Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1912, Page 11, Image 11
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1912. 11 Jeff Was in Pretty Good Health-and Proposed to Stay So Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher " "Mnyvi III, W9W, - TO He TPS NOU'Pfc WATT U i. ' ' I'LL Wakjc a D.nAAv o,, ., w . . . .. txqle. AFreR- the shi& raee( - b,:.gfe-r: Kvv.: , : . . . ' - - . ... . , a nm mti i n i II i i OFFERED FQB SALE, v. Musical IHtruuienta.. ELECTRIG' Pianos,' music boxes, player pianos Continental7 Novelty. t VI: 15th. .FQR ,BALJ A new $200 Vlctrgla; haa never been used. If Interested ask lot price. M 257, Bee office. Typewriter. A PRACTICALLY' new No.". B nateSt model Underwood typewriter;' will dls? count prlc 80 percent-' for immediate sale: Typewriter case and cover thr6wii iB.-:Aaress. O 2rri,vBee; r . ' . . MlsceilaneonK. . SAFES-Oviarstoqked with' ec"on'(t-harid rales: all sizes and maks;. bargains. American Suppiy Co., 1110 Famam St. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought, Sold. Levy, 2510 N, So. Omaha. FOR SALE New and second-hand carojn and pocket billiard ' tables and bowline; aljeyr and accessories; . bar. fix tures of alt kinds; easy payments. The BruriswicTi'-Balke-CoUenaer,;" Co., .VTt-m South .'.Wtn -street. ;- :h Omaha Commercial coUege and- Jne in Boyles co11eg3- Bustpess office. f)maha '' Bee " ,; ' " ' .... FOR SALE Scholarship in Boyles- col lege. :Ca1l at or address Business. 'Office. Omaha Bee. ' ' ' " . OLD SAFES, BRIGHT, 1(US Farnam St. PERSONAL BODY MASSAGE; 222-8 Neville. D. 77il. 68-PAT BLOOD REMEDY. . Gladish-Pharmacy, lth and Dodge.: MANICURING, hair dressing; facial massage, by expert; reasonable prices. Call Miss. Laurence . tor appointment. Drexel, hotel., B-Ct- ' i ... nnABiucjcTAViT. risflrlor.. pntflrtniVier and invalids' companion. 'Phone v. 37o. , t., nivnintr huniitlfnl rinmhn LKJ A A lilUJ, v, .--v.. home (now rented), worth $10,000, mort gage i4;OO0, would like to trade for per cent securities or unmortgaged land, worth 16,000. Agents need not reply. Ad dress H. 261, Bee. . ' . futrm oiTiriTinu ATlifX sntipitn rant i. TIC DAUlAl.wi' - T off fact, anything you do not need. Wa collect, repair and sell at 134 N lltW St., for-cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Phone Douglas 4125 and wasftfns 'will call. r A C-OT?nfrWVRPV'Salt Glow and Allen of Chicago. , 109 S"'l7. 1st fl. D. 7665. vital jYinssasrai.- baths, electric vibratory and radiator ; treatments. Dr. Anna D. Visher. 401 Ware blk. 309 S. 15th. D. 2783. Massagfi. Mrs. Rlttenh se. 308 Boston Bid, TrAtTvn .Aman nnminP tn f)mu ViR flft lUUlia wumvii w. strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth and St: Mary's Ave.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places, or otherwise assisted Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. ANNA H. M AKKS SSKSSE nam. Davldge Blk. Apt. 3. Red 7529. i. . UAs:.An n 13th .r.. r. 325, dally, Sunday; open evenings; hours, iv o iv. rt C8 rixr Swedish movement. Ap.t &1 AOO AVJJ-j i 18Q2 Famam.- D. 6240. f r,TTT,nrTr' treatment. V.'. Brtitt. 710 aiAUlN JillO g. 16th. 2d floor. D. 5289. WE RENT and repair all kinds of sew ing machines. Tnd. A-16G3; Douglas 16G2. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 15th an Harney Sts. f A A frF! Expert treatment. Mrs. M. AOO.vJJ Steele, 208 S. 13 St. R. 325. Up-to-Date Beauty parlors, iathryn Lane Daly, 113 S. 16th, 2d floor. D. 2427. POULTRY AND PET STOCK Screening $1 50 per 100. Wagner, 801 N. 16 I HAVE for quick sale two dark seal brindle Boston terrier puppies by Storz "Tommy Crib." Can bo seen all -day Sunday at 5312 N. 29th St. Telephone Webster 1535. . LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage, and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stock Commission Merchants, Bvers Bros. & Co. Strong and responsible. WOOD BROS.. 234-38 Exchange BIdg. Great West Com. Go.. Omaha A Denver. Clay, Robinson & Co.. 200 Exchange Bldg; CLIFTON Com. Co.. 32a Exchange Bldg. REAL ESTATE IOAN9 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam. Smith & Co., 1320 Famam St. $100 to -Slft.OOO made promptly. P. D. Vx'ead. W-ead Bldp.. iSth and Farnam. LOANS. Bemis-Carlberg 0 Co. 310-S12. Brandais Theater Bldg. RCL CITY Q A TM7TXT T2t?no Loans. $500 and up. wxxi-v aim xji.iyj.nmaha rl Rank. LOANS Farm and city property. J. H. Dumont l& Son, 1602 Farnam St. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT to buy good home'. Price must be right. State location. What terms, Cash buyer. Address N-288,' care Bee.' WANTED TO BUY Household gds; clothes ftshoes. 03971 61959 2d-hand goods. Keiser, 1029 Center. D-5662. Chicago buyers, 2d-hand clotKes, shoes, hats; best prices; will call. Tyler 1100. AT PTRW pays the best prices for old LUT J.XV1Y' mefals rubber etc.' ' WANTED-60O- Joada f dirt. Douglas 3938. 'Phono . WANTED TO RENf . WANTED A first-class house or apart ment tiy " responsible party. Must be first-clais. Address i 285,' Bee. ' Y'OUNG professional man desires mod ern room and board with private family, well located; no boarding and rooming houses need answer. Address B 283, Bee. OCEAN LTEAMSHIPS THE ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS MONTREAL. LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW. Montreal; Havre, Plymouth, London. The Picturesque St. Lawrence' Route. Four days on the ocean, three days in river and gulf. Splendid new Turbans steamers. Saloon, second-cabin and third class. Superior one-class cabin service. Cuisine unexcelled. Courteous attention. Send ' for circulars, rates, plans, etc. Allan & Co.. 127 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. Anchor Line Steamships New' York, Londonderry and Glasgow. New York, Palermo and Naples. Attractive rates for tickets between New York and all Scotch, English, Irish, Continental and Mediterranean points. Superior accommodations, excellent cut in, efficient service. Apply promptly for reservation to local agent of Anchor Line or Henderson Brothers, General Agents, Chioago, 111. v FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE-'Good, smooth land and well rented town property for stock of general merchandise well located in eastern Kansas, Nebraska or western Iowa. Can use large stock and might put In some cash if stuff is good enough. Give full details In first letter. Address Lock Box L. Seibert, Colorado. 600-ACRE irrigated grain, alfalfa and vegetable farm; two sets Improvements; good water rights; 50 miles east of Den ver on Platte river. Want good mer chandise or income property. Might con sider smaller farm. Address, Y 41. Bee. 100 A. farm, exchange for merchandise; owner. C. M. Maier. Coin, la. FOR SALE or exchange, . 32o ' acres in Brown, Co., Neb.; improved; price $20 per acre; incumbered for $1,200; due in -five years; 160 acres In Chase county. Neb.; price $15 per acre; clear; will exchange either one or both for clear income property. J. H. Pieper, Owner, Albion, Neb. I WANT OMAHA HOME. I have a fine little farm of 40 acres ad Joining the town of Blue Mound, Linn Co., Kan., 65 miles south of Kansas City, level as a floor; well improved, nice or chard and only mile from P. O. and a town of 1,000 people. Thts is a fine home. Price $150 per acre; mortgage, $1,500; 3 years 6 per cent; equity, $4,500 will take clear house to that amount or two cot tages. Address Box 426, Omaha, Neb. FOR EXCHANGE Eighty acres land. Orange county, Indiana. Price $5,200. In cumbrance, $1,260. Want small tract of good west land for equity. Fred H. Franklin, Presbyterian Hospital, Omaha, Neb. Persistent -Advertising is the Road to Big Returns. REAL ESTATE ABSTHACTS OP TITLE. Reed Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice in Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater. NEALE & CAMPBELL. 1714 Farnam St. Bl ILDEKS' JM'OHM VI IO.. Martin Bros. & Co.. Exch. Bidg. TAGU BROS., handle cattie. hogs, sheep. REAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA property and Nebraska lands O'iiEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., lOM New Omaha Nat l Bank Building. MONEY to loan on business or rosi , , ytpe: ties, fl.uOO to SSoO.UOO. W. 1, ' HO MAS, 503 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co Klpctrlc. sas fixtures. Omaha Silver Co. Ideal Cement Co., Kth and Cuming St Fucha, Son & Blind, palntlng.decorattng. H. Gross, lum. wreck'g, plb. 21 & Paul. BLUE PRINTING, 41!4 PAXTON. D. 2720. HEATON, tin work. Original A"merl ran furnaces. 2518 Cuming. D. 519S. ACIlEitiE i OH HALK. ACREAC1K BARGAINS rcai Oaha. Cnn S. Merrill, 1213 City Nat. Bank Bid?. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Dundee Houses $3,800 For a two-story, 6-room, modern ' square house,' In first-class condi tion, having. hot air heat; three bedrooms on second floor; only one block from the car line; lot 50x135 ft. " " $4,250 For a two-story, new, modern. 7-room house; oak finish first floor; two bedrooms and bath second floor; decorated; convenient to the car line: easy terms. $4,500 Two-story strictly modern house, having large living room with pressed briak fireplace; four at tractive bedrooms second floor; full cemented basement; furnace heat. A well built, substantial house. Reduced $500 for Immediate $4,500 For an almost new, 6-room bun galow, in first-claa. repair; oak finish and oak floors In the living room and dining; room; large living room; decorated -.'throughout; con venient to tha car line; full steed lot. $4,650 Seven-room modern bungalow; oak finish first floor; three bedrooms and bath second floor; one block from the car line; south front lot, 50x135 ft. Reasonable terms. $6,000 Seven-room modern square house, with quarter-sawed oak floors and finish first floor; hard pine finish second floor; combination electric light and gas fixtures; full cemented basement; furnace heat. A well located and well built .house. $7,500 New, two-story, up-to-date, all modern house, located In Happy Hollow, overlooking the boulevard and club grounds and a short dis tance from' the car line. This house has a large living room, finished in oak, with beamed ceil ings, built-in bookcase and brick fireplace; large sun room, break fast room, finished In mission style and convenient kitchen. Sec ond floor has four large bedrooms and sleeping porch, finished In white enamel, with mahogany doors; oak floors throughout; one room finished on the third floor. Attractively decorated throughout; hot water heat. Lot 70 ft. frontage. Reasonable terms of sale can be arranged. George & Company 902-12 City National Bank Bldg. Phones Douglas 756, Independent A-1756. Dandy Bungalows Near 18th and Laird Your choice of two strictly modern bungalows, one having flva rooms and bath, the other six rooms and bath; oak finleh; very attractive and well built; first class neighborhood. If looking for something that is swell and bound to please ask to see either of these prop erties at once. A few hundred dollars down and monthly payments for balance will do. SCOTT & HILL, D. 1009, A-1752. 307 McCague Bldg. $1,850 Buy from Owner Larg 10-room house at 2630 Franklin St., gas and electric light, water, and on paved street; house Is newly painted and is In fine condition; buy from owner and save dealer's commission. I will sell this place for $1,850. $400.00 cash and balance on easy terms. Telephone Red 4301 after 6 p. m. Close-In Cottage $2,900 An attractive and complete five-room cottage with every modern convfnlence, located near .28th and Chicago St. It is only two or three years old; is newly papered and has oak finish in the living rooms. Call "us up for an appointment to look through. Terms arranged. SCOTT & HILL, D. 1009, A-1752. 307 McCague Bldg. TO BUY, SELL OR RENT, FIR8T SEE JOHN W. ROB BINS. 1802 FARN AM ST. A SACRIFICE TO LEAVE OMAHA. I will sell one 8-room house, worth $3,000, for $2,20; one C-room cottage, modern, worth. $2,000, for $1,650; one 4-room cot tage, worth $1.6U0. for $1,150. J. P. JACK SON, 1611 Frederick St., Tel. Doug. 4833. 6-ROOM mod. house for tale, 1527 N. 24th St.. South Omaha. South 813. REAL ESTATE CITY PHOPERTY FOR SALE.. My Price $3,650 ACTUALLY WORTH $4,250 Your choice of two brand new homes Of 6 and 7-rooms each, strictly modern, oak finished; full two stories. Living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor, 3 good bedrooms, screened in sleep ing porch and bath on second floor. Stairway to large floored attic. Full cement basement, cement walkfl, sodded yard and screens. Furnace heat. Beautiful light fixtures. On large' east front lot, 43x124. Located at 4110 and 4112 North 21st Bt. Terms to Suit. For more Inform -.lon phone CHAS. HORN, OWNER, HAR NEY 6210. $2,650 WILL BUY A 6-room cottage, modern except heat; lot 44x119 ft; part payment down, bal ance same as rent. Located' at 2420 Spencer St. Six-room house, modern except heat; lot 89x238. . Price, $2,460. . Located at 3036 Larlroore Ave. DEUEL & HANKINSON, 201 Paxton Block. Phone Douglas 2S77. Here is a Real Bar Jain in Benson A new 4-room cottage on a large lot In Rose Hill addition. South front, two blocks from car line and close to new school. Price $1,200. $100 cash, balance In monthly payments at 6 per cent. This offer good for one week only. JAS. WALSH, Benson.' PRICE $3,000 For Sale My nice 9-room house, good neighborhood, nice lawn, cement walks, l.acu - 1,., Kftvlftfi n,ar at rant car dtlri schools. Will make easy terms. 2603 Pierce. Tel. Red 6100. Near 26th and Poppleton T.I n nlan.v,,, ,aw all mnifftm hllncalnur iianumiiiig 1 1 " m ........ . . . n - - i Immediate possession; a bargain for some one on terms or good lot taken as first payment. Doug, 1658. A 2653. Fine Home Choice Location West Harney $10.000-JuBt east of 36th St.. 77 feet front by 100 feet deep; very attractive, exceptionally well built 9-room house, re ception hall, parlor, living room and library, with built-in bookcases; hand some dining room and kitchen on first floor; four bed rooms and bath on second floor: two finely finished rooms on the third floor. Splendid condition through out. The best buy for the money in this choice locality. INVESTIGATE. D. V. Sholes Company, Sole Agents. 913 City National Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglas 49. Ind. A-2049. HERE IS A BARGAIN IN BENSON REAL ESTATE . CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. CHANCE FOB A NICE HOME Seven-room house, oak finish, cemented basement, laundry tubs, hot water heat, barn or garage, plenty shade and shrub bery, corner lot 55x140, paved street Owner, 2403 N. 18th St. Tel. Web. 335H. LARGE mottern eight-room home for sale by owner. Webster 3490. BBiAUTIFUL corner, ISth and Blimey Sts Enqulra of Owner, 1607 Ptnkney St. B-3322 REDUCED TO $1,000 4Sth and Walnut. 3 lots, 132ft., adjoin ing Beals school ground; 150 ft. facing Walnut street; cabin, outbuildings, some fruit; $1,000 cash If sold at once. Inquire within. REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH LANDS FOR SALE Georada. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by the ATLANTIC, BIRMINGHAM ATLAN TIC RAILROAD. Lands adapted to the widest range of crops. All the money crops of the south plentifully produced. For literature treat ing wtth this coming country. Its soh, climate, church and school advantages, writ W. B. LEAHY, DEPT. K, ' General Passenger Agent. ATLANTA. GA. FIVE acres Irrigated land, one-half mile from Blanks, Colo., for sale or ex change for good auto. Address Lou Iiage- melster, Charleston, Neb. Iowa. MOST productive hay and grain land In the world Long Valley, Idaho. No Ir rigation needed; fine climate, fine water, cheap fuel, telephones, railroad, elec tricity. Improved land $25 to $50 per acre. Also finest orchard land proposition in Idaho. For Information write today. Pay ette River Colonization Co., Nampa, Idaho. THE easiest way to find a buyer tor your farm Is to insert a small want ad In the Des Moines Capital. Largest clr culatlon In the atate of Iowa, 43,000 dally. The Capital Is read by and believed In by the standpatters of Iowa, who simply re fuse to permit any other paper In tholr homes, Rates, 1 cent a word a day; $1.25 per line per month; count six ordinary words to the line. Address Pes Moines Capital, Des Moines, la. 34-ACRE FARM Six miles of Council Bluffs, one-half mile from railroad station. One of best small farms near the city. Good 7-room house, plenty barns and outbuildings; 7 acres bearing orchard, principally win ter apples; small vineyard and some ber ries; 3 acres alfalfa, 8 acres timothy and ctover. Nice large yard with good lawn, plenty of shade, etc. THIS PLACE WILL NOT DISAPPOINT YOU. It Is a good one, very attractive and worth the price of $6,500; one-third cash, balance long time at per cent. Possession with crop when sold. M'GEE REAL ESTATE CO., 105 Pearl St. Kansas. WINTER wheat land, one square sec tion, cultivated only, price $20 per acre; and one square section, well improved, price $25 per acre; good soil; no sand nor stone; will exchange, either or both for goad general merchandise or income property, carry some back If necessary. Addrers Box 488, Colby, Kan. Minnesota. o.', Hn.'Yn, frTnt. south n Lucas be- 1 SOUTHERN MINNESOTA FARMS tween Clark and Burnham; described as I FOR SALE If you want to buy an im IZ t lot 10. block 35. Phone Webster ! Proved farm In Southern Minnesota write 3850, or address G. R. W., Bee. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT $3,500 Good 10-room modern home; cement sidewalks, etc.; $150 paid to anybody who brings buyer; cost $4,500 to build; leaving town. Tel. Harney 1S78. or call 911 S. 36th St. 25 Feet-$700 Lake St., second lot west Telephone Exohange; 25x122; two car lines. Resi dence or business. By and by lake will be a business street. Owner, Webster 3612. West End Home At Reduced Price Fine, strictly modern home of six rooms and reception hall, only three years old; built by contractor for him self s a homo, on a south front lot 42x127, with new bain, all for $3.750 $700 cash, balance like rent. This property is a big bargain at the reduced price now asked. SCOTT & HILL, D. 1009, A-1752. 307 McCague Bldg. for catalogue. Southern Minnesota Land Co., Blue Earth, Faribault Co., Minn. BUY a farm in west central Minnesota. I have some wonderfully good bargains. Easiest terms. Write for particulars. J. S. Ulland, president Fergus Falls Na tional Bank, Fergus Falls, Minn. Muutaiin. RANCHES $2,000 to $100,000. Send for list. Shopen & Co., Ranch Dealers, Omaha, Neb, Nebraska. FOR SALE 160 acres all fenced; 80 acres under cultivation; 6-room house, 32 x.12 barn; 16x20 chicken house; 16x16 gran ary; 10x12 stone milk house, windmill and good water; located five miles from Chappell, $40 an acre takes this bargain; half down and mortgage for balance. Address Mrs. Christie Jacobs, Chappell, Neb. HOMESTEAD 320 acres rich farm land at $250 filing fees and ail. Not rough or sandy. J. A. Tracy, Kimball. Neb. Miscellaneous. T. C. TORRISON, D. 1101. 02 City National Bank Bldg. Farm Land und Ranches. The Persistent' end Judicious Use nf Newspaper Advertising is the Road to Business Sue- REAL ESTATE 1 FARM A RANCH LANDS FOR SATIS Miscellaneous. Land Opening Ws have just purchased one of the richest tracts of land, suitable for general farming. poultry raising. dairying, trucking and fruit growing In the United States, and have aubdvlded It and thrown it open for settlement in small tracts To a few farmors, poultry raisers, dairymen, truck or fruit growers t.ho would make good neighbors, wo are vlll tng to dispose of some of this land at a small part of its real value; In (act, less than you would pay for land In a new country away from transportation. This land Is located on the MAIN line of the Illinois Central Railroad and only ti few hourt' ride from tha great markets of Chicago, St. Louis, .Indianapolis, Cincin nati, Louisville, Kansas City and Mem-nhs. There Is no richer soil on earth than this section. We have sworn affidavits from farmers and truck growers showing what they hava made in. a single year,' $800.00 PER ACRE ON UAnnAUrj. $250.00 PER ACRE ON POTATOES. $300.00 PER ACRE ON MELONS. $500.00 PER ACRE ON TOMATOES.. $600.00 PER ACRE ON PEACHES.. This land Is bought and paid for. hence we are In a position to make terms to the right parties. Take any number of acres you want, (from t acres up), $2.00 per acre down and easy terms on tno balance. Write or call today. Your name and address on a post card will bring affi davits, mBps, printed Information and pictures of the property. This will not put you under obligations to us whatever and is absolutely FREE to all. I. N. VOOEL, 415 Karbach Block. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. FORT LOGAN, COLORADO, MAY 15, 1912. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received here until 10 a. m. June 15, 1912, for the sinking of one 8-lnc.h tubular deep well at this depot Blank forms for bidders, specifications and full Informa tion may be obtained upon application. The United States reserves the right to accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Tubular Well," and addressed to the Constructing Quartermaster, Fort Logan, Colorado. X. T. Frlssell, Captain and Quartermaster. U. 8. Army. M18-17-U-1W12-U Elevator Companies Recover From the Union Pacific After submitting of testimony In suits brought by the Nye-Schnelder-Fowler Grain company and the Cavers Elevator company against the Union Pacific Rail road company for elevation charges, Judge W. II. Munger Instructed the Jury to sign a verdict allowing the plaintiffs to recover $1,842.0 and $1,127.60, respect ively. Judge Munger In ordering the verdict applied the ruling of the supreme court of the United States holding that eleva tion charges could be collected from rail roads if cars placed on elevator trackage are returned to tha railroad in forty eight hours. KEMP CATCHES ROBBERS WORKING ON HIS SAFE J. I. Kemp went Into tha offices of hla coal company. 2512 Leavenworth street, at 11 o'clock last night at tbe sound of some odd noises he had heard from his house upstairs and found three men' try ing to break into his safe. Leveling a revolver upon them he was able to hold them until the police ar rived. One of the trio escaped at his coming. He waa later captured by the police. At the police station tbe men gave their names as Frank. Gallagher, A, Gustafson and Ed Grand. They were charged with burglary. Frank Gallagher is known to the police as a former convict. He was sentenced to three years in the Nebraska peniten tiary for breaking Into a box car. TWO ARE UNDER ARREST FOLLOWING FURTHER RAIDS Feme Davis, who conducts a place at C14 South Thirteenth street and Sam Bauman, proprietor of the Lang hoel, were arrested about 11 o'clock last nigi.t and charged with conducing disorderly houses and selling beer after S o'clock. STORIES ARE TOLD BY SIGHS Annual Commencement at Nebraska School for Deaf. MANY PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE Essays and Orations Given by the Older Pupils and Kludrrgnr- ; ten Work by the , Yoisgfr Ones. One thousand or, more relatives and friends filled the auditorium of the Ne braska School for the Deaf to overflowing last evening to witness the annual com mencement exercises of the different grades and to do honor to ten of the students who received diplomas for suc cessfully completing the courae prescribed by the school. The graduates are; ' : Fred William Brown, Sheridan, Wyo. ' Thomas Scott Cuscaden, Omaha. Emil Vince HIadlk, Piainview. Sophia Mary Macek, South Omaha. Charles Clyde Marshall, York. Ellen Anna Pearson, Tekamah. Robert Orin Thayer, Cheyenne, Wyo. Louise Christina Thomsen, Cedar Bluffs, ' Neb. Oscar Max Treuke, Omaha. Christie Frank Wleseman, Osceola, Neb. All but three of the' graduates have the qualifications to enter the National School for tha Deaf at Washington, D. C. which requires an average of ten years work, Including five years of college. - The graduation address was delivered by J. E. Delzell. state superintendent of schools, who greeted his hearers through the means of an Interpreter. The speaker congratulated the graduates on the suc cess they had met with in their studies. Exercises by several classes, from the" beglnners' grade to the seniors, were fea tures which called fqrth applause from the .audience. Aside from the presentation of dlplo- ( mas, the address by Mr. Delzell and per haps several of the essays and orations by the graduates, the ' feature of the , evening's program was the demonstration by little Charlie Schmidt, ( years old,' who filled the first number on the pro gram. He alone composes the kinder garten class of the school, but was gradi .. uated pro tempore Into the first grade' and there made good. He went through his letters with distinct gestures and showed wtth the assistance of his teacher, Miss Sauter, the first principles applied In teaching the deaf child. . . i Closing a class exercise by members of the Third grade the enunciation of the Lord's prayer by them was a most sin gular and unique effort. Perhaps on. no other occasion did. the audience so ehow Its praise by their applause. The articu lation was sufficiently clear to be plainly understood and the eight girls slowly, but surely went through it from the be ginning to the end.. . A class 'In gymnastics and another In manual training allowed those who were unfamiliar with the curriculum of the school to wonder how It was possible to obtain the perfection that was shown. It was made clear that the Instruction given the class included the development of a retentive memory In the student and a wonderful clearness of mind. Violin solos by Mrs. E. R. Zabriskle, member of the faculty, added consider able worth to the program.. Essays by the student graduates took alternate turns with the other numbers to complete the evening's1 exercises. These were all recited by the students tn the two-hand language. A reader . stood on the platform and kept in con- Junction with the student reciting the essay in words. The rate of speech averaged from 100 to 150 words a minute with at no time a hesitation on part of either the essayist or the reader. -.-, In all the exercises of ,the evening, npt once was there a sign of fear, or -reticence among those who took .' part whether they were child or adultl Their perceptibilities were enlivened to the : occasion and each went through his or her part with wonderful dexterity ar-d skill. Each number, . whether by class or Individual, received the appreciative ap plause which it was entitled to. The valedictory was by Scott Cuscaden and the class poem recited by J. V. Sowell.