Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1912, Image 10
4 J "'M'.f 3" Desperate I-BLOCK1NG THE) CHANNEL. Claude Eclalre, the hero of a thou and ' fights, la now engaged In , an attempt to block the channel of Santiago so that. Desperate Desmond, the International , crook, cannot escape with hi stolen bat tleships. Our hero swims across, with a heavy chain, which he stretches across ' the passage. WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to Insure proper classification must be presented before 12 o'clock m. for the evening edition and before 7:30 p. m. for morning and Sunday edi tions. Want ads received after such hours will have their first Insertion under the heading "Too Late to Classify. CASH RATES FOR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSOTCATION One Insertion cents per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent consecutive insertion. Each inser tion made on odd days 1 Vt cent per word; 91.50 per line per month when ad is run without change of copy. . MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses were Issued: Name and Residence. Age. Jay B. Katz, Omaha 29 Ruth C. Rubel, Omaha 20 William A. Austin, Omaha..., 24 Alice C. McGrew, Omaha 22 Clyde M. Hearn, Paris 111 27 Ella O. Lamberty, Scrlbner, Neb 19 Frank Dee, Omaha....... 24 Anna McCabe, Omaha 19 James H. Murphy, South Omaha 22 Tina Ryberg, Gretna, Neb 26 Brestllav Dlenstbier, Omaha .....27 Clara Patek, Omaha 22 Albert E. Nee, Omaha 27 Catherine Williams, Omaha 26 . BIRTHS AND DEATHS. ' 5'Blrths-J. W. and May H. Pullen, 2702 Brown street, girl; Fred and Clara Blxby, 714 North Twentieth street, girl; F. J. ind Ines Housh, Tenth and Castellar greets, girl; D. and G. Quartucclo, 1106 South Twenty-second street, boy; George And Charlotte Redman, 2010 Ohio street, boy; Louis and Amelia Sommer, 641 North Central boulevard, boy; J. and Nellie blunders, 2016 Paul street, girl; Frank and Marie Lang, 2530 Washington street, boy; Austin and Cordelia Dodds, 6123 Nicholas street, girl. Deaths George C. Moore, 2 months, 2034 Fowler avenue; H. Moore, 7 months, 1251 South Thirteenth street; Clyde Frampton, 21 years. Fortieth street and Poppleton avenue; John H. Savage, 62 years, 1930 South Eleventh street; Dolas Goodell, 44 years. Twenty-second and Howard streets; Oliver Butler, 76 years, 22X4 North Twentieth street; Edward Miller. 74 years, Tenth and Castellar streets; S. T. Peterson, 69 years, 19:3 ' South Tenth street;-Claris E. Goehring, 62 years, 2519 Parker street; Virginia Anderson, 65 years, 2304 Douglas street; Lyman Butler, 40 years, St Joseph's hospital; Clara A. Loreman, 60 years. Twenty-fourth and Harney streets. ' BUILDING PERMITS, ' Mary Martin, 2226 Ogden avenue, frame dwelling, $2,000. : HELP WANTED FEMALE Areata and saleswomen. .WANTED Lady agents to Introduce a toilet article of great merit. Something new. Absolutely necessity. Every pman Will buy. Easily earn $16 to $2o weekly. Exclusive territory. Act quick. Stearns Hfrlltnshead Co., Portland, Oregon. WANTED Lady canvassing agents to take order for Mad-to-Order corsets. St. Louis Corset Co., St. Louis, Mo. Clerical uil utflce. 3 Comptometer Operators, 840-$60. 1 stenographer, Smith Premier opera tor. 50. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 1015-16 City Nat'i Bank Bldg. WANTED An experienced lady book keeper, one who can typewrite; references required, Raphael-Pred Co. EXPERIENCED cashier wanted for general store. References required. Raphael Pred Co., 13th and Farnam. i WANTED Experienced . lady - book keeper who can also do typewriting. References required. Raphael-Pred Co., 13th and Farnam. ;; Housekeepers and Domestic. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired result. This applies to resident of Omaha, South Omnia and Council Bluffs. Bring your ad to The Bee oIUoo Or telephone Tyler, 1W0. WANTED A competent girl tor gen eral housework, small family, good wages. im 6. 35th Ave. Phoue Harney 2104. WANTED Girl for general housework. Two In family. Good wages. Apply iili l-ark Ave. Harney 6480. t WANTED Good girl for general house work, two In family. 'Phone Harney 222. GIRL for general housework; (6 per week. 3625 Davenport. WANTED Girl tor general housework; 2S0 Seward. B-2572, 'WANTED Girl for general housework; highest wages. Apt. 7, Normandy, pa clue and Park Ave. Tel. Harney 1(48. , W AN TED-Colored girl tor general housework. 1514 Burdette. WANTED Girl for general housework. Danish or. Swedish girl preferred. 25U3 St. Jiary's Ave , WANTED Good girl for general house work. Tel. Harney 741 or call at 1304 S. 35th St WANTED- general housework girl with good reference to go to N. Y. for summer; two in family; R. R. far paid both ways. Apply 332 8. 37th St - YOUNG girl for housework at once, go home nights. 2201 Spencer St. WANTED Good girl fur housework; good home. . 13U5 S. ifcth St Tel. Harney sot. .WANTED An experienced cook; no laundry work; good wages. Mrs. H. Oifford, 420 S. 86th St. , , , WANTED A girl, for general house work. Apply 2448 Chicago St Phone Red 63. BACHELOR wants housekeeper. 1618 pavenport St Desmond II-TROUBLE AHEAD. Desperate Desmond, in command of the stolen battleship, stands In the bow of the vessel and at one spots the danger ous nature of the chain which Claude has stretched across his path. The ship will be wrecked If It strikes the heavy chain - at full speed, so some other plan is necessary, HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers and Domestic. GIRL for general housework. Mrs. Sturtevant, 112 So. 36th St WANTED Experienced white cook, also second girl. Phone Benson 176. Mrs. A. L. REED. WANTED Cempetent nurse for child; references required. 202 So. 37th St , Tel. Harney 2192. , . GIRL for general housework;, good wages. 813 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 6480. COMPETENT girl for general house work. Mrs. Hall, 412 N. 89th St Phone Harney 6865. B-2755. Miscellaneous. GIRL to learn halrdreaslng. Oppen helm Parlors. 2d floor. City Nat. Bank. WANTED-Cashier for railroad dining house; 325 month, board and room. Ad dress J. R. Chambers, Long Pine, Neb., care of Northwestern. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St Mary's Ave., and 17th. St, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places . or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union station. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Salesmen and Solicitor. "Sprain your ankle," "break a leg," get typhoid fever If your Income Is Insured with the Home Casualty Co., 800 Brandels bldg. Live agents wanted. Apply at once. Good men are hard to get. They don't wander around the streets looking for signs In windows. When you need good help advertise In The Bee. Bee Want ads are read by keen, energetic men who wish to better their condition. Rates lo per word if run two or more times consecutively. Tele phone Tyler woo. FEW high pressure stock salesmen. Best proposition on earth. Our agents are clearing from (350 to 81,000 per month. No boozers or advance hunters need ap ply. Leads furnished anywhere you want to work.. Address Redmon, Kansas City Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. SALESMAN wanted, with established trade to represent us In North and South Dakota. We manufacture and control more extensive lines of goods than any other house. Ferguson-McKlnney Dry Goods Co., St. Louis, Mo. THREE or four first class agents who will be satisfied with $300 or 8400 per month. Stock proposition. Leads fur nished wherever you want to work. Ad dress Redmon, Kansas City Lite Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. , WANTED Live hustler to take the ex clusive agency for Omaha, on good propo sition. Apply J. A. Brown, Rome hotel. WANTED We have a very liberal and profitable proposition for a good hustling specialty salesman in the city of Omaha. References required. Address Hoosler Account Register Co., Springfield, - Mo. MAKE 40.00 PER WEEK Best proposition in city for 10 good solicitors, good . talkers, experience not necessary. Call at office California Ho tel between 12:00 and 2:00 and 6:00 to 8:00 p. m. Herman Zalkln. Phone Douglas 7083. GOOD, live, hustling salesman wanted to work In the three cities. Experience not necessary It you are a hustler. L N. Vogel, 416 Karbach block. Clerical and Office. FOR a position see us. The largest and best in the west. WESTERN REF. AND BOND ASS'N. 673 Omaha National Bank Bldg. FULL dress suits and J rty dresses for sale; also for rent. 81.00 o 31-60 a night JOHN FELDMAN, 206 sS 17th. D. 3128. 8 BOOKKEEPERS, $75-;. 2 STENOGRAPHERS, J60-65. 2 BOOKKEEPERS and stenographer, 860-75. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 1016-16 City Nati Bank Bldg. Factory and Trade. Drug store (snap) Jobs. Knlest, Bee Bldg. WANTED Experienced operator on Elliot-Fisher billing machine In large dry goods establishment Address K 275, Bee. WANTED Good moulder man at once, P. H. Wind Sons, Council Bluffs. SASH and door man at once, P. H. Wind Sons' Planing Mill, Council Bluffs. WANTED A producer gas engineer for small light plant; 80-11. P. municipal outfit; - married man preferred; state wages and reference in first letter; night run; year's work or longer to right party. Address L. T. Durman, superin tendent light plant Randolph, Neb. PAINTERS wanted at once; apply at high school ready to go to work. Miscellaneous. TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed you by the Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroads if you gain your training in our school. Practice on R. R. wirea Ad dress for particulars, H. B. Boyles, Pres. Boyles College, Omaha. Neb. TRAIN auditors are now on about 30 railroads; would you like such position? Railway experience unnecessary; good salary. For application blank, send stamp and name of this paper. Foster Llbbey & Co., 810 Monadnock Bldg., Chi cago. YOU ARE WANTED for government position. 880 per month. Send postal for list of positions open: Franklin Institute, Department 217 P., Rochester, N. Y. WANTED 60 men on sewer at Superior, Neb.; trench work by toot 81.60 on up. Kelley Construction Co. MOVED TO OUR NEW TRAINING SHOPS, he largest finest and best equipped plant for automobile training. Do you want pleasant outdoor work, with thousands of money making oppor tunities? Writs or call on us. Day or night classes. Unlimited course; liberal term. NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE TRAINING ASS'N. 2814 N. 20th St, Omaha, Neb. - 600 MEN 20 to 40 years old wanted at once for electric railway motormen and conductors; 860 to $100 a month; no ex perience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike; write Immediately for application blank. Address Y 60, Bee. ' $100 MONTHLY and expenses to travel and distribute samples for big manu facturer; steady work. S. Scheffer, 752 Sherman, Cbicaso. III-THB WHITE FLAG. Desmond knows the chivalry of Ameri can soldiers and sailors. He has .often taken advantage of It In the past and now he takes advantage of it again. The scoundrel hoists the white flag, secure In his knowledge that no American shot will ever be fired against that emblem. HELP WANTED MALE Miscellaneous. 7,000 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN. ' Write for list Franklin Insti tute. Dept. 214 P., Rochester, N. Y. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY Able bodied . unmarried men between the ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United Stains of good character and temperate habits wuo can speak, read and write the English language. For information apply to re cruiting officer, 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb.; 607 4th St., Sioux City, la.; 130 N. 10th St, Lincoln, Neb, WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Few weeks completes. Come now. Finish at busiest season. We control many excellent positions. Tools given. Wages while learning. See our offer. City or country applicants. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. FREIGHT HANDLERS WANTED. Wages $2.20 per day. No railroad fare and no fee charges. Ship today. Apply 310 S. 11th St. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE WANTED Experienced sales people for all departments. Inquire at office on third floor. Orkln Bros. WANTED SITUATIONS HOUSEKEEPER wants a position with small family, without children. Address Mabel Miller, 603 No. 18th. BUNDLE washing, 60 cents a dozen, wua(B Uls Ml WIIIO UUAU, V V V U. fclOO. Family & bundle laundry; guar. W. 6903. Aoninu aim iivzuua. vvne. i., a. otv. HOUSE cleaning and lawn mowing; prices reasonable; satisfaction. H. 6374. LADY wants day work. Call Red. 8206. Family wash, rough dry, bundle. H 6443. FIRST class practical nurse. Harney 6610. POSITION as grocery clerk, young man, .two years' experience: town with good band preferred; owns cornet Ad dress i 42, Bee. CARPENTER repairing or screens. Webster 791. COLORED man wants position as short order cook. 2004 Patrick Ave., Webster 6767. AN exDerlflncnd launriraaa wanta Aav work. Tel. Harney 6442. YOUNG high school girl wiBhes to assist with housework or care for small children. Phone Harney 1414. SOBER man wants Place to work earlv mornings and after 8 o'clock evenings In exchange tor board and room. Address C 298, Bee. ' MAN and wife want position as cook In private family.. 2604 Patrick Ave.. Webster 6767. POSITION evenings book-keeping or of- 4ivb wum. AuuifBB o an nee YOUNG marrUil man umnlri lib: tinn With alaptrlnal firm A v., rm' v perlence. E. R. Haenni, 1812 Missouri Ave., South Omaha. AMUSEMENTS OMAHA FILM EX. n d Motion picture machine and film bargains. - - - . ... -vnviiu tui 4'UUllll ui July. Acrobats or bicycle riders. Address C. T. Pike, Edgar, Neb. WANTED - Attractions, entertainers and specialties for Fourth of July cele bration. Address Sec. celebration com mittee Granville, la. ANNOUNCEMENTS Y. W. C. A. SUMMER CLASSES Plain Sewing, Tuesday 9:30. summer Dresses, Friday 9:30. CLASSES BEGIN JUNE 18 Six Lessons $1.60. Cooking (Hot Weather Dishes) Wed nesday 9:30. CLASS BEGINS JULY 3 Six Lessons $2.60. EL CONTENTO HABANA ClUAIt Box 60, postpaid, $2.76; try half dozen; if not satisfactory money refunded. BEA TON DRUG CO., 1503 Farnam. On.-ua. VfiriiKS Eastman Goods, complete stock. Laraest finiahine: department tn the west. int. HUBERT DEMPSTER CO., 1813 Farnam St and 308 8. lotu St. GET your diamonds at Brodegaard'B. M. E. Morrill, china paint. 833 Brandels Th OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. m Douglas. bteveniton, carpenter, cont. Both 'phones. u. b. Urlfntli, wig mfr., 12 Frenzer .k. NORTHKUP LETTER DUPLICATING Co.. 606 Paxton Blk.. circular letters, any quantity; oidest established company; x perts of Multlgraph and Neostyle. WANTED-Repair work ot all kind; grinding and saw filing. Call Ind. B-2iti. ANCHOR FENCE CO., Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood; lasts a lifetime. .Ml N.lTth. Phone Red 814. MONEY l'O LuaN U v rate, in sums to Bint, sio Uee tfldg. 'Phone Douir. fe4. UNION LOAN CO. S. H. Cole Sign Co. D. 3768. 1316 Farnam. SOD SOD SOD SODDING DONE. BENSON 714 W. Twenty per cent less thtui Omaha prices. HUMJS i-'UKNlTURE CO.. Twenty-fourth and L Sts., South Oma..a. Upholstering, piano, furn. rep. 2MM Far. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. Guarantee Laundry. Fine work. D. 3a7X Neb. Seed Co., l-HW Jones. Both 'phoned. Omaha Bill Posting Co., 1915 Har. D. 2034. ALL will ba forclven. Mary, if you will meet me at the Sign of the Crown and the Golden Stairs on 16tn and Douglas streets. That is whera BRODEGAAxvD sells those lucky wedding rings. GRANDMA'S Wild Cherry Phosphate; cheaper than lemonade; all grocers. General machine repairs; lawn movers sharpened. John Brlce, 311 S. 12th. D-3572. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 641. RF V. VTTVn Cleaning and Dye Works UIUXJ XJ.X xj J. H. Boonstra. Sr.. We call and deliver. Both phones. Not the Strongest Chain3 International Crook When ' " ill IV-THB BTRATEGEM. Under cover of the white flag, Desmond . has maneuvered his ship alongside the , chain that bars his passage. His men, armed with hacksaws, are hidden in th big guns and when they get within reach of the chain It is an easy matter for them to cut through it. ANNOUNCEMENTS Screens Weirich Fixture Co., Web. 2677. OMAHA ART AND FRAME CO.. new location 1711 Leavenworth. 20 per cent discount on pictures and framing. D. 1094, WTRRFT TfP 'SPARV Best of xuuuxv xuvxx, Facilities for picnics. For Information ca Hr. 2433 STORAGE for autos, furniture, etc. One-halt regular rate. Acme Machine Co., iu tavenwortn. Tel. war. m; ind. A-2433. AUTOMOBILES A M FT? TP, AM Machine works. AJlliLitlUAJN Xutomoblle repairing. ratents developed. 110 S. Uth. D. 4881 Murphy Did It?S TIRE REPAIRING Don t throw n- , away your old tires. Ve make them almost as good as new. Nothing but highest priced and new materials used. All work guaranteed. Arthur btors Auto Supply Co., 2020 Farnam.- mX0 dlscntlnued heandling AUTO MOBILES, we offer our remaining stock consisting of three high grade Firestone touring cars at bargain prices. Raclne Sattley Co., 10th and Jones Sts. Auto lamps repaired. . Omaha Silver Co. OMAHA TIRE REPAIR CO. Omaha's Exclusive Tire Repair House. 2201 Farnam. 'Phone Tyler 1552. Your TIRE EXPENSES cut in two. FESC-. repalrlnsj; work guaranteed. AUTO TIRE REPAIR CO., 1922 Farnam. Bascom Mends Blow Outs Punctures repaired and vulcanized, 25a Beacon Tube Repair, 2318 Harney St. Tyler 1468. DRUMMOND 2 White StfUm fr lata mnAam fA condition, $600 and $650. ' BUSINESS CHANCES TO get in or out of business call on GANGKSTAU. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 8477. A CHANCE FOR SOMEBODY THAT 1U UU our U' iJUSINEBS. Wanted tn trurio tK mil I V V u erty, centrally located, 60 ft front N St.. South Omaha. - - fj wvv tquv v ttll UD-tO-dntA fan Aral stir To n L- lng this offer will make some sacrifice. vni3 io go into business. W. H. Lynchard, 15 Scott St. Council Bluffs, la. u.viwjr uujr w seij uusiness, any Kind, a ywh re. Kennebeck Co., 542 Bee Bi g, Om. In u.... , , r Ed Kalhorv. Unul . m.iu fjBitiie Exchange Co. Room 319. McCague Bldg. FOR SAT.M at ni iTu ui aoi mlths tools, fixtures and stock; will sell at Invoice price; only shop in town; good business; reason for selling one partner has only two fingers and wants to dissolve partnership. Apply Larsen Neniitz. Kenton, la. FOR SALE New elortH Utrh, nian. u the best small town in th. ev,- particulars address, Burns &. klbler, . com, a. MONEY furnished to establish or in crease llMlrahl. hn.ln.i. ....!. Entire issues of stocks and bonds bought. .oiauiiBiiea m lass. Many testimonials. Ernest L. Squire, 742 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 4419. FOR SALE. Three-chair harhr hnn Hath il mA building and lot, all for $1,000 cash. yrue u. li. Liayton, Kiverton, Neb, FOR SAI.Fr.rncru .Inn .k. lots. $1,800. ArtrIrK Mrs T T RrA.. Wayside, Neb. FOR SALE Restaurant doing best business in the city. Reason for selling poor health; good live railroad town in Nebraska. Address Y 32, care Omaha Bee. IF you have $100 or more to invest, and want something s-ood. write for informa- uon. i-iocK box 4, Manning, W. D. oi flee in good city, doing good business. vesi reasons xor selling. Address, D 231, Bee. FOR SALE A manufacturing business that will net $6,000 per year, only $10,000 capital needed. Address Y 44, Bee. FOR SALE Grocery store; a great bar gain. Address Mrs. T. J. Browne, Way side, Neb. WANTED 13.0U) to $6,000 cash to n- large and develop a safe and legitimate business. Address a 2S, Bee. BUSINESS PERSONALS Attractions. ATTRACTIONS wanted for 4th of July. Committee, Ida Grove, la. WANTED-Attractlons Fourth of July at Clarkson, Neb. I Attorneys. G. W. Shields, Attorney, 327 B. of Trade. llatf Manufiictarers. BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO., Omaha, Neb. Box and Package Manufacturers. Wooden Box & Package Co., 1514 N. 19th. Cblrovodists. DR. ROY, 1503 Farnam. Douglas 6497. Clothing Manufacturer. Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. E.Smlth Co. Cornice and steel Ccilinics. CARTER Sheet Metal Works Omaha. Creainerle, Dairies and Supplies. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Detectives. L. W. LONGNECKER, 617 Karbach Blk. Omaha Secret Sen-. 428 Paxton blk. D. 1319. JAMES ALLAN 312 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured in all cases. Tyier 1136. Dentlan. Bailey, the dentist. City Nat'l. D. 2366. Mach & Mach, 3d floor Paxton. D. lflSi Taft's dental rooms. 1517 Doug. D. 2186. Can Prison the He Gets Going i BUSINESS PERSONALS Dentists. DR. L. LIMSKL announces the opening ui ins ueniai pariors at 3s raxton biock. uniaiia., iieu. i our patronage soucjiea. Tel. Red 4318. Dressmaking. Terry's Dressmaking college, 20th & Far. Dressmaking Suits and gowns; good worn guar, law is. iwtn. Tel. web. 4S4S. Dressmaking by the day. Webster 5435. SPECIAL 1-piece dresses; also children's sewing. K39 s. 24th St Tel. Red 6347. DRESSMAKING. Tel. Harney 3909. Everything- for Women. Dr. Babcock Co., 202 Withnell, 15 & Har. DRESS nlpatlnc hllttnna vwarari .11 sizes and styles. THE IDEAL PLEAT- mvtij., pougias mocK. Botn phones. Curtains laundered. Mrs. Carmody. H 4529 Everything Electrical. Electric lighting fix., wholesale and retail. Burgess-Granden Co., 15U Howard. D. 681. ELECTRIC FANS S&nS ARD ELEC. CO.. 317 S. 13th. D. 3931. Feed Mills and Stores. Feed, all kinds. Glencoe Mills, 2332 Izard. Florists. A. Donaghue. 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-1001. HESS & SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. 1258. BATH'8 FLORISTS, B)yd Theater Bid. BENNETT'S, cut flowers. Doug. 137. Foundries. McDonald bnua anil hrnnu fntinitn a In. mlnum, tin, lead castings. 1407 Jackson. Moving, Storage and Cleaning, Furn. Moving; 2 men, $1 per hr. W. 2748. PIANO movinar. flnta1 atnra.ffa and t. press, me capnoi Ave. D. 670, A-3937 r.nHTVlN nnnnvtf UTinhnin. on,4 Van Co. Moving furniture, packing, fireproof storase. Cltv office. 216 8. 17th. Douarlaj. 3i4 or Ind. A-1314. , Music, Art and Languages. FRANCIS POTTER Agent for Gibson mandolins and guitars; Farland banjos. 10 Baldrige Blk. PRIVATE tutoring or grades. Call Douglas 8373. Nurseries and Seeds. STEWART'S SEEDMEN. U9 N. 16th. Opticians. B. F. Wurn, fitting and rep'g. 443 Brandeis. Photographers. Rinehart, photographer. 18th & Farnam. Osteopathy. r Alice Johnson, 308-9 Brandels The. Bldg. Katheryn Nickolas, 634-6 Brandels The. Patents. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7U7. Wlllard Eddy, 1530 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Plating. OMAHA SILVER CO., 314 S. 13th. Printing. Lew W.Raber, Printer, ?eif,eh? BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. LET the CENTRAL PRINTING CO. do your work. 1417 Douglas St. Tel. D. 3754. Rels-Hall Ptg. Co., 109 S. Uth. Ind. A-3524. Lvnasd Printing Co., 16th and Capitol AveTvx Ind. A-2t0 for stood Drintina. St ank and Culvert L'oiunanlea. STf A anil Tnwa Btaal Tank rn.. pany, 14th and Nicholas. Doug. 3869. . Stenographers and Court Reporters. Myrtle A. Kelley, 706 Bran. The. D. 5682. Tents and Awnings. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. Douglas 822. Trunks and Suit Cases. Frellng & Stelnle, 1803 Farnam St. Wines and Liquors. WILLOW. Springs beer, liauor. clsrara sandwlchea Alex Jetes, 601-3 S. 13th St. VDXGINIA DARE wine. 65c a lares bot tle. Klein Liquor House, 522 N. 16th St. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR PnmnlAta rnurcpa in Ructniaua xtnlr- keeping. Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil service or saiesmansnip. -Ttie catalogue is iree tor me asKing. call, write or phone for It at once. Address H. B. Bovles. President PovIm rviiora Omaha. Nebraska LIVE STOCK FOR CALE Horses and Vtuirles. SMALL horse, very cheap. H. 25S7. T?F-tfrF,'X Barn- Horses and farm iiUAjV'ij mares for sale; draft and wagon horses to let by the day. 2i;l Sherman Ave. Phone Webster US. ALFALFA hay, $12 ton. Wagner, SOI N 16. SMALL team mules. Wagner, 601 N. 16. Snaps in Buggies t r1ll Vrv Vi frnrifl a nA suara 1 iriAfaa buggy and carriage bargains. DRUMMOND ISth snd Harney Sts. FOR SALE Lady s riding horse; gen tle; handsome; gaited. Phone Doug. 297. A. L. REED. XjOST AND FOUND LADY who took package containing brooch and chain from Courtney's nov elty counter last Thursday noon is known and articles must be returned to Courtney's at once. By V-DISAPPOINTED. As Claude stands beside Rosamond, ready to rejoice in his successful blockade of the channel; he sees to his horror that the chain has been severed and that Des mond is now free to leave the harbor. A'l our hero's bravery has been in vain, and further danger confronts him. LOST AND POUND PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office ot the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it in the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In ana trie company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner, can Doug las ts. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST String of gold beads, Sunday morning, between 31st and Cass and 20th and Davenport; liberal reward. Telephone K. 1129. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles, Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Women's ailm'ts. Dr. Burke, 42 Doug. Blk. Ladies' guaranteed remedies. 401 Ware blk DR. RACE Specialist, nervous and all chronic diseases, zm Harney. Doug. 3543. Dr. Babcock, specialist; both sexes; 202 witnneii Bldg., loth and Harney sts. ALOPHETS "The New Laxative." For constipation; absolute satisfaction guar anteed or money refunded; 60c per box prepaid. Anderson Medical Co., Peterson, Iowa. MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattels. READY CASH. For your convenience at most most rea sonable rates and easy terms,. We make . PERSONAL NOTE LOANS No mortgage no security. No lndorser required. DROP IN AND SEE US. We can save you money. NATIONAL LOAN COMPANY. 606 Bee Bldg. Sixth Floor. NOTICE. Loans negotiated on real estate, furnl ture, pianos, salaries, etc. Very low rates and confidential, we will appre elate your call. BIGGEST. BEST AND CHEAPEST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 308 Paxton Block. 217 S. 16th St Telephone Doug. 1411 or Ind. A-1411. Money on furniture, pianos and real estate at a very low rate ot interest Nebraska 1 Loan Company Doug. 1356. 220 Bee Bldg. A-1356. MONEY loaned salaried people, women Keeping house and others, without se curity; easy payments. Offices In 67 prin cipal cities. Tolman, 603 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg.. formerly N. Y. Life Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS. $5 to $100. SALARY LOANS. You can get It today of STAR LOAN CO.. 644 Paxton Block. DIAMOND LOANS at 214 and 6 per cent 1' LATAU. lal DOOge St. Tel. tted ottia, OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms. O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. 611. A-26U. DESIRABLE place, large porch, cool rooms, excellent board. is. Zjih si.. Phone Douglas 3138. REEDHURST. 106 N. 25th; comfortable rooms, table board if desired. D. vtoO. YOUNG professional man desires mod ern room and board with private family. well located; no boarding and rooming houses need answer. Address a 283, Bee. LARGE south room, lavatory, hot and cold water; also other rooms; with board. 113 S. 25th Ave. Furnished Rooms. TWO nicely furnished south rooms, one block from car line. Phone Doug. 6122. R A Ci(i A ftTi; messenger service and jj nt nauims; prompt service; reasonable rates. Auto Del. & Mes. Co., 1716 Douglas St. Tels. D. 3946; A-3496. FURNISHED room, modern. 2640 Chi cago. . , TWO or three elegantly furnished front rooms, complete for housekeeping. 2018 Davenport. . . 618 S. 19TH Desirable room, excellent board; 2 blocks from business center. THREE furnished rooms, strictly mod ern; gentlemen only; close In. 1616 Weba- ster St. TWO furnished housekeeping. Facing Hanscom park. No children. 2358 Wool worth Ave. Harney 2597. Furnished Housekeeping Koxuns. THE MANUEL Two-room apartment, $23. . The Howard, 2-room, private bath, $35. 21st and Howard. 3 NICE rooms, housekeeping 1112 a. 11th. 3 rooms for light housekeeping, single or in suite. Strictly modern. 3029 Fowler Ave. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, nicely fur nished; modern; walking distance. 2510 Davenport. ' Hotels and Apartments, Dewey European hotel. 13th and Farnam. OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rate. DODGE HOTEL, all requirements of a tirst-clasa notei. at reasonaoie prices. Ooilnn Hntol Council Bluffs. Rooms uutu Jiutei t0 ,700 per week Apartments and Flats. 4-ROOM f.partment, new, modern brick; steam heat; short walking distance; gas stove, refrigerator, cupboard, wardrobe; blinds; laundry; fine janitor service. Douglas 6306. 3 and 6-room modern flat Scargo Bldg.. 616H N. 24th St., S. Omaha HaU. 433 Famsre Bldg. D. 7406. A-4406. 4-ROOM modern apartment. Web. 5975. STRICTLY high-grade 6-room apart ment on west Farnam St. Very choice. JOHN W. ROBBIXS. 1802 FARNAM ST. 4-ROOM modern flat In new Troy. 300U Harney; steam heat janitor aniT""phone, $25.00. THOS. W. HAZEN. PHONE V. 1300. 909 N. 17th St.. S-r.. fine. $30. RASP BROS., 106 McCague Bidg. . Hershfield VI-A DESPERATE ERRAND. "I'm the hero, so I must do something. says Claude Eclalre, as he sets out in a frail rowboat to tackle single-handed a fleet of battleships. A new plan to foil the villain Is necessary, and the way n which Claude works the scoundrel's defeat will be shown tomorrow. , OFFERED FOR RENT Varnished Apartments. FOR JULY and August furnished, cool, rive-roonf apartment, with balcony. References. Telephone Harney 624. Furnished Houses. FURNISHED house of 8 rooms, with garage, on West Farnam car line. Call 619 N. 40th or Tel. H. 3004. Unfurnished Room, 2 OR more rooms, 17th and Cuming Sts. THOS. W. HAZEN, 207 McCague. D. 1300. . Houses and Cottages. -672 S. 28th St 8 rooms, completely modern; $32.50. Hall. 433 Ramge. D. 7406; A-4406. LARGE. MODERN DOUBLE HOUSE, suitable for boarding house; 16 rooms and 2 baths; near Farnam ana Harney cars; alterations to suit; rent, $60. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO. A FINE 8-room home, In beautiful Dun dee. All modern; $40. Phone Harney 760, "owner." MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO.. pack, move, store 'and ship H. H. goods and pianos; no charge for return drive to office. Doug. 1496 or B-2428. 4-ROOM house. 809U S. 18th St. Ti. Douglas 1918. 1 MOVING, packing and storing ot house, hold goods and pianos is our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co., fireproof storage, 806 S. 16th. by the viaduct. Branch ofuCe, 809 S. 17th St. Tel. D. 4163: A-1569. NEW 6 and 6-room modern cottages: beautiful lawn and shade. 2124 Miami St. Phone -Web. 1122. JTrm'fiM m all parts of theclty. mmaes Crelgh Sons & Co., Bee Bldg. 1515 HALL AVE.. $36.00. 7 rooms, mod ern. Vacant June 1. Thos. F. Hall, 433 Ramge. Both 'phones. 2722 CHARLES 6-room modern house. Phon Webster 6089. 7-ROOM house, all modern. 3126 Cass St. 'Phone Benson 353 W. WEST FARNAM New brick. 5 bed rooms and 2 baths. 315 N. 38th Ave. 9-R. MODERN, well located: beautiful yard; $45. 726 South 37th St Web. 2590. 6-ROOM flat, 3d floor, 9u9 North 24th St . 6-room flat, 2d floor, 937 North 24th St 6-room flat 2d floor, 2310 Cuming St 8-room house at' 1569 North 17th St 0. C. REDICK, Attorney, 1517 Farnam 8t. FIVE-ROOM modern house. 930 N. 25th St. Inquire Glencoe Mills, 23d and Izard. NINE-ROOM house, modem. Har. 647. TWO RENTAL BARGAINS. Both easy walking distance. 2640 Dodge. 8 rooms, modern, new decorations, water paid, $25. 2648 Dodge, extra good 8-room. modern house, a bargain at $30; water paid; want permanent tenants and this price should get them. W. W. MITCHELL, Owner. 411 Bee Bldg. KOUNTZE PLACE Eight room house. block from car. 1614 Emmet St. All modern. South front. large beautiful yard. Barn. All for $37.50. PETERS TRU8T CO. 1622 Farnam. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed and for warded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and . van Co. Tel. Douglas m or A-1314. City office. 216 S. 17th St.. Bee Bldg. 132 S. 36th. new 8-room modern brick house, finely finished in quarter sawed oak, every convenience, best location In city, to small family; low rent 1103 S. 14th. s-room brick apartment $12.50. 150a Park Ave., 6-room flat newly painted and papered, $16. W. R. HUMAN, Tel. Doug. 664. 331 Board of Trade. EIGHT-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 101 ARBOR. PHONE DOUGLAS 1969. FOR RENT 6-room house, modern. 3411 Dewey Ave. FOR RENT 6-room modern house. 24th and A streets, South Omaha. Apply low w. 24tn St., south umahs or Phone South 1638. FIVE ROOM APARTMENT On' beautiful Georgia Ave., near Hans com park. Janitor service. Coolest In the city. $40.00. PETERS TRUST C. 1622 Farnam. 1544 N. 16th St., 6-r. mod., $17.50. 1525 N. 19th St., 5-r. mod., $15.00 1470 S 16th St, 4-r. mod., $12.00. 1815 Cass St., 3-r, part mod., $14 00. RASP BROS., 106 McCague Bldg. Stores, and Oticen. M'CAGUE BUILDING. 15TH AKn DODGE. Attractive office, moderats prices. APPLY OMAHA LOAN AND BLilLiDliNU ASSUUIAilUN. New. centrally lot'Atprl 't-mli wall nnin. ped. for rent by night, at 1508-1510 Har ney street, second floor. VDffko' or salesroom at 15th and Har ney .Streets, (new). . i noor at luoe Harney, (new) Office at 1617 Farna floor. O. C. Redick, Attorney. 1517 Farnam Street. Store. 320 S. 13th St., 20x45. Tel. D.-6230. Store at 23us Cuming Street. oiuie ai'jivra turning street. Store at 933 North :4th Street. Store at 'SSI North 24th Street. Store at 336 North 2th St., So. Omaha. O. C. Redick, Attorney, 1517 Farnam Street. CORNER nnw tT. CP P. Swanson. 1701 Cuming St. lh K W MA'S. 207 McCague. Douglas 1300. TTTK1T. fntni-v Ki.lMIn . ... , basement, 30x80 ft; electric elevator,, eic. win rent whole or part cheap. 150S Cuming. Phone Douglas 3702. OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. . ...uiv divic iue mn qui lie uuaea, eic. ;i4 Cuming. . " Mumu ,ul sals a 2864 Marcy. Call at once. PARTY leavine rttv hn nan. r.a used only one month ; cost $53. Will sell mry. i.hii room ozi Kamge Bldg. SANITARY couch fnr ol. a. w..... price. 5831 N. 24th St. . FOR SALE Rann-a hXl 11 readme lamo. all f,,r vac 1..1. am Nortn 2d St Tiejiav2 Dooglas 60T4. i J i 1 1 i I J