Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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Omaha JJ P JV- ZHT LX. ll
In Oar
June Sale of Ribbons
Beautiful Warp Prints which
cannot be excelled In quality,
style or coloring, 5-lnch
width at, yard 25
We have carefuly selected the most
beautiful and popular shades and va
rieties of ribbons so as to meet all
demands for the many June events'
where ribbons are indlspenslble.
Wide satin ribbon for table bows
and decorations In all the popular
514 inches wide at 29c yard.
6ft inches wide at 89c yard.
6 M -Inch Brocade Sash Ribbons, in
white, pink, blue, bowknot, illy or
the valley and other floral designs
at, per yard . -39tf
5-inch Ribbon to match Sash Rib
bons for hair and corsage bows
at, per yard 29
Plain Satin Taffeta Sash Rib
bon In white, pink and blue,
6 lech widths at, per
yard 29
We show a beautiful, line of
Sashes, extremely new also
make these free of charge.
Fancy stripe, beautiful mil
linery and hair bow rib
bons, at, yard . . 25c
Also we would suggest some of the following useful gifts now
in vogue: "" " s
Hair Ornaments beautiful selection of Corsage Bouquets of
Roses, very desirable fancy Ribbon Ties, always useful pretty
Breakfast Caps, made of beautiful warp print ribbons Motor Caps,
unusually becoming and useful, made to order.
In Basement Ribbon Section Splendid line of plain colors, fancy
warp prints, stripes, etc. at, a yard 12 HI
12ic and 15c DRESS GINGHAMS at 5c yd.
You will want some of these splendid ginghams for sum
mer house dresses checked, striped, plaid and plain
chambray ginghams that are warranted fast colors and
will give excellent wear on sale in the 2
great basement salesroom, at, yard , ........ OC
17-k All Linen Crash at 3ic Yard
You will certainly avail yourself of this opportunity to
buy pure linen Crash Toweling, unbleached, a fine ab
sorbent quality; suitable for hand or roller towels, which
usually; sell at Sc-Wednesday only, in linen O l p
bargain aisle of basement, yard ............ O 2V
35c Silk Tissues at 15c Yd.--In Basement
One of the best fabrics for summer Dresses in large, me
dium and small plaids, also checks and stripes. The col
orings are beautiful. All are woven from silk and the
finest Egyptian cotton obtainable from IS.
the bolt,' at, yard UC
75c Wide EMBROIDERIES at 39c Yard
18 and 27-inch fine Swiss, Nainsook and Batiste Embroidered
Jf'lounclngs, 24-inch allovers, also corset coverings in eyelet, floral
and new combination effects; many actually worth to QQ,
75c; special at,. yard... 05C
Medium and Wide Embroidery Edgings at 10c Yard.
Nainsook, muslin and cambric up to 12, Inches wide, aUo medium
and wide insertions effective designs worth 20c on in
bargain square at, yard. 1UC
Thursday in Our Bargain Basement.
3,000 Pairs Women's, Men's and Children's Shoes.
We ofter remarkable bargains in shoes for summer wear, in
cluding the greatest varieties of oxfords in black and tan leathers
and white canvas shoes and pumps. See the windows. The sale
will be Thursday.
Plans Are Now Being Made for More
' : Adequate Service.'
Street Car Com pa or Will Go Ahead
. with Cobb ruction When It Se
carea Agreement from the-
l City to Do Its Part.
. i .
; Extension of the Fortieth and CumlnK
Wert Farnara and the North Twenty
fourth street car lines will be made If
the street car company can get the city's
agreement to pave the etreeU. , ;
The company haa material ready tor the
West Farnam extension from Fortieth to
Forty-sixth and Cumlngt but Is holding
back pending the city action on the pav
ing matter. '
Plans alio have" been made by the
rbmpany 'to build the North Twenty
fourth street line from Fprt to Miller
Conference Will Me Held.
' The Florence line now covers the terri
tory west of the park aind the new
Twenty-fourth street extension is cal
culated to handle the traffic of the east
' R. A. Leussler, assistant general man
ager of the street car company, will hold
a conference with Commissioner of Public
Improvements McOovcrn regarding the
. "We do not want to build the tracks on
the streets until we know grading and
Davlna- will be done." said Leussler. "We
do not want the tracks to stand out above
the street and form an obstruction to
general traffic."
traded the officer's attention. Ha was ar
rested and a search revealed a huge
pistol, loaded with dynamite steel Jacket
Italian Unmanned
by Watchf ul Police
. bam Monico, an Italian section hand.
was arrested at 3:3) yesterday morning
by Patrolman the Union station
charged wlU carrying concealed wepons
and being a suspicious character. Monico
v ca loitering about the station In a aus-
pi'-'f'.is ma.W jnj. Hs - rev trouser
VjlLA bad a jpetuUur. buUe, hUJ)
Woman Takes Acid
While Her Husband
Waters the Garden
After sending her husband out Into the
the front yard to water the flowers about
7. Monday night, , Mrs. Frank le Barr
took two ounces of carbolic acid and
died within a short time. After taking
the acid Mrs. Barr tapped on the win
dow and beckoned her husband to come
in. She told him what she had done,
said sho was sorry and asked him to
call a doctor.
Mrs. Barr was IS years of age and had
beeen married about a year and lived at
S21R Oak street She had been suffering
with stomach trouble and became de
spondent. She had been In the hospital for
several months and was attended by
sevei al doctors, but failed to Improve.
She was the wife of Lawrence J. Barr,
who," with his father, Andrew Barr, are
speculators on the South Omaha market.
The funeral will be held Wednesday
afternoon at i o'clock from the residence.
Rev. Robert L. Wheeler of the First
Presbyterian church of South Omaha,
will officiate. Interment will be in West
Lawn cemetery.
Every Time You Spend a Dime, Ask
For S. & H. Green Trading Stamps.
Wednesday We Place on Sale Our
Entire Stock of
There isn't
'much to say
about a sale
like this, especially when it's a
house of an established reputa
tion that announces it. The cap
tion and the prices tell the whole
story, with the addition that IT'S
Those who have been in the wom
en's garment store this season know 4
that we have shown greater,
better and broader assortments
than in any previous season. "
That's the stock you choose from in this
To make the selling and prices more
satisfactory, we have divided the entire
stock into three groups and marked it as
f P for all the suits
fl 1 fl i C fr aH suits
IPA PAfor all suits
All of the newest fabrics and staple
weaves, shades and colors are to be found
in each lot; and every woman can come
with the assurance of being fitted. Plenty
of the extra sizes, as well as the sizes for
women of average size, small women and
Please note that we have cream-white wool
suits at the above prices, but not all of them
are reduced in the same proportion. Be here
with the opening of the store.
lis 4
:I I'M
2-lb. Can BREAKFAST Coffee STAMPS 52c
And Other Pure Food Bargains for Wednesday Only
Assorted teas ana 50 stamps, lb. 48o
Tea sittings and 10 stamps, lb. 16o
17 lbs. granulated sugar 1.00
Bennetfa "Excelsior" flour-special
offer of a sack at .11.50
10-lb. sack yellow corn meal 20o
Flower and vegetable seeds, pkg. 9V&0
2-lb. roll Premium butterine 43o
fcSnlder's chile sauce, 10 st'ps, bot. 85o
10 bars Bennett's Hargaln soap . .25o
One dozen boxes safety matches, 60
Bennett's Capitol extract and 20
stamps, bottle I80
H-lb. can Bennett's Capitol baking
powder, and 15 stamps 13o
Pint can Galllard's pure olive oil
now on sale at 40o
Snlder's pork and beans and 15
stamps, can ibo
t cans Evergreen corn, 10 st'ps, 800
Large can Bennett's Capitol Hawaiian
sliced pineapple .' 20c
3 pkgs. Toasto corn flakes and 10
stamps 25o
Kull cream cheese and 10 st'ps, lb. 32o
Hand cheese, each SHo
Ohlradelli's chocolate and 10 Starr ps,
1-lb. can ) 35o
Blue Label catsup, 20 st'ps, bot 84c
Onion1 salt, and 20 stamps, jar 36o
Three large cans Cottage milk and
10 stamps 25e
Large can hominy and 10 stamps, lOo
Lea & Perrin's sauce, bottle ....25c
Best Lamb Chops . . .15c
Corned Beef, 3 lbs. . . . '.25c
Best Pot Roast ..... . .W2c
Shoulder Steak .. 12c
10-lb. can Pure Lard. . .$1.40
Morrell Picnic Hams 15c
must have many advantages over the old one to keep you satisfied.
You bare been used to 15 and 20 bushel wheat crops; you will harvest
40 and (0 bushels in the San Luis Valley, Cola
Your oats will yield 80 bushels to 125 bushels In the Ban Luis Valley.
Tour potatoes will turn out 250 to 400 bushels; in other words, you will
raise Just about twice as much per acre,, and do It evsry year.
Our land is cleared and plowed, ready to crop. You can begin now.
Your crops will bring as good or better prices than you -would get at
'""'seveflour'mnis are ready for your wheat; potato buyers will contract
your crop before it is dug; your hogs, sheep and cattle will find buyers when-
'Poultry? e's-gs 'and butter bring better prices in the Valley than in Kan-
Yrourenewkhouse and stable will cost less in the San Luis Valley; dimen
sion stuff is only $20 per M. Fence posts and fire wood free for the hauling.
It costs too much to tell 'the story, In this column; send us your name
and address for prices, terms, etc.
Boom 1017 Plrst Katlonal Bank BldgH BESVXB, COLO.
Young Men's Hebrew
Club Gets Quarters
The Young Men's Hebrew association
has secured permanent quarters In the
Wellington building at Eighteenth and
Farnam streets. The board of directors
have leased the entire sixth floor for
one year and will begin at once to fur
nish all the rooms In an elegant manner.
Several of the Mosher-Lampman Busi
ness college rooms will be used as class
rooms by the association. The assocla
tion expects to be able to occupy the
new club rooms by July 1.
The meeting Wednesday evening" In
the vestry room of Temple Israel will
be addressed by Judge Lee Estelle. He
will talk on "Character."
Thieves Get Tools
and Hose from School
Thieves broke Into the tool house at the
Kellom school Monday night and carried
off several seta of carpenter tools and
new 200-foot hose wnlch belonged to le H.
Beers, 1915 Webster street -
If you are a housewife you cannot rea
sonable hope to be healthy or beautiful
by washing dishes, sweeping and doing
housework all day, and crawling Into
bfd dead tired at night -.You must get
out into the open air and sunlight. If
you do this every day and keep your
stomach and bowels In good order by
taking Chamberlain's . Tablets when
needed., you should become both nealUiy
Toothache Gum
Hm fiven perfect wdifsction (or 2S flirt.
All drug Hons ot by mail. Ic
C. Ocwt fc Co . Dctsoit. Mich.
Tic President American Federation
of labor.
Tuesday Evening, June 11,19 2
. , ... . .and , . . .
Under the Auspices' of the
Women's Missionary Federation Stunner
School Oommltte.
Tickets on sale at Myers-Dillon Drug
Co.. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.,
Merchant's Drug Store. Pope Drug Co..
and Labor Temple. . These tickets may
be exchanged for Reserved Seats at the
Theater, June 6th. and 7th.
Segnlar Sal of Beserved Beats Begins
June eta. .. -
BESSBTSO SEATS, ago, 35o and 50c
More Beautiful Than
Ever Before
Boating. Dancing in the Grand
Ball Room, Music by Arthur E.
Smith's Orchestra, Free Moving
Pictures Every Evening.
, Tou will enjoy a meal, lunch or
refreshments served in the restau
rant, which la now entirely en
closed with screen and is first
class in every way.
&xHt&t&mmii show
TATJDETXLI.B Include Gladys Van
A Arthur Pearce, Pert Sketch; Miller.
l Lhtnlnv ril Palntar: TmI Rajlev's
t Statue Dogs; Cowboy Burton, Baritone.
Pictures cnangea oaaiy. iewruaeviue
Ttau.-sCay. Hours: 1 to Ktf lxkj i
n S ttu WW
j i nursoay. nour
f. 7 to .11 p. la.
One of the worst phases of
the cleaning business Is the
great number of inexperienced
people who hang out a "DRY
CLEANING" sign and claim to
they have neither knowledge
nor equipment to do first class
Another drawback is that so
many people think dry cleaning
or gasoline cleaning is all
there is to thfs cleaning busi
ness, when in fact it is a very
small part of the business and
the easiest part to learn.
The skill and experience is
what counts when it comes to
fixing up the articles that do
not come out right in the gaso
line cleaning that's where our
long experience and fine equip
ment comes in to make our
work better and more satisfac
tory than what you get at other
places. That's also why our
business grows larger each year
and why we do more cleaning
In our plant than is done in any
other two places in Omaha.
Send us your fino summer
dress 33. rare laces, doilies,
house furnishings, rugs, etc.,
and we will restore them to
their original luster and
beauty. We clean anything
that requires CARE and SKILL
in handling, and guarantee
satisfaction. We will send you
one of our complete price lists,
or send a man to quote price
on .all. your work if you. will
phono us. Out of town busi
ness receives prompt attention.
Express paid one way on
orders of $3 or more.
"Jood Cleaners and Dyers.,,
1515-17 Jones Street.
Phones, Doug. 963; Ind. A-3168
Our New
Pianos for
are most excellent instru
ments. Do not buy until
you see them.
We have pianos for rent
at $2.00, $2.50, $3,00 and
$3.50 per month.
$89, $115, $145, $165 and
Among these are such
makes as SCHAEFFER,
STEINWAY and many
Terms to suit every purchaser.
I lL Ivtmmime In An A Mm R
It is easier to preserve the color of the
bair than to restore It, although it is pos
sible to do both. Our grandmothers un
derstood the secret They made a "sage
tea," and their dark, glossy hair long
after middle life was due to this fact.
Our mothers have gray hairs before they
are fifty, but they are beginning to ap
preciate the wisdom of our grandmothers
in using "sage tea", for their hair and
are fast following suit.
The present generation has the advan
tage of the past in that it can get a
ready-to-use preparation called Wyeth'e
feage and Sulphur Hair Remedy. As a
scalp tonic and color restorer this prep
aration la vastly superior to the ordinary
"sage tea", made by our grandmothers.
The growth and beauty of the hair de
pends on a healthy condition of the scalp.
yVyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy
quickly kills the dandruff germs which
rob the hair of its life, color and lustra,
making the scalp clean and healthy, gives
the hair strength, color and beauty, and
makes it grow.
Oet a SO cent bottle from your druggist
today. He will give your money back It
you are not satisfied after a fair trial.
Agent Sherman 'A McConnell Drug Co.
Thursday Bvenlaf Only, June Sixth
Drama In Motion Pictures and Tands
Tille. Auspices Knights of Columbus'
. HEW hoxs BEirsm
60c Jo e rrattona 1
Wednesday and Thursday
The real Fire Sale
$1.25 Outing Flannel Night
Gowns and Petticoats 48c
Although it is the wrong time of the year for flannel goods, we
feel it will pay you to be here, as this is a chance of a lifetime..
The Famous stock 'of outing flannel night gowns and
petticoats, ladies' and misses sizes, worth J1.00, $1.25 and some.
worth $1.50, as long as they last we will sell them at,
your pick from the entire stock, also extra large sizes
Aprons 9c, 15c and 29e ' Dressing Sacques at 25c on ;
40 dozen aprons go on sale fjg QgHgf .
Wednesday. Large gingham aprons , '
with sleeves, white waitress For two days only-we place on
aprons, fancy aprons with bibs, sale 25 doen sacques in lawns
etc.; some of these aprons are d "T n? H
from the Famous stock, the rest from " c L5 : They
are from a New York manufac- 8 four lots: a11 011 one table"
turer we bought at 50-per cent g- f-- 0f
of the regular price. They go in CrlOCaasi7G
three lots - "
9c, 15c, 29c and 39c
$1 Children's Hats, 39o 75c CORSETS, 33c Norfolk Dresses and
For two days only, we We will place on sale SiiitS $3.98 and $4.93
will sell over 300 chil- Wednesday for the manufacturei,8 sam.
dren's hats, suitable r8t lme doze . f the latest
, !,ia ,Q corsets medium and Pie line of tne latest
for girls 2 to 12 years long BlzeB lg tQ j0 gtyle8 now ln 8Ucn de-
of age; a big assort- wltn four hoBe 8up. man(j Norfolk dresses
ment, all in five lots- porters attached, posi- and suits, worth to
worth up to $1.00 tively worth 75c $9.00; ln two lots
39c 33c $3.98 and $4.98
I ailiM' Silk KlKP 9Qr rt tlme- These tinue all this week:
auc Lames am nose m dresseg are m08tly WaMg 15ci
Silk thread hose, in from 8 to 14 years; 79c, 89c.
black, white, tan, blue also a few from 2to(i Muslin Underwear
and pink; two days fears not a dress in i5c, 25c, 48c, 75c, 89c
onjy pajr the lot worth less than and $1.89.
$1.50; some worth $2 Dresses $1.39, $1.48,
29C and $2.50; our price $1.98, $3.98 and $3.98.
. c Coats $1.98, $3.98,
$2 Children's Dresses 85c goc Kd9$8m'98' 9698
This lot of dresses Fire sale of the fol- Ladies' Hats 39c, 98c,
goes on sale for the lowing goods to con- $1.48 and $1.98.
Jext Saturday, June 8
BP VJtV. ysr Mt Ml W ijmJ m TCk A
. EswW
The Famous
xai stock ot reuicoaTS
111 I B Al.!-i.
' goes on sale for
hg the first time Sat
The . prices will
S be so low as to be
almost unbelievablewait for it.
Baphael-Pred 60
Southeast Corner
13th and Farnam Sts,
One of the Many
pf a GasNRange is that after it is connected it is
ready to use any minute you want it. You will
want one the first warm day. Buy it now and be
ready for that day.
We will connect at once any range purchased
and payment need not be made until range is set
Then, you pay only $3.00veach month until the
range is paid for. In the meantime, use the range.
We make this offer in your interest and ours,
so that you may have the Gas Range the moment
you want it and we may be relieved of the strain
that will fall upon us if everybody who intends to
buy a Gas Range this summer comes in at the same
time and wants the range connected at once.
Help us to help you.
Omaha Gas Co.,
1509 Howard Street
A "Snappy One!
for the Young Man
1 $so
The yonug' man of today wanta
footwear that haa life and dash
-up-to-the-hour shoes.
We've caught the spirit of the
young man's wants, and hare
provided styles as smart and
as swell as nu neart can de
sire. Turn your feet in this
direction for the nob-'
Siest lasts in any leather.
U 1 1 fru iMili 111' 11 ' 1 1 illfi 1
an 2 tci'-4--!. Tcr sale, fejall dealer.