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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1912)
Omaha Daily - - ,' i mmmmmmmmMmmmmiMmmm " THE WEATHER. . Showers . Bee All The Newi All The Time The see gives its rwlm daily panorama of ths happenings of the whole world. HE. VOL. XLI NO; 310. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 13, 191U-FOURTEEN PAGES. SINGLK COPY TWO CENTS. TAFT MAKES GAIN OF FORTY VOTES Contests from California, Arizona, Michigan, Louisiana and Miss issippi Decided. ROOSEVELT LOSES EVERY CASE Fourth California Provokes Most Bitter Exchanges. GOVERNOR OSBORN NOT SEATED Wight of Louisiana Defeated by Loisel Faction. MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED LEFT Rosewater Points Oat to Committee that It ts Not Keeping; Up with Work of Last Year's Convention. Forty Voles Decided. Contests decided yesterday by the re publican national committee: Roose Taft. velt. Arizona (at large) 6 0 California 2 0 Louisiana 20 0 Michigan (at large) 6 0 Mississippi (12 still pending) 6 0 Total today 40 0 Previously settled Vfl 1 Total to date 141 1 Total number contested 254 Contests still pending 113 CHICAGO, June 15. President Taft to day gained forty more votes in the re publican national convention, through the settlement of contest cases by the na tional committee. It was a day of Taft victories exclu sively. In the cases of the California, Arizona and Michigan contests, the Roosevelt forces made a fight and; voted their full strength against the Taft delegates. In the California case they secured a roll call losing 16 to 37; In the Arizona contest they failed to get a roll call, and in the Michigan cases, none was asked, although they voted against seating the Taft delegates at large. The contests settled today In favor o' President Taft were: Arizona Delegates-at-large, 6. California-Fourth district, 2. Louisiana Delegates-at-large, 6. First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh districts, 14. Mlchigan-Delegates-at-large, 6. Misslssippi-Delegates-at-large, 4. First district, 2. Total, 40. Pearl Wight, national committeeman from Louisiana and the Roosevelt leader there, lost In his fight to seat the Rooso velt delegates from that state. An effort was made by Committeeman Harry S. New to end the long standing difference among Louisiana republicans by offi cially recognizing the Loisel faction, now controlling the state republican organi zation there, but Mr. Wight headed off such action. ' v T'osborn Not Seated. Governor Chase S. Osborn of Michi gan and his " Roosevelt delega'ttes-at-large, - were unseated by the decision of the Michigan case for Taft The contest over the Fourth California district, decided for President ' Taft, furnished the most bitteV exchanges of the day, Francis J. Heney, leading the Roosevelt forces and insisting upon recognition for the Roosevelt delegates there. The national committee had before It, when it adjourned tonight 113 contested seats still to pass upon. Chairman Victor Rosewater, in a statement at the end of the session, said the committee was not keeping pace with the work of the last convention In 1908, but eighty-eight con tests .remained to be decided on the Wednesday night preceding the conven tion. Members of the committee fear that the contests will run well over into the opening day of the national con vention. The' remainder of the Mississippi con tests, and those from the states of Mis souri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Tennessee will, It is be lieved, be disposed of tomorrow. Proceedings in Detail. The decision In the California case fol lowed a running fire opened on the com mittee by Francis J. Heney and a sting ing statement from Governor Hiram W. Johnson In the interests or Roosevelt. Mr. Heney, seated in the national com mittee with a proxy, assailed members cf the committee, emphasizing particu larly Senator Murray Crane of Massachu setts, whom he. addressed as a, man who had "no respectability to lose." While Chairman Rosewater was ad monishing the San Franciscan to add.-ess the committee properly, Governor John son arrived at the Coliseum. He declined t' appear before the committee and is sued a written statement which Mr. Heney later read to the committee. In this Governor Johnson declared he de dined to submit "to a trial the title of property by the thief who steals it." After the committee had voted tbe Roosevelt faction down. Senator Borah in a. vigorous' speech declared the com mittee "was making it impossible for a republican to preside over the nation for the next four years." Rosewater Votes for Taft Men. Chairman Rosewater voted for the Taft delegates from the fourth California dis trict, saying he believed they had been properly elected. Mr. Capers of South Carolina said ho was one of the subcommltte that drafted at Washington, in December, the rule requiring district representation under which it was claimed the Taft delegates had, been seated. "We distinctly recognized this situation (Continued on Second Page.) The Weather For Nebraska Unsettled weather with probably showers; warmer east portion. For Iowa Unsettled weather with thowers. sVKN 6 a. m.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 63 -S 7 - 26 8 a. m H3 i- 9 a. m a6 Sr-li T 10 a m C7 m . y. ,u E 2 p. m 77 T 3 P- m 77 s 4 n. m to 5 ;. m 72 Sergeant in German Navy is Hero at a Fire in New York NEW YORK, June U.-Sergeant Rlch ter of the German cruiser Stettin, return ing from Brooklyn to his ship with a number of other German sailors early today, sprang from a street car when he saw flames coming from a building and not only assisted the. firemen In check ing the blaze, but did good work in aid ing In the rescue of a number of per sons. The fire was in a stable, but it quickly spread to a dwelling house adjoining. Richter took off his outer clothes and groped his way among the smoking flames, carrying out members of the family of John Wagner, who were trapped Inside. This is the last full day of the German warships In New York. Cornelius Van derbilt's dinner and reception to the of ficers was not concluded until long after midnight, but Rear Admiral Von Reuber Paschwltz was up early today pre paratory to going aboard C. Ledyard Blair's yacht Diana for a trip to Scar-borough-on-the-Hudson, there to be privately entertained by Mr. and Mrs. James Speyer. Other German officers with a few prominent New Yorkers completed the guests. Dinner will be served aboard the Diana this evening after which the German admiral and about forty officers, accom panied by Rear Admiral Winslow and a like number of officers, will be enter tained at "Kommers" under auspices of the Deutschen Vereingungen of the city of New York. The visitors will depart tomorrow. Taft Will Veto Bill to Abolish Commerce Court WASHINGTON, June 12.-President Taft told friends today he would veto the legislative, executive and judicial ap propriation bill if, when it comes for his signature, it abolishes the commerce court in effect by cutting off the court's appropriation. Both the house and sen ate have eliminated provision for the court from the measure. President Taft said he considered the court necessary to prompt and effective enforcement of the interstate commerce act. In speeches he has said that when Its limitations were defined by the su preme court the new tribunal would be approved by the railroads and the people. The supreme court this week gave sev eral decisions greatly restricting its powers. The law creating the commerce court would be specifically repealed, Its five judges dropped from government rolls an- the total circuit judges thus reduced from thirty-four to twenty-nine, under an amendment to the legislative, execu tive and judicial appropriation bill adopted by the senate today. The amend ment waT proposed by Seriate SmltV of Georgia. Both houses had already acted in accord In omitting any appropriation for the court -v. Darrow Asks State's Attorney to Do Best He Can for Him LOS ANGELES, Cal., June 12.-"Browne, this is terrible; you do the best you can for us and I'll take care of you." Thus, testified Samuel L. Browne ot the district attorney's office was what Clarence S. Darrow said to him shortly after the arrest of Bert H. Franklin for the bribery of George N. Lockwood, the charge upon which Darrow is on trial. C. E. White testified today at the trial of Clarence's. Darrow that the district attorney had promised him he would not be prosecuted for his part in the alleged bribery of George N. Lockwood If he took the stand and told " a true story" of what had occurred. White's examination was concluded fif teen minutes after court convened and Samuel L. Browne, chief detective of the district attorney's staff, was the next witness called by the prosecution. Ten Cuban Rebels Killed at El Cobre SANTIAGO, Cuba. June 12.-A detach ment of government troops under Major Rosendo Collazo today defeated the in surgents in a battle near El Cobre, ten miles west of this city. The rebels lust ten killed. The government troops made effective use of their artillery and are now pursuing the fleeing insurgents. LILLIAN RUSSELL TAKES ANOTHER HUSBAND PITTSBURGH. June 12.-Lillian Rus sell, actress and singer, was married here today in the Hotel Schenley to Tlexan der P. Moore, editor of the Pittsburgh Leader. Mrs. Moore, who is here with a theatrical company, will leave at mid night for the east and about the same time At. Moore will go to Chicago to attend the republican national conven tion. Mr. Moore is one of the Roosevelt leaders in Pennsylvania. CHICAGO BREWER KILLS SELF ON MOTHER'S GRAVE CHICAGO, June 12.-Otto L. TosettI, vice president of the Tosetti Brewing company, drove to Oakwoods cemetery today in his automobile and committed suicide at the grave of his mother by shooting himself in the head. Grief over the recent death of a relative Is be lieved to have caused the suicide. Mr. Tosetti was 39 years old. MARSHALLT0WN FARMER INJURED IN RUNAWAY MARSHALLTOWN, la.. June 12. (Spe cial.) Charles Dunn, aged 43, a farmer of near St Anthony, was fatally injured today in a runaway accident when he was thrown from his buggy onto his 1 head. MORGAN'S WORD STEMMED PANIC President of New York Stock Ex change Testifies About Loan of Twenty-Five Millions. CALL MONEY AT 60 PER CENT Appeal Made by. Banks to James Stillman for Aid. REFERRED TO J. P. MORGAN Conference Held in Private Office of Finanoier. MONEY DIVIDED UPON WORD Magnate Gives Order to . W. Per kins to Have Cash Given to Various Banks October 84, 10OT. NEW YORK, June 12.-Some heretofore unwritten history of how J. P. Morgan helped stem the panic of 1907 by sup plying $25,000,000 at a crucial time was dramatically told on the witness stand today by R. H. Thomas, president of the Stock exchange at that time, testifying before the Pujo committee investigating the so-called money trust. Mr. Thomas said that dn the morning of October 24, 1907, 60 per cent was being offered for call money and was not available. He went to James Stillman, president of the National City bank and asked him for relief, if possible. He told the banker that $25,000,000 was needed. Stillman sent him to Morgan, saying that he would tell Morgan he was coming. "When I got to Mr. Morgan's office there was great excitement," said the witness, speaking In dramatic tones and with many gestures. "Mr. Morgan was in a conference and people were going in and out. The excitement was Intense. I waited for him twenty minutes. He came out of his private office and said to me: " 'We are going to lend you $25,000,000. Go over to the Stock exchange and an nounce it.' " 'Allow me to make a suggestion, Mr. Morgan.' "He said, 'Yes, yes, what is it?' "I think,' I said, 'that this meney should be divided up Into lots and distributed among the banks. It will have a better effect' " 'Very good suggestion,' said Mr. Mor gan. 'Perkins,' he said, and snapped his fingers, 'Perkins, divide that $25,000,000 up into small lots.' George W. Perkins, former partner of J. P. Morgan, was the . "Perkins" re ferred to. Mr. Thomas testified that the loan had a very decided effect In relieving panic conditions. .."Then it rested with one man to Bay whether the panic would go on? Don't you think that's a dwetreui condition?" pointedly asked . Samuel n,Fnt!!'rmeyr' counsel for the committee; """"" "I couldn't answer that,' replied the witness. . ' - T wo Killed and Fifty Injured in Wreck Near Dalton, 6a. DALTON, Ga, June i:.-Two persons were killed and more than fifty hurt when a Western & Atlantic excursion train running from Calhoun, Ga., to Chattanooga, Tenn., was wrecked near here today. The dead are: FIREMAN HOICOMB- UNIDENTIFIED SECTION EMPLOYE The Injured are being brought here. The cause of the wreck Is not known- Georgia Shaken Up Wednesday Morning AUGUSTA, Ga., June ll-Distlnct earth Bhocks were felt here at Columbia, S. C, and Savannah, Ga., early today. Houses were rocked and the sleeping In habitants were roughly awakened t when their beds swayed and moved several Inches. Three shocks were felt, each lasting about fifteen seconds. Little damage was done and no person was hurt. Here the shocks were felt more dis tinctly on the hills, about the city and 'n the residence quarter. In the business j iitotion they were less perceptible. There I was considerable alann amongst negroes and before the last shocks had ceased j many wi re in prayer. ' I ST. LOUS. Mo.'. June 12,-The St. Louis university's seismograph recorded two earth shocks today. One began at 1:27 a. . m. and continued ten minutes. The second began at 6:14 a. m. and lasted until 7:22 o'clock. The main shock was j at 6:53 o'clock. The origin of the.dis- 1 turbance was estimated to be 1,550 miles southwest of St. Louis in the vicinity of Mexico City. NEW YORK BRIDEGROOM DISAPPEARS SUDDENLY NEW YORK, June 12. The police to day are trying to solve the mysterious disappearance ot Dr. Louis R. Morris, a Johns Hopkins graduate who on Monday last left his bride of four days seated in a motor car and has not been seen since. According to the bride he stepped from the machine on upper Broadway, tell ing her tiiat he had an important oper ation to perform and for her to return to the hotel. No trace of iiim has been found since. SENATE WILL RECESS DURING CONVENTIONS WASHINGTON, June 12. The senate today agreed to a program of three days' ! recesses from June 17 to July 1, covering ; the period of the republican and demo cratic national conventions. The house will recess for three days during the democratic national conven tion only and will continue In session during the rest of the national conven tion period on a "gentlemen's" under standing that no partisan legislation will be pressed. This statement was made today by Representative Underwood of Alatama, democratic leader of the house. ' -.-' . . a From the Washington Star, PLANS B0LT0F ELECTORS Flinn Says Roosevelt Men Will Not Vote for Taft. TO DEFEAT HIM IF NOMINATED Pittsburg- Man Says Tpis Scheme Would Lose Presidency, bat Woold 8ve Party in the " Strong- States.' 1 CHICAGO, June 12.-Recourse to Roose velt men .Who have , been selected as presidential electors In , different states la the announced plan of William Fynn of Pittsburgh, should the convention nominate President Taft. The Roosevelt leader' made this state ment today in a vigorous attack on the national committee in which he declared that such a movement while It might de feat the republican nominee for president would save the party in the big republi can states. His position was. indorsed by Governor W. E. Glasscock of West Virginia, who declared that ll the West Virginia re publican electors are for Roosevelt and would vote for htm In the electoral col lege regardless of the action of the con vention. Senator Joseph M. Dixon listened to Mr. Filnn and Governor Glasscock and said: "I don't think there will be any need for such action. You hear what they say. In my opinion Colonel Roosevelt wNl eurely be nominated. The Taft forces will not dare to steal the nom ination." Flinn and Glasscock Talk. Mr. Flinn and Governor Glasscock de clared that the state conventions in Pennsylvania and West Virginia had not adjorned and would be reconvened if nccersary and the electors given positive Instructions to vote for Colonel Roose velt if the circumstances warranted. "We are not going to allow the national committee to destroy the republican party in Pennsylvania," said Mr. Flinn. "We don't intend to stand Idle by and lose ten or fifteen congressmen and the legis lature. We propose to protect ourselves at home. Thirty of the thirty-eight presidential electors are for Roose velt and if they are elected and the nomination is stolen and given to Presi dent Taft those thirty will vote In the electoral college for Colonel Roosevelt. "We don't propose to allow delegates from the southern states and the insular possessions to dictate a presidential, nom ination to the great republican state. "The time has come when political re bellion is necessary for self protection of the republican states. Under this plan no bolt will be necessary. It wou'd re sult, perhaps In losing a republican presi dent, but. would .win locally. "I have talked with Roosevelt men in Pennsylvania and they agree with me that jt is necessary if Taft Is nominlated to carry the fight to the electoral col lege." "In our state the entire list of presi dential electors Is for Colonel' Roosevelt and will vote for him," said Governor (Continued on Page Two.) The National Capital Wednesday, Jane 12, 1012. The Senate. Met at noon. Agreed to program of three-day ve cenHpH flnrinff th national conventions. ! Refused to reconsider its adoption of the army appropriation bill conference report. The House. Met at 11 a. m. Took up sundry civil appropriation bill. Majority Leader Underwood announced house would take a three days' recess only during the democratic national convention. Sure of Their Strength Eoosevelt Comes Out in Favor of Votes for Women OYSTER BAY, . June 12.-Theodore Roosevelt announced this afternoon, through Judge Ben B. Llndsey of penver th,at h tftvijr pi woman M,fl. in 'this. 'country., ana th :he pWform which he- would submtf ro?th Chicago cbhventioh would contain ail unequivocal declaration to that effect. ,; , - Judge Llndsey spent, two hours with Colonel Roosevelt today. The object Of his visit was primarily to persuade the colonel to announce that he was In favor of- woman suffrage. Heretofore Colonel Roosevelt has merely said that he be lieved the question of woman suffrage should be submitted to the women them selves for determination whether they wished the ballot. As the judge was leav ing Sagamore Hill he said: "Colonel Roosevelt has come out de cidedly for women suffrage. He will be induced to take this definite stand by what the women voters have done In Colorado in opposition ;to Messrs. Gug genheim and F.vuns; in Washington, Cal ifornia and other western states. Colonel Roosevelt told me that he was convinced from this record of the advantage to the country to be gained by placing the ballot in the hands of " women. The colonel also said that he had definitely decided to Incorporate In the platform which he will submit to the Chicago con vention a woman suffrage plank." Colonel Roosevelt, however, said that Judge Llndsey's statement was entirely correct. Kenyon Says People Are Looking for Third Candidate WASHINGTON. June 12.-Scnator Ken yon of Iowa, who Is managing Senator Cummins' campaign for the republican nomination for president, . arrived here today for conferences with other Cum mins men. "The. rank and file of the party, ' said Senator Kenyon, "have .groVn tired at the present controversy and are looking for a new man who could pilot the party to victory. We are making - no ( fight against either President Taft of Colonel Roosevelt, but we are ottering Senator Cummins as a happy solution of an tin happy situation." . Representative Kendall or Senator Ken yon, It was reportei. today, would make the speech nominating Senator Cummins at the Chicago convention. Double Fatality in Aeroplane is Due to Unusual Speed WASHINGTON. June 12.-Tlie urmy board of Inquiry which investigated the deaths of Lieutenant Leightoji W. Hazle hurst and Arthur L. Welsh, the Wright pilot, in the fall of an army aeroplane near here last night, has reported that the accident was caused by Welsh's un usual speed at a sharp turn which caused the plane's aluminum wings to collapse under the terrific air pressure. FOUR HUNDRED GRADUATE FROM IOWA UNIVERSITY IOWA CITY, la., June 12. -Near',; graduates were the recipients of degree in the University of Iowa commencement today. The commencement address wa delivered by President John V. Flnnley of the College of the City of New York. BUFFALO SWEPT BY FLOOD Business Portion ol Wyoming Town Wiped Out by Cloudburst. MAN AND SIXTEEN HORSES DEAD Hotel, ' Several Stores and .Xnrobur ot Dwellings Are Wrecked Exceed Tr llandrrd Thousand. " SHERIDAN, Wj5., June tf.-(pcial Telegrm.)Dam&(e In excess of 1300,000 and one death , resulted, from a cloud burst that swept the town ot, Buffalo forty miles south of .Sheridan early last evening. The cloud burst was accompa nied by a terrific electrical storm that was felt throughout this section of the state. The storm struck (bout two miles west ot the town and in less nan fifteen minutes, Clear Creek, running through the business - section, had' overswept It banks and breasted by a" fifteen foot wall of water meted out destruction on every hand. Four blocks of business 'houses were swept by the flood. The Occidental hotel on the verge of the creek was di rectly In the path of the deluge, an I thousands of dollars worth of valuable furnishings were destroyed. The floor of the hotel building was carried six feet above the foundation by the force of the torrent. A two-e'ory frame build ing situated in the rear r the hotel and used as a laundry was totally wrecked and the ruins carried down stream. Sixteen Horses Drowned. The stables of the Buffalo Livery com pany were demolished and sixteen head of horses drowned. The stable office and a millinery store, both frame struc tures, were swept intact along the sur face of the creek. Half a dozen frame dwellings south of the town have entirely disappeared and no trace of them has been found. Hundreds of the 1000 residents of the town had to flee . for their lives and ncores of thrilling rescues and narrow escapes marked the brief half hour In which the storm lasted. It was in endeavoring to save the life of his sister and her child that Rod Chlldf, aged J years, lout his life. His Mxter, wIiobo life Ire saved, Uvtame a mother only three days ago. Dun iter Soon Passes. Thirty minutes after thu storm broke the sun shone on the scene of terror and deholatlon. Scores of people ran hys teilraliy through the street left passable, looking for relativts and friends for whose safety they feared. Humors of more than the one lost life were carried broadcast, first reports were to tho effect that a dozen or more had perished. The town greatly In need of provisions, as practi cally every store was destroyed. Business iiKlv and nieichulitH of Slierlaun are tak ing steps to relieve the situation. Mayor Kulcher of Sheridan this morning issued a special proclamation to the citizens call ing on them to assist In the relief meas ures to be decided upon at u special iiMctlng of the city council tonight. HEAD0FSTERE0TYPERS CHARGED WITH TREACHERY SAN FRANCISCO. June . 12. L. B.. Straube, president of the Chicago Stereo types' union, accused James B. Ftecl, president ot ' the International Stereo typers and Eleetrotypers' union, in con vention here, of being in the employ of the American Newspaper Publishers' as sociation In a speech today on the floor o the .-convention. Stra-.ibe Is or.. of the three Chicago del egates, who vert ' refused places In the convention beeaus.- the charter of th I'Mcapo union wasi taken away when -the men Joined the strike of the web press men; He was arguing upon the union's appeal f(jr reinstatement. - M0YER ARRESTED ; NEAR NEHAWKA; Brother-in-law of J. B. Moore, Mur- ucrea ai viuisca, Captured by Sheriff at Home of Son. TRACED THESE BY OFFICERS ' Suspected with Havin Knowledge' of Ootuple Crime. - TAKEN DIRECT TO PLATTSM0UTH It Was Not Known He Was at Nc ha ska Until Arrest Was Made. CITIZENS WILL OFFER REWARD Thousand Dollars Will Be Added to Sum Offered by State and the County- Funeral of Vic tims Held In Park. NEHAWKA, Neb.. June 12. (Special Telegiam.)-Sam. Moyer, brother-in-law of J. B. Moore, one of the eight persons murdered Sunday night in Vllliaca, wa arrested shortly after 1 o'clock this after noon at the home of his son. Charles Bates, a mile ahd a half north of here, on suspicion of having knowledge Of tha Villlsca crime; . ; He' was arrested by Sheriff, Jackson of Villlsca and a detective, who are said to have traced him from Villlsca, and was taken In an automobile directly after arrest to Plattsmouth. The officera are said to have followed him to Omaha, where they ' lost . the trail, but later learned he was at Nehawka. Residents of . Nehawka declare Moyet1 was not known to be near their town until the detective and sheriff came and got. him. They believe ,he came here after, the crime was committed in tha Iowa (own.' . ..' : Charles Bates, atwhose home Moyer was, taken ; Into custody, Is a son of .Moyer ahd an adopted ron of Walker Bate, a farliner. At the death of .Mover's wife' twenty-five years ago Walker Bates adopted Charles Moyer. 'Moyer is a brother of Mrs. J. B. Moore, one of the victims of the ax murderer; One of the first theories voiced following the tragedy was' to the effect that Moyer probably committed It to avenge himself for quarrels ha had had with Moore and his sister, v 1 VILLISCA. It., June 12.-(8p'eciaI.W Mover's name was Injected Into the mur der 'mystery here Tuesday afternoon When Kd Scley, who was clerk In the implement store owned by J. B. Moore,' told a coroner's Jurf that J. B. Moore once had told Selley that Sam Moyer, Moore's brother-in-law, had threatened to get even with Moore. X ( W. CI RatcHffe,-county attorney, ques-' tloned relative of the Moores closely in the , hope that something would warrant the conneollea ef the -name ef Sam. Moyer with the case,- lnW, A.' iJOmas,J. Y. WJckersham and. RVlnlayson, Jury men; questioned ' the witness closely on thU ilOlllt , ' V , . ' i; " Sam Moyer married a sister of Moore ytitrs ago. According to the testimony he deserted her and a family of several chil dren after moving from here to Gretna. Neb., three years ago. He was not heard ot for a long tlme The Moore brother provided for their Bister and her family, Mrs. Moyer died and with her an Infant child. , ; , ' Moore tared for Family. After the death of Mrs. Moyer, Moyer came to Villlsca. He was not welcomed, according to the testimony. J B. Moore, the oldest member In the family, was leader, In caring for his sister's family. He wrote letters to Moyer but got no replies. About two weeks ago a daugh ter of Moyer living here got a letter from her father. He wanted a young son sent to him. This wsa not done. ' Ross Moore, Fenwlck Moore, Harry Moore and Mrs. Ross Moore testified concerning Sam Moyer. They showed that 111 feeling existed in the family. The fact that a lamp was found at the foot of the bed where the Stilllnger girls slept and one also was found at the foot of the Moore's bed was brought out at the Inquest. , The officials here are in clined to believe that the man who did the killing here murdered Rollin and Anna Hudson at Paola, Kan., last Wednesday night. Lamps were left iu similar positions there. , .No Clues at Vlllisoa. Detectives and officers spent the morn ing in consultations and are following a number of clues, but nothing tangible in the search for the murderer has de veloped. :. A paper is being passed among the citizens, pledging separate sums for tho arrest and conviction of the murderer within sis months and stating that in ease the1 man is found dead $100 -will be paid. The amount already pledged ia JoCO. and the parties In charge say that $1,000 will be secured by night. r Everybody enjoys music. A good piano in a home is almost as essential as necessary furniture, because music is a tonic, and inspires good cheer and health. New pianos may seem ex pensive to you, but there ia a way to get one at a rea sonable price. Many dealers and individuals are forced to sell pianos at reduced prices. Whether you wish to sell or buy cheap, the quickest way to, get into touch with piano buyers or sellers is through Bee want ads. Try them for a while and watch the rapid results that come to you. ;. Tyler 1000 -J. . uo