Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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1 U
sssssflSHDBOM iiniintitnHMrVi fijii
Saturday you may effect a handsome saving on
many things needed for going away Suits, Dresses
and Coats in a merry whirl of tempting prices.
Womens high bred clothes of unmistakable
worth and authenticity.
The season's best suit models in serges
and light color novelties, in smart
tans and grays from $2o and $29.75
lines, at $19.75
Suits from the $35;00, $39.50, $45.00
and $55.00 lines, at $25.00
"Women's Coats serges and novelty
cloths, also black taffetas and colored
silk coats, values to $29.75,-
at $14.75
Coats valued at $32.50 to $45.00,
at $25.00
Junior Suits, values to $25.00,
at $12.50
Junior Coats, values to $iu.o,
at : $10.00
T"il " J 11 . 1.1.
jnlh- ' I tfiazer coats, an in one 101,
Zlr at $5.00
Girls' Coats, values to $19.75,
at $7.50
Children's Coats, values to $6.50,
at ....$2.95
All silk gowns from the cleverly plain to
the fancy dancing node at neat reductions.
New shipments make the display of Kimonos
very comprehensive with very tempting
lines on sale at 83.50 82.50 fc4 82.00
Gaberdines and 8Hp.0ns for Man. Woman or Child.
Deputy Sheriffs Fire on Men Trying
to Burn Perth Amboy Plant
Rioters Drf-ren Bark After Portion
of Fence 1 Detroyed--Lead-cn
ay Another Assanlt
Will Be Made.
jd , sr
PERTH AMBOY, X, J., June 14.-A
thousand striking laborer stormed the
plant of the American Smelting and Re
fining company here , early today and
were fired on by deputy sheriffs. One
striker was killed and three others
The man killed was Steven Dudlock. He
was shot twice through the neck. Those
Injured are In a critical condition.
The atrikerg succeeded in setting fire
to a part of the fence surrounding tha
works before they were driven back by
the officers. After retreating out of
range they held parley and the strike
leaders declared that they would make
another charge and get Inside of the
works even at the cost of more lives.
Sheriff Bollschwelller Immediately took
steps to swear in 400 additional deputies
and said he would refrain as long as pos
sible from calling on the militia.
Tha strike is a peculiar one, involving
as it does no particular craft, but being
made up variously of laborers of the
American Smelting and Refining com
pany, section hands from the Northeast
ern division of the Lehigh Valley rail
road, men, women and girls, employes
of the Perth Amboy Tobacco company,
laborers of the Barber Asphalt company,
and other mjnor plants. ;
(Continued from First Page.)
1518-1520 F ARK AM STREET.
(Continued from Pegs Ons.)
tha contests still remaining (undecided
notably those of Texas and Washington
It was not Intended to take a speclel
car. but to go on the Lake Shore limited
leaving at 5:80. .The party will comprise
Colonel and Miss Roosevelt; ex-Clover-nor
Post of Forto Rico, frank Harper,
prjvets secretary to Mr. Roosevelt, and
, tfrs. Harper; Theodore-Douglas Robin
1 son, a relative of Mr, Roosevelt; George
B. Roosevelt, a oouatn; VA D.' Howland
of tha Outlook staff, Theodora Roosevelt,
Jr., wife and child and Hermit Roosevelt,
the colonel's second son.
New York Delegates tart.
I ueisgaies ana alternate io-wie repui-
, Ucan national convention1 at Chicago, In
cluding Tift and ' Roosevelt supporters,
' alike, left for Chicago ' this afternoon.
j Stops will be made at Albany, Utoa,
' Syracuse, Rochester and Buffalo to take
on additional delegates.
, William A. Prendergast, comptroller ot
, New Tork, who has been selected to
make Colonel Rooeevelt's nominating
'speech, was among the delegates. He has
been' HI, but has receovered and hopes
Jo make his speech as planned.
, At U three .special cars attached
'. to the second1 Empire State Express left
the station carrying a delegation ot
Roosevelt supporters. This delegation Is
a subcommittee of the New Torn Roose
velt committee and Is headed by Oscar
Governor McOovern Will Be Nomi
nated for Temporary Chairman.
MADISON. Wis., June 14.-Governor
Francis,!, McOovern, when asked con
cerning rumors that Wisconsin may not
have a, candidate for temporary chair
man, declared today that Itwas decided
unanimously at the meeting tri Milwau
kee Monday night that tils name should
be presented to the republican national
convention as Wisconsin's choice for
temporary, chairman of the convention.
. Governor &tc(6vefn. has gone ao far as
to prepare a epeeoh as temporary chair
man and expects to, reach Chicago late
Sunday night or early Monday morning.
The Wisconsin program Includes a
strong fight of the La Follette delegation
to have enacted In the platform to be
adopted at Chicago as many of La Fol
lette'e Ideas aa possible.
f Yard Will Build Gnnboat.
WASHINGTON. June ' W-The Mare
Island navy yard will build the river
gunboat Monocacy, )M tons, as its bid
of IH1.000 waa fa below any private
concern. , i -
Steel Shod Shoes
A shoe for boys that will wear and outwear
any. two pairs of ordinary boys' shoes. You
will save shoe money by putting these shoes
, . on your boy. v Bring him in tomorrow.
10 to 13Vs. .$2.00 1 to 2. .$2.25
2V2 to 5V2.. $2.50
JJL' :
f .'.
The Gv3 War Through the Camera
v . Containing
Brady's Taunout ClviLWr.PhotoTpha
(MKiM ft, Ptrmiuin tf lA. U. 5. War ferbnenf)
And Protestor Elson's Newly Written
History o! toe Civil Wftr
mum mi .
Above Coupon Good for Sections 1 or 2
The Omaha Bet has entered into a treat National publishing alli
ance, whose object Is to place In every American noine the best
possible memento ot the Civil War as an education in patriotism,'
and also In order to celebrate fittingly the'
semi-centennial of that momentous period.
We have secured the rights In this city for
the famous Brady photographs, taken on the
actual fields of battle, and lost for many
years. These historic scenes, with full his
tory of the great struggle, newly written by Prof. Henry W. Elsoa
ot Ohio University, will be issued in sixteen sections, each complete
in itself., and kaawa w the CIVIL WAR THROUGH THE CAMERA.
The abov coupon. If nssd at once. Is food tor oae section when eocom
' penlcd by an-expense fee ot TEN CENTS., to cover cost ot material,
handling, clerk hire. etc. By. mall, three cents extra. . Brine or aepd
'this .Coupon TOPAST to The Bee office. . ..,
Cat eat tne eovpos.
above, brine; or send
it to the otflee ot
this aewepeper.
EJU CAJaiiroii
exactly seventy votes over the combined
Test Will Come on Credentials.
When the situation affecting the pos
sible winning- of Ta,ft delegates to the
Roosevelt Side was discussed, the Taft
leaders Insisted that even heroic efforts
to that end would be futile, In the face
of the president's strength on paper. Tney
pointed out that from their figures Roose
velt would have 478 votes; that it would
be necessary to capture thlrty-slx south
ern delegates In order to get control
of the convention out of the hands of
the president's supporters, and that then
It would be necessary to get forty-six
delegates more, the number instructed
for La Tollettet and Cummins, in order
to nominate Colonel- Roosevelt.
Many of- the Roosevelt leaders con
cede the Improbability of the nomina
tion of Colohel ' Roosevelt on the first
ballot, but at , the same time say that
President Taft cannot muster enough
vetea to adopt' the report of the com
mlttee on credentials. Here Is the point
where they claim he Taft ship will go
on the rocks. ThV'oredentlals commit
tee report, It Is admitted by many, will
be similar to. the. national committee's
Principal Interest today centered in the
coming of Senator Root, the work of the
national committee In the contest hear
ings and a score of impassioned ad'
dresses by leaders on both sides at va
rious rnertings of delegates.
With the 'arrival1 of: hundreds of dele
gates, representing both factions, the
differences which were a matter of com
paratively quiet debate when only the
leaders were on hind have become the
foundation for numberless street corner
and hotel corridor arguments.
loira Leader Arriving.
There was an Influx Ot Iowa leaders
early today and much activity around
the headquarters ot Senator Cummins.
II. J. Fleming ot Des Moines, who has
managed many campaigns in Iowa for
Cummins, Joined Senator Kenyon for a
William G. Dows and Luther A. Brewer
of Cedar Rapids, the latter a delegate
at-large from Iowa and Instructed for
Taft, say the sixteen delegates that are
Instructed will stand by the , president.
These delegates are Insisting that the ten
Cummins delegates vote with them for
Senator fRoot for temporary chairman of
the convention. This question Is causing
considerable discussion among the Cum
mins men.
The lows delegation will hold a caucus
Monday morning and select Its members
ot the various committees. It Is under
stood that George p. Perkins of Sioux
City Is slated for the committee on resolu
tions and John T. Adams of Dubuque
will be made national committeeman.
' Senator Miles Poindexter. delegate-at-large
from Washington, whose seat Is
contested, arrived today and joined the
Roosevelt forces. -
"I suppose I'll be flattened out by the
steam roller," said the senator In speak
ing of the Washington contests, "but I
am going before the committee and pre
sent our case any way."
Instruction Resolutions Abandoned.
It Was reported that Taft leaders had
abandoned the idea of asking the con
vention to pass a resolution compelling
delegates to obey Instructions until re
leased' by the candidates. Many of the
Taft people thought this plan, which Is
said to have been suggested by General
Powell Clayton of Arkansas, would ef
fectually bring their delegates from the
southern states In line.
Today, however, the Taft leaders in
several northern states, objected to the
plan and insisted that Taft was the
second choice ot a number ot delegate
Instructed for Roosevelt who would be
f willing to change their votes after the
first ballot. ,
In this class are said to be twenty from
Illinois, six from Ohio, eight from Penn
sylvania and five from Maryland.
The Taft leaders now Insist that their
candidate will be in aa rood a soaitlon
f to make an open tight tor votes on the
floor of the convention as Roosevelt,
providing there is no choice on the first
Coat and Pants
to Order
This line includes
blue and gray
serges, hornet
spuns and cr aslv
All wool goods,
good linings and
perfect fit
McCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co.
304-306 South 16th St.
Fayetteviile In an endeavor to pick up
the trail.
(Continued from First Page.)
CLEVELAND, Jure 14. George and
Mary Miller, Valentine Peneky and Kas
inares Kasnerax today pleaded guilty to
counterfeiting, Immediately after they
had been indicted by the federal grand
Jury here. Miller's wife was sentenced
to the Canton (O.) workhouse for three
months and the others were sentenced to
two years and a half each in Leaven
worth prison.
Taft adherents had not so designated a
place. The Roosevelt attorneys con
tended that a place for holding the
convention had been fixed.
"This seems to be a question of
veracity," said Senator Borah. "Have you
any documents on either aide to prove
your statements?"
Lively Interchange.
Ormsby McHarg, the Roosevelt con
test attorney, started to tell what he
thought was the "best evidence of
veracity" when A. M. Steve.nson of Den
ver, holding the proxy of Committeeman
Barker of Alabama, objected to a speech
by the counsel after his time had ex
pired." The committee enjoyed a lively minute's
Interchange. Senator Borah said McHarg
was "answering the question."
Mr. Heney broke In to refer to "gag
rule in Colorado," directing his remark
to Mr. Stevenson. ,
"I object to such a statement," -said
Thomas L. Devlne of Colorado, who held
the committee proxy for that state. "The
gentleman. Is Insulting Colorado when he
makes such charges."
Mr. McHarg asserted his right to make
a statement presenting evidence of the
veracity ot his witnesses. Chairman Rose-
water declared he should have pre
sented his evidence during his time for
argument, hut Mr. McHarg proceeded to
make a statement to the committee.
The two Taft delegates, Joseph A. Gill
of Vlnita and J. W. Gllllland of Holden
vllle, were then seated by the committee.
after a motion to seat the Roosevelt del
egates had been defeated.
Senator Borah asked tor a roll call on
the Roosevelt motion, but it was' re
fused. The Taft delegates were seated
without a rail call, the Roosevelt men
voting "ho." ' . 1
The national committee seated the Sells
faction of Taft delegates in the First
Tennessee district. No Roosevelt contest
was Involved.
Heney Makes a Xotae.
Tarrant and Brown, the Taft delegates
Irom the Ninth Tennesse district, were
seated by the committee without a roll
call, the Roosevelt members shouting
"no." A roll call was refused on a sub
stitute motion to seat the Roosevelt dele
"This is a. case of plain stealing,'
shouted Mr. Heney when the Ninth dis
trlct was decided.
Members ot the committee shouted "sit
down," "order."
"Plain stealing; plain stealing," shouted
Heney again.
"We can t be scared by the hooting of
an owl," shouted one member.
"Tell us about Abe Ruef," called an
Heney continued to shout, "plain steal
Ing," and was answered with cat calls
and derisive laughter. '
Mr. Heney's remarks were made when
he said he wanted to "explain his vote
against seating the. Taft delegates In the
Ninth Tennessee case.
'Abe Ruef would be ashamed to do
what you are doing here!" Mr. Heney
said, replying to a remark by Committee
man Chubb of Florida.
"Give us some more," called one mem
"I tl give you another when I have
the chance," declared Heney.
Ormsby McHarg, the Roosevelt contest
manager, also protested against a delay
of the Texas cases. He said the Roose
velt forces are not ready to argue either
the Virginia or Washington cases.
The committee continued until tomor
row the Texas, Virginia and Washington
Contests Will Be Consolidated.
The contest attorneys agreed to consol
idate the Virginia contests Into one case
and the Washington contests into an
other. Under this plan it is expected all
remaining contests can be disposed of
The national committee seated True
and Church, the Taft delegates, in the
Tenth Tennesaee district No Roosevelt
contest was involved.
After a virtual agreement upon the
postponement of all cases until tomor
row, Frank O. Lowden of Iillnola moved
to proceed at once to the consideration
of the Texas contests. The motion was
defeated without request for a roll call
Credentials from a mass convention In
the Eighth Alabama district received by
Secretary Hayward yesterday naming
two contesting delegates from this dis
trict, were tabled by the committee with
out debate. Similar action was taken as
to new contests just received from
Alaska and the Philippines, which did
not come within the contest time limit
fixed by the committee last December.
The committee adjourned at 2:60 to
meet at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.
Set WindczJ
Sale Starts
8 A. M. Sharp
ftotitter 5e Fourteen Thn.
FORT SMITH,' Ark., June 14.-Crs.cks-men
blew the safe ot the Bank of Hunts
vllls at Huntsvllle, Ark., early today and
eccaped with 114,000. It is believed . the
robbers are headed towards Oklahoma
and following this olue officers have left
Oklahoma Men Clash Jnst After
Hearing' on Contest.
CHICAGO. June 14. -A fist fight be
tween Grant Victor. United States mar
shal" for the eastern district ot Okla
horna. a Taft supporter, and L. G. Dis
ney and Patrick Dore of Westvllle. Okl.,
Roosevelt adherents, took place outside
the rooms ot the republican national
Great Pre-Inventory Sale
5ff Men 's and young mens two and three-piece suits
33 SJ consisting of fancy mixtures in tweeds and worsteds
and plain blues and blacks.
The Suits in this Great Sale represent every lot of broken size or odd suits in'
stock, every garment is a regular stock suit the majority selling at from -
S20.00 to $30.00
Although there are many suits included that originally sold for ?iI'
$35.00 to $40.00
In order to make the matter of selection easy to the customer, and enable us to
properly handle the crowds that such values should bring to this store we have di
vided these suits into two great lots
These suits jnust prove satis
factory in every particular
or we'll refund your money
i. . 1 ,
Extraordinary Sale of Children9 s Two-Piece Suits
mn "7C Genuine $7.50 to $12.50 values CgO 7 12
Jj)U. O For Saturday Only O
In this great lot of broken size suits are included sizes from 8 to 17 years. Fancy
Mixtures in all colors, both double breasted and Norfolk styles. Its the clothes buy
ing opportunity of the season. Come early Saturday.
Buy a Weather Proof Straw
Hat at This Stare
They're different, they are 50 better
than the ordinary Straw Hats, last long
erhold their color better, withstand
fairly severe rains to be- found in
Omaha only at this store.
$2.00 to $5.00
$2.00 and $2.50
Silk Knit Ties .
This remarkable special offer in choice
Silk Knit Cravats continues over Sat
urdayDon't delay take advantage of
this saving opportunity at once.
Wash Ties Biggest and best assort
ments we have ever had the pleasure to
show 20c to 50c.
oommittee today just after the hearing
on the third Oklahoma district contest.
Loud- remarks were made about the
Oklahoma case, Disney and Dore up
holding the claims of the Roosevelt tac
tion. It was then, according to Disney,
that Victor aimed a blow at him. Dore
rushed into the thick of the tray, but
detectives Intervened and stopped the
Taft Attorney Asks for More Time
to Prepare Briefs.
CHICAGO, June 14.-Under a tentative
agreement reached by republican na
tional committee members today the
hearings on the Texas contests were put
over until tomorrow. It Is the expecta
tion to argue the Washington contests
late today If they can be reached. -
The postponement ot the Texas hear
ings was requested by the Taft attor
neys, who asked for further time in
which to prepare their case.
After the disposal of the Tennessee con
tests Virginia will be taken up and It Is
hoped to complete the settlement of all
contests In that state and Washington
before adjournment tonight.
Hugh F. Jones Buys
Lincoln Franchise
LINCOLN. June I4.-Hugh F. Jones of
Los Angeles, Cal. .has purchased the Lin
coln franchise of the Western league and
will assume immediate charge- of the
local base ball team. Announcement to
this eeftect was made here this afternoon.
Jones has been with the team all sea
son and during the recent Illness of
President Despain acted as head of the
local club, at the request of President
O'Neill of the Western league. Jones was
again put In active charge of the club
last night by President O'Neill upon the
resignation ot President Despain.
Unionization of ;
Funerals Demanded
CINCINNATI, O.. June 14-Unlonisa-tion
of funerals Is demanded by the
newly organised Hack and Cab Drivers'
union of this city, who have notified the
employing undertakers that they will
strike unless their demand for recogni
tion of the union is compiled with. The
undertakers say they Intend to ignore
the ultimatum presented by the drivers.
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising is the Road to
Business Success.
So that you may know the great
strength mi value in
we male this offer : Sen J us 10c and yoa
will receive, postage prepaid, a full sise
package of any kind of spice you may
elect. We will send slso a copy of oar
recipe book "Tone's Spicy Talks.
Tlt tdvanttf of thii offer ui m vlat fimrf,
ptrft&t mHitJ. fiUi-ttrtHttk ic acui ior
your cookiaS.
Ahvmym 10m mi praoere
TON! BROft, Dm Moines, Iowa
Hnitn ef fee tsaeas 04 fieie'ee Ceffes.
Priced Right
Saturday we are going to give you an opportunity to huy
drug sundries that are timely at prices that will make a strong
appeal to1 your sense of econorry.
. Sou take no chances when you buy at Beaton' s-r-standaru
goods .at economical prices.
II. 00 Monarch shower bath
sprays, No. 50c, Saturday BOo
$1.50 Monarch shower bath
sprays, No. 6, extra large 8So
Rubber sponges, up from 25o
Bath brushes 3So to 03.00
$1.25 Lyon's fountain syringe,
red rubber 35c
$2.00 "Seal" combination foun
tain syringe and hot water
bottle 91.65
$3.00 De Mar's whirling spray
syringe $3.10
Sanitary napkins, one dozen in
a package, medium size 95o
All our rubber goods are
guaranteed, and we have a
lady attendant in this dept
26c De Mar's rose ' glycerine
soap, made especially for the
bath, at ........... loo
25j Jarsey Buttermilk soap, 3
cakes in a box, per box loo
25c Packer's Tar soap 16o
25c Woodbury's facial eoap.160
50c De Mar's Benzoin and Al
mond lotion, great, for sun
burn and tan 25o
50c Cassavera cream . ....30o
Kequa's con pie te manicure set,
containing nail powder, toil
et pumice, orange wood stick
and 10 emery boards . ...7o
25c Peroxide of hydrogen ..7c
Benetol S5o, 46c and 89o
Llsterine 15c, 85o, 45o and 89c
60c De Mar's face powder S3o
. 76c Rubber Gloves 39o
All Leather Goods Must Go
We are going to discontinue our leather goods depart
ment and place on sale at a tremendous discount.
Beautiful seal leather shopping bags, worth from $4.00. to
$$.00, your cholcs 91.00
Follow the Beaton Path
Beaton Drug Co.
LB'U W BM 'SI u i-l'iM HSilSifHIWWlS I K 1 1 HI ' I T 'I ! '.TCTTm
Note the sensibleness of this
low-heel pump for misses.
Notic th gtnvin individuality of hs ef
fect. Growing feet need juit such footwear
A full hne of theee Low-heel pumps, made
with etrape, for misses and ciuldren.
.Uff 1 -J!! 1 -IE1111 'ilsJL-l' lac. 111111 "Lll W?3
sf L W sV
Sermon theme United Breth
ren Church, Sunday, 8 p. ;m.
All seats free. Everybody
Mas. Wisslow's Soothino Svuvr lias beta ! I
used for over 6IXTY YEARS by MILLION'S of 1 1
15 the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. Ji m u
joluttly harmless. Be sure and ask for " Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take do otlitt
dad. Twenty-five cents bottle.. $
Tou should patronise The BsV
moat Bestaurs&t can be told In
but few wordr. Quality food, at
a reasonable price, service that Is
a little better than the best
pleasant surroundings and perfect
1616 Sodgs St. Open all sight.
C. N. BLl..Prop.
Table d'Hote Sinner, Banday
. H i. M. to 8 ?. tt, 50c
Dancing in the Grand Ball Room,
Music by Arthur E. Smith's -
Orchestra, i
Bathing, Boating, Free Moving
Pictures Every Evening; First
Class Restaurant