Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1912, Page 10, Image 10
THE BE& OMAHA, SATCKDAX, JUNE 8, 1911 , MaaMannnaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnntannnnnnnnnntannnnnnanaMaMaMa 10 Jeff "and the German Admiral Mut Have Gone ROURKES LOSE TO WICHITA Durham Holds, Omaha Safe Except i - in Two Innings lisAL SCOEE . SEVEN TO FOUR Wichita Hits Three Pitchers, While iwleltercll Decides Contest with Two Pinch HitsThree , Two-Baggers. wicHITA,. Kan.. June 7.-Durhara held Omllja afe except In two innings, while the locals hit three pitchers hard." Wea terili decided the. game with two pinch hi(V j 'Store: " , ti ! 1 AB. ft. H. fettllrew. cf , 4 0 2 rslgt If... S 11 PVlB. rf.'. 3 10 Hughes. 1 8 .2.1 Westfrriil. 3b.. .. 4 1 2 Callahan, m 4 0 1 HI,. 2b....... S 0 1 Clem6ns,c 2 1 0 purham. p ..4 1 2 O. 2 3 1 8 1 1 6 . 4 1 , 'Totals'" ,....".30 7 10 27 13 ' ......30 7 OMAHA. w r . -- 1 AB. R, H. 0 2 0 2 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 A. E. itistlce, ss CoyU, rf. Thomason, cf. Km, lb....... Johnson, c... 0 1 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .....i 1 8 2 Hcariwn, 2b.. Nieioff. 3b.: ieli Jpavidson, If Fentress, p....;.. Hfoks, p.... It;4"i P 0 2 1 ' Totals .34 24 13 I "V Wichita X A 0 1 0 0 -7 Omaha,.. .::....... ..0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0-4 ' . ...11. .. 1 X mi 4 A lien on Danes: umana, ; mcmia, iv. Sacrifice .hits: Craig, Davis, Pettigrew, Westcril!. Two-base hifs: Durham (2), Kane. Thre-bas hit: pettigrew. Home fun;-; Johnson.- Stolen 'bases: Hughes, NiehOff.- Davidson, Davis. Hits: Oil FestreM. 3 in two-thirds inning; off Hicks. 4 In three and two-thirds innings; off.Ryan. 3 in three and two-thirds in nings.; Double play: Callahan to Mee to Hughes. V Struck out: By Hicks, 1; by Ryan, 3: by Durham, 4. Bases on balls: Off t Fentress, 1; off Durham. 0; off Jllcka, 2; off Ryan,-i. Wild pitch: Fen tfM. 1 Time: 3:06. Umpire: Klssane. 610V X CITY.'S RALLY FAILS Dearer Finishes "Winner by FlTe to , V Fonr Seore. DJKV?R;,Jun 7.-q0mlng from be hind, Bloux ' City gave Denver a close call,, by making a. run in the ninth, threatening to tie the score. Fast field ing, 'however, retired the side. Score: . ' 'DENVER. ';: ' v AB. R. H. o. Coffee. s . .'.....4 0 13 Cassldv. rf I 3 11 A. 4 Beall. if 3 QtiUlIn, 3b 4 Kenworthy, 2b 4 Channel!, cf .4 .1 Linosay, id , Spahr, o .... Sdirelber, p , Totals .... ........8 ...8 ........28 V 12 27 10 8 SIOUX ClTr. - AB. R. H. 0 0 0 4 1 1 1 1 0 ... ..8 . 0 0 3 0 1 0 8 I 3 3 0 0 0 I 0 Trensh,; 2b 1 rorrelUlf 4 0 Tnnant, lb 8 0 Brtii, rf 4 1 Kiliith. Ss 4 0 ReHly. '3b 4 1 t sdman, c... 4 0 Cumiibell. n 1 0 daughter, cf 1 1 0 Andreas 1 0 0 Mlwr , 1 0 0 Glflen. p .:. 1 .0 0 Ollendorff I 0 , 0 I . s. '.) Totals 8rt 4 8 24 15 0 tilottx City 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1-4 luaver .....1 0 1 ! H 0 1 M iffien bases: Qulllln, Kenworthy, (2): i.iiWlruy Cansldy. Three-base hit: Spahr. 8mc; fric .hits: LlndKay. Beall. Sacrifice fly KchrclWr. Struck out: By Schrelber, I; hv Campbell, 2; by Grlffen, 2. Bases on 'balls: Off Schrelber, 2 Campbell, 2. l'MiOble play: French to Tennant. Left on !hases: Denver, 4; Sioux City. 8. Hits: Off Campbell. 6 In six Innings; off Glffen, 8 ii three inning Time; 2:15. Umpire: Hakell. . . ' , . ' M; JOG PLAYS IN BAD FORM Topeka Gets Easy Victory by Seven , v , to Two Score, ST. JOSEPH. Mo., June 7.-Topeka won an jvaiy victory over St Joseph today, fc'coere: . I TOPEKA. , . t " ;ab. r. h. O. 8 0 8 16 0 3 0 4 0 A. 4 0 0 0 7 0 0 2 4 Vfflth.5 2b 3 Klflg. .Cf V 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 ' 3 0 Rlekert If.. . 4 3 Gardner, lb... Krantt. 3b 14. ss Ceaf. rf Chapman, c. Hotnaby, p.. .:.:. 1 .. 4 .. 3 .. 8 .. 4 ..3 .'.80 . Totals' . 7 . 27 17 2 ST. JOSEPH. - AB. R.. H. O. A. E Kefiv. ; 2b.. ...... ....... 4 ' . 1 . 1 1 8 Powell. ..II.... Watson. rf.. ..'...,. 4 0 2 ' 2 0 Swillintf. ; cf....;.. 4 0 1 8,0 v......;4 0.1 Borton, lb 4 0 1 8 .: O 0 ReMr, 3b......;..;;. 4 0 0 0 1 0 M?)nk. as 8 1 ' t 8 I GOtsett. c.......;.v. 3 .' 0 1 8 8 0 crutcher.: p.......... 1 0.0 O S 0 Woldrlng.vp.i.-:..0r 0 0 0 0 0 Roth 1 0 9 J 0 .Totals ',..:;,..:..S8' 3 I l 2 fcatted for, Crutcher In eighth. Toleka ........... 0 M I 1 I P 6tt Joaeph..U..-'.;. MMMIW i Three-base hit: Rickert Two-baae hit: Kelly. Sacrifice hits: Walsh. King. Gard ner, ; Horntby. Crutcher. Stolen base: King. Left on bhsea: Topeka. 8; St Jo seph 8. Struck out: By Crutcher, I; by Homsby, 4. Bases on balls: Off Outcher, 3; off Homsby. L Hits: Off Cmtcher. 3 In eight inning. Hit by pitched ball: By Woldrln. Gear. Pae6 ball: Chapman. Tims: 16. Umpire: Kaapp. KAI STOPS GAME IN fBHT'B Mneola and- 'two Maine Tlo, wttk LTNCOLX. Jane t Uneaia and Te "Moines played a tM-tnalag 1 to I tie to day.. A drtssla which prevailed during nucb of tha oantaet. Bacftsw a htti rata Standing of Teams WEST. LEAGUE NATL. LEAGUE. 1 W LPct I W.LPct. St. Joseph.3l' 17 .648! New Tork.33 7 .825 Des Moines.a? 21 .563'Clneinnatl .2 W .678 Sioux City. 25 22 .E32iChlcago ....23 18 .661 Omaha ....25 23 .621 1 Pittsburgh .21 19 .625 Denver ....24 25 .490! St Louis... 21 26 .447 Wichita ...21 27 .438 Phila 17 21 .447 Lincoln ....20 27 .428' Brooklyn ..13 26 .333 Topeka ....18 28 .391 Boston 13 31 .295 AMER. LEAGUE. I AMER ASS'N. W.LPct.l - W.L.Pct. Chicago ...80 17 .638 Toledo 34 18 .680 Boston ....27 18 .00 MInneapolls.34 17 .T7 Wash'ton .25 21 .M3 Columbus ..84 19 .642 Detroit ....25 22 .532j Kan. City.. 28 26 .519 Phila. 21 19 .6261 St Paul.... 22 32 .407 Cleveland .23 21 .612jIndlanapolls.21 32 .396 New York.H 27 .841! Milwaukee .17 32 .347 St. Louis... 13 82 .28 Louisville .16 82.833 NEB. LEAGUE. MINK LEAGUE. W.LPct. W.UPct. Hastings ..15 9 .625 Falls Clty...l6 9.640 Seward ...14 10 .5831 Neb. City... 15 10 .600 Fremont ..13 10 .565 Aubum ....12 12 .600 Kearney ..12 10 .646 Beatrice ...12 13.480 Gd. Island..l2 10. 64a Humboldt ..11 15 .440 York 9 12 .429 Hiawatha .. 8 16 .333 Columbus .11 11 JS00 Superior ... 4 18 .182 ' . - Yesterday's Resalts. WESTERN LEAGUE. Omaha, 4; Wichita. 7. fliAn Cltv. 4: Denver. S. . Des Moines, 1; Lincoln, 1; ten innings; rain. Topeka, 7; St Joseph, 2. NATIONAL LEAGUE. St Louis, 4; Philadelphia, 5. Cincinnati, 6; New York,. 7. Chicago, 7; Brooklyn, 2. Pittsburgh. 4; Boston, 0. AMERICAN LEAGUE. New York. 7; Cleveland, 0. Philadelphia, 9; 8t Louis, 4. Washington, 4; Chicago, 1 Boston, 3; Detroit, 4. 'AMERICAN .ASSOCIATION. , Kansas City, 2; Louisville.' 4. Milwaukee, 7; Indianapolis, 15 ' Minneapolis, 6; Columbus, .6. , St. Paul, 7; Toledo, 10. NEBRASKA STATE LEAGUE. Hastings,. 4; Superior 2 (ten Innings), Fremont, 16; Kearney, 11. York; 1; Seward, 5. Columbus, 2; Grand Island, t . MINK LEAGUE. Falls City, 2; Humboldt, 1 01 innings) NebraskaClty, 7; eBatrlce, . 1. , Hiawatha, 9; Auburn, 4. - 't.'.'v (James Today. Western League Omaha at Wichita, Sioux City at Denver, Des Moines at Lin coin, Topeka at St. Joseph. National League-Bt. Louis at Philadel phia, Clncinnatl at New York, Chicago at Brooklyn. Pittsburgh at Boston. American League-New York at Cleve land, Philadelphia at St Louis, Washing ton at Chicago, Boston at Detroit American 1 Association Kansas City at Louisville. 'Milwaukee at Indianapolis, Minneapolis at Columbus, St Paul at To ledo. ' Nebraska State League-York at Hast ings, Kearney at Fremont, Seward at Superior, Grand Island at Columbus. Mink League Falls City at Humboldt, Nebraska City at Beatrice, Hiawatha at Auburn. at the end of the tenth and both sides were content to quit. It was a pitchers' battle between Hagerman and Douglas. Score: . LINCOLN. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Berghanimer, ss.... 3 1. 1 2 2 1 Cole, 2b 4 0 0 2 2 1 Cobb, rf s o 1 o v Mccormick, iz z v v 2 v v Barbour, 3b 4 0 3 1,2 0 Mullen, lb 4 0 0 9 2 1 Miller, cf 8 0 110 0 Carney, c 8 0 0 10 8 0 Hagerman, p 1 tr s Totals 30 1 4 30 14 DES MOINES. AB. R. H. O. 0 1 . 2 6 6 6 1 10 0 A. E. 0 0 0 0 Hahn. rf 4 0 Curtis, cf Claire, 3b ... 4 ... 3 ...35 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Belden. if Colllgan, 2b., Thomax, lb.. Iteonard, ss.. McGraw, c... Douglass, p. Totals ... 4 SO 12 8 Lincoln .1 00000000 0-1 Des Moines. ....0 00000001 01 Two-base hits: Curtis. Belden. Double play: Leonard to Thomas to Colllgan to Thomas. Left on bases: Lincoln, 5; Des Moines, 6., Stolen base: Miller. Sacrifice hits: Cobb, Carney, Claire, struck out: By Hagerman, 12; by Douglass, 7. Bases on balls: Off Douglass, 4. Wild pitches: Hagerman, 2. Time: 1:41. Umpire: John son. .. . v ; ". 't . t - - . , Auburn Unable to Beat Hiawatha AUBURN, Neb., June 7. (Special Tel- egram.) The second game ot the series between. Auburn - and Hiawatha was played todays with the weather uifavor able for fast' ball. Auburo tied the of fenders up In the seventh, but lost the game In the ninth by a comedy of er rors. Attendance good. Score: R.H.E. Auburn 1 1 0000300-477 Hiawatha ...3 0, 0 1 0 0 0 0 50 9 9 Batteries: Auburn, Reed and Kranlger; Hiawatha. Schimmell and Maxey. Urn Hire:, McPartland., , . "RICE, Neb.) June ' ' 7. (Special Telegram.) la ... a ; slow, listless game . . .. ,ciiiired nearly three hours to play. Nebraska City again won from Beatrice today, by the score of 7 to 6. Bowbay of Beatrice was wild and gave seven bases on balla' In the opening in ning for Beatrice, Poteet drove out a three-bagger with bases foil, and later ecored. Scure: . R-H.fc. Neb. City I I 4) 3 4 0-7 4 ! Boatries ...4 MIHHMII Batterlee: Rhoadea and ' tOolcTwalte; Bowbay and Poteet. HUMBOLDT. Nekw. Jeoa l.-(Stretal Tel4rraitl. Fslts 3ty took a bum away frera Hanbcldt m as otevan-tenJax gams WMch waa tntoraatlng , from start ta On fah. Score: Falls aty .t0t0lt-J Hamhoidt l M ( I M M I M Baurriea: ran Cty. Hara'd awl &aa atak; Hutabolau Ha& aaa USX. t GIANTS BEAT REDS AGAIN New York Takes Second Straight at Home Grounds, COME FROM BEHIND TO WIN Cincinnati Scores Three Runs in First Inning, hat ' Giants Get Total of Seven, Which Proves Enoaa-h. NEW YORK, June 7. New York won its second straight game from Cincinnati. Score: 1 ' ' NEW YORK. ' CINCINNATI. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A..E. rwrora. It... 1 0 10 0BKher, If.. 6 0 I t 0 Doyl, lb.... I 1 I I Olluuni, cf . I 4 4 t 0 gn'dsi'M, lb 4 11 t IHoDllU't, lb I 1 7 1 Murray, rf.. S J J 0 0 Mitchell, rf. 4 1 1 It BMktr, cf... 1 I I OOrant, 2b.... S l0 0 1 Knot. lb.. 4 10 1 CPhla, lb... I 1 114 Mtyert. e... 4 111 "Etmonil, m.. 4 1110 ntchr. u. 4 Oil SMcLeaft, e... 4 1 1.1.0 M'the'MO, p 1 1 8 I MiiKgi, p 10 0 11 . Bat ....... 1 0 4 0 0 Totals M 7 37 U 3McDnali . 0 t t t 0 ft ' Totsls 17 1134 18 3 'Batted for Suggs in ninth. Ran for Bates In ninth. , . Cincinnati 8 0000020 1-0 Nw York 0 0 0 1-1 8 0 2 -7 Two-base hits: " Marsans, Murray, Meyers. Three-base hit; Murray. Bases oh balls: Off Sugga, 3. Struck out: By Mathewson, 2; by Suggs, 2. Time: 1:47. Umpires: Owens and Brennan. ' Phillies Hit Steele llnrd. PHILADELPHIA, June 7.-Phlladelphla hH Steele's delivery hard and was amea by St Louis' errors today, the former winning, 5 to 4. S. Magee scored the win ning run In the seventh on his double and Ellis' muff of Luderus' fly. Brennan, who went to Chalmers rescue in the lourtn inning, was effective. Score: PHILADELPHIA. ST. LOUIS. ' AB.H.O.A.E. , AB.H.O.A.E. Pukcrt, cf... 1 1 : 0 IL Mttm. 2b4 1110 Tltul, rf.... I 4 0 0 OeilH. If I 0 S 0 I I. Hum. 1(4 10 0 OMowrar. lb. 1 4 0 2 0 Lulnii. lb. 4 1 11 1 OK'netoby, lb I 0 7 0 0 Knsba, lb... 4 0 14 OEvant, rf.... 1 0 9 0 4 Dowmy. lb.. 4 111 OSitilth 1 1 I I t Doolin. H... 4 14 1 ooikn. cf.... 4 1 1 1 Dooln, e 4 17 4 OWlngo, C....1 lilt Oilmn B. 1 t 0 08tMl. D....1 0 0 10 Braanaa. p.. 1 1 0 I O'Hugalm ... 1 0 0 0 o BH, 1 ttOt Totals 11 11 17 11 1 - Total 17 iHU t .Batted for Wlngo In ninth. 'Batted for Steele in ninth. Philadelphia 1 1 0 0 3 0 1 0 -S St. Louis 0 0040000O-4 Two-base hits: Oakes. Wlngo. S. Magee ( 1 aa 43 T nl. C XK 1 a delDhla. '. :. Stolen bases: Ellis. Paskert Titus, Doolan, Dooln. Struck out: By Steele, 6; by Chalmers, 1; by Brennan, 2. Double play: Knabe to Doolan to Luderus. First base on error: rniiaaeiim a, i. Bases on balls: Off Steele, 2; off Chal mers. 8: off Brennan. 2. WHO pitcn: Stee e. Hit by e tched ban: By cnaimers, Konetchy, Evans. Hits: Off Chalmers, 2 in three and a tmrd innings: on Brennan, 8 In five and two-thirda Innings. Time; 3:00. Umpires: Rlgler and Flnnexan. ' Pirates Shot Out Boston. BOSTON. June 1. Boston dropped the ninth straight game, lPttsburgh shutting out the noma team, score: PITTSBURGH. BOSTON. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E, Bro. 3b...l 0 1 1 OMcDonM, lb I i I 0 Carer, it.... I I 0 0 OCampb'il, of 4 1 4 .0 lXrnlln, cf... I I I 4 MBwmney, lb. 4 1 ( 10 Warner, a.. t 1 4 OK. Miller, Ml 0 1 1 3. Miller, lb 1 0 11 1 OJackton, If.. 113 0 0 Wllnon. rf... I 110 UHouier. lb.. 4 0 10 1 0 M'Crtby, !b 4 I 1 1 1 Devlin, a... 4 2 0 1 0 Kolly. e 4 114 OKUng o 10 4 10 Hamlrlx, p.. 4 10 3 OfHckaon, p.. I 0 0 4 0 Hons, p 0 0 3 0 0 , Total! 30 1 17 10 l'Klrka 1 0 0 0 0 Total 31 4 21 15 0 Batted for Dickson In ninth. Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Pittsburgh ;....0 000010034 Two-base hits: Hendrix, Campbell. Three-base hit: Hendrix. Home run: Wilson. Hits: Off Dickson, in eight Innings; off Hogg, 8 In one Inning. Bases on balls: Off Dickson. 6; off Hogg, 1; off Hendrix, 1. Struck out: By Dickson, 4- bv Hendrix. 8. Time: 2:07. Umpires: Eason and Johnstone, Pitcher YlnKllnar W ild. BROOKLYN, June 7. Ylngllng's wlld ness In the early Innings proved costly and Chicago won. Score: CHICAGO. BROOKLYN. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Sharkard. If. 4 1 I 0 OMoran, rf... I 0 3 1 0 Goovla, U....0 0 1 0 OQalay, of ... 3 13 0 0 Srfc'lUe, rf.. 3 1 10 OSmtth. 3b.... 3 0 0 3 1 Tinker, aa... 4 1 2 0 lPaubert, lb. 4 3 I 1 0 Zlm'man, 3b 4 113 OWheat, If... 4 10 0 0 W. Miller, cf 4 4 1 4 0 Hummel, Sb. 4 4 S 3 0 Baler, lb.... 4 0 18 1 STooley. aa... 4 4 3 4 1 Kgere. 3b.... I 0 I 1 0O. Miller, c. I 0 I 1 0 Archer, c... 113 0 OYlngltng, p. I 0 0 1 1 Lelfteld, p. . 4 114 0 Totala 30 4 27 12 2 Total. 33 4 37 '.0 1 Chicago 8 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0-7 Brooklyn 3 00000000-3 Two-base hits: Tinker. Daubert. Three base, hit: Schulte. Sacrifice hit: Daley. Double. plays: Smith to Daubert, Hummel to. Mlller. i Bases on balls: Off Lelfteld, 8: off Ylngllng, . Struck out: By Lel- 1 field. 1; by Ylngllng, 8. Time; 1:32. I'm- plre8: Kiera an(i Busn, Central tity Has Base Ball Team. CENTRAL CITY. Neb.. June 8.-(Spc- clal.) It did Jook for a while as If Cen tral City would boast of a base ball team this year, but now since the public move- ment lallea a lew enthusiasts nave taken 11 upun wieiiiBeivrei iu uisuiiiae mi in- dependent team and so they have gone ahead and done It. George ,Ayres, Dick Gleaaon, Earl Laub and other old base ball players are connected with the move ment and declare that tney win get to gether a fast aggregation. The team will berln nractlce at once. ,but will probably not book any. games for a couple or weeas yet Laarel Blaumka Norfolk. LAUREL Neb,, June T.-Speclal.-lAurel defeated Norfolk In a shutout hero Thursday afternoon with a score of 1 to a Only twenty-eight men faced the Laurel pitcher in tho nine Innings, one maa gettiaa to first on aa error at abort. Batteries: Laurel, WIlHford and Wrman; Norfolk. Denton, Anderson and Hoffman. Wltllford struck out ten without alkrwlna a bit Davtoa allowed toor htta stnatk cut t oar and pa ed tkroa Andaman, poised twa and track oat one. Catpue, Hayes of Caltridtta, SMttcrvOte Tstta Caaaloat. tJtH-fc&VTUX, la.. Jos ISaoalal TolMnaa.WbuwrlILa ftit 14 City hare ajtzJbi tcday, to 4. BattarsfO cot alrht kits and two aaaw runs. T it rnisan. and Shoaert. ..Barartea: JmtWtr Caa aaa Uayka; Millar aad mm to Heidelberg Together Drawn for The Bee ATHLETICS OUTPLAY BROWNS Erratic Fielding and Slow Thinking by Krichell Hamper St. Louis. PHUATJELPHIANS USE THE BAT Visitors Have' No Tronble in Piling; t'p Score of Nine to One Three-Base Hit by , i Shotten ST. LOUIS,. June . 7.-Errattc fielding and slow thinking by Krichell at critical stages, combined with heavy hitting by vlsltArs, won for' Philadelphia. Score. PHILADELPHIA. ST. LOUI8. AB.H.O.A.E.! v AB.H.O.A.E. Lois, rt I 1 1 0 08httn. ef..l 2 2 0 0 Oldrina, cf.. (214 OHofin, If... 10410 Co! ni. 2b.. 4 1,1 I nstovall.. lb.. 6 1 i 3 1 Baker, 3b... 2 111 JLaporte, 2b.. 4 1 1 3 0 Strunk. If... 3 0 14 OPratt, rf I t 14 0 Mclnnaa, lb. 4 2 11 2 OAuitln, 3b... 4 0 2 4 ' 0 Barry VM.'.:. 6 0 14 IWallace," aa.. 1 0 0 4 0 Egan, c 4 2 4 0 CKiicholl, c. 2 1 4 0 4 Plank,"' p 4 Oil OStaphena, e.. 1 0 3 0 0 "Hamilton, p. o 0 I Totals 37 1137 14 4All!aon. p... 1 1 0 0 0 . .. E. Brown, p 8 4 0 0 0 - Kutlna..... 110 4 0 . . HalUnaa. -.1 11 0 0 j ; T6tali..,..8 11717 I Batted for Hamilton in second. Batted for E. Brown in ninth. Ph'lladelphla 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 4 0-9 St. LoUls .0 2 0. 0 0 0 0 0 24 Tw6-base hits: Lord. Baker. Three-base hit; Shotten. Bases on balls: Oft Hamil ton, .1; off . Plank, 2; off Allison, 3. Struck out: Bv Plank. 2: by Hamilton, 2. Hits: Off Hamilton, 2 in two innings; off Alllsrtn, 10 In five and two-thirds innings; off E. Brown, - none in one and-two-third inning's. Time:"2:00. Umpires: Per- rine and Dtneen. ,.. .., , . , , Yankees Scoop Naps. , ( CLEVELAND, O., June 7. New York won from Cleveland today, 7 to 0. Steen was batted out of the box in the sixth, Zlnn hlttln the ball over the right field fence. Caldwell threw his arm out in the fifth, while pitching a star game. Warhop was Just as effective, score: NEW YORK. ' CLEVELAND. AB.H.O.A.E AB.H.O.A.E. Hartiall. rf.. 4 0 1 0 lOranay. If... 4 110 1 Martin, aa... I 3 1 3 OOlaon, lb.... 4 12 0 0 Crer, It 1110 OJackran, rf.. 4 110 0 Zlnn cf I 110 OUJole. lb... 4 17 10 Chaaa, lb.... 4 fit OBIrm'h'm. cf 4 0100 Gardner, tb. I 1 1 I 0 Easterly, c. 4 4 I 4 0 W'verton, 3b 3 .1 3 3 JPe'klnpa", a 1,0 1 1 iireanay, c. 4 I T 1 "Ball. ib. .... I 0-410 Caldwall, p. 1 0 0 I OSteen, p 1 0 1 0 0 Warhop, p .. I 1 0 0 OMItnhell, p.. 0 0 0 1 0 BaMietto p.. 0 0 0 0 0 I Total 87 13 2? 18 !Ryn";..... 1 0 0 0,-0 ' Totals... .'.10 1 17 11 3 Batted for Mitchell in eighth. New York 01020310 0-7 Cleveland 000000000-0 Two-base hits: Jackson, Chase,' Crec, Sweeney. Three-base hit: Chase. Homo run: Zlnn. Sacrifice hits: Gardner, wol verton. Stolen bases: Wolverton, Gardner, Cree. Double plays: Pecklnbaugh to Easterly to Ball. Wolverton to Chase. Hits: Off Caldwell. 2 In four and two thirds innings; off Warhop, 3 In four and orif-thlrd Innings; off Steen. 9 In five Innings (none out in sixth); off Mitchell, 3 In three Innings; off Baskette. 1 In one Inning. Bases on balls: Off Mitchell, 1: off Baskette, 1: off Caldwqll, 2; off Warhop, 1. Struck out: By Steen, 3: bv Mitchell, 3; by Caldwell. 3; by Warhop, 2. Wild pitch. Mitchell. First base on errors: Cleveland, 2; New York,' 2. Left on bases: Cleveland, 6: New York, 7. Time: 2:00. Umpires: Evans and West ervelt. Tlttera Nose Ont Ahead. DETROIT. Mich., June 7. After pitch ing shut out ball for eight innings today, Dubuc 'weakened In the ninth and Boston scored three runs. With men on second and first and one run needed to tie, Speaker ended the game with a fly to Jones. Score: Batted for Corrlgan In ninth. Batted for Collins In ninth. Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3S Detroit 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 4 Left on bases: Detroit, 11: Boston, 9. Two-base hits: Bush, Moriarty, Speaker. Sacrifice hits: Louden, Bradley: Stolen bases. Cobb (ft. Bush, Crawford, Wag ner (2). Struck out: By Dubuc. 1; by Collins, u. Bases on balls: Off Dubuc. 1; off Collins. 6. Hits: Off Dubuc. 4; off Collins. 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Col tins. Moriarty. Time: 1:08. Umpires: Con nolly and Hart. Sox Lose Third of Series. CHICAGO, June 7. Washington won the third straight game from Chicago. It wm announced that Pitcher Walsh hadb een suspended for five days for protesting a decision umpire o Louennn made yesterday and Zlnder had suffered a. dislocated shoulder as a result of a clash with Gundll. Score: Chicago 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 12 Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2-4 Two-base hit: Lange.i Three-base hits: Fournier. Foster, Morgan. Bases on balls: Oft Groom, 2; off I.ange. 2. Struck out: By Lange. 8; bv Groom, 7. Time: 1.55. l.'mplrea: O'Loughlln and Sheridan. Wayne Wins Handily. WAYNE. Nfb.. June 7. (Special Tele gram.) A pretty good sised crowd of rooters witnessed a splendid game of hull thl nftpmoon between the Wayne and Stanton clubs, Wayne winning, 4 1 4o 2. Score: Wayne .2 0000002 1 ....0 0 2 0 0 0 0 02 Stanton Batteries: Wayne, Kodman and Depew; Stanton, Whalen and bassen. t nipire; Plies. Polk Santa Ont Sironisunrg. tmtir v., Tuna 7 (Knprlal Tele gram.) 'in the second game of the Polk County league, Polk shut out, Stromsburg nM h hnm ernunds. the final count being S to 0. Batteries: Folk. Laub and Goethe: Stromsburg, Mitchell. R Pe ering and F. nmniw. &Tuc om. o, t-auh. I: by Mitchell 3; by H. Pickering, 8. Umpire: Patterson. H-oVen' 3oW Tetrea Slow Game. BROKEN BOW; Neb, June 7. (Special Telegram.) Broken Bow's first regularly organised team of the Mason season waa played with Merna on the home grounds Una afternoon to a good attendance. The rxme wa very Hew. the score beinn. Brukea Bow. Vf. Merna, IL Batteries: Cttrtsteoa and Hnffenberger; Monn and Ylaias. rtnitra: Garvta. . TiV!t Rtanta Win. i HnrrOS. 1 Snoetal TViaifram.) The Omaha 43aasts efaMd Huxtoa tn a fast mttnm 1 ta to t Battsri: Hltttorv. 5haun aad Jekaai , Cftanta, WtUhuca and IWdshL COLUMBUS BEATS MILLERS Cook Outpitches Olmstead and Gets Better Support Till Ninth. GEBBEB'S HOME RUN A WINNER Minneapolis Poshed Ont of Lead by Colnmbns, with Final Score Six to Five One Doable Play.' COLTJMBUS, June 7. Cook outpltched Olmstead and was better supported .until the ninth. In the third Inning Gerber virtually decided the game by a home run with two on bases. Score: , Batted for Gill in ninth. Batted for Owens In ninth. Columbus 0 .1 4 0 1 0 0 0 -6 Minneapolis ........0 00200003-6 Home run: Gerber. Double play: cook to Gerber to Miller. Bases on balls: Off Cook, 2; off Olmstead, 3. Hits: Off Cook, 10 in eight and a third Innings; off Mc Quillin, 0 in two-thirds inning. Time: 1:42. Umpires: Hayes and Handiboe. Colonels Break Losing Streak. LOUISVILLE, J une 7Aftar losing ten strlght Louisville broks the ice today by defeating Kansas City. Rlchter was iu rare form and allowed the visitors 'but four scattered hits. Score: ' LOUISVILLE. KANSAS CTTT. AB.H.U A.E. AB.H.O.A.E Burcb, If.... 3 18 0 OCoulton, rf.. 4 1 3 1 0 Meloan. cf..l 0 1 0 CSchaJler, If.. 1 0 4 10 gtaneb'ry. If I 0 1,0 OLore, cf 4 1 4 0 0 Lennox. 8b.. 4. 3 0 2 ICarr. lb 3 1 I 1 Crlaa, lb.... 4 111 2Corrldoo. as. 4 4 2 3 0 Be' miller, as! 0 I 7 10' Conner, e. 1 0 3 1 0 Bell, 2b. till ODowney, 3b.. 4 0 0 0 0 T.unwl. ... 112 1 ORockeTd 2b I 0 0 2 0 Rlchter. p.. I I t 1 OAltrock, p... 1 1110 Jama 1 0 0 0 0 Totals.. ... 27 11 4 . Totals 30 4 24 10 0 Batted for Altrock in ninth. trfiulsville ....0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 -4 Kansas City 8Q 0.0 0 0 0.1 0-2J Three-base hits: Richter, Lennox. Sac rifice flies: O'Connor. Burch. Stolen bases: Coulson, Love, Stansbury. Double nlavs: Carr (unassisted). E. Coulson to O'Connor to Clrr, Beaumllier to Bell to Crlss (2). Bases on balls: Off Rlchter. 3; off Altrock, 2. Left on bases: Louisvt'le, 4; Kansas City, 5. Hit by pitched By Richter, Carr, Rockenfleld. Sti.i out: By Richter, 2; by Altrock, 2. Time: 1:37. Umpires: Blerhalter and Connolly. Fowler Abandons Proposed Flight' Along the River Word comes from Kansas City that Robert G. Fowler, the avaitor, will not fly from there to Omaha. Some mis understanding between the Mars-Fowler Aviation company and the Kansas City Commercial club has led to the abandon ment of the trip. G. H. Foresee, Industrial commissioner of the Kansas City club, telegraphed to Commissioner J. M. Guild, stating that he had misunderstood the plans of the aviation cdmpany. He says. "I was led by these people (the Mars Fowler Aviation company) to believe that arrangements had all been made and the only thing necessary was to get the two commercial clubs to act." Pender Forfeits to Thnrnton. PENDER, Neb., June 7. (Spcclal.) Pender forfeited a' game to-Thurston in the first half of ihe tenth yesterday when they refused to recognize a decision bv Umpire Riedler. Up to that point the game was fast and close. The featuroj was the phenomenal pitching of Mcltines for Thurston, who struck, out twenty-one men and allowed but five hits. Carr for Pender fanned twelve. The former Issued three free passes and . the latter two. Score: R.H.E. Thurston ..0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 3 7 4 Pender 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 -3 5 3 Batteries: Thurston, Mollifies and C. Peterson Pender, Carr and L'hilcotte. Battle Creek Wins from Stanton. STANTON, Neb., June 7. -(Special. ) Yesterday afternoon the second Elkhorn Valley league game was played at Stan ton. Battle Creek defeating the Stanton team in a loose game by the score of 10 to 7. Two pitchers were used by each side to keep the hitting down. Pont and Seldel featured at the bat. Score: Battle Creek...... 0 1 2 0 1 3 1 2 0-10 Stanton ..0 070000007 Hits: Battle Creek, 11; Stanton, 6. Er rors: Battle Creek. 6; Stanton, 3. Struck but: By Lassen. 6 In eight innings; by Dunawav.- 2 In one nmn: bv Hoffman, 2 In three innings; by Mason, 2 In six in nings. Umpires: Cartney and Whalen. Aeroplane Flights nt Central City. CENTRAL CITY. Neb., June ".-(Special.) The contract for an aeroplane flight at Central, City's Fourth of July celebration has arrived, and has already been signed. The company agrees to furnish at least two flights after 12 o'clock noon and in each flight the ma chine Is to be in the air thirty minutes. They will furnish an aviator of national reputation. This feature will cost the local committee J7oO. hut the money Das already been raised and put up as a guarantee. Fonr from York to Seward. SEWARD, Neb., June 7. (Special Tele gram.) By winning today's game Sew ard has taken four in a row from York and also eight out of the last nine played The first home run made at the new Riverside park is credited to Payne of the visiting team, who connected " for a safe trip and in addition landed a three bagger today. The game was delayed -ir. account of a drtsillng rain, two recesses being taken during Its progresa Some glaring errors by the home team were responsible for two of-York's score Score. R.H.E Seward 0 0 1 2 1 1 -5 3 York .0 IIHlilt-lll Batteries: Seward, Fliegard and Camp fMd; York. Wllttra and Kelly. Struck oat: By Ellegard. 7; by Wllktra. t. Base en bans: Off tUlnrard. 1: rft WHMni, I. Hit by pitched ball: Br UVrtisl, i. h! ran: tvitt. xnree-ose iui: tenant Payne. Twe-baee hrr: Leoril, Kelly. Passed balU: By Kt'y, i Tjae: 2Ja rsptrc: Nugaat. PwsistJBt Adrertttc: la Lba Road to jEt; Bataraa, - ' - ISLANDERS LOSE ON ERRORS Green, rierstein and Fullen Cause Columbus Victory! SCH00N0VER MAKES STAR CATCH Spears Line Drive in Ninth Inning-, Making; Doable Play, and Makes Two ot Grand Island's Hits. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., June 7.-(Spe-cial Telegram.) Errors by Green, t Fier steln and Fullen lost for the. locals. It was a pitchers' baftle in which honors were - quite evenly divided. Schoonover's catch of a line drive In the ninth and making a double play was a feature. The same player also had two of Grand Is land's three, hits, both being for two bags. Score: R.H.E. Columbus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-2 3. 9 Grand Island 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 3 4 Batteries:' Canine and Harrison, Green and ' Jokerst. Pinch Hlttlna- Brlnas Victory. HASTINGS, Neb., June 7.-(Speclal Tel egram.) Pinch hitters were heroes to day. As. such' Bradbury-walked in the eighth and was scored by Bromley's single. Irvln succeeded Qulnn and two walks forced in a run that put Hastings in -the lead. Kruse batted for Fiodges tn Superior's half and scored Irvln, with a single. Hastings won in the tenth with a walk by Harm and a single by Tacke. Hastings' victory was the fourth straight over Superior. Score: ' R.H.E. Hastings ..0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 14 7 3 Superior ..3 00000010 0-3 7 1 Batteries: Superior, Qulnn, Irvln, Miller; Hastings, Thrailkill, Allen Shaner, Coe. Three-base hits: Orr, Wat son. Two-base hits: Kerr, Hassler. Struck out: By Quinn, 3; by Irvln, 4; by Thrall- kill, S; by Allen, 1; by snaner, 1. Bases on balls: Off Thrailkill, 2; off Qulnn, 5; off Irvin, 3. Fremont Leads in Cold. KEARNEY, Neb., June 7.-(Special Tel egram.) Cold weather today prevented anything like decent base ball, the pitchers being unable ' to get into good pitching shape and if made the. fielding slow, at least half the hits- recorded being scratches. Pitcher Trimble . was wild, hitting four batsmen before re lieved in the eighth by Wright. Score: r. a e Fremont ...50024012 2-16 15 8 Kearney .... 10040023 11113 3 Batteries: Ktngdon and Neff; Trimble, Wright and Spellman. Bases on' balls: Off Kingdon, 4; off Trimble, 4; off Brur A Continued Story in Picture by "Fanan"No. 36 ( WELL. GUESS Iff I MAY AS WELL ? I P EAT MY LUNCH f fSE J like a u, FEMALE r 1. -v r WHAT DO YOU YES! WHAT DO I MEAN BT IN" XOO MEAN BY IT f TERfEftING BETWEEN MAN ANO WIFE Y rr & J 1 ii r-iff I lm mi r ft If ' The usual fate of the peace-maker is well understood. However, good fel lowship may frequently be restored by a timely suggestion of a bottle of This popular bottled beer is can be produced by the brewer Barler-Malt and Saaxer Hops droD of Peerless refreshes, and Order a case denvarad to JWB bottled oety by -" ' j W.C. HEYTMEN. OMAHA. i ; . Vhmm tUaDi sal CS1 I Aa0A-O4 CARL FURTH. Piaaoj. P8 ghr t - nsauai BdDaw4s404 .AaaaAtast) LACrOSSe. WU. CSp tnaw MtrHaar cawtoopf. ft tail mmmt Ott cfire by "Bud" Fisher' Wright, L Struck out: By Kingdon, , by Trimble, 3. Hit by pitched ball: By Trimble, 4. Time: 2:25. Umpire: Cola Olympic Tryouts at Chicago Today CHICAGO, " June 7. Fifteen states will be represented in the Olympic tryouts at Northwestern field tomorrow. In the dashes are such men as Craig of Michigan, Wilson of Iowa, Henry- of Oklahoma, Hoover of Texas, Blair of Chicago and Wasson of Notre Dame. Bermond of the University , of Missouri will contest with Davenport of the Uni versity of Chicago in the quarter and half-mile races. Leon Is Fitting More Heids Than Any One Man in Town The distinctive styles the superior quality the fit-easy effect these are the features that are making Leon's $2 hats the most popular brand of hats among Omaha men. 1- A new shipment of .those pop ular English Sailors at $2 Just arrived yesterday. Come Sat urdayLeon has your size. Paoamas Spec't'ly Priced at $4.85 LEON 'JO $2 HATS 318 S. 15th Badger SO NOW FOR A NICE COOL BOT TLE OF r EH! WHAT 5 MAT. f SOME MAIOEN IN distress! ill rush -aft 4'V- l TO HER RESCUE. EXCUSE ME. GOOD PEOPLE I ONLY WISH TO PRESENT A SAMPLE OP GUNO'S PEERLESS BOTTLED BEER. MAY THEY LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER the best that from the finest grown. Every the quality of its flavor is unequalled. boma to-day. Brewed, aged and 1 KU. m in . JOBEL KlUNl DT&Xtm& UL 41 T 1 mi i 't i H.HpW VTHANKS.l U.OV6LTMOUD MAN. 1 1 t Tl Ani. I ill jf