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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1912)
..The Omaha (Daily Bee Looking Backward This Day in Omaha thirty Twenty Tra Tr A.z Bdltorlal Tt of oaea lssa THE WEATHER. Showers VOL. XLI-NO. 308. DM AHA, TUESDAY, MOKNING, JUNE 11, Mil -TWKIA'K KUiKS. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. INDIANA'S VOTES GO TO PRESIDENT f ourth Session of Republican Com mittee Adds Twelve Delegates to Taft list. BIG FIGHT OF DAY ON EVIDENCE Bor,ah Asserts Majority Changes Front Through Fear. CALIFORNIA ISSUES IS PUT OFF Dispute Over Case Again Brings Out the Lineup. FACTIONAL BITTERNESS SHOWN Total of Kljthty-fonr Delegates is Added to the Chief Executive's Forces Since Committee Started Work. Bare for Delegates. (Instructed for Taft (uncontested) SOL Added by national committee. Last week: Alabama, 16; Arkan sas, ,16; Florida, 12; Georgia. 28. Today: Indiana, 12. Total Taft Uncontested. 285. Instructed for Roosevelt (uncon tested), 411. Instructed for La Follette (no con tests, 36. Instructed for Cummins (no con- tcsts) 10, . . i ' Uninstructed and uncontested, it. Contests still pending, 170. Total number of delegates, 1,078. Necessary for nomination, 640. The committee also 'today post poned until Wednesday the contests over the six delegates-at-large from Arizona and the two delegates from - the Fourth, district of California. CHICAGO, June 10.-Today' work of j the republican national committee added (twelve more delegates to the catalogue !of the Taft strength on the temporary froil of the republican national convention, i The much discussed Indiana contests came before the committee and were do cided, all In Taft's favor. With the seventy-two delegates com in the southern contests decided ! last week In the Alabama, Arkansas, I Florida ana Georgia cases, today's gains ,make a total of eighty-four delegates added to the Taft forces by the work of the national committee. With the 201 in structed and uncontested delegates cred ited to him, they bring his total on the Lmnnrarv roll up to 283; not counting other contests that may be decided for him. A large proportion of the contested seats among the 170 cases still to bo passed on by the committee represent delegates instructed for Taft; the preclso number Is the puept. 5 of. much dispute, iiof cii It 'be stated how many of these contests Taft Will Win. i The cases decided today were those of !the Indiana delegation at large, four In number, headed by Colonel Harry S. 'New, chairman of the convention com- rnlttee of arrangements, auu former Vice President Charles W. Fair banks, and the district delegations of two each from the First. Third, and rrv,i,foh riiutrifiH. The contest in the 'Fourth district was withdrawn and the committee confirmed the two sitting ' iTaft) delegates. I The real fight of the day in the com , mittee came? not on the contest over the i delegates-at-large, where it had been 'expected the committee was unanimous i in giving them to Taft but over the seat ' ing of two Taft delegates from the Thir- teenth, or South Bend district. At tempts of the Roosevelt attorneys to 'introduce ceraln affidavits declared by them to beat the signatures of a majority I of the delegates to the district conven tion at South Bend a which the Taft I delegates were chosen, precipitates the 'only sensational interchange of the day, and occasioned a sudden reversal of the committee's vote which was not explained to the satisfaction of the Roosevelt men. Senator Borah taunted the Taft men ! about it, tailing them they changed front 'because they were scared. "The worst scared lot ot men I ever saw," he said. "What has happened? Whom have you 'consulted? What has come over you? Whence came this revelation?" he de i manded. j The Taft men denied they were scared 'or that any special light had broken In I upon them; they insisted that their first ! vote, against admitting the affldavis I was because of heir desire not to ( delay (the hearings by the necessity of giving I the Taft side an opportunity to answer ithem or to create a precedent which j would be embarrassing in later cases. i Their reversal of th evote was coupled iwlth a specific declaration that it was not to be regarded as a precedent.- In Whis form the Roosevelt men all voted against It. Taft Delegates Seated. So the committee heard the affidavits, with verbal testimony in contravention of i their allegations, and then voted to seat the Taft delegates. The vote, 56 to 14, represents what has been the lineup be tween the factions ever since the com mittee came together. ' ' i This was not the first battle of the day, however. Before the Indiana cases were taken up, the committee came near to a turbulent scene of factional bitterness. i A motion by Senator Crane of Massa- 1 chusetts to postpone until JVednesday i the case of the Fourth district of Califor nia, in accordance with the request of ex-Senator Pick, the Taft contest leader, met the opposition of the Roosevelt 'forces. The case already had been called, and the attorneys and contestants were 'in their places at the tables when this . question arose. Battle in Progress at Pearson, Mexico EL PASO, Tex., June 10. Fighting wns jti progress between rebels and federals at Pearson, about 200 miles south of t';e international bolder, according to tele grams , received by U e Mexico North western railroad In Juarez today. Dr. F. S. Fearron of New York and his Lonucn and Montreal associates own i b.g lumber mill at Pearson and the ma jority (f the inhabitants of the town ?.t Ami". leans. The tcAvn Is In what hercto foie Iris been considered rebel territory. Borahs Bluff and Bluster Fails Roosevelt Member of National Committee Meets Check When He Undertakes to Dictate How the Proceedings of the Body Shall Be Conducted. By VICTOR ROSEWATER, Editor of Tho Bee. CHICAGO. June 10. (Special Telegram.) . ing, until i reminded him that I held full The national committee apparently membership in the committee the same made small progress today, when measured by contests settled, but It was the busiest session of all so far in point of variety and excitement. Right at the outset another attempt was made to put over the same rough riding tactics, first through none other than Francis J. Heney, the famous San Francisco at torney, who, while waiting the dispo sition of the California contest, which he is to present? seemed to become possessed of a notion that ho was en titled to all the privileges of a member of the committee, including the freedom of debate, and wanted to insist on it until I put down the lid effectually. This was followed by another brief inter change between the chair and Senator Borah, who objected to what he termed the schoolmaster statements I was mak- CUMMINS' STANDARD RAISED Senator Kenyon Opens Headquar ters for Colleague at Chisago. HAWKEYE CLUB IS IN CHARGE . Former Governor of Iowa Has Ten Delegates Instructed for Him Ken) on Gives Oat Enthasl astle Statement. CHICAGO, June 10. The standard of Senator Albert B. Cummins of Iowa for republican presidential nominee was raised today by' his colleague. Senator W. S. Kenyon, who arrived from Iowa full of enthusiasm for the Hawkepo candidate. Senator Cummins now has ten delegates pledged to him. Headquarters in the hotel where the Taft and Roosevelt camps are located were engaged by Senator Kenyon and the Hawkeye club of Chicago assumed charge of the campaign, llefore the end of the week the Iowans expect that more than 1,000 enthusiastic boosters from be yond the Mississippi will be in Chicago to demonstrate their fealty to the senior senator from Iowa. Before leaving for Washington, Sen ator Kenyon said: "Friends of Senator Cummins believe the rank and file of the republican party are tired of the present controversy and tired of personal politics. We present in him a man who can unite the party and lead It to an old-time victory. His can dldacy is not for the purpose of injuring any one or punishing any one. "Senator Cummins has always been on the people's side in -ever rcontest. A record that will inspire confidence, a magnetic personality and a. character without tt spot or blemish where can the partly turn for a leader" better than hw. It would be well if out of all this turmoil such a candidate could .be nominated at the convention." It was expected that before night t! headquarters of Senator Robert M. La Follette would be opened in a downtown hotel, and the Wisconsin men attivc.y at work for their candidate. Platform Talk to the Front. Discussion of planks for the party platform Is becoming more general in the various headquarters. One . of the "missionaries" is James T. Williams, jr., formerly a federal civil service commis sioner and named as a delegate-at-large from Arizona. Two particular planks are In Mr. Wil liams' program. One would extend the civil service to Include all postmasters, collectors -of customs and internal rev enue and practically all other federal ap pointees not already in the classified lists. His other plank would commit the party to a liberal Irrigation policy. Among the early arrivals today were two parties of opposite political tend encies from neighboring states. From Michigan came C. A. Palmer, W. R. Oakea and G. M. Bane, all state offi cials and all Rooseveit men. They were accompanied by Judge W. D. Gordon, who is to represent ,the Roosevelt dele gates in the contests from that state. The Indiana political colony was in creased by the arrival of E. H. Schmidt, United States marshal; Volney T. Mal lott, Harry O. Wallace, W. E. Davis and John L. Hogue. Public duties and pri vate enterprise were both represented in this group, but all were "ooostlng" for President Taft. N TVcw Tork Will Vote for Hoot. Lafayette B. Gleason of Delhi, N. Y., secretary of the New York republican state central committee and selected for temporary secretary of the convention by the subcommittee on arrangements to day declared that he was confident that eighty-five of the ninety New York del egates to the convention would vote for Senator Elihu Root for temporary chair man. i "I have received telegrams from eighty-five of tho New York delegates," Said Mr. Gleason, "and they will sup port Senator Root. I am just as confi dent that from eighty-one to eighty-five of the delegates Will vote for President Taft." UooNcvelt Denies Report. NEW YORK, June lO.-Thcodore Roosevelt denied today the report that he intends going to Chicago by special train at a momenta notice. "I know of no such plan," he said. "I have no pres ent Intention of going to Chicago this week and I won't go unless it is neces sary. Mr. Perkins telephoned ine this morning and I am very sure that if such a trip had been contemplated he would have told me about it." CARP DESTROY GAME FISH IN CUSTER COUNTY ANSLEY, Neb., June 10. (Special. )-Tne German carp and suckers have r;arly complefl destroyed the 'game fishing which In years jrene by was very fine In the waters of this ecMon. There I talk of the Anglers club .if Cu-ter county and get the laws changed so t:at the German carp and suckers may be takpn out of the water at any time of the year and by any means possible to rid the waters of the e great d?stro..,ers. and get Mate fish hdtcheviea establ shed In this part of Ntbiaaka. s ho die', and hud not been divested of them by being elected to preside. Again, one of the attorneys In the In diana case, Mr. Still well, brnn to read a carefully prepared attack on the methods of the committee, and I had to stop it by cutting him short. The tremendously significant feature was the utter collapse of the contest in stalled by the Roosevelt people on the Indiana delegates-at-large. This they had proclaimed to he a dead open and shut imposition, , based on gross fraud, hut when' the vote was taken to scat the Taft delegates the roil call dis closed t'.iat every one who voted was convinced the charges were groundless. That Is tho meaning of the unanimous vote, in which all the committeemen who favor Roosevelt or La Follette Joined. DEMOCRATS CALLED BY MACK Arrangements Committee Will Meet in Baltimore June 20. TO NAME TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN O'Gorman, James, goiter, Henry, Kera and Lewis Are Among Men Mho Are Under . Consideration. NEW YORK, June 10,-Norman E. Mack, chairman of the democratic na tional committee, today issued a call fo a meeting in Baltimore on June 20 of the arrangements committee to select th temporary chairman of the convention. The selection will be placed for ratifica tion before the national committee at its meeting on June 24, the day before th convention. "Among the men whom the arrange ments committee will consider ..for tem porary chairman," he said, "are Senators O'Gorman of New York, Kern of In diana and Ollie James of Kentucky, Rep resentatives William Sulzer of New Yorl: and Henry of Texas, and James Hamil ton Lewis of Chicago. There doubtless will be others also. So far it appears to me that a!l candidates have an even chance." Vo Packing of Convention. BALTIMORE, June 10,-There will be no packing of the democratic convent'on hall with shouters for candidates for presidential nomination if the joint plans agreed upon by the Baltimore ommitteo and the national committee prove to be effective. Through the distribution p(tlckets o the delegations by the arrangement com. mittee the day before the first day's e sion of the convention and the careful allotment of seats by the local committer it Is expected, that bands of shouters can be kept away from the proceedings. "1 have had a fixed determination for a year to prevent a packed convention." said Chairman Robert Crain of the demo cratic national convention committee to day. "There will be no slanders in the hall unless the national committee rule1; otherwise, and when the 15,000 seats are filled there will be no more persons ad mitted. The, plan of ticket distribution should! prevent them getting Into lmprope. hands." Bureaus of Information have been es tablished at every transportation center to direct delegates and visitors to thel quarters In the city. The campaign headquarters of Governor Harmon were moved here today from Washington and by Friday the headquar ters of Governor Wilson, in charge of W F. MoCombs, will be opened. The Champ Clark managers "are to be here June 15. Judge Landis Sued for Half Million CHICAGO, June 10,-United States Dis trict Judge K. M. Landis was made de fendant today in a damage suit for $500, 000 by William J. Ammeri. attorney for George F. Harding, after the judge had declined lo hear a motion In Harding's suit aga'nst the Standard Oil company. A statement that the judge in a previous trial was "Influenced by the eminence of the Standard OH attorney," said to have been made by Harding's counsel, in a brief asking a change of venue, caused the judge to refuse the motion. "You would not make that statement to my face as a private citizen," said the j Several other Judges have refused to hear tho suit which grew out of a con test for tho control of the Corn Products I company. Mrs. Pankhurst's ' Sentence Modified LONDON. June 10.-The sentence of the militant suffragettes, Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst and Mr. and, Mrs. Pethick Lawrence, joint editors ' of Votes for Women, were today modified by Reg inald .i c Ken na, ' home secrtary, and the prisoners will finish as first class mis demeanant!! the term of nine months' imprisonment to widen they were con demned at the Old Bailey sessions on May 22, Instead of serving as ordinary criminals. BRIDE'S '.EG BROKEN BY CHARIVARI PARTY BEATRICE. Neb.. June 10.-(Speclal.)-Word v.-as received -lpre yesterday from Peek-a-Boo, Idaho, stating that Mrs. John Robertson, formerly of this city, who was married at that place last 'veek, had been seriously Injured us a result of a charhvr! ratty. '.Tpon the couple's return to Peek-a-Hoo some of the mem '.ws of th" .H't rilai.ed Uiem in a cart and rlrawins '-hem through iXe streets when a bolt In the vehicle broke ! alij caused the occupants to 'nil t.. tho ! ground. Mrs. Robertson's leg was broker in two places bt'ow ; ic knee and she was severely bruised about the body. From the Cleveland Plain Dealer. WHEAT ACREAGE DECREASED Report Shows Falling Off of Several Million Acres. OUTPUT WILL BE LARGER Total Yield Estimated at Nearly Seven Million Bushels More TUau Last Year Winter Crop Several Points Off. WASHINGTON, Jnue lO.-The June grain report of the government, giving the acreage not previously announced planted to the various Important crops, the condition of the growing crops on June 1, the Indicated yield per acre and estimated total production, bailed upon the ratio of the average condition on June 1 to tho final yield in the five years, 190ti-1910, as reported by the corre spondents and agents of tho bureau of statistics, Department of Agriculture, was Issued today by the crop reporting board aa follows: Spring Wheut-Acreage, 19,201,000, com pared with 30.351,000 acres last year. Con dition, 95.8 per cent of a normal, com pared' with 94.6 per cent last year and S3.8 per cent, tho ten-year average. Indicated yield per acre, 13. bushels, compared with 9.1 bushels last year and 13.4 bush els, . the flve'-year average. Esiimated total production, 205,000,000 bushels, com pared with 190,(582,000 bushels last year. Winter Wheat-Acreage. 25,744,0(Ki,- com pared with 29,102,01)0 acres last year. Con dition, 74.3 per cent 0f a normal, com pared with M).4 per cent last year and 80.9 per cent, the ten year average. Indicated yield per acre, 14.1 bushels, compared with 14.8 bushels last year and 16.5 bush els, the five-year average. Estimated total production, 363,000,(100 bushels, com pared with 43U,56,u0O bushels last cyar. All Wheat Indicated yield per acre, 14 bushels, compared with 12.5 bushel last year and 14.6 bushels, the 5-year average. Estlgated total production, ii2S,000.X bushels, compared with 621,338,000 bushels last year. Oats Acreage, 37,844,000, compare with 37.7C3.OUO -acres last year. Condition, 91.1 per cent of a normal, compared with 85.7 per cent last year, and 88. 1 per cent, the 10-year agerage. Indicated yield per acre, 29.3 bushels, compare with 2-1.1 bushels last year, and 28.4 bushels, the 5-year average. Estimated total produc tion, 1,109,000,000 bUBhels, compared with 922.2W.fi00 bushels last year. Barley Acreage, 7,071.000, compared with 7,627,000 acres last year. Condition, 91.1 per cent of a normal, compared with 90.2 per cent Inst year and 90.8 per c nl the 10-year average. Indicated yield per acre, 25.2 bushels, compared with 21.0 bushels last year and 24.8 bushels the J year average. Estimated totals produc tion, 192,000,000 bushels, compared with p;0,240.0(Kl bushels last year. RYE Condition, 87.7 per cent of a nor mal, compared with 88.6 per cent last year and 89.7 per cent, the ten-year aver age. Indicated yield per acre. Pi bushels, compared wtih 15.6 bushels last year, imd 16.3 bushels, the five-year average. May Condition, 87.7 rer cent of a nor mal, compared with 76.8 per cent last year. Pastures Condition, 93.7 per cent of a normal, compared with 81.8 per cent last year and 89.3 per cent, the ten-year aver age. PENNSYLVANIA MEN TO REFERENDUM VOTE PHILADELPHIA, June 10. -The com mittee representing the Orders of Con ductors, Trainmen and Brotherhood of Firemen and Englnemen on the Pennsyl vania railroad east of Pittsburgh and Erie in the dispute over certain working arrangements this afternoon sent out a cull for a referendum vote on the ques tion of giving the committee the power to call a strike. About 25.000 men are said to be Involved. The National Capital 'li.ndaj, Jone lit, iUt'2. The Senate. Met at m on Judiciary -omioittee favorably reported the SimmePs bill prohibiting interstate transpurtut'on of prize light films. Kight begi.'ii on conference report on rirmy appropriation bill. Senator Bacon Introduced u bill to re strict !nt"v-ntion in 'uha. The House. .Vet at 11 a. m. ;ebated senate amendments to metal taiiff bill. Representative Hard wick omlcmned workmen's compensation bill before Judi ciary commutes. Flying Time Hirth Wins the Airship Race from Berlin to Vienna VIENNA, Juno 10. The aeroplane raoe from Berlin to this city, under the auspices of the Imperial Aviation so ciety and Austrian Aero club, started yesterday morning, was won by llol muth Illrth, German, carrying as pas senger Lieutenant Schoellcr of the Ger man army. Hirth with his companion cov ered tho distance (330 miles In a direct line) In 395 minutes ( six nous and thirty five minutes) actual flying time. The three Austrian lieutenants, HlaschUe, Miller (alias Csakay), and Bergmann wero forced to land on the way hero from Ureslau. Csakay wa:t the be;it performer in the fit tit stage of the contest from Berlin to Broslau, about 2M) miles, which he ac1 'ompllshed In 2 hours and 58 minutes. Illrth In the course ot his flight flew over the Altvator mountain range In Moravia, which rises to an altitude of 1.887 feet. ' Hirth,, who is well known In America as an automobile racers', has since lie started aviation been a winner in every hi;,' flying competition In which he has tutored. " " ' Rates on Yellow Pine and Hardwood to Be Investigated WASHINGTON, June lO.-The Inter state Commerce commission today or dered on its own initiative an Investiga tion of the yellow pine and hardwood rates on the Chicago? Itock Island & Pa cific, the Illinois Central and twenty-five other railroads operating In the south and southwest. The commission, In ordeilng the In uuiry. says that "owing lo tha discon tinuance by trunk lines of allowuncej to tap lines, the trunk lines are enjoying substantially larger revenues of their lumber traffic." It 1ms been complained that the rates were excessive. No time haa been fixed for the hear ing, but it Is certain that it will not be before next autumn. Union Pacific and Hard Coal Cases Again Go Over WASHINGTON, June lC-The supremo court today adjourned until October, leav ing undecided the hard coal trust ease, the 1'nion Pacific merger and the state rate eases. Crew of the French Liner France Strikes HAVRE, France. June. lO.-The crew of the French llnf-r Fiance, consisting of 550 firemen, trimmers and seamen, together with 500 other stamen of various cate gories, this morning voted the declaration of a general strike in Havre and ap pointed a strike committee. The committee has ursed tho crew of the France, which was about to sail for New York, not to return until com plete satisfaction of their demands has bfen accorded. They demand an Increase of $6 a month for the firemen and 4 a month for the other categories. Bill to Forfeit St, Louis Bridge WASHINGTON. Juno lO.-Wenator Heed of Missouri today introduced a resolu tion to forfeit the St. Louis Merchants company's bridge across the Mississippi at St. Louis between the Eads bridge and tiie mouth of the Missouri river, and directing the secretary of war to operate It as a free public highway. He charged t but Its earnings had been pooled with another bridge. HYDE AND SCHNEIDER MUST SERVE SENTENCES WASHINGTON, June lO.-The oijetit years' struggle of Frederick A. Hvile and J. II. Schneider to escape Imprisonment for alleged conspiracy to defraud the gov ernment out of hinds in California mid Oregon ended in failure today alien the supreme court found no error in their conviction in the District of Yiliiiubia. It was one of the fai.ioua "land fraud" cases of its time. WARSHIPS REACH HAVANA Washington and Rhode Island Ar rive at Noon. READY TO LAND MARINES Mtuatloa There Is Believed by Offi cial at Washington to Be Perl oul Admiral Osterhans Is In Command.- HAVANA. June 10, The United States armored cruiser Washington entered Ha vana harbor at 12:25 o'clock thts .ifter- naon and exchanged salutes with the fortress of Cabana. FItteen minutes lutcr tho battleship Ithode Island passed Into the harbor. Tho arrival of the Amirlcan warships attracted little attention tn the capital. Tho publication In today's papers Jiere ot the newH of the dispatch of United States warships from Key West to Ha vana under the command of Admlra.1 Hugo Osterlmus created a profound Im pression. , The popular Impression Is that thtj coming . of th. American j .atilpa -;m nw speedy intervention ' by the United states, pfflclals, howsveiv unanimously j sj oyt the' Idea of Intervention MsardiUB tne sending of warships as a friendly act on me part or the United HtateB. They declare they deplore that Washing ton lias been misled by 'exaggerated im ports into the belief that a racial war Is about to break out. Tim officials assert that the rioting In the streets of Havana on Saturday night was not significant of race hatred, but they do not explain the rason for tho extensive mllliury preparations which wero tukrn to prevent a breach of tin peace In the capital last night. All parts of the. city were putroled until daylight by detachments of rexular troops and home guards. Today the aspect of tho city was normal. There is little popular disposition to discuss the coming of the United States warships, but many expressions of relief hi a heard on account of the assurance ; of security the presenea of the war vessels ! will give. The warships are expected j to arrive shortly before noon, j Reports from the various provinces j show that considerable damage has been done to the crops, particularly In Plnar del itlo. Four Hundred Men Available. WASHINGTON, June lO.-Ameriean murines will be uvullablo for service In Havana before nooif today. The cruleer Washington and the battleship Rhode Island which steamed out from Key 'Vest early this mornln.if. under oideri snu from Vushiiiston late list night, nr.) expected to make to run across tin, strults of Florida to the Cuban capital In about six hours. Each of tljcse ships in addition lo its regular complement or sixty-five murines carries un extra complement of 125, In cluding officers. They would only bo landed In the Cuban capital, of course, j in a casti of dire emergency, in which event the blue Jackets ot both shlf;s ulso would be available. The gravity with which this, govern ment regards tho situation is Indicated by tho fact that lteur Admiral Osier liaus, commander of the Atlantic fleet, is aboard. his flagship, tho Washington. The remainder of the third division of the fleet remains at Key West and can Join the flagship in u few hours. The mine planter San Francisco leaves Annapolis today with a complement of midshipmen aboard and will Join Hie ships at Key West. The first division of the Atlantic fleet, the Massachusetts, Utah, North Dakota, Florida and Lelawure. also leave Anna polls today with midshipmen aboard. While their destination is now Cape Cod, there is no assurance that the Navy de partment may not order these ships to Join those near Cuba at any moment. LOUISVILLE TURFMAN INDICTED BY GRAND 1URY LOUISTILLE, Ky,. June 10.-Accused of firing a bullet into the celling of a local hotel lobby during the recent race meet here, Ixiuls Doerhoefer, the turf, man. was indicted this afternoon by the county grand Jury. On the night of the shooting the hotel lobby was thronged with horsemen and a large number of clergymen, delegates to the Presbyterian general assembly. When the shot rang obt there was a scramble for places of lefuge. Doerhoefer was not arrested at the time. First official cognizance of the shoot ing came when the jury judge is his charge said that "an individual was es caping the law seemingly because ot wealth and influenca." EIGHTMURDERED AT Y1LLISCA, IOWA J. B. Moore"s Family of Six and Two Quests Are Slain with an Ax Some Time Sunday Night. BODIES ARE BADLY MUTILIATED Crime Discovered by a Neighbor Yes terday Morning. NO M0TVE FOR DEED KNOWN Either Due to Revenge os is the Act of Madman. ALL VICTIMS ABE PROMINENT Mr. Moore Was Well Known Basi lars Man and His Guests Who Were Mala Are Daughters of WcaHy Farmer. V1LL1SCA, Is., June 10. Joseph Moore, a prominent Vllllsca business man, his Hire and four children and two visitors were found murdered In their beds this morning at the Moore home. The dead: JOSEPH MOORE. MRS. JOSEPH MOORE. HERMAN MOORE, age 11. CATHERINE MOORE, aged 9. BOYD MOORE, aged 7. PAUL MOORE, aged 6. MISS BLANCHE SILUNGER, aged 17. MISS EDITH SILMNGER. aged 20. Their heads had been beated to pulp and an ax covered with blood and human hair, found In the house, is supposed to be the Instrument with which the deed was committed. There li no clue to the mu i defer. Owing to the terrible multllatlon, the Identity of the two women last named could not at first be established. They were bellevd to be Mrs, Van Gilder and her daugher, relative ot the Moores. Later they werv positively Identified as the Spllllngk-r sifters, daughters of a wealthy farmer living one mile from Vllllsca, who had been In attendance at a church entertainment hero last night and decided to pass the night at the home o. tha Moores. Itolibery Not Motive-. No robbery was committed and It is the theory of the authorities that only a desire for revenge could have prompted the murder unless the work was done by a madman. Horses neighing In the barn at the Moore home caused a woman neighbor to notice that no member of the family appeared to be up and about the house. .She investigated and after-failing to ef fect un entrance :u tho front door, railed her husband, who also failed. The city niurahul was then summoned and the 'doors'; forced. ' , : , Moore and his wife were the first to be discovered. They wer lying. in nelr ..feed Itu'a. front Toonul.t.heji..canie, the. finding of the bodies of the. two guests, and later those of the children In a third room. ' .;.',, ' Moore was the manager: of a' Joeal im plement concern, and prominent in burl- nc-ss and social circles, l,lkp Colomdo Trns'dy. COLORADO SPRINGS, Co'o., June 10. Police authorities here are not Inclined to think there Is any connection between the murder of the Moore family at Tlll liea, la., and the Burn'ham-Wayne mur der mystery here on September 17 last, In which six persons lost their lives. It Is admitted, however, that there Is a striking similarity In the crimes. Lo cal authorities will make a careful In vestlsatlon of the Vllllsca mystery In the hope of finding somo clew to the crime litre. i- ; 4The murder of the Moore family caused a. profound shock to many In Council 1-iluffs, where Mr. Moore had many busi ness acquaintances. He had been a heavy buyer from Council Bluffs immple tflent dealers for many years. He was also well known In implement circles In Qrf.alia. Tho members of the family were frequent visitors to Council Bluffs and Mrs. Moore had many warm friends there. Some local interest also attaches to Misses Edith and 'Blanche Etillinger. SUss Blanche Ptlllinger, the youngest of the victims, was a, member of the Btan tnu automobile party whose car . was badly wrecked and two. Miss Peterson and Mr. Johnson, badly hurt, in a colli sion on the White Pole road three miles east of Council Bluffs a week ago Sat urday night. All of the members of the party were brought to the Jennie Ed mundsou hospital, and the nurses there recall the sweet little girl, who proved so brave and patient and forgot her own slight Injuries In her solicitude for the others. . , Democratic Vote in . South Dakota is Close PIERRE, S. D June 10,-South Dakota returns with ten counties out give the Wilson delegates, headed by Simmons, 3,6X4; the Clark delegation, headed by Lee. 3,611,' and the Ross-Clark delegation 2,20(5. The . ten counties which have not reported can swing the delegation either to Clark or Wilson. With ten counties falling to make presl. dentlal returns the votes at the rec-cn state primary, which were announced to. day were as follows: For Roosevelt, 33,261; for La' Follette 17,911; for Taft. 10,092. Bolt your old con ventional ideas if necessary, but use Bee want ads. TP t 11 gClllUg glCUil lU- SUltS is progressiveness, then they are every one progressive. Tyler 1000