Jeff Had a Trie wmtc1CVWRik6 G-6 AOnAN KICKING- $6 CftUS THEN HNV( TO 3cR.Jo DeCKi,SHlMF RASVETC. I'LL ORWNNIte A Ofvl0rv ANO UiHeN CMC OF "THOSE . il&vp a 1 N f.. . . . 1 . i. ii . efmutur $ tTAr corr OFFERED FOB KENT Store and Office. CORNER store, now occupied by N. P. Swanson, 1701 Cuming St. - THOS. W. HAZEN, 207 McCague. Douglas 1308. OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. Louisiana Furniture Store closing out furniture, Ice boxes, etc. 2104 Cuming. ALL kinds of gooti lurnuure iur saie ac .564'- Marcy. Call at once. IP YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY BUT NOW, A GOOD BASE BURNER IN GOOD CONDITION, WILL SELL FOR 1S, WORTH $25. PHONE WEB. PARTY leaving city has new range, used only one month; cost $55. Will sell cheap. Call room S21 Ramge Bldg. SANITARY couch for sale at your own price. 5931 N. 24th St. FOR SALE Range, hot water coil, reading lamp, all tor gas. Apply 410 North 32d St. Telephone Douglas 6074. FOR sale cheap, one rolltop desk In first class condition. Call room 619, City National Bank Bldg., between 3 and 5 p. m. " Musical Instruments. ELECTRIC Pianos, music boxes, player pianos. Continental Novelty. 118 N. lath. FOR SALE A new J200 Victrola; has never been used. If interested ask for price. M 2S7, Bee office. . A PRACTICALLY new No. 6 latest model Underwood typewriter; will dis count price 50 per cent for immediate sale. Typewriter case and cover thrown in. Address O 271, Bee. Miscellaneous. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes; all sizes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought, sold. Levy. 2510 N, So. Omaha. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 407-4U8 South 10th street. - FOR SALE Two scholarships in the Omaha Commercial college and one ia Eoyles collegs. Business office, Omaha Bee.- . ; '' " FOR SALE Scholarship in Boyles col lege. Call at or aaaress Business mice Omaha Bee. OLD MAKtiS, Di'J-KltJti i '. Inin famum oi. "GROCERS' Icebox,' 7 feet wide, 24 feet deep, 7 feet high, ti doors, 2 plate glass, 1 mirror. Chas. H. Mallinson, 17th and Capitol Ave. PERSONAL BODY MASSAGE, 222-3 Neville. D. 7761. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Gl'adish-Pliar macy, 12th and Dodge. MANICURING, hair dressing; facial massage, by expert; reasonable prices. Call Miss Laurence for appointment- Dr;xel hotel. B-1.41, PROFESSIONAL reader, entertainer and Invalids' companion. 'Phone D. 3756. IOWA lady; owning beautiful Omaha home, (now rented), worth $10,000, mort gage $4,000, would like to trade for 6 per cent securities or unmortgaged land, worth Jti.Ooo. Agents need not reply. Ad dress H. 261. Bee. ' THE SALVATION ARAll solicits cast off clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. We collect) repair and sll at 131 N. 11th St.. for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Phone Douglas 4125 and' wagons win can MASSEOTHEKPYsrMan?eJ Alien of Chicago. 109 S. 17. 1st fl. D. ,7665. Vital massage, baths, electric vibratory and radiator treatments. Dr. Anna D. Fisher, 401 Ware bin, aw s. utn. u. z;sa Massage. Mrs. Rittenh se. 303 BoBton Bid. vnl-v--' wnmtn rnmln? tn AS strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places, or otherwise assisted Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station ANNA H. MABKS 1: nam.. Davidge Blk. Apt. 3. Red 7529. Itf A A fiT?. Swedish movement. Ap.t z 1S02 Farnam- D 624Q, lVf A flATFrTf! treatment. E. Brott. 710 BlAUiN.DJ.l-u g 16th 2d f)ooivD. 529. WE RENT and repair all kinds of sew ing machines. Ind. A-1663; Douglas NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 15th and Harney Sts. MASSAGE Expert treatment, Mrs. Hi Xl-OOXxVJi-i ateelei 208 s. 13 St. R. 3i. vacuum massage, 20s so. 13th st.. R. 325, daily, Sunday; open evenings; hours, 10 to 10. POULTRV AND PET STOCK Screening $1.50 per 100. Wagner, 801-N. 16 I HAVE for quick sale two dark seal brindle Boston terrier puppies, by Storz Tonjmy Crib." Can be seen all day Sunday at 5312 N. 29th St. Telephone Webster 1535. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stock Commission .Uercoants. Byers Bros. & Co. Strong and responsible. WOOD BROS., 234-38 Exchange Bldg. . Great West. Com. Co., Omaha & Denver. Clay, Robinson & Co., IO0 Exchange Bldg. CLIP TON Com. Co.. 322 fcxehange Bldg. iiai tin Bros. & Co..-Exch. B.dg. TAUU BROS., handle tatt.e. bogs, sheep. REAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA property and Nebraska lands. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 New Omaha Nat' I Bank Building. MONEY to loan 'on business or resi dence properties, $1,000 to $500,000.. W. H. THOMAS. .503 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 13S0 Farnam St. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Weud. Wead Bldg., ISth and Farnam. WANTED City loans. I'eters Trust Co i'rV CITY LOANS. Bemis-Carlbe.-g v Co. 310-312 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Good Idea, but SMLOU REAL ESTATE LOAN'S GABVIN BROS Loans- and " m-cij v m -jj-uvo. 0maha Nat., Bank LOANS Farm and city property, J. H. Dumont & Son, 1602 Farnam St. WANTED TO BUY Household gds. clothes & shoes. D3971 B19S9 2d-hand goods. Keiaer. 1029 Center. D-5662. nuis, uesi prices; win can. iyter uuu. ALPTRN PS'8 the prices for old iu-a Ukii tron metals, rubber, etc. WANTED-500 loads of dirt. 'Phone Douglas 3038. WANTEDTO BORROW WOULD like to borrow J100 for 1 year from private party, no sharks need answer, good security. Address C-2J1 car Bee. WANTED TO RENT WANTED Room . for man and wifa, with couple having no children or room ers. Would also take board if agreeable. Address S-270, .care Bee. OCEAN LTEAMSHIPS THE ALLAN LINE - ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS MONTREAL, LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW. Montreal, Havre, Plymouth, London. The Picturesque St. Lawrence Route. Four days on the ocean, three days in river and gulf. Splendid new Turbane steamers. Saloon, second-cabin and third class. Superior one-class cabin service. Cuisine unexcelled. Courteous attention .fend for circulars, rates, plans, etc. Allan & Co.. 127 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. "Anchor Line Steamshins New York, Londonderry and Glasgow. New York, Palermo and Naples. Attractive rates for tickets between New York and all Scotch, English, Irish, Continental and Mediterranean points. Superior accommodations, excellent cui sine, efficient service. Apply promptly for reservation to local agent of Anchor Line or Henderson Brothers. General Agents. Chicago. 111.. . - FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE LARGE lot in a very desirable residence district; will trade equity for Graf lex camera or diamond. Address J 293, care. Bee, - TO EXCHANGE Good, amooth land ana wen rentea town property ror stock of general merchandise well' located In eastern Kansas, Nebraska or , western Iowa. Can use large stock and might put in' some cash If stuff Is good enough. Give full detairs In first latter. Address Lock Box L, Seibert. Colorado. 600-ACRE Irrigated grain, alfalfa and vegetable farm; two sets Improvements; good water rights; 50 miles east of Den ver on Platte river. Want good mer chandise or income property. Might con sider smaller farm. Address, Y 41. Bee. 100 A. farm, exchange for merchandise; owner. C. M. Maler. Colli. Ia. - FOR SALE or exchange, 320 acres In Brown, Co., Neb.; improved; price $20 per acre; Incumbered for- $1,200; due in five years; 160 acres in Chase county, Neb.; price $15 per. acre; clear; will exchange either one or both . for clear income property. J. H. Pieper, Owner. Albion, Neb. I WANT OMAHA HOME. I have a fine little farm of 40 acres ad joining the town of Blue Mound, Linn Co., Kan., 65 miles south of Kansas City, level as a floor; well improved, nice or chard and only V4 mile from P. O. and a town of 1,000 people. This is a fine home. Price $150 per acre; mortgage! $1,500; 5 years 6 per cent; equity, $4,500 will take clear house to that amount or two cot tages. Address Box 426, Umaha, Neb. at 38th and Plnkney. Phone Douglas 3038. FAR KTHlMftFinlilr on. lonT Orange county, Indiana. Price $5,200. In cumbrance, $1,260. Want small tract of goon wesi iana ior equity, f rea id. Franklin, Presbyterian Hospital, Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Reed Abstract Co., oldest abstract of ficejn Nebraska. 2o6 Brandeis' Theater. NEAI.E & CAMPBELL, 1714 Farnam St. BUILDERS' IJiFOlUI.VliUI. Electric, sas fixtures. Omaha Silver Co. Ideal Cement Co., 17th and Cuming Sts. Kuclis, Son & Blind, palntlng.decoratlng. II. Gross, luin. wreck'g, plb. 2i Paul. BU'B PRINTING, 424 PAXTON. D. 2720. H EATON, tin work. Original Ameri can furnaces. 2ol8 Cuming, D. 5198. ACUEAtitt FOR S VLW. ACREAGE BARGAINS near Omaha. Orin S. -..Merrill,-1213 City Nat. Bank Bldg. C1TV PROPER'!' x FOR SALE. Here is a Real Bar gain in Benson A new 4-room cottage on a large lot in Rose Hill addition. South front, two blocks from car line and close to new school. Price $1,200. $100-cash,--balance In mnnthlv navmpnttt ar 1 . iur nnt Tw . . . . - WO offer good lor one week only. j as. walsh, Benson.' GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD Practically new 6-rooms arid reception hall with, large sleeping porcu, oak fin ish, full cellar, lot 43x132, south front, close to car. Located at 3522 Seward St. Price $4,0uo. This is less than it can be duplicated, but owner is leaving city and anxious to sell BEMIS-CARLBERG CO., 310-312 Brandels Theater. SOMETHING NICE Parlor, reception hall,- (lining room, kitchen on first floor, three bedrooms and bath on. second floor. birch finish, nice lot, paved street, located near Mason St. near 27th. Pice $4tjO0. BEMIS-CARLBERG CO., 310-312 Bandeta Theater. A SACRIFICE TO LEAVE OMAHA. I will sell one 8-room house, worth $3,000, for $2,2u0; one 6-room cottage, modern, worth $2,000, for $1,650;' one 4-room cot tage, worth $1.()00. for $1,150. J. P. JACK SON, 1611 Frederick St.. Tel. Doug. 4IC13. "BEAUTIFUL corner. 18th and Biuney Sts. Enquire of Owner, 1607 Pinkney St. B-3322. i i it Didift Work VPOOPOO TOTNf g HMe.ASmugOP ' p ADMIRAL- TMt? .JAILOR.. T,- . .. ,.. hi. REAL ESTATE C!IT1' PROPERTY FOR SALE Fine Home Choice Location West Harney $10,000-Just east of 36th St., Tf feet front bv 100 fot deep; very attractive, exceptionally well built 9-room house, re ception hall, parlor, living room and library, with built-in bookcases; hand some dining room and kitchen on first floor; four bed rooms and bath on second floor; two finely finished rooms on the third floor. Splendid condition through out. The best buy for the money in this choice, locality..; INVESTIGATE- D. V. Sholea Company, . Sole Agents. 913 City ' National Bank Bldg, Tel. Douglas 49. Ind. A-2049. HERE IS A BARGAIN IN BENSON fortn kuva aw-1E.frint lot nftt far from 11 frnnt ninth on Lucas be tween Clark and Burhham; described as vh Ol lot 1. block oo. rnone veosier 8850, or address G. R. W.. Bee. 25 Feet-$700 Lake St. second lot west Telephone Exchange; 26x122; two car lines. Resi dence or business. By and by lake will be a business street. Owner, Webster 2612. A Bargain at $400 Can make terms. Good, lot 129x421 with Sewer, water and gas, cement walks, l'4 blocks to car; located at 36th and Mere dith. 1 also have a good, brand new S room house, modern In every respect; good furnace; ; east front lot 129x42, 1 block to car. Terms. Call at 4616 N. tttb St. and see me. Will, be home ail day. REDUCED TO $1,000 - 4Stli and Walnut.' 3 lots, 132ft., adjoin ing Beals school ground; 150 ft. facing Walnut street; eabln, outbuildings, same fruit; $1,000. cash if sold at once. Inquire within. CHANCE FOR A NICE HOME Seven-room house, oak finish, cemented basement, laundry tubs, hot water heat, barn or garage, plenty shade and shrub bery, corner lot 55x140, paved street Owner, 2-i03 N. ISth St. Tel. Web. 3358. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT $3,500 Good 10-room modern home; cement sidewalks, etc.; $150 paid to anybody who brings buyer; cost $4,500 to build; leaving town. Tel. Harney or call 911 8. 86th St. ELEGANT 6-room cottage, 2212 Ohio St , modern and complete, except heat. Large south front lot, fine shade; close to two car lines. Price $2,800. Easy terms. Will rent at $25 if not sold by June 15. Phone Webster 6086. FOR SALE Desirable house, SOS No. 39th St. One-half block from cathedral. 8-rooms,- modern, oak finish down stairs, good furnace, east fornt, paved street, all specials paid. See O. H. Swlijgley on premises. 6-ROOM mod. house for sale, 1527 N. 24th St.. South Omaha. South 3. HANSCOM PARK HOME CHEAP. Eight-room modern cottage, hot water heat, gas and electricity; newly deco rated; lot 50x150 feet; no special tax; no agent; owner lives in bouse. 2,000 cash, $2,000 6 years at 6 per cent. J 269. Bee. TO BUY, SELL OR RENT. F1R8T SEE JOHN W. RDBB1N3, 1802 FARNAM ST. REAL ESTATE FARM & RANCH LANDS FOR SALE Colorado. FIVE acres irrigated land, one-half mile from Blanks, Colo., for sale or ex change tor good auto. Address Lou Hage nieister, Charleston, Neb. Georgia. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by the ATLANTIC, BIRMINGHAM ATLAN TIC RAILROAD. Lands adapted to the widest range of crops. All the money crops of the south plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with this coming country, its soil, climate, church and school advantages, write W. B. LEAHY, DEPT. K; -General Passenger Agent, ATLANTA; GA. Iowa. MOST productive hay and grain land In the world Long Valley. Idaho. No Ir rigation needed; fine climate, fine water, cheap fuel, telephones, railroad, elec tricity. Improved land $25 to $58 per acre. Also finest orchard land- proposition m Idaho. For Information write today. Pay ette Rivw Colonization 'Co., Nampa. Idaho. ' . Iowa. THE easiest way to find a buyer for your farm is to insert a small want ad in the Des Moines Canital. Largest cir culation 1n the state of Iowa, 43,000 dally. The Capital Is read by and believed tn by the standpatters of Iowa, who simply re fuse to permit any other paper In their homes. Rates. 1 cent a word a da'; 41.25 per line per month; count six oralnary words to the line. Address Des Moines Capital, -Des Moines,-Ia. - 34-ACRE FARM Six miles of Council Bluffs, one-half mile from railroad station. One of besf. small farms near the city. Good 7-roorh house, plenty barns and outbuildings; 7 acres bearing orchard, principally win ter apples; small vineyard and some ber ries; 8 acres alfalfa, 8 acres timothy ai.ii clover. Nice large yard with good lawn plenty of shade, etc. THIS PLACE WIW. NOT DISAPPOINT YOU. It is a gooc one, very attractive and worth the of $6,600; one-third cash, balance oiv time at fl per cent. Possession with cmp when sold. M'GEE REAL ESTATE OO., V Pearl St TKK BEE: OMAkA, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1912. REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH LANDS FOR SAILS Kansas. WINTER wheat land, one square sec tion, cultivated only, price $30 per aire; and one square section, wall Improved, price $25 per acre; good soil; no sand nor stone; will exchange either or both tor gol general merchandise or Income property, carry some back If necessary. Address Box 488, Colby, Kan. Minnesota. 100 SOUTHERN MINNESOTA FARMS FOR SALE If you want to buy an im- ? roved farm In Southern Minnesota write or catalogue. Southern Minnesota Land Co., Blu Earth, Faribault Co.. Minn. BUY a farm in west central Minnesota. I have some wonderfully good bargains. Easiest terms. Write for particulars. J. S. Ulland. president- Fergus Falls Na tional Bank, Fergus Falls, Mlnru Moataua. RANCHES-12,000 to $100,000. Send for list. Shopen & Co., Ranch Dealers, Omaha, Neb. Nebraska. 1,280 acres good pasture land for sale: price is right; will sell for cash or will trade; for particulars call on or address Frank Van Horn, Erlcson. Neb. FOR SALE-160 acres all fenced; so acres under cultivation; 6-room house, 112 x52 barn; 16x20 chicken house; 16x16 gran ary; 10x12 stone milk house, windmill and good water; located five miles from Chappell, $40 an acre takes this bargain; half down and mortgage for balance. Address Mrs. Christie Jacobs, Chappell, Neb. South Dakota. FINE ranch at a bargain; 858 acres rich valley, 250 under ditch and In al falfa, clover and timothy; good buildings. At a price that ought to sell It quickly. Royse Land Co.. Rapid City, S. D. Miscellaneous. T. C. TORRISON, D. 1101. S02 City National Bank Bldg. Farm Land and Ranches. LEGAL NOTICES. TO THE -PRIOR LIEN HOLDERS OF TMIi U.MAMA WATEK COMPANY: The Guaranty Trust company of New York trilStfiA'Qf thp nHnr If an mnHimff, of. the Omaha Water company,: datou July .23. 1SS8, hereby gives notice that tha principal of the bonds secured by said mortgage, with accrued interest to July 1, 1912. will, at the option of the holders, be paid on or after that date upon sur render of the hnnria with all,M coupons attached, et the office of the .trustee, rvo. a rv agsau street, In the City of New York, from the proceeds of Sale of -the WstAr rnmnanv a,1i t. .. w . na iv the City of Omaha received by said Trustee. The Water company has- agreed therupon to Issue certificates representing the fire per cent (5) redemption premium now m nidation, ana entitling trie holder of each - One Thnusnnd TViltnr i! (Wi nn bond to Fifty Dollars ($50.00), with Infer tile five per cent (5) redemption premium .Till 1 1912. If th rVuirt n A ....... I.. -. , - - " - - . .. . IT ( I O 111 the State of New York decides that the completion or tne city's purchase does not relieve the Water company from pay ment of such premium. Dated June 7, 1912. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF mew iuK&, oy Charles H. Sabln. Vice President. Jll-18-25Jy2. RAILWAY TIME CARD l'MO. STATION Tenth, and Mason. Inlon Pacific Pepart. ArrlTS. San. Frail. Onrland Limited. .a 1:45 am s 7:40 pm China A Japan Faet Mall. ...a 4:06 pm s :4t pm Atlantic Exprata s 7:15 am Oregon Expreaa atl:36 pra a 5:10 pm Loe Anglea Limited. ......... al:46 pm a :30 pm Leaver Special 7:04 am a 7:17 am Centennial State Special all :30 pm a!2:M am Colorado Expreaa a 8:50 pm a 4 SO pra Oregon-Waihlngton Limited... all :f0 pm 8:20 pm North Platte Local a MS am s 4:45 pra , W'WI. .BIKMU UWVB, ........... .m W.B KUI SIV.OV Bill Btromaburg Local bll:41 pm a 1:20 pra Chicago Northwestern NORTHBOUND. Minneapolia-St. Paul Expreaa. .a 7:00 am Mlnneapolia-St. Paul Limited. .a 7:0 pm a 5:00 am Twin City Expreaa a 7:40 am al0:20 pm Sioux City Local a 5:45 pm a 3:25 pm Mlmieapolla & Dakota Exp. a 7:00 pm t 9:15 pra Twin Cltjr Limited a 8 45 pm a 7 30 am Mlnneaots Expraaa all W am BASTBOUND. Carroll Local ilHim a 4 10 pra uayugnt t mcago a 7. 40 am Chicago Local al2:0o pm S 3:18 pm a 3:28 pra a 1:43 am a 8:28 pes a!2:30 pm a 9:15 am al0:00 am s 3:25 am S 3:35 pm Chicago-Colorado ...... Chicago Special ..a 5:02 pm ..a 4:86 pm ..a 8:30 pm ..a 7:55 pm ..a 4:30 pm Pacific Coaat-Chlcaco Loa Angelea Limited.. Overland Limited Carroll Local Faat Mall ...a 8:30 pm Cedar Kaplda. Sioux City and Omaha Centennial stats Limited 12:40 am 11:15 pm all:eo am all 00 am a 5:!0 pm a 5 :30 pm a 8 :20 pm al0:15 pm b 1:88 pm WESTBOUND. Long -Pino '.-.... Norfolk-Dallas ........ Long Plne-Llncoln ... Hiftlnge-RuperloT ..... Dead wood-Hot Springs Casper-Lander Fremont-Albion . .a 1:00 am a 8:00 am ....a 3:15 pm ....b 3:15 pra ....a 1:55 pm ....a 8:55 pm ....b 8 30 pm Chicago Grrat Western Twin City Limited. ...... ......a 8:10 pra s 8:10 am Twin City Expreaa ........a 8:85 am s 9:35 pra Chicago Eipreoa ........... ...a 5:00 pm a 3:40 pm Illinois Central L, Chicago Expreaa. Chicago Limited ...a 7:10 am a 3:46 pm ...a 6:80 pm a 3:00 pm OCEAN 8IEAMSHJP8. FRENCH LINE: The Compagxue Generate Transatlantlque have other fast Overs sailins awarv Tnurariav. Saturday by pomilar one-class II cabin steamers S4S to 47?. All sbiDS eauipped with wireless telegraphy and every op-to-date gaiety Drawn Officials Coming to Visit Wharton P. V. DeQraw, fourth assistant post master general; George G. Thompson, chief clerk to Postmaster General Hitch cock, and probably one or two other chiefs, have notified rostniaster Wharton of their intention of being In Omaha next Saturday on their return from the Ne braska Postmsstere' convention at Lin coln. It was believed they would arrange to make Omaha today and then go on to Lincoln, their purpose here being to In-, spect the office and eeo how well the re cent reorganization Is working. Milady's Toilet Table By SCmt. S'MXLLB "Dull and lifeless hair makes a woman look older than she should. Dry sham pooing makes the hair bright, fluffy anci clean full of life and lustre. Put four ounoes of powdered orris root In a fruit jar and mix It well with an original package of therox. Sprinkle a teaspoon ful of the mixture on the head once a week and brush It out throughly. Therox makes hair grow -when everything else falls "The natural beauty of a person's face Is marred by thin and straggly eyebrows and lashes. Rubbing gently with plain pyroxln will Induce theem to grow long thick and silky. The eyenrowa snouia be brushed daily to train them to grow into an arcb. 'Instead of powder and paint, use a simple complexion lotion made at home by dissolving an original package of may atone In a half pint of witch hazel. Gentlv rub over the face In the morning and all day your skin will, be as clear, soft and satiny as a baby b witn no dark or muddy dlsrolorations. "Delatone Is equal to the electric needle tor the removal of superfluous ehalr. is positively painless, and not near v so expensive. Just mix a little delatone with water; cover the wild hairs with this paste, let It remain two minutes: then wash the skin, and tne hairs will be gone."-Adv. , RAILWAY TIME CARD. Chicago, Rock Island EAST. Rocky Mountain Limited Chicago Local FniMUgor Chicago Dy Eipresi Chicago Expwut Den Molne Local PaiMnr. , Chicago-Nebraska Llmlt"l WEST. CMcag6-Nb. Lt4. to Llneolq.. A Pacific ,alJ?30 pm a10:S.i pm bio 35 am blO:W pm .a 6:4f am a 4 .10 pm .a 4:10 pm a 1:10 pm .a i ll pm alM! pm .a 4:08 pm s 0 00 am - .A . t . , n ChUago-L'Oloraoo . .iprM . Oklahoma ft Tews Eprea Rocky Mountain Limited.. .a 116 pm a 4:00 pm .a 0 :w ni ait.,. .10:47 am a II: Ml am Waliash Omaha-8t. Louis Eipreea 31 pm Mall anil Eiprets a 7:02 am Btanberrjf , Local (from C. B.).b :00 pm Missouri Pacific K. r. & St. Louli Enpreni. .a 9:M am K. C. a tit. Louli Expre..all 16 pm fhlrnao, Milwaukee & St. Pai Overland Limited a 7:S0 pm Perry Local t 0 am Colorado Eipreaa a :00 pm Colorado special s 7:42 am Perry Local b S15 pis a 1 15 am all : In pm bl0.15 am a T oo am a 1:45 pm a 11:12 am an o pm a 9:25 pm a t:bo am al2:05 pm Burlington Station Tenth A Mason Burlington Depart. Denver et California..... a 4:10 am Puget Sound Expraaa a 4 10 pm KebraaWa Polnta a 1:20 am: Black HHIe ,...a 4:10 pra Lincoln Mail .....b 1:20 pm Northweat Expreaa ...... .....all:35 pm Nebraaka Expreaa a 9 15 am Pchuyler-Plattamouth b 7:05 pm Lincoln Local .... Plattemouth-Iowa s 9:18 am Beilevue-Plattamoutta aia 30 pm Chicago 'Special a 7:15 pm Denver Special ,..all:Sfi pm Chicago Expraaa a 5:05 pm Chicago Peat Expreaa a e 30 pm Creaton (la. I Local . b S 30 pm 8t. Loula Expreaa 4 35 pm Kaneae City St. Joeeph-.....al0:45 pra Kanaaa City A St. Joeph....a 9:15 am Arriva. a 3:45 pm S 3:45 pra a 1:10 pra a 8 45 pra all: 15 pm a 1:09 am a 6:10 pm bU)M am blO :29 am s 3:50 am a S:40 pra alt : 15 pm I 7:00 am a 9 16 pm a 1:00 am blO:45 am el 1:60 am a 0:45 am t:10 pm Webster Station 15th and Webster Mlasoarl Pacific Depart. Arrive. Auburn Local b 8:50 pm bll .15 am Cbtraao, St. Paul, M. & O Sioux City Expraaa b 2:60 pm bl2 03 pm Sioux City Passenger b 6:28 pm Twin City Paaaenanr b 8:45 am Omaha Local b 8:26 am c 6:25 pm (a) dally, (b) dally except Sunday, (c) Sunday. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS iff u WHITE STAR ft Dominion Canadian Service MOHTR EA L Ou f BEC- LlVER POOL ONLY 4 DAYS AT SEA Teuton IcJt. IS, Jy.U.Aj.lO Laurantic Je.U, Jy.20, Ag. 1 7 Csoada, J., jy.J7, a,.24 Metanrfc. Jv.6, Ag.3, AfJI Flrsi ...30. 'hevMi SSJS On CiasaCaM n (II) 5504 3 J fhtr I 'aaa $J:.J0 nneHookins with Local Afs Company's Office. Chlcaco 'V j.fijiji.ty, 1 1 jsi .jiaauay Jtb&JiHf&tnit far The New S. S.France Largest, fastest and most magnificent Continental Quadruple Screw Turbine Steamer afloat Has 67 suites end rooms with privet bath. Turkish bath. (yn - oaaium. laundry, elevators, symphony concert:, art galleriee Famous eniaioe. A quick, delightf ! Tcylge. Full particulars gladly furnished br W. E. Bock. 1634 Farnam St., L. Mut. First National Bank, J. B Tteynolds. 160! Farnam St. All sttaman take southerly course Additional aailints at aaoand cabin oricea. appliance. fo:- The Bee bv ASHES POUR FROM KATMAI Wide Area Covered by Cinders and Many Villages Endangered. MALL STEAMER NEAR SCENE Sea Tempestuous as Result and Vessel Tosses Abont Before Passes Oat of Danser Zone Lives Mar Be Lost. SEWARD, Alaska, June 18. Passengers on the mall steamer Dora, which arrived from the westward today, after passing through a hall of ashes from Katmal volcano, believe that several small fish ing villages on the shores of Shellkof strait were destroyed by the eruption. The revenue cutter service at Alaska has been asked to tend assistance. The Dora steamed Into the harbor early today, the white covering of ashes giving. It tho appearance of a phantom ship. The people on the steamer as It passed through the falling ashes were nearly suffocated by poisonous gases. In Maht of bruptloii. The Dora was in sight of Katmal when the eruption began and thoxe on the vessel witnessed a brilliant spectacle. It was 1 o'clock in the afternoon and the mountain was In plain view. Frequently earthquakes disturbed the water of the airult, when suddenly a terrific ex plosion occurred in the mountain and a great mans of rooks was thrown Into the air. The first explosion was followed by others in tfiilck succession, each, seem ingly more terrific than the ono preced ing. Soon a etf.-ady Htream of rocks and ashes poured from the peak and spread far over the surrounding country, obscuring the sun and shutting tho troubled mountain from sight. At 4 o'clock, when the Dora was seventy miles from the volcano, total darkness came and ashes begun to fall In thick clouds upon the deck, covering .It With a, white layer three Inches deep, 'PiisNrufcrra Become 111. Tho stifling atmosphere made the pas sengers violently 111. Throughout the night the Dora steamed through the dust- I'tden air. and was rocked by the earth quakes that lashed the water jvhlle the mountain thundered menacingly In the distance. At 5 o'clock Friday morning, the Dora having steamed fifty miles out of the course, clear air was reached and the passengers were able to breathe freely again. Looking back, they could see the Every woman's heart responds to tbe charm and sweetness of a baby's voice, because nature Intended ber for motherhood. But even the loving nature of a mother shrinks from the ordeal because such a time is usually a period of suffering and danger. Women who use Mother's Friend are saved much discomfort and suffering, and their systems, being thoroughly prepared by this great remedy, are in a healthy condition to meet tho time with the least possible suffering and danger. Mother's Friend is recommended only for the relief and comfort of expectant mothers; it is in so sense a remedy for various ills, but its many years of success, and the thousands of endorsements re ceived from women who have used it are a guarantee of the benefit to be derived from its use. This remedy does not accomplish wonders but sim ply assists nature to perfect its work. Mother's Friend allays nausea, pro vents caking of ST- Iwawcrs contributes to JMgtp strong, healthy motherhood. Mother's Friend is jold at drug stores. Write for our free book for expectant mothers. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga Every WOMAN should know about the wonderful Marvel "Whirling Spray" SYRINGE Best safest most convenient. - Cleanses instantly. If your druifslfit cannot supply the 11 AKVEL. send stamp tor Illustrated book sealed. (Jodtsmg directions invaluable to ladies. MARVEL COMPANY 44 East 23rd Street New York 'Si. Sale b' aoarausa (s KoOOiUvall Craw Cc. MaL order solicits. B La tn tjaaaa -$W.0 Ms JfxZ "Bud" Fisher column of smoke and ashes still pouring out of the volcano. The Dora was cngul.ed In darkness again Saturday as It neared Seldovla and felt Its way carefully to Seward. p. The volcanic disturbance . Is the most violent ever recorded In Alaska. It is es timated that an area of 300 square miles, much of it fertile territory, has been covered to a depth of several inches ty the volcanic ash. ' First evidence that the volcano, waafj preparing to free itself from the rockV- and lava that choked Its throat for many v years rame early Thursday, , when tlw' Alaskan peninsula was rocked by a v1ci' lent earthquake. At this time the Dora was at Cold bay, only fifteen miles from", the volcano. When tho eruption began, It had crossed the Shellkof strait to, Kodtak and was proceeding on Its course.. . , .None KlUrd at Kodlak. j. SAN FDANCISCO, June lO.-That na. person was killed on Kodlak Island as.. the result of the volcano eruptions !, Alaska was indicated today by a message; . received by the government wireless sta'". Uon at Kodlak. - The. message said: " "Volcano about sixty miles from herV In eruption. Steamer Dora approached within ninety miles, but forced to turn' back by ashes, falling rocks and smoke.';' . As the message made nu mentlont'-bj any loss of life, It is believed hero .thanr none occurred. Three Shocks Sunday, . SEATTLE. Wash., June 10-Thrae slight shocks were recorded today on tha seis mograph at the University of Vashlng ton Indicating that the volcanic disturb-: nnoe In southwestern Alaska, which has -agitated the instruments In observatories v throughout the United States In tha last;!: three days, la still In progress. ProSv; Henry Landes, geologist at the unlvei.-.. slty, Bald the shocks recorded today were-.v not as severe as those of yesterday and" this led him to believe that the erup, -tlons are slowly subsiding. ' .'"nr,-. The three shocks were of about a half- - -hour's duration. The first came at 12:31 a. m., the second at 8:21 a. m., and tljej'J. third at 1 o'clock this afternoon. The volcanic disturbance lias completeiij paralysed wireless comniuneatloh In tlio-f north and It Is Impossible to get definite:!: Information concerning conditions W Kodlak, Raspberry and Afogniak IslandSr'' the three mot Important islands In southV western Alaska. . . ."')' Of the four volcanoes reported In eruf-l Hon, Katmal, long believed e-xtlnct, jrj considered most dangerous, overlooklugv.'j as it does Shellkof strait, the strip afli. water that separates the Islands from the Alaska peninsula. St. Augustine is a volcanic Island ahouf 3,000 feet high In Kamlshak Bay, CoojKl Inlet, lllamna, 12,068 feet high, also'Jr on the west coast of Cook "Inlet, as j Sit Redoubt, which Is 11,270 feet high, arf? the most widely known of the smoklnV1.-, volcanoes In the Cook inlet country. ' - ' Sleuthing System at the Postoffice is ii to Be Abandoned! Andy Peterson wlli have his duties as ' Inspector of letter carriers changed and no sleuth work required of him. Inti mates Postmaster Wharton, commenting on his talk to the carriers assembled., for Inspection Saturday. -Vr': It has been plain to the postmaster;' for some time that the carriers - werej antagonistic to Peterson's sleuth ,workv; but he refrained from any action untu his new cabinet had taken office. Sinco"? then he has talked It overwith the neir ' superintendents and come to the con clusion that the old system of hounding a gray coat wus wrong. .-" ''1 don't blame them for being wrought up over this," said the postmaster. "What" I have recommended in the shape of allowing Peterson to accompany the car-'. .. rlers on their routes Instead of follow.; ing their tracks should be the key to thr . situation. The carriers, when informed of this action, indorsed the idea, as was) evidenced by their cheers. Peterson hasV only done his duty and is not responsible for any hard feeling, but it was bis Jtib-v' that was at fault. . "If there is any complaint, filed against ; a carrier hereafter Peterson will walk"y With the man around bis route and enteriii a building' or gate with him, shoulder to" shoulder. I arh glad to have .the old;-' system done away with. I believe Iii;-' considering a man honest and deserylnj--" -of proper respect until he is found other- .. wise. If a man feels he Is followed there'" : are more chances of him doing something"-" wrong than if he was not watched at ail. Real Estate Dealer; S Drops Dead on Streefo ' Soren T. Petersen, aged 60, a real estate7-" dealer living at W8 North Twenty-seventh.: street, dropped dead as the result of aij sudden. stroke of apoplexy at 8:16 o'clock:' last night, In front of the residence ;ot John Zeller, 1923 South Tenth street. Dr. 7, Cpedegraff was called, but by the tlnttfi he arrived the stricken man had exri Pired.. - " ' c ,r Coroner Crosby took charge of the bodjr;;Z: but will not hold an inquest mlssdvi velopnients make it necessary. It coutttv not be learned last, night, whether" Wiv'' -Peterson had relatives living in Oraaha.:li Nobody is Too Oldl to learn that the sure way to cure -" cough, cold or sore lungs is with Dr'V Klng's New Discovery. 50c and JLOO. For' sale by Beaton Drug Co- - - "' If J