THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1912. NERVOUS, DEBILITATED and RUN-DOWN 1 Either the Rest Cure or Tona1 Vita Will Build You Up Again. It you are nervous, debilitated, and run down In health, there are two things you can do to bring back your strength and vitality. Tou can go to a sanitarium and take the rest cure or you can secure the great modern tonic 'Tona Vita" and let It build you up and furnish new nourish ment for your shattered nerves. If you knew what wonderful results have accomplished by "Tona Vita" since physicians first Introduced it la this country you would much rather take this tonic than to go to any sanitarium on earth. Here Is a statement from Mr. J. B. House, of 3S1 Twentieth Ave., Mil waukee, Wis., who has tried "Tona Vita." "I was all run down, intensely nervous and suffered with the most violent headaches. I felt tired and dull all day, my body seemed benumbed at times, and I did not sleep well. My di gestion was Imperfect and I was contin ually constipated. As soon as I ate any thing my stomach filed with gas and I Was distressed for a half hour or more. Nebraska POSTMASTER TOWER IS HEAD Sutton Man Elected President of State Association. INSPECTOR JOHNSTON SPEAKS Efforts of Government to Protect Public Are Aarrated Lew Etter of Sonth Omaha Reads Paper on Pay of Substitutes. . (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN', Neb., June 13. (Special.) Joe P. Johnston, inspector of this postal district, located at Kansas City, addressed the convention of postmasters today. Officers elected were: President J. H. Tower of Sutton. ' Secretary L. F. Etter of South Omaha. Treasurer A. F. Beuchler of Grand Island. First Vice President-B. R. Sizer of Lin coln. Second Vice President Lon Cone of Mc Cbok. Third Vice President To be elected by third-class postmasters. Fourth Vice President John Lett of Benedict Delegate to National Convention W. J. Cook of Blair. Many Precautions Taken. In his address Inspector Johnston said, In part: ! Promoters of schemes to defraud by use of the mails have been quite active In this state for some time past and vig orous steps have been taken to suppress them. There have been more arrests and prosecutions of -promoters of fraud schemes in Nebraska during this fiscal year than at any time in its history. The vigorous prosecutions of United States Attorney Howell and Assistant United States Attorney Lane are showing re sults, and unless I am very much mis taken Nebraska will soon be recognized as an unhealthy zone for schemers of this class. Few Defalcation in State. The number of defalcations chargeable to postmasters or their employes during the" last year has beep very small. in every case the full amount due 4h gov ernment has been recovered, -I regret that we still find evidence occasionally of rendering of false returns of cancella tions by postmasters at fourth-class offices, with a view to improperlv in creasing their compensation. The sums thus improperly secured are small as a rule and ultimate detection is almost an absolute certainty, to be followed by the reimbursement of the government, the loss of position and reputation by the postmaster nd prosecution in the courts. The postmaster general has recom mended that the entire postal service be taken out of politics, stating that "the full measure of efficiency in the con duct of the postal service cannot be ex 1 pected so long as the postmasters are . subject to political control." The presi ; dent has sent three messages to con- gress urging that postmasters be in ' eluded In the classified service and that they be appointed under the civil service ! rules. The postmaster general has fol i lowed the policy of recommending the reappointment of competent postmasters. ' The records of the department show that I during the last fiscal year 77 per cent of the postmasters whose commissions j expired were reappointed. Etter Reads Paper. Postmaster L. F. Etter of South Omaha read a paper on "Pay of Substitute Clerks and Carriers." He urged that ; some means bo ferreted out whereby i such occasional employes, wherever it 1 was found that they are worthy and 11a I ble later to make competent regular ma ; terial, be placed upon an, all year basis ! Instead of being held to the meager com pensation as at present "Second Class Matter and News papers" was the subject assigned to, Lon Cone of McCook. The principal address of the afternoon was by Dr. Murray S. Wlldman of Chi cago Northwestern university, his subject being, "Measures for the Promotion of a : Sound Banking System." During the later part of the afternoon, between showers, the women were Invited to a garden party given by Mrs. F. M. Hall. A boat ride and other pleasures at Capital Beach closed the tenth annual session. One Rnn on Postal Bank. John R. Hayes of Norfolk read a paper on the "Postal Savings System," which was discussed at some length. Postmaster : Ira E. Tash of Alliance leading. That the banks in the country had been somewhaHn evidence in the fixing up of the postal savings bank law was the con tention of Mr. Hayes, in his talk. One objection he had to the system was that no depositor could be under 10 years of age.. Another thing he thought was ) wrong was that no depositor could have more than $500 at one time. Postmaster Henry Schneider of Platts niouth said he had discovered a weak ness In that his bank had experienced a run, which, though not serious, might sometime amount to considerable and that a larger and more accessible emer gency fund should be provided. Postal Chiefs Leave. Fourth Assistant Postmaster General P. W. Degraw and Chief Clerk Thom son, who have been in Lincoln att:d Ing the postmaster's convention; left this afternoon for Omaha where they will stop before returning to Washing ton. Mr. Degraw said: "I am well pleased with the meeting. One thing I like here in Nebraska is the social 1 feature which. Is so strong in your state meetings." Both denied that they would stop in Chicago. A Cruel Mistake is to neglect a cold or cough. Dr. King's New Discovery cures them and may prevent consumption. 60c and $1.00. For ale by Beaton Drug Co. Mr mind was dull and my memory very poor. I contracted a cold easily a4 suf fered wKh ssrere coughs. Sometime agoi I talked with a physician who advised raai to take Tona Vita.1 I did It and am glad I did for the medicine was- wonder ful in my rase. I feel as though I ha, a new lease on life. My ambition baa ra-j turned as wall as my strength an energy. "I now sleep well and get up In th morning feeling cheerful and ready for work. "H wife waa also run down and nerv ous. She started taking the medicine when it began to help me. H Improve ment haa been fine and sh Is now In good health." If you are run down and ha van t eneuja strength It la your own fault If you feel miserable a day longer, when you can get auch a preparation as 'Ton VI tax" Sherman McConnell Drug Co., IStA, and Dodge; Owl Drug Co., 16th and Har ney; Harvard Pharmacy. 24th and Far nam Sts., and Loyal Pharmacy, W7-9 North 16th St. Is the agent for Tona Vita In Omaha and will refund the pur chase prica If It la not entirely satis factory. The , Approved Formula Co., Dayton, O. Nebraska Governor Aldrich Addresses Druggists BEATRICE. Neb., June 13.-(Special.)-At the morning session of the state druggists' meeting Governor C. H. Al drich gave an address. He spoke of the good work the association was accom plishing over the state both for the drug gist and the customer, and complimented them upon It. Prof. Vardman followed with an interesting address on "Sales manship." In the afternoon the delegates were driven about the city in automobiles and early In the evening they were given a boat ride up the Blue river. A bluerock shoot was also held at which prizes were awarded to the winners. In the ten bluerock contest F. A. Fricke was given first prize and S. W. Ewlng, second. In the thirteen-bluerock shoot E. Anderson was first and Dr. W. M. Thomas, second. D. D. Adams was first in the twenty bluerock contest, Alfred Rawlin, second, and Harry Harley, third. A, grand ball was given In the evening which was attended by about 200 dele gates and their friends. TWO WEDDINGS AND TWO DEATHS AT BEATRICE BEATRICE, Neb., June 13. (Speclal.) Clarence G. Colburn of Randolph and Miss Frances L. Lynch of Lincoln were mar ried yesterday by Rev. Roy M. ' Badger. They will make iheir home at Randolph, where the groom is engaged in busi ness. "W'llmer Johnson and Miss Vera Mc Ginnls were married last evening at 8 o'clock at the home of the bride's parent, Mr. and Mrs. Del McGinnlng, Rev. U. G. Brown officiating. About fifty guests witnessed the ceremony, which was followed by a wedding sup per. The young couple will leave soon for Los Angeles, Cal., to make their home. ' Mrs. J. M. Wardlaw, one of the early settlers of Gage county, died last night at her home at Pickrell, aged 72 years. She is survived by six children, her hus band having passed away years ago. He represented Gage county In the legisla ture in an early day. The body of the late Francis Leonard, who passed away at Evanston, III a few days ago, was brought here yester day for interment. FRECKLES Wew Dru? That Quickly Ksmovts Tnesa Homely Spots. felllne 1,1. JP". the 8Shtest need of - "iiiHio uuuoie strength ham fetirr M .t?S& VeTon VTS and apply a little of it at night and the morning you will see that even th while hf. h4Ve to dE?pJ2E 2."fi KTdoVarmo oen ntxinnnd ain b"Uful clear othlnfT. tM?S.1 '", M. strength money back if it f.u- r aer """-rantee of money Dack if it falls to remove freckles. ' ! I - , iW. C. Wilson, Pres. Old Line Bankers Life, Lincoln, Neb. Dear Sir: On December 15th, 1891, 1 bought policy No. 2063. I paid a premium of $107.25 each year for twenty full years. I paid $2,145.00 gross premiums. On December 15th, 1911, the surplus allotted to my policy $1,728.21 was paid to me in cash and a fully paid up participat ing policy for $3,000.00. This made me a profit of $2,583.21 besides twenty years protection without cost. I want to thank all the officers of the company on their conservative business management which produced such unex pected results and made it a pleasure to carry my policy. Sincerely yours, L. L. GARRISON. Ask the man who Nebraska, CREIGHTON Will SUSTAINED Supreme Court Decides for Bequest for Working Girls' Home. END OF LONG LITIGATION Will Admitted to Probate In 1907 and Was Contested by Heirs Widow of John Zitnik Sustains Reversal of Judcment. (From a Staff 'Correspondent) LINCOLN, Neb.. June 13.-Speclal.)-The supreme court of Nebraska has de cided that the terms of the will of John A. Crelghton of Omaha will stand wheroln he provided that $o0,000 should be sot aside for a home for poor working gir's. This bequest was made under section 10 of the will, while section 13 provided, after all other bequests were made, that the residue and remainder of the estati should be added to those already named, proportioned according to their bequests. This will give the home about JlfiO.OM The will was admitted to probate Marh 16, 1907, and on October 1 following sev eral nephews and nieces,, designated as the unnamed heirs, asked foe a construc tion on sections 10 and 13 and made the executors and legatees under the will de fendants. The county court held that clause No. 10 was void and incapable of execution and the executor appealed to the district court of Douglas county. The unnamed heirs then filed In dis trict court a petition for the construction of clauses 10 and 13 of the will. A peti tion of intervention In the name of tlx attorney general of the state was then filed alleging that section 10 came under the charity and trust proposition and was, therefore, of a public nature and was the right and duty of the attorney general to appear In the matter. The case is remanded with direction to enter a decree distributing the whole estate to the same legatees and in the proportion that the specified bequests were distributed to the beneficiaries specified in the will, giving to the trus tees of the charity named In the tenth clause the one-twenty-third part of the whole estate. Judges Barnes and Fawcett do not concur in the opinion, while Chief Justice Reese concurs in the dissent. Judgment Reversed. The court also reversed a Judgment for t9,m obtained by the widow of John, Zitnik, a locomotive engineer, who was killed in the Union Pacific yards In Omaha. Zitnik was operating a switch lengine and was cleaning snow from switches when he was struck by a switch ei.lne and killed. The district court found the engineer In no way negligent, and as the evidence did not show the company or Its agents negligent the ver dict Is set aside by the higher court. Governor Aldrich has gone to Palmyra today, where he delivered an address at the old settlers' picnic. Two Weddings at Lexington. LEXINGTON, Neb., June 13.-(Special.) The marriage of Dr. Justice Olssen and May Tipton was celebrated at the Meth odist Episcopal church last night. Rev. B. F. Galther performed the ceremony. They will go to housekeeping In a cot tage Dr. Olssen has bought. Dr. Olssen is a graduate of the Omaha Medical school and is In partnership with Dr. Rosenburg in this city. Miss Tipton Is a graduate of the Lexington High school. Miss , Lucy Winters was married to Archie French at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Winters, Wednesday evening. Mr. French is a young farmer. Miss Winters has been a successful school teacher in this The Midwest Life OFFICERS H. X. Snail Presldant Dr. B. B. Davis, Omaha ...Vios Prss't A. J. Sawyer Secretary 0r. X. H. Evsrett Medical Director O. B. Bastarday Actuary INSURANCE IN FORCE December 31, 1908 .. $' 659,000 December Si, 1907 1,159,850 December 31, 1908 1,453 218 December 31, 1909 8,013,501 December 31, 1910 8,641,084 December 31, 1911 3,587,519 May 81, 1913 4,174!a44 LOCAL AGENTS WANTED In every town In the state Liberal commissions are paid. The Midwest Life Is a clean, live, progressive Ne braska life insurance company, with Its home office on the seventh floor First National bank building, Lincoln. ii iui a.n agency, Lincoln ToK TW1 owns one of these policies. Nebraska county. They will live on a farm a few miles north of Lexington. CLAY COUNTY ASSESSOR RAISES VALUE OF LAND CLAT CENTER. Neb.. June -(Special.) District court has been In session here since Monday morning. Judge Hurd presiding. The session closed yesterday. Judge Hurd going to Hayes county to hold a term of court for Judge Berry. The Board of Supervisors Is in session this week as a Board of Equalization. The assessment of real estate as returned by the assessors show an Increase of about 30 per cent over the value of four years ago. Andrew H. Turney of Edsar. this county, was taken by the sheriff of Washington county, Kansas, to Hanover this morning on a warrant charging him with obtaining prorerty under false pre tenses. The act Is alleged to have grown out of Turney buying some horses from a farmer giving his check therefor and after the horses were In his possession notifying the bank on which the check was drawn to stop payment. William Wells, sheriff of Logan county, Ne braska, was here Tuesday with a war rant alleging the same facts practically, practiced on a farmer living near Gandy. Sheriff Sanderson made the arrest on telegraphic communication from Kansas, before the Logan county sheriff arrived, consequently he was taken to Kansas. CORNERSTONE OF NEW HIGH SCHOOL LAID AS OSCEOLA OSCEOLA, Neb., June U-Speelal.)-Exerclses connected with the laying of the cornerstone of the new Osceola HlRh school building yesterday afternoon were In charge of the Masonic grand lodge of Nebraska, among the grand lodge officers there being present Hon. James R. Cain of Stella, the grand master; Samuel S. Whiting, grand Junior warden, of Lin coln; Robert E. French, grand custodian. of Kearney, and Rev. H. H. Harmon of Lincoln, the grand orator. The last named was the speaker of the day and gave an address very much appreciated by all. Members of neighboring lodges were present, the lodges represented being Shelby, David City, Surprise, Ulysses, fitromsburg, Central City and Gresham. The new building that is being con structed Is the finest and most expensive structure of its kind in this part of Ne braska. It has a good location In the city and will be both an ornament and a source of prtdp to all who reside within Polk county or take an interest in educa tional matters. It will cost in the neigh borhood of $55,000. ;r Brand Cut Macaroni Ready cut in uniform pieces so it cooks evenly and can't get water-clogged. Made clean and kept clean in our sealed package. Ask your grocer. 5c a oackaee. Maull Brothers, Si Louis, Mo. .. 'A w t -V Going Out SaaSSfcfaMMMiT. I II nil I The prices on Watches, Dia monds, Silver, Clocks, Umbrel las, Jewelry and novelties are cut clear down, as we are posi tively going out of business. We can save you money. Our reputation for the past 25 years Is back of this sale. Spend a few minutes In our tore. - S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 221 South 16th Street. Paxton Block. ! 1011 TWENTY PAYMENT LIFE POLICY MATURED IN THE Old Line Bankers Life Insurance Company of Lincoln, Nebraska Name of Insured L. L, Garrison Residence Lincoln, Neb. Amount of policy $3,000.00 Total premiums $2,145.00 SETTLEMENT Surplus in cash $1,728.21 And paid up participating policy $3,000.00 Total , u Write us for an agency. Shamefully low prices wiy be announced Friday evening Read Friday evening ad in this paper for particulars WYMORE GIRL IDENTIFIES HER ASSAILANT BEATRICE, Neb., -une 13. Speclnl Frank Miller, charged with attacking the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. De lane of Wjmore. was quietly taken to Wytnore last night between the hours of lrt and II o'clock by Sheriff Shlek and a number of deputies, where his victim identified htm as her assailant. Only the officers at Wymore knew of Miller's presence in town, and everything waa kept as quiet as possible for fear of mob violence. Miller talks but tittle regarding the case. He says his home Is at Topeka. Kan., and that he has been visiting with relatives at Humboldt, Neb. He Is 38 years of age and his allegfd victim only 8. The Delaney girl was slightly Improved last night and the attending physician believes she will recover. l.onlnvllle to Have Water Plant. LOUISVILLE, Neb., June 13.-Speclal.) The Alamo Engine and Supply com pany of Omaha has been awarded the contract and will begin construction of a water plant about July 1. The village Is looking for a good live man to put in an electric light plant. ERE'S t dish "fit for a king," and it costs but one cent a helping Faust of Business $4,728.21 (I)) I A most unusual Sale of Men's Suits is announced to begin Saturday, June 15 th About 1,200 Men's and Young Men's Suits, the unsold portion of our regular popular priced Spring lines, will be placed on sale Saturday at the lowest prices ever quoted on such garments. Every Suit one of our regular stock. If price is anv. inducement to vou watch and wait then come. Omaha's Only Modern Clothing Store. The Home of Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! The beys are marchlag and tae flrla, too and they certain ry are hard ea tbelr sbeea. It can't b helped chUdren most play tha only sehittea la te buy the best sho mstis Nine 0'Clock School Shoes They stand the strain better than soy shoes you can buy they sewed by ths iavreved McKay preossa they aae re enferoed shanks aad extended vamp tfa no wonder that par ei)ta everywhere Insist on get ting Mae O'clock Shoes. It means a savins to them. Flags Free We have a flag tor every ' Bi'hool in the land. Boys and girls everywhere are saving Nine O'Clock School Shoe coupons to exchange them for large Ameri can Flags for their schools. Ask your shoe dealer about our plan and write to-day for a very In teresting history of "Our Flag," ! written by Francis Scott Key III beautifully Illustrated In three colors. Will be mailed nil . i - ..... postage. 1 There's one way to make housework easier more pleasantmore satisfactory more thorough. That is in j i the ase of . THE LEE BROOM Here are some of the reasons why the iff-the BROOM with the GUARAN TEE it less tiresome to use and does bet ter work: Full, even, soft tip; kiln-dried hardwood enameled handles with highly polished piano finish; double shoulder; fine stitch ing; long-fiber covers; double stapling: great strength and durability; proper bal ance. Ask your dealer today for MIDGET, rvNFiVTF. aaiSY LEE or FAIRY QUEEN parlor brooms of high character. LEE BROOM A DUSTER COMPANY 08IOK, MASS. DiTSHTOBT, IA. UKCOIJf, MB. IIS Quality Clothes. Interest allowed in savings department at 2 per annum The United States National Dank of Omaha gives prompt and courteous service, affords absolute secur ity and has a most con venlent location. No'lhwesi Corner Sixteenth anrf Faroaoj Sfraetl Cipffel 1700.000 Surphts $700,009 OCEAN STEAMSHIPS HAMBURG AMERICAN la tha Woclt 1 .010.000 TOM Lars set 8. B. Co. Ovirav eoo kits CUvsland ..June 20. 10 A. M. Hamburg ..June 22, 12 noon XaisH Aug. Tlo. June 27, 9 A. M. Pres. Crrant June 29, 10 A. M. TWO IDEAL CBVISSS AROUND the WORLD IWtAlTD EXOtntSXOlTS ASJ BIDS T&XPS Optlnal 1 14 SATS lit JAP AH Tours 1 17 SAT IW XHSZA Nov. 9, 1913 Pab. 37, 1913 from New Yorkfrom San Kr'sco Z S.S. Cleveland Duration Each Cost CRf) up Cruise U0 Daygi QOK Including all necessary ex penses aboard and ashore, rail way, hotel, shore excursions, carriages, guides, fees, etc. SUMMER CRUISES To tha LAND OP THE MID NIGHT BUN. Eight delightful cruises during Juaa, July and August, from Hamburg to Nor way, North Cape, Spitsbergen, Iceland, sto. Duration it to 26 days. Cost $62.50 and up Splendid service, large steam ships "VICTORIA LUISE," KRONPRINZESS1N CECIL1E" and "METEOR." Write for booklet of any cruise. HAUBURG-AMER1CAN LXN8 ISO W. Randolph St., Chicago, HL, or local agt. HOTELS AND SIMMER RESORTS. Evans Hotel Hot Springs, So. Dakota AMONG THE BLACK HILLS. A delightful place to spend your summer vacation. Swimming Pool, Golf Course, Tennis and all otber out-door amusements, also Music and Dancing. The best waters in the world for chronic ailments of the stomach, liver,v kidneys and rheumatics. A modern hotel, with all im provements. Service and cuisine unexcelled. Rates $2.50 per day and up. Special rates by the week on application. Write for booklet. Address EVAUS HOTEL CO. Hot Springs, South Dakota. . I ATLANTIC ! If SERVICE ; I LONDON U PARIS HAMBURG If CUvsland ..June 20. 10 A, M. : V