6 THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1912, TilE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEVVATEH ;- VICTOR ROSEWATEH. EDITOR BEE BUILDIXG. FARNAM AND 1"TH. Entered at Omaha Postoffice as second class matter. , f Sunday Bee, one year J- jO Saturday Bee, one year J1 60 Dally Bee (without Sunday) one year.$4.w Daily Bee and Sunday, one year DELIVERED BY CARRIER. JEvening Bee (with Sunday), per mo...lc Iaily Bee (including Sunday), per mo..t&: ipailv Bee (without Sunday . per mo. ..toe ' Address all complair.ts or irregularities , in delivery to City Circulation Dept. t REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or potal order, 'payable to The Bee Publishing company. Only 2-cent stamps received In payment of small accounts. Personal checks, ex cept on Omatia and eastern exchange, not accepted. OFFICES. hi,- Omaha-The Bee building, f? South Omaha-231S N St. Council Blus-75 Scott St. i JJncoln 26 Little building, t Chicago IMS Marquette building. Kansas City Reliance building, f New York-34 West Thirty-third, f Washlngton-725 Fourteenth St.. N. W. f CORRESPONDENCE. " J- Communications relating to news and editorial matter should be addressed "Omaha Bee, Editorial Department FT MAY CIRCULATION. 50,421 fetata of Nebraska, County of Douglas ,ss. i Dwight Williams. circulaUng manager W The Bee Publishing company, being -duly sworn. ays that the average 411 cl'culatlon for the month of May, 1313, wai W.421. DWIGHT WIlXIAMS. - circulation Manager, V Subscribed In my presence and sworn to befora me this 6th i iay o( June. 1912. (Seal.) RuBERT HUNTER. Notary PiOic. Subscribers leaTln 4Ae city I temporarllr should huve Th Bee mallei to the a.. Address ; will be changed a l often re ; quested. . .," Some rollers ieem to roll with less fjteam than otytiefs. js it thrkey or the -sack Senator J,a Folkto is holding? Jfow,, where would you go to find nicer little weather man? In the smoke of the oncoming American warships, Cuba may read her hope of peace. - What a time tbp society editresses mast have had that . night of the famous Waterloo ball. ', Shakespeare made the Danish prince melancholy, but look what old Doc'Cook did to the king. Senator Kern would have to shave off; his whisker before he could ex pect to make a clean race. A Philadelphia fish dealer found a fish wearing a diamond ring. Prob ably got it off some, lobster. In the Indiana gam the score stood 62 to 0, without a protest on a single decision by the umpire. , , Nothing dull or humdrum in the army or navy life so long as this chance for travel keeps coming. The rain having fallen on' the just here in Nebraska, it will now doubt less fall on the unjust elsewhere. : A Yonkers man had his wife ar rested for kissing him too often. Makes it easy for the other fellow. The immortal Gettysburg speech, lowever, was delivered by Abraham Lincoln, and thatNn a very few words. . , The second hurry call for 'harvest hands sent out by Kansas indicates that Governor Stubbs has again left he state." J Mr. Carnegie has been hooted in bis dear Aberdeen, Scotland. And be probably: cried, "Hbot, mon," tight back at them. International amenities began even in Caesar's day, for Macauley tells us that Julius was a fond ad inirer of Greek maids. No matter which way the pre liminary decision goes in Chicago, force of habit compels the bleachers to 'howl at. the umpire. If all these delegates-at-large con tests are bo meritorious why. does not the colonel's own friends on the committee vote for them? Of course in "Omaha, the home city," wives know nothing" of that problem that vexes some women folk, "how to keep Tiubby home nights." With the tocsin of war echoing madly on Chicago's lake front, Eat-'Em-Alive Abernatby and bin kids stick to the tall timber in Oklahoma. ... An admirer of the Washington . base ball team lived long enough to see it win ten consecutive games and then, while peacefully sleeping, died happy. . Mule teams beat automobiles in a speed and endurance contest. Champ Clark may now regret that he ex changed his mules for the hound dog mascot. One hundred thousand applicants for the 12,000 seats in the Chicago convention demonstrates that the press agent of the show has over worked bis Job. . : ' Havanese rejoice with good reason the coming of the United States troops. Besides bringing assurances of safety and order, the presence of 6,000 troops will push up the busl ness jercentag$ of a. dull season... J Grain Outlook. If the government crop reporter has gathered the facts in the story, the outlook for wheat, oats, barley and rye in the states as a whole, is exceedingly good, much better than in some of the principal grain states separately, we are happy to say. Some grain men differ with the gov ernment. Yet we are constrained to believe that the government is not trying to overshoot the mark, at any rate, and has no design In mis stating the situation. Furthermore, it has better facilities, perhaps, for ascertaining the condition over the country at large than the private grain men in different states. The fact that acreage of wheat has diminished as compared with last year is not vital; that is a local mat ter. It is of much more importance that "all wheat" shows up as to yield fourteen bushels per acre as compared with 12.5 bushels last year and 14.6 bushels for a five-year aver age. If these figures are even ap proximately correct, and they must be, it is time for much rejoicing, at least over prospects. Incree in the Cost of Diamonds. Ttose June bridegrooms who have -.ieady laid in their supply of dia monds may be in a position to ap preciate a market forecast from an Amsterdam diamond dealer, who says that prices in his line, which have jumped from 15 to 20 per cent, are on the way. to higher levels "in the near future." The diamond dealer has not been doing as well as he might. Two strikes among the diamond cutters during the year have interfered with his profits. Everything must now he conserved to .make up for the loss and, of course, the simplest remedy is an increase in prices. This Is one place, however, where the ultimate consumer ' really has very little ground for protest. It Is not his fault if he gets caught in the vortex of the diamond mill and even if be does he knows so little about the price and value of precious stones that he is never in a position to com plain very vigorously. It flatters his pride to buy a diamond at all and It might compromise it to pay what seemed to him a small price for the luxury. So, perhaps, it is Just as well to keep boosting these prices, for this is one place if "where ignor ance is bliss 'tis folly to be wise," sure enough. Bryan and O'Gonnan. This is an open season for picking democratic standard bearera. former Comptroller Herman A.-Meti of New York City, some politician in his day, has exercised his right under the law of common, consent and picked Bryan and Senator O'Gorman as the men to be named at Baltimore , It involves some hazard of .reputa tion to become dogmatic on this sub ject at this dale, of course, and while any two of a dozen other democrats may b'e nominated, Mr. Metz, per haps, has some ground for his pre diction. It Is not impossible to im provise circumstances that might suggest Bryan as the most available man for the head of the ticket and it is even less difficult, from at least on point of view, to imagine O'Gor man as his running mate. jMetz sounds his Bryan and OUor man boom under the slogan, "Back to the constitution," which Is quite another matter, especially with refer ence to the head of the ticket, him self claiming credit for most of the new political fads of the day. The St. Louis Republic has a couple of mighty interesting little human interest stories, "Then- and Now," involving Cole Younger and Emmet Dalton, "twenty years ago" and today. Twenty years ago, if the writer will look up the records, will show Cole Younger a peaceful resi dent of a state institution in Still water, Minn., and not a roaming pal of Emmet Dalton. who belonged to a younger generation than the Youngers. . .Victims of early piety traced on hairless domes' may draw some com fort from the experience of the Maine Bea captain, who1, falling over board In the darkness of night, was saved by his marble top serving as a beacon for the rescuing party. Some misfortunes yield compensation. It ought to be possible to appre hend the murderer of those eight Iowa people, killed while they slept. One of the mysteries of such an atrocity is that it could be completed before some of the victims escaped, unless, of course, there were several of the fiends. The lowest estimate of the loss of tips sustained by the striking waiters is 110,000 a day for two weeks. Pil grims from the provinces who plan a trip to New York from these fig ures can , calculate in advance the extra cost of doing the "Great White Way." Senator Du Pont and Delaware are for Roosevelt. The presence of the Powder trust In the tent where fire works go off every minute is an ex hibit of bravery verging on reckless ness. Peace ?. There Is no peace. Talk about it is a waste of time. A ma jority of the. class of middles gradu ated from Annapolis Naval academy are tagged, fojcarlj. marriagev... SCHOOL DAYS IN EARLY OMAHA VII. Recollections of Student Life. BY VICTOR ROSE WATER, Member of the Class of 1887 and Now Editor of The Bee. Student life durlpg our high school days was. varied, and vigorous. The school was not yet so large as to suc cumb to the temptation to "clique," al though there were, of course, groups that found mutual pleaaure in congenial diversions. The divisions were more largely along class lines due to longer acquaintance and more Intimate contact, but at the same time there were cross cuts drawn In altogether different diver slons. Even in my first year I was per mitted to associate with some of the seniors and to participate In their social affairs, perhaps because of my youth fulness. I had gone Into the high school In knee pants In fact, did not acquire my first full length trousers until my third year and my chief competitor In dimlnutlveneas was a classmate named Harry Bonner, who was a little older, a Httle larger and wore long pats. In the grades all the children had been called by their first names, and the sup posed metamorphosis worked by entrance Into the high school was to be addresseo as "Mr. Smith" or "Miss Jones." I was denied this privilege as if It did not be long to me until one day I rose In my might with an Indignant protest to one of ihe offending teachers, after which the objectionable discrimination wak abated. In those early school days we observed the various holidays In the usual way. For Arbor day, for example, the School Board furnished sapling trees which members of the graduating class were permitted to set out on the south side of the campus to grow Into tall, livlnt; monuments to the prowess of the stu dents and furnish sentimental ties that would bind them forever to the old school. In my turn I put out one of these trees, along with my classmates, but If any of theso trees survived, or ever lived any length of time, it Is not re corded. We had our Christmas enter tainments and out class plays. 1 re member one tried out in German, and on one occasion the boys put on a min strel show with real burnt cork that wouldn't come off for a long time there after. In the earlier years when the whole school was assembled in the large audi ence room every morning, the day was started with a brief musical or literary number. One of the students would play a piece on the piano, or recite a short poem and then we would go on with our lessons. Assignment on this, program was supposed to be recognition of merit, although seldom welcomed as such. ' In the matter of sports and athletic games we were at that time in a re ceptive state, trying out everything and Introducing and . experimenting with every kind of a contest we ever heard of. A well equipped gymnasium has been In stalled under the mansard roof in the CURBENT GOSSIP OF THE ARMY Gathered from the Army and Navy Register. Army Supply Corp Head. With the assurance of the creation of the consolidated quartermaster corps In the army speculation naturally addresses itsejf. to the officer who will be selected as Its first chief, td have the rank ar.d pay. of -a major general during his -service a such. When that officer is tmc ceeded, by. another chief . of the corps the latter will have only the rank of a briga dier general, under the terms -of the pend ing legislation. There have been persist ent rumors that some of the military ad visers of the president have been urging upon Mr. Taft'the consideration of namei of officers who have- not hitherto been closely associated with the appointment. There la nothing, however, to indicate that the president will abandon the pur pose he Is known to have entertained all along of appointing General J. B. Ale shire, now quartermaster general of the army, to which position he was appointd on July 1, 1907, largely by virtue of the Influence of Mr. Taft, then the secretary of war. General Aleshlre is regarded at the capltol as what may be called th" logical selection; at least, one hears his name more frequently mentioned than any other. Reward for Colonel Goethals. There is a revival of the gossip eon cernlng a suitable recognition of the serv ices which are being rendered on the Isthmus by Colonel George Wi Goethals of the corps of engineers. It has beer suggested by some of the members of congress, especially those who have vis ited the canal, that that officer Bhould be made a brigadier general with the least possible delay, and this is in anticipation of the next vacancy which Is to occur In the grade. In view of the pending legis lation which may cut down the number of general officers, this contemplated pro motion of Colonel Goethals Is surrounded with considerable doubt, more than is Justified In this particular Instance. There is likely to be some special legislation In this case, probably upon completion of the canal, which would be doubtless in accordance with the wishes of Colonel Goethals, If he were consulted in tho matter, or If he expressed his own wishes. So far as Is known in Washington, that officer entertains no thought of the offi cial recognition of his achievement. The conservative view is that a discussion of the special legislation which would fit thi case is premature. It is certain that when the proper time comes Colonel Goethals will be suitably rewarded, and that since he does not retire for age until 1922 he doubtless will have a position with rank and title in accordance with the notable work upon which he has been engaged. New General Officers. Much curiosity has been aroused by the delay In transmitting to the senate the nomliiations of general officers to fill ex isting vacancies in the grades of major general and brigadier general, one In the former and three in the latter. About a week ago It was apparently decided to nominate Brigadier General W. W. Wotherspoon to be a major general and Brigadier General Clarence R. Edwards, Colonel O. F. Chase of the cavalry arm and Colonel E. J. McClernand, First cav alry, to be brigadier ' generals. While there is no reason to expect that this :ate will be modified, there is a suspi cion that the delay In sending the nomi nations to the senate Is for a purpose. Naturally enough, under the circum stances, there is much speculation as to the reason tor the delay." Some gossips attribute It to the Intention of the presi dent to make use of the positions for whatever advantage it may be to hint in a political way prior to the national con vention; others see in It a purpose of the War department to use the situation in attic room cn the north, where the boys went through all sorts of stunts and took up variuus fads. First It was boxing mathces, then it was wrestling and then it was fencing, and there were some fast and furious bouts between our amateur bruisers during noon intermissions or after school hours. Out-of-doors we had base ball nines and foot ball teams and a cricket eleven as well. We had on several occasions regularly organized athletic tournaments with foot races, high and broad Jumps, hurdling and pole vaulting and even broad sword combats on horseback with home-made wooden swords. The horses, of course, were bor rowed nags, guaranteed to stand still no matter how much belabored by glanclns blows of .the swords. The hl?h school cadets took Inception in a voluntter military company, for which the boys chose their own officers, who memorized the tactics and went through the drills and marches as best they could without guns. Not only were we Into everything here enumerated, but we also went Into poll tics, forming a Blaine and Logan club In the fall of 1S84 under the leadership of Wallace Broatch, which participated In the final rally of the campaign. I have a distinct recollection of marching along with the other high school boys In a grand torchlight procession carrying a tin can with a flaming wick set on the end of a stick and being taken to task on going home for almost ruining my clothes with drlppllng oil, to say nothing of holes burned in my hat and scorched fingers. The defeat of Blaine in the elec tion put a damper on our Blaine awl Logan club, which thereupon went out of commission. The genesis of high school journalism also cropped out during the years I was attending the old school. There had been a s6called High School Journal run by un outsider as a profit-making venture which had gone by the boards some time before. About December. 1S86, a project was taken up to Issue a paper under the name of "The High School Register.'; The leading spirts in this were Wallace Broatch, Herbert Taylor and mywelf, be coming editor, business manager and assistant editor In the order named. The Register began as a small four-page sheet Issued twice a month confined strictly to the chronicling of high school events. I had before that had the stamp collecting erase, and has contributed erudite articles to a number of philatelic magazines, but this was my first venturo Into what may be fairly called journal Ism. The next year I took charge of the Register as Its editor, associated with Howard Clark as business manager, transforming. It Into a monthly of maga zine size and pushed it along the high way which it had now traveled without hopping for more than twenty-five years. negotiating tor legislation, especially in connection with the army bill and the conference report thereon. If General Ed wards is transferred, to the list of general officers with the rank of brigadier gen eral the impression at the capitol is that Colonel . Frank Mclntyre of the infantry arm,- who is the. senior assistant of Gen eral Edwards, will succeed the latter as. chief of the bureau of insular affairs. Dismissal of Officers. The War department has under con sideration the proceedings and findings In the court martial cases of Captain Jacques de L. Ladtte, Twelfth infantry, on duty at the Presidio .of Monterey, Cak; Lieutenant George E. Price, Four teenth cavalry, stationed at Fort Mcin tosh, Tex-, and Captain Boss Reese of the Philippine scouts on duty at Manila, These officers have been sentenced to dismissal. The charges' for which Cap tain Lafltte and Lieutenant Price were tried allege failure to meet financial ob ligations. The charges for which Captain Reese was tried are numerous, varied and serious, Involving, it U alleged, all descriptions of personal misconduct, In cluding the use of violent ,'angtiage toward subordinates, striking Philippine soldiers and other personal attacks in fact, a long list of alleged misdeeds, similar to those for vrhlch this officer was tried once before. The papers in the cases of Captain Lafltte and Lieu tenant Price are now before the secretary of war for his action and It is expected they will be sent to the president early in the coming week. The record in the case of Captain Reese is a copious one and It will require some time to go through it. Captain Lafltte is the senior officer of his grade in his regiment and stands No. 7 on the lineal list of captains of rnfautry. He served as a quarter master of volunteers in the war with Spain, is a graduate of the Military academy, having been commissioned as second lieutenant of the Eighth infantry (In June. 3891. Lieutenant Ffrlce was originally an enlisted man of the army, In which capacity he served from 1S96 to 1901, when he was appointed a second lieutenant of the Twenty-ninth infantry. He Is a graduate of the Infantry and Cavalry school, class of 1906. Captain Reese wa8 an enlisted man In the vol unteer force In the war with Spain and was commissioned an officer in the I Philippine scouts in 1901. o Time for Repairs. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. It would be an embarrasins time for the steam roller to develop tire troubles. Prospects for Rvtnrn Trip. Baltimore American. It Is said the cost of living is now the highest in the history of the country. THen the outlook Is hopeful on the theory that when things get to the worst thty are bound to mend. A Mighty Infant. New York World. Within the last twelve years the manu facture of motor cars and motor-driven vehicles has achieved the third place in the Industries of the United States. And the industry, apparently, is even yet only In Its Infancy. Looking Backward Some Years. Boston Transcript It la recalled that Senator Hoar was both temporary and permanent chairman of the convention of 1580 that killed the first third-term movement and nominated James A. Garfield. The present anti-thlrd-term movement might easily, If pressed by necessity, carry the parallel a step further and give the nomination to such a man as- Senator Root, - Backward COMPILED FROM BEE FILE S JUNE 12. 1 i j. Thirty Years Ago At the Board of Trade meeting it was decided to raise I5.0W to put the fair grounds in order to insure its continued location here. Arrangements also were made for a trade excursion to Montana next month. Frederick Lang died at his residence at Thirteenth and Jackson as a result of the concussion from his fall from a window. He was 50 years oicf. His eldest daugh ters, Maggie and Carrie, had just de parted on a trip east, while the sn, Frank, had Just engaged In business in Chicago, the youngest daughter, Adellna Fr.elda, being at home with her mother. Wideawake council No. 878, Legion of Honor, held a reception In honor of thi new hall over Kennard Brothers' new drug store. the Chllds hospital makes acknowledg ment of contributions for April and May, among them a large cake and Ice cream from Rev. John Williams, and four hats trimmed, seven cans of tomatoes, twenty bars of soap, one roll of butter, two dozen eggs and asparagus from Mrs. J. M Woolworth. Our ex-pollce Judge, Hon. Pat O. Hawes, has returned from Washington city, and his familiar face is again seen on tho streets. Work was temporarily stopped on the Farnam street grade by the soft condi tlon of the road beyond the hill. The city jail was devoid of inmates to day. Bishop Clarkson held a reception for the graduates of Brownell Hall. J. P. and E. M. Porter, formerly of Dubuque, la., have located at 1112 Far nam street. Miss Reba Yates, daughter of Henry W. Yates, has returned from Vassar college to pass the summer vacation with her parents. J. N. H. Patrick returned from his Eu ropean tour, and Miss Kemmerer is again the guest of the Patricks at Happy Hoi low. . Twenty Years Ago Police Sergeants Graves and Kiser saved a big fat man from drowning him self in the lake at Hanscom park In the afternoon. Spectators on seeing Wra plunge into the water yelled, "He's try ing to drown himself," which attracted the police officers and they hastened to the scene, got hold of the fellow and drew him out and sent him to the polli station. Nebraska's delegation-to the Minneapo lis national republican convention re turned in a private car chartered by John L. Webster. They were happy over the renominatlon of their man, President Harrison.. ' , In the evening, returning from a drlvo, pohn Nestle,- Thirtieth and Walnut streets, and his young lady companion had an exciting time when their horse ran away, hurling them over an embank ment at Twenty-fourth and Marcy streets. The young woman was uninjured, but Mr. Nestle had a leg broken. The opening exercises for the Brownell Hall graduating class Were ; observed at St. Barnabas'- Episcopal- church in the evening, ' when Rev John' Williams preached to the graduates. Father Wil liams 'took nls text fr3m Psalms' 114:12 ' That our-sons may b as plants grown up in- their' youth; 'that" our daughter? may be as cornerstones, polished1 after the similitude of a palftce," The Omaha and Douglas county repub licans laid out plans for a ratification meeting over the Harrison renominatlon. They selected John L. Webster to pre side and Edward Rosewater and Stephen A. Douglas, Jr., of Chicago as -the prin -cipal speakers, the meeting to be held in Exposition hall. Ten Years Ago News was received In Omaha of the death in Medford, Mass., of Mrs. Jessie Fell Coewlfe of Charles A. Coe, for merly engaged in the shoe business In Omaha. They left this city for Medford In 1896. Samuel HIggins resigned as ; superin tendent of motive power for the .Union Pacific, after a year and a half of tenure, to return east, accepting a sirnilar posl tlon with the Southern Railway with headquarters in Washington, D.' C. W. R. McKeen, Jr., master mechanic for th9 Union Pacific at Cheyenne, was slated for the Hlgglns place, though the ' ap pointment was not officially announced. R. F. Hodgin and daughter returnei from Portland, Ore., where Mr. Hodgin attended a meeting of the Travelers' Pro tective association. J. A. DeBoer of Montpelier, Vt., presi dent of the National Life Insurance com pany, was the honor guest at an Omaha club dinner given by Charles E. Ady general agent In Omaha for the companv. The dinner was also attended by all the company's agents in the state. Mr. D Boer was the youngest president of any of the great insurance companies, being only 40. W. V. Morse, elected to succeed the late Dell E. Goodrich as secretary of th Omaha Street Railway company, entered upon the duties of that office. J. H. Mickey of Osceola, candidate for the republican gubernatorial nomination, was in the city tacking a few palings on his political fence. "So far," said Mr Mickey, "I feel gratified at the outlook." People Talked About A new law forbids the sale or use of "trick slgars" in Massichusetts. The state has a commission which employs other means than "fool Jokes" to tag tho feeble minded. For the first time in its history, Pltts fleld, Mass., has a woman mall carrier. She Is Mrs. P. P. Murphy, who has eharge of a rural route, on the eastern outskirts of the city. Mrs. Murphy is acting aa substitute for her husband, who Is taking a vacation. A speech made by J. Bruce Ismay some years ago Is now remembered. The speech was made In Belfast and was concerning an unlucky sea captain. It appears to apply to Mr. Ismay's lot since the Titanic disaster. He then said: "When a man's down his enemies stop kicking him to let his friends . begin." The oldest member of the House of Commons and very probably tHe oldest member of any deliberative body in the world Is Samuel Young, liberal member for East Cavan. He is 92 years old, though one unacquainted with hliu would not think him more . than CO, it is said. He made a half hour speech in favor of home rule during one of the recent de bates. .. . r SMILING REMARKS. Beggar Beg pardon, mister, but can you jfive a poor man a lift? Passerbv (an auctioneer) You're asking the wrong man for a lift, my friend. My business is knocking things down. Bos ton Transcript. Mrs. Knicker Do you treat your cook as one of the family? Mrs. Bocker Yes. like our daughter just graduated. New York Sun. "Got you trunk packed for your vaca tion trip?" "Not vet. I've got to get my pocket book packed first." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Mrs. Muggins I hear your husband is quite versatile. Mrs. Buggins Why, he can actually stay out late every night In the week and not give the same excuse twice. Phila delphia Record. She Why do you ask for only one kiss? He If you'll give me one, I shall be able to help myself to the rest-Illustrated Bits. Henley-How are you getting on with your writing for the magasines? Pen ley-r-Just holding my own. -ey send me back aj much as I send them. Boston Transcript. Make Faust Spaghetti the chief, dinner dish one night each week Do this for the pleasure it will give the whole family. Do it for the wholesome nourishment contained in a dish of BRAND MACARONI And for economy's sake, for Faust Spaghetti most perfectly takes the place of expensive meats. , Faust Spaghetti is made from Durum wheat richest in the elements that build up the body and supply energy. It is made in kitchens that are spotlessly clean and carefully packed in odor-proof, damp-proof and dust-proof packages. . , It comes to you delightfully fresh and clean. Write for our free book of recipes. 5c and 10c packages. MAULL BROS., St. Louis, Mo. a-- Beer is just as good as it fa made no better. Old Age is made as good as the best master brewers know how to make it com pletely good, and is kept that way by Sterilized Amber Bottles. family trad sappllsd by South Omaha . WXX.IXAX JXTTZB, 8503 XT StrMt . TsL South 868. Omaha HUGrO I". BUS, 13S4 Douglas Strast. Phona Song. 1543. JETTER BREWING COMPANY SOUTH OKAJEA, WZBASXA THE SUNLIGHT WAY. Baltimore Sun. The sunlight way for me. The smiling way and sweet; The way of little roses, and The way of little feet. The sunlight way to glory, Sweet song and restful story: To lips that learn at morning, And lips that learn at night To kiss with love s adorning The darkness unto light. The sunlight way forever, In shadow or in shine; The sunlight way of beauty. The only way for mine. 'The sunshine way of living, Of loving and forgiving; The sunlight way of going Along the toiling way, With love's sweet smile of greeting And an old forthright "Good-day. The sunlight way tomorrow. When all this loss and care Have been in dreams forgotten, With all their bleak despair. The sunlight way of strewing Life's path with helpful doing; The sunlight way for me, The cheer that makes life holy To humble and to strong alike, To proud hearts and to lowly. Come to the Cool Northwest and Fish! XTen thott s and lakes i linnesota teeming with fish bass, pike, pickerel, muscal longe, etc. . Cool, clear air, worth money for its beneficial effect. Re sorts and camping places galore a splendid time assured, with a chance see the beautiful 'Twin Cities" : St. Paul and Minneapolis, the charming "Twin Ports' : Duluth and Superior, and their many beautiful environs. There's a world of "Reel" Sport in the Northwest: Minnesota, the Rock ies of Montana, Yellowstone Park, the Bitter Roots, Cabinet Range," Lake .Coeur d'Alene, the Spokane Lake resorts, and in the Cascades, Columbia River and P.uget Sound regions of Washington and Oregon. Low Fares for Summer Outings. CLct me give you a copy of "Minnesota Lake,," digest of Minnesota Game and Fish Laws and "Summer Trip to the North Pacific Coast." Ask also for Yellowstone Park folder. Full information about fares vitt accom pany them. . . .. E. D. Bockwell, tHst. Pas.' Agent. 213-1 Century Bank Bids.. Dee Moines, Iowa. Northern Pacific Ry in i r. hi Tlx fSJA 5T-?) WyfiMTXM lit' I.I I 1 n mi l EMfl