Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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1 1
ft p
Tax Collectors Will be Put to Work
Gathering in Cash.
Fourth of July Celebration Commit
tee Aaked to Donate Lumber
aad Tent (or the Big
GUt of the Council Meeting.
Short session convened at 5 p. m.
Doctor William McCrann claims
damage for injury dona to property
on Twentieth street by the grading.
Tin row, comprising four houses
owned by A. J. Seaman, condemned
by city building inspector. Also five
buildings south of the tin row con
demned. City council passed resolution pro
viding for two tax collectors on a
20 per cent commission. The treas
urer is to furnish the council with
a list of the delinquent tax pay
ers and the council will appoint the
Committee on advertising for the
Fourth of July celebration re
quested to donate lumber, tent tops
and lights for the celebration.
Councilmanic committee visited the
Higgins packing house locality for the
purpose of inspecting the property
now proposed to be vacated in favor
of Higgins & Co.
If City Treasurer John GilUn had hoped
by the appointment of tax collectors to
Increase his efficient organization that
hope went glimmering yesterday after
noon when at a meeting the council
asked the treasurer to furnish the mem
bers of the council with a copy of the
list of the delinquent personal tax payers
so that the list might be placed In the
hands of two collectors to be appointed
by the council at a 20 per cent com
mission. A communication from City
Treasurer Gillin said to have been en
dorsed by County Treasurer W. G. Ure
was read to the city council in support
of Gillin's petition for a collector. The
councilmanic body, while admitting, as
did everyone else, the possible benefit to
be realized by the hiring of a personal
tax collector, took occasion to state
specifically that the treasurer was to
furnish the tax list to the council and not
to the collectors who may be appointed.
The appointments are to be made by the
council, which will probably authorize
the mayor to make the appointments.
The name of E. E. E. Ridgeway, a for
mer personal tax collector, was sug
gested for the place.
In a meeting of the committee the
councilmen balked at the recurrent ex
penses of the automobiles and wagons
belonging to the city. Councilman Jack
Walters asked that the city engineer
be Instructed to draft plans for a new
barn sufficient to house two auto
mobiles and the patrol wagon, together
with the team belonging to the patrol.
The building Is to be built between the
city hall and the police station. . It
Is expected that the engineer will prob
ably have the , plans complete for the
next meeting, when bids will be called
The council being fatigued after a day's
sitting as a board of equalization and re
view, hurriedly disposed of routine busi
ness and adjourned until tomorrow, when
the members, will again sit as a board
of review. ,
," Theater In Combine.
Following the consummation of the dea'
whereby the theatrical firm of Amos &
Son Is to' occupy the new theater build
ing at Twenty-fourth and M streets, it
was stated by a prominent real estats
man that the deal was but the first step
looking to a consolidation of all the
email theaters of the city under one
management. As the report went, the
consolidation would take in five picture
shows, which it was said would be re
duced to 5-cent houses after the open
ing of the new Orpheum theater at
Twenty-fourth and M streets.
Late yesterday evening it was said that
there was a deal on looking to the sale
of the Besse theater now run by Amos
& Son, who will take on the big show
house at Twenty-fourth and M streets.
Neither the alleged consolidation nor the
sale of the Besse was confirmed.
Magic City Briefs.
For rent, two rooms, furnished for
light housekeeping. 622 North Twenty-second
Fred Moore, foreman of the storeroom
at the Armour plant has gone visit
his uncle in the Philippine Islands. He
expects to be away for about one year.
Miss Rose Kelley will be married this
morning to Raymond Abbott of Omaha.
The Eastern Star Kvslngton club will
be entertained Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. C. L. Talbot, 722 North
Twenty-second street.
The Lefler Aid society will serve a
strawberry shortcake supper on Thurs
day, June 13, from 8 to 7:30 p. m. at the
The Best Oil for All
Makes of Motors
Free from Carbon
Are You Using
on Your Car?
Our booklet, "Polarine Point
ers," tells all about the Polailne
Brand of automobile lubricants
and contains many useful hints
on the care of a car. Free, voai
paid. Address any agency.
Standard Oil Company
Omit a
Good Roads Boosters at Kansas City
-Photo by Ralph Baird. K. C.
H. E. Fredrickson, Chairman Country Roads Committe: J. Ed. George, Omaha Motor Auto Club; R. V. Hamilton, Capi
talist and Good Roads Enthusiast; T. H. Pollock, Plattsmouth, Neb.. Good Roads Enthusiast; J. A. bunderlami. Chairman
Good Roads Committee; Ward C. Glfford, Assistant Commissioner Commercial club. .
Presbyterian church, Twenty-tuira and J
The Ladies' Aid society of St. Luke's
Lutheran church will meet at the home
of Mrs. a. H. Yerian, 1414 North Twenty
fifth street, on Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. George Harding. 916 North Twenty-
seventh street, will entertain the i.en
sington of South Omaha Woodmen Cir
cle Grove No. 39 Wednesday afternoon.
A meeting of the Fourth of July Booster
club will take place Friday afternoon at
i o'clock at the city hall in order to ar
range lor the entertainment of the chil
dren on the Fourth of July. All the
teachers of the city are invited to attend
the meeting.
Mary Armstrong, aged 30 years, died
Monday night at her late residence.
Twenty-ninth and T streets. The funeral
win be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock
from the late residence of the deceased
to Laurel Hill cemetery. Rv. Quarles
Abundant Reasons "It's worth the
money," was the remark a stock yards'
man made when he slipped into an H
S. & M. suit at Flynn's, and If you say it
Mi'. Keaaer you woum sa bo too. lou
can say the same thing about a lot of
things at Flynn's. There's not a house
In America that tries harder or succeeds
oftener to give you the big value. There
are abundant reasons why we can and do
do it, but we cannot do any good to
tne man tnat won t look.
Texas Man Bobbed
in Bluffs; Assailant
Taken on Omaha Car
Claude St. Clair of San Antonio, Tex.,
enroute from Fort Worth, Tex., to Mc
intosh, S, D., with a shipment of cattle
for D. B. Zimmerson of Fort Worth, was
slugged and robbed in the Council Bluffs
Milwaukee railroad yards shortly before
6 o'clock last evening by a man who
scraped an acquaintance with him. He
was knocked senseless by a blow from a
blackjack and all. of the money he had
in his possession; K5, was taken by his
assailant, who Immediately fled.
Detective Burke of the Milwaukee road
had seen the two men together and was
able to give a good description. A rail
way call boy was found who had followed
the thug until he saw him get aboard an
Omaha car.- The boy gave the Bluffs
officers the number of the car, and thea,
together with a. description of the holdup,
was telephoned to the Omaha police. De
tectives Lahey and Van Dusen met the
car and easily picked out their man, who
was Identified.
The man gave his name as James Fran
cis Donahue, but refused to return to
Council Bluffs without a requisition. St
Clair was not badly hurt.
Man Struck by Auto,
Suffers Broken Arm
While running to catch a street car at
Fourteenth and Harney streets at 11-30
o'clock last night, William Garhan, a
cattle salesman of David City, was struck
by an' automobile driven by Clyde Attor
ning, 2418 Indiana avenue. Garhan sus
tained a broken arm and minor lacera
tions and was taken to the St. Joseph's
hospital .where Drs. T. T. Harris and
L. W. Ellwood attended him.
Patrolman Carney arrested Aldernlng
soon after the accident, but he gained
his release a few hours later on bond.
Garhan is employed by the Bryan Clow
Commission company of South Omaha.
MUSCATINE, la., June 12,-Echoes of
the strike of the button workers were
heard at the opening session of the
Iowa State Federation of Labor conven
tion today, when the addresses of wel
come were delivered by those who were
prominent In the protracted struggle.
Governor B. F. Carroll was termed a
coward by Emmet Flood of Chicago,
national organizer of the American
Federation of Labor, because of his fail
ure to defend the provisions of the work
ers' agreement; the courts were assailed
and the local police authorities scored for
their antagonism.
Mayor Koehler, who welcomed the dele
gates, was also scored by Mr. Flood.
A complete revision of the labor laws
of Iowa will be asked of the state legis
lature, if the convention follows Presi
dent A. L. Urlck's recommendations.
Other legislation recommended In his an
nual reports includes a force of in
spectors for the state labor bureau and
provisions for protection against occu
pational disease. There Is a great deal
jof politics in evidence at the convention.
ine socialists louay vunuiiueu u?ir ac
tivities' and their anti-administration
campaign plans. Conservatives and trade
unionists opposed to the socialist move
ment are, however, all behind President
Urick and his associates.
DES MOINES. June 13 (Special.) Gen-
ieral F. A. Smith of the Department tf
i the Missouri will have personal charge of
! the annual state encampment of the Iowa
National Guard to be held In August at
! Iowa Falls. There will be present the
Sixth cavalry, United States army, and
all four of the Iowa, regiments of the
guard, and one of the largest encamp
ments ever held will be the result.
Army Lieutenant and Employe of
Wright Company Killed.
Body of Army Officer Thrown
Twenty Feet from Wrecked Ma
chine After Fall of Seventy
Five Feet.
WASHINGTON, June 13.-Another fear
ful toll was taken by aviation tonight
when the mutilated bodies of Lieutenant
Leighton W. Hazlehurst, Jr., Seventeenth
infantry, United States army, and Alfred
L. Welch, a professional aviator in the
employ of the Wright brothers, were
hauled from under the debris of a col
lapsed aeroplane. The accident occurred
while they were attempting to make the
tests required by the government in a
machine contracted for by the War de
partment. Although an army board was appointed
immediately to determine the cause of the
accident, it is probable the real cause of
the machine's failure never will be known.
The crash came so suddenly and unex
pectedly that the two met their death
without being able to make a single move
to arrest their fall. Seven army flyers
were among the score of spectators, but
they cannot explain the accident.
Falls on Final Test.
It was shortly after 6 o'clock that the
Wright machine was run out in front of
the long line of hangars. For several
days Aviator Welch, whose home is in
this city, had been busy demonstrating
the aeroplane. AH of the War depart
ment's requirements had been met except
a climb of 2,000 feet within ten minutes
carrying a load of 460 pounds. Welch
knew the machine was capable of meet
ing the test, for it had been accomplished
at Dayton, O., by Orville Wright before
it was taken to College park and he had
been made impatient by several failures.
"I'm going to make that climb tonight
or know the reason why," he said as he
began to tune up. "I am tired of fool
ing," he added.
A few minutes later he announced tha
he was ready. Lieutenant Hazlehurst fol
lowed Welch Into the mahclne, taking the
passenger's seat. The aeroplane move!
off steadily and flew the length of the
field, rising 200 feet. As It was turned
toward the group of army officers be
fore the hangars Welch dipped sharply
to indicate to the official timer that he
was ready for the stiff test climb.
The dip carried the machine to within
about seventy-five feet of the ground and
it then straightened out sharply too
quickly, the observing army flyers
thought. Without warning the aluminum
wings crumpled or collapsed upward, so
that they almost met above the engine.
The machine dropped, then turned its
nose toward the earth and dived.
The accident occurred about 1,000 feet
from the , hangars, and when the first
witness reached the wreck it was seon
that both of the men were dead. WeJch
was burled In the debris, but the body
of Hazlehurst had been catapulted fully
twenty feet away after the machine
struck. Welch's clothes were practical'y
all torn from his body, which was
bruised and battered. Hazlehurst's skul!
was fractured and his head greatly dis
figured. Captain Charles Def Chandler, com
manding the army aviation corps, at one
convened a board of inquiry, consisting
of seven army officers who had been wit
nesses to the catastrophe.
Iowa S'fwi Notes.
FORT DODGE Jacob Oleson, a hermit,
was so excited last night when three
neighboring men invaded his solitude and
paid him a visit, that he expired within
a few minutes. Hurrying to another room
to get a light, the hermit, who was 68
years old, dropped heavily to the floor.
The men hurried to see what was the
matter and found him dead.
FORT DODGE-While returning from
mass Sunday, morning. Mrs. James Tracy
of Barnum, aged 74, because suddenly 111,
found her way into the home of a friend,
and instantly expired. Heart trouble Is
assigned as the cause of death. She was
the mother of thirteen children, ten of
whom grew to maturity. Her husband
was a pioneer farmer in Webster county.
C LA RINDA James A. Wolf aged 37
year3 died Sunday morning in the state
asylum at Clarinda. He was the son of
a one time prominent Grant township
farmer of Union county. His mother and
one brother live in MoCook, Neb. The
body was brought here last night for
burial and interment will take place to
day at Harmony cemetery In Grant
CRE3TON At a recent meeting of the
Stockholders of the Creston, Winterset
and Des Moines proposed lnterurban rail
way a decision was reached that a hold
ing or bond company would be formed
among the stockholders themselves to
underwrite the bonds needed for com
pleting the fund to build the road from
her to Macksburg. The management
stated they had been unable to find pur
chasers for the bonds without giving
such a large stock bonus It was feared
the local control of the road would be
Imperiled and the company decided to
write their own bonds. As the bonds will
represent only about one-half the ocst
of the property It is thought the securily
wlll be ample. The management stated
that about one-half the required sum for
the building of the road from here to
Macksburg had been subscribed and It la
now believed an impetus has been given
the movement that will put It a long
ways ahead and see the actual work
soon started.
Norris Measure Strengthened
Make it Constitutional.
Testimony of Oourtland Smith of
American Press Association
Taken Bearing I'pon Subject
of Cutting Rates.
(From a Itaff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. D. C. June .-(Special
Telegram.) The Norris bill regard
ing the Union Pacific right-of-way was
favorably reported today by Senator
Cummins. While striking all out after
the enacting clause, and inserting an en
tirely new bill, the provisions are in ef
fect much the same as thoBO which
passed the house.
A new section was inserted further to
strengthen the validation of the title
held by private owners along the right-of-way.
It provides that "any portion
of the right-of-way which has been un
der the law applicable to that subject,
abandoned as a right-of-way, is hereby
granted to the owner of the land abut,
ting thereon."
The new bill was draftee, to meet pos
sible objections on the ground oil con
stutlonallty and specifically validates the
title to private owners to the land in
dispute, whether they hold by deed' or
other conveyance, by the law of adverse
possession as defined by the laws of the
state in which the land Is situated or by
abandonment as a right-of-way by the
H. H. Fish, secretary of tha Western
Newspaper Union and General John C.
Cowin of Omaha, counsel for George A.
Joslyn, president of the company, ap
peared before a subcommittee of the
Judiciary committee of the house today
to answer to the charge made against
the Western Newspaper Union In Con
gresman Taggart's resolution that said
newspaper union was a combination in
restraint of trade.
Courtland Smith, president of the
American Press association, was the
principal witness heard today, General
Cowin asking a few questions of the wit
ness to get the record straight. The ex
amination was listless, nothing or a sen
sational character developing from Mr.
Smith's testimony, although his associa
tion brought the Western Newspaper
Union to the attention of the Depart
ment of Justice, according to those. In
terested in the Omaha concern, on the
ground that it was cutting rates.
After the testimony of Mr. Smith the
subcommittee adjourned without fixing
a time for the 'hearing of Mr. Fish, and
the chairman of the subcommittee.
Representative Carlin of Virginia,
frankly stated that he had little idea
when the hearings would be resumed as
many of the members wanted to drop the
matter altogether. It will be at least
two weeks before the name of the West
ern Newspaper Union is heard In the
Judiciary committee for they have the
Archbald Investigation In hand.
As Your
Boston Garter
is the ONLY garter with
rubber button clasp
that will not injure
the sheerest hose.
Lisle 25c Silk SOc
Georce Frost Co, Malr.r., Boiton.
1 Nme 1
Demonstration to Occur Friday Aft
ernoon at Theater.
One Thousand or More loirnns Will
lf llronattt to IhW-nso Saturday
Mfcht to Help Cummin'
CHICAGO. June ll.-Roosevelfs leaders
tonight announced details of a mass
meeting for Friday afternoon which will
be staged at Chicago's largest theater a
a spectacular preliminary to the opening
of the republican national convention
next Tuesday.
Congressman William Kent of Califor
nia, who mode the announcement of the
proposed demonstration said that the
principal address at the meeting would
be delivered to Judge Ren B. LInd?ay of
Denver, and Attorney Francis J. Heney
of San Francisco. It Is probable that
Governor Johnson of California and Gov
ernor Stubbs of Kansas also will speak.
Developmtnts todny Indicated that the
fight between the Taft and Rooseevlt
forces In the sessions of the national
convention for contested seats was al
most equalled by the "gum shoe" cam
paign being made for delegates listed in
the unlnstructed column. Both sides. It
was learned, had decided to attempt to
get a possible balance of power through
this source. Although many of the unln
structed delegates already have been
pledged by state leaders either to Taft
or Roosevelt, other campaign managers
privately have expressed ability to secure
fifty Qf more for their candidates. In
case the decisions by the national com
mutes In the contest cases send Presi
dent Taft and Colonel Roosevelt Into the
convention on practically an even basis,
the unlnstructed men may determine the
final outcome of the fight, It is argued.
R. R. McCormlck of Chicago today
was named by William Fllnn of Pitts
burgh as the chairman of the committee
which will meet and direct the activities
of Roosevelt delegates before and during
the national convention. Mr. McCormlck
will name his own list of assistants, who
will number about 100.
Cummins Forces Bnty.
While the work of the Roosevelt and
Taft leaders held the foreground during
the day. the Cummins and La Follette
men were busy with plans for furthering
the candidacies of the Iowa senator and
the' Wisconsin senator.
John McVicar of Dea Moines and
former State Senator F. L. Maytag of
Iowa said that a large Cummins demon
stration would be held in Chicago on
Saturday night. It Is planned to bring
a delegation of 1,000 or more lowans Into
Chicago from Des Moines aboard special
trains on that day. United States Sena
tor W. S. Kenyon, who went to Wash
ington today, will return to Chicago In
time to preside at the Cummins iyas
Walter L. Houser, Senator La Toi
lette's campaign manager, said that a
large delegation of Wisconsin men would
arrive in Chicago on Monday.
Barnes Will Not Compromise.
A murmur of gossip suggesting a pos
sible compromise candidate, which swept
through the hotel lobbies today and to
night, drew forth a vigorous statement
from William Barnes, Jr., of New Tork.
Mr. Barnes gave out the following com
ment, on behalf of the Taft delegates:
"There has been talk, and some news
paper publication, this evening, regard
ing a compromise candidate for presi
ur Orea
"In my many years' experience as a Piano buyer,
I have never seen or heard of so many high grade
standard musical instruments, of so uniformly high
qualities, offered at such a low price. I have examined
each one of the instruments and for beauty, workman
ship and tone qualities they are the peer of any instru
ment sold."
e Paid
For the Pianos, the Piano Players, the Player Pianos, and the Electric Pianos,
that we are offering in this sale and as is the custom with us, we always pass on to
our friends and customers as great a bargain as we receive ourselves. This means
that every instrument offered in this sale will be sold at a price of 50 less than the
usual retailer's price.
Saturday Will Bo Piano Buyers' Day
You will be able Saturday to purchase a Piano from us and in the purchase will
save actually save from $125.00 to $300.00, depending upon the character of the
instrument purchased.
Remember the day, SATURDAY. Remember the place, HAYDEN BROS.
Remember that the greatest Piano bargain ever presented to any Piano buyer will
be found here Saturday.
Watch Friday evening papers for description and prices.
dent. This rroposal Is purely a ruse oi
the part of tha Roosevelt forces, ' who
realize that they will be defeated in the
convention and are now endeavoring to
break up the Taft alignment by talking
"Mr. Roosevelt said, and In this I
agree with him. 'the compromise candi
date will be me.' That the Roosevelt
men themselves are talking compromise
tonight is positive evtduice of the lofj
of their cause, and of their hope of cre
ating dissension In the ranks of Presi
dent Taft, th rough appealing to the very
natural instinct on the part of any repub
lican to avert a sharp division of forces.
But the purpose is perfectly clear to the
delegates here assembled.
"My only object In making this state
ment is that it may be given such cur
rency that it will also be clear to the
publicans throughout the country."
Mr. Barnes was emphatic in his declara
Hon that there would be no compromise.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road to
Hi 4; Returns.
Walter Johnson, a negro, was arrested
st 1 o'clock this morning by Officers
Lahey and Fahey while he was attempt
ing to enter the J. C. Klauek saloon st
Twenty-fourth and Sprague streets. The
burglar gained ectranc to the satooa by
sm&shlns a side window snd clttnbicg in
with tho aid cf a plank. Hs ma seen
b aeUhbors. who called the police.
It takes a cool body to make a cool head. In the office, shop,
factory or on the street j any place, anywhere, comfort and
coolness can be had in Loose Fitting B. V. D. Underwear.
Thk Rid
o t rw
Undcrihirti and
Knee Length
Drawers. 50c,75c,
$1.00 snd $1.50
m garment.
i, .MMrf on eiy B.
'Tsis no undergarment without this
;V The B. V.
a Very Low Price
Calling of Loans of
Central Banks in 1907
Admitted a Mistake
NEW YORK, June 12. The action of
the clearing house In calling the loan
certificates nf the Central bank during
the aftermath of the panic of 1907, as a
sequence of which the bank failed, was
admitted today by A. Barton Hepburn
to have been a mistake. Mr. Hepburn
was chairman of the clearing house
committee at the time.
Mr, Hepburn, together with Frank A.
Vsnderlip, president of the National City
bank, came as a voluntary witness to- .
day before the committee which is In
vestigating the money trust. During his
examination Mr. Hepburn also conceded
that it "may be true" that a few meti
in New York practically dominate the
money situation in this country and
throughout the world.
Mr. Hepburn after testifying that In
effect he had promised the Oriental's
directors that the Clearing house would
stand by the Institution "until the last
ditch" said that If he had been In New '
York at the time the certificates of this
and the Morse Institutions were called
"he did not think" the banks would
have failed.
The witness said the failure of con
gress to enact adequate monetary legis
lation was the reason why clearing
houses were obliged to extend their ac
tivities beyond their legitimate functions.
Wmwi LaUt
B. V. D. Union
MUtSlFt.-3U-U7) fi
$L00 and $5.00
V. D. UndwgarmmitL
D. Company
a suit. fWY'