Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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S Our
Omaha I X
Made JL
Remnants and Sample Pieces
Insertions, Bands and Appliques
OnTwtBig 11(2 vOSii
Bargain Squares IOC and lOC
Also medallions, festoons,
endless variety.
18Jn. Fancy All-Over Laces at 10c and 25c Yd
Also fancy trimming and wash laces, edges, insertions,
bands, galloons, etc., in crochet, Venise, chmy, macrame,
filet and shadow effects, all silk chantilly laces, etc. Many
worth ud to 75c Two larcre bargain squares
piled high with exceptional values, at, yard. ,
Yard wide Nos. GO, 80 and 180 Berkley. cambric; the regular
retail price would be 12y2e, 15c and 18c a yard. Perfect
mill lengths desirable for making sumifier under
muslins, sale price, at, yard
Large and small plaids also striped
and checked Silk Tissues; pret
tier summer fabrics are not
to be had J5c is the ig
regular value per yard IOC
A desirable new lot of very fine
quality India Linon in the regu-
, lar way 18c woul be a A
low price, special, yard IvC,
Printed , Summer Lawns and Ba
tistes, the newest designs new
stocks, Just received, at, yard
2c 6c 8c 10c
Fancy Printed Denims, Cretonnes,
Ticking and plain colored
Sateens, mill remnants' of p
the 18c quality, at, yard OC
Very fine Madras Cloths that have accumulated from our regular
stocks Jn 2H, 3, 3, 7 and 8 yard lengths all 32 inches wide the
best woven madras for dresses, shirts, children's wear, etc., each
piece is perfect with yardage indicated on ticket, making inj
selection easy values up to 25c, at, per yard la&gC
Remnants, f Wool Drtss Goods at 35c Yard
.Serges, poplins, fancy ' weaves excellent lengths for
skirts and chUdren's dresses worth up to $1.00 a yard.
suits, worth
Boys' Heavy Weight Ov
eralls, double knee,
at, per pair ....45
Boys' 60c Brownie Ov
eralls, at . 29
Boys 75c Rompers, var
ious materials, 45
91.00 Wash Suits.. 594
Hartford Saxony Rugs ?fepoSM
The rugs that combine both beauty and quality and it
is a fact, that constant wear enhances the beauty of these
rugs, as the selected yarns grow more lustrous each day of
wear. Hartford Saxony Bugs are fac simile reproductions
of the finest antique rugs obtainable, not mere copies, for
they look, feel and wear like the old time Orientals. We
guarantee them to give absolute satisfaction.
C. L Slalick'i Clothes, Saturated
: with Gasoline, Catch Fire.
Aerldrnt, Serloos, bat Not Fatal,
Ocrara Wedneadar While Sla
" ' , lick la la Charge of Car
: f' at CoffervlUe.
: L. Slalick, an employe of. the Mc
JKeen Motor Car company of this city,
! seriously.' though not fatally burned
3jy gasoline at Coffeyville, Kan., Wednes
day. ; A motor car was enroute to Mineral
;"VVelU, Tex., in charge of Slalick., While
:ln the ralroad yards at Coffeyville he
'yvt in the front end of the car smoking
;a cigar. It is presumed that a spark
;frora the cigar dropped on his clothing,
rwhich was saturated with gasoline to
me extent An Instant later the in
ferior of the front part of the car was
'.a. mass of flames. Slalick Jumped out,
:but before his clothing could be torn off
:iis right arm and both of his hands were
rturned almost to a crisp. The man was
.an once taken to a hospital and it Is
: reported that he Is doing' fairly well.
: The fire spread rapidly through the
-car and the woodwork was badly dam
aged. ' -
Z Deadly Fright
Tposseases sufferers from lung trouble UU
'-tbey learn Dr. King's New Discovery win
;1jJb them. Price 60c and St For sale by
'Beaton Drug Co.
yokes, etc. all kinds an
10c i 25c
Yard wide woven blue and black
striped Madras for making men's
shirts, ladies' and children's
wear, etc., from the bolt,
at, per yard
A splendid new lot of yard wide,
all light colored Percales in
stripes, dots, checks, rings, fig
ures, etc., colorings are 7l
best, at, per yard ' 1 2 C
Standard Apron Ginghams in all
the wanted even and broken
checks, also fancy dress j"
ginghams, at, yard .DC
Dress Calico and Fancy' Kobe
Prints, special, at ty
per yard eCC
Boys' Suits
Boys' $3.50 and $4.00 Wool Suits at $1.98-
Smart, stylish suits well made of strong,
durable fabrics in various shades and
patterns-$3.50 and $4.00 values, $1.98
Boys' Long Pant Suits-These are samples
in the season's cleverest styles ages 14 to
18 years stylish, serviceable long pant
$7.50 to $10.00, at. . . .$5.00
Boys 50c Blouse Waists
special, at ..25tf
Boys' 1 wool Knicker
bocker Pants at 4
Boys' Khaki Knicker
bocker Pants at 49
New Baseball Suits,
$1.25 values at 75
Women Ask Sale of
FireworksBe Stopped
A committee of three, representing the
Daughters of the American Revolution
called on Mayor Dahlman and requested
him to prevent the sales of fireworks
lor the celebration of th ....v ......
wuuu vi July,
They were referred to the legal depart
ment and City Attorney Rln. will render
!L!Pinl? " Whether Bale c" I lro-
uaniman told the delega
tion, he was not in favor of preventing
sales now as it would be unfair to mer
chants who have already begun buying
their stock.
Kindergarten, primary and grammar
grade teachers win be given an exam
ination in room 209 at the high school
June 18 and 19. Applicants for high school
examination will be required to report to
the examining committee between and
10 o'clock Tuesday to register and select
subjects. ;
Every Time You
S. & H. Green
S For
Quite a Few Higher Priced
Tailored Suits
Have Been Added to
the Lot to Sell at $9.95 -
The sale began with suits ranging from'
$15.00 to $20.00 at $9.95, but the selling has
been so great we are forced to add some
higher priced mouels that the
be, satisfactory and the qualities equally
good as those that began the sale. Novelty and
plain tailored styles in various fabrics and colors
to fit women and misses.
Fine Blazer jacket in many color combinations,
finished with patch pocket, made of fine French
and twilled flannels; $6.95 values, Cj4 Q
Friday only tOTTe
Long kimonos of
figured and striped
.-lawns with border
trimmings, loose and
Kmpire styles In
light and mediunv
colors; $1.25 values
on sale Friday at
Long kimonos of
fancy figured and
plain colored silks in
loose and Empire
styles; border and
ribbon trimmed; val
ues from $3.95 to
$6.95, Friday, at
One lot of lingerie
waists slightly soiled
or mussed from coun
ter display, up to
$2.25 values, Friday
only, each
One lot of Norfolk
Middy waists, mostly
in size 12, of white
linen; contrasting col
lar, cuffs and belt,
$1.25 values,
Only Once in a Year Do We Hold a Sale Like This
20 Per Cent Discount on All Picture
Frames Made to Order
This does not mean on only one or two frames and a limited num
ber of mouldings to choose from-but the choice of our entire stock
consisting of over 500 styles in gold, oak, walnut, rosewood, brown,
gum, antique and other finishes.
Also a Discount of 20 Per Cent
on All Ready Made Oval Frames
,This sale Is for Friday and Saturday, but we advise coming Friday
If possible to insure an early delivery of your order.
Bring your pictures with you. There will be no extra charge for
placing them In the frames and besides you can tell better what kind
of a frame you should have when you have the picture to judge by.
Hardware and China
Specials for Thursday Only
An extra quality
four-hols fas rang
is specially priced for
Friday's sellling only
at 112.95.
A ffusrantasd safe
ty rasor of the fam
ous Gilette pattern--a
great value at 50c.
Children's 3-plsos
fardsn sets consist
ing; or raKe, snove
and hoe. So each.
Another shipment
of five-ply, g-naran-tesd
g-arden boss in
50-ft. lengths-fully
guaranteed for tha
season --$4.95.
Large alss, Japan
ned chamber pails In
assorted colors, worth
ic each, Kriday, 39o.
Heavy paint
ed screen
doors, any
size, Friday,
Closing Out Some Fine Corsets
All of these corsets are of popular, well-known makes and come in
all lengths and styles, from the comfortable little girdle models to the
extra long corsets. They are made of batistes and brocaded materials,
boned with non-rustable boning and supplied with good, strong hose
supporters. Values from $1.00 to J3.50 at
25c to 49c for Your Choice
Other good corsets In extra length models; styles to suit every
type of figure; $1.00 to $3.60. Brassieres and corset accessories of
all kinds at the lowest prices consistent with quality. The advice and
assistance of our expert corsetieres Is free at all times.
Are Cut Price Days in the
Big Pure
17 lha. arranulated
sugar for ..fl.OO
Bennett s "Capitol
flour special of-
fr of a sack at $1.95
Bennett's Best coffee and 20 stmPB-
nnunrl 350
3 lbs. Bennett's Best coffee and 80
stamps for
Assorted teas and 15 stamps, lb. 68o
Tea siftlngs and 10 stamps.
lb. 15o
5-lb. can Bennetts lapitoi
powder and 100 stamps . . .
Full cream cheese, lb.-'....
Hand cheese, each
K'aufhatftl cheeae. each
.. 800
Flower and vegetable seeds, pkg. 8Ho
4-lb. pkg. Dewey Cleanser or com
pound and 20 stamps 85o
Quart bottle malt or cider vinegar
and 10 stamps 80o
Large can hominy and 10 stamps, lOo
2 cans Evergreen corn, 10 st'ps, 80o
Snider's pork and beans and 15
stamps, can .15o
jua & Perrin's Worcestershire sauce,
bottle for 85c
5 cakes York Rose or Violet toilet
' soap for
Peanut butter and 15 stamps, jar 15o
Pint can Galllard s pure olive oil re
duced to ...40o
Snider's salad dressing and 10
stamps, bottle 5o
Walker's hot tamales and 15 stamps,
can for ISo
Ms pie butter and SO stamps, can, 85o
3 cans Eagle Lye and 10, 85o
10 bars Bennett's Bargain soap, aso
A little Bee want ad
Everybody reads
Spend a Dime, Ask
Trading Stamps.
Fri AoS
choice may
One lot of messa
llne silk and lingerie
waists in many new
high and low neck
styles, values from
$2.50 to $3.95, at
single Burner gas
ovens, 05o each.
Wilson gas toast
era that will toast 4
slices of bread at a
time, 25c values, Fri
day, 19o.
100 Colonial glass
water sets consisting
of a pitcher and six
glasses to match,
Friday, 69o.
60 assorted Jardin
ieres in 8 and to 12
Inch sizes; value
from $1.00 to $7.50
priced to close, Fri
day, at one-third less
than the rsg. prices.
large sis English
black rook tea pots
in assorted shapes
and sizes, special for
Friday only, 83o ea.
"Perfection Au
tomatic refrig
erators contain
ing needed fea
tures found in
no other make,
$5 to $35
Let us demon
strate them to
you. Sold only
here in Omaha.
Food Grocery
Large can Bennett's Capitol peaches
unu v biiii' iur ............ .yoo
inurrs andiI
tVT.sairnPArr wjII
Fancy Florida Pineapples-
dozen, $1.40, $1.26, $1.00
85c; , each 15c, 13 He,
and ..1:,.
Fancy new potatoes, peck : ,
30c, large juicy lemons, doz.
, 20c
fresh green peas, quart..
Fresh radishes, . dozen . . .
3 fancy cucumbers for...
2 bunches new beets for..
3 bunches new turnips for
2 heads fancy lettuce for,
4 large plain lettuce....
. .8c
. .8c
. .5c
. .5c
. .5c
Baby Halibut. . . . . ... .10c
Large Salt Herring. . 7 ... 5c
Veal Chops............. 15c
Veal Stew.. ...10c
Boiling Beef, 3 lbs. ... . .25c
Hamburger, 3 lbs .25c
does the business
Bee want ads
You Can't Afford to Piss Bargain Friday
Success even beyond our expectations has crowned our
efforts to make this the greatest sales week in our
interest increases-each day crowds of enthnsaste buyers have tt rang. A the vanonsde
partments. Come with the crowds Friday. You'll certainly be glad that you did. bcores
of matchless bargains offered.
White Jap Silks, 15c Yd.
For Waists, Scarfs and Linings,
20 pieces in the lot, in white
Silks at 18c and 88c yard
Values up to 75c, Messalines,
Liberty Satins, Pongees, Foul
ards, Taffeta, Poplins, etc.,
both plain colors and fancy
Special Prices on
Summer Wash Goods
Sale of Cotton Voiles. A new
line to select from in plains,
stripes and figured, 25c qual
ity, Friday, at yard . .15
45-in. Drawn Work Bordered
Voiles, very dressy, regular
69c yard, Friday 50
Flowered Marquisette, very
popular for summer wear,
regular 50c quality, yd. 39
Uganda Silks in every imagin
able shade, excellent for drop
lining, regular 39c, Friday,
at yard.. 35
50c Silk Crepes, at yard 25
75c Silk Mixed Poplin with
coin dot, only a few pieces
left; will close Friday, at
yard 50t
Anniversary Sale
Fancy Linens, Pillow Tops,
Center Pieces, Scarfs, Etc.
At Half and Less
50c Dresser Scarfs . . . .25c
50c Center Pieces . ...25c
50c Pillow Tops . 25c
25c Linen Pieces 15c
10c' Linen Pieces 5c
5c Linen Pieces lc
Silk Floss, per skein
Mercerized Floss, skein, lc
25c Burnt Wood Boxes . ...10
Linen Doilies? big line for selec
tion, special at It 2 3t 5tf
In the Men's Clothing Department
1,000 pairs of Men's PantsValues up to $5.00
pair, fine assortment of patterns, at, choice of
the entire lot $2.50
Anniversary Sale
Remnants of 32-in. Imported Dress Ginghams
Good patterns, regular 18c values, at. yard . .10
Remnants of Silk Finished Foulards All colors,
regular 18c values, at yard 10
Remnants of 7c fine Bleached Muslin 36-inches
wide, on sale Friday, yard , 5
Remnants of 7Hc Check Ginghams Tndlgo blue,
, on sale, at yard 5
Remnants of Anthracite Blue Prints 5c yard
values, Friday, at yard 3
10c India Lawns and Long Clothsj One big lot,
Friday, at yard, 7
New Dress Tissues, good patterns and colors, in
Friday's sale 15
Anniversary Sale
In the Domestic Room
Ladies' $1.50 Muslin Gowns,
Skirts and Combination Suits,
lace and embroidery trimmed,
at 69
Children's 15c and 25c Gauze
Vests, all sizes, on sale Friday,
at, choice ..12 and 7 to
Ladies' Knit Union Suits, all
styles, 50c and 75c values, Fri
day at 35 25
Ladies' 15c and 25c Gauze Vests,
regular and extra sizes, perfect
goods 12 nd 9
Van's Balbrlrra and tJal Under
shirts and Drawara Regular val
ues to $1.00, at 36o
Kan's taundarad Shirts Are values
to $1.60, all styles, perfect goods:
on sale at
15o and SSo Quality Xoaiar7 Men's
women's and children's, all kinds
and colors, all perfect: on sale
at WHo aad 7H
When Coning Down Town
aavinr to tha peopla of Omaha from
18 lbs. best Granulated Snfar. . $1.00
10 bars Beat-'Em-All, Diamond C or
Lennox Soap SSo
8 cakes Fancy Toilet Soap SSo
7 lbs. best Bulk Laundry Starch.. 85c
8 cans Oil or Mustard Sardines 25o
t cans Lu Im Scouring Soap, it beats
the Dutch USe
8 cakes Sillco Scouring Soap, for
pots, pans, etc. ......... 5o
Jellycon. or Jell-O, pkg. 7Ho
E. C. Corn Flakes, pkg SHo
Grape-Nuts, pkg 10c
The best Soda or Oyster Crackers.
per lb. ........ : 7V4o
The best Crtep Ginger Snaps, lb...6o
The best Crisp PreUels. lb So
Snider's Tomato Soup, can 74c
16-oz. cans Condensed Milk 6Ve
. Tha Batter and Cheese XIarket .
of Omaha
The best Creamery Butter, In carton,
per lb.. 7o
The best No. 1 Creamery Butter,
per lb ....85o
The best No. 1 Dairy Butter, Ib..83o
Full Cream Toung America Cheese,
per lb .......SOo
Full Cream Brick or Limburger
Cheese, lb SOo
Neufchatel Cheese, each 3o
Jenny Brs. Brick Cheese, lb lo
Tor rreah TageUhUa, It's Hayden'a
Freeh Spinach, peck 5o
4 bunches Fresh Turnips..-. 6o
$1.00 Silk Foulards, 68c
New, neat patterns in the 2
and 3 tone color effects,
Satin Foulards in dots and
special white designs, great
est snaps ever, at ....68
$1.00 Black Silks 68c All
Silk Satin Foulards and 36
in. Dress Messalines, regular
$1.00 values, at yard - 68
Fridav Millinery Specials
Untrimmed Hats Values up to $2.50 choice . .98c
Hair, Milan, chip and hemp, in black, white or tans-
matchless values in Friday's sale.
Ratine or Wash Rag Hats
- 20 styles for selection
special Friday. .98c, $1.50
See these Friday, it means
a 25 price saving.
We eruarantee Willow P
Millinery. Don't miss Friday.
$4.00 Suit Cases Leather
or reed, well made, great
snap in Friday's sale at,
choice $2.95
Anniversary Specials
in White Goods Friday
25c White Goods in plains and
fancies, yard '10
39c Imported dotted and fig
ured Swisses and Mulls, yard,
at ....25
35c Checked and striped Dimi
ties and plain Flaxons, yard,
at 18
75c pure Linen Automobile
cloth; natural color, yard
wide, yard 39
59c assorted colors Dress Liri-
. ens, pure flax, fast dye, yard,
at 35
35c soft Chamois finished Lin
gerie cloth, 40 inches wide,
worth 35c yard 18
Specials Friday in
Remnants of 32
Anniversary Sale of
Notions in Domestic Room
Non-rustable Hooks and Eyes, at,
per card l
Heavy Shoe Strings, pair ... .1
Large package Hair Pins ....
15c Ocean Pearl Buttons, dozen,
at 4V&
25c Dress Buttons, at doz. 4
Best 6 cord sewing thread, spool,
at 3
20c side Hose Supporters, pr. 9
35c White Embroidered Hand
Bags 10
English Porcelain Open Stock
Dinnerware Specials
In Crockery Dept.
Cup and Saucers, Dinner Plates, Veg
etable Dishes, Platters, Bowls and
Sauce Boats, each lOo
Pie Plates, Sauce Dishes. Pickle
Dishes, Spoon Holders, each . . . .350
Ktmemlwr 25 Prioa Discount on
all Slnnerwara and 100-pieca Slnnar
Sots this week.
or Telephoning- an order It's
worth your while to remember
HftTdan'a Grocery Pricaa A
S5 per oent to 50 per oent.
2 bunches Fresh Asparagus So
8 bunches Fresh Radishes So
6 bunches Fresh Onions 5c
4 heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce 5o
2 heads Fresh Head Lettuce ....So
Fancy Fresh Peas, quart 7c
4 bunches Pieplant So
Large Cucumbers, each 3Vso, 5c, 70
and loo
2 bunches Fresh Parsley 5o
New Potatoes, lb 3o
Cabbage, lb 3o
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb lOo
Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb. .7H
We have a carload of Extra Fancy
Florida Pineapples, shipped to us
direct from the grower, and Thurs
day we will sell them as follows:
Small size, each 6c; per dozen . . 45o
Medium size, each 7Hi per doz. 85o
Medium large size, each 8Ho; per
dozen 9 So
Large size, each, lOo; per dozen 91.10
Extra large size, each. 18 o; per
dozen $1.40
We advise our customer to buy
now; the market is strong and prices
Fancy large, strong, healthy plants,
nothing better for 20c dozen; plant
now,; sale price, dozen ..So
Crockery Dept.
Wool Dress Fabrics
Serges, Mohairs, Panamas,
Poplins, Granite ' Cloths, Ba
tistes, remnants of from 2 to
6 yards, 500 of them in the ,
lot, choice, yard 25
$2.00 Dress Fabrics 68c Im
ported Mohairs, fine Chiffon
Panamas, Silk Voiles, mixed
Suitings, etc., 48 to 56-in.
wide, to $2 values, yd. QSlt
Fancy Feathers, Wings,
Owl Heads and Breasts
Fine new imported goods
at very special bargain:
prices Friday.
iimes and everything else in
Bass Wood Trunks, $7.50
and $10 Heavy straps,
slats and bumpers, can
vas covered; matchless val
ues. -1
Lace Curtain Sale Friday
Cable Net and Brussjstette Car
tains 13.50 values, full size,
at pair . $1.90
Filet Net, Cable Xet, Scrim and
Nottingham Curtains, $2.75 pair
values, at pair .-.$1.50
Fine Colored Border Net Cur
tains and Nottingham Curtains,
worth $2.00 pair, on sale, at
Pair .-90
Rope Portieres, full size,, all col
ors, $5.00 values, Friday S3.50
Filet Net for curtains, values to
65c yard, fine assortment, at,,
yard 35
25c colored Scrim for curtains,
reversible, on sale Friday, a,
yard ....... -..15
$1.85 Couch Covers, Friday 9g
10c Curtain Swiss, 40-in. wide,
at i 5
1 In the Boys' Clothing Department
100 Dozen Boys' Khaki Suits Coat and pants,
all sizes 4 to 14 yrs., $1.25 values, choice 55
The Best Play Suits Made.
the Domestic Room
- in. Seersucker for underwear, 18c
yaxu values, ai yara 12
Remnants of 15c Percales, light and dark patterns
36 inches wide, at yard 10
Remnants of Bleached Table Linens, 2 yards long
$1.50 values, Friday go!
Remnants of Wash Goods, all kinds, to 15c yard
values, to close, yard er
Remnants of 10c Lawns, big variety, on' sale Fri
day, at yard , . ;
50c Ready Made Sheets, medium weight', 7 2x9 0 size!
, on sale ....l!
Full Size Bed Spreads, in assorted patterns, '$1.39
values, at ..85
Anniversary Sale
Women's Dress Section
Domestic Room
Women's Wash Dresses, worth to
$3.00, big assortment of pretty
styles and fabrics .....$1.50
Women's Tailored Suits, good
spring styles, values to $15.00,
Friday, at, choice . ...5.00
$1.00 Percale Wrappers in all
sizes and colors, at 69
75c Children's Dresses, all sizes
6 to 14 years, percales and
chambrays, choice .......49
Silk Dresses worth to $10.00
Foulards and Messalines, fine
assortment, choice .... $5.00
Black Panama Dress Skirts $3
values, good styles, on sale Fri
day, at $1.98
Children's Rompers, 50c. values,
all sizes, assorted colors, 25
10c Williams' or . Colgate's Shaving
Soap, per bar, 6c 4 for 85o
25c bar of Cutlcura Soap for 17o
10c a bar Toilet Soaps in one big lot,
slightly soiled, per bar. 8o
Four bars of ivory Soap for 15o
16c box of 20-Mule-Team Borax... 9o
10c box of Shlnola Shoe Polish.... 6o
One big lot of regular 10c and 15c a
bar Toilet Soap go two bars for 16o
J 1.00 size Pure Hydrogen Peroxide,
extra size, for 85o
25c size Sanitol Tooth Powder or
Paste 18Ho
25c Pond's Extract. Sanitol or Perox
ide Face Cream for 13VaO
50c box of Java Rice or Pozzonl Face
Powder for 250
25c bottle of Bay Rum, fancy sealed
bottle, for .xoo
25c can of Mennen's or Colgate's Tal
cum Powder for 150
Free to all our customers a 25c
set of Colgate's Outing Comforts.
$1.00 box of La Trefle or Azurea Face
Powder for 750
Large size of Pompelan Massage
Cream for 49-
$1.00 bottle of Pinaud's Lilac or' Vio
let Toilet Water for .... gal
$1.50 and $2.00 Fancy Traveling "cases
at one price . 39-
I SO Imported Hand Mirrors 'at 8o
$1.50 values in large washable Cham
ols Skins for 81 oa
Ore .hundred Dr. Hinkle's' "caacara
Tablets in sealed bottle for. . . . S5o