BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1912. THE irnnr f.RflP v fMniTIftNK IMPROVE I & """ . . ' -- "' '. - ' I ( as, ' THE LILIPDTIANM CLOTHES SHOP FOR BOYS A Suits for little boys and tig boys the sort that bears the earmarks of refinement and quality. ' Uilliiik Boy Scout w you so OWW 1518-1520 FARNAM STREET POSTMASTERS SESSION OPENS ! Meeting of Nebraska Postal Officials Begins at Lincoln. GOVERNOR EXTENDS WELCOME Bisbp Titarn of Catholic Cfcareh ' Froaoanced the Benediction . Maar Notable Officials are Among Visitors. (Prom Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. June il.-Spectal.)-The meeting of the Nebraska postmasters which convened here thlr morning bids fair to be well attended, something like Ht having registered before the noon hour. . - , - .; . s . ; ,: v There was no morning session, the time being spent In registering and renewing acquaintances. Joe P. Johnson, inspector for this territory, Who has his head quarters in Kansas City, was here early Headquarters is being maintained at the Ltnde!! hotel. - The afternoon session opened at 2 o'clock with President Ed Sixer of Lin coln presiding.' Governor Aldrlch dallv red an address of welcome and Mayor Armstrong followed with another In be half of the city. Mrs. George E. Tobey sang "America," and Rt. Rev, J. H. Tlhen of the Catholic church pronounced the invocation. Major Holltngsworth of Beatrice responded to the addresses of welcome In behalf of the association, an Miss Marie Montebar of Firth gave a reading. At I o'clock the ladles In attendance at the aNsonlatlon were placed In charge Coat and Pants to Order $17.50 Reduced from 025 and $20 This reduction itv eludes blue and greyserges,crashes and homespuns. Every coat carefully tried on b e fore finishing. HacCarthy-Viilson Tailoring Co. 304-306 South 16th St. GOOD FOR SECTIONS 1 AR SOUVENIR COUPON SAVE THIS COUPON The Gvil War Through the Camera Containing Brady's Famous Civil .War Photographs taM'W jr Prminim f f A V. S. Wmt Dtpattmant) And Professor Elson's Newly Written History of the Civil War Above Coupon Good for Sections 1 or 2 The Omaha Bee has entered Into a great National publishing alli ance, arbose object Is to place In every American home the best possible memento of the Civil War at an education in patriotism. Cat eat the coupon above, bring or send It to the office of this newspaper. fcXAD CAJtirULlY tory of the great struggle, newly written by Prof. Henry W. filson of Ohio University, will be issued in sixteen sections, each complete in Itself, and known as the CIVIL WAR THROUGH THE (HMEHA. The above coupon. If nsed at once, is good for one section when accom panied by an expense fee of TEN CENTS, to cover cost of material, handling, clerk hire, etc. By "mail, three cents extra. Bring or send this Coupon TODAV to The Bee office. Xorfalk and mannish suits of plain coat style in many new color tones for boys of 7 to 1G; values that are prominent, at $5.00, $6.00, $7.50 and $10 Suits for the sailor boys and the Russian boys, stylish to a nice degree, at $3.95, $4.50 to $8.50 135 Boys' Suits. $3.75 Odd suits in Norfolk and jacket suits, one or two only of a kind, from broken linos of $5.00 and $6.00 values, ages 7 to 15, at ....$3.75 A handsome pocket knife free with boys' suits this week. i Outfitters, row TOOT 31 of Custodian H. C, M. Burgess of the government building, who acted as pilot and took them to College View and other points in automobiles. In the evening the State Journal and Evening News were the hosts at a theater party at the Oliver. Among the nobles present are: P. V. Degraw, fourth assistant postmaster gen. eral and G. G. Thompson, chief clerk of the Postofflce department, who will stay through most of the session. Mr. ThrMion, speaking tomorrow morning, when he will convey greeting to the con' ventlon from the postmaster general and Mr. Degraw In the afternoon in an ad dress Mr. Johnston, the postofflce In spector for " this district, will speak Thursday morning. Tomorrow's program, besides the ad dresses of the department officials, will include an , address by E. J. Burkett, 'The Postal System;" George W. Sehreck of York, "The Registry System;" V 8helly of Fairbury, "The. Rural 8ervlce." In the afternoon G. J. Kleffner of Omaha will address the session on "Civil Service Retirements" and M. A. Brown of Kearney will read a paper on "Pay of Substitute Clerks or Employes." The rest of the day will be taken up with pleasure trips, one being a ride to the state farm and In the evening a recep tion will be given at the mansion by Governor and Mrs. Aldrlch. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES , - ' AT DENIS0N DENISON. la.. June ll.-(Speclal.)-The commencement exercises of the Denlson Normal and Business college takes place this week. The baccalaureate sermon was given Sunday evenln? by Rev, J. J. De Pree, the Presbyterian pastor. Tues day evening the clans play Is given at the opnra house. Wednesday evening is given over to the departments of music and oratory, and Thursday night Is com mencement, at which time the address is given by Prof. B. T. Spencer of Grlnnell. The alumni banquet takes place later In the Carnegie Library hall. The graduates this year are as follows: E. J. Kusel, C. Chamberlain. Martin Johnson, Bur ton Bolton, Clara Curry, Mildred Terry, Edna Brethauer, Edna Children. Florence Cushman, Hortense Davis, Lydla Weiss, Betty Erickson. , Antolst Fatally Hnrt. FORT DODGE, la., June ll.-(Speclal Telegram.) Bert Johnson of Farnham vllle. aged 45 years, received probable fatal Injuries when he was pinned beneath his automobile as It turned over. He has a broken -shoulder, several broken rihs and Internal Injuries. Don Crln singer, who drove the auto, escaped with minor Injuries. When a tire burst CrUslnger lost control of the machine, which started to climb an embankment. Nomination la Withdrawn, WASHINGTON. June U.-The nomlna tlon of H. O. Jeffries as postmaster at Nowata, Okl., was withdrawn from the senate today by President Taft at the re quest of Senator Bradley of Kentucky of the senate postofflce committee, pending an Investigation of Jeffries' record. OR 2 IF USED AT ONCE IT HELPS YOU GET I i and also In order to celebrate fittingly the seml-ceutenniul of thai momentous period. We have secured the rights in this city tor the famous Brady photographs, taken on the actual fields of battle, and lost for many years. .These historic scenes, with full his Railroad Men See Bright Prospects for Good Yields. RECENT RAINS ARE GREAT HELP Prank Fowler I Most Optimistic Over the On (look aud Predicts a Bumper Crop In This State. In their predictions relative to a winter wheat and small grain crop, railroad men are . as optimistic as they were three weeks ago. A DeBernardl, general superintendent of the Missouri Pacific, with headquarters in Kansas City, was In Omaha on his return from a trip that took blm over every mile of the com pany Unes In Kansas and Nebraska, and in speaking of the crop outlook said: "My trip was for the purpose of learn ing the truthfulness of the reports that the small grain crop of Nebraska and Kansas had been seriously injured by1 dry weather and climatic conditions. ,After a thorough Investigation and a careful ob servation I have no hesitancy In saying that throughout the country tributary to the Missouri Pacific in Nebraska and Kansas, the winter wheat crop will be fully up to the average. Where spring wheat Is raised it Is In splendid condition and the same Is true of the oats and the barley. Corn looks well, but It 4s too early to make any predictions on the crop, However, corn has not been dam aged by cutworms to the extent that has been reported. The stand Is good, it is free from weeds and at this time appears to be in the best possible con dition. "There are some Isolated spots where winter wheat has been damaged by dry weather, but they are limited in area. These instances are found 'every year. On the whole, I think the crop will be fully up to the average. Cattle Doing Fine. The recent rains have put the pastures in splendid condition and cattle are do ing fine. Alfalfa never looked better and the first cutting has been put .In the stack, over a great portion of the coun try." J. BrlnkheYhoff , superintendent of the Kansas division of the Union Pacific, Is In the city after a trip over all of the Kansas llne-a trip that was made es pecially for the purpose of Investigating the reports of damage to crops In Kan sas and south Nebraska. Mr. Brinkerhoft states that the damage Is nothing like what has been reported. Through central and western Kansas, wheat Is heading short, but the beads are long and filled to the tips. In the western part of the state, quite "season able rains fell at Intervals during the. latter part Of May and during the last week they have been heavyT wetting the ground throughly. Even out as far as the east line of Colorado, Mr, Brlnkerhoff says the small grain Is In the best condition In years and. an average crop, If not better, Is assured. Corn Is smalt, owing to the recent cool weather, but it ha a good stand and with warm weather will grow rapidly. In coming to Omaha, Mr. Brlnkerhoff Small Grain Good. In coming to Omaha Mr. Brlnkerhoff traveled through southern Nebraska and observed the conditions through the South Platte country. He reports winter wbeat In good condition and very little of it fired. There are soma spots, he says, where the crop will be light, but on the while It Is going to be heavy. This," he adds, will apply to all small grain. Frank Fowler of the Nye. Schneider, Fowler Elevator company Is out with his second supplemental crop report of the present week. In it he Is most optomlstlc saying that the rains of Sunday anil Monday night have worked wonders In every portion of Nebraska, hardly any locality In the state having been missed. Mr. Fowter declares that throughout a greater portion of the winter wheat pro ducing area of Nebraska and Kansas winter wheat will be considerable better than' an average yleid. He adds that routh and west of McCook and in Kansas, where a week ago the wheat was re ported to be almost a total failure, better than half a crop will be harvested. He predicts that farther north, where the season is not so far advanced, the recent rains coming on Just when they have will bring the wheal. crop up to about the estimate of last month. BARNES AND HADLEY ARRIVE (Continued from First Page.) ht had expeoted yesterday, said that Iowans were' coming in on every train eager to help the presidential boom of Senator Cummins. The Cummins head quarters will be ready for the crowds who are expected there later in the day and the Hawkeye club Is prepared to ! direct the enthusiasm of the Cummlni men so thst it will have the greatest pos sible effoct. llaraea Makes Statement. ' Several' hours after his arrival, William Barnes, jr., Issued the following state ment: "We have come here from New York. under orders of the Rochester convention to contend for the principles therein In dorsed; that this la a self-controlled repre sentative democracy, that order Is th pre-requisite of progress, that principles shall not be sacrificed to opportunism, that the bill of rights and the constitu tion shall be forever preserved; and to oppose any principles that may be advo cated which can be construed as sntagon- Istlc tc ihrwe basic principles of the state."' Mr. Bsrnes said that the New York delegation, due Saturday, will stand eighty-seven to seven for Taft. He said he knew nothing of reports that the New York delegation had planned to re pudiate William U Ward, national com mitteeman from New York, for his votes in the committee deliberations for Colo nel Roosevelt I.a Follette's Btanaaer Arrives. Walter I Houser of Madison, Senator La Follette's campaign manager, arrived in Chicago today to take charge of the La Follette headquarters. He declared that he expected a deadlock In the con vention and that Senator La Follette would under no circumstances make any combination or agreement with any other candidate for the presidential nomina tion. "We have come here to fight straight through this national convention, as we have fought In the various state pri maries." said Mr. Houser. "We are not going to wobble or wiggle a single bit. "All talk of possible combination or deals between Senator La Follette and any other candidate Is positively without foundation. We are here to win on our merits or take a licking. "Because of the close, bitterly con tested tight for control between the Taft A Half Million Dollar Stock in the Biggest Sale You Ever Knew which is the stock of the Bennett Co. recently purchased by us, and of a quality that made the Bennett Company dne of the fore most department stores in the Middle West. There Never Was a Sale Like This In the Whole United States Unusual conditions are the cause of it and we intend to make it a sale that will be the standard for other sales in years to come. Every dollar's worth of goods in the old Bennett store will be moved out regardless of the former pric ing or present value. ' More particulars in our next advertisement. Orkin Brothers and Roosevelt forces. I now look for a deadlock In the convention wtih the pos sibility that almost snythlng may hap pen. I now think that the Taft and Roosevelt leaders have driven eacn omer and themselves Into a pocket, from which they will find It dlfficut to extri- cate themselves.',' rezaxdlna: the vote on con tests in the sessions of the national com mittee, Mr. Houser said: T think the cases have been settled on their merits, so far as there Is anw merit In those southern cases. I sincerely nope that Colonel Roosevelt comes to Chicago at this time. I want him to see now that machine works. He taught Presi dent Taft to run It, you know." Two Alhama Delee'nte for Teddy. MOBILE, Ala., June 11.-" I m going to vote for Roosevelt if they chop my head off," deolared Postmaster Byron Tram mel of Dothan, a member of the Ala bama republican delegation. He is one of the two delegates to the Chicago con vention from this state who say they will vote for Roonevelt. The other is Postmaster J. B. Daughtry of Geneva, both being from the third district. Trammel says that Kooseveit announ ftwt he would be a candidate after the delegates from the Third district were elected and that hln entrnrce in the race changed tne enure puuuctu c"in plexion. Under such circumstances he says, he ha a right to support the colonel If foe chooses to do so, notwith standing he Is listed as a Taft delegate. Stnblia Sees President. nrw YORK. June 11. Governor Stubbs of Kansas, Representative Long- worth of Ohio, and Amos pincnot neia rnnfarence with Colonel Roosevelt at his editorial offices today. The colonel had nothing to say, but explained that he might issue a statement later today concerning the national committee award ing the Indiana delegates to Taft. ROOSEVELT WINS : : CONTESTED VOTE . (Continued from First Page.) niicatlon similar to that In Florida, three delegates appearing before the commit tee to conteat for the scats. Committee man Wright's support was with the "Suthoo delegation," instructed for Roosevelf. The Kentucky Roosevelt contestants for the pieces of delegates at large, were only two In number, although the state Is entitled to tour seats at large In the national convention. The Taft faction had named a complete set of delegates, but the names of E. C. O'Raar and Les lie Combs were all that appeared on the roll as Roosevelt contestants. At fifteen minutes after the hour for convenlng-10 o'clock-the committee it on? was not more than half full. Calls were sent out through the adjoining rooms for the absent members and Chairman Rose water decided not to wait longer. A telegram from Senator Bradley at Washington, one of the contested Taft delegates, was read by Secretary Hay ward. Senator Bradley declared the Roosevelt contest should not pe consid ered by the national committee because the notice of contest and the Roosevelt credentials had not been tiled within W allotted time. artirv itAvward Informed the com mittee that the Bradley credentials had been filed May 2 and the O'Uear or Rooesvelt notice of contest was filed May 29, the last perlmssiblo day. "The contest notice or protest was tiled within the specified time." 3ftid Secre tary Hayward, "but no credentials were filed to chow that any contesting dele gates had been elected." The committee decided the contestant were entitled to a hearing. cSsea Are Consolidated. "The circumstances Ip each case are ilk." said Ormsoy McHadg. the Roose velt attorney, "und we will submit them il on the one argument." Judge O'Reer, heading the contesting Roosevelt delegation, began the argu ments. w do not claim wo were elected there was no opportunity glveq to eten us," said Judge O Rear. "ve nave brought this question direct to the high est party authority. . If you have th riirht to decide who can sit In the con vention you also havs the right to ex purgate that roll, and to reruso seats to those not properly t-lected." W. V. Cockran, one of the contested Taf d(!Bfttes at lurse. declaied that If every Roosevelt contesting delegation had been seated In the stale convention, tne Taft forces would still have a majority. "They admit that convention was properly organised."' said Cockran. "A credentials committee, chosen from the various district sat for eighteen or twenty hours, and heard every contest that was offered- No ono was excluded." Greek Drowns la Big Horn. THERMO POLIS, Wyo., June lWSpe-cial.)-John Skorylos. a Greek laborer, was drowned In the Big Horn last even ing while sttemptti?g to swim across the swollen river. The body has not been recovered. Skorylos' attempt was. the result of a two-dollar wager. Jarnlscan Win Game. CLEAR LAKE. Ia.; June U.-(8peclal Telegram.) In an eleven-Inning game Estherville won over Clear Lake on the home grounds by a score of 6 t S. jamlgan's home run drive, bringing; in . wah th Anlr Tlatt Aries: 'Jarnlgan and Gerlach, Benson and Reed OWNERS MUSTJE CAREFUL Dcs Moines Police Make Them Re sponsible for Character of House. BIG FINES IN CASE OF RAID Plan Is to Keep Objectionable Peo ple on Move to Such Decree That Ther Will be Forced to Leave the City. (From a Staff Correspondent) DBS MOINES, June U.-(Special Tele gram.) A new plan of ridding t)es Moines of the clandestine disorderly houses has been adopted by the chief of police. Notices are sent to the owners of property which warn the owner that a fins Of 1300 will be assessed If the joint Is raided and proved to be a house of ill fame. Enlisting the aid of the property owners through notification of the fine which may be assessed has been- said to have had a good effect. Property owners are co-operating with the police and the in mates of the houses are kept on the move about town until they are compelled to leave the city. Spanish veterans all over today sent telegrams to Congressman Underwood, majority leader In the house of represen tatives at Washington, urging him to get behind and pust through the house the bill recently reported favorably from the committee on pensions, placing the wid ows and orphans of Spanish veterans on the same basis as the widows and or phans of the civil war, that Is, 'each widow will receive $12 a month and each minor child S3 a month. Stores at Lapeer, Mich.. Born. LAPEER, Mtch June ll.-Fire caused a property . loss of approximately $90,000 in the business district of this city today. Three store buildings were turned, one of them - containing the local telephone and telegraph offices. ... ; , A Hot Cereal .r-: For Breakfast Is a good start for the day. It tones up the system increases the circulation of blood and helps the digestive organs to perform their work. Post Tavern "' "igfc. a new food made from wheat, corn and .rice is an ideal hot dish for breakfast. It has a delicious, creamy taste, rich nourishment, and is easily digested. Post Taveni Special is economical, easy to prepare- to be ' cooked same as old-fashioned porridge, and served with sugar and cream.. - Sold by Grocers in 15c pkgs. Made by Poetum Cereal Co., Ltd., Pare Food Factories, fiattle Creek, Mich. Shenandoah Baker Crushed to Death in Bread Machine SHENANDOAH, la., June H.-Speclal.) Henry Peterson, a baker at Custer's bakery, was ground to death In the bread mixer early this morning. There were no eye witnesses to the tragedy. When Mrs. May (Shanahan, a clerk, came to sweep out at 7 o'clock she entered the barkery and saw' the top of Petersen's feet sticking out of the machine. He had been drawn into It head first, pre sumably when attempting to scrape the dough, and was badly mangled. He was extracted with difficulty. Mr. Peterson leaves a widow and two sma.ll children. Iowa Alumni Elect Officers IOWA CITY, la. June 11. The alumni association of Iowa University today elected officers as follows: . President, Walter D. Lovell, Minneap. oils, Minn. Vice president, George Trelchler, Tip ton, la. Second vice president,' Mrs. Madge Young Macey, Adel, la. Secretary, Florence Joy, Iowa City. Treasurer, A. Bylngton, Iowa City. Fifty-Nine Russians Are Burned to Death ST. PETERSBURG. June ll.-Flfty-nine field laborers were burned to death early this morning while' iiseep In a barn near Tambov, Central Russia, on a property- belonging to Count Orlorff - Davyi doff.. The cause of the fire Is hot known. Special Buys ao unusual good weatherproof straw hat at this store, Possibly you are not acquainted with the full meaning of "wea ther proof when applied to Straw Hats. We'll admit It's some thing new but It's the greatest boom to straw hats that ever happened; makes the sailor straw hats withstand an ordinary rain; preserves the color of the straw In fact, makes the hat worth 50 per cent more to the owner. But they don't cost a cent more than the ordinary kind. We show these hats at all prices but this week are making an unusual showing at $2.00 and $2.50 silk knit ties $1.35 In this splendid lot of popular neckwear are both knit and cro chet effects. Many are exclusive patterns. It affords you an unu sual opportunity to economize on BtyliBh, desirable neckwear. Browning, King & Company R. S. WILCOX, Mr. 15th at Douglas MONEY NOT EVERYTHING Good Health Is the Most Valuable Asset a Man Can Have. UNITED DOCTORS CURE They Are Curing Hundreds of Peo ple Who Had Lost AU Hope. . - Sordid "persona have made the state ment that wealth will buy anything. While this Is true In the main, and the person with money finds many doors open to him which would be slammed .la his face were he poor, some of the uvost desirable things in the world can not be purchased at any price. Every person who has been touched by the blighting hand of disease would barter his or her fortune for a single day of health; yet how many have spent small fortunes In a vain effort to re gain their lost health, only to oe dis appointed again and again and to be ovr ertaken by death at last, for the simple reason that they were unable to find the physician who could ferret out the causa of their disease and remove it, thus giving them a complete and permanent cure- If the cause of a disease cannot be determined and a medicine made which will remove that cause, a cure canpot be effected. That the United Doctors, those expert medical specialists who have - their Omaha offices located on the second floor of the Neville block, corner Six teenth and Harney streets, are able by their scientific and careful examination to determine the cause of deep seated and chronic diseases and apply the remedy which will remove that cause and effect a complete and permanent cure, is proven by the thousands of let ters received by them from cured pa each year. A case in point is that of Mr. Hans Madson, a prominent and influential farmer of Thurman, la., whose letter follows: My Dear United Doctors: I have taken your treatment three months and I feel like a new man. I can eat my three meals a day and enjov them, and I sleep well and I work and enjoy life. I used to feel so tired and discouraged, now have life to take part In everything, work and fun. I am cer tainly thankful for what the United Doctors have oono for me. The medi cine Just hits the spot and cures the sicknesa. i would advise every sufferer to go to the United Doctors to be ex amined and cured. There Is where I found relief for my troubles. Our country is flooded with n.edicines and 1 have tried them all, but they have done me no good. We have four medi cine wagons traveling over our country that will sell medicine that is good for every kind of disease. I have bought a lot of this kind of medicine, but it has neter done mo any good. . I am glad and thankful that I went to Omaha to the United Doctors. They Wave been the only help I could find and now I feel well, but I will keep on taking their treatment until I am fully cured. If you eare to publish any of my let ters you are at liberty to do so, and if any sufferer wants to write to me I shall gladly answer. Tours truly, Thurman, la. HANS MADSON. The United Doctors treat all curable cases of chronic diseases, including dis eases of the nerves, bloody skin, heart, Jlver, stomach, kidneys, rheumatism, neuralgia, constipation, goitre, epilepsy, gall stones, catarrh, dyspepsia, indiges tion, dropsy, weak back, eczenr.a, scro fula, diseases of women and diseases of men. Examination Is free to all but no In curable cases will be accepted for. treat ment However, this need not discour age any sick person, for many cases pronounced Incurable by ordinary doc tors are quickly cured by the new Un ited system of treatment. Their Omaha office is located on the second floor, of. the Neville block, corner- 18th and Harney streets. $2