Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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Registration Act Subject of Lawsuit
in Howard County.
Lindsay Receives Appoint
ment aa Assistant Secretary
of Republican National
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, June .-(Specials-Deputy
Attorney General Ayers returned
from St. Paul this morning, where he
appeared for the state in a case wherein
Frank lams, importer and breeder of
horses, obtained an injunction preventing
the state board of stallion inspectors
from inspecting his horses. Mr. lams
claims that the law passed by the last
legislature creating the board of stallion
inspectors is unconstitutional. John L.
Webster of Omaha, W. H. Thompson of
Grand Island and T. J. Doyle of Lincoln
appeared for Mr. lams. The court with
held its opinion until later.
Governor Aldrich and Food Commis
sioner Hansen went to eBatrice today
to address the state meeting of phar
macists, which is holding its session
Treasurer George is attending a meet
ing of the bankers for the fifth group,
which is being held in Central City today.
More Men in Broom Factory.
While not all the men called for in
the contract with the Lee Broom com
pany are at work there are less men idle
in the cells than at any time since the
outbreak. This is caused mostly by the
fact that work of different kinds has
been found for them elsewhere. A large
number are employed in the garden and
fari' work, some at the insane hospital
and this leaves practically few idle.
Work on the new well which has been
under advisement by the board of public
lands and buildings for the last two
weeks was started this morning. The
V work is being done by convicts. A new
Ifloor is being laid also in the ctjV
Y factory. "
Protest Phone Raises.
The railway commission is being flooded
with letters and protests covering the
merger of the Independent and Bell tele
phone companies regarding the raise In
rates in some localities. In Johnson
county the patrons of the company will
protest against a raise In rates from
2o cents to $1 a month. Rev. W. I. Doole
of Adams and J. E. Burns of the Farm
ers Elevator company of the same town
called this morning at the office of the
railway commission to gain what Infor
mation they could in the matter. While
the town of Adams is . in Gage county
it Is connected with the Johnson county
system and meetings have been held for
the purpose of sending in protests to the
Lindsay to Chicago.
More glory for Harry Lindsay, clerk of
the supreme court. He has Just received
notice that he has been appointed as
sistant secretary of the national repub
lican convention at Chicago. Harry
would like to furnish every man In
Nebraska a ticket into the Inner pre
cincts of the convention, but in order
that he hay not have tct. make embarrass
ing refusals, he started for Chicago
this evening before his friends discov
ered his appointment.
Supreme Court Opinions.
The following opinions were filed in
Supreme court: '
City Savings Bank against Thompson.
Reversed with instructions at costs of
defendant. Rose, J.; Barnes, J., concur separately; Sedgwick, J., dissenting;
Heese, C. J., and Hamer, J., concurring
in dissent.
Hill against Chamberlain. Affirmed.
Barnes, J.
68 Burroughs
The Westinghouse Elec
tric & Mfg. Co. has all
the facilities in the world
for testing the merits of
every kind of machine.
It means something for
them to standardize on the
They use the Burroughs
in six different sizes, and
In a dozen different styles.
The Burroughs long line in
cludes adding and . listing
machines, listing and non
1 1 8 1 1 n g calculating ma
chines, visible-printing ma
chines 86 different models
in 492 combinations of fea
tures $160 to $950, with
easy payments If desired.
Can you afford to ignore
the experience of many big
concerns like the Westing
house? Let us show you a
machine that will fit your .
figure work like a tailored
suit. No obligation or cost.
Burrought Adding Machine Co.
H. W. 8PALDINO. Sales XaaW,
0 South 13th Stmt,
OMAHA. - . - - - NIB.
TeL Douglas 7291.
Dr. C. S. Shepard, 1018-10 Omaha
.National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Xeb.
Nose, Throat and Ear Diseases;
Affections of the Langs and Diges
tive Organs; also other chronlo
(seated) ailments repairing a Sys
tematic Coarse of treatment. Elec
tricity employed in suitable cases.
Moderate fees. Established in 1891.
Out-of-town residents invited to write
for information.
Office sours: 10 to 4; Sundays, 13
to 1; Tuesday and Friday Evening's,
7 to 8.
Dassler against Rowe. Affirmed. Rose, J.
Fullerton against Fullerton. Affirmed.
Sedgwick J.
Dhooge' against. C. R. I. & P. R. Co.
Affirmed. Barnes, J.
Davles against Davies. Affirmed. Reese,
C. J.
Caulk against Caulk. Reversed as to
permanent allowance; otherwise affirmed.
Rose, J.
Farmers' Bank of Lyons against Dixon,
Affirmed. Sedgwick. J.
Village of Kenesaw against C. B. &
Q. R Co. Affirmed. Sedgwick, J.
McShane against Cannon and McCreary
against Furay. Reversed and remanded
with directions. Sedgwick, J.; Fawcett
and Barnes, J. J., dissenting; Reese, C. J ,
concurring in dissent
Advance Thresher Company against
Kendrlek. Affirmed. Fawcett, J.
Zitnik against Union sPacifie Railroad
Company. Reversed and remanded. Sedg
wick, J.; Reese, C. J., dissenting sep
arately; Fawcett, J., concurs in dissent.
Burdick against Kaelin. Reversed with
instructions to commit custody of child
to Mrs. Kaelin. Rose, J.
Phillips against Chicago & Northwestern
Railroad company. Affirmed. Barnes, J.
Rose, J., dissenting.
Boling against State. Reversed and re
manded. Reese, C. J.
First National Bank of Omaha against
Cooper. Affirmed. Letton. J.
Williams against State. Affirmed.
Reese, C. J. .
Following are rulings on motions for
Sibert against Bostick. Overruled.
First National Bank of Superior
against Bradshaw. Overruled.
State ex rel., Thompson against Dona
hue. Overruled.
Amend against Lincoln & Northwest
ern Railroad company. Overruled.
The following were admitted to prac
tice of law on recommendation o fthe
bar commission:
Earl Loren Powell, B. E. Wil.iams,
Ernest L. Kretsinger. Earle Root Stiles,
Fred B. Cherniss, Thomas R. Gahan,
Ernest A. Conaway, William G. John
son, Walter L. Pope, Walter C. Davis,
Carl T. Self and John C. Barrttt.
Four Prominent Otoe
County People Dead
NEBRASKA CITT, Neb., June 12.-
(Special.)-Henry Burmelster, aged 71
years, died at his home in this city yes
terday after a brief Illness. He was
born In Germany and came to this city at
the close of the civil war and has since
made It his home. He was married In
1S71 in this city and is survived by his
widow and a daughter. His funeral will
be held Thursday morning from the
Lutheran church.
Word has been received in this city of
the death of Charles Driscoll at Pitts
burgh, Pa., Where he was sick but a
short time. He was born and reared in
this city and made this his home until
a short time since. He is survived by
his mother and wife.
Mrs. Pauline Kuwitzky, aged 78 years,
died at her home near Paul Sunday night
and the funeral was held yesterday from
the St. Benedict Catholic church. She
was married in 1853 and was the mother
of twelve children of whom three sur
vive, Julius of . Paul, Pauline of Okla
homa, and Matilda of this city. Her hus
band died about eight years ago and
since she has been making her home
with her daughter.
Word was received in this city last
evening of the death of Dr. Esrael Bed
ell, for many years one of the leading
physicians of this city. He died at the
Wardwell, West Virginia, where he had
gone for his health. Dr. Bedell was
was born in Niagara county, New York,
and was a veteran surgeon of the civil
war and was with a New York regiment-
He was a prominent member of
William Baumer Post, Grand Army of
the Republic of this city. He is sur
vived by his widow, daughter and son.
The remains will be taken to Vernon, O.,
for interment.
Word was received last evening by
Mrs. H. G. Leigh of the death of her
brother, F. J. Toland, a Ludlngton,
Mich., where he had gone for his health.
He was one of the greatest promoters
of business colleges in the west and for
years owned a string of them throughout
the middle west. He was a resident of
this city for many years and conducted
a business college here.
ST. PAUL, Neb.. June 12.-(Speclal.)-County
Assessor Holmes and his fnrc of
deputies have completed the appraisement
or both the real and personal property
in Howard county. The total nrtimi
valuation of all property in the county
is . J1,73&,335, which Is divided as follows:
Real estate. 114,166.525: Personal nrnnertv
$4,036,605; railroads. $3,535,205. This Is an
increase of about $2,500,000 over the valua
tion last year. A large rer cent nf tMa
Increase Is due to the fact that real es-
tate was reassessed this year. Real es
tate values in Howard countv hnv in.
creased considerable In the last few years.
CENTRAL CITY. Neb., June 12.-(Special.)-The
proposition to issue $55,000
bonds for the erection of a new high
school building and a new primary grade
school was defeated at a special election
here Monday, 222 to 249. The school board
met last night and canvassed the situa
tion, some favoring calling another elec
tion, the claim being that on a more
complete explanation of the proposition
the bonds would carry. However, it was
decided to let the matter rest for the
present ,
News Notes of Oxford.
' OXFORD, Neb., June 12.-(Speclal.)-Miss
Christine Thompson of Trenton and
Bartley Haffey, a prominent young
farmer residing near here, were married
early yesterday In the Catholic church
by Father T. L. Kelly of Cambridge.
The big rain of last Saturday has made
a big. change In the appearance of the
country. Wheat fields that before
seemed to be almost dead are revived
and farmers say many of them will
make a good crop of wheat with any
kind of seasonable weather from now
until harvest. Dry weather, cut wnrmo
and poor seed have combined to make a
poor stand of corn, which is ten days to
two weeks late. The first cutting of
alfalfa is mostly in the stack and was a
fair average crop.
Cedar County Resists Printing Bill.
HARTINGTON. Neb., June 12,-fSpe-cial.)-George
W. Kelly of the Cedar
County News has brought suit against
the Board of County Commissioners nf
Cedar county to collect the full amount
or a Din lor Job printing and supplies
which he recently submitted. The board
allowed half of the bill. The contract to
supply the county with Job printing and
supplies was let to-the Coleridge BIart
In January and the board holds that the
jews nas no legal right to do county
printing or to collect for it.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
Clerk to Chief of Postal Service
Talks at Convention.
Senator Bnrkett, ia Address, Favors
Parcels Post Postmaster Whar
ton of Omaha Declares for
the Square Deal.
(From a tSaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, June 12.-(Speclal.)-The
second day's session of the Nebraska
postmasters' convention began with
greetings from Postmaster General
Hitchcock, presented by George G.
Thomson, his chief clerk, and was In
teresting from every standpoint. He first
gave a history of the Postoffice depart
ent from Its organization in 17S9. In
that year there were seventy-five post
offices in the United States, the aggre
gate revenue of which amounted to $37,
929, which would pay for about one-fifth
of the wrapping twine now used in the
In 1812 New York employed two clerks
In the postoffice; today there are 8.0C0.
Chicago, the second largest office in the
country, was not established until 1831.
Now it has 6,000 clerks and a revenue of
more than $20,000,000. In 1817 Boston had
two clerks in the postoffice.
On appropriations the postmaster says:
"The appropriations made by congress
for maintaining the postal service during
the current fiscal year aggregate approx
imately $268,000,000, but it should be made
clear that this sum is not wholly a
charge against the general revenues of
government derived from customs, inter
nal revenue and other miscellaneous re
ceipts, but against its own revenues so
far a sthey are sufficient. So, when your
paper refers to the enormous budget of
the United States and its "billion dollar
congress" you should be informed of the
fact that approximately one-fourth of
this $1,000,000,000 is for the conduct of a
service which is now self-supporting."
Work from Ex-Members.
President Ed R. Slzer spoke of the
gratification it gave him to see post
masters who had been former members
of the association still continue to keep
up their membership, notwithstanding
that they were not representatives of the
government at this time. He called for
Carl Kramer of Columbus, who was pres
ent, and introduced him as one of the ex
postmasters who always attended the
conventions. Mr. Kramer spoke a few
moment and expressed his pleasure at
being with the- association.
George W. Schreck of York addressed
the convention on "The Registry Sys
tem," and a discussion was indulged in
by about half a dozen postmasters.
Former Senator Burkett, who had been
prevented from being present on account
of law business, who was on the program
for the early morning, coming into the
hall was called for by the president and
responded with a talk on ."The Postal
Service." The senator said that while
the convention and the postmasters were
supposed to keep as far away from poll
tics as possible, the fact remained that
not one of them would have been ap
pointed were It not that they were live
wires In the politics of their community.
The man who was alive to things in his
town was the man who usually made4he
best postmaster. He favored the parcels
post Just as he had favored the rural free
delivery and the postal banks. Both
had met fierce opposition at first, but
they were established and both have
proven a success and business interests
of the country were not materially af
fected by them. The parcels post would
turn out the same way. He did not
favor the government taking hold of a
business that could generally be handled
successfully by the individual, but the
express companies had not been a suc
cess in handling express matter.. He
cited instances where it had taken him
nine days to get express packages from
Lincoln to Washington and nobody
seemed to know after the package was
delivered to the company In Lincoln
where It was until It showed up in Wash
ington. A registered package mailed In
Lincoln would reach Washington In much
less than half the time and there w
a chance to locate It anywhere along the
Wharton for Square Deal.
Postmaster Wharton was noticed In
the meeting by President Slzer and was
called on as the newest acquisition to
the ranks In Nebraska. Mr. Wharton
addressed the meeting for about five min
utes and said he believed In giving every
body a "square deal."
The afternoon cession opened with
music by the Misses Lillian and Esther
Clnberg of Lincoln and a reading by Miss
Emma Wittman of Lincoln.
P. V. McGraw, fourth asslsetant post
master general addressed the meeting at
considerable length and was followed by
George J. Kleffner of Omaha.
A paper by M. A. Brown of Kearney
on "Pay for Substitute Clerks and Em
ployes," closed the afternoon busfi,ess
program and a trip by trolly to the
state farm followed.
A reception In the evening at the gov
ernor's mansion closed the second day's
The principal addresses tomorrow will
be by Joe P. Johnston, inspector in
rharge. Kansas City, and by Dr. Murray
S. Wildman of the Chicago Northwest
ern untverslty.
IMPERIAL, Neb., June 12.-(Speclal.)-Crop
conditions in Chase county are ideal,
with the exception that cutworms did
considerable damage to the early planted
corn, which is now replanted and Is com
ing up nicely. At no time this spring
have crops here suffered from a lack of
moisture in the soil. Heavy winds and
cold weather retarded their growth ear'y
in the season, but late heavy rains have
placed all spring grains In a normal con
dition. Pasture is especially good for this
season of the year. The first cutting of
alfalfa is being harvested and the yield
is satisfactory.
Fire In Picture Theater.
NEBRASKA CITY, June 12.-(Speclal.)
Last evening Just as the last perform
ance was closing at the Empire theater
the films on the moving picture machine
caught fire and were consumed, There
were not many people in the house and
consequently no panic ensued. The op
erator stepped out of the steel-lined room
and permitted the fire to burn Itself out
without doing any other damage. The
loss to the proprietors of the theater was
$150 for the films. This Is the first acci
dent of this kind that has occurred in
this city.
Druggists Begin
State Convention
BEATRICE, Neb.. June 12.-(Special.)-The
thirty-third annual convention of
the Nebraska Pharmaceutical associa
tion opened last evening with a reception
in the Commercial club rooms for the
visiting delegates.
On behalf of Mayor J. W. Mayer, A. H.
Kidd welcomed the visitors, extending to
them the freedom of the city and wish
ing them a profitable and enjoyable ses
sion. Charles Sherman of Omaha re
sponded on behalf of the druggists. Dur
ing the evening the club rooms of the
Elks and Eagles were thrown open to the
delegates. The business sessions opened
today and will last until Thursday even
ing. The state pharmaceutical board yes
terday began examinations of the ap
plicants who desire to become registered
pharmacists. There are twenty-one ap
plicants. The members of the board here
are Frank Koss, Fremont; Herbert Lock,
Central City; D. J. Klllen, Beatrice; J.
E. Harper, Clear Water; William McCon
nell, MoCook.
NEBRASKA CITY, June 12.-(Speclnl.)
Some two weeks ago Chris 'hltmeler,
aged 74, disappeared from his home near
Lorton. He was In the habit of going
away and remaining several weeks and
then returning at will, so no search was
made until a few days ago, when he was
traced to this city and here all trace of
him was lost. Some days since a body
was found floating In the river near Porn
and after an Inquest was held the body
wag properly burled. A few days after
ward the daughter, who resides at Vesta,
heard of the find and after examining th
clothing worn by the floater pronounced
them as those of her father. From what
Information that can be gathered now It
seems the aged man Jumped Into thi
river here and was drowned. His daugh
ter, Mrs. Jacob Wagner of Vesta, has
had the body removed to the family bury
ing ground and burled by the side of
that of her mother.
IVewa Notes of Alliance.
ALLIANCE, Neb., June 12.-(Speclal.)-Wlll
J. Tragresser and Miss Ruth Reed
completely surprised their friends here
today when they announced that they
had been married at noon at the home of
the bride's parents. Just a few close
friends were witnesses to the ceremony
which was performed by Judge L. A.
Memorial services were 'held here today
by the local lodge of Independent Order
of Odd Fellows, about three hundred
members and their friends drove to Al
liance cemetery after the ritual work had
been completed in their hall and deco
rated the graves of their departed mem
bers. Tiro Weddings at Hamboldt.
HUMBOLDT, Neb., June 12.-(Speclal.)-Mr.
John Parker and Miss Ida Marshall,
two popular young people of this city,
were married at the Christian parsonage
by Rev. R. S. Robertson yesterday morn
ing. Mr. Lloyd Reld of Lincoln and Miss
Ruby Bash of Humboldt were married
at the bride's home this evening. Mr.
Reld was formerly of this place and both
of the contracting parties are favorites
among the young people here.
IVehras CUy Pastor Resigns.
NEBRASKA CITY, June 12.-(SpeclaI.)
Rev. Frank S. Lyons, who has been
pastor of the First Baptist church of this
city, has tendered his resignation and tho
same was accepted. He leaves tomorrow
for Michigan In an automobile, where he
will make his home In the future, having
accepted a charge up there. He shlpprl
his household effects and with his family
The End of
Is apt to be a dra on many children, unless the mother
is careful to supply the kind of food to properly nour
ish their fast-growing bodies and rapidly developing
meets Nature's demands for the necessary food ele
ments, in proper balance.
Its rich nourishment is in concentrated, easily di
gested, form, supplying body and brain with vigor and
"There5) a Reasw" for GrtpeJfals
Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich.
went to his home In a: automobile, ex
pecting to take Mimething like I wo weeks
to make the trip.
PLATTSMOl'TH. Neb.. June 12.-(pe-clal.)
In the district court Henry Van
Akem of Elmwood recovered a judgment
for $1,700 against George Brunhoeuer. now
s. resident of Oklahoma, for the aliena
tion of the affections of Mrs. Van Akern
The plaintiff's wife has procured a di
vorce and has removed to Oklahoma.
Ilnrtlnatou Hoy Loses K?c,
HARTINGTON, Neb., June 12.-(Spe-clal.)Leonard
Samuelson, the 13-year-old
son of Charles Samuelson, will probably
lose the sight of his right eye on account
of an accident. The boy and some com
panions were shooting at a tiling when a
splinter flew off and struck him In the
eye, entering the "danger zone." produc
Ing utter blindness for the time at least.
The boy was taken to Sioux City in an
Held for Carrying Weapon.
YORK, Neb., June 12.-(Speclal.)-Earl
Shirley, who was arrested several day
ago on the charge of carrying concealed
weapons, was arraigned before Judge
Wray yesterday afternoon and bounl
over to the district court in the sum of
Three Wedding at York.
YORK, Neb.. June 12. (Speelal.)-The
following parties were married today In
this city: Mr. L. E. Derr of Bladen and
Miss Ruby A. Chessman, Mr. Leigh I..
Lincoln and Miss Hazel Bell and Mr.
John G. Krautter of St. Paul, Minn., and
Miss Mary Bremer.
Norfolk Telephone Plant Sold.
MADISON, Neb., June 12.(Speolal.)
The Independent Telephone property and
equipment at Norfolk and vicinity was
sold at sheriff's sale today to Theodore
Parmalee of Plattsmouth for $20,000.
George M. naffum.
TECUMSEH, Neb., June U.-tSpeclaU
r-George M. Buffum, a pioneer resident
of Johnson county, died at his home in
this city yesterday after a prolonged Ill
ness. Mr. Buffum came to Johnson
county over forty years ago, and lived
on a homestead for a number of years.
Later he was associated with his son-in-law,
E. H. Grist. In the grocery biifiness
In Tecumseh. Mr. Buffum was aged 70
years and Is survived by his widow and
three children.
Mark lironrn.
PONCA, Neb., June 12.-SpeclaI.)-Word
was received here today of the sudden
death of Mark Brown of this place at the
old soldiers' reunion at Mason City, la.
Mr. Brown was a pioneer of this county,
served two terms as sheriff and was i
veteran of the civil war. He waa 73 yearj
Margaret J. Kerneen.
YORK, Neb., June 12.-(Speclal.)-Mrs.
Margaret J. Kerneen died yesterday aged
82 years. She wbh born on the Isle of
Man. She died at the home of her dutigh.
ter, Mrs. James McCarthy. Another
daughter, Mrs. Porter Martin, also lives
here. The body was shipped to Henry.
III., for Interment.
Mrs. Adam Seed.
YORK. Neb., June 12.-(Rpectal.)-I,ast
evening Mrs. Adam Seed died at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Cottrell.
aged 76 years. The funeral was held this
afternoon from the United Brethren
Mrs. Nicholas Ham.
PONCA, Neb., June 12.-(Speclal.)-Mrs.
Nicholas Ham, a former resident of this
place, died at Sioux City yesterday. Her
body was shipped here for interment in
the South Creek cemetery.
Frederic 1'assy.
PARIS, June 12.-Frederlck Passy, the
French economist and peace apostle, died
here today, In his ninety-first year.
School Year
Cnrr-Shof f.
IW1RIU RY, Nrb. June l:-tSpcelal.)-Ernest
1. Carr and Miss Burdette E.
Shoff of this city surprised their friends
by going to Lincoln anc being quietly
married at the home of tho former's par
ents. Mr. and Mr?. R t'arr, at Forty
fourth and N street. Sunday Rev. H.
II. Harmon of the First Christian church
officiated Mr. and Mrs. Carr have re
turned from Lincoln and ure receiving
the congratulations of friends. They will
be at homo after July 1.
NEBRASKA CITY, June 12. -Special.)
-Robert H Stltes and Miss Minnie Ku
witzky wore married at the home of tho
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace
Kuwitzky, in the presence of relatives
and a few friends. They will make thif
city their home.
Miss Anna Davis, daughter of Richard
Pavis. and Mr. Daniel J. Fraker were
married by Rev. Charles W. Savldge at
his residence Monday evening at 8:30.
nni . i i
wl-ilrli ia Rn nrnnftiinrri in n '
If AAsBVeaVa AW VsF f
U1W ilMhU f
increasing, favorable comment 98
It is so thoroughly and j yet so
peculiarly good that beer lovers
everywhere express a decided
preference for
802-810 Douglas
Phonai Douglas 6662
'VERY woman mav
' elossv hair, and she
us original natural color,
Q-Ban Hair Restorer.
Please bear in mind we do not
grow nair and we know It will not
lainry pi 1 1 no seal p in periect condition quicker than any other toilet prepa
ration on the market. After this is accomplished, a little Q-BAN HAIR
nwoirtni i- t s tit i ...
ro i uKEtit corrcctij appuea wui
back the rich, lustrous, natural shada
nesa has destroyed.
Q-Ban Hair Rtitortr mill reifere woman'$ II O A
crowning beaety. Ft ft cents airr bottle. II
. SPECIAL NOTICE-A postal card in
treatment of bsir and scalp." Thee
uartu information, and will save
money, at sure to get tnemi ,
eeial Train
to Baltimore
The Nebraska Delegation aud their friends enroute to the
Democratic National Convention will leave Omaha in a special
train June 22d at 6:30 P. M. for Baltimore, going via Chicago,
thenee Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, with a daylight run through
the Scenic Virginias, stopping a few hours in Washington,- D. C.
The excursion fare, Omaha to New York and return, both
ways via Baltimore, is $42.00. The excursion fare, Omaha to
New York, going via Baltimore and the Baltimore and Ohio,
returning from New York via other lines, is $49.40.
This is the official Democratic train from Nebraska and
will cirry special sleepers starting from Omaha and Lincoln;
reservations to be taken at Omaha should be made at the earli
est date at City Ticket Office, Builington Route, 1502 Farnam
The bride's sister, Miss Lillian Davis,
and Mr. Martin Lund accompanied them.
SIOUX FALLS. S. D., June 12.-(Spe-clal
)-Engineers on the Chicago & North
western railway line which extends
through Clark county complain bitterly
of the practice of two young women re
siding In that county, who recently on
several occasions have taken their place
on the track In front of approaching
trains and remain there until the en
gineer has been compelled to stop his
train, when they make their escape.
Their latest escapade In the train stop
ping line was on a stiff grade and the
engineer had a strenuous time stopping
his train on the down grade in time to
prevent r the young women being run
down and killed. The unusual pastime
of the two young women has been re
ported to officials of the road and ar
rests may follow If the practice is .not
stopped. '
l .
i nnr inmvifiiiaiirv ver.w
for a case.
St., Omaha, Nib.
have a head cf beautiful
can keen it or restore it tn
by using
claim that Q-Ban Hair Restorer will
Dye or Color hair. But, it will cer-
Keep inc scalp uve,
that careless. jr IfnrT'r!?
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etch package entitles
lectures are full of
your ban and your
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