iHE OMAHA - SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 2, 1912. An Event in Women's Wear A great lot of Women Fine Suits, Coats and Gowns found happy owners Saturday in the Lilliputian Upset Sales and the fan has only be gun. June brides may effect big saving from these comprehensive and authentic displays or ouits, Dresses and iaowns. Women's Suits Serges and novelty cloths, formerly $25.00, $29.75 and $32.50, at only $19.75 Values $35.00, $39.50, $45.00 and $55.00, only. .$25.00 Junior Suits-Values up to $25.00, only .$12.50 Women's Coats Serges and Mixtures, also taffeta and colored silk coats, $19.75 to $29.75 coats only $14.75 Values from $32.50 to $45.00 at only $25.00 Junior Coats Formerly sold up to $19.75, at. . .$10.00 Girls" Coats-Values. to $19.75, at $7.50 Children's Coats Values to $6.50, at $1.95 ''Women's Pumps and Oxfords at $2.95 Black or brown velvet pumps, four-eyelet oxford ties in dull or tan leather, patent leather or black suede-$4.00 and $4.50 values, at . $2.95 OWN STOCK 1518-1620 FAENAM STREET WOMEN TO STUMP IOWA Those Interested in Suffrage Flan Extensive Anto Tours. FREE CABS TO BE FURNISHED Canadian and Iowa Ilraltb Aathorl ttS Engaged In t'onroT-ry Over Aalmals Killed on Ground The yWere Diseased. J HINTS TO PENSIONERS Representative Kiakaid Suggests , .Metaod in Their Iatereit. RELATES TO SERVICE DISABILITY Blaalu Prepared far VaSaraaa to labmlt Make ! Rareraaea ta It aa Member Thlaka Mac TroafcU Will Reaalt. (From a 8tff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. June l.-(8pectal Tele- tra.rn.Ma the opinion of fUprsssntaUv KlnkaM much confusion It likely to ra ult at the pension office became of th term prepared by the bureau for appH cstlona under the law of May 11. The blank make no reference to the aerviot disability under which many may wlah to file and It omission la mlslssdinr t'nlsss .applicant! state pacifically.' In their application that they are filing un der tha disability clauaa. where they wish to do 10. treat confusion will result. The matter has come to the attention of many other members and the minority room has prepared a blank form of affi davits whtoh they are advising claimants to file with their applications, where tbfy base their claim upon a service dlssNl Ity. The affidavit calls for the certificate number, company and regiment In which the soldier served, the nature of his dls. ability "Incurred In the aervlce and line of duty." Jt declares further that "by reason of such disability the soldier Is now unable to perform manual labor and that he makes affidavit to supplement his application and makes claims for ths maximum pension provided by the act of Way U, Mil." i Accompanying affidavit from a physician who has examined the claimant Is also suggested. Mr. KlnkalS believe that if this affi davit or a similar one is filed with the application It will save much eonfuslor that Is now likely to result under Jh operation of th new law. ' i CUMMINS WOULD BE DARK HORSE (Continued from First Page.) MAN AND WOMAN ARE MURDERED AT SEATTLE SEATTLB, : iune ,tMrs, Bffle Lesson, tt years old. was beaten to death with carpenter's hammer;, George Fel ion. years olr. was e'ot to death, and loseph M'ller. SS years "old. is in jail, lharged with murder, aa the culmination f a fight between. Miller and felton on Wednesday njght. over Feltone attention 10 Mrs. Lawon. Felton s fatter is a cigar lealer lh Milwaukee. - Mrs. tasson, who conducted two lodg ng houses, was killed some time during day at one of them. Iter body was fcund last night by a lodger. Falton, who was a magaalne agent, wss ihot last night, a be sat at the head of be stairs st the other hotel conducted ly Mrs, ' Lassou, Miller was employed tere. Miller fled after killing FeltoV mt was arrested later. He declared both ra Lssson and Felton had threatened o poison bin. . . POSTMASTERS NAMED BY PRESIDENT TAFT . i ,;. ; . WASHINGTON, June L-KBoecia! Tele-;ram.)-The president today sent the sen its for confirmation the appointment of 'ernes D. Swart as postmaster at pu tree. H. V. W. E. Richards hss been appointed by fee president as postmaster at Edge food, la , and the senate IS aaked to tonflrra the nomination, . Henry Niebuhr has beta appointed by bo president as postmaster at Wlnne ago. Neb., and tbe senate Is asked to ion firm the nomination Representatives Burke and Martin have olned In recommending that Robert . losers be appointed postmaster at Faith, L IX The office has been raised to the residential class. Trlea to Kill Mother with Am. DEM30N. la.,. June . l.8pedal.) lobert Christy of this city attempted to till his mother with an axe Thursday light. She warded Off the blow with her ight arm. which Is badly cut In two daeaa. Christy bid at a neighbor's bouse ' or a few hours a3d waStthen caught and ut In JaU, The circumstances ot the if fair are mads mora startling from the act that his sister lay dead In an ad- doing room, having died after a long Unesa CkrUtlaas Xaat Of fleers. : MARSHAIXTOWN, la., June l.-(Bp-lai Telegram.) The lowas State Chris la confereaoe ended today at La Iraad with the election of the following (fleers: President, Rr. D. M. Helfen teSn. De Moines; vice president, R, a. Uwla, Madrid; , aecretariv John Kyle. eriee; treasurer, E. A. Saunders, Monte - ' -. to the result of Monday's primaries. Illinois Delegates at Oyster Bay. OYSTER BAT. N. T June l-FJloted by Alexander H. Revell, chairman ot the national committee, and Medlll Mc cormick, twelve delegates to the repub lican national convention from Illinois arrived here this afternoon for a con ference with Colonel Roosevelt at Saga more Hill. 1 Although no announcement has been made as to the object of their visit, ft (s believed thst they came here to dis cuss with the colonel the question M to who shall be the new republican na tional committeeman from their state The mention of the name of Chauncey Dewey for the place has not met the approval of all the Illinois Roosevelt delegates, it Is said. Mr. Revell refused Ao throw any light upon the object of the conference other than to aay; "I hope there will be complete hsrmonv by the time of the convention. I am no, saying that there Is no harmony now.' Colonel Fred Hale and Morrill . Drew of Portland, Me., also visited Bssamore Hill today. They came, they sMd, to assure Colonel Roosevelt of their loyalty Another Compromise Candidate ' YANKTON, 8. , D June L-8peakr Charles A. Ingram of Wisconsin spoke here today In furtherance of Senator La Follette'S candidacy. He said that, whether or not La Follette la nominated the senator will dictate a large part of tbe platform. "I believe Senator La Follette will hold the balance of power in the convention. ' said the speaker. "Neither Taft or Roose velt csn be safely nominated without the strength and support of the La Fol lette, delegates. From the way sentiment in favor of progressive ideas Is growing we will be able to dictate a large part of the Chicago platform! and once that platform gets before the convention tho delegates will see that there la no one able to fit the platform but La Follette. 1 (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, June l.-(8peclal Tele gram.) The leader In the woman's suf frage movement in Iowa will etiimp the stats In the interest of suffrage. The executive committee of the state suffrage association has mapped the state for auto mobile tours to be made by women, who will address outdoor audiences from th machines or make Indoor addresses In th smaller towns where the state executive committee has made appointments for them. . Corydon and Des Moines will be made th headquarters for the speaking cam paigns and automobile tours. A number of automobile owners throughout the state have offered to the committee the free use of their machines for these speaking tours. ' Controversy Over Iloraea. , The controversy between the Iowa state animal health department and a similar department in Canada over the shooting of nineteen horses by Canadian officials has been rtnewed. Th Canadian health authorities are not satisfied with the results of the analysis whclh ha been made and have demanded that blood from each of the animals be sent to Washington and Ottawa for analysis. Nineteen head of horses belonging to George Belschei were killed by the Cana dian authorities on the ground that they were diseased. They had been passed by the Iowa authorities beior being started for Canada. . C. E. Rawaon Dead. Charles E. Rawson. for many years president of the Des Moines life Insur ance company, died today, aged Si He recently so1 ouoJThe company to the Na tional Life of Chicago. , "ROOT SOAKER1' IN THE GRAIN BELT (Continued from First Page.) ' Bridegroom Commits Balclde. WEST LIBERTY. Ia., Jun l.-Law-renee Potson, married but a few weeks ago, shot off the top of his head with a shotgun esrly this morning at his home near here. No cause la ascribed for the act ; low News Tfotea, tjb ORAND A temporary Injunction will be aaked by the people ot Le Grand to prevent the board of trustees of Palmer college from removing th college to Al bany. Mo where It Is plsnned to consoli date It with a school of th same denomination. HENDERSON L. M. Meyers, a well-to- do farmer living near here, committed suicide last night by shooting himself. Th widow and two children survive him. la., the precipitation ran?ed from ci-- fcalf to two lnchs. Rata Is General. The Northwestern weather map shows little .rain north of Blair on the up-river line, but between Omaha and there tbcre was from one-half to an inch. West of O'Netl there wer scattered showers, but no eeneral rain. Between O'Neil and Norfolk, the rainfall was about" one-haif Inch, while from NorioiK east 10 js mont in many localities it exceeded au Inch and In no place much less. South west across the state there was rain all the way to Superior, ranging from one half to three-fourths of an Inch. Tha Cnlon Pacific found, heavy rains all along the main line from Omaha to Cheyenne and on the branches to tne north and south. The heaviest, however, wan on the St. Joseph & Grand Island. one-half Inch at Lincoln to one and two Inches down through Kansas and as far east aa 8t. Joseph. On the main line there was a slow drizzle from North Platte to Sidney, in the aggregate amounting to about a , quarter of an Inch. In Kansas along the lines to tbe south - ,west was literally soaked, the Oberlln branch getting close to two Inches, with from an Inch to an inch and a half every where east of Ellis. CHICAGO, June l.-0Big sales of wheat today, he result of rain breaking the drouth that was threatening to deetny millions of acres of growing grain In Kansas and Nebraska resulted in a gen eral smash of prices on the Chicago Board of Trade. Values showed at one time a drop of He to 2c a bushel for wheat and Je for com. Ruvlnar An the Dart of the leader who did not believe that th critical situation as to th crops In th two states naniod had been entirely relieved brought about a rally just at the close. In the end the market was decidedly nervous, with July options fl.08'4 for wheat and 72o for corn, net losses respectively of lo and 2o. ' , . WAR DEPARTMENT TRYING NEW REGIMENTAL EQUIPMENT DVBUQUE, la., June t (Special Tele gram.) Th War department Is assem bling her an experimental regiment of more than 2,000 men for maneuvers in and about Dubuaue and a march to Sparta, Wis. The equipment Is all new,' automobiles instead . of mules, wireless operators and everything being on a new basis. Many army experts are already here and foreign representatives are ex neotd Monday, when th troops arrive from Forts Sheridan, Logan, Crook, Snelling and other places. What's the Matter With Your aby? KE0TA LOVER KILLS HIMSELF AFTER QUARREL WITH GIRL KEOTA, la., June l.-George Hubb's. aged 21 years, a farm 'hand, last night, after quarreling with , Miss. Cora Ander son, for whose father hs worked, stepped Into the road In front of the house, pressed the mussle of a double-barrel shotgun to his heart and killed himself insantly. - Boy Hansrs Htmaelf.' PENISON, la., Jun t-(Speclal.)-Harvsy, the H-year-old son of Eugene Brogdanen of Delolt hanged himself in the barn Thursday. Just before dinner he and another brother had a little dis pute In the house while the boys were washing. Harvey went down to tha bam. saying he did not want any dinner. After eating the father went to the barn to hitch up a team and found the lad hanging from a beam. Th young mother and many an old one, toois often putiled to know the cause of her child's 111 , nature. The loudness of Its crying does pot neces sarily indicate tha seriousness of its tron bis. It mav have nothlnn more the matter with it than a headache or a feel ing of general dullness. It . cannot, of course, describe its feelings, but as a preliminary measure you are safe-, In trying a mild laxative. Nine times out or ten, you win una u Is all tha child needs, for Its restlessness and peevishness are perhaps due to ob sinictlon of the bowels, and once That has been remedied the headache, the sluggishness and th many other evl dai.t'c of constipation and indigestion will quickly disappear. Don t give the little one salts, cathar tic pills or nasty waters, for, these will act as purgatives, and they are too strong for a child. In the families of Mrs. J. B. Harmon. 808 Star Ave., Bur lington. Iowa, and Mrs. E. Morse, Coun cil Bluffa, lowa, th only laxative given is Dr. .Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It has been found to snswer most perfeotly all the purposes of a laxative, and its very mildness and freedom from griping recommend it especially for th use of children, wtomen, and old folks ' gener ally people who need a gentle bowel stimulant. Thousands of American families have been enthusiastic about it for more than quarter of a century. Anyone wishing to make a trial of thi remedv before buying It In tha regular way of a druggist at fifty cents or one dollar a large bottle (family size) can have a sample bottle sent to the home free of charge by simply addressing Dr. W. ' B. Caldwell. 406 Washington St., Montlcello, 111. Your name and address on a postal card will do. To The Women GET OUR ; PRICES BE--FORE BUYING, PORCH FURNITURE A SPECIALITY, davejs-o bed AGENTS TOR g w0 WE SELL FURNITURE DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO YOU No Middle Man Profit " D.F. Corte Furniture Co. 24th and Famam Streets ufr..,.J,.iL.-t - - -triaiaftaj To Every Purchaser of a Piano cr a Piano Player MN6 THE JOE During the month of May we sold more PianoB and Player Pianos than we ew aol4 in aay ona month of our fifty-three years' piano business. This was due to the low prices asked tor instruments sold. We are determined to make Juno our banner month,, and in or4er to surpass tbe month of May in sales we will, in addition to the prevailing low prices quoted, give absolutely free a beautiful lady'a or a $65 piano or one of higher price. Every instrument sold will be guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money will be refunded. Here are a few bargains for Monday, If you are unable to call in person a telegram, telephone or letter will receive our prompt attention, and careful selection will ba made tor you. ESTEY UPRIGHT PIANO- '. Former Pries $325 Price Now $140 BRIGGS PRACTICE PIANO- Former Price $250-Price Now., $15 MARSHALL & SMITH Practice Piano- , Former Price &00-Price Now. . $25 HOSPE UPRIGHT PIANO- : . - Former Price $225 Price Now. .$65 KIMBALL UPRIGHT PIANO- Former fttce $300-Price Now. .$85 HARDMAN UPRIGHT PIANO- Former Price $500-Price Now $145 EMERSON UPRIGHT PIANO- . .; Former Price $400 Price Now $135 BRADFORD UPRIGHT PIANO- I, Former Price $300-Price Now $125 PAVIS & SONS UPRIGHT PIANO Former Price $325 Price Now $150 EVERETT UPRIGHT PIANO- Former Price $40O-Price Now $185 IVERS & POND UPRIGHT PIANO- Fornier Price $475 Price Now $198 J. & 0. FISCHER UPRIGHT PIANO -Former Price $450-Price Now $198 STEGER & SONS UPRIGHT PIANO- Former Price $4CC Price Now $200 KURTZMAN UPRIGHT PIANO- Former Price $350 Price Now $178 STECK GRAND PIANO Former Price $800-Price Now $225 In addition to the above bargains you havean array of Pianos and Player Pianos to select from which the world cannot surpass tbe matchless Stelnway, tbe celebrated Weber, Hardman, Steger & Sops, Emerson and McPhail pianos, tad our ova aw set toned Schmoller & Mueller pianos; also th Aeolian .line of Player Pianos, including the Etelnway, Weber, Stuyvesant, Stack, Wheelock and Tech nola, and our own Schmoller Mueller Player Pianos, made in seven different styles. A beautiful bench or stool and scarf accompanies each instrument Terms to suit your convenience. $1.00 per week will do. 100 Pjanos will be rented for 83,00 per month. Free tuning, free drayage and free insurance. We will issue free a life Insurance policy to every purchaser of a Piano or Play er Piano during the month of June, said poliey.to cover entire cost of instrument. Special II otic.; Schmoller Mueller Piano Col . 1311-1313 FARNAM GTnEET, OMAHA Manufacturers, Wholesalers, Retailers. Established 1850 It Persistent Advertlsini Is the Road to Big Returns. ' OHAHA'S QUALITY LAUNDRY Gives the correct, finish to your linens. A trial convinces v ' Both Phones. Wagons' Everywhere ' PRIZE OOtMSi ! DO YOU KNOW j I J THE OPE BEST DRINK? First. Prizs. ; .. f 10 in gold and f 10 in Sis Second Prize . . v 5 in gold and 6 in Sits Third Prtio ............ 3 In cash and 3 in Sizt Fourth PrUe .... 2 in cash and 2inSizz " Fifth Prize .-. ., . ... ... 1 in eash and 1 In Sizs Next Nineteen Best Answer $1. Bottle of Si Each Next Twenty Beat Answers. . 5l)c Bottle of Sisa Eacb All Answers Have to be Addressed to LEO GROTTE MFG. CO., Contest Department, Omaha. 1 COITEST CLOSES M0R8AT, J81E 19thr 12 P. IS. SHARP. Wt Will Publish RAISES OF WIRXESS AND ANSWERS. .ONT'buy Firestone Tires just because: they offer you Most miles per dollar of cost" It is true that they do this True that in test after testin race and tour and the actual road experience of thousands of owners -rFirestones have demon strated their superior wear. But that is only one feature. It should not be your only consideratioa Buy Firestone Tires because their durability is not at the cost of the car. Buy them because of their wonderful resiliency thdr "life" even with tires pumped to capacity. Buy them because they protect the costly mechanism of your car, minimize adjustments and repairs. And all this means real comfort in riding, too. rm TERES Most Miles Per Dollar ol Cost And Most Car Protection Resilience this vidd-and-snrW trfvfi which protects your carmeans quality of rubber, quality 01 lame, quality ox worKmansnip-ali in unstinted measure. Every element in the tire is chosen for quality 01 service, regardless ot cost all handled and developed by experts under a rigid system of inspection that watches every movement of every man that rejects everything but pcr- lecuon. lnis is why you practice true tire and car economy only when you specify 'Firestone" Tires Built in all Types to Fit all rii -a -w-v standard itims ' . Regarding Rims: AH high grade cars , are equipped with quick-detachable demountable rims. Don't experiment Insist on Firestone the only rims that have stood the test of time and are universally acknowledged correct in -principle and service. THE FIRESTONE TIRE AND RUBBER CO. "America's Largest ExclssivTir RimMaksiV Aluroa Ohio ' Dealer Everywhex Distributors la Omaha - Tbi Firestone Tin & Rubber Co., 2220 Finsja st. WlH I xfMk 7 ; I OS ! .. m 'a. wMm A little want ad does the business. Everybody reads Bee want ads.