BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JUNE U, 1912. 1 ' . I I . rB. Saturday ELKS GO WES1 IN SPLENDOR -2c tfr .TO Sale off Magnificent Equipment Wili Carry Them to Portland. WILL CHARTER SPECIAL TRAIN '4rew Will Be Selected from Amon Membership of the Order and Everything Will Be Complete. One hundred Omaha ElKs nave !ned t:p for the-trip to Portland to atleiit the annual convention. They will travel in a special train over the Union Paclf'c, In charge of City Passenger Agent Balndorf. The train will be made up of entirely new equipment and will be one of the finest and most complete that has ever gone out of the city. It will consist of a dynamo baggage, commissary car, ob servation car and five standard sleepers. It will be electric lighted throutfuout from the head to the tail lights. There will be vlctrola concerts, after noons and evenings, and It is likely that a piano will be installed in the observa tion car. The engineer, fireman, conductor rnd most of the other trainmen will be se lected from the membership of the Elks. Direct to Denver. The special will leave Omaha Jul at 8 30 P- m. and wtil run direct to Den ver, where a stop , of three hours will be made. .A stop will also be made at Cheyenne, where the Omaha Elks will parade through the streets. A short atop will be made at Laramie 'and at Salt Lake the party will remain three hours. Through Idaho and Oregon, stops will be made at all cities having Elk's lodges. Home electrical decorations are being worked out, but the details are not com plete. One. however, will be a full grown elk, with antlers six feet long, standing rampant on the rear platform of the observation car. The antlers will be resplendant with 100 candle power Incan descent globes to represent the eyes. Eegister Annual is Off the Press Replete with Individual pictures and wrlteups of each member of the senior class and many other features of student activities the 1913 "annual" of the Omaha 1 High school Register was given out to the cupils at the school this afternoon. An attractive cover design In red and gray, the class colors, with gold embon lnar is a feature of the book. The design was drawn by Irving Benolken, '14. Several snapshots of student happening at the school taken during the last year, a special department devoted to the cadet regiment and several page of athletic and society Interest are Included In the annual. A "squib" department gotten up by Paul Downs and Miss .Adelyn Wood la also worthy of mention. The editorial staff of the Register which put out the annual was as follows: Ed ltor-ln-chlef, George Grimes; assistant editor-in-chief. Miss Beulah Byrd; busi ness manager, Milton Petersen; assistant .business manager, James Durkee. A total of 208 pages make up the book CONFIDENCE MEN LAND IN THE CITY JAIL Ed Martin and Louis Hagen, two pro fesstonal confidence men who have been working in Omaha during the last two weeks, were arrested by Detectives Heit feldt and Donahue at 9 o'clock thl morning In Jefferson square. Tom Lnngland. a former prize fighter, was stripped of his roll of 1100 In the Christensen saloon at Sixteenth and Burt streets by the two men In a card game Monday afternoon. They were playing with their own cards and It finally dawned upon Langland that they were stacked. He demanded Martin to pay back the money, which he refused to do. When be brought his fists into . play Martin turned over the money and he and Hagen made a hasty getaway. Walt Lemlng, proprietor of . the Diamond saloon at Thirteenth and Doug las streets, was another victim of the two grafter. He lost $38. Both Langland and Lemlng Identified the men at the station as the same two who had turned the trick on them. Big Sale ' , 'J. : , ? , petu I n MAiNiitt ii coats I rj , Vv Saturday. fjTjtjJjjjg Men's , Genuine Panama Hats, mm THURSDAY'S WONDERFUL SPECIAL SALE Women's Tailored Suits Worth up to $22.50, at $7.50 These light weight wool suits come in the. newest styles of the season. There are scores of new ideas,new materials, new trimmings and new colors in the most popular new styles of the season all are very well tailored and hand somely finished. Suits that sold as high as $22.50 go onsaleThursday.on our second floor, at LOOK AFTER YOUR EYES NOW $7.50 1 Sale of Women's Pumps and Oxfords $3.50 to $5.00 Values at $2.25 These are broken lines in the most , popular styles of the season, in dull calf, kid and tan leathers- all sizes in one style or another, that sold regularly at $3.50 up to $5.00; on sale at, per ) C pair Q&.&O Men's and Women's Traveling Slippers Made of fine soft kid in tan, black and maroon colors with leather cases to match folds into very small space -excellent slippers at, per pair .$2.98 MISS LAURA GRAHAM TO .- BE IN 0MAHJJ NEXT WEEK Next Tuesday afternoon at 1 -o'clock-Miss Laura Graham, national secretary of the General Federation of Women's clubs, will arrive In Omaha. She Is traveling with the Ohio delegation that is on its way to the annual federation meeaing to be held In San Francisco. The Ohio delegation has a special train of nine sleepers and will remain In Omaha two hours. During the stay of Miss Gra ham and the Ohio delegates In the city they will be received by a committee from the Omaha Woman's club, and It Is likely that they will be given an automobile ride about the city. SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION AND SALE w meinert s uresis uiueiu Dress Shield season is here and the im portance of the proper shield is rea lized by every woman. Mme. LaTour, an expert dempnstrator, is here to ex plain the merits of the many different styles. Specials During This Demonstration Kleinert's Featherweight Shields No. 3; per half down. $1.20 Kleinert's Featherweight Shields No. 4; per half dozen, 81.44 Kleinert's Featherweight Shields Kleinert's Gem Shields, No. 3; per half dozen 81.50 Kleinert's Gem Shields, No. 4; per halt dozen 81.70 Kleinert's Gem Shields, No. 5; per half dozen $2.10 No. 5; per halt dozen, 82.04 Pompeian Bitter Sweet Chocolates in a variety of pure iruit ana nui centers regumriyuiiutuuj K ill Thursday is Chocolate Day are specially priced for Thursday only at, lb.. HARRISON DON'T THINK MUCH OF HIS OWN PAPER C. F. Harrison, member of the execu tive committee of the National Associa tion of Real Estate exchanges, declined at the meeting of the local exchange that he was going to read a paper on "Taxa tion" at' the Louisville convention that he "wouldn't walk across, the ttreet to hear." He made the statement while pleading for a greater representation of the Omaha exchange at the national convention. He said there would be lots of other things of Interest there, however. Only four members of the local ex change have definitely decided they will attend the convention. DREDGE EXPERTS GO TO WORK AT CARTER LAKE F. S. and C. Bowball of Detroit. Mich experts In setting up dredges, are In the city and will begin tomorrow to assem ble the dredge at Carter lake. "It will probably take us three months to finish the work," said C. BowhalL 'We wilt probably employ eight or ten men. Work will begin tomorrow." Ex amlnatlon of the material for the dredge was made today. M'GREARY FREED FROM ILLEGAL VOTING CHARGE AJ McGreary, charged wtlh perjury for alleged fradulent registration in the Bee or.d precinct of the Third ward on the day of the municipal election, was ac quitted In short order by a jury before Jud;;e Day In the criminal division of the district court McGreary registered as CHICAGO'S MOST BEAUTIFUL WORKING GIRL Will Be in Brandeis Stores Pompeian Room Friday and Saturday, June 14 and 15 Miss Rae Potter, won the first prize in the Chicago Tribune beauty department and has been officially declared the most beautiful working girl in Chicago. She is demonstrator for the most beautiful sewing machine in the world, "The Free." She will be in our sewing machine section, Brandeis Pompeian Room, properly chaperoned and will explain the merits of "The, Free" to Omaha people all day Friday and Saturday. s You should have your eyes taken care of at once if you have had any trouble with them. Do not wait for another attack of that headache. The eye strain is there just the same. The muscle of accommodation is over- ex erted and the drain on the nervous system continues. Even if your eyes trouble you only a little, look after them now. At the Flltton Optical Company's office you can consult with a man who has had many years successful experience ' in Omaha, Ap pointments may be made by phone. Telephone Douglas 1953. Flitton Optical Cd. (Successor to Huteson's) 213 South' Sixteenth Street. The Closing Out Sale ii innnnriT""" of the .iLju-Lnrirn i 1 1 " Bennett Entire Half Million Dollar Stock Begins Next Monday A. M. u j-Ln-r.runi M.-- ... w .iiw.ww, Presenting thousands of once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to secure de pendable, up-to-date merchandise for considerably less than the oldest inhab itant has ever known. Watch for details to follow-watch for a sale that is going to shake this entire country for hundreds of miles around. Or kin Brothers .. i r a-few I A Looking Backward This Day in Omaha rhirty Twenty Ten Tears kg M x tutorial race of eaeh lssns He: She And Let's Settle the Light Problem u We want the most healthful light "Yes and of course that's electric light. "And we want the most beautiful light "That's electric Ight too. "And the safest light "Electric tight is the only safe light' "And the most convenient light "Well the most convenient things I know are the telephone, telegraph, street cars, push buttons and they are all electric. "And we want the light that will be the most economical "Yes in the long sun that surely, is electric light "In other words we want Edison axil Mazda Lamps. .THESE LAMPS ARE FOR SALE B Qmaha Electric Light & Power Company NEW ENGLAND BUTTERNUT BREAD "The Bread of Health" It's the bread that par ticular people insist on having, because they know of its pure, deli cions, nutritious quali ties. Profit by the ex penence of others and Insist on having other than DrcxcFs Special For Weak Arch Flat Foot ad lien Enghod Bofternat Dread At All Grocers Fresh E very Day. Look for This Label on Every Loaf We have a-woman's shoe for weak arches and flat foot that will bring Immediate relief for those foot defects. A weak arch or flat foot is a foot in which the arch or instep is broken or breaking down,- due to excessive weight or ill fitting shoes. It causes none I pains in the instep, ankle, knee. and limbs and labored walking It is often mistaken for rheumatism These are the only shoes we have ever known to relieve it Try a pair if you have these foot troubles. DREXEL 1419 Farnam X 1 BRANDEIS STORES em Health giving, , satisfying ' milk is "ALAMITO" Tbe Bate XUk" Early Morning Deliveries. Douglas 411 FIRE SALE The entire salvage from the Mc Crorey 5c and 10c store on sale at prices to move goods quick. Goods must be sold this week. All kinds of Tinware, each . . . . All kinds of Oraniteware 3 All kinds of Ribbons, yard, l ana All kinds of Collars, each l Jewelry, 2 cards for .5j Lace Collars, each l Glassware, each 1 and 2 All kinds of Notions at . .1 All kinds of Stockings, per pair 5 Cortlcello Embroidery Silk, 3 skeins for 5k Salt and Pepper Dishes; each . . . 1 If you have a store it will pay you to put In a big supply. We make you a special price. 523 SOUTH 16TH STREET, Opposite Rome Hotels , Sixteenth and Jackson. DR. BRADBURY, DENTIST KM fTaraam St. .KT9' fDODt UOUg. 175a . V V a Missing Teeth supplied Plates .$2.00 Up Extracting 25c Up FUllngi 60c Up Crowns ... ,....$2.50 Up Brldgeworls . . . $2.50 Uc CO Tears Same Offioo without Plate or Bridge work ' Nervec removed without pain. Work guar anteed ten yearc Uvlnt at the Aetna hotel The pro prietor and employes of the Aetna were placet! on the st&nd by the state to tes tify that McGreary did not live at the hotel. They refused so to testify and would so no further than to say ttu t they were not sure whether he live! there or not ' ff. fsMwiii mh BiPiE- ran I IsMU'mHMI sHll t.T-''J The real estate business is bound to center around the court house and citv hall. A real estate '-'It Hi sfrffltM man who wants to locate permanently should select an of fice in a location which is the center of his line of business. The same thing is true of insurance, which likewise cen ters in the financial trict. It would be well as soon as possi ble to secure an office in Rooms The Bee Building 210-12-14 A large suite of offices on the second floor, a total of litll square ieec oon.v oi mese omces nave been partitioned so as to make a suite of about five roomc. This space will be rented either in single offices or in suits. Price per month for ali $80.00 Room 322 Reception room, private office, two large closets, large workroom with two north window Ideal for engineer, archi tect, doctor or ether professional men. Rental per u.onth, $4.00 Room 3S2 This is a south front office facing on Farnam street, close to the elevators. It Is partitioned so as to afford a private of fice and reception room. Very desirable. Rent per month, $20.00 Room 41 Has a south and west exposure and Is always a very cool room In summct time. Size. 12fcx20i4 aoi rents for, por month $l-0 Room 422 la 15HX19H feet in size: has two north windows and a private office partitioned off inside this space. This room would be particularly well suited for an architect or studio. Rental $35.00 Room 650 This Is a well located office facing Farnam street on the fifth floor, near the elevators. Size of office, 14x19 H, having a partition dividing this room Into three offices This vould . be particularly desirable as an attorney's office, on acccount of other attorneys being located on this floor and having large . . libraries. Just the place for two young, ambitious attorneys. Rental price per month.... $30.00 THE BEE BUILDING CO. Bee Business Office, 17th and Farnam Sts. The Quality and Pattern Count The Bee and Omaha mer chants are offering Wm. Rogers & Son's silverware in one of the most beautiful patterns ever created. The Quality is Rogers quality and it therefore is not necessary to say any more. Just Rogers quality that's enough. The Bee gives you a teaspoon for five coupons like the one below. The Omaha merchants furnish coupons for all the other pieces. Save the coupons THESE MER CHANTS GIVE COUPONS and certificates with purchases: 4.XX&ICAK THEATER Cor. 18th and Douglas Sts. LUXU3 BEES iOKS KITTLE Consumers' Dis tributor. Douglas IS89; ind. F1377. MI 3 3 BUTLER UrCX.HtEKY H12 Douglas, 2d rioor. 3TTTTEBITOT BREAD STew England Bak. try, 331$ Xaveu worth St. BBA3TBEIS riiOBXST SEPT. Brandeis Stores. B EBB ASK A rusi. CO. 813 South 16th St EILLEa 3UQUOB CO, 1309 raraam S MZOEATH ; T-iTIONEEY CO. 148 remain St. . 3CTEB3 DIX.X.OB OKV9 CO. itti and rarni'J Sts. Clip This Coupon Omkha Bee Daily Coupon h. oo lliursuay. JUTIA I V I This coupon when presented with the lour others I consecutively numbered, and 10 cents to cover the ! cost of handling, entitles the holder to one Wm. I Rogers & Son guaranteed Teaspoon ot Le Neces. saire pattern. Out-of-town readers will add 2c ectra j for postage. Name Street and No.. t'ostoffice W you live In toe city brlag your ooapoas to the tffloa of Th Bee Clip This Coupon Yearly Subscription Coupon O maha Bes Tbls coupon when properly sixoed and presented at the office of The Omaha Bee (or mailed by those resld I Inc out of town) will bring to the holder full Informa I tion how every hon.e can secure a full dozen Wm. Rot I are & Son guaranteed Teaspoons at once. I Also, the sender will receive a free catalogue ot 1 all pieces of this set together with the number of soa- pons and certificates required for each pieee and the tames ol Omaha Iiruis issuing them to the publie, If awe Address ?sstoti'ice Tata offer appUee to everyone, whether a present subscriber to The J or act. ;ioue 1 II