Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1912, Page 13, Image 13

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, "K3DXESDAY, JiTXE 12, 1912.
If. Q)
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The Judge is One Severe Person
Copyright. 1911 National News Assn.
Drawn for The Bee by Tad
S 77: X V-STcpne- J who put that- iwcoHoeMcj- ) ?, A ) H2f3 ifi
A CAN . ' I s v ; banana Pea. on fiaoISil w ' fe . (UK nAaS '7
V -m jSHld vU-7 r I theJ-S iLx J$82Li- AND 00V0O KNOW- QooarAHOer f
. JL. tA 4 t WAUfk NflsrAs .yv banana quick h-
III 1 ' ' ' " ' l
Yearning for
A littl girl, i: years old, killed herself
in Louisville the other day because the
;had no mother like other Httle girls.
S i fihi hoI a innifAftahU VirtiriA. ffrtnd
! clothes, plenty to eat and nobody to be
cruel to her, and .
nobody taunted her
'.with her dependence
upon relatives. And
yet she could not
, bear -to live be
' eause she had no
nother like other
! little girls. So she
, crept away to a
. lonely outhouse
and died, lilce a
! sick dog.' alone.
PoorMlttle thing!
I Poor Httle- lonely,
j heart-sick ' thing!
I She could not live
without love.
I wish I lived, near where she lies
now, I'd make a pilgrimage to her for
lorn .little grave and cover it thick with
rosfcs, and at the head of the grave 1
, would put a thriving plant, and all along
the sides It should grow pansies. And
whenever I saw a woman unkind to her
littleV thoughtless. helpless, heedless
girl, ' or hard to her clumsy, awkward,
hobbledehoy of a boy, I'd take nor out
to that poof little grave'and "tell her 'he
story of It Maybe it would make her
stop and think. v -i
I wonder if she was 'homely, the little
girl who died because She had no nutter
; like otSier girU. Freckled, perhaps;
, sandy-haired. Mayfte her teclh were be
ginning, to shed,., and she didn't, know
What tj do with her hands and couldn't
manage her queer feet just light. Mother,
would never have notice! these thing '
.Mother 'would have seen flic beautiful
gold lights in her sandy hair a:.d It would
not have been sandy to mother; It would
i have been auburn or tawny.
Mother would have known that the
reason she freckled was became her
skin was so white and delicate, and she
i woukl have contrived some kin l of a
jl.ttle collar opening at te neck, just the
; tiniest bit, to show the white, delicate
throat that would hava the
' whole look of the ciiil !. Arid mother
wduld ljave seen that the big feet were
,well shaped and only looked bis because
i they liad grown ahead ofhe Blinder,
t growing body.
Mother would 'have known how much
tit made the little girl suffer when people
laughed at those feet, and nobody would
have laughed at them twice when mother
was around.
What would you give today, when you
have faced the battle of life bravely:
you. who have fought man-fashion with
man-troubles, for some one to believe
In you, as mother did when you were little
and ran home and told her all about It.
as sure of her love as you were sure of
life itself? ,
There was one only who understood, no
matter how foolish' you were, right or
wrong, wise or foolish, a failure or a
Oh! If you could call her back out of
the" twilight, how she would glory In
your little triumph, how she would grieve
with you at your disippolntment. If
you could just forget all you have taken
so much time to learn and' just creep
right into that mother's arms again and
tell her all about what It is that hurts
you so. She would find some way to
help you, some way to comfort you, some
way. to soothe the dull aching of your
heart, if she only held you in her arms
again and sang to the you the old songs
she loved.
"By Cool Siloam's Shady Rill" was
that It, the old song she always sang to
comfort tired little souls?
"How Fair th Lily Grows Oh! fair
and fair the lilies grow in many a
shaded place. 'And tall and white they
"How fait the lily grows the hills of
Sharon's dewy j-ose." Did your own
heart ache, I wonder, when you sang,
oh, loving singer of long ago. And did
you hold your voice by the staady effort
of your loving fondness lest the tired,
pujizled little child in the shelter of
pur brooding love should hear and guess
that you, too, were sorrowful."
Sharon's dewy rote." Oh, mother,
mother, if I couid hear that eld song In
your sweet voice the whole world would
change for me, and I would hold up my
tired 'head again, comforted and sus
tained. She died because she had no mother
like the others did she, poor little girl.
Pansies, forget-me-nots, little, sweet,
old fasiiioned roses. I hope someone
who has known the love of a real mother
will plant these humble llowers on the
grave of the littla girl who died alone,
and water them and help them to spring
into grateful b'oom. And perhaps the
child some how will know and be grate
ful when she is at rest with the mother
who bore her,
s' m Jar
ID R AT ME R Be 3uT Wit i aa
SttOftT 5TpJ - 7Ax UNO
POOR iSV Took, one
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fvnhea,tmake6 bread
That Gov
span A apc pamooj 6v
moto Man on a trollv
fP THCeow) A LC S6U
fofe Roost? veu
AT AN eAfclV AjrE SHfeAP
THIS i Nf Ak.f
" IP A ffAiaONEP. SkiRks
jRAB that man
TM6H-B6 G-o-o men
fiu-i 8o y Bur DATH
Little Bobbie's Pa
The first time I ewer saw Pa- Jellus
was nite befoar last. The reeson Pa
dosent get jellus eesy Is beekaus every
time he looks In the glass he thinks a
llttel better of hlsself than h did the
last time he looked
In the glass. But
nlte beefoar last my
old gent was kind
of un-eesy.
The reeson was
that Ma had com
pany & among
them wlch wa
present was a yung
poet. He was the
finest looking yung
man that I vvr
aw. He was about
six (6) feet tall &
he had grata big
dark eyes A hair,
kind of
The Late& Dances and How to Dance Them
The Manicure Lady
i "Brother Wilfred got pinched yester
day," said the Manicure Lady. "The
j poor boy was that hysterical down at the
jLudlow Street jail that the warden had to
take away his penknife that I gave him
jon his last birthday."
"I didn't know that your brother was
a- criminal," said the Head Barber.
! "What's the matter with New York, any
: way?. Is. everybody going wrong?"
1 "My brother ain't no criminal," said
the Manicure Lady. "He is one of the
dearest "boys that ever Jived.' This was
'a case where he was just careless. It
was s6methlng about complimentary pro
ceedings, or whatever they call. It. George,
what Is complimentary proceedings? J
have heard a lot about them."
"It ain't complimentary proceedings,"
replied the Head Barber. "You mean
supplementary proceedings. It meanp
'that a little lawyer five feet six can
bullyrap a big defendant six feet five
He can ask him if his father and mother
have money. He can ask him If his
wife works for a living, and, if eo, how
much she makes. He can ask him how
much his necktie cost, and all that sort
of rot. The only good thing about sup
plementary proceedings Js that they don't
bring home the bacon one time in a
thousand. Well what about Wilfred?"
"The poor" boy got a summons' to ap
pear In them proceedings," answered th?
(Manicure Lady, "and being that he is as
forgetful as a base ball bug, he forgot to
; show up in court at the right time. Then
the little lawyer served another pape
on him, something that was like an order
to show cause why he should not be pun
ished for contempt of court. Wilfred for-
got about that, too, end the next thing
he knew was when a deputy sheriff camp
iup to the house and grabbed him when
he was right in the middle of a sonnet.
"Wilfred wanted to wait until he had
wrote the last six lines, but the sheriffs
assistant doesn't care nothing about po
etry, I guess. Anyway, away goes Wil
fred, and It took all the influence that
the old gent has to get him out of tha'.
'there Bastile."
"I don't like to see a kid like your
brother getting to be on the crook or
der," observed the Head Barber.
"What In the world do you mean?"
demanded the manicure lady. "If I
thought my brother did one-tenth of the
sneaky little tricks that I see you get
ting away with around here, he couldn't
live under the tame roof with me. Take
yesterday for instance, George. You
know that little simp that came In here
with a haagover and asked for a shave
once over. You seen right away that he
was sleepy, and you soaked him for a
dollar's worth of work before you got
"He nodded his head when I asked him
if he wanted a haircut," said the head
barber, guiltily.
"lie didn't do no such thing!" de
clared the manicure lady. "When he got
in that chair he said good and plain that
he v.unted a shave once over and nothing
else. After you had shaved him onco
over, and he was sitting up in the chair,
you asked him if he wanted a haircut,
put your hand on the back of his head
and pushed it forward so it looked Just
as if he nodded 'Yes.' Why don't you
pick oot a wide-awake man once in a
while, George? I'm wise to you and your
curves. Don't ever dare to call my
brother a crook again."
Questions in Science Their Answers
Q. "What is an Internal combustion
A. An engine where combustion occurs
within the cylinder, In gas. An external
combustion engine Is where coal or gas
Is consumed outside, as under a boiler.
Q. "Would It require more pickets to
build a fence over mountains than on a
plain, tho pickets to be set at equal dis
tances apart and to stand plumb?"
A. One mile measured over the .sur
face of mountains would require an equal
number of pickets in a fence to those In
one mile on an exact line, always pro
viding that the plrkets are perpendicular
to the bottom rail of the fence and . at
equal distances apart. A mile is a mile
wherever measured.
Here U a dance that li rapidly becoming the rage In all the sum
mer dance halla. ,:
Anybody who can danc the two-step can easily learn the advanced
steps told of In this article,
' It Includes all of ths novelty movements contained In the bunny hug,
but Is a strictly hot weather dance, as but few of the steps require any
Increased exertion.
The girl who is graceful can become an expert in the "flying two
step" without difficulty, if she has a good dancer for a partner.
a ft, WM
(Specially posed by Jack Clifford and Irene Weston of "The Winsome Widow" Company.)
The small picture at the top shows a body ciap in the dance assumed during regular two-step movements;
the center picture the position taken immediately before performing a "flying irele," and the bot
tom picture ibe dancers at arms' length in the finish of the uliiil
A Summer Ball Room Favorite
"The Flying: Two-Step."
Tha two-step Is the moat popular dance
In America.
If you don't believe ma ask the orches
tra leader or tha bandmaster or the pian
ist who plays for parties, balls and
But to danca the two-step the asms
way all the time gats to ba tiresome, and
that Is why ao many new atepg have
come up and why the new dances have
had such a vogue In ball rooms as well
as on the stage,
Of the many variations on this popular
rflance, the one Illustrated here, tha
flying two-step Is perhaps the prettiest.
At all events It Isn't very difficult, and
If one Umbers up enough beforehand and
Is used to dancing there is no reason
why any fairly good dancer can't get
through It with credit-
Take a goou two-step time any of
them, new or old, lend themselves per
fectly for this dance-and begin with a
moderately slow dance In the ordinary
The partners should be facing each
other, of course, but holding to each
other loosely, with enough apace be
tween to allow of the nxt step. Here
you go on with the same two-step, but
throw tha foot In the air between the
steps, glylng It a vigorous kick. Now,
continuing this kicking, dip down as you
raise the foot.
com partners snouia rsce the same
way, as It Is almost Impossible to danca
this step in tha regular dancing posl
tlon. Facing forward once more, the man
slips his arm around the back of tha
gin s waist, takes her left hand and
olasps her right hand in his right, hold
ing it about as high as his chest They
two-step up and down the hall In a
sort of chassee very much like a gallop.
Suddenly letting go of her right hand,
the man clasps her left hand tightly.
She dances away from him to arm's
length. With a sudden Jerk on tha first
heat of the bar ha draws her toward
him and she dances around In small
circles until his arm Is circling her waist
again and they are once more In the
ordinary, position for the two-step.
The circling can only be done with
practise, but It is very effective and
has Its proper placa In tha ball room.
On the stage, of courae, one gets atart
llng effects by circling aa fast aa pos
sible, winding and unwinding with In
credible rapidity, ao that the girl looks
like one of thoae balls In the cup and
ball game. You don't have to do It fast,
however, as long as you keep In perfect
time and rythm. With a Httle practise
you can make a good many variations on
the old-fashioned two-step. One of these
la the position Illustrated here where
the man stands just a little behind his
By reversing tha step, dancing to the
side and then forward and back, all
kinds of pretty figures can ba evolved,
and this flying two-step makes a very
pretty, simple cottilllon feature. Each
couple should dance around the hall
once, a prize going to the best dancers
or those whoa steps war most original.
One figure in tha flying two-step occurs
after the partners have gone baek ta
the original dancing position. Suddenly
the man deserts bis partner, dancing
away from her to a distance of about
ten feet He continue danoing, but
without moving away from the spot,
while she begins to clrole around and
around, always In step to the music, un
til she lands back in her partner's arms.
This Is a very pretty flgura and shows
oft the grace and agility of both danoera
to best advantage.
To dance these figures one . must be
vary Ught on the feet and on cannot
Wan h talked It sounded like muslck &
ha talked enuff. Ma & all tha ladles
made a fusa oaver him. Pa & the other
three gentlemen were fat, but they are
all good fellows, anyhow. Thay didn't
like it, the way all there wives waa mak
ing up to the poet.
I think divine poetry is simply grand,
sed Ma. Husband sed Ma., dosent this
boy reemlnd you of Lord Byron? I
doant know, sed Pa, I newer seen a
good picture of Byron. Oh, but he does,
sed Ma. Mister Leegrande, sed Ma to the
poet, won't you reeslte us sum of yure
1 shall ba dealighted. sed Mister Lee
grande. Here Is a llttel thing that I
rota one nits up in the Bronx A then
he reeslted:
Night, oh Night Wunderful Thy touch
When o'er ub all thy mantel falleth soft
Brings peace and holy calm and rest from
Night Wunderful. Sweeter than garish
Thou comcst as Night shud come,
aarK ana sort
And eabte-eweet. Oh Night, deep, solemn
Isent that simply divine? sed all of tha
It was kind of dark that night, wasent
It, sed Pa. How did you find your way
horns, Mr. Legree?
My name Is not Legree, sed the poet.
My naim is Leegrande.
I bag your pardlng, sed Pa. Wen you
was pulling all that, dark stuff I guess
It made ma think of Uncle Tom & that
made me think of Simon Legree. But
doant you care my boy, sed Pa. Have
you got a nice light poem that you wud
Ilk to tare off. Me & my frends will
stand for It, sed Pa.
My poems are all aeerlus, sed Mister
ultimate goal too fast to be frlvolus, he
Forget about Destiny & ultimate goals,
sed Pa, reoaite us a funny poem so we
can all git a good smile.
I guess you had enuff good smiles to
day, aed Ma. Let Mister Leegrande ree
slte the kind of poetry that true poets
No sir, sed Pa. Tomorrow Is the first
or the montn, with a months rent to.
ttfltr A hlltntlAS JkV si ctiswas fn maa X7Ua
wa want tonlta Is a funny poem. If yure
long-haired frend cant reesita one, listen
A hi.-
A treetoad sat upon a branch,
Out on a Arizona ranch
A cowboy who was pigeon-toed
Along tha narrow path then rode.
While he toed in that cowboy grim
Tha treetoad In aa well as him.
Nobody laffed axcep Pa's men frends.
The poet looked at Pa a minnlt, kind of
sad & then he took hla hat & went away,
I think Pa is a better poet than them
regiar poets oeexau fa gets ms neck
Bishop Blames Mta Hair.
Father William J. Dalton of the Annun
ciation church, Kansas City, tells this
story of a Catholic bishop well known in '
that locality, but at request, nameless
The bishop Is a large man with hushy
black hair," the priest relates. "He often
on hla tours through Kansas wears a
silk hat. His crosier he carried In ' a
large leather case.
"Recently In a jerkwater Kanaas town
whero silk hats are scare except on the,
heads of traveling musicians, the bishop
was Just alighting from hU train when
the negro porter appeared at the car door
waving his crosier cane.
" 'Hey boss!" the porter called, "f
reckon you all had better take yo fiddle
wlf you. De company Is not 'sponsible
fo' packages left In da seats.' "
afford to be awkward for a second. I
think that the more our girls and boys
learn of graceful dancing, the more eisy
they will be in manner and deportment.
So many pretty girls are awkward, and
the quickest way to overcome this Is
to study some of the modern dances.
Everybody knows the two-step. The
flying two-step 1 have described Is a
variation of that dance which anyone
who is Interested can learn. I have
omitted the hard steps and acrobatic
feats which are only flted for. the stage.
Dancing, among other excellencies, has
tha merit that It Is movement from which
all haphazard and accidental wavering
must be excluded. Each motion must .
ba definite and clean cut. Once a dancer
btgins to shake or "wobble" grace de
parts and so doe the confidence of the
I don't know how you feel about It.
but In warm weather the pressure of
the hands ta moat uncomfortable, so
my partner and I manage to hold ' to
each other without the pressure of hot
sticky fingers, the ruination of all good
white gloves. When we are doing the
ordinary . two-step I- have may arm on .
Mr. Clifford's shoulder and his arm 13 ,
around my waist, but we keep our hands
free except when It Is absolutely nec
essary as In circling of the flying tor-
ward step.