14 THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JUXE 12, 1912. If ! V ii h 1 v'l I i i !:! i f . i f-K-v-W-H r ar rvn 1 i v si i P n kVAlKLL L "TM f ss- I U I Ayr-? t?U Special Samoa- 4, tratlon ofths rsmons "Free wing Machine Thurs day T and X Trlday T if- New Summer Styles Women's Long Coats WORTH UP TO $12.50 $A98 AT ! 3 MM Newest styles for dressy sununer wpar. fnr motnrinir. etc, - worsteds?. , OT , , ! 1 i . x V. serges, snamungs, linens, etc.; many f: "throw" coats with colored linings, etc. Wtmen's Summer Wash Dresses WORTH UP TO $10 and $12.80 sgoo Linen, Lingerie, Colored Voile and Tissue Cloth Dresses, the daint iest, cleverest," midsummer ideas. :: Misses 5 Girls Blazer Hats Toweling Hats jj THE STYLE HIT OF THE SUMMER . New arrivals of those striped blazer hats for summer in all 'color stripes also those pretty and popular Turkish toweling hats now in the height of de- A p mand. Specially priced on second floor, at ...... VOX f i?cWe Simmer Lawns and Batistes at 6c Yd. Thi is a special purchase of the season's newest lawnav They are all : in very good colorings in figures, stripes, checks, dots and floral designs. There are over 200 different styles such as have beea on display in our Douglas street show window. On fl I sale from the bolt Wednesday, at, yard 15c PERCALES at 6c YARD Here is positively the best percale bargain of the season We secured a limited quantity from a New York whole sale firm at just half the regular pVice. These percales come in the smartest styles for summer in beautiful light colorings and are worth 15c a vard. sne- L 1 cial sale price Wednesday, at, yard ........ ... .0 C 45-Inch Fine Lacy Baby Irish Sheer Batiste Embroid ered stortings, worth Up to $2, at 98c, Also elegant designs in eyelet, floral, Japanese and new combination effects, 40-inch allover embroideries for waists, etc.; many worth up to $2, at, a yard 98c 27-Inch Fine Sheer Swiss and Batiste Flouncings. -1 1 A. 1 1 Ma l 1 I in cainiy aa.vy inan lace eiiecis, aiso ungiisn eyelet, a floral and combination designs and 24-inch allover em- rfcUs" T I broideries many worth 11. at. vard .V V T , WOMEN'S PURE SILK BOOT HOSIERY. Wide lisle tops, lisle heels and toes some are full fashioned with double soles, black and col ors, at, pair. 29c SUMMER UNDERWEAR Women's Ribbed Cotton Union Suits plain and lace trimmed in cuff knee or umbrella style, regular and extra sizes 50c quality at a 10 WV I "it Women's Fine Cotton Vests low neck, sleeveless, plain and lace trimmed, also pants in cuff knee or umbrella style 25c values, at a garment 15c 1 SATURDAY GREAT SALE OF MEN'S GENUINE PANAMA HATS at V PRICE i Eucadorian Panama Hats, importers' samples, on sale next 4 Saturday, June 15th. BRANDEIS STORES I DRS.MACN 6 f.lftCII ssmrxsTB. Successor to BAILEY & MACH Expert dentistry at moderate prices ell work in charge of ex perts. Only sterilised Instru ments used. Porcelain fillings fust like the teeth. Moat mod ernly equipped office In Omaha. THXXD K.OOB. PAXTOsT BLOCK Corner lflth and raraam Bta. DEW FACIORYIOYM HERE Gate City Company Will Put Out Vehicle Poles. BUILDING ON NICHOLAS STREET It Is the Only Pole Factory la the West, Its Only Competlttoa Belns; Located la the ' Soath mud East. The Gate City Manufacturing- company, makers of high grade vehicle poles of all kinds, Is moving from Clarkson. Neb., to Omaha where at 1108-10-12 Nicholas street, it will start business about July t The business of the company, during one year's existence in Clarkson, bas out grown the quarters thera and, according to ' Charles A. Seamon, secretary and. manager, It Is moving to Omaha to secure better manufacturing and shipping con , dstlons than was possible there.. Besides manufacturing po'es the com pany has a specialty, of patent truss rod supporting surries. It will give Omaha the only pole factory la the west, tlie competition in that line being in the eat and south. . In addition to vehicle po.es. a seed grader, cleaner and separa tor mil be made. The machine is all steel, tii-j only one of its kind on the market At Clarkson tils company was known as the Neverbreak Pole company. Their poles will continue to bear the trade name, "NB." They intend to cover the territory of Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota and Min nesota with branches In other states as soon as they can make the goods now In demand and expected. ' Eight or ten expert carriage and gal vanised iron workers will be employed at the beginning and wiU sell through agents to dealers and carriage manu facturers. - ' At the location In Omaha the company will have 6.000 square feet of floor space and Union Faciflo trackage. The stock and machinery - is now being Installed and the company expects new material and equipment to arrive within the next ten days. " 8. B. Allen end E. H. Kosa of Clark son are president and treasurer, respec tively, of the new concern. - Eggers-OTlyng Box Company Wii Build The Eggersa-OFlyng factory will be augmented by the addition of c five story buildins costing MO.OOJ. The Eg-gerss-O'Flyng factory Is at 1423 Leaven worth. A permit for an addition 66x131 feet was granted by the city building in spection department. Coats and Trousers !i $1.25 m I $1.25 to 1.75 THE BEST TEST Time is the best test of all if a business continues to grow from year to year; if customers stay with you and recomn.end you to their friends tt is pretty good evidence that they have gotten flOOD "WORK. REASONABLE PRICES, FAIR TREATMENT and PROMPT SERVICE. The Panttorium has many pa trons for whom they have done work continuously for the past FIFTEEN YEARS. They have always been first in Omaha to use new and improved methods and machinery, have al ways had the best plant, always employed the best help, always set the pate for the other clean ers, and always will. They do more Cleaning and Dye ing today than any other two places in Omaha combined. Good work, reasonable prices, fair treatment, prompt service; that is the reason. Just call them on either phona and a wagon or auto will be at your door promptly. Express paid one way on out-of-town orders amounting to $3.00 or more. THE PANTORIUM "GOOD CLEANERS AND DYERS" 1515-17 Jones Street. Phones Doug. 063; Ind., A-3168. South Omaha Office, 532 North 24th Street. GUY LIGGETT, Pres. Shirt Waists 50c Auto Coats $1.50 J Mail Orders Filled TIlO TTxt vXs i Senior The Correct "White High" for Graduation A handsome 15-button style, with a graceful round toe, short vamp, high arch, Cuban heel, and flexible welt sole. Every size and width. Choice of White Nubuck or White Linen $4.00 We Show 30 Styles of White Footwear , DOUGUAS. Qj ' " ' - The Quality and Pattern Count The Bee and Omaha mer chants are offering Wm. Rogers & Son's silverware in one of the most beautiful patterns ever created. The quality is Rogers quality and it therefore is not necessary to say any more. Just Rogers quality that's enough. The Bee gives you a teaspoon for. live coupons like the one below. The Omaha merchants furnish coupons for all the other pieces. Save the coupons THESE MER CHANTS GIVE COUPONS and certificate! with purchases: AfttEsUOA THEATXB Cor. 18th ana DouglOT ats. LOXTJS SSSB . fOBM VITTI.EB, Consumers' Dis tributor. Douglas ;s83i ma. rw77. KISS BUTLEB 1613 Doug-Us, 8d flor. BUTTEK1TUT BBBAD Hew Sag-land Bak ry, aiii fceavea worta Sb BBAMDSIS riOKIST DEPT. . ti rondels Btorea. . HEBBASXA ruEi co. 31a 8ouu let ft BILLEB X.IQVOB OO. iao raxaam Bk HZaSATH BTATIOBBBT CO. 1431 rarnam St fcTIU - DXLXOB oBua co. lets and Tarnam Bta. (Slip This Coupon Omaha See Daily Coupon NO. 82 ' Wednesday, June 12, 1912 This coupon when presented with the lour others consecutively numbered, and 10 cents to cover ths cost of handling, entitles the holder to one Wm. Rogers & Son guaranteed Teaspoon ot Lo Necea aire pattern. Out-oMowa readers will add 2o estra for postage. Kant Street and No. , . . .-. .;... Postoffice If you lire la the eltjr Briar 70m ooipcit to the ttloe of The See Clip This Coupon - Yearly Subscription Cupit Omaha Bea This coupon when properly signed and presented at the office of The Omaha Bee (or mailed by those resid ing out of town) will bring to the holder full Informa tion how every hon.e can secure a full dosea Wm. Rog ers A Son guaranteed Teaspoons at once. Also, the sender will receive a free catalogue ot all pieces of this set together with the number of ooa pons and certificates required for each place and the same el' Omaha firms issuing them to toe publls. Bam Jristiifliisli'pi'ww Tfela offer applies to everyoae. whether a present subscriber to The Bee or aoa Handbag Containing , $350 Lost by Woman Miss Pearl Biellahay came over from Council Bluffs Monday with '$360 to do some shopping, but she returned home penniless and without having made any purchases. She reports to the police that she lost her silver-mesh bag in which was contained one $100 bill, two of $50 denomin ation, five $20 certificates and ten $3 greenbacks. A Bloody Affair." is lung hemorrhage. Stop It, and cure weak lungs, coughs and colds, with Dr. King's New ' Discovery. 60c and $1.00. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. issSaAAtftislasAfjfa AMUSEMENTS. BEAUTIFUL LAKEilANAWA Dancing in the Grand Ball Room, Music by Arthur E. Smith's Orchestra. Bathing, Boating, Free Moving Pictures Every Evening, First Class Restaurant MAXV OTHER ATTRACTIONS 3? SUMMER SHOF Only OaahaQ A YLICHTFANT0M Showing of " -n FOTOfi YAUDEVrXLS includes Braham's Phac tographs; Bert Bright, Anglo-America 1 Boy; The Lroy Girls, Comediennes; 0T. Riclian. Baritone Burton. Pictures changed dally. New Vaudeville Thurs day. Hoiu 4 I U , flaw tATf A. 6; I to il p. n.' MnlaiMBU'P COMB AllT TIMi.; SIAT 1XE UKIV. mm TWENTY-FIFTH BMNIVERSARYrSALE HAYDEN 1 .. at Less Xew Bargains Every Dar. thf reliable STORE QnaUty Goods If VOTl want tn sm what a. real hormk U i 4no ha nno nf the crowd at Hayden S Wea- j -ww m .v UWgUIU 0(Uw XOf J UflB MV w- - , nacrloir Cwtvna nti 1 PC J hond TVirATlOl Of Q.6- lighter! buyers in every department Every day sees new lots offered. Every day the in terest increases. Get your share Wednesday. THE BEST VALUES IN SNAPPY, UP-TO-DATE STYLES IN MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN S SHOES OFFERED IN YEARS. SAVINGS AND SAT. ISFACTI0N ASSURED. Misses' and Child's $1.50 2 strap White Canvas Pumps, also all sizes up to size 2 in a white canvas 5-strap Roman sandal .....$1.00 Barefoot Sandals, with elk skin soles, all sizes up to size 2 48c One lot of 400 pairs Wo men's $3 Oxfords and Two straps, every pair a bar gain ... ,.,.$1.98 Infants' Sandals up to size 5 .. 39c 500 pairs men's $3.00 Dress and Work Shoes, in all sizes and kinds of leather, all new, nobby styles at .$1.98 Misses' and Child's $1.65 Shoes, worth that and sold for that price in Omaha stores, Wednesday $1.00 Men's or Women's 50c Car pet Slippers, with leather heels and soles .... ...25c Women's White Nubuck Button, a regular $3.50 sell er and offered in Omaha at $3.50, Wednesday $2.50 Women's $4 Oxfords and Pumps in all leathers and styles, during this sale . at .$2.50 Women's White Canvas But ton Shoes, white Milo but tons, a regular $2.50 value, at ..... ...... $1.5Q Four Grand Rug Specials Patterns the Newest, Qualities That Will Please at Prices We Knew You Cannot Duplicate. $32.50 Body Brussels Rugs, 5 frame quality, in 9x12 size, on sale at ....... ... $22.50 $2.50 Velvet Rugs, all 27x ' 54 size, at $1.75 $22.50 Axminster Rugs, 9x12 size, snap Wednes day .... $15.75 $35.00 Axminster Rugs, beautiful : Oriental and Floral patterns, 9x12 size on sale .......$23.75 Extra Specials in the Wash Department 40-in. Egyptian Voiles, in plains and stripes, all colors, regular 50c quality, at ..... -2o& 40-in. stripe Voile with beautiful Dresden Borders, light and dark colors, 75c quality ...... 50 Ratine Voiles In white and col ors, $1 quality, at ...... 69 Embroidered French Tissue, 75o grade, Wednesday 50c Imported English Poplins ..50 Irish Poplins, 39c grade . .-25 Lezon Cords, 50c quality . . .39 Wednesday Specials in the Linen Department Dew bleached Irish Satin Damask, strictly pure linen, -worth $1.75 yard ..$1.00 Silver bleached German Satin Da mask, assorted patterns, worth $1.69 yard -98tf Imported Marseilles Bed Spreads, scalloped or fringed, worth $6 each -.$3.75 Fringed, scalloped or hemmed crochet Bed Spreads, worth $3.25 each $1.98 Imported Hemstitched hand huck Towels, colore borders, worth 19c each '.....12 Extra large hemmed Turkish Bath Towels, snow white, worth 29c each 19 Anniversary Sale Cream Wool Fabrics 56-in. All Wool Cream Basket Weaves, Diagonals and Whipcords, finest qualities, $2.25 yard values, at, yard $1.50 Cream Costume Serges All Wool, 52-.'n. wide, $1.25 val ues, Wednesday, yard ..$9 Let Us Make You a Man Tail ored Skirt to your meas ure, first class work, per fect fit, guaranteed, our special Anniversary Sale price at $2.75 Cream Coating Serges All Wool, 64-in. wide, $1.50 val ues, Wednesday, yard $1,10 $1.00 Dress Silks 48c Chiffon Taffetas, Water proof all Silk Foulards, ,fine Poplins, Stripe and Check Lousienes, etc, regu-, lar 75c to $1 yd. values, in Wednesday's sale . ..48d In Our $2 Straw Hats You'll Find All the season's most expensive models duplicated. Will show you the best line at these prices ever offered in any Omaha store. Popular Priced Panamas $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00 We know they're better but don't take our word for it, we want you to compare them, quality for quality,' price for price, with offerings elsewhere, then you 11 know tnejrre hotter. $5.00 Suit Cases at S3.45 Either Eattan or genuine leather linen lined with skirt fold; just what you want for that vacation trip, at $3.45 $15.00 Basswood Trunks at $10.00 Genuine basswood, canvas covered, with oak slats, heavy valance clamp and brass bumpers, heavy cowhide straps; you can't duplicate them anywhere at sale price . .$10.00 Wednesday Specials in the Busy Domestic Room 50c Ready Made Sheets, 72x AsT 90 size tftfC 89c White Bed Spreads, size ........59c Puritan Diaper Cloth 10c value, 27-in. wide, 10 yard bolts, at ....79c 10c Half Bleached Muslin Farmer's Choice, 36-inch wide 6M2C 25c Windsor Batistes, 40-in. wide, fancy borders, at, yard 15c 18c Ratine Cloth, 27-inch wide, on sale at .10c 18c Plisse Cloth for under wear, at yard 12VzC 10c Lawns, good patterns and colors, at 5 c 12c Dress Ginghams, in good patterns and colors, at 712C 15c Curtain Scrim, in 36-in. width,' on sale ......lOc 18c Striped Voiles and Ba tistes, at yard 120 10c Brown Crash, 20-inch wide, sale price '....7C Tha Grocery Market of Omaha A Saving of 25 to 50 by Trading at Hayden's 18 lbs. best Granulated Sugar, 11.00 10 bars Lenox. Beat-'Em-All or Dia mond C. Soap, for 8So 7 lbs. best Bulk Laundry Starch. 35o 8 lbs. best bulk Peanut Butter 85c Lewis Chaapion or Eagle Lye, can at --'Ho 16-o. cans Condensed Milk 6Vio 14-oi. ' pkg. best Domestic Macaroni for 1-lb. cans Assorted Soups .7Ho 6 cans lu Lu Scouring Soap . ...95o Old Dutch Cleanser, can 7o 8 cans Oil or Mustard Sardines. .38o 8 cakes good Toilet Soap .5o Large bottle Worcester Sauce. picirlAa or Pure Tomato Catsup, at S10 Golden 6antos Coffee, lb ..85c Tha best Tea Sittings, lbMM..18Ho Peter's Breakfast Cocoa, lb MM.a5o Grape Nuts, pkg 10o E.-C. Corn Flakes, pkg 6Ho TBS BUTTER ASD CHEESB KAB XST Or OMAHA. The best Creamery Butter, In carton - for bulk, per lb .....87e The best No. 1 Creamery Butter, per lb. .' 85c The best No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb...83o The best No. 1 Eggs, nothing purer, per dosen 19o The best Young America Cheese, lb. at .....18c Full Cream Brick or Limburger Cheese, lb 300 THS X-KESK VEGETABLE MAX XX T or OMASA Fresh Spinach, pk So 6 bunches fresh Leaf Lettuce ....So 8 bunches Fresh Radishes 5c 6 bunches Fresh Onions So Fresh Cauliflower, per lb, w,... So 4 bunches rresh Beets ...,.... So 4 bunches fresh Carrots ....... .30 New Potatoes, lb .,..3o New Cabbage, lb. 3o Fancy Hothouse Cucumbers, aach, at 7Ho, 60, SHo fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb. ...lOo Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb. 3 bunches Kohli Rabbi .....Tso put trr tottb piweappies vow. We have a carload of Extra Fancy Ripe Florida Pineapples In and will go on sale tomorrow at the following prices: Large Bize, each, 10c; per doz... 81.10 Medium large size, each 8Ho; per dozen 8se Medium size, each. 70 per dos. 85o Small size, each So; per dozen, SSo Note The Prices are less than wholesale, per crate, any size S2.75 TOY HAYDEN'S FIRST yul-1jlriJV-lt-fVjuXrXJUT ssssisasa.sa.sa.sasa si si 1 si sa s si m sasasa sssasa mmm mm s - - r qHE BEE "For Sale, Miscellaneous" column isa great, silent auctioneer of the newspaper world. You have but t make knowit what you have for sale in this column, and you will be surprised at the speed with which some bargain-hunter will swoop down upon you. iWBasamsajJsis wm iFtf sfriaia i mWF (