Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1912, SOCIETY, Image 14

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    -' 1 TIIK OMAHA .SOND,Y f-KE: JUXK-16. 1912. ' -' B-
: Their Engagements Announced ffi , o :
318 -7n Couth 16th. St.
A Message of Tremendous Importance To All Particular Women
Attend Our Record Breaking
emoval Sale
r II ' tl I I ll'r IIV "II irll Is vN'lf 11 1111 II lllll VJ
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'Many Omaham Go to Chicago to the
National Convention.
i ' "
-f- Mr Jane ( Weddings an Engag'
nt AnaoncedHls School .
AUml to Hav Fart? at '
i . Flt Clob TBI Week.
' Social Calendar.
MONDAY Mr. and Mm. Charles Dundey,
i dlnner tor Mis Kstelle Brown; Mr.
i Charlea T. Kountxe, luncheon for Mr.
France Squire Potter of Chicago; Mra.
i Mel Uhl, luncheon for Mine Helen and
i . ' Mary Marti of Ureenvllle. U.; wedding
i of Mine Gertrude Brady and Mr. Mor-
; (ran Coleman: wedding of Mis Roe
! Helena Walker and Mr. Harry Trlatram
, - Bellamy; Mrs. Milton Barlow, luncheon
f- 1 at Country club; children's matinee
dance at Field club.
TCKSDAY-Weddlng of Miss Bstell
Brown and Mr. Samuel Arthur Mills of
New York; Miss Katherlne Davenport,
clnner at tiappy Hollow club;, Mrs.
, Paul S'.sson. tea for the Misses Marts;
Mr. and Mra. J. E. Shankey, dinner at
Field club: wedding of Miss Orace Pier
son and Mr. R. V. Heyden; Mrs. A. O.
Flnnsy, meeting of Universal Car
i , rlubi dinner and. danc-e at Happy Hoi-
.J ,jow and Kod and Gun clubs; ladles'.
day at Happy Hollow; Mrs. E. W. Riley,
luncheon at Field club for Miss Irene
TV EUNB81MY-Wedding of Miss Lydla
Crosby and Mr. Frank B. Freeland;
) ' wedding of Mlxs Lucy lawyer and Mr.
- Fred A. Clark; dinner and dance at
r. Country and Field clubs. .
i THURSDAY Miss Adelyn Wood, dinner;
ladles' day at Field club: Miss Lillian
Hostnswelg, afternoon party for Miss
I.- . Kessler.
6ATLltDAY-Wesk-nd dinners ' nd
dances at Country, Field. Happy Hoi.
' low and Rod and dun clubs.
- Society women are taking an unusually
lively Interest In politics these days. A
number ot them are leaving today and
tomorrow with their husbands tor CM
eaffo to attend the national republican
contention, and these who cannot go are
following eagerly the proceedings.
Mrs. Howard H. Baldrlge and Mrs. 0
C. Redlek, leave .this evening with Mr.
Baldrlge And Mr- Rdtck for Chicago.
Among the mn who leave this evening
to attend the convention are E. W. Dlxen
C. W. Hull. 1. 3. Dsrlgot, Luther Drake
and E. M. Fairfield. Mrs. Fairfield, who
is tha corresponding secretary of th
newly formed! FranchUe ocietv.
la greatly interestci In politics and would
like to attend, but cannot, manage It.
Mr. Nathan Merrism and Miss Mildred
Merriam will leave tomorrow evening tor
Chicago to attsnd the convention with
Mr. Merriam, who Is a delegate from
Nebraska. After the convention they win
visit Mrs. W. B. Millard at her summer
horn on Lake Michigan. Mrs. John X.
Baldwin, president of th Equal Fran
chise league, leaves tomorrow tor the
convention. Mrs. Clement Chase, the
chairman of the publicity commutes of
th Equal Franchise league, will stop !u
Chicago to take a peek at the big moi
n her way home from Toledo, whero
she Is visiting her son, Clement C. Chaw
Mrs. Victor Rosewater, who was In Chi.
cago last week and will remain through
the convention, has been , pictured and
written up to papers all over the country
as the wife of th chairman of th na
tional republican committee and as on
of the prominent women who accom
panied their husband to th meeting at
' the committee, Mr. William Haywarrt.
wife Of th secretary of the national re
publican committee, formerly of Nebraska
Cltr, now of New York, has been d
scribed as one of the best dressed women
In Chicago for th convention.
Last evening Mrs. John C. Wharton
left for Chicago with Mr. Wharton and
will stay until th doings of the conven
ton are over. Many prominent women
of other places In the state left last night
over the Burlington with their husbands
to attend th cenvenlon.
t.nvrheon tor SaffrrxUta.
In honor of Mrs. Frances Squire pot
tor of Chicago, who will give a suffrage
talk at the Country club tomorrow after
noon, Mrs. Charles T. Kountse will en
tertain at luncheon the same day at hsr
home. The luncheon list will be small
and, will Include only women who are
leaders in the suffrage movement in
Omaha. Mrs. Potter, who arrives Mon
day, morning, will be the housa guest of
Mrs. Kounts during her short stay her.
Mr. Kounts became interested In Mr.
Pottor tbrough her - sister-in-law, Mrs.
Meredith Nicholson of Indianapolla, for
merly of Omaha, who la a great friend
of the noted Chicago suffragist.
Mrs. . Xountxa says that sh expects
rr. Do Bey to accompany Mr. Potter,
Xr. P Bey is one of the noted four
maiden aunts of Chicago; th other three
I are Jane Addams of Hull House, Mary
McDowell of University settlement and
Julia lAthrop, head of the federal chil
dren's bureau. Dr. Da Bey Is described
as a very Interesting character. She U a
practicing physician, Is prominent In so
clal and suffrage work, was on Mayor
Dunne's school board, was Instrumental
In settling a recent stock yards strike
and has don many other Interesting
. Goes to 'Frisco for Bride..
Joel W. West, the well known attorney,
leaves today for San Francisco, where
his wedding to Miss Potty Wilkinson will
take place Jun 19. The announcement
comes as a surprise to all but a few in
tlmate friends. Miss liklnson Is a
siajer of Mr. John A. Logsn of Washing
ton, D. C, widow of the late General
Logan. Mis Wilkinson Is one of the most
prominent and wealthy women of . San
Francisco. s
O, H. C. Alntunl o Celebrate.
The Alumni association of the Omaha
High school, organised In 1SS8, will hold
It twenty-fourth annual reunion at the
Omaha Field club Monday evening. Grad
uate ot the old sohool on the hill, buth
old and young, anticipate a reunion
which will outshine anything ot its
kind ever held. The committee In chsrge
has been working for months to Insure
the success of this reunion end expects
a gathering of over 600 alumni.
Every class from 1878 to 1912 will be
represented, even graduate from out of
town will be present. An eight-piece or
chestra has been engaged for the occa
sion and the Field club bsll room will
be decorated with pennant and flowers.
. l '"
Celebrating Their Golden
Announcements were mailed to over
2,500 graduates scattered all over the
globe. An announcement was sent to
some graduate in practically every state
In the union, besides South America,
France, Alaska and India.
The present officers of the association
are: President, Samuel W. Reynolds, 'OS;
vice president, Stanley M. Rosewater, '03;
secretary, Mrs. Raymond Hayward, '06;
treasurer, Otto J. Bauman, '90.
Birthday Party.
Judge and Mrs. Eleazer Wakeley en
tertained very Informally last evening In
celebration of the ninetieth birthday of
Judge Wakeley. The guests were Inti
mate friends, mostly from Trinity cathe
dral, where the judge has been junior
warden for many years. Judge and Mrs.
Wakeley have been married fifty-eight
years and their four children were pres
ent last evening-Mrs. C. E. Craln of
Springfield, O.; Mies Nellie Wakeley, Mr.
Lucius Wakeley and Mr. Arthur Wake
ley. European Trips.
Mr. and Mr. Wilson Austin, whose
wedding took place last Wednesday,
sailed yesterday on the Oeorge Wishlnc
ton for a three months' trip abroad. Mr.
and Mrs. Boyce, who were married last
Tuesday, left the same evening for New
York and will sail Tuesday on the Lusl
tanla for England. They will be met by
their own automobile at Liverpool and
will tour England and Ireland and later
France. They will be home In Chicago
the first of October.
Tuesday Mrs. CKfutt and daughter, Vir
ginia, and son, Caspar, with Ralston
Scoble, sailed on the New Amsterdam,
while Miss Llda Wilson, Miss' Minnie
Wilson and Miss Mary Wood bridge sailed
the nexl day on th? Saxonla. Yesterday
Mrs. John Hudson and Mrs. Lenora D.
Kelson sail on the Pretoria, and Mrs.
George H. Palmer and Miss Morse on
the Lapland.
Mrs. Louis Bradford sailed last week
from Genoa on the Crctlc for New York
and will reach Omaha about the latter
part of next week or early In the fol
lowing week.
Mrs. Paul Getsschmann and ton. Julius.
will sail for Austria, where Mr. Festner
will spend the summer In study at
Mrs. D. A. Baum, accompanied by her
daughter, Miss Margartk Greer Baum,
who has been In school In Paris tor the
last two years, arrived In '.New York
city this afternoon on the steamer. St.
Louis of the American line. They were
met at the dock by Mr. D. A. Baum, Mr.
and Mrs. Clement Chase and daughter,
Helena, and some friends from Newrk,
N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Baum spent last week
at the Waldorf In New York City
In company with her mother, Mrs. C.
Rasmussen, Miss Helga Rasmussen. 2008
Central boulevard, will sail from New
York June 27 on the Tlclnla" for a year
and a half of travel In Europe. Mrs. and
Miss Rssmussen will spend the first
three months of their time visiting rela
tives In Denmark. Miss Rasmussen grad
uated from the Omana High school last j
Friday evening and was a popular mem
ber of the class ot 1912. She was alumni
editor of the school Register and presl-
Astounding Reductions on Our Entire Stock of Women's Finest Apparel
Think of buying the most exclusive apparel at half price and less right in the very heart of the season-the very
iinest garments trom some ot tne world's most famous designers. Figure your good tortune id tins saie 10 me e
tent of more than double your money's worth in value. Figure your good fortune in exclusive styles, that cannot be
duplicated in Omaha at any price. ,
STOP, and think what this great closing-out sale means to you I
Here's Why You Get this Unparalleled Opportunity
rmesi uarments Wow at a ureat oacruice
As you know, we've purchased the old Bennett Company . store. We wish to devote our entire attention to our
new business as quickly as possible. We promise Omaha one of the most progressive department stores in all Amer- ,
ioa, but we're determined not to move one garment from this store to the Bennett store. We'll sell them here and
givt you the values of a life-time. Quick action demands these radical, resolute reductions. It is our earnest wish
that every discriminating
All Our High Class
Tailored Suits
Are Being Closed Out
995.00 Tailored Suits to be closed
out at 942.50
$85.00 Tailored Suits to be closed
out at $39.50
(73.00 Tailored Suits to be closed
out at $87.30
$65.00 Tailored Suits to be closed
out at $32.50
$30.00 Tailored Suits to be closed
out at $25.00
$45.00 Tailored Suits to be closed
out at $22.50
$39.50 Tailored Suits to be closed
out at $17.75
$35.00 Tailored Suits to be closed
out at $17.50
$29.50 Tailored Suits to be closed
out at $14.75
$25.00 Tailored Suits to be closed
out at $12.50
$75.00 Fine Coats to be
closed out at . . . $35.00
$03.00 Fine Coats to be
closed out at. . .$32.50
dent of the Hawthorne society in her
Junior year.
I'rlze (or Omaha Girl.
Out of the large cumber of men anj
women taking the course in Illustrating
at the Chicago Art Institute Miss Luctl
Patterson of Omaha 1 the one to win tn
annual American scholarship caih priio
of ls this year.
Miis Patterson I Just completing her
third year of study at the lnUtute anl
plan to continue her work there nest
fall. She is studying illustrating fo
books, magazine and commercial pur
pones. She has done considerable illua
tratlng fur Gaga Brothers' wholesale mil
linery houiio In Chicago and ha further
offers to do commercial illustrating.
Miss Patterson, who Is t!ve daughter if
Mrs. Ella Patterson, was popular In th;
high school, where she wa a member of
the Rolye club. She will be home from
Chicago tomorrow, and unless she ac
cept an offer to do some art work tor a
commercial house In Chicago this Mai
mer will remain here for the vacation.
D. A. R. Entertained.
The Major Isaac Sadler chapter of the
Daughter of fhe American Revolution
were entertained Saturday by Mrs. Frank
B. Burchmore at luncheon at the Happy
woman should make the most of
Study every item the tavings are truly amazing; but you mu$t
tee the garments to fully appreciate what it all means to you.
Our Entire Stock of
Eveaing Gowns and Presses
Is Being Closed Out
$150.00 Evening Gowns, sale
price ..$59.50
$123.00 Evening Gowns, sale
price $52.50
$93.00 Evening Gowns, sale
price ... $45.00
$89.50 Evening Gowns, sale
price $42.50
$85.00 Evening Gowns, sale
price ......$89.75
$79.50 Evening and Afternoon
Dresses; $39.75
$75.00 Evening and Afternoon
Dresses $37.50
$69.50 Evening and Afternoon
Dresses ...... $33.50
$59.50 Evening and Afternoon
Dresses $29.75
$50.00 Evening and Afternoon
Dresses , $25.00
Our Entire Stock of Fine
$59.50 Fine Coats to be
closed out at. . .$29.75
$50.00 Fine Coats to be
closed out at... $25.00
$45.00 Fine
closed out
$39.50 Fine
closed out
Hollow club in celebration of Flag day.
Mr. Charle Oliver Norton of Kearney,
state regent, and Mrs. A. K. Gault, na
tional vice president for Nebraska, were
honor guests and responded to toasts.
Mr. R. E. McKelvy, regent of the chap
ter, was toastmutreM. Mrs. P. J. Barr,
president of the Omaha chapter, and Mis
Laura Waterman of the Major Laaac Sad
ler chapter, responded to toasts. Red,
white and blue decoration were used.
Those present were.
Dorothy Sayre,
boimie Graves,
Minnie Eldrldge,
Henrietta r iauk,
Ida Crowell,
E. L. Sayre.
Ruth Uanson,
Laura Waterman,
vera Fink,
Violet Burchmore,
Ethel Eldrdlge,
David Crowell,
Samuel K. Hanford
E. O. Eldrldce.
William a. ili worth Charles Haffke
Elmer C. Con.ey, Jess Payne Weir,
William Archibald L. O. Norton,
Smith, P. J. Barr,
H. ayne. A. K. Gault,
A. R. Hoyt, Georre B. larr,
W. W. McBride, Loul E. Oreutt.
Ruwell E. McKelvy, J. Burr Taylor.
Harvey Newbranch, Ira W. Porter,
B. W. Jewell, D. E. McCulley.
Frank W. Baker, Waterman,
Frank B. Moxham, Frank B. Burchmon
John F. Flack.
Thoma W. Burchmore,
Mr. P. F. Crosby announces the en
gagement of her daughter. Miss Lydla
Crosby, to Frank B. Freeland. The wed
ding will tske place at the home of Mr.
and 'Mrs. J. A. Freeland Wednesday.
June 19. Several social affairs have been
given in honor of Miss Crosby since her
return from South Dakota.
Mr. and Mr. John Bondesson of Flor
ence announce the engagement of their
daughter, Slgna, to Mr. John M. Brengle
of Omaha. The marriage will take place
the latter part of June.
Dr. and Mrs. W. II. Sherradn have
announced the engagement, of their
daughter. Miss Jasmine Sherraden. to
Dr. M. H. Dunham. Th wedding win
take place next fall. Mis Sherraden at
tended the University of Nebraska, where
ehe was a member of tbe PI Beta Phi
orority. Dr. Dunham Is a member of
th XI Psl Phi dental fraternity. ,
For the Future
Universal Orel Card club will meet
Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. A. G. Fin
ney. U08 North Twenty-fourth street
Mrs. Paul SIseon will entertain at tea
Tuesday afternoon In honor of tha Mlsse
Marts of Greenville, O.. and Mis Kath
erlne Mtlroy.
Mr. and Mr. E. Sallgsohn will cele
brate their golden wedding Monday,
Jun 34, with a dinner at Hotel LoysJ.
followed by a reception and dance at
Metropolitan building.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Aginsicee will receive
In honor of their daughter, Sara's, mar
riage to Philip KooUsh. Sunday venlnt.
Jun M. from I t U a'cloek. st Frenser
lull, Twenty-fourth and Parker streets, i
Mr. and Mra Carr Axford will be at
(Continued on Page Tare.)
this removal sale.
All Our Beautiful
Street Dresses
Are Being Closed Out
$45.00 Street Dresses, now going
at .,.$22.50
$39.50 Street Dresses, now going
at $1$.75
$37.50 Street Dresses, now going
at $18.75
$35.00 Street Dreses, now going
at .....$17.50
$29.75 Street Dresses, now going
at ;... $14.75
$25,00 Street Dresses, now going
at ..$12.50
$19.50 Street Dresses, now going
at $9.75
$17.50 Street Dresses, now going
at $8.73
$15.00 Street Dresses, now goit
at $7.50
$12.50 Street Dresses, now going
at .$6,25
Coats is Being Closed Out
Coats to be
at... $22.50
Coats to be
at... $19.75
$33.00 Fine Coats to be
closed out at. . .$17.50
$29.50 Fine Coats to be
closed out at... $14.75
Buy with your
As well as your
Price is no object when
buying a Piano unless you
get quality,
Tbirty-nlne years' experience in tell
ing PIANOS to thousands of the
most critical buyer baa proven to us
that tbe majority want tone quality and durability in preference to
something "called a Piano." Such instruments are dear at any price.
By all mean see what others have to offer, note carefully the
names and prices, and you will find that no matter what you have
seen or may see elsewhere, nor what prices may be quoted, we know
we will give you the best value for the amount you wish to expend.
Make us prove this statement.
Let nothing persuade you to buy until you have at least inves
tigated tbe truth of this statement.
GUILD .....$65
KKOEGER .... ...$125
VOSE $145
AEION $150
VOSE $155
Merit always wina and bo does Dr. Toid's Sanitary Porcelain
Teeth. . No competition In Douglas County. -
to Buy
Our Entire Stock of
Fine Gowns
Is Being Closed Out
S 125.00 Gowns to be closed oat
at ......... ........$59.50
$95.00 Gowns to be closed out
at .......,.$45.00
$89.50 Gowns to be closed out
at $42.50
$85.00 Gowns to be closed out
at . $39.50
$75.00 Gowns to be closed out
at $87.50
$33.00 Gowns to be closed out
at , .$32.50
$50.00 Gowns to be closed out
at $25.00
$39.50 Gowns to be closed out
at $19.75
$33.00 Gowns to be closed out
at .....$17.50
$25.00 Gowns to be closed out
at $12.50
$25.00 Fine Coats to be
closed ont at... $12.50
$19.50 Fine Coats to be
closed out at. ...$9.75
SOHAEFFER . . ...$165
VOSE. $170
PEASE $175
KIMBALL .... ....$185
ii in ii
Office 403 Brandeis
' ' '