iiiJtXlnlPiii Cttktm THE BEE: OIU!..., E1XE:U.Y, JCXt i: 191:- CITI NEW? BOflRKE MAY BEAT BURGESS Va. ) t Have HJt Print It. Electric I"ans l-uifcess-Granden Co. -tacit-Falconer Co., Twenty-fourth ai:J Urncy. undertakers and vmbalnnrs. I'lviv Douglas SS7. Dr. W. H. Latey and Dr. F. J. Kalal have amoved their offices trom 206 Kar baoli Uock to 627-30 City National bank lnildins Hotel Clerk Fined Sam Baurr.an tk-rk at the Lange hotel, was fined $.'5 and costs and Al Amos, a bell hop, $10 ai.d costs for selling liquor in the hotel aft.-r s o'clock. Mrs. Vincent Gets New Car Mrs. C. nn-cnt has received a dark blue, five passenger touring car the exact replica ot one recently purchased by her friend, Mrs. William Jennings Bryan, Dandy Arrested lor Theft Abe Dandy, a peddler, was arrested for stealing a crate of cucumbers from the Trimble Commission company. In police court his case was continued until Friday morning. Bandle Buya a Home Frank W. Ban die, register of deeds, has bought a home at Forty-first avenue and Burt streets. It Is a Queen Anne brick and stucco cot tage. Four thousand dollars was the price paid. Fire Doi Little Damage Fire caused by-defective wiring In the. ceiling of the grocery store at Twentieth and Farnam street was the cause cf the downtown fire companies making an early, run to day. The damage amounted to only about $50. Reeves Bound Over William Reeves, one of the trio who robbed the clothing store of Sam Stefler, 217 North Twenty lourm street. Saturday morning, was bound over to the district court under S500 bonds. The other two have not yet been arrested. ue in tne bockiss The Joys of a vacaltion In the Rockies are pictured and described In a most entertaining way by E. L. Sabin, the well known story and magazine writer. In a handsome booklet just issued by the passenger de partment, Denver & Bio Grande, entitled "Outdoor Life in the Rockies." Tries to Keep Street! Clean Com missioner Kugel Is warning the ardent .garden makers and those who mow lawns, that weeds and grass must not be thrown In the streets. The commis sioner has been keeping a small company of men employed to pick up the grass thrown In the gutters, which eventually is carried to the sewers and often clogs them up. Ninety Say for Insulting Woman C. L. Christensen was given ninety days in Jail in police court for insulting women on the streets. Monday night he followed Mrs. J. N. Binkford and another woman Into her house at 2118 Grace street and made Insulting remarks to them. Bink ford met Christensen at the door and demanded an explanation whereupon the latter offered to buy him a drink if he would let the matter drop. Sure, Safe Way To Cure Corns Bingo" Boats Bloody Razor and Alt Cora-fret I Care-free I Fuss no more with bloody knives and razors with slimy 'salves and sticky sticking plasters! Bother no more with bulky straps, cotton wads, cloth dough nuts and similar nuisances! No more need adding insult to injury. Foot-torture days are over! Praise be to Bingo! Great, wonderful, Corn-Conquering Bingo! Worst corns quickly yield to its withering touch. Inflamma tion and pain stop "as if by magic!" No harm to normal flesh. Corn or callous just fades away you peel it off, cast it from your sight foot trouble then is merely a.memory! Make no mistake. If pestered with corns, bunions, callouses, warts several ly or collectively it's BINGO you want. There isn't anything "just as good." At druggists', 25c. Or direct upon receipt ot price, by Denulsoa Pbannacal Co., Ill No. Dear born St . Chicago. III. Bold In tbla city by 8Vrman & McConnell Drug Co.. 16th and Dodgo, 16th and Harney, 24th and Farnam, alto Loyal pharmacy, M7- No. 16th St. Are You FAT? I Was ONCE. I Reduced MYSELF I aa Fat, Uncomfortable. Looked Old, Felt Miserable, Buffered with Rheumatism, Aathma, Neuralgia. When I worked or walked, I puffed like a Porpoise. I took every advertised medicine 1 could find.. I Starved. Sweated, Exercised, Doctored and changed climate, but I ruined my disestlon, felt like an Invalid, but steadily gained weight. There was not a single plan or drug that 1 heard of that I did not try. I failed to reduce my weight. I dropped society, aa I did not car to be the butt of all the Jokes. It waa embar rassing to have my friends tell me I waa getting Stout, n. no one knew It better than myself. SOMETHING HAD TO BE SOWS . I bewail to study the cause of FAT. When I diMuvc.-ci! the cause I found the remedy. The French Method rave me an Insight. I Improved ou that. Removed the objectlonal features, added mere pleasant ones, and then I tried my plan en myself for a week, it worked Ilk magic, I could have SCBEAMED WITH JOT at the end of the first week when the scales told me I had lost ten pound by my simple, easy, harmless, Druglesa Method. It waa a pleasure then to continue until I regained my normal self In siie. I feel fifteen years younger. I look fif teen jxsrs younger. My Double Chin has entirely disappeared. I can walk or work now. I can climb a mountain. I am normal In else. I can weigh jut what I want to weigh. I am master of my own body now. I did not starve, but eat all I wanted to. I did not taka Sweat Baths. I did not Drug. I used no Electricity, or harmful ex ercises, but I found the Simple, Sane, Common Scuso WAY of reducing my weight and I applied It. I have tried It on others. My Doctor says I I in a perfect picture of health now. I am no longer ailing. I ara now a happy, healthy woman. Now I am going to help others to be happy. I hsve written s hook on the subject, tr you sre tat. I want you to have it. It will tell you all i5' ut my Harmless, Druglesa Method. To all who sen! rue their name and address I mall It FREE, at long i the present supply lasts. It will save you Money, Save you from Harmful Druga, Save you from Starvation Diets, Harmful liiercinea, possibly save VOIR LIFE. It is yours for the akmg wUthout a penny.. Just send your name aad addrfsa. A Postal Card will do and I'll be glad to rend It so that you can quickly learn how to reduce your'elf and be as happy as I am Wr.ie today as this advertisement may nut ay v.. - Aspect of the Fight for Secretary ship of School Board. OEPENES ON THE NEW MElIBEr Llnrnut Shown that Man Chosen Sueee?d Boorke on Hoard May Decide the Election of j Secretary. Again the office of secretary of the Omaha Board of Education is the foot ball of rolitics. History is quite likly to repeat itself, and J. F. Burgess, the incumbent, is in imminent danger of being set aside in favor of W. T. Bourke under exactly the same conditions as prevailed when James M. Gillan was set aside In fuvor of Mr. Burgess. No charge of any sort is made against Mr. Burgess; it is admitted by all that he has been a good man in the posi tion of secretary of the School board, and he is accused of nothing more serious than being a little "cranky" at times. Men who are fimiliar with the work of the office say that Burgess is both faith ful and efficient, that his records ate models of exactness, and that he has managed his office economically. Boorke AVauts the Pluce. Over against this Is set the claim of Mr. Bourke, which amounts to the fact that he wants the place. Bourke has just resigned as member of the board, for the purpose of contesting with Burgess for the place, the resignation following a quiet campaign that has been carried on for several months. On the election by the board of a successor to fill Bourke's unexpired term as member will turn the election of secretary. At present the lineup of the board mem bers is: For Burgess. For Bourke. Foster, Cott, Parsons, Jacobson, Richardson. Plumb. Walker. Streitz, Holovtchiner. Members Sears and Courtney are listed as uncertain, although it Is commonly be lieved that Courtney will vote for Bourke; Sears has been counted for both sides, but is thought to lean to Burgess. Seven votes are required to elect, and so the election of a new member on Monday night will determine the question. It has been reported that Sears has expressed himself that, In event of his voting for a new member who is in favor of Bur gess, he will vote for Bourke for secre tary, and vice versa. This will give Sears the decision either way. Richardson Snnisj Vp. Considerable feeling has been engen dered among the members of the board, and quite a little gossip is rife among those who have kept In touch with the progress of Bourke's campaign. James Richardson, who is chairman ot the fi nance committee of the board, Is the leader of the Burgess party, and in dis cussing the question says: Part of this trouble began last year. when Bourke was on the finance com mittee, and R. V. Cole was chairman. They went to the secretary's office for certain information befoie the appropri ations were made. Burgess was on his vacation, and they didn't get the Infor mation. A deficit of nearly $100,000 devel oped as the result of that appropriation sheet, and Bourke and the members sup porting him laid the deficit largely at the door of Burgess, because they didn't get the Information they desired on the day they called, when he was out of town. Trade In Janltorahip. "My committee brought in a report acknowledging the deficit. Since then there has been trouble. Bourke Is a good man, and I'd like to do what I can for him, but under the circumstances, I am for Burgess, Who is a good( faithful ser- ant, and ought to be re-elected. The only reason for Bourke's resigning to enter the race for the secretaryship is that he heeds the money." At the last meeting of the board. Dr. Holovtchiner, who is a member of the buildings and grounds committee, suc ceeded in having the pay of Thomas H. Fitzgerald, head janitor at the high school, reduced from $110 to $85, and An drew Johnson, a former employe of the Armour Packing company, elected as assistant to Fitzgerald at a monthly pay of $S5. In the case of all other as sistant janitors the pay is $t. In this instance it is offered that Fitzgerald Is physically unable to attend to the . du ties! of janitor, and therefore his pay is reduced, while Johnson will in fact be head janitor. It is further alleged that Johnson is close friend of Jacobson, Who will vote for Bourke under the circumstances, as Holovtchiner has been and is a champion of Bourke for the office. When Bnrgeaa Got the Job. Ten years ago a very similar state of affairs was presented. James H. GUI an had been secretary of the board for several years, succeeding Charles Con noyer, who had succeeded J. B. Piper. Burgess had served as a , member of the board for five years, and early in 1900 resigned to make the campaign for the secretaryship. He finally succeeded in defeating Gillan, and took over the of fice in July, 1900, holding it ever since. "Little Bed Wagon" Factory is Rebuilt E. F. Stroud's wagon factory is now practically re-erected on the site where a short time ago fire, destroyed the olO buildings.: The new factory is twice as large as the former one and is a perma nent structure. It was thought for a while the com pany might move from Omaha to Clin ton or. Shenandoah, la., but after a great deal of urging" on the part of the Com mercial club and Manufacturers' associa tion Mr. Stroud was Induced' to stay. ' His new factory will have a greater output than the one which was burned. Mr. Stroud recently sued the water com pany because of alleged lack ,of pressure the night his factory burned. Wyoming Oil Line m Working Order The Franco-Wyoming Oil company's pipe line from the Salt Creek fields to Casper, Wyo., has been completed and tested and is now ready for oil. The pipe line is Xirty-eight and one half miles in length and has been tested at 770 pounds pressure. This is the first step in the work of getting oil from the Wyoming fields to the Omaha market and is deeply interesting to business men of this city. Got an An fnl Fright by fear of appendicitis? Take Dr. King's Xew Life Pills, and soon sex.- bowel i nm bit- vanish. Guaianleed. 2u cent. 1 For sale, bv Beaton Druer Co. ft 5 'c,tv::lHM5Af - H. J. Matthews F. C. Shields John Lewis Special Agtnts. ANOTHER RAIN HELPS CROPS Downpour of Monday Night More General Than Day Before. AVEHAGE IS OVER AN INCH Sand HiUa and Nearly All Other Por tions of the State Are Benefited by the General Rain Which Helped the Farmers. With the exception of a limited urea In the southeast portion of the state, rains were more general over Nebraska Monday night than Sunday and Suniay night. Generally they were heavier, the precipi tation In many places exceeding an !wh and for a long distance in every direc tion from Gothenburg three inches is re ported. Along the Union Pacific there wore heavy showers from Omaha through to Grand Island, and from one-half to three nches from the last named place all the way to North Platte. This rain covered all the country north of the main line, as far away as the ends of the branches to the north. On the branches south of the main line, there was a steady rain m to possible shirt waists, which are very eo nomical, as they wear long and are easily washed without ironing. Be sure, however, to secure the genuine by looking for the words "Serpentine Crep"," stamped on selvage of every yard. if a B9 A A f I Win ' - r axil--- THE LARGEST ACCIDENT LOSS IN THE WEST BY ANY COMPANY ETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY HAJtTTOD, COWHTCTIOUT. LIFE-ACCIDENT-HEALTH-LIABILITY-BURGLARY-BONDS during the greater portion of the night, though, generally, it was not heavy. The Northwestern reported from one- half to an Inch of rain over the Omaha division, extending as far west as Long Pine. From Fremont eas the precipita tion was something like one-half inch, but from there west, over the main line, to the north and northwest over the Plainview and Bonesteel branches, It was fully an inch. There were light rains over the sand hill country and over the Lincoln and Albion branches and the Superior line, from an inch to an inch and one-half of rain was reported dur ing the night. Elkhorn Valley Drenchea. While the rain of Sunday night fell over only a small portion of the Elkhorn valley, It got a drenching Monday, , an inch being reported at Fremont, Beemer, Wisner, Stanton, Ewlng, Stuart, Snyder, Elgin, Dodge, Leigh, Nickerson, Hooper, West Point and Scribner. All of the South Platte country along the Burlington system was thoroughly wetted down. Points on the Omaha di vision repotted from one-half to an inch. There was an Inch anu more over most of the country to the northwest of Lin coln, up as far as Seneca, more than half way to Alliance. At Greeley Cen ter, In the heart of the sand hills, over an inch was reported, this heavy precipi is made in twenty-six beautiful plain colors as well as in very many printed patterns. These plain colors include all desirable shades and make very tasty party dresses, shirt waists, night "robes, etc. Garments made of either plain or printed Serpentine Crepe require no ironing. When rhpv become soiled, simolv J - - - . T usual way, shake out, and hang up to dry, and they are ready again for immediate use. 'Night robes made of white soft-finished Serpentine Crepe are far superior to garments made from muslin or other materials, because they wear longer and look prettier. They are particularly desirable for family use, as the fact that, they do not require ironing greatly lessens the amount of laundry work in the home, and they are theiefore a boon the housewife, particularly summer season. The soft-finished pink, blue and white Ser pentine Crepe makes up into the prettiest Sold by all of Omaha leading depart mert stores at very reasonable price Al 54?" LOSS 9 s tation covering the country In all direc tions for more than fifty miles. On the McCook division, and where rain was badly necdeJ, they had an abund ance. The rain bcan to fall early In the evening, continuing all night and ex tending far into Colorado and well down into Kansas. Stations on this dlvisloa re ported from three-fourths' up to an Inch and one-half of rain. . BAKER ADVISES COUNCIL NOT TO RESTORE LICENSE Judge Ben Baker, city corporation coun sel, before the council In open and regu lar session advised that the license of William Miller, a saloon keeper whose license the council had revoked, be not restored because Miller bad been con victed under the law of selling liquor on Sunday, and the duty of the council wai to revoke his license aa soon aa he was Convicted. Counsel Bradley for Miller declared the conviction had been obtained under city ordinance and not state statute, which made a difference. Judge Baker said It made no difference to the council sine Miller was convicted. Bradley declared Police Judge Barker, on the bench but a few days, would sign anything placed before htm. He attacked wash in the r in the hot O- M 5fe?S.t' i in ami v i , rv Jl Aver ,uv EVER PAID Assets January, 1912-Ovtr $104,000,000 'q r the city prosecutor, Fred Anheuser, for Insisting that the trial be before the court and not a jury. The council refused to reconsider the revocation of tha license. POSTAL HEADS GO TO LINCOLN CONVENTION Postmaster Wharton expects to leave this morning to ' attend the re maining sessions of the Nebraska Post masters' association convention In Lin coln. Fourth Assistant Postmaster Utn eral DeGraw and George G. Thompson, chief clerk to Postmaster General Hitch cock, went through Omaha yesterday and will remain there through the con (si vUXJ The Delights In Baking With (5MJUJM BAKING To fully appreciate the real pleasure of baking, buy scan of ' Calumet and aa a tent buV a bawtt of biscuits. Sea bow light and wonderfully raised they come from the oven. Then break one of them open and note how thoroughly, evtnly and fluflily the dough haa risen., And the Bnal test-tlie one thatcounts-buMer and laaU. This test will prove to you that Calumet Is the most depend able Baking Powder tor every purpoae. It will prove 1U economy over the high-price trust brands sod its great superiority over tho cheap and big can kinds. For Calumet is highest in quality and moderate in cost. Received Highest Award World' Pure Food Exposition. sljlu r a Short Jaunts Money in Glacier National Park Season June 15 to October 15, 1912 Comfort in modern hotels--amid towering mountains tours on foot and on horseback, camping, fishing everything the heart desirei in a vacation awaits you in Glacier National Park. A complete tour of this new playground has been made pos- . sible in 1012 by the erection of seven hotel colonies located at Two Medicine Lake, Cut Bank CaSon, St. Mary's Lake, The Narrows, Gunsight Lake, Speny Glacier Bashvand Lake McDermott. Rate per day at each hotel, $3.00. Camping parties can tour the park at a cost of $1.00 to 5.00 per day. The favorite tour of this Summer will be the circuit from Midvafe to Belton, or vie! versa, taking in the most beautiful sections of the park a week or ten davs required for the trio. Low Fares-Great Northern Express Go on the Great Northern Express through train via C. a ; Q., and Great Northern Hallways, the Great .National Highway to Glacier National Park. Low Kound-Trip Summer Tourist Tickets on sale dally until September 80th. Liberal stop-overs. W. M. ROMINE, . District Passenger Agent, 315 Seventh St., Des Moines, la. . , . aBasik-Pacilte Expoa tion, San franr.oes, ' ' S4 ,1 f $50,000 enera' ents 'or Nebraska 310 RAMGE BLDQ., Omaha John Dais :-: Fred B. Dali vention until Saturday morning, wheu they will return to Omaha. The post master expects to remain over at Lincoln until Saturday morning and return to Omaha with the postal chiefs. While here the heads of the departments will make recommendations In line with the recent reorganisation. No change in the personnel of the postofflce are ex pected as a result of the inspection. Mr. W. S. Gunsalus, a farmer living near Fleming, Pa., says he has used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlar rhoe Remedy In his family for fourteen years, and that he has found It to be an excellent remedy, and takes pleasure In recommending It. For sale by all dealers. POVEK mm for Little ffl n m is; I f 1 I I;