Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1912, Image 12
Drawn for The Bee by Tom McNamara Us Boys Some Entertainment, the Fans Agree Registered in U. 8. Patent Office. BIG MOMSNTS IM VESTEROAV GREAr HKY WMAN6" DOUBLE HEADER. MOBtE.ttBAOER-.- 'socks' back t&"empiWfo os. i kao 7d chase him about tem Blocks me aio up htrWr- idamT t& work, ao more EQUALS DIVIDED WHAN6S ' MM ONE AND HINKYS WIAI ONE RECORD ATTEMDAMCE POULt fc WeO N-THE-.UUOCL r-AMS AND 2. GIR15 VllTgiS PROCEEOtN SCRUB TEAM WHICH K PLAIfNt IM PLACE OF CAU$ t00 AAJO VOW? TEAM, TUG "HINtfYS ", IS TbO TOU6M tuiTH MIN. AJOU) 7D-0AY uWATHP SAYS GOES. if Voli Gfl" FRESH 440 TifPt RCCKS AT HIM (U CAM YOOR. TEAM FROM OUR SAY. UUiaiE THAT WA6 ' OHB "5M6U T7V fW J HOOU) snicker. AM) AU. FEU oiuE i price too: OLEANOERS TAKEO - ILL TUC YeR - ' "miil I" UHEM SHE -L, 6UCW . I CRACKS! I f . 1 : ; ir- . r ' i . rv-ZPlT'-. Pt5 -irL I V J ' - I 1 ilS) ; i . .r-v v mwmt w . tv wa u t-v xi a i .',sw ' CT b i- UMPIRE SOCKS UHC SCCIODED HIMSELF THC dTWER OAV APTER A RIOT MAO BEEN PRECIPITATED BY CMC OF HlS hfrClSlONS U)AS CAPTURED BY PKeSlOPMT SHRIMP FCrA WANT ADS tl'ant ds received at any time, but I to insure proper ciawlflcation must be presented before 12 o'clock in. for the evening edition and before 7:30 p. in. for morning and Sunday edi tion. Want ad received after auck feours will have their first Insertion under the heading "Too Late to dusty." . CASH RATES"TOR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION One insertion IK centa per word and 1 cent per word for each aubaequent 'eonaecutive lnaertion. Each inser tion made on odd days 1 cent per word; $1.50 per Une.per month wtaeu ad U run without change of copy. ; . . : ' - DEATHS ASD MJKBIIAL OTICE. .WETMUBLLfcR-Carl. " at . Cheyenne, ' , June fi, Mil '. , . Funeral notice 'later. ' r T" r MARHIAGte I.ICEW SBS. The following rnarriafe licenses were granted: .. . Na,me and Residence., Ag- Abraham, L. Stewart. Omaha tlu Hill. Omaha 33 Isaac Ginsberg, .Omaba..... X Rose Maslel, Omaha. w.. M Oordon, C. Dlmeek, Sou(h Omaha...... 38 Anna M. fiufft South Omaha.....,....;. X Harry Sunflcld,' Omaha ;..k.,... ...... 27 Sadie Bernstein. Omaha. 20 i .BIRTHS A.-KAtHS. . Births Antonlno and.GIuseppa Belflore, VI Poppleton avenue, boy; . R. L. and Josephine M. Burnap; 312 South Twenty first street, girl; . A. and Edna . E. Graham, Clarkson hospiui, boy; F. E. and Mary A. Helsse, Methodist Epis cwpal hospital, boy; Jacob' and Meta Ja Cobsen, lid South Fifty-first street, girl; Lute and Emma Kotous, 1903 Soutn Fif teenth street, girl; N. K. and Keri Ko mero, bit North Twenty-fourth street, boy; R. II. and Morn Morrison, 1541 North. Nineteenth street,' boy; Cnrls and Alary Wena. J91S Clark street, boy. . ueathsJean-H. Scott, T9 yars, 405 South Forty-second street; Peter Grasser, 45 years, Fortieth and , Poppleton avenue; Airs. Pearl Lorls, 32 years; Clarkson hos pital. : ' , , ..... HRD OP TH1KKI. "VV'e desire' to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to the Koyal Achates lodge, , No. 1, employes of the Omaha Council Ululfs Mrecl Railway company and to our friends and neighbors for the many kindnesses, sympathy and beautiful I (oral offerings during the' long illness and death of our beloved futlier, brother and uncle, Albert V. Ijarson. MAE LARSON AND KKLATIVES. BULOl.XU PEIIM1TS. C. M. Bryant. 4432 North Twenty-first street, rrame dwelling, E. Carson Abott, 3618 Mason stret, frame dwelling 12,500. , HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. STENOGRAPHER. wholesale Imple ments I. Stenographer, wholesale c0. Cashier 42$ and board. Comptometer operator 100. Billing cierk-46. ' CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. . 1016-16 City Nat l Bank Bldg. Hoaackeepere and Domestics. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM UOLVEDThe Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring your ad to The Bee office of telephone Tyler, 1000. - v GIRL tor general housework, 254s Chi cago. WANTED A wash woman, near 27th and Burt. Call Doug. 5890. GIRL for general housework. Apply at gu ram Ave. rnone iiarney mm. WANTED A wash woman with refer ehces. Har. 2904. WANTED Girl for general housework, good wages, 2S13 Dodge. ' GIRL for general housework, ex perienced. . Four In family, no washing. &tow Harney bt. leu Harney 3so. WANTED Competent or second girl for general housework. at19 Farnam. Mrs. X. A. Bpiesaerger. housework; good home for the right party. 4(S44 Dodge St. Phone Harney 'XA. WANTED-Competent girl for general housework. t313 tHjuglas. , Tel. Harney 4402. WANTED Girl or woman for general housework; one who can go home nights, a very good home for right party; small lamiiy. can at once at 423 N. istth. ANTED Woman to wash on Mon- liiys; rtterenees. Phone H. 4Sw. ( -I M PKTEWT vlrl tnr nn.riil hm... work. Mrs. Hall, 412 N. Sitth St. H. 6$tt, WANTED Competent girl for general houtiework in family of three adults; good wages; must have good references. WANTED Reliable girl for general nouwork; small family; no cooking, Apply forenoons. Foreigner preferred, iu . atn St. - ' Sf tscc I la GIRL to learn hairdresslng. Oppen bm Psriors. 2d floor. City Nat. Bank 10LAU womrn coming to Omaha as eti anger are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association bulldinv at St Mary's Ave., and lTth. St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding piaces or otherwise assisted, look lot our travelers' guide at the union station W AN T ED Cashier for railroad dining house; 125 month, board ejid room. Ad dress J. K. Chambers, Long Pine. Neb., care m xsormwestern. , HELP WANTED MALE A Keats, Salesmen aad Solicitors. "fipraln your ankle, "break a leg," get upnoio lever u your income is insured with the Home Casualty Co., 800 BrandeU max- Live agenu wanted. Apply at once, SMOU). AAjb PUT BACK OWe JoB FOR. XlESTEHOAYi BI6 00U6L6 HKLF wanted male AipiiIi, Saleamca aad solicitors. MINNESOTA COLONIZATION TRACT. We want good, live agents 1n fach dis trict to sell our steam plow lands In our colony -In northwestern Minnesota, at from 115 to 23 per acre, with eight years to pay for It Tompkins Land & Immi gration Co., 323 Jackson St.. St. Paul. Minn. ANY real salesman clonely covering small territories desirous of Increasing their earnings are invited to write George Gregory, manufacturer of .the popular and well known R. & G. shoe, of Lynn, Mass.; for particulars. CITY salesman, must have references, married man preferred. 415 Karbach Blk. AGENTS make big money during sum mer. A crackerJack . article. Big sales, ta to (I a day made. Write for sample. We send It free. Home . Needs Co., oi St. Peter St.,' New Orleans. La. . Good men are hard to get. They don't' wander around the streets looking for signs In windows. When you need good help - advertise In The Bee. , .Pee Want ada are read hv keen, energetic, men who wish to better their condition. Rates . lc per word - If . run . two or more times consecutively. .Tele- phone Tyler 1000. WANTED Young single man with good reference to travel with manager and solicit. Kxperienre unnecessary; drinkers or cigarette smokers need not apply. Address, W..W. Jones, 1'ork. Neb. Clerical, aad Office., ACCOUNTANT, Insurance, experience Drefeired-IW-I100. , , Shipping clerk, wholesale ' and retail. Stenographer, railroad, out. of .town-ISS. Stenographer and . clerk, railroad Billing clerk, automobiles CO-OPEKATIYK .RBrKKKM-'JS pu 1016-W. City 'Nafl Bank Bldg. WANTED Younr man stenographer and bookkeeper; , make application by let ter only. In own handwriting; state age, experience and 'Present position and sal ary; references required. Address Com mercial club, umana. FULL, dress suits and party dresses for sale; also for rent. ' 1100 to Il.n0 a night, JOHN 'FELDMAN. 20ft N. 17th. D. 13. Factory and Trade. , Drug store fsnsp) JohsKnlest, Bee Bldg. SASH and door man at once. P. H. Wind? Sons, Planing Mill. Council Bluffs. Hi DQirn mim n.mA m naif trmm .. wsall I CVUIIiiimilunu i aa BJ 'WJ . m-vniaj o v a ' ' the right man; uo students; phone 122, LITHOGRAPHIC, commercial designer and engraver; permanent position tor a first class man. The Artcrart litho graphing Co., Detroit. Mich. W.NTKI1WlYin KNGRAVRRfi: Bond wages and steady work guaranteed. Send proofs, stating salary wanted, i-tawtin Engraving Company, St. Lout, mo. TINNER wanted to work In open shop, 402 Hamilton. Phone Harney 2971. Mlacellaneooa. TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed you by the Union pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroads If you tain your training in our school. Practlca on R. R. wires. Ad dress for particulars. H. B. Boyles, Pres. Boyles College, Omaha, eB. TRAIN auditors are now on about 30 railroads; would you like such position? Railway experience unnecessary; good salary. For application blank, send stamp and name of this paper. Foster Llbbey A Co., 310 Monadnock Bldg., Chi cago. YOU ARE WANTED for government position. ISO per month. . Send postal for list of positions open. Franklin institute, Department 217 P., Rochester. N. Y. WANTED 50 men on sewer at Superior, Neb.; trench wark by foot. $1.60 on up. Kelley Constrtetlon Co. MOVED 5 OUR NEW . TRAINING SHOPR ke largest finest and best equipped i1ant for automobile training. Do van want pleasant outdoor work, wttb fcioussnds of money making oppor- tuaffles? Write or call on us. Day or alght classes. Unlimited course; llheral terms. NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE TRAINING ASS'N.- 2S14 N. 30th St Omaha, Neb. 500 MEN 20 to . years old wanted at once for electric railway motovmen and conductors: $9 to $100 a month; no ex perience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike; write Immediately for application blank. Address Y 60. Bee. 7.0(10 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN. W'rlte for list. Franklin Insti tute. Dept. 214 P., Rochester, N. Y. WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY Able- bodied unmarried men between the ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States of good character and temperate habits who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to re cruiting officer. 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha. Neb.; 607 4th St., Sioux City, la,; 130 N. 10th St., Lincoln. Neb. WANTED More people to raise poul try with the Old Trusty Incubator. Write for free catalogue. M. si. Johnson. Clay Center. Neb. WANTED Man in green house. 301V So. 16td Si. . . " , WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position by a man capable of managing, or what have you? Ad dress L 359. Bee. ' YOUNG man wants position Jn garage or for private-family, can give good references. C 266 Bee. SITUATION WANTED Want work In garape. K 25t. Bee. , LADY wants position as short order cook. Harney 40,4. -vv.t. - . . 1 1 .1 . 9 .,!'. ..!, IllV-lllB, prices reasonable: satisfaction. II. 6374. WASHING and lr-!!ruf; fine. T., H. 543. BUNDLE washing, 60 cents a dosen, rough dry. 25 cents a dosen. Weh. 2188. Family ft bundle laundry; guar, W. 6903. YOUNO woman want place to work board and room while going to school. Address D 265, Bee. LADY wants day work. Call Red. 8205. Family wash, rough dry, bundle. H 6442. SITUATION wanted by a good all around farm hand. Good service given and good wages wanted. Address h 254 Bee. -. . , POSITION wanted to do housework for man and wife or widower or single man. Address MIhs Aleene Miller, Omaha. Neb. General delivery- ,J THE FIRST GAME, U)H CM rtC VVOAJ BY THE? SCORE Of 33 "TO lr JEEOUP O' ClOOD, TH HlMRYS ' UrT FIELDER. WHILE OM THE ThIR.0 RASC COACWI06 UAJf: PUIUAI6 OFF SOMC WU6HEY JfWWiMGS STlifF.GETS lM8A0tt)(TH SOMt VlMAMfe" PAWS IW TMe GRAWO STAND WHO THEIR. CXSAPPRPOAI. OF HIV FFfaRTs UJt-LL AIMED HARO 60ILE0 ROCKS ETC. WANTED SITUATIONS. FIRST class practical nurse, Harney 510. PfYITIflN .tfrnpprv i-lirk. Vollnff - ..... w . v.. r, - j j - nnn , n. A a fm' .vn.i'l.niu1 ,lOn VLrltH If, all, n j jw-ain t-a y.; iit-, " ifood band Dief erred:, owns cornet. Ad- arens' Y T 1 1 ' ' Am.l..'t.a,ha, ami rci nA,l I ion t Vl..., I VIII.IIB . t. 1, 1 ... .... , ------ small children. Address O 7S5. care "Bee. COMPOSITOR WANTS SITUATION. Flrst-clas iobber. above the a.verage. nonunion, sober, reliable. Address "Con f.dentlal," B 2", Bee. WiKTTn D.ultlnn rf IvnUt with flrTTI with an nnnnrtiinitv nf advancement' as stenographer. C. 902, Bee. AMUSEMENTS OMAHA FILM KXAUiU and Motion picture machine and film bargains. Ur 1X771.-11 Civ I 'urrtltal Anil Exposition Co., merry-go-round,, an kinds of shows and concessions for monster DAmn'm ...nival a. Hmaha .TllllA ) t(l Till,, tt' maliln. I am ELcfriirav ami 4th f)f July, at show grounds;' also all kinds of iree arts, vt e supply iree. aiiranuuB for celebrations, fairs and home-comings. Address E. C. McGulgan, Supt. of Privi leges, Room 12, Croutise Blk., Omaha, lsen. "I'lione uougias ajaa vvAT!,lJ Attracnons ror.rourin ui July. Acrobats or bicycle riders. Address C T. Pike, Edgar, Neb. ANNOUNCEMENTS. MACK1ES Summer 6c dancing opens Monday. June 10th., floor 60x80 ft. flno music, moving pictures sll the time. 1SIC Harney St. Everybody come. '' " , EL CONTENTO HA BAN A CIGAR. Box 60, postpaid, $2.75; try half do.en; If not satisfactory money refunded. , BEA TON DRUG CO.. 1503 Farnam, Om-.a. SILKS DIRECT FROM LOOMS at prices- you can not duplicate at any. of your stores as we are manufacturers. and taffetas in 36-Inch width. Save money by dealing direct with us. Upon request we will send you sample and prices. "" V - v , ,; ' ROY CHAPMAN ec.CQ.. . 107-109 E. 17th St. Paterson, N. J. TaTir. A V ft- Eastman Goods, complete rVUlJAJ.0 8toc,. Large8t finfohlntf department In the wet. . THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO., 1813 Farnam St. and 308 8. 16tn St.' GET your diamonds at Brodegaard's.. S. E. Morrill, china paint. 833 Brandels i'h Oil Ail A TENT CO. ' Tel. 622 Douglas. Stevenson, carpenter, cent. Both 'phones. D. S. Griffith, wig mfr., 12 Frenzer , nimi'D T lj TTITII TPI .11'! A T I Nt i Co., 506 Paxtoh Blk.. circular letters, any quantity; o.dcat established company; ex perts Of MUltlgrapn ana rueumym. MONEY ro loan iajW rate, in suixi to suit. 310 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. 2904. UNION LOAN CO. 8. H. Cole Sign Co. D. 3768 1316 Farnam. Omaha Bill Posting Co., 1915 Har. D. 2ftl4. SOD SOD SOD SODDING DONE. BENSON 714 W. Twenty per cent less than Omaha prices. UOMI1 FURNITURE CO.. Twenty-fourth and L 8ts South Oma..a. T wenty-iourin ami u tw goui.ii Upholstering, piano, turn, rep. 2S04 Far l.--al .a r-nl.ralt ar,h'l ft Oil NHIl. tniiTi ounDlles. Aii seo film and paper. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames. W. 116. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. Guarantee Laundry. Fine work. D. 3373. Neb. Seed Co., 1208 Jones. Both phones, tit .111 K. Inra-lran Klirv. If VOU Will meet me at the Sign of the frown and the Golden siairs on win ami .B . streets. That Is where BRODEGAAnv1 sells those nicky weaomg rmga, r. . '-.w a -is It'll.. a'l.,,i, Phranhnff,: un.A.M-'mA o v, iiu viwuj , . . . i. I n a A ll B-rncr. i-neafr IIIHII iriimnimr, m,i . . ... , I uhlnu raanailra:: lawn mower sharpened. John Brlce, 311 3. 12th. D-3572. "lOlrGl.AS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 641. BEEHIVE cTngl s'r.rks We call and deliver. Both phones. Screens-Weiru-h Fixture Co.. Web. 2577 OFFERMAN 2crffl hathtuhs. $lQ.aO. 1110 Pous'aa St. AM I 11 1 DT A Mis WRAUV. 1 ' A nW IUVH11UI1 1111 utmriiwyi in, wv jt, dlacount on pictures ant framing. D. HXH. I . l u I'll t It 'Mi ria r.ri r u-aWTvri Porta Iv n-Ai'k nf nil klndd: grlnrtlTig and baw filing. Call Ind. 8-263. ANCHOR FENCE CO., IfAn anrl utl-a fptHWH rbPftBr than WOOdl lafta a 'Utttme, :n7 N.lVth. Phonft Ked U. H1BBELEK '8 PAKK, .,.?, for picnics. For Information cn Hr. 2423. AUTOMOBILES A MVP TP A M Machine -works, AiUrilllVAiX Automobile repairing. Patents developed. 110 S. 11th. D. 4S8I. Murphy Did It yyi HAVING discontinued heandllng AUTO MOBILES, we offer our remaining stock consisting of, three high grade Firestone touring cars at bargain prices.- Racine Ssttley Co., Iflth and Jones Sts. Auto lamps repaired. Omaha Silver Co. TIRE REPAIRING .UK tires. We make them almost as good as new. isothtng but hfgnest priced and new materials used. Ail work guaranteed. Arthur Stors Auto Supply Co., 2020 Far nam. X . TIRE REPAIRING OMAHA TIRE REPAIR CO., Omaha's Exclusive Tire Repair House. 2201 Farnam. 'Phone Tyler 1562. RFAPOM'"1 rePa' i vuKanlie 25c. 2230 Farnam St. Doug. 1725. Your TIRE EXPENSES cut In two, Kxiert t're repalrine: work guaranteed. A UTQ TIRE REPAIR CO., 1922 Farnam. DRUMMOND Fine White gaa car worth $1,500 for tl.lQO; 3 White steam cars, big bargains, $600 and $O0 each. . ... -V. ' ' ' - NJ TME SECOOO CAPTAfW MA WAGER. A HOr OWE-.OFF THE IT OM WR.Sr AMD HAD TO RETIRE yTH6 SlftH THIS IS PROBABLX UW THE HINKYS GOT AUiAY WlfK TUP 6ATTUE- VCfle ?XTT i. : ' UilTH AitjME&ouJ AUTOMOBILES Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLE GARAGE, $1 per month. NEB. CYCLE CO., 16th and Harney Sts. WRITE for list of used motorcycles. We carry a full line of.Thor and Ex celsior parts. Any make of motorcycle re paired. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Omaha. BUSINESS CHANCES TO get in or out of business call on GANGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3477. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE or rent, official hotel trans continental route, Omaha to Denver, Ocean to Ocean auto road and A. A. A.; good Colorado town, 174. miles east Den ver; sickness of owner only reason for renting; unless you mean strictly busi ness don't answer. Write to State Bank of Holyoke or address owner, for par ticulars, u D. Sears, Hdlyoke,. Colo. A CHANCE FOR ' SOMEBODY THAT WANTS TO GO OUT OF BUSINESS, Wanted to trade 125.000 business prop erty, centrally located. 50 ft. front N 8t South OmaJia, brings' good -rent for an up-to-date general store. Party mak ing this offer will make some sacrifice. Wants to go Into business. W. jH. Lyrtehard, 16 Scott 8t.-', "Council Bluffs, la. To quickly buy or sell business, any kind, a'ywh're. Kennebeck Co.,.642 Bee Bl'g, Qm.' FOR SALE Holly Beauty Shop, doing big business. Reasons for selling, sick ness... Write, . Mrs. Holly... Excelsior Springs, Mo. Ed Rothery. Business and Real Estate Exchange Co. Room 319, McCague Bldg. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN BLAOK mlth's tools, fixtures' and stock;, will sell af Invoice price;, only- shop. In town; good business; reason for ' selling - one partner has only two fingers and wants to dissolve partnership. .Apply Larsen Nemlta. Kenton, la. , . .. . . . - BUY a lot In a; new western Canada town .from us and 'you are certain 'to make splendid profit. We have a clean, square, business proposition for' you, hav ing business property in all new . terminal anti division points In western Canada. Every one can buy at our prices, and eaay terms. Write quick 'for Information. National Canadian Townshe Co.,.PIoneor Bjdg.'. St. Paul, Minn. ' FOR SALE. - . . Three-chair barber shop, bath and good building and lot, all' -for $l,00i) cash. Write L.- X,j Layton. Rlverton,' Neb,' FOR SALE Grocery store' and three lots, $1,800. Address Mrs. T. ). Browne, Wayside, Neb. ' . ' - ' FOR SALE interest In the -best hardware. Implement and harness stores In southeastern Minnesota; $3,200 will handlo this. .Address Hardware, Box 290, Dexter, Minn. - , BUSINESS PERSONALS Attractions. ATTRACTIONS wanted for 4th of July. Committee, Ida Grove, la. WANTED-Attractlons Fourth of July at Clarkson, Neb. Attorneys. . O. W. Shields. Attorney! 327 B. of Trade. Bag Mnnnfactarera. BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO.; Omaha. Neb. Box and Package Mannfaetnrers. "Wooden Box &. Package Co.. 1514 N. 19th. Chiropodists. DR. ROY, 1MVJ Farnam. Douglas 6497. Clothlns Mannfactarera. Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. E. Smith Co, Cornice and Steel tellings. CARTER Sheet Metal-Works Omaha. I'reamerlea, Dairies and Supplies. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Detectives. L. W. LONGNECKER. 517 Karbach Blk. Omaha Secret Scrv. 428 Paxton blk. D. 1319. JAMES ALLAN 312 Neville Blk. Evi- dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. Dentists, ' Bailey, the dentist. City Nat l. D. 2366. Mach Mach. 3d floor Paxton. D. 1085. Taft's dental rooms. 1617 Doug. D. 2186. Dressmaking. Terry's Dressmaking college, 30th 4 Far. SEWING by day, Red 3265. Dressmaking Suits and crowns; good work guar. 1639 N. 20th. Tel. Web. 4S43. DRESSMAKING. Tel. Harney 3999. Dressmaking by the day. Webster 5435. SPECIAL 1-plece dresses; also children's sewing. 839 K 24th St. Tel. Red 6347. Peed Mills and Stores. Feed, all kinds. Glencoe Mills, '5332 Izard. Every thins for - Womm.j. Dr. Babcock Co., 202 Wlthnell. 15 Har. CARPETS and ruga cleaned on floor without removal; free estimates. The Ideal Air Cleaning, Co. Phone Dous. 745 and 1936. DRESS pleating, buttons covered, all Slies and -styles. THE IDEAL PLEAT lNGCOi. 300 Douglas Block. Both phones. Everything . Electrical. Electric lighting fix., wholesale and retail. Burgess-Granden Co.. 1511 Howard. D. 681. ELECTRIC FANS SfewS ARD ELEC. CO., 317 S. 13th. D. 8931. Klorlata. A. rvmsghue. 1607 Far. D. lflni; ' A-.oni, HESS A SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON, itils Farnam. D. 1258. BATH'S FLORISTS, Boyd Theater Bid. BENNETT'S, cut flowers. - Doug. 137. - Foundries. McDonald brass and bronze foundry, ahn mlnura. tin. lead castings. 1407 Jackson. Movluu, MoriiKc and Cleaning. Furn. Moving; t men, $1 per hr. W. 2748. PIANO moving. Cole's storage and ex press. 1616 Capitol Ave. l 670, A-3937. GORDON Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Moving furniture, packing, fireproof storage. . City office. 216 8. 17th. Douglas 391 or ind. A-lJll CAME. SHRIMP FLYWAJ,THE AMMAM6S AWD PITCHER IM TRVlAJfe TO OAPfURP BAT M) iTh HS SALARY HAMO Gor BUSINESS PERSONALS Monte, Art and Languages, FRANCIS POTTER Agent for GiWn mandolins, and guitars; Farland banjos. 10 Baiangft BIK. Nurseries and Seeds. STEWART'S SEEDMEN. ' 119 N. Wth, ASTERS. 15c. Salvia. Verbena, 40c; Giant Carnations, Giant Daisy, Pansy and Forget-Me-Nots, 25c per dozen; fine plants: prepaid. Ferguson Bros., Station D, Omaha. . Phone Benson 331. llptlt-lnns. B. F. Wurn, fitting and rep'g. 443 Brandeis. Osteopathy. Alice Johnson, 308-9 Brandels The. Bldg. Katheryn Nickolas, 634-6 Brandels The. Patents, -. , : D. O. Barneli. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Willard Eddy,. 1530 City Nati. Bk. Bldg. PbotoKraphers. Rinehart, photographer, 18th & Farnam. ; . Plating. ,,. OMAHA "SILVER CO., 01 S. 13th. ' Printing. , , ., . Lew W. Raber, Printer ouiofs BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. LET the CENTRAL PRINTING CO. do your. -work. 1417 Douglas St. Tel. D. 3754. Rels-HaJl Ptg., Co.,, 109 S. 14th. Ir.d. A-3524. Lyngstad Printing Co., 16th and Capitol Ave. Tel. Ind. A-2620 for good printing. , Steel Tank and Culvert . C'onipanlea. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Com pany, lh and Nicholas. Doug. 3869. Stenographers and Coort Keportera. Myrtle A- Kelley, 706 Bran. The. D. 5687. Tents and twninga. OMAHA TENT CO." Tel. Douglas 822. Tranks and Salt I'smes. . Frellng &' Steinle, 1803 Farnam St. . Wines and Mqoors. . WILLOW Springs beer, liquor, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jctes. 501-3 S. 13th St. y i u. j i m Lfn liiu nine, i-. a. iwau uv.,.- tie. Klein Liquor House. 522 N. 16th. St. ,-ii,r, r-i , T"i a o f n ; . , a . i rnA hnt. LIVE STOCK FOR CALE Horses and Vehicles. T? VTTPTi1 'Q Barn. Horses and ' farm nrjPjrj n mares for-sale; draft and wagon horses to let by the day. 2531 Sherman Ave. Phone Webster 1126. Buggy Bargains Must close out before we move, 30 ve hicles, all kinds, new and second-hand. DRUMMOND 18th and Harney Sts. ALFALFA hay, $15 ton. Wagner. 801 N. 16 SMALL team mules. Wagner, S01 N. 16. LOST AND FOUND PKRSONS having lest some article would do well to call up the office of tne Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it In the street cars. Manv articles each day are turned in and the company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 48. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILW'AY COMPANY.' LOST Diamond shape fraternity pin, Initials G. V. C. on back. Reward. Tel. Harney . 4S20. ' MEDICAL Dr. Babcock, specialist: both sexes. 202 Wlthnell Bldg.. 15th and Harney Sts.- Women'B ailm'ts. Dr; Burke, 42 Doug. Blk. Ladies' guaranteed remedies- 401 Ware blk. DR. RACE Specialist, nervous an? all chronic diseases. 23a Harney. Doug. 3S43. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. K. R. Tarry cures Piles, Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. Bee . Bldg., Omaha. ALOPHETS "The New Laxative.", For constipation, absolutely satisfaction guar anteed 'or money refunded; 50c per. box prepaid. Anderson Medical Co., Peter son, la. MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattels. READY. CASH. For your convenience at most most rea sonable rates and easy terms. We make . K PERSONAL NOTE LOANS No mortgage no security. No Indorser required. DROP IN AND SEE'US. ; We can save you mney. ' NATIONAL LOAN COMPANY. 606 Bee Bldg. . Sixth Floor. NOTICE. Loans negotiated on real estate, furni ture, pianos, salaries, etc. Very low rates and confidential. We will appre ciate your cali." BIGGEST. BEST AND CHEAPEST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 308 Paxton Block. 217 S. 16th St Telephone Doug. 1411 or Ind. A-1411. MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping house and others, without se curity; easy payments. Offices In 67 prin cipal cities. Tolman. 503 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg., formerly N. Y. Life Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS, $5 to $1U). SALARY LOANS. You can get it today of STAR LOAN CO.. 644 Paxton Block. Money Doug. on furniture, pianos and real estate at a-very low - rate of Interest. 220 Bee Bldg. A-1356. DIAMOND LOANS at 2H and 5 per cent. FLATAU. 1514 Dcdge St. Tel. Red 5619. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and ituoms. O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. 611. A-261L YE0-A)-1H- WOOL- FAWS Lf AUIWO AFTERESTERDaXS BI6EAJ7ERTAJWMEAJT "OFFERED FOR RENT , Uuard. and Kooum. LARGE south room: lavatory, hot and cold water; also ' one,- other room, with board. 123 So. 25th Ave. DESIRABLE place, large porch, cool rooms, excellent hoara. n a. ' mvn. oi.. Phone Douglas 5138.. "- -'-."" 5J0 N. ' 21ST ST.-Rooms and board. Phone Tyler 1533. - . REEDHURST. 106. N. 35th; coinfortable rooms, table board If desired. D. S350. MODERN east racu In private family for two or more ".afentlemen; walking dis tance. Douglas. 7551. .. ... ' Furnished Itooins; , FOUR NICELY" FURNISHED ROOMS 7N ' STRICTLY MODERN HOUSE f Shade,, quiet, neighborhood, three blocks froniv postoffice. Inquire 1717 Cass St. FOR RENT rooms; modern, but heat; 3001 Davchport St . Tel. Ind. B. 5574. NEWLY - fur.nished; ' private family; no other roomers. H 4334. 4 ,TW 111WI- .Ul IIIB1ICU 'BVVllll IVUIU I " block from car line.' Phone Doug. 8122, Rinri AflF messenger -service and tAVJVJAUi..,.light hauims; prompt service; reasonable rates. Auto Del. & Mes. Co.. 1715 DoUgtaa St. Tels. D. 3946; A-3496. EXTRA good furnished - room . with private family, half block to car line. 831 S. 23d. St.: airy and cooL" HARNEY STREET, 2617BeauUful foam in private home, -suitable for two gentlemon. ' Red 6471. '' ' ' LANDON Cool rooms, single or double. 511 South 24th St. - PARLOR -for employed lady, near car; use of kitchen and phone.! Meals if desired. $2 per week. Modern. Har. 3023. FURNISHED room, modern. 26W Chi cago... :-. ' - ' TWO or three elegantly furnished front rooms, complete for housekeeping. 2018 Davenport. - FURNISHED 6-room house for three months. Harney. 6405. 3 NICELY furnished roms, good neigh borhood. 507 So. 20th. FURNISHED rooms, strictly modern, private home, good neighborhood, walk ing distance. 418 So. 24th Ave. FURNISHED rooms; strictly modern; private home. 2018 St, Mary's Ave. Famished Housekeeping Rooms. 510 n; 21ST ST. Two light housekeeping rooms, semi-basement. Phone Tyler 1533. THE MANUEL Two room apartment, $23. The Howard, 2-rooni, private bath, $35. 21st and Howard. 3 NICE rooms, housekeeping. 1112 11th. 3 rooms for . light housekeeping, single or In suite. Strictly modern. 3029 Fowler Ave. Hotels and Apartments. Dewey Europfcnn hotel, ISth and Farnam. OXFORD anil Arcade, special wkly rate. rtnclV.' T IllT-l.-I ..I, ..Art.tla.Am....... nf A IIU 1 I.. LJ , aii ivfuu cuiciiia va. a. Oorlpn Hntfl founcll. Bluffs. Rooms t.;gueu Jiutti fc(X to m-im pfr week. Apartments and Flats. ' 4-ROOM apartment, new. modern brick; steam heat: short walking distance; ga stove, refrigerator, cupboard, wardrobe; blinds; laundry; flno janitor service. Douglas 5306. 3 and 6-room modern flat. Scargo Bldjr.. 5l6i N. 24th St., S. Omaha. Hall. 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 7406. A-4106.' -4-ROOM modern apartment. Web! 597S. 6-ROOM modern flat. '1113 'S. Uth. STRICTLY high grade 6-room apart ment on West Farnam St.' Very choice. JOHaV W. ROBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. , Furnished- Houai-t. -FOR RENT Until fall a. C-room well furnished apartment in the Barnard: no children. Apply 305 S. 17th St. or. phone Doug. 5487 or Harney 5903." FURNISHED 7-room house for summer In Field club addition; almost new; mod ern: small garden. 300S Poppleton Ave. Telephone Harney 4824 or D-203. FOR RENT One furnished cottage, Manawa Park. Inquire H. M. Barnet, Manawa-Park. Tel. . Doug. 1952 or Co. Bluffs 744. ..Ilonses and Cottages. ' - 1 573 S. 28th. t?i 8 rooms,. completely modern; $32.50. Hall, 433 Ramge. D. 7406; A -4406. . . - MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO., pack, move, store and ship H. H. goou'j and pianos: no charge for . return drive to office. Doug. 1496 or B-2428.' 4-ROOM house, SU9& S. 18th St. Tel. Dougias, 1918. -v v . - ' MOVING, packing and storing of houno hold goods and pianos is our business Omalia Van . and Storage Co., fireproof storage,- 80S S. -16th, by the viaduct. Branch 309 S. 17tli St. Tel. p. 4163; A-155. , - - NEW 5 and 6-room modern cottages; beautiful lawn and shade. 2124 Miami St. Phone Web. 1122. ; ' Houses In all parts of the city. Crelgh Sons & CO., Bee Bldg. 1515 KALI. AVE.. $35.'. 7 rooms, mod ern. Vacant June 1. " Thos. F. Hall, 4&) Ramge. Both "phones, j. - - . 2722 CHARLES 6-room .modern house. 'Phone Webster 5089. . 7-ROOM house, all modern. 3126 Cass St. 'Phone Bensop 3.3 W. COTTAGE for rent. 1506 Burt WEST FARNAM New brick, 5 bed rooms'" and 3 baths. 315 X. 3Mh Ave. RENT DIRECT FROM OWNER. Five-room cottage, newly papered. In splendid repair. Never been rented., al ways used 4s home. New bath recently Installed. The rooms are all large and pleasant. Gaa stove and - sideboard go with the house. Lot la 45x145, with nice lawn and shade trees. Barn can be used for storage. This nice little home will not be vacant long. Call and see It at 2527 N. 16th. then phone Web. 3850 for terms. 132 S. 35th, new 8-rootn modern brick house, finely finished in quarter sawed oak, every convenience, best location in city, to small family; low rent. 1103 S. 14th, Srroom brick apartment. $11 60. 1506 Park' Ave., 6-room flat, newly painted and papered, $16. W. R. HO MAN. Tel. Doug. 664. 331 Board of Trade. FROM SFARlRy C4N15 StAN&INfeOF TUG QUieV . W L. P. C. HINKYS 3 .750 tRFfSH 6IAHTS 1 -417 WHAN6b' T "1 .MI7 OLEANPER.S S 1 MM 6R0W(d OFFERED FOR RENT . i . "i Hcasva ana Cottages. T.ARinr MrmRRN'- noiTBLE HOUSE. suitable for boarding . house; 16 rooms and baths; near Farnam' and Harney cars; alterations to suit; rent $60. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO. 9--R. MOO ERN, -well - located; beautiful yard: $4. rs soutn 3itn st. wep. jo. WlfiHT-Hrw-iM MODKHN HOUSE. 1010 ARBOR. PHONE DOUGLAS 1969. LARGE brick husc, near Park liues. 2913 iyiason. Pnone Harney 1550. . HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed and for warded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. "Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Tel. .Douglas 394 or A-1314. City office. 216 S. t7th St.. Bee Bldg. FOR, RENT 6-room house, modern. 3115 Dewey'Ave.f ' WANTED TO RENT 6-room furnished house or cottage, walking distance or car line;, first-class references. Address O 250, Bee. 5 rooms, modern, .brick, almost new, close in, $25., . J. . H! DUMONT & SON. Phone Douglas 690.' 160S Farnam St: . $22.50 7-ROOM MOD. near ,24th St. car line, with large barn, fruit tfees, etc i BARNES & WILSON. ' -604 Bee Bldg. . . : Doug. 1533. HOUSES FOR RENT. $20-Eight-room. 1510 . Madison Ave., modern except, heat. $22.50-3-r. and batn, 1712 Burt St., mod ern apartment. $27.50--r. flat; 1615 Howard St., modern except heat. : $7.50-7-r. flat,, 617 South 16th St., mod ern except heat; fine repair. $45 8-r 215 Park -Ave., modern. ; $47.50-7-'r. flat. 516 South 16th St., mod. $55-7-r. flat, 524 South 16th St., modern. GEORGE & CO.. . S02-12 City National .Bank Bldg. 'Phones: D. 756 or A-1756. SEVEN-ROOM, modern except furnace; large yard and shade trees. 3016 Elm St., $22. Telephone Harney 1510. 611 S. 27th. 6-r. flat, mod., $30. 26fl3, N. 26th St.. 6-r.. part modern, $15. 2522 Rees St., 3-room, $10. BEMIS-CARLBERG CO., 310312 Brandeis Theater. Douglas 585. Stores and Offices. M CAGUE BUILDING. ' 15TH AND DODGE. Attractive office, moderate: prices. APPLY OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. . . 1606-7 Davenport, new, small stores or ground floor offices. U. B. Balcombe. Store, 320 S. 13th St., 20x45. Tel. D. 6220. OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. ALL kinds of good furniture for sale at 2564 Marcy. Call at once. IF YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY BUY NOW, A GOOD BASE BURNER IN GOOD CONDITION, WILL SELL FOR $15. WORTH $25. PHONE .WEB. 6596. ' PARTY leaving city has new range, used only one month: cost $55. Will sell cheap. Call room 821 Ramge Bldg. Mnsical Instruments. . ELECTRIC Pianos, music boxes, player pianos. Continental Novelty, 118 N. lith. EDISON Home phonograph, almost new: hand-painted flower horn and 89 records, mostly 4-minutc. Web. 6959. FOR SALE A new $LY Vlctrola; .hVJ never been us-ed. If Interested ask ft price. M 257, Bee office. PLAYER piano and GO rolls of musia for sale, or exchange. Address J 260, Bee.- - ' Miscellaneous. SPECIAL PRICES ON USED ..SEWING MACHINES. Wheeler & Wilson, 7 A. D. H.,.. $16.09 Singer, 5 X. D. H., 66..'.... '.".... ,.'..'. 22.50 Wheeler & Wilson. 5 A. D.: H...... 15.00 Free, 6 A. D. H , 24.00.. White,' 25S '..,. 25.50 White, ' 2fS 22.50 These machines have all been thor oughly overhauled and will give just as good servlci; as though they were right trom the factory. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., l.'ih and Harney Sts. SAFES Overstocked with second-hanl safes; all sizes and makes; bargains, American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St. TWO sets of beautiful stage scenery. Interior and exterior, woodland scenes, and equipments; cheap ' if sold quickly. Mackic. 1S16 Harney St. Omaha, FOR SALE Cheap, one Cecillan piano player; one . Edison home phonograph, with cabinet and fifty records, large born, also ono ladies', Kamblor wheel, nearly new. Luttbits onise. iaii jyier 1U14. KOlt SAI.K N.w 1 nH aaaa,i - Dwuiiu-iiaim carom and -pocket billiard tables and bowiins alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 407-409 South 10th street. ; . KOK SALE Two scholarships in the Omaha Commercial college and one in Boylts college, business office. Omaha Bte. FOR SALE Scholarship in Boyles col lege. Call ai or address Business office. Omaha Bee. . SOFT YELLOW PINE LUMBER. 1x6 and 1x4-10 long, at $15. This Is Nos 1 and -l stock. S. 3 . Most of It Is clear lumber. Charles Sevick, 11th and Seward Sis. Tel. Douglas 1837. OLD SAFr.s. ufc.uH.iH f. ISIS Farnam St. GROCERS' Icebox, 7 feet wide, 2 feet deep, 7 feet high, 6 doors, 2 plate glass 1 mirror, chas. H. Malllnson. 17th and Capitol Ave. POOL tablet", store, restaurant fixtures bought, sold. Levy, 2510 N, So. Omaha. PERSONAL 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Gladlsh-Pharmacy. 12th and Dodge.' MA.N'ICURING. hair dressing; facial massage, by expert; reasonable price Dte'xe,M1ho8te,LaBU:i2r a. IOWA lady, owning beautiful Omaha home mow rented, worth $10,000, mort gage S4.0U0, would like to trade for 6 oer cent securities or unmortgaged land worth KC00. Agents need nut reply ajI dress U. 261, Bee. 0