THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1912. Boys' VACATI0N T0GS Girls' w Wide Assortments We are prepared to outfit every boy and every girl for vacation time with just the right garments, whether going to the farm, the mountains or the seashore Girls' Play Clothes Middy blouse are here In moat extensive assortment to be found anywhere; all white or made with red or blue collars, sizes 6 to 18 years 81.00. 81.25. 81.50 Middy Skirts of white galatea to match blouses. . . -81.50 Norfolk Blouses of white gala tea with pleats and leather belts, all white or with col ored collars, sizes 32 to 40, at 81.50 Girls' Vacation Dresses in fino fast color fabrics, neat stripes or plaids, light or dark colors, endless variety for girls S to 14 yrs., $1.25, $1.30, 81.95 Dresses for little tots 2 to 6 years, in serviceable colors and pretty styles, at 58. 75. 05 Bathing Suits for girls, in many good styles of fast color 50. 75 nd 1 fabrics, $1.50, $1.75, 83.25 Barefoot Sandals for boys and girls in all styles tan or black willow calf with oak soles. Write for illustrated catalogue Boys' Play Clothes Indian Suits, complete with chief '8 headpiece, 4 to 12 years $1.00 Little Captain Suits each $1.00 Jack Tar Suits of tan or white drill, 4 to 12 years, each $1.00 Cow Boy Suits, complete with lariat, 4 to 14 years, for $1 and $1.50 Doys' Vacation Blouses in black sateen, blue chambray or tan Khaki. S to 15 years 50 Olive Tan Khaki Knickers for to 16 years, in two grades, for .... -.50 and 81 Boys' Scout Suits, complete, tor 85.00 Bathing Suits, in one-piece or . two-piece styles, at 15184520 FAEKAM STREET AGREE TO DIVIDE MISSOURI SEATS (Continued from First Page.) 0 DES MOINES FIGHTING SMOKE First Prosecution Brought Against Big Carriage Company. COMMISSION WILL MAKE TEST Rock Islaad Girt Order to Engi neer to Blow Whistle Less Frequently In Town of Colfax, In. (From Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, la, June 13.-(8pclal Telegram)-C. S. Walker, president of the Kratser Carriage company, was served with sv warrant today sworn out in police court by Smoke Inspector Mo Mutt charging him with maintaining a public nuisance by permlttng the emis sion of dent (moke from the stacks of the factory. This Is the first prosecu tlon under the smoke abatement ordi nance, i The school board has sleeted to fight tbe smoke commission In regard to In stalling smoke consumers ' in the West and North High school buildings, al though the president of the school board at a conference with the smoke commis sion assured the commission that the school board would 10-operate In abating the smoke nuisance. The board has re fused to sanction his recommendation. Keen Koine at Colfax. Rock Island railroad trains will make less noise when pausing near or through Colfax. An order was Issued by the su perintendent instructing engineers not to blow their warning whistles unnecessarily except to comply with ,the law and pre. The Pure Product of Nature' Springs. You will feel better and do better for using ' NATURAL LAXATIVE Sg Class on Arising lor CONSTIPATION 1111 vent accidents. The whistles have proved a source of annoyance to patients in the sanitarium at the resort. . Pharmacists Fall. Of a class of twenty-elght graduated from the State university pharmacy school only thirteen passed the examina tion for state certificates held at Iowa City last week. Aged Sura-eon III. Dr. George p. Hanawalt, for many years surgeon for the Rock Island rail road and an old army surgeon well known throughout the state, is reported at death's door. He has been active' until recently. Grand Army of Iowa Objects to Monument . For Confederates MASON CITY, la., June 'l3.-Further appropriations by congress for monu ments perpetuating memories of "confed. erat valor," were vigorously opposed in resolutions adopted by the Iowa eneimn ment of the Grand Armv of the nrjublli here today.'' The reaojutlons said it.'wa? deemed better that these memories fad away." Particular opposition was made to the proposed confederate monument in the national cemetery at Vlckeburg. Mis. The Ladles of the Grand Army of tho Republic elected the following officers: President, Mary J. Couse, Deoorah; vie presidents, Addle Drummond of Dubuque and Irene Plummer of Des Moines; trees, urer, Hattle Burwell of Clarinda. Sons of Veterans officers elected art: pommander, R. c. Brown of Waterloo; recretary-treasurer, G. T. Taylor of Cedar Rapids. LARGE CLASSJS GRADUATED (Continued from First Page.) step to keep pace. We must .rescue on government from the reproaches laid upon Jt, and we must prevent the estab. Hshment of conditions under which lif liberty and the pursuit of happiness are empty to genuine moaning. "We need safe guide. The good inten tiona of folly a'nd fury may lead us far astray, while the demagogue is as dan Strous as the open enemy. "I believe that the daya when the un punished crook and criminal can partlct. pato In the making of laws are numbered. I believe that the purpose of special prtv. llese Is fading and the sceptor failing from Its hand. Tbero is every indication that the restoration cf genuinely repre sentative government is near, and tbt representative government when restored will enter upon a broad program of so cial and industrial legislation." GOOD FOR SECTIONS 1 OR 2 IF USED AT ONCE WAR SOUVENIR COUPON SAVE THIS COUPON IT HELPS YOU GET The Civil War Through the Camera Containing Brady's Famous) Civil .War Photograph (MisAW Ptrmlitimm elfte U. S. War Drtmtnt) And Professor Elson's Newly Written History i me civu war jrriMssiiivA Abore Coupon Good for Sections 1 or 2 The Omaha Bee has entered Into a great National publishing alli ance, whose object is to place la every American home the best possible memento of tbe Civil War as an education in patriotism, ana also, in order to celebrate fittingly the semicentennial of that momentous period. Wt have secured the rights in this city for fhe famous Brady photographs, taken on the actual fields of battle, and lost for many tory of the great struggle, newly written by Prof. Henry W. Elson of Ohio University, will be issued in sixteen sections, each complete in itself, and known as the CIVIL WAR THROUGH THE OA.WERA. Ths above coupon. U as4 at oace, is good for on section when'accsm panled by an expense fee of TEN CENTS, to cover cost of material, handling, clerk hire, eta By mail, three cents extra. Bring or send this Coupon TODAY to The Bee office. Cat eat the eonpon above, bring or send it to the office of this newspaper. UAD CAJfcErU&LY elected or to accept them when they ae Sleeted." He asked the committee f reopen the contests of the Mississippi delegates-at-largo, decided yesterday In favor of the Taft contestants. The com mittee, however, took no action on th" suggestion. For the Taft forces W. J. Latham, a negro attorney, declares he bad affidavits denying that no notice was given of con ventions to elect delegates from the Sec ond. Fourth, Sixth and Seventh district The affidavits showed, he said, that a regular call was Issued for the conven tions. He denied that the Taft adherrntj had opposed negro voters or had declined to have negroes participate in the con vention. The nations lccmmlttee theh voted la seat the eight Taft delegates from the districts under consideration. A chorus of "noes" came from the Roosevelt sid but Chairman Victor Rosewater ruled th motion carried. Taft Delegates Contestants. The Fifth Mississippi district contest was called next. In the Fifth Mississippi district the Taft delegates were the on testants. The Taft attorneys announced they would rest their case on affidavit and records purporting to show that their delegates were regularly elected. A. P. Hill of Beaton, appeared for the Roosevelt delegates. "The negro voters and many other Roosevelt supporters were deliberately ejected from the con vention which the Taft forces called," he said. "The Roosevelt men thereupsn went across tbe street and held another con vention which was regular in every re spect." During the discussion Mr. Heney bad another Interchange with Chairman Rose water and other members of the commit tee. ' Replying to a criticism of his method of examining one of the contestants, Mr. Heney called across the room to a critic: "I would like to get you on the witness stand." "Mr. Heney will address his remarks to the chair," said Chairman Rosewater. "I am Just trying to protect myself," said Mr. Heney. The two delegates from the Fifth Missis sippi district were seated by the national committee without a roll call, Roosevelt adherents voting "no." A request, for roll call was refused. Senator Borah, aa a substitute, had moved the seating of the Roosevelt delesat ons. Only nine members Joined him in asking for a roll call and the Roosevelt motion was defeated, viva voce. ! Missouri Contests Taken Up. The Missouri contests, taken up next, were filed by the Taft forces and In volved ths four votes of the delegates-at- large and two delegates each from the Flrat, Third, Fifth, Seventh and Four teenth districts, fourteen in all. Governor Hadley's delegation at large numbered eight, selected by the state convention to cast a half vote each at tbe Chicago convention. The Taft dele gation at large, headed by John C. Black, Included four members, the number spe cified by the call for the Chicago con vention. The case of the delegates-at-large opened the fight. Grant Gillespie, attor ney for the contesting Taft delegates, took up the history of the Missouri state convention, at which Governor Hadley's RoOsevcir delegation was selected. The Taft forces, he-ald,r had controlled -the state committee by 18 to 14 and had de elded the contests on ths night before the convention, , .. Police took possession of" ths conven tion hall at sunrise, be said, under orders of state officers and U7 police and an equal numberAf militia were in posses sion of It in the morning of the conven tion day. "It was commonly statlu," he said, "that they were theie to act if the state committee unseated the Roonevelt dele gation from Jackson county." Hartley nnd .Nngel Asiree. A new committee Including Governor Hadley and Secretary Nagel, President Taft's representative, then took up the contents, he said, and an agreement was reached to send four Taft and four Roosevelt men without instructions to cast Missouri's four votes at large, in ' the Chicago convention. This agreement was endorsed by the republican state committee, he said, by a vote of 30 to 2, j and it was expected it would be followed In the state convention. Governor Hadley was made permanent chairman of the state convention. The resolutions then offered, he said, made no reference to Colonel Roosevelt. At this point, declared Mr. Gillespie. Chairman Hadley asked the convention to "indulge" the resolutions committee a tew minutes while it corrected a "mis understanding" in the resolutions. The convention proceeded to elect olght dele gates and their alternates. Chairman Hadley left the chair, said Mr. Gillespie, and went Into the room where the resolutions committee was still working. When the committee fin ally rame in with its report, he said, it was "5 or 6 o'clock In the morning and most of the delegates had gone home." "There were about 200 of the 1,152 dele gates then present," said Mr. Gillespie. "It had been generally understood the convention should proceed peaceably to the end." Endorsement of Roosevelt. The ' redrawn resolutions, explained Gillespie, referred in complimentary terms to Colonel Roosevelt, but did not instruct for him. The resolution to In struct for Roosevelt was offered from the floor, he said, when the majority of the delegates had gone. "There can be no question about the agreements having been made as to the Missouri delegates-at-large," Mr. Gil lespie asserted. Mr. Gillespie ssld the Taft forces held MH uncontested votes and the Roose velt men 46IH. while more than 100 were In contests. This situation, he said, had resulted In the agreement to divide tho delegation. Theodore K. Joslyn, holding a proxy In the committee, asked Mr. Gillespie if th convention itself had authorised ' the alleged agreement to divide the delega tion. "No," said Gillespie. "Was it binding on that conventlbn?' "No, but when tho leaders get togethct and make such an agreement the boy usually carry it out." Mr. Gillespie declared that Governor Hadley had arbitrarily tried to adjourn the convention tT 8 o'clock after the Roosevelt instructions were passed. I Taft Men Meet in Hotel. "We then refused to recognlss such a' tlon and took a recess to meet at tie Planters hotel at 7:J0 a. m.." said Oil lespte. He claimed Governor Hadley had never "put the motion" to adjourn and that fifty or seventy-five of those left in the Orkisa 318-320 ID) South 16 th. 11 St. 5wax;. 4V emoval and Closing Out Sale Continues to be the Principal Topic of Conversation of All the Town The most astounding sale women's strictly high class wearing apparel of modern times is now at high tide, at the Orkin Brothers 16th street store. The scope of the sale takes in everything, from the dependably good to the most luxurious, and the most you can pay in any case is one half the Orkin Brothers fair, regular price. For Friday's selling hundreds of new things will be brought forward and placed on sale for the first time. We advise you to attend this sale Friday -if you can. Bargains are going every hour every daywhen gone are gone for good. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF High Class Tailored Suits IS TO BE CLOSED OUT $95.00 Tailored Suits to Be Closed Out $42.50 $85.00 Tailored Suits to Be Closed Oat $39.50 075.00 Tailored Suits to Be Closed Oat $37.50 $65.00 Tailored Suite to Be Closed Oat $32.50 $50.00 Tailored Suits to Be Closed Out $25.00 $45.00 Tailored Suits to Be Closed Out $22.50 $30.50 Tailored Suits to Be Closed Out $19.75 $35.00 Tailored Suits to Be Closed Out $17.50 $29.50 Tailored Suits to Be Closed Out $14.75 $25.00 Tailored Suits to Be Closed Out $12.50 OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Fine Wool Coats IS TO BE CLOSED OUT $75.00 Fine Wool Coats to Close Out $35.00 $65.00 Fine Wool Coats to Close Out $32.50 $69.50 Fine Wool Coats to Close Out $29.75 $50.00 Flue Wool Coats to Close Out $25.00 $45.00 Fine Wool Coats to Close Out $22.50 $39.50 Fine Wool Coats to Close Out $19.75 $35.00 Fine Wool Coats to Close Out $17.50 $29.25 Fine Wool Coats to Close Out $14.75 $25.00 Fine Wool CoaU to Close Out $12.50 $19.50 Fine Wool Coats to Close Out $ 9.75 OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Evening Gowns, Afternoon and Street Dresses IS TO BE CLOSED OUT $125.00 Gowns to Be Closed Out at. .$59.50 $95.00 Gowns to Be Closed Out at . . .$45.00 $89.50 Gowns to Be Closed Out at . . .$42.50 $85.00 Gowns to Be Closed Out at . . .$39.50 $75.00 Gowns to Be Closed Out at . . .$37.50 $63.00 Gowns to Be Closed Out at . . .$32.50 $50.00 Gowns to Be Closed Out at . . $25.00 .$19.75 .$17.50 .$12.50 .$59.50 .$53.50 .$45.00 .$42.50 .$39.75 $39.50 Gowns to lie Closed Out at $35.00 Gowns to Be Closed Out at $25.00 Gowns to Be Closed Out at $150.00 Evening Gowns, sale price $125.00 Evening Gowns, sale price $95.00 Evening Gowns, sale price. $89.50 Evening Gowns, sal price. $85.00 Evening Gowns, sale price. $79.50 Evening and Afternoon Presses $89.75 $75.00 Evening and Afternoon Dresses $37.50 $69.50 Evening and Afternoon Dresses $33.50 $65.00 Evening and Afternoon Dresses $32.50 $59.50 Evening and Afternoon Dresses $29.75 $50.00 Evening and Afternoon Dresses $25.00 $45.00 Street Dresses now going at. .$22.50 $39.50 Street Dresses now going at. .$19.75 $37,50 Street Dresses now going at. .$18.75 $35.00 Street Dresses now going at. .$17.50 $29.75 Street Presses now going at. .$14.75 $25.00 Street Dresses now going at. .$12.50 $19.50 Street Dresses now going at. ..$9.75 $17.50 Street Dresses now going at... $8.75 $15,00 Street Dresses now going at... $7.50 $12.50 Street Dresses now going at. . .$6.25 hall went to the Planters hotel and there I carried on the convention which elected the contesting Taft delegates. "Have you any proof here," asked 8en ator Borah, "of the terms of this agree ment made by the committee of eight of which Governor Hadley and Secretary Nagel were members?" Mr. Gillespie said he had nothing bu the general understanding of what they had done. "Do you ' contend," asked Governor Stubbs, "that eight men could make an agreement binding 1,100 men?" "No," replied Gillespie. "I contend thai the chairman could not arbltra- tly ad journ the convention." Pressed by Governor Stubbs, Mr. Gillcy pie admitted ths Roosevelt forces had a majority., of the : state convention when the Hadley delegates were elected and that each of the delegates had receive'! a good majority of votes. i"But we claim that there were 123 Roosevelt men in the conventlpn who nari no legal right there," he said, "and who had been seated by the agreement for harmony." "Then it all oomes back to this previous agreement." declared "Governor Stu'jen. "If the delegates were In' honor bound to "support this agreement as to the division of the delegates," asked Mr. Joslyn, "did you violate that agreement when you elected your four new dele gates?" Mr. Gillespie said the Roosevelt forces had first broken the agreement when they Instructed the eight delegates for Roosevelt. The Taft forces then pro ceeded at the Planters hotel, he said, to reconsldpr that election and choose new delegates. Hartley speaks for Defense. Governor Hadley, when he began the defense" of the Roosevelt delegations' right to seats In the national convention, delared Missouri, the "mysterious stran ger" In the list of republican states was entitled to especial consideration from the national committee. Upon your decision ef the Issues here depends whether there shall remain in Missouri a republican party," said Gov ernor Hadley. Governor Hadley declared "paper con tests" had been instituted by the Taft forces, in all effort to control the state convention. He said the state committee had decided all but eight county contests, and that these had been referred to a committee of six with Secretary Nagel and himself aa "advisers." "They importuned us to make some agreement there to divide the state dele gation," continued Governor Hadley. "I declined absolutely to consider any such matter. I told them that the state con ventlon was the only body that could settle any such questions." He declared the subcommittee had ap proved the seating of the contested Kansas City and St. Joseph delegations, not as part of agreement, but becauae the contests, were regarded as "frivolous, "They fully recognised that this would make a 'Rooeevent convention,' " Jie said. "A more complete fabrication has never been presented to you," said Governor Hadley, "than the statement that there waa no official adjournment of that con vention. "This proposition, that there had been no adjournment was never thought of." declared the'governor, "until weeks after wards. President Taft's own managera did not sanction such action. "Where was Charles Nagel, where was Mayor Krelsman. where waa Otto Stelfel? All of thera were silent, or ad vised against this action." Committee Is T'nanlmoas. Representative Bartholdt, hold ng Secre tary Nfcgel's proxy asked Governor Had ley if he knew that a proposition had been made to divide the delegation, "giv ing five to Roosevelt and three to Taft." "No, I do not know of such a propo sition." answered Governor Hadley. 'That was the proposal that came ti us," said Mr. Bartholdt. On the conclusion bt the presentation of the case, the national committee "OJ unanimous vou. and without a roll ca.l, declared the Roosevelt delegates-at-large entitled to seats in the convention. The delegation of eight wat divided, four being given regular recognition and tho other four being named as delegates. Th committee time in debate of Its decision, but awarded the deletate-at- BRANDE1S STORES Special Sales for Saturday One Day Only Your Unrestricted Choice a m Any Woman's Hat $ j IN OUR ENTIRE STOCK I (No matter whether the former price was as low JS as $20 or as high as $40), every hat included. IN OUR MILLINERY DEPT.-SECOND FLOOR EXTRA SPECIAL HUNDREDS of WOMEN'S 24 Q SILK WAISTS New styles, worth up to $5, at vlsUef EXTRA SPECIAL HUNDREDS of WOMEN'S (M A SILK PETTICOATS-Black and colors, worth $5 vlsUtl On Sale Saturday, Brandeis Stores large to Colonel Roosevelt without a roll call. The First Missouri district contest then was taken up, but was delayed, the com mittee taking a recess. Committeeman Mulvane of Kansas an nounced he had been Informed "some compromise might be agreed upon aa to the Flrat, Third, Fifth, Seventh and Four teenth Missouri districts." He secured a ten-minute recess while opposing attor neys consulted. Despite this announcement, however. the hearing on the First district contest proceeded. Henry L. Eads, representing the Tft contestants, spoke first. Ha asserted that at some of the county convention which selected delegates to the district convention at Macon on April s the Taft deiegatea were not recognised, but were supplanted on the credentials commutes by Roosevelt men, who held proxies "not legally obtained." Charles B. Rendlen. who headed tha Roosevelt delegation, argued tha First district case for his side. Bartholdt Announces Compromise. Chairman Rosewater was about to put a motion to seat the Roosevelt delegates In the First district when Mr. Bartholdt asked permission to make a statement. "Before the First Missouri district la acted upon," he said, "I wish to announce that a 'gentlemen's agreement' has been entered into as to ail th Missouri dis trict contests." He then moved that the Roosevelt dele gates in the First and Fifth districts and the Taft delegates in the Third, Seventh and Fourteenth districts be placed on ths temporary roll. Tbe motion was car ried unanimously- Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. A necessity in every household You need not worry any mote about the unsightly, discolored water' closet bowl. Sani-Flush will make it clean and white aa . new without the unpleasantness of the old ineffectual methods. It is easy to useworks like magic no scouring or scrubbing no touch ing the bowl with the hands or dipping out of the water. Sani-Flush is a powdered chem ical compound-- it will not injure the bowl or plumbing like dan gerous acids. Get a can ofSani-Flush and save the tabor and unpleasantness in a necessary household task. 20 cents a can at your grocer's Cleans Water-Closet Bowls Quick Easy Sanitary IKE HYGIENIC PRODUCTS CO.. CANTON. OfTO.