Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1912, Page 16, Image 16
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1912. 16 mm. a&u i o bIAH lis dJ TV Sal fl 1 U k III 1 D0U?" ' I Mr In kVAiN 'JL ll 11 Brasses M jYJL' ' 1 plT ti I is psr B J ' m 9 1 m Omaha Wi 1 Silk Hosiery Sale AYomn's $1.50 Pure Women s pure thread bilk Hosiery, heavy and me dium weights, wide silk hem and wide lisle garter tops, lisle soles, high spliced heels and toes black, white, tan and fancy colors; worth to .........Mc Women's pure thread Silk Hoisery, wide silk hem tops, lisle soles, high spliced heels and toes black, white, tun and fancy light shades ; $1.00 values, t. rmir 1. U7t Women'g and Men's Pure Thread Silk Hosiery, wide UsIa rrnrter tons, high spliced full fashioned, regular made-black, .white, tan JO f I and light shades; worth 50c, at, pair v Women 's fine lisle and cotton hosiery, mercerized lisle J finish, wide hem tops some are lull lasbionea, reguiai madftlhich spliced heels and toes and double soles- regular and out sizes-black, fancy colors, at, pair Men's fine cotton and mer cerized lisle finished hosiery, double soles, re inforced heels and toes black, tan, grey and other colors, at per pair. . .15c SILK AND KID Women's Long, Pure Silk Gloves, "Kayser Make," injp ikw4. lonfrtli Hmiblfi tinned fineers Tricot weave m, in white, black and colors, i Long awe uioves rure Milanese, in white only 16-button lengths, double tipped fingers at per pair 79c ; WOMEN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR at, a suit ... Women's Fine Cotton Sleeeveless Vests, plain and lace trimmed; also pants in cuff worth 25i at. erarment ,, - Children's, Misses' and Boys' 50c "M" Waist "Union Suits, at ,...29c Women's Smart, Fashionable and macrame effects; also Fichus, fancy Lace Jabots in i III IW III II Will III III iHI . i- llll Women's Hemstitched Border chiefs New. lone, daintily jjj embroidered corners, new crossbar, embroidered initials, i T pure Irish Linen hemstitched borders; worth up to 25c, i to at. each f M BR ANDEIS JOURNEY BACK TO BOHEMIA Man- Nebraskans Group for Trip to Land of Their Birth. IMMENSE GATHERING AT PRAGUE ftokols o Crlrbrale FlftUth Annt ' Tmrr o( OramiUatlon Tho- aaada Are Bspvcted Be Preaeat. Between fifty and seventy-five Nebra kans who were former, Bohemian! ar iiow journeying to the land of their birth. Many of them are accompanied by their ' children. The exodus fitarted Friday and will continue until today. They will kail from New York next week on the New Amsterdam, a boat that has been carttred by Bohemians for the trip. ' From June 25 to 29 at Prague, Bohemia, will be held the fiftieth anniversary of the organisation of. the ijokols, at which it is expected that fully 80.000 J3ohemlan will participate. 1,M0 or more going from - the United States. The celebration will take on some of the characteristics of the Olympic games. There will be 18,000 men. 8,000 woiwn in the calisthenics and 6.000 girls participating In the squab section. One- of the big features of the meet win be the procession, in which 100,000 men' and women will march. None of the commands given during the exer 'I'isea or along the line of march, will be by word of mouth, but instead, by a system of wlg-wagglng with flags, some- thing after the manner employed in dl ' reeling the movements of signal -service men in the United States army. "' '- Omaha will not send a team to the bukols, but there will be any number Silk Hosiery at 08c heels and toes-some are tan, white ana ISa, . V W I Misses', Boys' and Chil- ' dren's fine and heavy cot-i ton and lisle thread hosi erydouble knee, heels ! and " toes black, tan and colors; 25c values, 12V&C GLOVES Jrkid SPECIALLY at a pair $1.00 R Short Silk Gloves, twom clasp effects in white only double tipped lingers, single row embroidered backs; 50c values, pr. 29c Women's Venetian Silk Vests Crochet beading tops and silk " ribbon tops with shield under the armall sizes, in sky, pink and white colors very special at, each, $1.39 Women's fine Cotton Union Suits, umbrella style, lace trimmed: worth up to 40c, 29c knee and umbrella style-, 15c Children'8l5c--M": Kuit Waists, special at. each DC! NeckwearNew Dutch and1 lace yokes, Net and Luce the newest crea- CA.; 11411 LLfl.l XX nil IIU1V I . I V '11 -v - Pure Irish Linen Handker- embroidered initials and. xoC ; - STORES m from the United States, many of whom are expected to carry off some of the big prises. Enormous Keating Capacity. The Sokol exercises will L field within an Immense enclosure, around the sides of which has been erected a grand stand that has cost $125,000 and which has a seating capacity of more than 100,000 peo P.le. The' movement from Nebraska has been worked up by Passenger Director Mik of the Burlington, and today Bo hemians are coming In from many points In Nebraska to join the Omaha contingent that tonight will leave for Chicago over the Burlington In a special car. Among those who go tonight are: Frank Svoboda. V. Sloger, Jan Holaii, John Kraus, wife and daughter; A. Belshlavek and wife, Aloys Svach, Anna Satrapa, Julia Stenlcka and children, Anna Jaroskova, Anna Caplsov, Oiga and E. gplckova, Mary Volecova, Mary Lanka, Frank Dolesal and wife,, V. Kou dele and J. Koudele and two daughters. James Smaha and two daughters and son, J. W. . Shabata and wife, Mary Vacek, A. Bockover, E. Aaron, V. Kokes and wife, W. Roxa, J. Vlncik, E. Kacer and wife, V. Peters. J. Uhlle. V. Tlchy. Albert Lusk, Frank Kohoutek, Anna Pot mlBik, ' Vac Knlxe, James Kaspar and wife, V. Kaspar and wife and Anton Pokoruy. Two Old Landmarks Are Being Destroyed in Pioneer District The razing of the two-story frame build Ings on the east side of Tenth street south of Howard marks the passing o' two old landmarks of pioneer days. These buildings are the last of the frame struc Boys' j Stock in?s, ISc Srrad, 1 TEN DOLLARS SAVED IS TEN DOLLARS EARNED Von can save Ten Dollars on your next Suit by purchasing here Saturday- we are offering $22.50 and $25.00 Suits at FIFTEEN DOLLARS. Every size every good fabric every style, extreme or conservative; you can readily see their worth. Get one Satur day at.. Ton Cu Buy ft Suit For TEN DOLLARS All Wool Stilt, too perfectly tailored. Other Mk $15.00 for the same. Extra Trousers ABB YOU BZBDXHO ATX EZTBA PAZB OF TBOUSEBS? XT SO BUT THEM HEBE! Ws are without doubt ihowlntf the largest and bait selected stock of trousers in the city. Conservative, peg top and outing styles. Bemark' sbl values at $1.90, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 FURNISHING Pure Silk Hose, Saturday Embroidered Pure Lisle f A 1 ' Hose Stitched Kid End Suspenders, al ways 50c, Saturday 9Ca at Saturday Drug Needs Look in our 16th and Dodge Streets Store windows for our own line of Made in Omaha Drug and Toilet Preparations. Patent Medicines Reduced Rexa.Il Kidney Cure 45o, 89o Bordon'a Malted Milk 45o, 76o $1 Lydta Flnkham's Compound 89o $1 Rexall Vegetable Compound 890 tllyco-Thymollne ....85a, 45o, 89o Newbro's Herplclde 45o, 89c Hexall 93 Hair Tonlo ....60c, S1.00 Fellow'a Syrup 89o, fl.34 $1 Gray'n Olycerlne Tonic 89c Eflkay'a Food SSo, 45o, 6So $1 Wine of Cardul 89o Dr. Cooper'g Medicine 43o, 89o l Hoatetter'a BUters 89o $1 Squlbb'g Baraaparllla 75o OzomulBlon 45o, 890 Jiexall Orderlies 10c, 25o, 60o Scott's Emulsion 45o, 89o flyomel 45c, 89o Hexall Mucutone '. . 46o, 98o LlHterlne ,15c, ao, 45o, 890 Robertson's Grape Juice, per gallon bottle 7So 25c Hires' Root Beer (makes five gallons) for 14o MINERAL WATERS We carry over 100 different kinds of mineral waters at the lowest prices. BSIOHTEW THIWQS VP Jap-a-Lac, all colors, from 10c, per can up. Makes furniture and woodwork look like new. We are exclusive agents for Sherwln & Willtarrw celebrated paints, a t pedal ready mixed paint for every purpose. The hexall Stores BHERMAXT ft MoCOmJELI. DRUQ CO., 16th and Dodge. OWL DRUO COMPANY, Corner 16th and Harney Street!. LOTAL PHARMACY, Loyal Hotel. HARVARD PHARMACY, Corner 34th and rarnant Street!. I MENU If jggp X. A U( V -a---- am w l Pish I Ml New Potatoes I 11 J in Cream I Stewed Tomatoes ) y .,' J Salad ) ' I Ice Cream, Cake 1 J Tea Biscuit I J Coffee or I a tures on the east side of Tenth street In the business district. 1 None of the old residents are quite cer tain as to when or by whom they wore erected. It is known that they have been there since the time when everything west of there was a cow pasture. Older residents say the buildings have been occupied for the last fifty years. In their day they were palatial affairs and were occupied by the best merchants of the city. On the second floor of one for many years was a public hall where meetings of more than ordinary Importance were held. As business gradually moved away from Tenth street th buildings seemed to be come more undesirable and for the last ten or fifteen years they have been oc cupied by oecond-hand and Junk dealers Desperate Shooting pains In the chest require quick treat ment. Take Dr. King s New Discovery for safe and sure relief. 50c, $1.00. Tor sale y Beaton trug Co. 1 Straw Hats IN EVERY WANTED STYLE, VERY MODERATELY PRICED". Genuine ' Ecuadorian Panamas, special priced at S3. 50 and $5.00 Porto Rican "Panamas" at ' $1.50 $1.9S and $2.50 Split Braids and Sennet Straws, at 951 $1.50 $1.98 $2.50 SPECIALS The Latest Knit Ties, 11.00 grades at Cooper Closed Crotch Union Suite at , 45c $1.00 Soft Shirts, collar to match, French cuff, $1.00 values, 0Qg CUT PRICES ON ALL TOILET ARTICLES Lee's Rhubarb Laxative BOo Tona Vita tl.BS 35o Klatlatoe Cveam for Ho (Sample Free.) 2f.c KHkay's Cream for 14c 25c Frostllla for 18o 60c Pompelan Massage Cream.. 89o BOo bottle Bay Rum 86o 5 cakes Ivory or Wool Soap . .190 39c Plnaud's Soap 190 25c Sanltol Tooth Paste 18o 60c Violet Cream .....190 50c Malvlna Cream 19 50c Java Rice Powder for 84o 25c Babcock's Corylopsla on sale ISo We are the exclusive agents in Omaha for the famous Dorothy Vernon line of Face Powders, Toilet Water, Cold Creams, Perfumes, etc. 1UG CANDY SPECIAL Box of Barr's 60c SATURDAY 29c 60c Benedetto AUegrettl's Italian Chocolates 39 C for ; W W A 50c mail box will be given Saturday free with a 25c purchase. Y, M, G, A. PARK OPENING SATURDAY. JUNE 8th, 1912 rilOGRAM 3:00 P. M. Base Ball Game 4:00 P. M. Tennis Matches 5i00 P. M. Acquatic Sports 6:30 P. M. DINNER (See Menu.) 8:30 P. M. Illumination. 0:00 P. M. Campflre. YOU ARE INVITED ADMISSION FREE WM. J. BOEKHOFF, tail Dealer. PhOTIPS i ru0Ile& flnd-A-ailS. AMVSEMESTS. BOYD'S S;, TONIGHT Stetson's Big Double UNCLE TOM'S CABIN Prices 85c, 35a, 60c Mat. 10o-85o 6 Apt me a a Mir Saturday morning, June 8, at 8:30, begins the great have been waiting and watching for. The entire stock at unheard of prices. GINGHAM PETTICOATS in perfect condition, while they last, Saturday.... Washable Petti coats, black sa teen and heath erbloom Petti coats, worth to $2.50, choice 48c Excellent Petti coats, in genuine Heatherbloom and fine Parasalow cloth, black and colors, worth $3 89c GREAT SALE of The finest black Voile Skirts, Panama cloth Skirts, white serge Skirts worth to $12.50, in one lot , $3.98 In a The Base all PfTase ' We have made a decided hit with our dependable boys' shoes both with the mothers and boys. They fit better, have a neater appearance and we guar antee them to outwear two pairs of ordinary boys' shoes. You will cut the shoe bill in two if you put these shoes on ypur boy. 1 to 5, $2.00 10V6 to u, $1.75 Boy Scout Shoes The Ideal play shoe for boys. We hare them in tan, gray and olive; according to size $1.75 to $2.50 DREXEL 1419 Faraam ODA tells the story better than words of the summer vacation of weddingtripof things of interest to the folks at home and so easy. Let us show you how simple it is to make pictures the kodak all by daylight way. :: :! IM, Robert Dempster Go. 183 Farnam Strtet 308 South 15th Straat The Restaurant Inspectors have been around and in visiting The Belmont Restaurant the say that they were surprised to see everything in such sanitary shape. One said: "The kitchen reminds me of the well kept kit chen at home." Drop In and see what you have missed by not eat ing here before. 1516 Bodg-a Straat Optn All N itfit C. H. BALL, Proprietor Look for Larga Electric Sign. r- LAKE HANAWA Ajore Beautiful Than Ever Before Boating. Dancing' In the Grand Ball Room, Music by Arthur M Smith's Orchestra, Kree Moving Pictures Every Evening. BIAHT OTHEB ATTRACTIONS Vou will enjoy a meal, lunch or refreshments serveO i;i the restau rant, which is now entirely en closed with screen and Is first class in every way. KAPHA "A Hit" In Boys1 Shoes e Sale of egiiis All 19c BLACK PETTICOATS of Sateen and Heatherbloom, plain and fancy worth to $1.50, mostly perfect, at Sateen and Silk Petticoats AU shades, combina tion colors, also changeable colors, worth $4.00 $1.25 DRESS SKIRTS from Dress skirts, in all styles and shades; pretty, new styles, also plain tailored skirts, worth to $10.00 $2.98 Skirts worth $7.50, for S1.98 In this lot you will find every tiling .in style and material, worth to $7.50, $1.98 PEEi Jme jjr Priced i Black ISS, TS V-l! H Note the sensibleness of this low-heel pump for misses. Notice the genuine individuality of its ef fect. Growing feet need put such footwear. A full line of these Low-heel pumps, made with straps, for misses and children. fij 1 ' r : 17- I rnr everv n Many an Omaha home has been blessed with beautiful silverware during the past few weeks. The plan of The Bee and Omaha merchants for placing 65-piece sets of Wm. Rogers & Son's silverware in the many thousands of homes of the west has met with great success. Save the coupons printed here each day they get you silver teaspoons and gather certifi cates and coupons at the stores of Omaha merchants they bring yoy'the other pieces. Save the coupons THESE MER CHANTS GIVE COUPONS and certificates with purchases'. ASLBBICAN THEATER Cor. ibili "H111 uoaglaa Sta. BEEB tit Ail 'Ui-i ooaaaniara' fs- ' itiuutor. iiouijiiia f tsaire pattern. . . for tioatatre. Same Street and t'ostofflce No. iiUi'TiaiNOT ixaw stUmkud Bale srj, liaavaa worta ax. BSAHSEI5 ?LOJ.iaX iEPX- kiitfrus. MZBKA3XA 313 SontA 16ts BU HILI.SK LIQVOB CO. IS03 i-araam St. 3IEGEATH ; ; o-Xi'-T CO. Fcusaia St. IStti cut! T&xamsa Name Address J PoitofHcs Petticoats Saturday sale that hundreds of people of Dress Skirts and Petticoats 39c Messaline Silk Petticoats, al so pretty silk Petticoats $1.69 Highest and best grade Silk and Messaline Petti coats, worth to $8.50- $2.4842-98 the Famous Stock Wool Dress Skirts,. 69S On lot of Wool Skirts, while they last 69c iPA SOUTHWEST COR. Uly.a 13TH AND FARNAfti 16 IS & DOUGLAS. JH - '1 mp - fpr si vpr Clip This Coupon a Omaha Bee Daily Coupon Tbls coupon when presented wltn tbe tour others consecutively numberedand 10 cents to cover the coat of handling, entitles the holder to one Wm. Rogers & Son guaranteed Teaspoon of Le Xece. Out-of-town readers will add 2c extra tX jrou Ut In tba Wty brlnf jooi conpona to the ffica of Tha Baa Clip This Coupon f Yearly Subscription Caupon Omaha Bee j This coupon when properly aifned and presented at the office of The Omaha Bee (or mailed by thosa reald ln out of town) will bring to the holder full informa tion how every honve can secure a full dozen Wm. Rog. era A Son guaranteed Teaspoons at once. Aiso, the sender will receive a tree catalogue of all pieces of this set together with the number of cou pons and certificates required for each piece and the cames ol Omaha firms issuing them to toe public Tula offer applies to everyone whether a present subscriber to Tba sea or not. ' 1