Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1912, Page 11, Image 11
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1912. 11 1 You Don't $ 100 a Week We're clos ing them out. Any , one in the V llAllflA. . . . . ill 9 Formerly at 16th CLUB BUYS J! FURNITURE Hayden Bros. Secure Contract for Furnishings for Commercial Club. ARTS AND CRAFTS DESIGN USED Famed Quarter Sawed Oak ! . St. leeid llew oirtert to Be : Supplied Throughout with VrT"itet Design.' Contracts are signed for the furniture for the new home of the Commercial club In the Woodman of the World building Hayden Bros, were the successful bid ders and won out after the strongest kind of competition. The Commercial club committee insisted that the new club rooms be- furnished only with the best to be had and the furniture marts of the east were scoured to secure the latest designs. Fumed quarter-sawed oak of the arts and crafts design was finally selected and the con tract given to the furniture department at Hayden Bros., of which Tom Crawford Is manager. The finest quality of leather is to be used. 1 Tha contract includes dining tables and chairs, settees and rockers, billiard room furniture, lounges and desks, bookcases, filing cases, furniture for the private offices, committee rooms, lounging room, rotunda and general offices-. The contract is one of the most impor tant of its kind which has been let for Borne-; time and the bidding " was most" spirited. The Commercial club appointed a special committee, of which Gould Dietz was chairman, and this committee spent considerable time looking over the vari ous samples, finally selecting the arts and crafts design. This furniture is to be ready for deliv "If One Foot Is In the Grave" And You Are a Wreck from Dyspepsia, drink Pineapple Juice! The great benefits to be derived from drinking pineapple juice will soon be apparent to those "who give it a trial It is one of the most healthful and delicious drinks ever offered the Amer ican people. It's an unequaled tissue builder - and rejuvenates the entire system. " ' " And besides doing ood pine apple juice tastes good. It is made of the pure juice of choice pineapples and is as perfect a beverage as can be put np. It is a decided aid to digestion and in cases of sore throat gives instant relief. .'."' Dole's Pineapple Juice is sold by grocers . and druggists everywhere. Order some to-day. "Cooling Drinks and Desserts," a useful little book teling how to make many pleasant, cooling drinks mailed free. Hawaiian Pineapple Products Co., Ltd. t 112 Market St, Saa Francisco Bilious? Co To Your Doctor Stir up your liver a little, just enough to start the bile nicely. One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime is all you need. These pills act directly on the liver. Made for the treatment of constipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick-headache. Ask your doctor if he knows a better pill for a sluggish liver. Then follow his advice. t&fflfi,: Pay Cash! Satisfies Us! That "Close Money" situation that con fronts you so often a few weeks after pay day need NOT come into your lives if you trade HERE. We clothe you at cash store prices, but can WAIT for our money. Ladies9 Silk Dresses At Only 8g Ladies' Heather bloom and Satine Petticoats fo reed out also. Saturday the usual up to $2.50 values goat And there's a "Cut" Price on every Nan's Suit in the house, too. No cash store bargain is & real bargain if it takes ALL the ready money you have about you. A man or woman buys every apparel need here at the prices sensa tionally advertised by cash concerns, but you settle with US on little $1 a week payments. and Farnam Sts. ery for'the new club rooms in the Wood man of the World building and it Is esti mated there will be more than five car loads. lire Would Cancel Interest on Back Personal Taxes City Treasurer W. G. -TJre and City At torney Rine have decided to look for a loophole In the law that fixes Interest on delinquent personal taxes. Hundreds of delinquents have notified the treasurer that they did not know they owed taxes. and as the Interest in instances amounts to 260 per cent they object to paying It. Dan Callahan and others notified the city council that they were willing to pay their taxes without Interest. Theso taxes, In Callahan's case, have been de linquent for twelve years. The council referred the matter to the legal depart ment. City Attorney Rine says the city cannot accept taxes without the Interest, the payment of the taxes alone being con sidered a partial payment. Mr. Ure be Ueves the city would secure thousands of dollars If a course could be adopted and taxpayers notified that taxes would be accepted without Interest. Prior to 190 property owners were not notified when their taxes were delinquent Sometimes they called to pay and found they owed the city nothing. This Irregu larity arose out Of a card Index system which did not correspond with the books. City Treasurer Ure has Instructed his employes to go to the books when a citi zen calls to pay personal taxes before telling; whether or not he owes anything. Glass Eye Knocked Out of a Creditor by a Wrathy Grocer Charles Nesacheck, proprietor of a grocery store at Fourteenth and William streets, was fined $50 and costs for as saulting Mike Svatos, one of his custom ers. Svatos is Indebted to Nesacheck and unable to pay the bill at this time. Nesacheck met Svatos on the street and demanded immediate payment. The latter told him he did not have the money and was attacked In a brutal manner. In the bout Svatos lost his glass eye and sev eral Inches of epidermis. Through his attorney Nesacheck gavo notice of appeal to the district court. HAS NO JURISDICTION IN THE FRANKLIN CASE Holding that his court had no juris diction as the crime of which the de fendant was charged with was committed at Bayard, Neb., and not In the Omaha district. Judge W. H. Munger took the case against Dr. William 8. Franklin out of the jury's hands and instructed a ver dict of not guilty. Dr. Franklin will probably be, re indicted by a grand jury at North Piatt and his case tried in the federal court at that city some time this fall. The defendant was charged with the mailing of a Utter to Mrs. Anna Wilson of Omaha In which he stated . he had sent to her by express a diamond ' ring. The ring, It was aUeged. belonged to Mrs. Wilson and that Franklin kept the ring in his possession. MUSGRAYE WINS BIG BATTLE Deputy Sheriff Masters Mysteries of Vest Pocket Cigaret Machine.. LETT BEHIND BY SICK BOOMER In paid Bill for Hoard and Room Also l.e-ft hy Yoang Man in to Evacuate lila Room. After two months' conscientious study and practice Deputy Sheriff Jim Mus jrrave nss attained to a high state of ef ficiency as a cigarette machine operator. With the little nickel-plated device be can make a cigarette In less than fifteen minutes. Not all the fellow deputies and visitors to the sheriffs office agree that the things. Jim makes with his machine vare cigarettes, but the deputy has a small majority and even those who are on tha standpat side of the question admit that the products of Jim and the machine strongly resembles a cigarette. Some of them almost can be smoked. Now Musgrave didn't buy the cigarette machine. Far be It from him to waste his funds on such devlcei. H was this way: Musgrave's home Is so large that there really Is more room than one family needs. Some months ago Mrs. Musgrave decided to take a roomer. Jim seconded the motion and the yeas had it. A dapper youg chap with a suit of clothes that sounded like a steam piano that winds up the circus parade and one of those frank, open face countenances that Inspires confidence, "seen your a.i In the paper," and rented the room. Just to show how prosperous he was, said young man crowded three weeks' room rent into Mrs. Musgrave's hand before he even tested the Ostsrmoor. Meals tn His Room. A couple of weeks later the roomer quit getting up at 7:30 in the morning. He said he was sick and would have to have his meals sent to his room. There was no restaurant nearby and, rather than let him starve to death, Mrs. Mus grave sent up the meals. She is a good sou, nd at that time her experience with roomers of this variety was limited. She now has had more experience, but she has no roomer. Jim had an abiding conviction that the roomer was not as sick as ho let on. He Is strongly of the opinion that the roomer's boss got sick of having around the shop a fellow who makes cigarettes with a cigarette machine. Jim's theory Is that the boss pruned the roomer's name off tSie payroll and the roomer took umbrage at this and resigned In high dudgeon or something of that sort. One morning Mrs.' Murgrave sent some nice soft boiled eggs, four slices of nicely buttered toast, a cup of golden brown coffee and a few other things up to tha room. Then it Was discovered that the sick boarder had folded his night shirt like the Arabs and silently stolen away. 1, raven the Bedstead. Knowing what she knows now, Mrs. Musgrave considers herself fortunate that that was all he stole. She be lieves he would have gotten away with the brass bedstead and the dresser if the stairway had been a little wider. Jim went up to the room to take an inventory and discovered the cigarette machine, a box of empty cigarette tubes and what was left of a box of Turkish tobacco. Jim's first guess was that the roomer had left the vest pocket "pill" factory in lieu of cash in payment for two months' board and room. There Is some doubt about this in the minds o( some of Musgrave's friends, who hold to the oprnion that the leaving of the "makin's" and the maker was a diabol ical method of "rubbing It in" on Jim. Mrs. Musgrave wanted to burn the truck, but Jim wf-s for taking it down to the office and using it for the purpose for which it was supposed to have been invented. That was two months ago. Figuring out how to manipulate the machine is about as easy as working some of those mental problems In the old arithmetic about how long it would take ten men to build the fence If twenty-three built two feet and ten inches a day each and the fence was BuO rods long. But with that dogged persistency which characeriaes him Musgrave bat tled. He wa3 going to work it or bust a gallus and the only thing that could Btop him would be for the tobacco fac tories to run out of the raw material. Adam Sloup says he would rather be one of T. R.'a representatives before the na tional committee than make the cam paign Musgrave has made. Mn;rave Wins Hl Point. Sheriff McShane says he has seen Mus grave sit at his desk and struggle, send ing out ever and anon for another sack of Durham, until the perspiration rolled down his face In a raging torrent that would humble the Johnstown flood, and the tobacco lay on the floor around him ankle deep. The sheriff told Musgrave one day that his Idea was wrong. He thought the method should be to buy cigarettes, remove the tobacco and put it in the machine and smoke that. Mus grave said that the sheriff was way wrong and 'he has proved It. Musgrave's experience simply goes to show that nothing is Impossible and that perserverance conquers all things-even the ever-ready vest pocket cigarette ma chine. To be sure, the cigarettes are not tha most artistic. They are not as full as they should be and the tobacco gen erally drops out before Jim can get them to his lips. They are of odd and ever changing shapes. Most of them when completed resemble a section of a lemonade straw after the boy is through playing with it. Still, they look almost as much like a cigarette as anything else and Musgrave says they should bs given the benefit iu the doubt. Both Sides in Suit Want a New Trial The unusual situation of one side In a lawsuit demanding a new trial and the other side being perfectly willing for u new trial to be granted exists In district court. George Sapetopulos, against whom a verdict for J1.500 was returned for breach of promise to marry pretty An gelike Katsura, filed a motion for a new trial. Attorneys for Miss Katsura d. dared they will not oppose the motion because they are confident that if th case is tried again they will receive an even greater verdict. ALBERT KRUG WILL BUILD HANDSOME NEW RESIDENCE Albert Krug will begin the erection next week of a $15,009 home at Thirty-fourth street and Woolworth avenue. Plans for a handsome residence have been drown by Architect J. J. Davey and the con tract for construction has been awarded H. E. Olson. Man's Witt E?cry 'iruxgru Get in Line for That -x , tl All Wool Navy Blue Suit,, d.o WlPlwll 1 (ZXZZS ?Z&Sif Cheviot,, Canimereeitnd Tweed , . .. 3't -TsASL S1 -the new blue gray, browns end tone. lMmWeMmW H COOL STRAW HAT Get $2 quality and more than 2 style and yet save $1 or more while doing it. Thousand f chooee from in every style --evry width brim--every etyle bread every height of crown. COME! Get yours. Join the crowds of men who want the best in straw hat style and quality and make certain of getting It by coming here. H BOYS' $4.50 SUITS With two pairs of Xnloksr Pants. Either Norfolk suits. In sizes 7 to 12; or double-breasted suits In at. "...$2.96 JjTjnjiru-yV-V"sSll' a aaS. AMlrAVIIYWA! i"---T- - Men's $1 genuine "Por osknit" Union LA Suits ...UVC Men's 2-piece "Poros knit " Underw 'r, l A t regular 50c val. . O w C Today is the last day you can get Section 1 of those Superb War Portfolios offered by The Bee to Every Reader of this Paper practically FREE This beautiful Semi-Centenial Souvenir is a splendid example of high-grade printing art the text set in deco rated pages, the pictures standing out as sharp and clear as in the famous original photographs. All who turn the handsome pages are delighted, and many make haste to procure copies for their friends as well as themselves. Our stock of SECTION ONE is running low, and this the last day for this section. So don't delay another moment in get ting your copy I Civil War Through the Camera H Being a fascinating new story of the great conflict from the pen of Prof. Henry W. Elson of Ohio Univer sity, illustrated by the FAMOUS BRADY WAR PHOTOGRAPHS, recently discovered. IN SIXTEEN SECTIONS Each a complete story with frontispiece in full color 921 SECTION 1 TOPAy And thus start this splendid series at the be ginning. While each section is complete in itself, and can be enjoyed without reference to any of the others, you will want them all. Each week a new section is issued. These wonderful Photographs, taken on the actual fields of battle, make you an eye-witness of some of the most stirring scenes in all history. It is the greatest as well as the first war ever photographed, for the camera was per fected only a short while before. And the man who took the bulk of these pictures was the foremost of his craft. Faces of these soldier boys of half a century age stand out so clearly that in many a home some loved one has been recognized. Cut out the Coupon on Page 2 of this paper. Bring or send it to The Bee office with only TEN CENTS to cover cost of material, handling, etc.. and, receive your copy. By mail 3c extra Suit Purchased Here 4? A. I We do this to quickly acquaint thou 3atUrUay I sands of men with the greatest stock of Men's Clothing in town. Pesldes we give you the greatest value In town at any irlce you pay. ItIenV15&$18 SUITS Cheviots, Thibets, Fancy Cassimeres, Blue Serges, Tweeds, Grays, Fancy Novelties 8venty-flvs chnn from s t y 1 a to "I In twelve dlf-aj- I - n , mHl t, mntt roll Enirllsh model. All sties from 3S to 4S chest Xn regular and stout, short or slim builds, to select from. All the latest colorings, grays, tans, browns, light blue, shep herd plaids, pretty mixtures and plain effects. Remember, tliey are hand tailored from all wool fabrics. All sixes for men and youths. i.rii-i-i- - nm 12 'I1 1 fI em aVSt SJJ.H JS'Kdn A WrM $1 W "aw'li IP I : Bloe Sere "If II ? I ,' tv'fll&k' Atee alts 1st 1 I tl$ MaHaBaaaBBBaaaaBaaaBBBBaaaBaa ' ' ' I ' I I H'' BOYS' $5 Si ITS iWM Double-BreaitSolU Aft Jji l$f ' K With Extra reirf Salok. ilMlilfil Bort' Norfolk Suit . w fJ lirPipSfSK. ' II er Vasts; good, strictly 1 Wjlmwm 1 Ran' Rnrisa Suits ISniaa-. ' VW . 4rmSSi. II?; woolen suits for boys from mwMlWt it O0' BSMaB 9mM X Vj rSfSgV 7 to 17 years; either Nor- flpi J Boil Sailor Suits I sSlggk II ' folk or double 3 4 B fc l Blzes 2V4 to 17, accordh I breasted Jacket j to styles; all the newest materials and shades. 1 v 7 TN ft) J3- j j Men's 50o Leather i t nJ tT - ' ' VV J Men's 00c Knit Neck- B ; ( CLOTHING COMPAJST wear- 4ft. it 1 COKJ4 & DOUOIAS J j at,-,...::.;lVcj A A Guaranteed Worsteds, 11 i i I i i I ikw rraw mm w hKKT l I . k .. at vsa. A m. I at fl'I I l 'C I ft Tla?-V iStil ' WsaVUI 111 Baal J your tailor would charge you IfHMMfl EjgHK&kvl ' II I IT' two or three times as much for; a large ItWrNWrl IMSflMI 11 I II ! variety of sizes to fit msn and young men . Ir&jiy!f l?f&Ai.$4 11 I II of an builds. Ilaralsil lyAwSftl 11 1 II ENTEON! JS i ill' Watch it. 9 A. 1 ' . rr- f) The War Coupon " J is on Page 2 Key to the Situ.Uon See Advertising