f I I I ! i I ?3 i i 'J is 8 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 2, 1912. ii V v OMAHA "The best city of Its size In the United States." lip II I mi 41 JU SEES Traiimph Beer , Old. Saxon Bran Malt Extract The finest products of the brewers 'art. Awarded Gold Medal and Highest Honors at Transmississippi Exposition, Omaha, 1898, Gold Medals and Highest Awards at Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, Portland, Oregon. Grand Prix and Gold Medals at the International Exposition of Foods and Beverages, Paris, France, March, 1912. MADE -IN OMAHA Guess how many jars of Velvetina Nail Tint in this pyramid The nearest guesser will be given a $5.00 assortment Velvetina Toilet Specialties And not surpassed by any brew in the world. Stand up for your own town insist on STORZ PRODUCTS. We now brew and sell much more than any other brewery in Omaha or the middle west, but are willing to employ more help if there is more demand. It's up to you, Mr. Omahan, to boost your own town. , See our displays at Hayden Bros.' Store, 16th Street entrance, in the big glass case, and at Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Farnam Street window. STORZ BREVIMi CO., Omaha Displays and guesting contests at Owl, Merchants and Hort-Schaffer Drug Stores Velvetina Toiist Specialties Are Soli in Every State in the Union DAILY CAPACITY OF OUR LABORATORY: 10,000 Jars Velvetina Vanishing Cream 8,000 Jars Velvetina Massage 600 Pounds Velvetina Face Powder 3SC TRAVELING REPRESENTATIVES COVERING THIRTY-SEVEN STATES GOODRICH DRUG COMPANY MANUFACTURING PHARMACISTS D Offices and Laboratory 1308-10 Harney Street Velvetina Shop of Beauty Culture, 1819 Farnam St. Sales Branches Oklahoma Cit, Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Salt Lake City. EASTERN BRANCHES BEING ESTABLISHED. y ,nm M Mi , ii . umm mi imrmmmmvmmmmmmim!' 1 MafaMiji Ik- mxriTvtH- t i ia,.-,.-f7 r -rt "fr , , MrtrlPf raa tirf-r v---r ? r.- .' w,J:.;:nl 'iikuiiiiiru'i. . ;:fiw;;.7''ri& i Mirrors til a FiMiaM:i fiiniJiiiawiiMij Omaha asket C bmpany it'tj iu;i""t "-r jj n ir m i ii infi "f-n i'nr "ii ii- ' , . mrf 1 Made in our Omaha factory, the largest and best equipped factory in the middle west. Full length Mirrors, Art Mirrors, Mirrors for the store and home. See Our Display in Hayden Bros.' Art Glass Windows For Churches and Residences "We want you to visit our factory; you'll enjoy the trip and we'll enjoy see ing you- We want you to see our dis play in The Brandeis Stores. Guess the number of pieces of glass in the beautiful window on display, "The Annunciation." A valuable prize if you guess correctly. P. S. "We make plate tops for tables and furniture. Phone us, D. 91, we'll quote prices. MIDLAND GLASS AND PAINT CO. 11th and Harney Sts. OMAHA FRANK W. JUDSON, Mgr. PHO TO-Engraving is one of the important products entering into the de velopment of manu facturing institutiohs. Omaha can well be proud of having a large engraving plant "producing the high est quality of work. See the display at" Women V Toggery 1517 Douglas Street and register your guess for a prize. aker Bros. Engraving Co. 1216 Howard St. B ii W ii Mr OMAHA "The best city of its b!m In the United States."