Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1912, Page 12, Image 12
12 mini Ilin nnAnnir 1IITJVUT . Government Eeport is Surpriie to local Traders. 30RN WEATHER IS EXCELLENT Casta Markets Are Reported Gener allr Weaker, bot Show of Strength I)eveloped When Wheat Advanced. . , , . T ,qi OMA.HA, June 11, 1 Th rovernment reiort given out late , reaterday afternoon was a surprise, aa u rimnnoH ih condition 01 tne I winter wheat crop more than three points confirming the bullish reports of -rn-rts. lowering in the spring -wheat condition . - n m now on i nr siiub.uvm . ... j i , -r,. or. nattertne. how- ever and wJn the next fifteen or r.'1:."... wheat will be offered, ..VVherlsh effect on ; I ZWttk the. corn belt I. the most Importintwnr "" " m;mng corn """ , , i reported weaker, but a show of strength lateness In the crop season should not ds overlooked. . . . ,, ,w 1 Wh.nt opened sharpiy mgner on uu... covernment report. Long wneat i freely offered on ma aovanco .u. f.h hMt was lVkO higher. The advance In wnet neipea - -j 1 nlllnr was heavy on jara-e roooij " " I.war. I 1 rim was uncMDtm Primary wheat reoeipra worn .Mn,rnts wera 2T?.OO0 bu., against mni4 "'i' m .mam w.. ..4 Mh n. aC .'(ttiTi:.." I lllfllia III ".w. autM . I All. .-.. . ' . ... 1 and .hIP.-An" - I 1 M h,i and shin- 3. IsS sf fitota menta Or DU. iirVn u.. .m whMt inn 1 our oqubi w vim, vj, v. " - I IWl.WW DU. ..... A u)W- I .a. 1 1 Liverpool closed W ' - ;; on wheat ana u niBnr w ti rorn. The following cuh aales wsre TtporirA: Va 1 hard. K earl at $1.W; 0. I hart, 1 car at H.0M4. 1 cr at n.; No. 1 hard, car at 1.0t Corn: No. I wh U. I ear at n: No. 4 whlta, 1 car at 7$J4o. I ears at 7c; o. 1 oor. V ;,vi No, I color, I cars at 7o; No. 4 eolor. 1 ear at 74: No. 1 yellow. 4 mw 11 74, 1 Ml IWi ft . 'X' . cars at no btbob, at iHHe.J oar at W!J "JTjL,: u at xiKe! No. I white. I cars at who: I No. 4 whits, I ear at U.o; No. I yJlow, 1 ear at He; No. 4 yallow, 1 W at 4o. Omaha Cas f-vtaea. wmwat-Kh 1 hard. tl.OMM.ll! No. 9 hard, $1.07WF1.10: No. 4 Jiard, ILOJftl.OH. PORN-No? I white. 7Mr?IViO! No. I white. 774477140! No. 4 Whlt, VmTiVftV No YeolSrT TMi70! No. 1 yoflow. 73rf 740i No. I y-llow. T$4478Ho; No. 4 - lew. Wmwfci No. 9, 734Ti3ito! No. S, nlTalvM 1 Wita . iihth! stardard. KiUAfiflin! Nn. I whlta. llUXUU'itei NU. whir. MU0l NO. 9 y.How. Ifealttoi No. 4 vsllaw. 6ftMVto. . BARLKY-Mallln. ttatW.tM No, 1 fee4. ao?Oe haavtar faad, T0J. HYE-No. 9. 0sioj No. t, 7f0o. Carlo RoMlata, Wheat. Cent, Oats. Chicago 91 K9 JM Minneapolis " Omaha W Puluth M I II CHICAGO ORAISf AND PROVISO Vest ares of (ho Tradla aad Clsslac PfImi aa Board of Trad. . m 1,,.. tha vhiist market responded promptly today to the bullish crop report rrom waanwgiDn, in . - I. i- ... 1. k. errect taaea, nonuuio pn"'" " , I cents. . .. ' . Kxcept for a rush of buyinf oroera at the start, tne government report unwiin no excitement or incremauu pubium, . -o changed out ook inaieatea oy ine ion.. estimate ip- siantiai aovanoe, iwwnrir, unm " half hour. Then the dead weight of the ... - j ........ k.HM I limitea amount oi i.-aao wrnw to tell hard and prioea erumbled. The Sack of stimulation waa espeolally felt u.. .u. ...i, ...i. -.r..ia HBf niai " Ti. "..7 ....... ..m..hii ir:.:...T v.l MembVr awun frm IAS to 107. and closed at Vf, Just a shade lower than yesterday's olose, Corn etaeeri weak. July whloh fltwtu- ated from 7M4. to lik, closed at 7H, a deellne of fcfttte pet. Pash grades were steady, Ne, I yellow TfctrWAo, July oats ranged rrom no1, to nin wun laat aala. IWo under la.t night at 64 4 ..en. took -easUrten. that . nas noon w, I""", , ' .' 7 iu wiia a an omii 1'iu in pnr. an, w w 7m trlOe tn ether klnda of pradunt. Cash quetattens were as follows Artlefi Open, to; wTStl July, Ppt. it I$mW 10T 107a T4H1 Dee., Crn July, Hept, 7SWA- W4SF78 Dso,. 61 Oata July. CIVs wmmw Bept. ,4ivei4) 4m Si! UN ! 10 10 Dee,, Pork July. 1 11 99 19 93 Bent Lard 1 ! It 10 I II July, 1109 1101 u 10W4 10 97H 11 U 11 m 11 w apt, 11 NVtJ 11 Ut Ot.. lllttt 11 n 10 Ribs July, 10 40 ept. 7 10 60 10 98 10 H 10 0 10 76 10 67W 10 67H 10 7 1 ash nuotationa were as follows! LOl'R-Virmi winter Palsnta, I5.0S1I 6,80 winter straights, 94.40StS.80j spring patents, id.coQv.ou! spring straignts 14.V0 atvo ta kara, 14.1rar4.D0, RIlO-.-SO. I, STBOO, BARLEY Inted or mixing. 6in6ei fair te choice malting. 9U0U. BKBDB Timothy, J7.OoIs.OO; olever 814.00 j2O,0O, nrtiMplotAe, m . an uiin.nt aa r iu v imurtn jnrai porn, i,.-ateJ1w, Lard (in tlerceal. U6.87V4. Short rib. -.u a were eoual to 408,000 bu. Primary re. telpts wer S21.000 bu., compared wit h tHi.m bu. the corresnnndlner dav a vaar ko. The world's visible supply, aa shown ny ttraiistreet s, aeereasea I.obt.QOO bu. Estimated receipts for tomorrow! Wheat m r.ut . . ... . .1 No. 4 yallow, 1 car at bw, i oars a.i w. 1 ear at To, 1 ear at MMfii No, I m sad, 4 ears at 7I, 1 ear at 7Mie; No. 4 mlxodi 1 mp at TMtfl. l car at bo. 1 car at Wo, 1 . . V.n .iTathi tUm last ftlghti hour! and con lnuo to the Dos Moinoa flat ,2 ?SA! C. rnishla a shade Strict thla morning. The rains In Ne t vi i rl fliZ' SSmTm' tem and braaka generally light, but were to 1-4 cent down, oata oir l0.l " 'Vi fairiy well distributed. A fall of Inches provisions less expensive by 9 tW'W'S ,, Minn.: 1.30 Inches TClass.lYes'y, lH4 1H 1H 1 01 1 now 1 iW IWk 14tf IW e2l eH m jo fin; corn, o-tj cars; oaie, ia cars; nogs, , ,y tl wia. September, $1.04i; Decem ,Vo.:,'h..u .... ..... barVtXV Cash: No. 1 hard. $1.14H: No. . . ' . 'l.-'ZZ.?- .roui luw i o, s reu. si.u fi.u; o. i Iiara, i-A i lOSkStl lUi 11.111.1241 No, S hard. 9l.0MiW.10Vi: NMN1iy r q 1 fiotthera. 91.164fl.19: No, $ northern. 81.14 , . . -. . . ... " ' : .r,,,viv vr" arr i i p. a a nnrr n eirn l i mii i at . a.- m V- " T!ir . I, ? . V"?t' J "J ;W,?"H,& 1';.. I"U.' iaTV"Ww.r,5.7,,.E Ryet Ne. 2, iWfifWo, Barley i oc4ill.2Ji. iimoiny uveal .wjj.uo. clover seed: (lt.WKtf 20.00. BUTTER Firm; creameries, zMMSvie: EGGS Bteadyi receipts. 22.SSS casa! at ..... ICliaMOIi.. .-J."'" fir-t, lrtci firsts. 1717Vto. rHlfCTCr..!iv, A2T-'i.. iUa.., CHEESE-Bteady; daisies, lWj.y9. twins, 12V)&12cj young Americas, 13(rl. iinu him. 1 1L Iit 'XL r POTATofes-Firm: receipts, 22 ears old, S ears newi old, $1.101.5oj new. $1.6oi J oo. PfiWLTay Allua ataaav i,i..v. 1?-. ehickens, Hfa springs, $i.ofk$8.00 per doi! VEAL-iteaaf, illo. Visible eaaply ( drain. NEW TORK, June H.-Bneeial eahle and ttHeoTSDhlE commuMi-arlima ..lvul by Bradstreet'a show the following c Binges in avauanie supplies aa com pared with previous account. Wheat Inlted Bute, eaat of Rockies dreaTsed e-vssfifttt hiwhris- wmt nn.,1,1.. i uuime, wi 01 nocxies in- a .aa aa-,, ... - fr4 T "T? .V?"? 'w vumoej yv)u ij5 oiaves anq ihw. ijra'jowci nn. iurrio: nn. c WMita i i?vviiu ruw ;S7oVioi Ne, 4 yellow 7im4o. Oats. Ne. 93.9084.1B; second clears. 82. 2 wlilta. blUfiiSoC' No. i white. MH,irfUU.. ' ' No, 4 white, MfpSSHoj standard, o4f66o! Mllwaakee Grata H Canada decreased 8.(S7.000 bushels. Corn; I'nlted (States and Canada increased twb.uuu. creased 2.876.000 bushels. The leading changes reported this week fellow: In lM.OTs) bushels: Goderlch, 1 ay oon bushels. Decreases: Manitoba and I northwest, 4,5o3000 bushel. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotation of the Day oa.Vartoaa Commodities. KEW YORK. June 11. FI)UR-oteady; spring patents. $6,604(6.90; winter straights. jo.lofBUio; winter patents. , -iar- tx Mhl M winter extras. No. u:YnAh0: winter extras. No. 2. 14.10 4i20. Kansas straights, Jo.106.3d; rye fin,,r rmlii: fair to cood. M.SO'fio.w: cboice to fancy, Jo.Wza.S. cORXMKALr-ftuiet; fine white and yellow. Jl.70ai.75; coarse, 11.66(31.70; kiln BARLEY Quiet, malting, $1.151.25, c. i. . ...... WHEAT-Snot market easy: No. 2 red $1.19 c I. f. domestic basis, to arrive. and export. $1.19 t. o. b. afloat, to arrive. No. 1 northern Dulath. 1.2ott f. o. D. afloat. Futures market closed Wffc net lower, -P CORX-Spot market easy; export, m afloat to arrive. aI'0SD;Leapk, barelv lteady, t.fia T1EER Firm : hemlock firsts, 25 27c; seconds, 2Vaxc; . thirds, zvgaa; rc- 15c pROVISIONS-Pork.' steady mess, $20.50 21.00; leuniiy, vw.wrgzi.w; snort ciears, ItiaovA.'ri nil Ttaef utonHv mess. ILYOtHii lo.&u; lamiry, is-uuffioo; oeei nana, tai.vt jjai.w; cut meats, quiet; picniea uemea, j .nn. M4la.lnhl nrimn lift TO , - 1 . ow.w reunrai, mcou, wnu""". ":rr; 8mth America. $12.10; compound. p.Wt BUTTER Firm; receipts, 16.072 tubs; , fl ,m HWLii., - 1 .. t. -.rtLr N 9 'NwMWUt V,. 18V4Ca)19Wc. I POULTRY Dressed quiet and steady; L,ua. hllrAn. hrAll.ra fr.ulH jtoitc, iuiic, wi. -UffUL' LMrm- a fr a a-hnU ffodm aJ.Alr7JC A. 1 1 I Ik Dio L 11 v'V ' 1 tnni niMla r rnlnrAH iMUl 14jI14Un,: "Vt; h" ,e .am. average. UncyT tkimd. 3ftlllVc. .L." . jw,n!r. EGGS Steady: receipts, Xi,uw cases; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery, selected whites, 22fe23c. Cora And Wheat Kesrioa Ballet!. United States Department of Agrleul- tur-Vther bureau report for tha twenty'.foiuI. nour, eniin at a. m.. 7Jtb merldjan time. Tue4ajr. Juna 1L 1912: OMAHA DISTRICT. Ram- Stations. Low, fall. Sky. 63 .13 Clear 67 .01 Pt.cloudy 62 .00 Cloudy !& .12 Clear 61 .61 Cloudy 68 .00 Pt. cloudy 64 .06 Clear 61 .08 Cloudy 64 .08 Cloudy 62 .00 Pt. cloudy 64 .10 Pt. cloudy 62 .08 Clear 66 .14 Cloudy 60 .18 Cloudy 60 .1 Cloudy 67 . 28 Pt. cloudy 66 .00 Cloudy 68 .28 Raining 63 .02 Cloudy 68 .00 Clear 64 .00 Cloudy 62 .26 Raining Ashland. Neb.. 75 Broken Bow .. 78 Columbim, Neb. 78 ..n...... ' xik e Falrbury. Neb. 78 ralrm0nt. Neb. 78 Gr. Island, Nb. 81 Hartlnartan. Nb 7 HaaUnga. Neb.. 78 Holdrego,. eb. 78 Lincoln, Neb.;. 78 . 'No. PUtte. Nb 7 Oakdale. Neb.. 78- Omaha. Neb. .....4 Valentine. Nb. 84 Alia, 1.. 10 CarroU, 74 yi"nfla. la.... 7 Sibley, la. H Sioux City. Ia. 72 Minimum 'temparatura for twelva-hour period ending at 8 a. m. P1STR1CT AVERAGES. No. Terap. Rain- Pantral. Btatlons. High. Low. fall. Columbus. O..... 18 Louisville, Ky... 22 Indla'DolU. Ind. 12 80 84 82 78 82 78 72 84 ml .uu 62 62 6 68 60 64 60 68 .00 .00 Chicago, ..... 24 .00 .00 .20 .60 1.00 .20 T-. UnlnM 1 04 Minnaapolia' .... 48 Kan. City, Uo. 26 Omaha. Neb 17 78 The weather waa alightly warmer over we corn xni "" lAav Khnwara wera aeneral In the woot- ' :7 ,i,v,i h i..i twintv-foui I., ih.niMn. s. Li., and 2 inches at Dres- - -- K - - u A. WELSH. , Forecaster. Weather Bureau. Lo( Ueera Mk-t. T IRITIS. Mo.. Juno 11. WHEAT- - ' T,, 7' "i; .j ti i"Uyii 11- Cash dull; track. No. 9 red. $l.Ui81.13. K n fl bard. Il.uyozl.lD. ' S:jTT-i, w. o 7r)7R14a' Btaadytrmok, No. 9, 7575V4c. No. 9 white 43c. SifiMttc' OATS Steady; track, No. 3. &awic, No. 9 white. 66H66c Closing price, of futures: WHEAT Lower; July, . 9tOW,Qu.06H; September, $1.04. - CORN Weak, JUiy, HWIW; oepiem- bar.71.0. ,.. OATS Lower; juiy, 'io, nmuum, 404o. 1 RYE unenangea at sic. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents. U'XTxtrV fanoj Tand siralgnt. $4.46 1 IT BRAN Dull; IU.10. HAV-Dull; timothy, $20.00SC6.00; pral via 11K (KVri2.00 PROVIolONB fOTK, uncnangeu. iwu. unchanged. Dry sait meats, unotiangea Viannn. unchanced. p n it i. r h y sieaay; cnicRe. nu, springs. 24tt32o; turkeys. ll'.c; ducks, Uft B Bieaoy; creamery, -'j. vntia Rtudv at 16c. Receipts. Shipments pu., khla 43.000 8.60U Wh.a hu 2.000 "--- nflrno M.OOO m bu::::::::::::::: ....'42:000 . u. Uaaaaa City Grain aad Provisions KANSAS CITY, Mo., June ll.-WHh.AT -Cash, le higher; No. 3 hara. si.wmw 1.12H; NO. 3, 31.OBViWl.liW, u. 91.10Vifl.Utt: No. 3, $1.081.10. CORN-Market He lower; No. 2 mixed, 75VW76o; No. S. 7373Vr; No. 9 white. SlfcMttc; No. 3. 79H(&)80o. ; OATS uncnangea to vi" lower, white, o; No. 2 mixed, 62ttc. Closing prices ot lutures: WHEAT-July. $1.01Vk; September, 9V 9V4c; December, 991i99'ic CORN-July. 73vic; September, 68H9 68c; December, 6SHc. OATS July, 4sc; oeptemDer, wurm Ad?ior,n- , - c.n. timnthv 121 00 SYtnfhMgLcheionWS aJ. S?..-. 21c: BUTTER Creamery, 24Hc; firsts, 21c; seconds, 20c; packing siock, oc""i - a . EGUS-Exirae. wc; nrsw, , .w 1JC' ' Receipts. Shipments. Wheat bu. i?-: Corn, bu 47.0W i,wu flnta. bu 1S.O00 6.000 . - Minneapolis uraia naraei uivvviPnMii lima 11. WHEAT .u,l.'w... v - .... - i northern. $1.14'i; No. 2 northern, $113 I K A H I .K. T -- V1'UI .la. i a. - n - corn-no. j yeiiow. wcttsc. niTfl No. S white UW&Kc, i RlN-In 00-Dound sacks. 919.BOtr90.90. FLOUR First patents. $5.rW5.76! ' w - 6W3.10. arfcrt. MILWAUKEE. ' June U.-WHEAT- No. 1 northern. 91.19fcl.19tt: No. 2 north ern $1.1461.1"; No. 2 hard winter. $1.11 1.12: July, $1.0SVi; September. $l.051.064. CORN No. S yellow, laVtiiavic; AO. I. .,..'. -can. i,,iv raur-- wuiiw, - ' 1 'jlzlzi OATS-Standard. 6oifWoe. RI.ET Malting. 91.06til.2t' Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL, June U.-WHEAT-Spot, ataHdvi No. 2 red. western winter, Ss 2d: I No. 1 Manitoba. 7s 10Wd. Futures steady; July. 7s 8d; October. 7a d; December. 7a SSlt CORN Spot. American mixed, old. firm at 7s Id; new, American, win dried ?u, " 1"" v7" ' r ' Peariav Market. PEORIA, June li CORN Steady; No. 1.7, No? Na 4 yellow, 73W"4C, . mixea. ia, i lvi' ... ..-.nt. eu. I m YsVl. OATS-?ic lower: No. white. 54 He; laLnndard. SiSic: No. i white, 54c. r THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, HEW YORK SMCK MARKET Exchange Eeflects More Than Usual Sensativeness. GREATER SELLING IN MORNING Partial Recovery Sete la Sooa After Midday aad Farther Hardenlaa; of Prices Occor la Last Hoar. - NEW YORK. June U. With the money trust and steel corporation investigations under wav in this city, it Is hardly to be wondered at that today's stock market reflected more than a moderate degree of sensitiveness. That the former Is going to take larger scope that was be, lieved at first is evident from the fact that several leading commission houses have been notified that they will be called before the committee to give In formation relative to recent operations. This Is understood to apply especially to certain industrial security wnose meteoric advance earlier in the year ex cited considerable comment. Disappointment arising from the fail ure of the United States supreme court to take action before the summer recess on several Important cases In which the financial community Is interested, in creased the feeling of dissatisfaction prevalent In various quarters. The greater part of the selling took place In the morning when Lehigh Val ley and Reading declined 3 and 4 points respectively, while union Pacific and some of the grangers sold off 1 to over points, St. Paul s fall marking us lowest quotation in five years. Partial recovery set in coon after midday and further hardening of prices occurred in the last hour, when some Issues made up , half of their loss, but with recurrent heaviness In Reading. Trading diminished In volume on the slight rebound with an undertone of ex treme caution, which was maintained until the dull and rather heavy close. Almost the only exception to the gen eral downward tendency waa Colorado Fuel, which waa active at an advance of 34 points. Aside from a movement of domestic exchange against this center, there is no change in monetary conditions the loss of local banks to the interior being relatively light. Bonds were slightly affected by depression In stocks. Total sales par value were $1,932,000. United Statees coupon 2a, the coupon and registered 3c and coupon 4s de clined per cent on call. Number of sales and leading Quotations today were aa follows: BiIm. Hlrh. Low. CIom. Alll-t-htlmri pM . 2Vi Amifinatd Copper .... American Agricultural .. 34,10 100 7,600 21,200 00 400 100 1.000 100 00 1,400 86 (1 75 UH it 841 1 "I 38 (8V. 5 60 7S7, 4, 68V 63 ?4 2 14 American beet 8u(ar.... American (.an American C. a F.. American Cotton Oil American H. A U pfd.. 634 63 i 24V4 26 V 14V 14Vi 42i il 86Vs 84Vs Am. ire Becuntlea American Unieed American Locomotlva ... 41Vi American 8. ft R Am. 8. A R. pfd Am. Steel Foundries Am. Sugar Refining American T. ft T American Tobacco pfd.... American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co At'chlion Atchison pfd Atlantic C'oaet Line...... Baltimore ft Ohio Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific Central Leather Central Leather pfd...... Central of New Jersey... Cheaapeake ft Ohio Chicago ft Alton Chicago O. W 100 107 1074 o;v, S 4,600 182Vi lMVi I?l 700 143 146 V, 146 !C7 J 4.600 44V 434 43?. 1,300 108 . 10SH 106H ioo io3Vs losvi :u 300 140V4j 133 .UCVi 1,800 108V 107 lOSVi 400 37V4 8a 3Vi 7.100 83 S7 f'i 6.600 24 32Vs IW'i 200 21 Vi 26Vi 26 92 296 1,900 7SVs 77 774 WVi r.vk S8Vs 13AVi Chicago O. w. pfd Chicago ft N. W Chicago, M. A St. P.... C. C, C. ft St, L Colorado F. A I Colorado ft Southern Consolidated Oaa ........ Corn Producti 800 33 33 1,300 136H 136 10,600 103 103 iuOO 3taV4 3Ve 103 67 31 f 1,300 141V. 140V4 I40V. 200 UVa 16(4 1EV4 300 14S'4 U8V4 Hi't Delaware ft Hudaon...... Denver ft Klo Grande.... D. ft R. 0. pfd Dlatlllera' Securities .... Erie Brie let pfd Krle 2d pfd General Electric Great Northern pfd...... Oreat Northern Ore etfa.. Illinois Central lnterboreugh Met. ....... Inter. Met. pfd International Harvaatsr .. Inter-Marine pfd International Paper ..... International Pump Iowa Central Kaneaa City Southern.... K. C. 80. pfd Laolede 0a Loulivtlle ft Nashville... Minn. A St. Louie M., St. P. A 8. 8. U... Mtaeourl. K. A T M . K. ft T. pfd Misaourl Pacific National Blacult National Lead N. R. R. of M. id pfd.. New Tork Central N. T.. 0. A W Norfolk ft Western North American Northern Pacific Paclflo Mall Peuneylranla People's Gaa P.. C. C St. L..j.... Plttaburgb Coal Preated Steel Car Pullman Palace Car 100 1H US Mi 100 36 i 86 U SiVk 600 33V 32 34 1,000 (4 34 84V4 400 62 SZSa, 624 100 41 43 41 am 161 inn1 16'J 4.600 1884 132 133 00 41Vi 40 40 600 137 UtVs 126 1,600 3.200 20 1 : 68Vi 674 11 118Vi V4 17 17V, nv, 26 36 36 U 26 J4 24 V, 68 68 -61 105V4 106V4 106 168 166 lf.7'i 18 140 140 140 'i 33 37 27 M CO 60 36 84 8 700 100 400 100 300 100 1.600 400 166 164 166 600 67 66 67 800 31 , 80 30 1,600 118 117 116 100 37 37 37 ' 700 111 HI 311 400 83 83 63 ... 1,300 113 119 119 ... 600 33 32 33 ... 3,000 K3 123 323 200 114 114 114 107 31 ... 100 86 36 36 169 , 34 ...128,100 169 166 16 ... 100 33 23 23 Railway Steel Spring Reading ReDubllo Steel , Republlo Steel pfd Rock Island Co Rock lilted Co. pfd.. St, L. ft S. F. 2d pfd. 8t. Louis 8. W St. U 8. W. pfd Plow-Sheffield 8. A I. Southern Pacific Southern Railway .... So. Railway pfd Tennessee Copper 400 7 ... 1.300 24 ... 1,000 60 78 23 46 73 24 .49 36 33 74 6O0 200 33 76 61 3.900 110 109 103 28 73 1,400 28 21 1,100 1,400 200 74 43 34 73 42 23 23 Texaa ft Pacific T., St. L. A W, T.. St. L. ft W. ptd Union Paclflo Union Paclflo pfd.... United Statea Realty, T. 14 29 ,00 169 167 163 '900 90 90 500 76 76 75 United States Rubber 1,600 t3t, 62 63 United Statea Steel 11.000 69 68 U. 8. Bteel pfd 600 Ut 110 110 Utah Copper Va. -Carolina Chemical Wabash Wabaah pfd Western Maryland .... Weetlnghouee Klectrlc Western Union Wheeling A L. ...... Lehigh Valley Chlno Copper Ray CWlsolldated .... American Tobaoco .... Seaboard Air Una 4,600 3 n 400 1.800 900 400 600 200 60 6 17 67 72 61 60 60 16 17 67 67 71 71 31 63 7 39.700 173 171 171 1,400 33 32 33 1.700 31 30 K' . 1.300 296 389 391 600 36 26 15 Seaboard A. L-r pfd 1.800 66 14 66 Total sales tor the day. 131.300 shares. Boatoa Closing; Stocks. BOSTON, June U. Closing quotations on stocks were: AMouea 46 Mohawk .66 . i rnnnar 66 Nevada Cos 11 A ' L. ft 8........ aNlpiasing Mlses .... T ram 6 North Butte 1 B ftCC A 8. M. 7e North Lake ( ral A Ariaooa..... J6H01d Dominion 68 Cal. ft Heola 611 Oeceola 133 Centennial ?.U,,,0T ' ' !J Cop. Ranga C. c enenooa ( jo w..i nuita C. M.... 18 superior 36 tr..nviin l; V Superior A B. M.... 3 Glroui Con 8 9-lTamarack 44 r.ranb C"on 63 V. 8. 8. R. ft M... 3 Greene Cananea .... Isle Royale Copper.. Kerr Lake Leke Copper I j. Salle Copper .. Miami Copper IV ou pio ....... VOl SOHUtsh Con i: 2 Utah Copper Co 12V 39Vi Winona 7 Wolverine ....111 17 v York Mining: Stocks. NEW TORK. June It-Closing quota tions on mining bito-kb. Alice Com. Tunnel stock lo bonds Con. Cml. A Va. Iron Silver euetdvllle Con.... eotfered. ltw-Ljme un W Mexican , 160 V Ontario 300 6r.Ophtr 116 160 Standard 0 10 Tel low Jacket ........ 46 Loadoa Stock Market. LONDON, June 11. American securities opened steady today. Trading waa light during the first hour and prices moved Irregularly. At noon the market, waa steady with values ranging from , to Vi below yasterday's New Tork closing. Bank Clearlaca OMAHA. June It Bavnk cleanings for todav were $2. "71.644. 40 and for the same day last year. 82,192.084a. rnaelHloB ot Ta-raamry. W A PHTNQTON. Jane It At the begte nlns of buslnewi today the condition of the rroted States treasurv was: Working balance In Ueaaury oIQcea, $6X350.73); in banks and Philippine treasury, $35.2B.17; total balance In general funii, $llH,Ki.oll; ordinary receipts yesterday, 11.037,316;- or dinary disbursements, $1,347,645. The deficit to date this fiscal yr-ars is $3,819,844, as against a surplus of $9.5.6G8 at this time last year. These figures exclude Panama canal and public debt transac tions. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. June 11. MONEY On call, steady; 24a3 per cent; ruling rite, 24 per cent; closing bid, 24 per cent; of fered at Vk per cent. Time loans, steady, sixty days, 3 per cent: ninety days 3.3j per cent; six months. 3vy3 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-344 per cent. Sterling exchange, firm, with actual business in bankers' bills at $4.8475 for sixty-day bills and at $4.8725 for de mand. COMMERCIAL BILLS-J4 84. SILVER Bar, 61Vi: Mexican dollars, 48c. .. - BONDS Government, weak; rauroaa, easy. - Closing quotations on bonds today wera as follows: - U. 8. ret. la. reg. ..100'4 Japan 4a IS do coupon . lwtm 'ao s's . 8. 8a, reg 103 K. C. So. 1st 3s... 72 do coupon i'3 U 8. deb. 4s 1931.. it'i V 8. 4a, reg n U ft N. unl. 4a.... 99 do coupon 114 M. K. A T. let 4a.. 94 Allls-Chal. 1st a.. 61 do gen. 4a 88 Amer. Ag. s 101Mo. Pacific 4s.... 71 A. T. ft T. e. 4s..ll3N R R of M 4a- 89 Am. Tobacco 4a.... 9EN. Y. C. g. 3a.... 87 do 6s 120 'do deb. 4a 92 Armour A Co. 4a.. f.HN. Y. N. H. A H. -Atchison gen. 4a.... 93 cv. (a 121 do cv. 4a. 10N. ft W. 1st 0. 4s.. M do or. 6s 107 do cv. 4a 110 A. C. L. 1st 4s K No. Paclflo 4a 69 Bal. A Ohto 4a 93 do la 69 do !s 91 0. 8. L. rfdg. 4s.. 93 do A W. la..... 91 Perm. cv. ts 1915.. 97 Brook. Tr. cv. 4a... 90 do eon. 4a 104 Can. of Ga. 6s 109H Reading gen. 4a..... 97 Cen. Leather 6a 96 8. L. ft 8. F. fg. 4a 78 C. of N. J. g. 6a... 120 do gen. 6a 87' Cas. ft Ohio 4s..l008t. L. S. W. c. 4s. 81 do ref. 6a 93 "do 1st gold 4s... 91 Chicago ft A. !e.. 63VS8. A. L. 4a 60 C. B. ft Q. j. 4s... 96 So. Pac. col. 4a SI do gen. 4a 96Ts do cv. 4s 96 C M A 8 P d 4s. 90 do 1st ref. 4a M C. R. I. ft P. c 4a. 69 So. Railway 6a 107 do rfg. 4s do gen. 4s......... 78 Colo. Ind. 6s 71'iUnlon Pacific 4s....ift0'4 Colo. Mid. 4a 4i. do cv. 4s 101 C. A 8. r. ft a. 4a V6 do let A ref. 4s... 94 D: ft H. or. 4a 8U. 8. Rubber 6...104 D. A R. O. 4s.... 65 V. 8. Steel 2d ii...l03 do ret. 6e eva.-Car. Chem. 6a. 91 Distillers' 6a 7iWabash let 5a., ...105 Erie p. I. 4a 90 do 1st A . 4s... do gen. 4s 7' Western Md. 4s S6S do cv. 4s, ser. A.. M West. Elec. cv.1 6a.. 94 do aerlea B 78iWla. Central 4a 91 III. On. 1st ref. 4a (6 "Mo. Pac. cv. 6s... f6 Inter. Met. 4s tlPanama Is 101 Inter. M. M. 4a... (3 Bid. "Offered. OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. BUTTER No. 1. 1-17. cartons. 33c: No. 1 In 60-lb. tubs, 23c; No. 2. 31c; packing, 26c. CHEESE Imported Swiss. 32c; Amer ican Swiss, 26c; block Swiss; 24c; twins, 21c; daisies, 22c; triplets, 22c; young Americas, 22c; blue label brick, Z2c; llm berger. 2-lb., 22c; 1-ib., 22c. FISH (fresh frozen) Pickerel. 9e: wmta. 11c; pike, 13c; trout, 22c; large crappiea, 1215c; Spanish mackerel, 19c; eel, 19c; haddocks, 16c; flounders. 13c; green cat fish, 15c; roe shad, $1 each; shad roe, per pair, 33Vtc; salmon, 10c; halibut, 11c; yel low perch, 8c; bunaio, 9c; buiineaas, uc. POULTRY Brouors. ss.tK4i..o per aoz. sDrinss. 20c: hens. 16S17c cocks. 11c: ducks, IS 20c; geese, 25c; turkeys, 23c; pigeons, per doz.. 11.20. Alive: Hens, uc; old roosters, 6c; stags, 10c; old ducks, full feathered, loo: geese, tun leathered, uc; turkeys, 14c; pigeons, per doa., 60c; homers, per doz., $2.60; squabs. AO,a 91.60: No. 2. 60c. VEGETABLES Beeta, old crop, per lb., 2Vc. Cabbage, Wisconsin, per lb., 4c; new California, per id., c. eiery, Cali fornia Jumbo, per doz., $1.00; Florida, in the rough. 4H6c per doc, per case. 13.24. Cucumbers, hot house, per box, $2.00. Egg plant, fancy t'loriaa, per aoz.. xz.uu. uar 11c. extra fancy, white, par doz., 16c. Lettuce, extra fancy, leaf. Pr doz.. 4ac. Onions, California, white, polling, per. lb., 7o; Wisconsin, yellow Globe, per lb., 6c; red Globe, per 10., ac; upanisn, per crate, $2.25. Parsley, fancy southern, per doz. bunches, 6075c. Parsnips, fancy south ern, per doz. bunches, 60&7dc; per lb.. 2c. Potatoes, Minnesota Red River, Early Ohio seed, per bu., $1.75; Mlnne"ta Early Rose seed, per bu., 11.00; miss iriumpu seed, per bu., $1.60; Wisconsin white stock, per bu., $1.60. Rutabagos, In sacks, - per lb., 140. Tomatoes, Florida, per v-bsk. carrier, $3.50. Turnips, per lb.. 2V4C. . , miscellaneous Aimonas, Tarra gona, per Jb., 18Vic; In sack lots, lc less. Cncoanuts, per sack, $4.00. Filberts, per lb., 14c; in sack lots, lc less. Peanuts, roasted, In sack lots, per lb., 7Vic; roasted, lees than sack lots, per lb., 8c; raw, per lb., 6c. Pecans, large, per lb., 17c; in sack lots, lo less. Walnuts, new crop, 1911, California, per lb., 17c; In sack lots, lc less. Cider, new Nehawka, per 15-gai. Vi-bbl., $3.00; per 30-gal. bbl., $5.50; New York Mott's, per 15-gal. -bbl., $3.50; per 30-gal. bbl., $6.60. Honey, new, 24 frames, 13.75. Kraut, per 15-gal. keg, $175; per 6-gal. keg, $X26. BEEF cur FRit-nis ttios: no. 1, arc; No. 2, 16vic; No. 3, 14c. Chucks: No. 1, 4c; No. 2, 9Vc; No. 3, 8Hc Loins: No. 1, 22c; No. 2, ll4c; imo. a, ibvsc. Kounas. No. 1, 18Vic; No. 2, 124c; No. 3, lliic. Plates: No. 1. 8c; No. 2. 7V4c: No. 3, 6c. FRUITS, etc. Bananas : Fancy se lect, per bunch, $2.25ig)2.d0; JumDO, per bunch, $2.753.75. Dates: Anchor brand, new. 30 1-lb. okgs. In box, per box, $2.26; Dromedary brand, new, 1-10. pxgs. 111 box, per box, $3.00. Figs: California, per case of 12 No. 12 pkgs., 86c; per case of No. 12 Pkgs.. 82.00: per case 01 ao jno 6 DkES. 12.00; bulk. In 26 and 60-lb. boxes, Dr lb.. 10c: new Turkish. 5-crown in MHb. boxes, per 10., 10c; o-crown in u-io. boxes, per lb., 16c; 7-crown in so-iD. Doxes, Der lb.. 17c. Lemons: Llmontera selected brand, extra fancy, 300-300 sizes, per box, $6.60; Loma Limoneira, fancy, sw-m sizes, per box, $5.60; 240-420 sizes, 60c per box less; California lemons, 300-360 sizes, per box. t4.fiOfr5.00. Oranges. California Cam- ella brand, Navels, extra lancy. ws-i.o-lfiO-176-200-216-260 sizes, per box, $3.25; ex tra choice, all sizes, per box, a.w. Pine apples: 30-86-24 sizes, per crate, ' $2.75. Strawberries: Hood River, per case 01 24 qU., $3.25. Wool Market. ROSTON. June 11. WOOL-The move ment of the new clip to the eastern bins has set in, with buyers all through the west and heavy purchases reported from all sections. In Montana It Is reported that 20c is being paid ror tne nest wooi. with nllirhtlv lower prices in other terrl- tnrv fHatricta. Tradlnar In nearby fleeces IS dull, awaiting tne arrival 01 me new clip. In Ohio 25c is being paid for me riiiim wools and the same price holds in Wisconsin. There Is no business in Texas or California wools, but puuea wool is quite active. ' ST. tJLAB. June 11. nuuu- ieaa;, territory and medium, lai8c; fine medium, I6an7c; fine, lwa-uc- . Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK. June ll.-EVAPORATED APPLES Steady with a quiet jobbing demand on the spot fancy; UlOSic; choice. Sfa9c: prime. 74,4380. DRIED FRUns-Prunes, stcauy wun a auiet trade, quotations range from 8$iSiaVic for Californias up to 30s. 4uc, and ewn for Oregons. Apricots, ami and largely nominal; choice, llViwlac; tn rhnlrfl 12dfl21Ac : fancv. 13itl4c. Peaches, quiet and featureless; choice, 74(&8c; extra choice, B(8Vic; fancy, sV44ti0c. Raisins, inactive and feature less; loose muscatels, frfefiAjc', choice to fancy seeded, 56c; seedless, 654Sviic London layers, $1.4061.45. Phlladrlnhia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. June 11. BUTTER Firm; western creumery specials, 3c . . K,-")0... naai-Kv nl nSkf .Vtra. 1l. EGGS Firm; Pennsylvania- and other nearbv firsts, free cases. $ per case current receipts, free cases, $5.85 , per ease: western lirsts. free cases, ld.15 current receipts, free cases, $5.85 per case. CHEESE One quarter cent higher; New York full creams, newr14V14c: part s Kims, 0'81-VlC. . . (nltnn Market. w NEW TORK, June ll.-COTTON-Spot .t-.j i,ut mwiA nnon.n afA mtddllne? Iin. lands. U.76c; middling gulf. 12.00c; no sales. fntiiraa rrn harelv steady Closing bids: June. ll.Kc; July.' 11.25c; August. U.Slc: September, 11.37c; Oc-toberr-11.45c; November, 11.49c; Decem ber, 11.56c; January, 11.52c; February, U.5c; March. 11.6ac; May. 11.72c. ... Drr Gooda Market. NB WTORK. June 1L-DRT OOODS The primary cotton goods markets are quiet and steady. Wash fabrics are telling more freely from Jobbers stocks, meats a nods are being ordered steadily for fall delivery. Tarns rule quiet and barely steady, worsted yarns are nu 11145 hlghex. .;.'.,.:. 1912. I OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady to Ten Cents Higher Than Monday. HOGS STEADY TO FIVE HIGHER Sheep and Lambs Coming; Most Too Past for Demand and Trade is Coasrqneatly slow aad the - Tendency Lower. SOUTH OMAHA R, June 11 1911 Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 2.437 8,479 7,443 Estimate Tuesday 2,400 18,800 .7,000 Two days this week.. 4,837 28,279 '14,433 Same days last week.. 6,063 18,883 11,406 Same days 2 wks ago.. 7,724 27.320. 11,664 Same days 3 wks ago.. 7,934 23,641 9,214 game days 4 wks ago.. 5,421 20,302 7.343 Same days last year.. 8,335 26,679 6,125 The following table shows the receipts for the year, to date, as compared with last year. 1912. 1911. Inc. Dec. Cattle 396,399 448,536 63,137 Hogs 1,764,036 1,220,751 643,285 Sheep 869,015 721.446 147,569 prices for hoes at South Omaha for .The following table shows me range ot the . last few daya, with comparisons: Date. I 1912. 19U.1910.19flw.lO8.1907.11906. June 2. June 3. June 4.. June 6.. June I.. June 7.. June 8.. June 9.. V 1677 9 161 7 191 6 29i 1 21 (06 6 99 6 20 6 98 6 24 6 981 ( 30 6 0216 36 ( 08 6 37 I (37 7 36Vs 5 78 7 36H 9 OOj 7 26 6 23 9 061 7 34 7 2S 5 83 7 9 011 5 31 7 35 7 43V4 7 44! I 7 44j 6 88 5 86! 6 83 5 i . e 9 15 7 $2 9 29 7 38 6 27 5&i 9 82 7 37 5 27, June 10. 6 W 9 351 7 40 6 27 6 05 June 11 9 36 7 35 6 37 6 03 6 1 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union stock yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m. yesterday: - RECEIPT. CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H r a. C. M. 4 St. P. Ry.. 2-9 Wabash R. R 3 Mo. Pacific Ry 2 5 .. Union Pacific R. R.. 17 54 23 3 C. & N. W. Ry., east 12 .. .. C. A N. W. Ry., west 29 47 1 C, St. P., M. & O. Ryu..... 22 20 1 .. C. B. & Q. Ry., east 10 It C. B. & Q. Ry., west 29 47 1 C. R. I. & P., east 2 10 CVR. I. & P., west 2 3 .. .. Iilinola .Central Ry.. .. 8 Chicago G. W. Ry.. 4 3 .. .. Total receipts. ...117 ' 288 26 . 3 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co. 464 619 2.678 Swift and Company. 5.061 5,841 6,063 1,110 1,149 1,052 Cudahy Packing Co.. 695 640 Armour & Co Schwartz & Co 416 Hill & Son 122 , 10 26 26 17 42 4 13 377 F. B. Lewis Huston & Co H. Bulla F. Husa Wolf.. Lee Rothschild Mo. & Kans.-Calf. Co.. Other buyers 273 3,544 Total... 2,981 20,059 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were light again thla morning, only ninety-nine cars being reported in the yards. Tnis leaves the total for the two days at 4,837 head, as against 5,063 year for the same days last week and 8,335 head for the same period a vear ago. The market was in the same condition as yesterday, both as regards supply and demand. Buyers were all in the yards in good season in tne morning and everyone seemed to have orders for a few good killing cattle. The result was that the market opened in very good season and the big bulk of all the cattle In sight had sold before 10 o clock In the morning. The prices paid were generally strong to 10c higher than yesterday. This would apply to beef steers, cows and heifers, and in fact all kinds of killers, but as a matter of fact the better grades or dry cattle naturally showed the' most advance. There. were only a few scattering loads of. stock cattle and feeders In sight and they commanded good firm prices. quotations on cattle: uood to choice beef steers; $8.009.00; fair to good beet steers. $T.508.00; common to fair beef steers. $6.60(87.50; good to choice heifers. IB. 75 1. 50; good to choice cows. $5.756.75; fair to 'good cows, $4-506.65; common to fair cows, $3.004.50; good to choice stock ist's and feeders, $6.2o&75; fair to good, $4.75$5.25; common to fair, $4.254.T5; slock cows and heifers, $3,503:4.75; veal calves, $4.508.75; bulls, stags, etc., $4.00(9 7.00. Representative sales: No. Av. !r. No. Av. Pr. .... 996 7 45 16 1246 t 30 ....10)1 7 56 63 1371 8 58 .... 999 7 70 26 728 8 35 .... 950 7 75 18 888 1 35 ....1033 7 60 16 1 1228 8 40 ....1064 T 90 18 1217 8 40 ....'954 1 90 19 1263 8 uO ....1144 I 00 27 1197 8 oO ....1130 1 05 27 1191 ISO ....1013 1 10 11 1198 8 60 24... !8... !6... i9... II... 14... 18... 71... 11... 11.. 10 1016 8 10 12 1236 1 60 1174 I 10 68 1363 I 60 1090 8 16 66... 1844 I '0 1114 I 16 29 1287 8 70 1378 t 20 62 13S0 8 76 .....1370 I 26 tt 1387 1 66 .....1080 t 26 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 11 ,641 f 00 T. 766 I 00 5 ,760 t 26 574 6 90 , 718 T 00 ,623 7 00 , 611 7 IS .134 T 26 , 111 T 15 13.... 84.... 16.... 4.... 18.... 32.... .1009 8 00 ,. 770 I 00 ,.881 t 00 .1000 t 00 ,. 760 t 25 .1136 t.''5 25,..., 11... 10 1 7 1 COWS. 1. .......... 810 4 2B 1 1073 . 4 60 513 4 60 1.... I.... .1150 8 71 . 938 t 00 10 1090 t 00 .3.... 1070 4 76 8. .1074 t 00 1...V 913 4 IS .... 1064 6 15 3 f... 990 6 25 1176 t 60 1040 t 50 1241 t (0 1314 80 117T 7 60 23..."..;.....' 938 6 26 1. 766 5 50 I ..1042 6 75 , HEIFERS. 1... 9... . m 4 35 . 75 4 40 ,703 4 66" ,738 1 26 6.. .. 28.. 27.. . . 630 4 25 . . 845 t 90 .. 714 7 00 .. til 7 10 .. 122 7 10 ..1250 I 00 .. 700 t 00 ..1800 I 00 .. 90 t 25 .. 825 t 35 .. 826 t 46 ..1670 t 40 ..I960 t 511 14... 21... 6... t... 3... I... 1... .671 4 00 39. BULLS. ....1360 4 SS 1 ....1400 4 6 1 ,...,1070 4 3 1 1340 4 40 1 ..... 920 4 50 1 , 1010 4 60 1....".. 1060 4 60 1 1160 4 76 I ....1400 I 90 1... t... 1... 1... 1... CALVES. 4 426 8 50 6 228 8 26 1... tlO I 30 328 1 60 1 340 t 00 1 140 8 30 1 346 7 UO 1 106 1 50 1 120 1 CO 1 181 I 50 1.. ... 90 1 SO 1 146 I 59 1.... 116 T 60 1 140 I 60 4 166) I 26 1 166 1 60 1 130 t IS 4 180 8 60 ....; 11 8 25 1 151 8 76 ' t 120 8 36 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 160 4 00 11 775 I 35 1 630 4 V 16 78i I 90 y 403 5 36 1 930 I 00 S. 448 6 40 .HOGS The yards were filled with hogs this morning and packers promptly turnea bearish. Most preliminary bids were right around a nickel lower, but this kind of a demand did not attract many bogs, a no trade gradually became general at prices steady, or very nearly so, as compareu with yesterday a average maraec. com petition centered on butcher and laru trades, but the demand at mld-sesstou Was too broad and active to permit de liberate buying, and a good portion of the total rece Dts cleared at weii-sustainea figures.- Toward the clcse some weakness develop!, late aauea ueine nuvieu auvui a nickel off. .Receipts were estimated at 20,000 head, tha laretest run at thla point in two weeks. Quality of offerings waa remarkably good for this time of the year and individual packing -droves consisted largely 01 loaas averaging over 225 pounds. Shippers fa vored .the smooth butcher classes and bought about two dozen loads In all, a short 10 per cent of the total supply. Best heavy hogs on sale reached 17.60, aa compared with the same top yesterday, and bulk was mora or less scattered within the $7.357.50 spread. Bacon stuff landed at $7.40 and less, tne range in val ue amounting to about 40c. Representative sale': Ka. A. 8k- Tt. Ne. A. Sk Fre. 71 1M 40 T 77 tit ... T 4S It. 164 US 13 46. II ... T 46 81.;. UN SJSI tS St 7 46 ....... .ill T la 64- 346 1 ii ..ill ..;07 ..:60 ..:io ..214 ..111 ..338 ..196 ..176 ..323 ..309 ..200 ..161 ..239 ..210 ..201 ..260 ..389 ..300 i',236 ..101 ..201 ..226 ..116 ..323 ..227 ..223 T 38 7 7 3a 7 36 7 36 7 35 7 it 7 35 T 36 T 36 T 16 T .6 T 36 T 35 T 17 Vi T 7V T U) T 40 T 40 T 40 T 40 7 fO T 40 73... 8... 63... 64... 66... 70... 74... 62... 62... 68... 52... e6... 78... 67... 69... 41... 62... 47... 69... 68... 66... 84... 86... ....23S ....1S4 ....3 ....Sl ....236 ...250 ....240 ....263 ....232' ....269 ....191 ....161 ....217 ....267 ....362 ....346 ....224 ...269 ....272 ....242 ....210 ....214 ....213 7 43 7 15 7 45 7 45 7 w 7 45 7 45 7 4S 7 45 7 45 7 45 7 45 7 15 7 45 7 45 7 45 7 45 7 46 7 15 7 45 7 15 7 15 7 lo 7 45 7 474 7 474 7 60 7 60 7 60 7 60 T 60 7 10 7 50 7 60 , 7 60 7 60 7 50 7 M 7 50 7 50 7 60 7 50 7 50 1 524 1 624 7 JiVi T o5 T 55 7 56 1 55 1 W 1 .iS T 65 1 55 7 55 T 60 40 160 36.... 63..'.. 74,... 31.... 13.... 43.... 36.... 36.... 81.... 40.... 77.... 10.... 63.... 64.... 67.... 76.... 93.... 76.... 17.... 17.... 26.... 60.... 73.... 160 160 130 'id 10 60 M 40 240 200 60 120 T 40 7 40 1 40 T 40 T 40 7 10 T 40 T 40 7 40 J40 T 40 33 72 62 .184 .343 .210 .255 .290 .265 .233 .283 .231 240 40 240 40 240 80 660 79 311 78 213 61 ?1S 10 KI TS as u :oi 67 74 68 61..... 61 160 301 30 221 66 170 61..... ..267 63 249 85 257 13... 76... ....31T ....333 ....339 ....308 ....221 ....301 10 '200 . 80 T 40 T 19 T 40 63... 77... 61... 69... 13... 47... ... T40 W 7 10 120 T 40 ... T 40 . 80.... 66.... 70.... 70.... 72.... 62.... 7... ..266 ..27 ..364 ..255 ...260 ..258 ..263 ....246 ....201 ....150 ....344 ...i3 ....327 ....340 ....144 ....266 ....221 ....231 ....231 ....237 ....336 ....296 ....237 ....263 40 200 to 120 7 40 T 40 . T 124 7 UV, 64... 63... 71. 66. .262 16... 10... 16... T ,:4 T 43V4 T !2Vs T 42 T 2Vi 7 424 T 4Va 7 46 T 46 7 46 T 46 7 46 62 283 20 160 140 160 140 100 M 160 180 100 UO 24.. ..230 68.... 67.... 10.... 30.... 60.... 28.-... 41.... ..303 ..288 ..236 ..335 ..278 ..279 ..296 67... 10... 16... 66... 13... 71... 65... 44... ... 67 299 69 317 SHEEP Another . mean market for sheep and lambs developed, packers tak ing their cue from-the lifeless condition of dressed mutton trade in the east. Of ferings went begging during the fore part of the session and with the demand from all quarters extremely dull the task of selling required considerable effort and patience. Only a few bunches of corn-belt stock and one string of grass sheep from Oregon changed hands be fore 10 o'clock, the movement dragging along to a low finish after midday. Receipts consisted largely of grassers, the same aa yesterday, and the run had pretty fair volume. About twenty-six loads were received in all, twenty of which were California spring lambs. The remainder of the supply was composed of Oregon grass sheep and tailings of the corn-belt feeding. Compared with yesterday's saggy trade, prices ruled steady to unevenly lower. Oregon wethers brought $4.75. ruling firm, while other kinds of stock were hard to move at various declines. The coast lambs were especially slow, as too many arrived for killing requirements that have become very modest during the last few days. Business In feeders was too small to be recognized, as the demand and supply were both very small. Only one deck of stock sold on country account yesterday and most commission men assert that no orders of consequence have been placed as yet. Revised quotations on Sheep and lambs: Spring lambs, $6.00(f8.35: shorn lambs. $6.257.50; shorn yearlings, $5.005.50; shorn wethers. $4.50(85.00; shorn ewes, J3.CO(t4.60. 15 native spring lambs.., 255 shorn lambs 33 shorn lambs, culls 199 shorn ewes, culls ..... 257 shorn lambs 252 California wethers 257 California wethers 612 California wethers ..... , Kansas City Live Stock Market. i KANSAS CITT. June ll.-CATTLE-Receipts, 7,000 head, including 1,200 head southerns; market, steady; native steers, $6.259.25; southern steers, $4-758.25; southern cows and heifers, $3.S0r$5.50; na tive cows and heifers, $3.258.25; stockers and feeders, $4 006.90; bulls. $4.00(36.50; calves, $4.508.50; western steers, $6.00 8.76; western cows, $3.506.50. HOGS Receipts 18.000 head; market, steady; bulk of sales, $7.40(g7.65; heavy, $7.55ai7.67v4; packers and butchers, $7.40 7.65; lights, $7.207.66; pigs. $5.756.75. SHEEP AND lam 00 Receipts, s,wu head; market steady; muttons, $3.76 4.75; laiiibs, $6.009.00; range wethers and yearlings. $4.0086.00; range ewes, $3.00 4.40; xexas goats, ja.uu'aj.. Chicago Live Stock Market. CHICAGO. June 11. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,000 head; market strong; beeves, $6.(iO(S9.40: Texas steers, $6.4Cp.l5; west ern steers, $6.408.15; stockers and feed ers. $4.30fS6.90; cows and heifers. $2.80 8.10; calves, $5.50Bi9.00. HOGS Receipts. 17.000 head: market weak at yesterday's average; light, $7.20 .62v: mixed. $7.30(37.70; heavy, $7.2u 7.70; rough, $7.25(37.45: pigs, $5.007.10; bulk of sales, $7.557.65. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 18.000 1 1 1 i- x 1 j . - neau; Illo.rn.ei lur kimmi Kiaues stiuiiK., others weak; native, $3.25(55.25; western, $3.605.25; yearlings. $4."57.CO; lambs, na tive, $4.50(38.10; western. 84.758.30. St. Lonla Live Stock Market. ST: LOUIS, June 11. CATTLE Re ceipts 3,000 head, including 2,700 head Texans; market, steady to strong; na tive beef steers, $5.759.15; cows and heif ers, $5.508.25; stockers and feeders, $3.75 (86.75; Texas and Indian steers, $5.25 8.00; cows and 'heifers, $3.758.00; calves in car load lots, $6.XVg;6.75. HOGS Receipts. 11,500 head; market 15c lower; pigs and lights, $5.507.65; mixed and butchers, $7.507.75; good heavy, $7.70 7.76. - SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,000 head; market steady; native muttons, $5.257.00; lambs, $6,008.76. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. cm insnPH .Tuna 11. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1,800 head; market steady; steers, $S.609.00; cows ana neuers, o.ioiov.'; calves, $4.508.60. HOGS Receipts, 13,000 head; market slow; 5c lower; top, $7.65; bulk of sales, $7.45(3)7.60. ' - ' SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,000 head; market for lambs steady; sheep lower; lambs, $7.509.00. Coffee Mnrkct. vp.W YORK. June. 11. COFFEE tr.i.iirAa murltAt nneneri nteadv at an ad vance of 2 to 5 points on higher French cables and American nuying. 1 ne ciose was steady, 2 to 6 points net higher. Sales. 62,000 DagB. June, ja.iic; juiy. 13.44c; August. 13.53c; September. 13.62c; October, 13.67c; November, 13.72c; De cember, 13.76c; January, 13.77c; February, 13.75c; niarcn ana jipru, m.ow, 13.81c. Spot coffee, quiet unchanged: Rio No. 7, 14V.C. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising 30... 1:8.. 64... ...61 7 00N ... 62 6 25 I ... 56 4 50 f ... 99 2 50 ...64 500 ...105 4 60 1 ...105 41 60 J ...102 4 60 TO THE HjOLDERSTOF THE Consolidated Mortgage Bonds of THE OMAHA WATER COMPANY The Omaha Water Company hereby gives -notice that Its consolidated mortgage bonds, dated July 23, 1896, with accrued interest to July 1, 1912, will be paid, on or after tha,t date, upon surrender of the , bonds with all unpaid cou pons attached, at the office of The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, trustee. No. 16 to 22 William Street, In the City oil New York, from the proceeds of sale of the water com pany's works to the City of Omaha received by said trustee. Certificates of the water, company will then be Issued, repre senting the five per cent redemption premium in litigation, and entitling the holder of each thousand-dollar bond to fifty dollars with interest at five pec cent per annum from July 1, 1912, if the Court of Appeals of the State of New York shall decide that the completion of the city's purchase does not relieve the company from payment of such premium. THE OMAHA WATER COMPANY, By THEODORE! C. WOODBURY, President. Dated, June 7, 1912. MAERAY MENJOT FREED Denies Application of Brown and Moore for Habeas Corpus. IOWA STOCK FOOD LAW UPHELD 1n.lted States Supreme Coart liases Decision oa Same Principles Laid Down In lndiaua Case Mar tin to Mt. Vernon. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHR1NGTON. D. C, June U.-(Spe- clal Tclegram.)-The supreme court to day affirmed the decision of the circuit court of appeals of California denying application for a writ of habeas corpus of Frank. W. Brown and E. C. Moore. The appellants were among the number m-nsor-iitiMl alone with John C. Mabray for violation of the United States statutes regarding conspiracy. Justice McKenna wrote the opinion ana referred to details of the conspiracy wherein Mabray and others traveled over the country Inducing men of wealth to ht uDon races and athletic contests, the outcome of which they knew in advance. The aupreme court today upheld tne Iowa statute regulating the sale of stock foods, etc., in the case ot tne stana ard Stock Food . company of Omaha against Commissioner Wright of Iowa. The case came up on appeal from tne Iowa supreme court. appellants de clare that the statute was in violation of the fourteenth amendment to the con stitution. The court today declared that appell ,nti rnnM nnt attack the law on the ground of unconstitutionality, as claimed, the evidence- submitted not bringing them within the objections on which they based their contention. The court followed tne case of Savage against Jones, recently decided, in which the constitutionality of the Indiana food law was upheld. Martin Tnlks at 'oriicll. Representative Martin of South Dakota and Mrs. Martin, left today for . Mount Vernon, la., where Mr. Martin will ad dress the alumni of Cornell college. Mr. Martin is an alumnus of Cornell of tho class of 1879. The appointment of Hugh L. Patton aa United States marshal for the Dlstrlot ot Wyoming, was sent to the senate today by'' the president for confirmation. School Boy Missing; Clue Proves Wrong Eben Wallen, the 7-year-old son of Byron Wallen, a carpenter, of 4026 Biii ney street, by his unexplained absence caused the belief last night that he had been drownd in a pond at Thlrty-nlnti and Lake streets. This theory waa dis proved by several hours' work by the ) police. J Near the pond some child's clothing was found at 12:30 o'olock last night by S. E. Burke, 8817 Wirt street, and Osoa Johnson, 4025 Binney street, members oi a band of searchers who went out earlier in the evening to search for the lad when he failed to return home on time from Clifton Hill school. Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA, June U.-HAT-No. t $17.00(9 180.0; No. 2, $14,000)16.(10; No. 8, $10,00(8112.00 i No. 1 middling, $17.00(808.00; No. 1 low land, $16.00(317,00. Sugar Market. NEW TORK, June 11. SUGAR Raw steady; muscovado, 89 test, 8.42o; centric ugal, 96 test, 3.92c; molasses, 89 test, S.17s refined steady. FAMOUS COLLINS SADDLES Best saddle ever made, and has been the sta n d a r d co w b o y saddle for fifty years. They are guaranteed not to hurt a horse's back and to give the best of service. ALFRED CORNISH & CO. , (Successors to Collins & Morrison) 1 1210 Farnam Street Omaha, Neb. ( Write for free catalogue. . . ,( DON'T CUT OUT A VARICOSE VEIN 1 ' ABSORBIIIEJBj A mud, sate, antiseptic, dlaon tient. resolrent liniment, and a proven remedy tor this and sim ilar trouble. Mr. B. 0. KeUoyg, Becket, Mass., before using thla remedy, suffered intensely with . painful and Inflamed veins; they were awolleo, knotted and hard. He writes: "After using one and one-half bottles ot I AR.SORmiE..TR..thavalna 1 were red need, inflammation and pain gone, and I , hare had no recurrence of the trouble durtna the Saat alx years." Also remoree Goitre, Painful welling. Wens. Cysts, Callouses, Bruises "Blaok and Bhie"dlscoloratlons, etc, In a pleaaant manner. I Price II. CO and VIM a buttle at druggists or dellTered. Book S 6 free. Write for It, i Y. F.YOUNG. P.O. F 104 Temple St.. SJrlnifUU, Mass. metoLOAl On improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mortagea. KLOlvE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha, Nebraska. WI PlY SI ' aet (or old ttlse teeth. ; TIE, I ill 1 Money sent at once. Mall iyuuis today. Highest prices paid for old OaU, iillver and Platinum. FKUiA. SMXLTXXCr 8s MIT. CO., I tit Chestnut St.. Pblla. Pa., est., tt year.