Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY. JUXE 14, 1912.
Have Bat Print It.
ZUotrio rui Eurgess-GrandemCo.
Stack-falconer Co., Twemy-efourth
and Harney, undertakers and embulmers.
Phone Douglas S87.
Wang Ehing Forfeit Bond Wang
Shir.g, arrested for selling liquor after
closing hours, forfeited a $100 bond tn
police court.
Smith Geti Thirty Days Frank Smith
was sentenced to thirty days tn jail in
police court for petit larceny. Smith was
caught by Fred Hoye stealing lead pipe
from a new building which he la erecting
at Eighteenth and Cuming streets.
Bavlts rorfalta Bond Reuben Kavitz,
a peddler arrested by Officer Coffee
Tuesday morning for stealing a crate of
cucumbers from the Trimble Produce
company, failed to appear in police court
yesterday and forfeited $15 bonds.
Book Dedicated to Graff The 1912
Omaha High School Register "annual"
or year book has been dedicated to Super.
Intendent Ellis U. Graff. As principal of
the high school from 190S to 1911 Super
intendent Graff gained much popularity
among the students.
Sr. Tyler Goes Bait Dr. A. A. Tyler,
dean of Bellevue college, departed on
(Wednesday for an extended visit in east
em cities. He will visit his old home in
Easton, Pa., where he will attend the
commencement exercises of his alma
mater, Lafayette college.
Arrested for Stealing1 Clothes John
Catkowsky, laborer, has been arrested
!or stealing clothes from a bunk house
at Eleventh and Mason streets used by
employes of the Alpiren Junk company.
Catkowsky broke open the door while
the occupants were out In the junk yard
la Injured Frank Patter
eon, night watchman for the E. E. Bruce
company, . was painfully cut about the
head and face Wednesday when ho fell
In the dark building while making his
round. He wasi taken to police headquar
ters, where the surgeons gave him emer
gency treatment and he was able to go
home unassisted.
Zirkpatrlck Estate Sues The estate
of Edward E. Kidkpatrick, who was killed
Baby a Mass of Sores. Looked for His
Death any Minute. Cuticura Soap
and Ointment Brought First Good
. Sleep for Two Years. Soon Cured.
R. T. D. 4, Mt. Gilead, Ohio. "When my
little boy was a week old he was taken with
eczema and I was looking for his death any
minute. First bis face turned
so red, but I did not pay any
attention to it. It began to
get worse and he Just tossed
bis little head to and fro on
Vie pillow and cried day and
night. He began to scratch
himself so that I had to muf
fle his little bands, and then
the rash began to go over his
whole body until he was a
mass of running sores. The
more 1 doctored the worse be got. He had it
o oad that his little ears began to rot off and
bis scalp was something awful to look at.- I
saw the Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment
advertised and got a bar of Cuticura Soap,
making a lather all over his body with the
Soap and hot water and then I dried him off
well and anointed him with the Cuticura Oint
ment. He went right to sleep and slept foul
hours, the first good sleep he had had for very
nearly two years, so I kept on using the Cuti
cura Soap and Ointment and it was no time
before his skin began to get well. Soon he was
completely cured. He is sixteen yean old
now and has not had a sign of the eczema
since he was cured by the Cuticura Soap and
Ointment." (Signed) Mrs. N. M. Beecher,
Sept. 13, 1011.
No stronger evidence than this could be
given of the success and economy of warm
baths with Cuticura Soap and gentle applica
tions of Cuticura Ointment in the treatment
of torturing, disfiguring humors of the skin.
Cuticura Soap and Ointment are (old every
where. Liberal sample of each mailed free,
with 32-p. book. Address, "Cuticura,"
Dept. T, Boston. Tender-faced men should
have with Cuticura Soap Shaving Stick.
That Makn the Baking Batter
' Panares ar almost .mpotaible with
We know that It will give you better
We know that the baking will be purer
vRtore wholesome.
We know that it wilt be more evenly
And we kaiw that Calumet Is more
economical, botn in its use ana oi.
We know these things because we
have put the quality into it we have
seen it tnea out in cvmj
used now in minions or puujo
a.l.a r ffmwmff daily. It "
modern baking powder.
Have you tried it?
Calumet is highest in qualitj
moderate in price.
Received Hithwt Award
"A'arld'a Pare Food ExpouUo
u &
while at work on the new Woodmen of
the World building when a huge crare
crumpled and dropped a piledriver en
gine, started suit for $30,000 damages
against the Woodmen of the World and
the Selden-Breck Construction company,
general contractors on the building, !n
district court.
Must Pay for the Brick The C. B.
Havens company was given a $1,S6S ver
dict against the Colonial Apartment
House company in district court for bric't
for which -the defendant had refused to
pay. The apartment house company de
fended with the charge that the brick
was not delivered until long after the
time delivery was promised, but the Jury
took the view that the brick was received
and used any way and payment should be
Walks Two Blocks
With Broken Neck,
Drops Stone Dead
With his neck broken from a fall from
his wagon at Sixteenth and Ohio streets
at 1 yesterday afternoon John R. Fix,
teamster, walked unassisted two
blocks to a blacksmith shop. Just as he
entered the shop he collapsed, dying al
most instantly.
Fix, who leave a wife and four chil
dren at 1307 Ohio street, was approaching
Sixteenth street In his wagon, when the
right front axle broke, letting the wagon
bed down suddenly. The driver was
thrown to the ground and in the impact
with the pavement his neck was broken.
He seemed dazed, but thought his in
juries only temporary. He sat down on
the curb hoping to be revived and Officer
McDonald came along. The latter ques
tioned htm concerning the accident, and
Fix declared that he would walk to the
blacksmith shop to ask someone to take
charge of his team and wagon. Just as
he reached the shop he fell dead.
Coroner Crosby has taken charge of the
Rejected LoverTries
to Commit 'Suicide
Because his sweetheart of four days
would not marry rdm whenihe popped the
question Wednesday. Lee A. Plumb of
Chicago, who has ibeen in Omaha about a
month, went to the Golden Eagle restaur
ant, 1304 Douglas, Thursday morning and
took one ounce of carbolic acid. Quick
work on the part of the police surgeons
saved his life.
Plumb went out- with Laura Weare, a
waitress in the Bon Ton restaurant. He
told of his great love for her and when
she refused to marry.hlm left. In the morn
ing he went to the Bon Ton and. got a
cup of coffee from his sweetheart and
then gave her 15.50 of S6 he was keeping
for ber. He said he was going toget some
poison with the other 50 cents (and com
mit suicide. Laura Joked him and told
him not to do It. But he did, after writ
ing a nice little note telling her that he
would meet her in heaven.
Corn Wants Some
Real Hot Weather
"Hot 'weather versus cut-worms" will
tell the story of the yield In corn this
fall, believes Ira Burnham of Wisner.
The weather has been entirely too cold
lately and cut-worms have got'ln their
work," he said. "The .rains of the last
ten days have done wonders to the
North Platte country and. wheat through
out that portion of the state is in ex
cellent condition.
"But for the corn, the next thing on
the calendar are the 90-ln-the-shade
days. If we won't have them corn will
have to be replanted the third time. This
will make it too late. and frost will get
In its work before it can be harvested.
The whole key as to whether we have
bumper yields in corn rests on whether
we are favored with hot weather from
now on.
Joseph Albert, saloon keeper of Chi
cago, Is in Omaha endeavoring to raise
a bond of $5,000 to free his son, Michael,
who, with Harry Allen, both of Chicago,
are In Jail charged wtth bringing two
girls to Omaha for immoral purposes.
The younger Albert Is willing, however,
to enter a plea of guilty If ball can not
be furnished and taka what punishment
the court will give him rather tliun to
remain in Jail.
The elder Albert Is willing that his son
should plead guilty, and It is probublu
that a motion to this effect will be
made today. If such a motion Is
made it will necessitate the culllqg of a
special grand Jury by which to 'ndict
him. Allen Is noncommitta! and Is wait
ing to see what Albert Intends doing be
fore he acts. If Albert gets off with a
small sentence he, too, may wish to plead
Thompson, Belden & Co.'s suit against
the Omaha Water company for J6.500
damages for the flooding of the Thomp-
son-Belden store two years ago would
have prevented the transfer of the water
company's property to the city of Omaha,
but for the action of Mahoney & Kennedy,
attorneys for the plaintiff, and Stout &
Rose, counsel for the water company,
To protect the claim Mahoney &
Kennedy attached lands owned by the
water company. Attached property can
not be transferred. Stout & Rose filed a
$10,000 bond to secure the Thompson'
Belden claim if it is allowed and Ma
honey & Kennedy released the attach
Mrs. James Wallace, aged 35 year, died
at St. Joseph's hospitat Wednesday after
noon, following an operation for tumor-
Mrs. Wallace was the daughter of Ed
ward Reed. She was born in Omaha
and was graduated from Sacred Heart
She is survived by her father and three
brothers, James and Byron Reed of
Omaha and William Reed of Los An
geles. Funeral services will be held at
the residence, 2417 Pierce street, Saturday
morning at 8:30 o'clock, and from St
Peter's church at 9 o'clock. Father Mc
Carthy will officiate. Interment will be
In Holy Sepulcher cemetery.
There Is no real need of anyone being
troubled with constipation. Chamber
lain's Tablets will cause an agreeable
tmovement of the bowels without any
unpleasant effect. Give them a trial. For
sale by all dealers.
Heaviest Downpour of Year in the
Missouri Valley.
Republican Valley Receives a Lib-
eral Share of the MoUtare,
as Do Other Section
of ebraaka.
General, torrential rains, following the
scattering precipitation that has fallen
intermittently through the grain belt for
a week or ten days came again Wednesday
night, giving Omaha and general sec
tions of Nebraska the most thorough
drenching they have had since last year.
Colonel Welsh, observer in chir.ije of
the Omaha weather bureau, reports that
during Wednesday night, or rather during
the twenty-four hours ending at 7 o'clock
yesterday morning 1.63 inches of rain
were recorded at this point.
Colonel Welsh's Observations.
"The rains were quite general," says
he. "The heaviest downpour appears to
have been up and down the Missouri val
ley, continuing west in diminishing de
gree to the mountain ranges. The heav
iest precipitation was In central rd
eastern Nebraska, but the western sec
tions of the state received a liberal share
of moisture. In some of the valley coun
ties, especially in the southeastern part
of the state, the downpour was ex
tremely heavy, the storm In some oarts
reaching the proportions of almost a
Heavy Rainfall in Valley.
In some sections along the Missouri
river two inches of rain fell. From
O'Neill east to the Missouri river the
gauges showed from one to two inches.
In the neighborhood of Stanton about the
same amount of moisture Is reported. In
the Republican valley, where rain Is al
ways welcome, there was a liberal down
pour, McCook reporting one inch. The
only point in Nebraska reporting no rain
during the night Is Alliance, In the sand
bill district. Rain is still falling at some
According to the reports received at
the railroad offices, there are many lo
calities in Nebraska and Kansas where
farmers are beginning to pray for a ces
sation of the rains which have been so
general over the two states during the
last ten days.
Traveling on a special train, Charles
G. Gates and party of eleven arrived at
midnight over the Great Western and
half an hour later left over the Union
Pacific for Colorado Springs. A relative
of Mr. Gates Is there, very ill with lung
trouble. Those in the party are close
relatives and eminent physicians of Chicago.
S-jL J
SaL nut J
1 v
-'J s
Here's the most important and weighty
store news you were ever asked to read:
Monday, June 17th Begins
A Fearless, Resolute
Closing Out Sale of
The Bennett Entire
Half-Million Dollar Stock
Recently Purchased by Orkin Brothers.
See Omaha's Sunday papers for the Opening Sale Announcement. "Watch the
Omaha daily papers from day to day. As this sale progresses you will read the
most astounding bargain news ever told. Plan to attend this great sacrifice.
Orkin Brothers Co.
Judges of District Court Investigate
Allegations Made.
Vote of tk Jaror In Breach of
Promt Case te Subject of
Charge Ns la Reqaeat
for New Trial.
Investigation of rumored Irregularities
In connection with deliberations of the
jury in the breach of promise case of Mies
Angellke Katsura against George Sale
topulos, alias Saietos, are being made
by Judge Willis G. Sears, before whom
the ease was tried, and Presiding Judge
A. V. Sutton, at the request of J. E.
is prihjfrthe)
ttentfcof this
deliciotu loaf i
Everybody Tells Everybody
Butter-Krust Bread
A Picture postal card tree with every loaf at your grocer's
Rait and John O. Telser, attorney for
Miss Katsura.
The Jury gave the girl a verdict for
$1,500. though on the first ballot eight
Jurors voted to rive her 110,000, the
amount she asked.
None of the Judges and attorneys who
are familiar with the case and know the
specific nature of 'the rumors and charges
will give out anyUnformatlon regarding
the matter. The- most that ould be
learned from auQientlc source was that
the Investigation Is being prosecuted and
one juror may be called In and asked
to explain "some things."
Refuse to Keep Agreement.
Mia Kasturi' alleged that Saletopulo
Induced her and her parents to eome to
this country by promising to marry her
and then refused to keep hi agreement.
After the Jurors desiring to give the girl
a verdict for 110,000 offered to compro
mise on lesser verdict for ber three
iiREAD it
V 1 gk V -
smack amisniack
juror Joined them. One juror Mid out
for the defendant until in last ballot,
which was Tor 1,KI0 compromise.
L. J. Piatt, attorney for Saletopulos,
has filed a, motion for m new trial, tn
which misconduct of the Jury la alleged.
The motion, however, makes only the
general chart f mlsoonduct and con
tains no specific charge. Mr. Piatt! would
not ay What the misconduct was.
TVben Mr. Telser was questioned re
garding the charges laid before the
court he refused to ay anything what
ever about them. He volunteered the
opinion, liowever, that th $1,500 verdict,
small as It was, was "an outrage" against
Miss Katsura.
An Aoto -Collision
mean many had bruises, which Buok
len Arnica Salv heal eutekly. a It
does sores, cut, burns and pile. 25 c.
For sale by "Beaton Drug Oe.
. I 1 1 11
A big purchase of
Men's Fine Shirts .
Because the maker
was overstocked
Is Interested? i .
Every man in '
Omaha who needs
Shirts for a year to
$2.50 to $1.50 Shirts,88c
f Wif I. r
June i 5th. v
At the
Dig Shirt Purchase
Hade by Haydn's
Entire Manafar turcr'g Sur- t. j
pin Stock of Finef Sum-
mer Shirt. Bought at
Small Fraction of fWorth.
Stock Goes on
Sale Saturday
, The greatest shirt lvalues ever
offered in Omaha willb placed on
sale Saturday at Hay?den'. The
stock consists of flmest quality
Bummer Shirts sllks.tlinenB, pon
gees, French flannels; also white
linen shirts, pleated or 'plain boa
oms, In the very newest styles.
Over 1,000 dozen garments for se
lection; not one shirt worth lesa
than $1.60 and some as high a.
$5.95. The entire lot goes on4
sale In one big lot Saturday, at,
choice, 08tf,
See 16th Street Windows.
For generations' Sage and Sulphur have'
been Used for hair and tcala troubUa. !
Almost everyone knows the value at
suoh a combination for keeping the hair
a good even oolor. for curing dandruff,
Itching scalp and falling hair, and far
promoting th growth of the hair. Tears
ago the only way to get a Hair Tonlo
of this kind was to make it In the home,
which was troublesome and not always
satisiactory. Nowadays, almoat any up-to-date
flrugglet can supply his patron
with a ready-to-use product, klllfully
repared in perfectly eoulDtwd l&w..
An ideal Dreoaritton nf thi. mmt .
VTyeth's Sags and Sulphur Hair Remedy,
n wnicn isago and Sulphur are comblnott
with other valuable remedies for clp
troubles and thin, weak hair that
Ing Its color or coming out. After using
this remedy for a few days, you wm
notice the color gradually comlnsr hk.
your scalp will feel better, the dandruff
win soon be gone, and In less than a,
month's time there will be a wonderful
difference in your hair.
Don't neglect yeur hair If it Is full or'
dandruff, losing its color or coming outl
Get a fifty cent bottle ef Wveth'. s.-J
and Sulphur from your druaalst. &nd .i
wni iw oaye- treatment will do fori
you. All druggists sell it, under guaran-l
. 41,. . V. . ... . -
w wot mo uiunair wiu DO refunriiut l
th remedy is not exacUy as represented.!
enerman & Mcconnell Drug Co. agent!
L-,., AtmtJrM I liiW
ii J
1 I
U it
Y fir"
"wUJ USUI 11 Ul eub
V. "-,' - " a mr mm mr a?
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