Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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lt.-L.-U1.'. .1 iljjl .unii.l -Hi. .......
A Complete
Store for Men
. . V . ',.'.-.
js,-. V r '
and Boys
Sixteenth ano
Douglas St?c
lit M
irandeis Store for Men
We bought at a Great Reduction from One of America's Most Foremost Makers of Clothing
A - Branded Guarantee
goes with every suit In this
sale. Your money is simply
on deposit with ub until you
are satisfied with the suit.
If you are not satisfied,
. bring the suit back. We re
fund your money without
For Men & Young Men.
New pattern's in men's
pants, worth up to $4, ,
will go at .....$2.85
Men '8 Pants newest
patterns and cuts
worth up to $6.00; on
sale at ;...:. .$3.85
Suits of such high character were never offered by any store before this at a special price.
The manufacturer sold us all his samples and all his surplus stock at
a great sacrifice, providing we would not advertise his name pr the
famous brand of his clothing. It is a make recognized everywhere
as genuine, high art tailoring.
Here are. imported blue tergei, medium and light fabrics in every new shadenew Nor
folks, new English models for young men. Extra sizes to properly' fit any man in Omaha.
Not One of These Suits was Made to Sell For a Cent
Less than $22.50 Most oi Them are Worth $30 and
Some are Worth as High as $35
Just think of this! You can buy these suits Saturday at $6 to
$15 less than you see the same suits advertised for in the lead
ing magazines in America.
Two an Three piece Suits
A great yariety Specially price J at
$10 and $12.50
Great Sale of Our Sampk Line of
Men's Negligee SUMMER SHIRTS
Silk, mercerized pongee, soisette and
madras -shirts, many with detached or at
tached Boft collars to match. The sizes run
from 12Mj to 14 for boys and from 14 to li)
for men. , v
This is a rare, chance to buy your sum
mer outing shirts at ,a big' saving. These
shirts are worth in a regular way up to $1.50,
and go "6n sale Saturday in two lots, at
49c and 69c
Men's Summer Union Suits short sleeves,
long sleeves and knee length values up to
' $1.00,' at ......... ''s. 50C
.A new shipment of Manhattan and E. &,
y W. Shirt for hot weather wear, in silk,
i; silk an (J linen and fine Russian cords;
"many styles with; soft detached collar to
match and, soft 'French cuffs.., Exclu
'' slve styles and bitterns shown i at,' $2,
'to r. v..... ..
jyM. 111? T"
m t t ,
Munsing Union gaits for men, $1 to $3
Men's 50o pure thread silk hose, slightly
Imperfect, at 19
Men's 35c and 60c Lisle Suspenders, at,
Pr 19
36c Wash Four-ln-hand Ties, each 15
Men's Fine Silk Four-ln-hand -Ties, 75c
values, at '. . . , ,29
!5S!L Straw Hats for Men
Smart,, becoming shapes in men's and
young men's Straw Hats are. now.'
crowding Brandeis Hat Department, vr;
Look to us for exclusiveness and for
liberal choice. We do not confine you
to a limited variety. Here are hats for
the young men, hats for the older men
and hats for every occasion. Best
choice at
98c, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3,
$4 and $5
.: Basement Specials
Broken lots of Men's fine balbriggan and
,lisle shirts and drawers, values up to. 75c a
- , i garment, ' at ' . t' ,V.V . 25c
, Men's $1 Negligee and Outing Shirts, at49c
Genuine Panama Hats
Wear a Panama this summer!
It will look better when new and
will stay new longer than a straw
hat. Brandeis Stores have the
largest and best variety of styles
$J50 $498 j6SO;$750
All the odds and ends of Men's
Soft and Stiff Hats, values up
to $3.00, at.. $1.00
Hats and Caps for Boys and
Children, 50c values
at 25c
Boys' Straw Hats, Milan and
split braids, at 49c, 98c,
; $1.50 up to $2.98
TRUNKS aiict StIT:CASESEaSt Arcade -
The most complete line of trunk's and suit cases in the city
at moderate prices.
. ( Trunks at $5, $6, $7.50, $10 up to $27,50. .
Suit Cases at P8c, $1.50, $2.50, $3.50, $4.98 up to $39.- -jf
Brandeis Stores are . sole agents .in Omaha for the cele-
brated Innovation Wardrobe1 Trunks; Prices are $25 up to $75.
Boys' Clothing for Summer Wear
Your Choice of
Any Boys' $6.50
or $7.50 Knicker
bocker Suit
out stock tfyl4S
at ...VTt-
Your Choice of
Any Boys' $8.50
or $10 Knicker-
m m mm .
oocKer suit in
our stock
Special in Boys' Wool Suits
: Youths'. Two-piece Suits In the popular
blue serges, homespunB and tweeda-
handsome, well made suits A
15 valuesat Jlv
Manhattan Sample Suits values up to
$3, at $1.50
Suits of galatea cloth $2.50 values,
at $1.50
Boys' 60c Blouse 'Waists at . ....39
Boys' 76c Rompers at ......... -45
Boys' $1.50 Knickerbockers at $1.00
Boys' $1 Shirts at ....-75
Boys' $1 Pants at 75
Boys' $1 Blouse Waists at .....59
Your Choice of
Any Boys' $5.00
Suits in,, our
Bovs' Summer Clothes in Basement
Boys' $3.50 and $4 Wool Suits at $1.98-Smart,
snappy styles; well made of strong, serv-. J AO
icable fabrics ; $3.50 and $4 values, at V-letN?
Boys' Overalls heavy
weight, double knees,
at 45
Boys' 50c Brownie Over
alls at . 29
Boys' 75c Rompers, per
cales, etc.. at 45
Boys' 50c Blouse Waists,
special at 25
Boys' $1 Wool Knicker
bocker PantB .... 49
Boys' Khaki Knicker
bocker Pant at . .49
.Sunday.-. : v
Dinner Menu
and Selected Recipes,
: . Berries. -'
Dried Rusk with Cream!"
Fried Panfiah. 1 Potato Cake.
- Tosit. ?
Tea ,and Coffee., ; vl
Spanish Omelette.
Breakfast Cake heated over.
Cress Sandwiches. -Fruit
Salad with MayonnalM.
Crackers and Cheese.
Blanc Mange and Cake.
Vegetable Seup. -Roast
.Lamb. - Green Peas.',
Berry" 'Shortcake. .
' . Black Coffee.
. tfalcUen and Veal Ptc.
Buy cMcken glbleU. the 4Mcks, gUiards.
hru and liver.- By adding to these
halt a pound of . veal cuMtt there Is
enough for ao.jexcellent Chicken pie. Put
the giblets Into a saucepan with a pint of
cold water. slice of onion, a email car
rot and a level te&spoonfut of Sim
mer untU there 1 only; halt a cup ct
liquid. ,v Strain thU and eet aside. - Cut
. the veal Into imal cubes and cook lowi.v
until well done and a light brown. Put
Into a baking dish with the glbleta cut
up and acatter a little salt tat pork, cut
In thredt. through the meat: Thicken the
chicken liquor slightly With flour moist
ened with water, to a paate, Cover with
good rich pie paste,- putt paste It you
have It, and bake In a steady oven for
an hour and a half. , -
; I!ce4 Hed Cabbas. '
Shave, m medium sized head of red cab
bags and soak tor half an hour In cold
water, then drain as dry as possible. In
a saucepan melt one heaping tablespoon
tul of butter and add one tablespoonru!
of sugar, on teaepoonful of salt, one.
quarter teaspoonful of pepper, six whole
cloves and one-half cup of good vinegar.
Add the drained cabbage, cover and cook
slowly, then simmer gently for fully an
hour and a half. . , .
.Falrr Faddlaif. '
Put a tumbler of firm Jules Into a
saucepan, add one cupful of boiling water.
Ur until the Jelly Is melted and the li
quid at the, boiling point. Add quickly
to it two. tablespoonfuls of corn starch
n ixed with a pinch of salt and s'uftlclent
cold .Water to make a AVn rte; ,tlr
until clear and ' imootii. tbsm ; draw to
on side and cook slowly for ten minutes.
Turn Into a large bowl and when cold
and beginning to stiffen beat long and
hard with an egg beater until it Is .quite
light, add the whipped whiles of two eggs
and continue to beat until it Is a feathery
mass. Turn Into "wetted molds and set
aside, serving very cold with cream or a
custard sauce. Any firm Jelly will do,
but quince gives a peculiarly delicate' fla
vor. ' '
' Leaf Lettuce Salad.'
Use for ehe salad only-the small leaves
of the lettuce. Serv with a Frenoli
dressing or mayonalse, as desired,
sura the lettuce Is 'fresh and crisp and
the salad well chilled before It Is served.
To Bake Potato Quickly.
First boll potatoes of uniform alae for
fifteen or twenty minutes and then put
them In the oven and they will finish
baking in a short time and taste as good
as though baked In the usual manner.
Plain Spinach.
Take ou peck of spinach, one-halt tea
spoonful of pepper, two tablespoonfuls of
butter, one-eighth teaspoonful of . nutmeg,
on hard boiled egg. salt to taste. Re
move roots from the spinach ; wash the
leaves In four changes ot cold water,
then scald with very hot water, litis
sifts any remaining grit to bottom of
pan. Place In kettle or steamer top with
te,apoonful of salt; don't add any water,
and cook until tender, lifting occasionally
to prevent burning. Drain, put in chop
ping tray, add seasonings and chop fins.
Heheat, place in mound In serving dish,
and garnish with hard cooked egg to rep
resent a daisy. , .
Lemon Float.
Cut four lemons In halves, discard the
pips, scoop out the pulp of two and
squeese the Juice from the other two. To
the juice add one heaping cupful ot sugar
and a scant pint of water and bring
quickly to a boll. SUr In three scant
tablespoonfuls ot corn starch mixed with
one-third of a teaspoonful ot salt and a
little sold water and when smoothly
thickened draw to one side, .cover and
cook very slowly for halt an hour. Take
oft. add the lemon pulp and one orange,
peeled and sliced. Serv this dessert very
cotd with cream and sugar.
21 lbs. Best Sugar, SI
1 lb. Best Coffee 40c
V2 lb. Tea, any kind. . . 35c
1. bottle Pure Extract. .25c
Quality combination, $2.00
Sugar sold only with $1 order
other goods. .
Phones, Doug. 2446; ,8-2446. "
406 North 16th Street.. .
Chickens .....9c
Pork Roast . . ; : . . . . . . . 8c
Qreen Stamps' and-these prices bring
the crowds.
Choice Beef Boil , 54
Choice Lamb Stew ...Ho
S lbs. Lamb Chocs flSo
Lamb Koasts TH
Veal or Beet Steak 18Ho
8. C. Bacon 14Uo
Hama lOVio
Bait Pork 10 H
S-lb. Pails Lard 38o
I'reaniery Butter ..97o
Fresh Eggs, doren 17o
XXXX Best Flour , 11.85
7 lbs. Rice .....S5o
10c Tall Cans Milk So
i lOo Corn or Tomatoes .950
I to cans Milk ....85o
4 lOo cans Baked Beans SSo
10c cans Coooa 5o
S lbs. gusar $140, with t lbs. Tea or
Coffee 11.00.
lOo bottle Pickles So
Canned Peas TVio
w will deliver good size orders to
South Omaha, Council Bluffs, Dundee
and all suburbs..'
Mall orders same prices.
Boston Meat & Grocery Co.
113 Wo. 18th Bt nones I 9. 1089; A-1089.
MP 7
To Enjoy
good cream and
and milk are
. essential.
Then call the
Douglas 411
Delivered before
breakfast. .
Qayden's Meat Sept.
The raise of prices last week has not affected our
market yet. Notice following prices:
Spring Chicken : 11c
Chicken .v...10c
Pork Roast 9c
Bulk Stiusage -.v. ....... .5c
Hindquarter of Lamb 12M:C 10c
Mutton Legs , 10c
Mutton Chops lScvC, 10c
Mutton or Ltunb Stew-10 lbs .25c
. Number, 1 Steer Pot Roast . .12V&C 10c
Boiling Beef 7c
Corned Beef 6c, 5c
Shoulder Steak ..
Round Steak . . . . .... ..... ........ f, 15c
Sirloin Steak 15c
Hams k.. ............15c
Bacon Backs 15c
Picnic Hams ; . . 10c
Ground Bones 8 lbs. for .25c
Meat Department
Pig Pork Loins . iic
oibci rui miaoi .......
Steer Stef,k
Steer Boiling Beef .
Lamb Legs .......
Lamb Chops
Mutton Roast
Lamb Stew, 9 lbs. for
Pig Pork Roast
Sugar Cured Bacon ........
Fresh Dressed Chickens . . . . ,
...9t and 8tfv
Money Saving Grocery Department
Saturday Specials -
Best Sugar, 18 lbs. for
Public Pride 48-lb. sack Flour .
10 bars Beat 'Em All, Diamond C.
5c Safety Matches. 2 for
Be Tooth Picks, 2 boxes
Be Sardines. 3 boxes . . .
Be Carnation or Pet Milk,
5c Argo Starch. 3 pkgs. .
7 for 85o
I "W
Our Imported
and domestic wines
and liquors consist of
the choicest brands ob-'
tainable and are highly
recommended, on account
of their superior quail- '
' tie for family and med
icinal use. Mail or tele-
' phone orders given
. prompt attention.
332 NORTH l tSST.
.Bath's Saturday Bargains
Home Dressed Broilers and Chickens,
at 75o and eso
Young Roosters
Young Hens ...
Pork Loins . ; . ;
Pork Shoulders
Pork Chops ...
Pork Steak ....
Chuck Steak
. ..mac
Pot Roast .ISHo and 10c
Home Made Pork Sausage . ...134o
Home Rendered Lard , 150
1021 Farnam St. Phone D. 6989.
10c Pet or Carnation Cream, 2 cans
10c Mustard Sardines, 4 cans . .86c
10c pkg. Raisins, 4 pkgs. 85o
10c Jell-O, all flavors, 2 pkgs. 15o
10c Head Rlcei lb. 5o
12Hc Rice- lb - 7c
Navy Beans, lb 6o
Plums, Peaches. Apricots and
Pears, can 18 Vo
8p ...-256
15c can Tonratoes, can ....... ...10o
Mason Jar Olives or Pickles, Jar 19o'' '
Ripe Olives, can . . . . .14b " '
Snlder's Catsup, 25c siie .,U.'.19o'.
Calumet Baking Powder, 25c size. ,
for , 19c ,
20c Coffee."lb. .ISo.i
25c Coffee, lb. 800,
Brooms, each . . . .200, 35o and 30o
American Cheese, lb l5o 1
Best Eggs, dozen :80o
Duck Eggs, for setting, dozen . .25o
All brands of Creamery Butter, ,1b. '
Country Butter, lb.
10:30 A.M.
md 3 P. U.
1610 HAR
Donglas 2147
Donglaa 2793
Ind. A-2144
Ind. A-2147