Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1912, SOCIETY, Image 15

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Bride of the Week and Herf Attendants
.3 1
The Idea! Sift for the June
aany Omahans Go to Chicago to the
m, . .national convention.
i .. - t
31 any June Wedding and Engage.
ment Announced High School
A Alnmnl to llaTe Party at ,
Field Clob Thia Week.
(Continued from Page Two.)
s nonje to tneir friends informally at
I Lake Lawn," Twenty-first, and Lake
streets. Tuesday. June 18. from 2 to 8
,; o'clock. In celebration -of the fortieth
: j anniversary of their marriage. They have
requested that their friends do not send
i. The Pan-Hellenic association, com-
t jjobou oi an iraiernuy women ot Omaha,
St which was organized last winter win
have a luncheon at Hamv Hnlinw cinh
, July 1. ' The committee in charge ts
miss senna wnue ot uamtna Phi Beta
fraternity, chairman; Mrs. Frank Wil
kin' of Pi Beta Phi. Miss Irma Staoles
,of Kappa Alpha Theta, Miss Edna Swee
ley of Alpha Phi and Miss Ruth Gould
of Delta Gamma.
June Weddiijgs
! Bennett-Keaaler.
. One, of the June brides will be Miss
Irene Kessler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Kessler, who is to marry Morris
Bennett. The wedding will take place
Tuesday evening, June 25. at 8 o'clock at
the Kessler home on Thirty-third and
Dodge streets. Kev. E. R. Curry of
Cavalry Baptist church will perform the
Miss Kessler has been constantly en
tertained for several weeks. Saturday
afternoon Mrs. Henry Maxwell gae a
Venslngtoh for her. Friday Miss Corrie
Lee Norris gave a breakfast and shower
for Miss -Kessler.
Among next weeks affairs for this
popular bride-to-be will be a luncheon at
the Field club Tuesday, given by Mrs.
E. W. Hiley and an afternoon party on
Thursday by Miss Lillian Rosenweig.
y One of the larger weddings of the week
wiii take place at Calvary Baptist church
Tuesday evening when Miss Grace Irene
Plerson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Plerson. will be married to RiMnlnh
Frederick Heyden. Rev. E. R. Curry will
The attendants will be Mrs. C. O. Car
ter, matron of honor; Miss Jessie Maude
Iierson, sister of the bride, maid of
honor, and Miss Ethel Bailey and Miss
Minnie Farnsworth, bridesmaids. Edward
T. Heyden, brother of the groom, will
serve as best man, and the ushers will
be David H. Kirkland of Atlanta, Ga
uncle of the bride; Nathan Master and
Oscar Helquist.
A reception will be held at the new
home of the bride and groom.
!i Joyce-Joyce.
Mrs. M. L. Joyce of Lincoln was mar
ried yesterdav afternoon to former
I County Judge M. C. Joyce of Syracuse,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. F.
Fisher, 2345 South Thirty-fourth street.
ft VMrs. ,'Flsher Is a daughter of Mrs. Joyce.
yhe Rev. E. B. Crawford read tne mar.
I ge lines. After a luncheon for the
we&Hng party, which comprised only the
Immediate relatives. Judge and Mrs.
Joyce.left.for Chicago, where they wijl
make v a ' short "visit. They will be at
homeja Syracuse after July 1. Judge
Joyce is one of the well known business
men of Otoe county. Mrs. Joyce has been
a resident of Lincoln for several years,
holding a responsible position In the es
tablishment of Miller & Paine.
The? wedding of Miss Lucia George
Switzer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. S.
v6wltzer, and Mr. Berg Birkeland of St.
Joseph, Mo., was celebrated at Trinity
cathedral Saturday morning at 11 o'clock,
Dean J. A. Tancock officiating. A wed
ding breakfast was served at the Grand
hotel, Council Bluffs.
Mr. and Mrs. Birkeland will be at home
ifter September 1 in St. Joseph.
The marriage of Miss Sara Aginskee to
Mr. Philip H. Koolish will take place this
evening at Frenzer's hall, Twenty-fourth
and Parker streets.
At the Country Club
Members of the Austin-McGrew wed
ding party had dinner at the Country
club Friday evening,-when those present
Misses Misses-
Gladys Peters, Dorothy Morgan.
i Agnes Burkley, Elaine Pujo of
jlizaDeth f tckens, Lake Charles, La.
Messrs. Messrs.
MacMillan Harding, Charles D. Beaton,
Ralph Peters, Kenneth Patterson,
Ware Hall.
Miss Katherine Moorhead entertained
at dinner last evening for;
Mrs. E. G. McGilton.
.Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer.
Miss Frances Gilbert.
Mr." John Rine.
Mr. George Engler.
Mr, and Mrs. H. Baldrige entertained
at dinner at the club last evening for
Iroo Prescription That Can Be Prepared
.. At Soma Without Expense.
Grace: TCAnsnn. fnmnna fnr th marv.L
ous beauty of her hands and arms, in a
recent interview, says: "If I could tell
every woman about the prescription that
ha caused all this talk about my hands
land arms they could every one of them
fmake their hands and arms just as beau
ftiful as mine. I am glad to have the op
portunity to give my receipt free to the
sworia. it wm neip every woman to im
prove her personal appearance."
When I asked her if she would allow
le to - publish the Drescriution. she
olckly answered: "Certainly, only' too
iaa to have you do it.' Turning to a
psk. she wrote it on a alio of uacer and
handed U to me. Here it is; Go to any
dlrug- stori, get an empty two-ounce bot
J". tie, also a one-ounce bottle of Kulux
Compound. Pour the entire, bottle of
Kulux into he two-ounce bottle, add
quarter of an ounce of witch hazel, then
fill with water. Apply night and morn
ing." "
.She further said: "This prescription
snakes the skin transparent and removes
iA .uU detects, such as freckles, tan, sun
' f spiits, roughness and ruddiness. A sin
f gle application works a marvelous trans-
loimation. Where low collars are worn
can be applied to the neck with equally
s startling - results. - it is absolutely
armless, and will positively not stimu
late or produce a growth of hair."
LcUuljJLi X. , 'V 9 :
Miss Marie Stewart and her guest, Miss
Mane Stlfel of Wheeling, W. Va. Those
present were:
MlRKPR ht;
Marie Stewart, Katherine Davenport
Marie Stifel, Lucilo Bacon.
Messrs. Messrs.
Malcolm Baldrige, Ewlng Fr-rbes.
Chester Dudley, Everard Childs,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewirt.
Mr. and Mrs. Hi H. Baldrige.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Fai;-field had as
their guests Miss Moore of New York
Miss Daisy Doane, Miss Lynn Curtis, Mr
C. W. Hull and Mr. Earl Gannett.
Smaller dinner parties were given at
the club last evening by J. S. Brady, who
had four guests; J. W. Towle, four;
James McCord, four; F. P. Hamilton, ten;
C. W. Hamilton, two; R. K. Brown, four;
A. V. Kinsler, five; Miss Mae Hamilton
At the Field Club
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Skankey will en
tertain at dinner at - the Field cl.ub
Wednesday evening in celebration of
their fifth wedding anniversary. Twelve
guests will be present.
Numerous dinner parties were given at
the Field club last evening, w. E. Shep
ard entertained twelve guests; Fred
Krug, eight; C. C. Rosewater, eight; Dr.
W. N. Dor ward, twelve; Frank Ewing,
twelve; W. Gv Wherry; four; E. H. .Con
ant, four; Alex Ficke, eight; E. P. Boyer,
eight, John Parish, four; E. Buckingham,
eight; Francis Potter, six; T. C. Van
Buren, eight; O. C. Holmes, four; F. E.
Miller, four;-E. R. Sweet, two; John
Mach, four; F.: J. Farrlngton, two; J. E.
O'Brien, four; S. S. Carlisle, five; Gould
Dietz,. three.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Dundey will
entertain at the club at dinner Monday
evening in honor of Miss. Estelle Brown
and Mr. Samuel Arthur Mills of New
York, whose wedding will take place
Tuesday evening. Baskets of sweet peas
will form the table decoration and those
present will be:
Misses Misses
Estelle Brown, of Tabor, la.;
Alice Marshall, Fay Thorne,
Myra McClelland Mary Munchhoff,
Messrs. Messrs.
Samuel A. Mills, John Brown of
Mark M. Brown of Chicago,
New York. Dr. A. S, Holt. -
Mrs. Henry Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Dundey.
At Happy Hollow
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller entertained
at one of the larger dinner parties at the
club last evening, when covers were
placed for eighteen; A. J. Beaton had
eight guests; F. H. Ross, four; H. W.
Morrow, six; M. G, Hayward, six; E. A.
Doran, five; D. M. Edgerley, two; L. P.
Campbell, four; E. M. Burnett, four; Dr.
A. B. Somers, four; C. H. Wright, four;
E. S. Howell, six.
At Eod and Gun Club
For Miss Marion McCaffrey, one of tr-
high school graduates, . Miss Brown will
give a dancing party next Tuesday even
ing at the Rod and Gun club.
Pleasures Past
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Ramer entertained
at dinner at their home Friday, June 14,
in celebration of their twenty-fifth wed
ding anniversary. About twenty-five
guests were present. .
Mrs. H. Gross entertained at cards
Wednesday . afternoon at the Pompelan
rooms of the Brandels in honor of Mrs.
Naiberg of New York and Mrs. Fogle
of St. Joseph. .The prizes were won by
Mrs. Sol . E. Brodkey and Mrs. Fanger.
The guests of. honor were presented with
a hand painted opiate. Luncheon was
served. Mis Goldie Alplrn assisted the
hostess. Those present were: (
Mesdames: Mesdames:
H. Gross, , Rothkoff,
A. B. Alpirn, Belmont '
J. Korby, Brawrof.
Sol E. Brodkey, T. Orkin,
M. Brodkey, Klien.
S. Sneider, Fanger,
D. Friedman, Fogle, '
8. Wlenberg, A. Lazewitz
H. Marowitz. M. Markowitz.
J. Rosenberg,
S. Pearl man,
J. D. Kendls, :
e. Robinson,
Misses '
Carrie Fogle,
Ruth Gross,
A. Wolfe.
Sara Brodkey.
Officers and members of the class of
1913 of the Omaha High school had the
largest box party of the evening aT tlie
1912 commencement exercises at the Bran
dels theater. The box was decorated for
the occasion in lavender and gray, the
class Colors. Officers of the class are:
President, Frank Hlxenbaugh; vice presi-
i l- , v .M Bill
Ju'ie IK, 1896 Mr. James C. Lindsay and
Miss Kmma E. Iangland were married
at the home of the bride's parents, Rev.
S. B. McCormick of the First Presby
terian church performed the ceremony.
It was a very pretty home wedding," at
tended only by the families and a few
Intimate friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay
left after their wedding for an honey
moon on the Great Lakes.
June 16, 1896Mr. Meredith Nicholson of
Indianapolis. Ind., and Miss Engenle C.
Kountze, daughter of Mr. Herman
Kountze, celebrated their wedding at St.
Mathlas church. The pretty little church
was handsomely decorated with a pro
fusion of exquisite palms, ferns and
Marlchal Niel roses, which almost cov
ered the allar and reading desk and
electroliers, which were used as vases,
were filled with bunches of these frag
rant flowers, giving a very picturesque
appearance. The four ushers were
Messrs. Augustus, Charles, Herman and
Luther Kountze. Miss Gertrude Kountze,
dent, Katharine Crocker; secretary, Lola
Byrd; treasurer, James Dui'kee; ser-geants-at-arms,
Doris Duncan and Car
lisle Allan. Those present at commence
ment were:
Lola Byrd,
Doris Duncan,
Ruth Mills,
Lila Marshall,
Katharine Crocker,
Luella Petersen,
Elizabeth Finley,
Lucile Dennis,
Etta Medlar,
Mildred Collins,
Previous to Inventory
Txra'ira n rnmpr on the
pairs of worsted trousers, worth up to $5.00; on sale tomorrow at $2.50; another lot of
1,000 pairs of high grade worsted trousers, worth up to $6.00; on sale at $3.75.
The Special 20 Anniversary' Sale discount on all Hart, Schaffncr & Marx Suits still holds good this week
the maid of honor, was Hip only brides
maid. The wedding breakfast and rprep
tton at the palatial home of the bride
were of the handsomest and most elab
oraae ever given In Omaha. Mr. Nichol
son was a bright, young newspaper
man. then one of the editors of the In
dianapolis News. Mr. and Mrs. Nichol
son left for an extended honeymoonln
the east.
June 16. 1909 Mr. John W. Dfilon of
New York and Miss Catherine Urlau,
daughter of Mr. and Airs. Fred W. Urlau,
celebrated their marriage at Trinity
cathedral, Dean Beecher officiating.
June 16, 1910 Rev. William B. Lampe
and Miss Estelle Avery, both of Omaha,
solemnized their marriage at the bride's
home. Rev. J. L. Lampe of Omaha pre
sided at the ceremony. A third minister
of the family. Rev. Henry Lampe, of
Korea was present with his bride and
acted as best man.
Adeline Wykof(. . .
Blanche Busk,
Junith Baumgarten,
Frank Hlxenhaugh,
Carlisle Allan,
Morton Rhodes,
Harold Langdon,
Sylvan Knrkenroad,
Robert Marshall.
Hannah opald,
Helen Johnston.
James Durkee,
LeHrand Wykoff,
Kendall Hammond,
Irving Bonolkcn,
Joseph Sorensnn,
Leslie Burkenroud.
Miss Gladys Hodgln entertained the
Clearance I
In Our Men's and Boys' Big Clothing
Our efforts in value giving for these last few days
will exceed our own unrivaled bargains we have given in
the past two weeks of this sale. We want everybody to
derive all the benefits extended through our special of
ferings during this particular occasion. '
We are giving you bargains that will make this a
memorable event.
Prices Talk and Values Prove It
Here are some of the good things for tomorrow:
Men's and Youths' Suits
All the lot ends from our Anniversary Sale that sold
up to $25.00 go on sale tomorrow at
$7.50, $9.50, $12.50 and $14.50
All this season's productionsblue serges, fancy
worsteds, Scotches, hop-sackings in the new "blueberry"
tones, electric blue, browns, tan. etc.
Eight hundred Boys' Knicker Suits that sold up to
$6.00 go on sale tomorrow at $2.45 and $3.45.
, 1,000 pairs of Boys' Knicker Pants, worth up to 85c;
on sale tomorrow at 45c; all the $1.50 kinds, at $1.00.
Just received 1,000 Boys' Wash Suits manufactur
ers' samples, "Mother's Friend" high grade makes,
warranted fast colors, worth up to $6.00; on sale at, per
suit, $1.00 to $2.75.
Men's and Youths' Trousers
trnnaera hiiaineos in Omaha. There's a reason Werfi's 2.030
Prlscllla Aldcn society at h?r home Thurs
day afternoon. The following officers
were elected: President, Gladys Hodgln;
vice president, Claire Llndley; secretary,
Dorothy McAllister; treasurer, France
Barnhardt; sergeant s-at-arms, Cella Vest
ami ltachel Mitral!'; reporter, Margaret
Those present were:
Mary Tayor.
Dorothy ('urns
of Lincoln,
Effle Cleland,
Luetic Kellers,
Maud Crew,
Delia Nelson,
Helen Hturgess.
Claire Undley,
Kulh Rylander,
Louise Damon,
Mutile Sandberg,
Marie Bloom,
Ksther Klllnghusen,
Rachel Metcalf,
Margaret McCoy,
Frances Barnhardt. Frlda Paustlnn.
Lillian Johnson, Dorothy McAllister,
Mary Reynolds, Irene Loomis,
Mable Conklln, Helen COPgrove,
Celia Vest, lieatiice Walton.
Miss Florence Walton entertained at
bridge Saturday for Mrs. Thomas Moon
light Murphy of Kansas City, formerly
Miss Mayonne Thompson of this city, who
is visiting her mother, Mrs. G. C. Thomp-
(Contlmied 'on Tnge Six.)
j p Fi C
Bride or Graduate is a
Superior merit is in-'
variably re c o g n i z e d.
Not only in 'the United
States, but every for
eign country as well,
has adopted the Stein
way piano-as its leader
and has made it the
favorite instrument.
The Steinvrav has
famed this premier position through its supreme qu
i t ies of tone and workmanship. 1 . . i x
The life of a Steinwav
ntlu'r mnVfv tlmt ovprv nseH
for and generally brings a
new piano.
Our Steinway parlors contain a superb collection or
Steinwav in all its typos. Let us have the pleasure of
demonstrating to you the supremacy of-the Steinway
over other makes. f ' ., ;
Schm oiler & Roller Piano Co.
Exclusive Representatives
Est. 1859 1311-13 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
Wc quit business Sat., June 22d
and offer you any remaining hat, 4rffl AY
regardless o! former value, for the rv
nominal price o! ... . . . . Nr
All Trimmings and Supplies below cost
all of our remaining stock, and the fixtures,
must be closed out this week before 9 p. m. Sat.
Paxton Block 4th Floor Room 415
Hats from $5 up to $10 worth twice
the money. .
Misses' and children's hats from 50c up to $5
. All our early hats at and below cost. Remember this
is a bona fide sale. Look for Monday 's ad. , - ,
To the Ladies
We have a corset made
exprettly for you - a
model that will conform
to present styles-and you
will be comfortable in it.
Phone for appointmintt,
Dougiat 4749.
Ida C. Stockwell
Houth Bide Entrance of
Brandels Theater.
The only successful com
bination of a bed and a dav- ;
enport with, absolutely ' no '
sacrifice of the appearance
or comfort of either..
It Is actually a full-sized,
real bed for constant use, to ,
, all effects like a stationary ;
bed, so concealed in a luxur
ious davenport that even an
expert could not detect Its -,
double use.
Call and see it.
D.F.Corle Furniture Co. ;
Exclusive Agents. ' . ..
24th and Farnam Stst
studios 30 110, (1 T,,cater an1
SW Harney Klrcet.
Tel. Harney 2687
1 M
so far exceeds that of any
Steinwav is eairerlv soueht"
higher price than any other' ji
1522 Dbuglas S
Women's Smart
Raised Toe
Short Vamp
These shoes are both delight
ful and serviceable for sum
merthey're made in the
latest styles with full regard
to comfort.
See all the summer styles
203 So. Fifteenth St.
Karbach Block.
Two Down-Stairs
Soda Booms
Cool, delightful places to
spend a few minutes and enjoy
the best there Is in Sundaes,
Sodas; Ice Creams, etc.
16th and Dodge Sts.
. 16th and Harney Sts. '
Truvx c. ciiAKK - - wrm ,
Fifteenth ' AodiuI Crutaa" -O
Tbrury 15 to April 87, 1913.
71 Olorioni Day of Cr ailing1 s bj th
Cottt 40 up, 'Including notl, drive, guldct, etc.
VIRITINfl: Madeira. Spain. Algler. MalU.Athena,
Conitantlnople, ID daye o Palestine and Bgypt.
Rome, Riviera, tu'. Stop-over Id Europe and re-,
turn by awlft 8. ft. vMauretanla" and "Luatta
nla". Send for program. -Tonrs
to Enropo, So. Amu,, Sound World
Wt E, Ri)(TK. 1819 rarnam Pt.; Omaha. .
FRANK i;. CLARK. Tlmea Bulldloi, New York.
J it
' ?
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