:.;;... :;i9(5 1214c' Percales, 36 inches wide, light and dark col ors ; at, yard ... . . . . 10c Muslin Underwear Bargains You'll Find it Imptssibie , to Bu plicate . Skirts worth to $6.00, elaborately trimmed, , splendid assortment, t .....$2.08 Skirts worth -to $3.50, in two lota, Mondsy ... . . .$1.50 and $1.09 Princess Slips, worth to $5.00, with deep flounce ot Swiss embroidery, the yokes of dainty lace, on sale in 3 lots, at $3.08 $1.08 $1.50 Drawers and Corset Covers, reg ular values to 75c, all sizes, In one big lot, at, choice ....16 Gowns worth to $2.50, cut long and , full, Nainsook or Crepe cloth Q8 Oowas and Combination gaits, trimmed, exceptional bargains, at .49o Corset Covers and HareeUa Drawers BOo Corset Covers, at 8So ChUdrea'g S5e NfasUa Drawers . .lHo Womea's aad Children's Bathing Suits, Manufacturer's samples, up to $10 00, In four .big lots, in Monday's sale. at .. f3.8, Ua, UI RUGG RUGS Many Big Lots Monday at Prices Actually Less Than Mill Cost All Bugs offered Monday are absolutely perfect, new goods. 9x12 Axminster Rugs $25.00 qualities, choice $14.75 $35.00 Seamless Wilton Rugs Beauti ful patterns, choice $21.75 $18.50 Mitre Velvet Rugs 9x12 size ; on sale at ...... ,$10.00 Good range of patterns; all this sea son's goods. 9x12 Tapestry Brussels Rugs $15.00 quality; choice, at.. $9.95 $11.00 Mitre Brussels Rugs 9x12 size; on sale at . . $6.50 Wool Smyrna and American Oriental Rugs--Values up to $27.50; 9x12 size, at ........$12.50 Many other specials shown. Greatest clearance bargains ever known in Omaha. , Extra salesmen to wait on you. RUGS RUGS The choicest assortment and values in Summer Hats shown in any store. Untrimmed Hats Greatly Underpriced Monday Hair, Chip and Java Braid Hats, all colors and black, worth up to $1.50; on sale. 29c Imported Panama Hats Regular values up to $7.50, on sale, choice. . . .$3.95 Pure White Chip ; Hats New clean stock, regular $2.00 values . . . . . . .49c Ratine or Wash Rag Hats; 5 styles to select from; on sale at .. . . .ii,98c AAnjiAruiAannnrr" - In the Hardware Department , Lawn Mowers. Don't overlook our big lawn mower sale. We Mtill have some big bargain left 11-in. mowers, i hard ened eteel blades, worth $4.60, all go at $3.85 14-ln. Trana-MlsalM-eippt. warranted. 3 blade mowers, worth I3.7S, at la.SO 14-in. - ball bearing lawn tnowera with 4 patent tempered blades, worth 17.50, while they laat M-7J We - .also ' have a number of other mow ers with national rep utation a to quality, at greatly reduced price. 35c grass hooks, Mon day ...... .250 95c grass, catchers 4So "c grass catchers S9e 3c grass catchert ISe Kakee, up : f ronv , .160 Jtefrireratoia. , . A fine hardwood re frigerator, fully in sulated, massive ex terior walla, abso lutely air tight. 45- lb. - capacity, worth J 10, on sale Monday, at $6.9S li 60-lb. capacity. White Mountain- re frigerator, oak case, at ...... .....97.M $14 7-lb. capacity. ! White Mountain re frigerator ts.S 927 While lined Whit Mountain refrigera ters. ISO-lb. capacity, at .... flS. Specials in Kitchen ware and house fur nishings for Monday. enterprise cherry ston. era 85o GoodeU's cherry ston. rs ...... ......750 Large preserving ket tles, gray enameled, guaranteed not ' to dlucolor fruits . .9a 45c aluminum ' sauce pan ..... .....ass $1.40 aluminum ' Hre boilers ..... . ...s Pott's ssd Iron han dles .... ....... 5o Any size . frying pan. at ,10o tl.SS Ironing board 8o 10c Dover egg beat- . rs ...k..,6o $l.b9 , food . choppers, at ' ao '. Iras Baages. Garland gas ranges are best. Detachable construction, every piece, including all burners, can be re moved by s the hands alone without remov ing a single bolt or nut Complete line to show you, up from Perfection ! 3-hole oil stoves $9.SO Gasoline stoves, up from .... SS.4S Gasoline stove ovens. up from gl.85 Hand Bag Sale Several new lots just received; better values than ever. $2 Hand Bags at $1.00 3 Hand Bags at $1.25. 4 Hand Bags at $1.08 60c Chiffons Monday 25c. Compete lines all colors. New Patent Leather Belt, ail colors, on tale . .251 ijij-iru-irirunru-u-i.arLrr.nn.rLnj-1-i-i- --" - -- -- - nmim mm Six Rousing Specials In the Crockery Section Wash Bowl, Pitcher and ' Slop Jar with ball, at, ' et . i'm . . 10 18c CsJle Bowla, J-Qart sits, on sal at,.-7Hs 50c IqoHed ; Salt Boxes, at 25 rsney Deeeratsd Wate Fltokan, 3-Qt size; on sala t ....,tw......SO Handled Caps for.tos DISCOUITT WOirOAT On All mala Whits Chin for Decorating. A great oppor tunity for China decorator The Talk of Omaha Hayden's Grocery Prices. We make the prices for the people, not a tew IS lbs. best rranu- I tated sugar 91 10 bars Lenox, Beat 'Em All or Diamond C soap for 5 8 lbs. best, bulk laun dry starch ....... 850 4 lbs. good japan head rice ...Mo The best domestic mac aroni, ukg. ..TH" 8 lb. sacks best white or yellow cornmeal "..loo 10c pkg. Pearllns 8 cans . oil pr .niustard sardines . ,...85o 1 -oi. ' - cans 'condensed milk .... ,.M0 Grape Nuts. pkg. ..10c . CtCorn FlakssT pkg., at . ... jt ..Vs Jell-s or. Jeirycon,, pkf at .....fHs l-lb. can ssaorted soups at ....TV4s ) Iba McLarneps Pea nut butter ...... ..Ms Gallon cans apples or pumpkin . t...M Large bottles Worerter Sauce, pickles, catsup or mustard, per bottle at .... 81-3o Yeast Foanv, pkg. ....3 Peter's Breakfast Cocoa, lb 3o The best tea slftlngs. lb. lo Golden Santos coffee, lb. Mo The rresa Tegetaale Market f Omaha. Fresh spinach, peck 5o ( bunches fresh leaf, let tuce ...... ...... ..5o t bunches fresh radishes at ....... -5 t bunchea fresh onions at ... 5o Fresh cauliflower, per lb. ...'. . . .........Bo l4 bunches fresh beets So 4 bunches fresh .carrots, 2, at S l-3o Taney hothouse cucumb ers, each Te, So, 3o Fancy ripe tomatoes, lb. at . ... ........ .lOo Fancy . . was or green beans,' lb.: ......TH 1 bunches Kohli Rabbi, at So New , potatoes, la. . . .So New cabbage, lb.. ... 3o Large sise. each ..lHo olaL Jfo finer fruit grown for preserving, riorlda Pinaapple pe- Per doien ...... fl-f9 Med. large Biie(Jeach lOo Per dozen 11.10 Med. slse. each ..tl-3e Per dosen .....;... Good; slse. each j'.vTHs Per dosen -BSe Batter, Okeese sad Zggs . Speoial for; Monday. The very best creamery butter, nulk. lb. ..87 Fancy No. 1 country creamery butter, lb. 85o Fancy No. 1 dairy but ter, lb. Mo Full cream Toung Amer ica cheese lb. .... ISO Full cream- brick cheese, . lb. lo Full'- oream." Wisconsin .huu IK ..ISO Neofohatst cheese, each. at .... o The bast strtctly fresh No.. 1 Eggs, -nothing. finer, per doxen 17Ho Pictures In the Domestic Room. 3,000 Passepartout Pictures, values up io 3oc, go in C Monday's sale at, each DC Other Pictures in big assort ment of subjects, values 'to 35c, choice .104 Croquet Sets and Hammocks 12.50 Croquet Sets, long mal lets, on sale at;. .;.$1.65 IC.00 and $6.50" Hammocks on, sale. Monday, choice, at - - 84.75 Others ' down to 95 In the Picture Dept. 10x20 Pictures, "regular val ues up to 75c, dark frames, almost unlimited assortment of subjects, 1,000 to Q " select from, at . . . . C ' Limit of 3 to a customer. 16x20 Oval UUt Frames, with glass, worth to $5.50, suit able for enlarged pictures, ' on sale at. .98tt Pictures worth to $1.50, in .16x20 gilt frames,.10O for selection, at ...... . . .65 -i-i-,-.--.-,-inriAj In Drapery Dept, Clearance Bargains. You Cannot Afford to Miss Lace curtains worth to $8.50 pair, In Clunys, Battenburg, Brussel Nets, Duchess, Mon day, at, pair ......$4.85' Lace Curtains worth to $4.26 pair, in Zlon City Cable Nets, full size, Monday, pair $1.25 Lace Curtains of all . kinds. worth to $2.50 pair,. Monday at, pair .. .. .$1.45 Colored Madras, 40 inch wide, dainty patterns, worth to 85c yard, Monday, at yard 50 Couch Covers In Oriental de signs, worth to $4.50 each, Monday; at, each . .$3.25 Rope Portieres in all colors, for double, - rdoors, . very heavy ropes,worth to $5.00, Mon- N day, at, each . ., .$3.95 Reversible colored scrim, all colors, worth .to 25c yard, Monday, at yard ...... 15 Curtain Swiss in stripes and . barred patterns., worth , 1 2c . nsn .et in ecru ana wnite for curtains, worth .18c yard, Monday, at yard ..... .1Q w a a mm m m . m m mm mm w r m - . law ai C Deooratlag. A greai oppor- 1 ss(T I I f , I I 1111. Iiv I - VT rillsj I f 1 tunlty for China aeeorawre. I i 1 1 VI (SJJ " i in v a m , j"" a m ar 1 m -m 5 . j 1 ) J -. 1" Jl - 1 - - - -J "" 't " " ' ; aaarfaasaissW)sijrfsaaaa .rt'i" T - - riii-V-"asanrLn.iTjTJXr n n n s 1 1 t ysikssy' - - --- '