THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MAI" 31, 1912., PERSONAL lASSEOXHEEPY JLTJzZ Alien of Chicago, lis) 3. n. it tL L. YOUNG man wishes board and room ia rvrvste tanaly, is out oc eliy tiiuxday Slights and Sundays; rates must be rea sonable, aa otner boarders or roomers; ! serve breakfast before T:Sa. dinner after 6; would be permanent it found de sirable In reply give same, ad dress, telephone number, rale per month. nwraoer in tamiiy. wnettter con area or IWWltU 31, lift. Vital massage, DatLa. electric vibratory and Tauuuor treatments. Dr. Anna, IX Fisher, all Ware bit, 3U S. 15lh. D. fTSe. TOUNG women T-nr la Omaha as strangers er. Invited to. ruut the Young Women's Christian aesociau- building at sevsnteeuth and tic diary's Ava, where they wu. be directed to sultabla assroing pieces, or otnerwiss ai Leak (or our travelers aid at the o station. Massage. Mrs Rlltecnouse. We dostoB Bid UAiWAiJB Bweuisn movement. f A i WTTf! treatment. K. rlrolt. llt AU BitU. M Boor. WE RKNT and repair all uiooa of sew- u machine., lad. A-Uxu; Douglas Mi NEBRASKA CYCLE CO, lata and Harney Sts. AXNA H. MARKS, nam. Deviate Bit., Apt. lied J&S, JilASSAGJli Expert treatment, sirs. Steele. a i u 6L K ia. BODY MAS&AUei. last Neville. D. TitU. WANTED-Addres, of Mrs. Lena Euler. Address Box &H, Douglas. Wyo. V ACt CM MAfcAAGt-. SA a R- fc, daily., eunuay; uiea hours 10 u 10, Uib SC. eveuussi POLLTRs" AXD PET STOCK Sreening W. per liu. Wagner, art N. 1. ILEAL) EHi-ilL OMAHA property and Neoraska lands. oiicere keal. estate oa, MM New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. MONKY to loan un busiiese or rest dance properties, to Wu.0U0. W. H. DHuUaS, 603 first Nat 'I Bank Bide. "WANTED-Clty 7. Farnam fcmitn 4k Co.. 12JW Furnas, at. BID to IW.Owi made promptly. If. Wend. Weed bids'., istli and Farnaa. WANTED-Clty loans. Peters Trust Co. 6 CITY LOANS. tteuus-Carlberf Co, IVhVt Bmnoels Theater Bids. li a P'JIV RWAV Loans. I6tw and up. .LOA.Nb Farm dty property. . iiumust dan.. MM Parnam St FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE I JvUITY. in )0 acres Nebraska land for mod automobile. 71 Brandels Theater. VOR oi trade tor cswa. horses or chickens,' tneutavmrs. etc., for turnituYe or aiiterent qualities, im uumlus. TBXAS land wanted In exchange foe acres of fine farto land In s. iiakotA Toe a acres are ail clear. Want Gulf coast land. tt. A. ncolt, tM alackay Bid., Ban Ainonte.-Tex.. FOR AlERCHANLIlbU. Iatrs tract good western .Nebraska land, to exchange at cash value l-.r good general merohaadlt. one narUcuiarai wla stock will invoice, location, annual sales. Wn waan writing (or land pur lieu tare. Address, C. Iw . Brawn. facott Bt, CowkU Bluus. !. . T AXTK1J TO BVV Household Ida, clotnee a shoes, umi BUu ad-hand geods-Kaiser. W Center. D-U&L VE say most for old cletningv Kainas' Imh Office, I go. Uth. Chicago kuyera, M-baad clot Sea, shoes, hW best prices;, will cull. Tyler UP ALP. TRV Py th bet prltm for (44- iron. . motA. La. rubkwir. mtc. . I OCEAJC STKAMSHIP. I. THE, ALLAN LINE ; . ' flnYAL. MAIL BTEAMB&a WDNThsuu lii.awiv wauiOOW. atcsnreei, tiavie, s-iymoutn. ionooa. The xcturesuue St. uemce Heuta. -four' nays na Vie Kn. tnrea days In- river ana gulf. Splenuid new 'luroiue Meamers. ttsiuoa, eei-oua-oaoin and tniru aatte. auiperlor waeCiaae watMaV service Ciualne' iuiasoaUaa.. Coftrienue aueaUoa. title for drouiars. -rates, plana, etdb ilan a; Co., l' uearoorn Bl, culoaae - Aactvor 1am bUMuutiapu . Mew York, leiudondarry and Oiaagew Mew York, aiemw aue Maplea AttracUve rate lor tickets betaeea New .York and all scotch, Kaglisa. Irish. Lotauaenta. sad MedtiarraiMan peiatet heperlol accuwmodaUoua, ecellant cui kiss efficient servive. Apply nromptiy tor reeervauoa to loonl ageal at Aaanaf line or Henderson Brotnam, feauat-ai Agents. Chicago, 111. . UX& tnoCK 9IAR&EI Oh' Will tUu.. slock to soutn Omaha. sa aoueage and annukaga. .Your ucosiga aieaia ravaitw nrowpt and varafui ttua. iioa. Ue Caeaaalsalasi Iirsui-i Byare Mrps. Co. 8tr Ate and responsible. VnX)i) BMos., an-e ttxeaauge Bidg. Great Wtst. Cum. Co.. umaua Lienear. t-isy, ttoosun et co.. AM Ejuaugs iiug. Ci-lFiON com. Co.. t SUchange Bldg. Can Jones ua Co., bunch of hustlers. u n. njMn,n'i a 1 Co. , m kaon. uuig. itfarun torus, at Co.. Ju-4 hotch. Bidg. 'lAeii -attos. naaoie cLtier hogs, sheep. of atuDmeuts in atooa 3Tarus t'l ank. Oaiy nana at yards. REAL ESTATE - A StS 1 MAI, IS US' 1'st'LSt. Beed Abstract Ca aMest abstract of fice In Nebraskai, Hat Brandals Theater. KKA1.S at CAUPHbLJ 1714 k'arnam at, abSSAa.U' A SUUktAXiUA. Klectrle, gas futures. Omsha stiver Co. Meal Cement Ce l?th and Cuming Bta, Fnohs, son Blind, painting, decoratlm-. H. Grose, lum. wreck'g. pin. a Psui. AucAue run sals Must Sell ' SUBURBAN HOME of 6 acres, irrf pro-red wim almost new ?-room house. On of the choicest locations In the city; goad neighborhood:, large frontage on macadam road; boulevard entire distance to heart ef Use elty or handy to ear line to fare. Good schools; SUPERB VlrJVV AND PR1C1S RIOtlT. If you want some thing which, has no equal, considering price, then, take this, but do not delay. Can make easy terms If necessary, or ail cash. ORIN S. MEKRILt, COMPAST, - liiJ-14 City Nattoiial Bank BMg. A C R ii Ail Ij dAmiAlNI- near Omaha. Orm g. Merrill. 12U City Nat,- Bank Bids- CITY PKOrKHTY roa tALB CLOSE IN I RENTAL PROPOSITION Tw4 modern houses on large kit Bcxlsj ft. between Jackson and Joaee, facea hath Jtth and 19th Sts.; always rented and In stelsborhwad that Is -fast becoming business property. Will he priced right for le-rmoojsta sale. TeL Douglaa KM. $2,650 Bass a 7-R. house, modern except nest Lara lot. paved street: located on 4ist and Charles-Sis. Cad and sea me; this at W.S. Frank - MS City Nattacat, REAL ESTATE CtTT ritOPKHTY FOR SAI.E. $3,300 5 Room New Bungalow 5931 No. 24th St Across from Miller Park Lot 44x165 Ft This la a sew e-room bungelea'. finished last October, and M excep tionally well built. 1 built It for a home, but on account of leaving the city wUl sell at a aacririce. Someone's chance to pick ' up a Oak and white enamel tlnlah. Oak floors throughout. Colons de openings. Faneled dlmnf roonv Window seat and pint rail. Shower effect lighting fixtures. Switch for every fixture. Duplex wlndftvr shades. ' Bsllt-ta onpboards la par-try. Rough sand finish walla, das orated. ' Large floored attic Full cemented basement. Hot and cold water and laundry Ink. Good furnace, coal bins. Best of plumbing. Full length screens. Sleepmg room. Walks and Improvements In. Yard sodded. In fact everything that goes to make a modern name. Not a oent could ha spent to Improrw the place. The street cars will be ex tended to the entrance of Miller park immediately, greatly Increas ing the value of this propartyv The price asked Is less than the boose could bb built, for. Terms. can be arranged. Come out and look, at this hoaee; m-woue home all the time. Take Florence, Forest Lawn , or SOth and Fort 8t car; get oft at t4th and Fort 81 s.; walk north to house. , ' tMl North Nth St. Tel. i Webster 4 Sold 2 Left We orfer two choice homes at 4110 end 4111 N. list' 84,' These are strlctlv- mod ern, oak finished, full two stories snd on east front lot. Uvrng room, dining room, den and kitchen on first floor, three good bedrooms, sereened-la sleep ing porch and hath on second floor; sislrwsy to large floored attic; full ce ment baeoi m lit. cement walk,' sodded yard and screens, tiuarsnteed plumbing and furnace. Four hemes like these sold before they were flnlsned. Price, ts.ttu. Itbs cash. t3 monthly. Actually worth H.e. Four more Information phona cmab. nuriM, owner. Harney izw. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT 1 ' $3,500 ; uood la-ronm modern heme; cement' aids, walks, etc.; Ilit paid to anybody who brings buyer; aost RoM to build; leav ing town, Tel'. Harney 1S78, or call 111 a. 36th 61. H1UH. sishtly lot. ready to build uoon. Bemls Park Dlirtrtrt It sold at one, (MO resn, im n. Mtn m. SAVE COMMISSION Buy of owner In Benson, strlctlv mod em e-room noose; ouut or owner; lesw Ing state, must sell. Tel.,' Benson ett Poetof flee box 401, -t-. f'HKAP. J.;oo. gouiheast corner SM and Charles; 43136 feet; tdoas In, tour houses, always rented, gftig yearly, room for two more. Don't bother tenants. See owner, iim north wtri sr. - - BhVAUTIFUL corner, Uth and Blnne Sts- Enquire of Owner, Iff) Prnkaeyi FOR SALBV-New 6-room modern house. SKj Manderasn Mt. Phone Webster S81.e TO BUT, Hfcia. OR UUNT. rutsT sea JOHN W. KUUmKS. UKI rSKNAk ST. REAL E8TATK rAstkf d fcAwcsf I.AJIOS rogi ami Cailtoraia. IF TOIT ara Interested rn CalifMwie land for fruit or chicken raising, call ea jnxe at westoera, sis nee wag., omens. . teestsrlas GREAT SOUTH OEORQIA Traversed by the ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM ATLAN TIC RAILROAD. Lands adapted to the widest ranaa of crops. All the money crops of the soath plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with this eomlng uonntry. Its soil, climate, church and school advantage, writ . W. B. LEAht, DKPT K. rti rassengar Aaeax, ATIANTA. OA. TTTE easiest way to find a never Me ear farm la to Insert a small want ad the Des Moines Capital. Largest sir culatlea la the stata of Iowa, 41, (mu daily. Tbs Cspltsi IS read by and, believed la by the standpatters of lows, who simply refuse to permit any ather paper la their hemes. Rates, ! cent a word a day; ft aar lias per month; ieunt six ordinary words to the Una. Address 1Mb Moiass Capital. Dee Moines, in. A BARGAIN for immediate cash nur- ohsse. Perfectly level nuarter sectlcn. one unimproved orslrte farm land. neax McDonald. Kan. Address T g. Bee. atlsseoata. H SOUTHERN lilNNKSOTA VAtUra FOR 8ALB If you went te buy an im proved farm in Southern Minnesota writs tor catalog. Sou there Minnesota Laaa. co., uiee carta. yariaaiM, Co., Jtlna. FIFTEEN' vears to nav Una ar wh for Montana's cboioesv irrigated farm lands: ftJ.ttf) acres now ooen undsr me Carer act at Vailer, Monc; Sa bushels of wheal, U bushels of oata, busneis at flax per acre. Write today. Cllotes, Hurt! , Co., Box 1, Vailer, Mont. RANCHES klstt te VM.Oa. Send for list. Shooea. A Ca Kanah LlesierA Omaha, Neb.' FOR SALE Improved Howard county farm; let acres; good Improvements. t4 per acre. Wtlta k. H. Moors. Oraxul Island, Neh. A BARGAIN. V see. aorthweetern Neb., SM per acre; worth tor; owner Is a bachelor in poor health; has la move; will take mtg. back for tl.M. also good auto for pan balance, Address H. W. Tomllnson, Ml nee-la. Neb. Hsrih Uniterm. n ll AJf ACRB DOWTf BALANCE SMALL YEARLY PAYMENTS A poor man's opportunity to get a rich North Dakota wheat farm. CM to M an acre. ), acres to select from, fto acres in Morton Co. for ta an acre. Low Ry. rases. Free ana, and facts about our lands and business snes In new Ry. towns. Reliable agents wanted. See or writs Wa. H. Brown- .(', Mmrrtm, Adams Co, a, Mott. Hettinger Co., North Dakota. Ciregoa. FOR BALE Twenty-six acre fruH farm; arunes, onerptee. apples, berrtea, grapes. English walnuts; located one mile from city II mils on macadamised mead; gtx-ronm house, sera, dryer, store house, windmill, etc.; Includes team, cow, unpiementsr heat trait farm arouad here. Owner called east os acemwit ne other business. For price and terms ad s'', a B. r. u. box a, saiem. Ore. REAL ESTATE FHM A RAX H l.tMI- FOR m atlseellaaeoejs. v " T. C. TORRlt-ON, UM. Ctv Nstlonai Bank Farm land and reaches. D. Bidg. LEGAL XOTICES. MAMMOTH HOT tii'Ul.NGa. WVu. May li. inS. Sealed proposals In .trip licate will be received here until 2 p. m.. June M. 191X and then publicly opened, for-. furnishing and installing Pews sod other furniture !n Chapel at Fort Yel lowstone. Wyoming. . - Information 'fur nished on application, Knvelopea con taining proposals to be Indorsed "Pro posals tor FurnHure- la Chattel" and ad dressed t Construe tins Quartermaster. UAUMOTH HOT SPRINUSI. W YO.. May la, UMt, hValed proposals In trip licate win he received here until 2 p. m., June M. 1912. and then publicly opened, for furnishing isbor and materlaja for constractlng Annex to Hospital, Includ :nc vl-nahuig, heating. decYric wiring and fixtures, at Fort Yellowstone. Wye. In formation furnished on anpMcatton. Kn valoses. ooatauaing proposals tm be in dorsed "Proposals fur Anuex to Hospi tal" and addressed to Constructing Quar lernraster. mm-u-h-u-iui PROPeSAUa-CNlTKIi STATES POST- office, Omaha. Neb. Office of the Cus todian. May O, 1911 Sealed proposals win ne received st mis office until o'clock, r. m. June 15. ' 1912. snd then opened, fee- supplying--thih huitdirtsj with 1,90V torts steam, coking, run of mine bituminous, coal, during the flsaai year ending June 3D, 1911 Specifications and proposal blanks csn be obtained from the undersigned. The coal will be purchased upon the feasts of a guaranteed heating value. The right to reject any and all bids Is reereed by the Treasury depart ment. VAUB.X TAYiAUt, Custodian. : May3l-J.unel OMAHA CENBRAL MARKF.T. BUTTER No. L 1-lb. cartons, tic: No. 1 In oVlu. tubs, Uo; No. X 2Sc; packing, Be. CHERSBV-Imnerled Swiss, Ste: Ameri can Swiss, 3m; block Hwles, tec; twins, too; datalaa, Mn; triplets, am; young Amsricsa. tie; blue label brick. Be; urn- berger. I-lb. ac: 1-ie. as. Fish (fresh troseaj Plcksrel, tc: white lie; pike, T3e: trout, lie; large erappiea. igisc; taanisB macserei, uui haddockat lac; flounders, uc; green cat tish, 14c; roa shad, ski each: shad roe, par pair, BVso; salmen, uc, halibut, Vkc; yel low percn, c; Dtutaio, ve; nuiineads, lie POULTRT Broilers. 6.iis,0 per doe.: serins . W&a: bans. iMflsc; cocks. Ue: A i lOtt-k.' - IS," liirhria 1i.- . pigeons,, par a ox,; 41. M, aiivk Hens, us) llixc; oia roueters, eo; ois ouoas, lull testherea. IWrc; geese, full feathered, se; turaeys. ueuu piaevns, nr uos.. 7aat homers, Per.uoe. seuatahNu. 1, UMi no. A m. No. l rtba mc: no. i nba. Uc: Kn s riDs, lec; no, i saueas. rxc; no. t chucks, So: Nat t ehwekje, il-Ki: -No. 1 loins, siw,? No. t loins, lifcc: No. lelns, llrVc; No, 1 rounds, rtc; No, t rounds, Oct. No, I rounds, 11 Wc; No. 1 platea, at; No. t Diates. vvc: no, i matasi in. VHGETABLK8 Beess, old eroa, per lh new California per lb.. 4c. CUery, Cal ifornia, Jumbo, per doe., Florida, In the roagh. 4tiM dos., per caas, M.&. Cu cumbers hot house, per box. Egg Plant, fancy Flsnds. per doa, g2.aa. Gar lic, extra fancy, white, tier dos., Uo, Lsltueei extra faasy leaf, per dos., 4Ml Onions. California, white, botitng, per lb 7c; Wisoonsin, yellow ulobs, per lb., so, red VUobe, per lb., ic; Spauish, per crate, IX a. Paraley, fancy southern, per doa bunches, auttlSo. Ptrsntis, fancy south ern, per doa. bunches, MsyTec, Parsnips, per lb. ivio. Poutoes, Mmneaota Red Hlver Early Ohio Seed, per bu., si 7a; Minnesota Early Hess seed, par bu., fl.bOf Bliss Triumph seed, per bL, 11 . Wis consin wnlta slock, per bu., ,1.60. Ruta bagas, In aackA par lb., 14,c. Tomatoes Florida, par s-ik crate, - IS.Ti; Cuban, per. s-bslce carrier, ta.Mi Tornips, par la, BC1TB,' ETC.-Applei: Extra fancy, Ben Dan a- par 01. . W.1&; Winenpa, per bbl,, V; fancy Miaiwurl Pippins, per bbi., M.2a; Idaho Jonathan, extra fancy, per box, tj.M: Waahlngton Suttsenberg, per box. tiM: Washlnstun H, Beauty, oaf box, tub; Washington Styman WUiaaaua, per Doy, risnanas: fancy select, per bunch, e,&2.hi; Jumbo, per bunch, 13.lftSI.7i. Dates: Anchor brand, new, m l-lb., pkgs. In box, per box. U lt. Drom edary brand, new, ai i-ia, ukga In bug, per box. (Z. Figs: California, per case of II No. 12 page, sic; per caee of M Nat II pkgs..; per esse of hi no. f ukga. 13; bulk, In and iv-lb. bones, per lb. lOo; qew Turkish, t-orown -in J-lb. boxes. tar lb., uc: a-crown in it, boxes. IK lb.. 10c; 1 -crown In XMb. boxes, per 17o. Grape fruit: Florida, M ilxe. per orate, . st sisa, per crate. 16.60, 10-54.44 sixes, per crate, K.N. Orapes: Malaga in bbls., g7.euf7.a0i Lemons: Llmoneira selected brand, extra tancy, ew-wu sises. ur bos. St: Lioma Llmonelra. fancy, mo- Wt Mass, par box, VM; ttt-ilh alass. sue per box leaa; caiuornia lemons, sur-set lies, per box, KHUiOa, Oranges: Cali fornia Camellia brand, Navels extra tancy. ss-iavisv-lls-Wo-tlf-iM sixes per box, J6; extra choice, all sixes, psr box, D; Elephant brand, 138-16-lT-9UaM aisss, ser box. 18.60; Mi-M-KH stses, per box, ttav Plneeoeleei hVM-M sises, per orate. 16. strawberries: Louisiana, psr caas of 24 pints, .. - . . , MlbCBU-ANrxiUB-Aimorna, tarra gons, per in., isvc; in eaca iota, ic ices. Cocoanuta, per sack, H.N. Filberts, per lb.. 140: in sack wis,- 10 less, s-esnute. roasted, In sack lota per lb., 7Hc; roasted less tnan iscs lots, per 10., . raw, tmr lb., to. Pecans, large, per lb., 17c: In each lots, M leas. Walnuts, new crop, 111, California, pes. lb., lie; In sack lota la less Cider, new nenawssa, per le-iou., bbl., &: par tO-gsi., bbl., .); New- York. Mott'S. ner le-gai. w ooi m.ov; per W-gaL bbl., s So. Honey, new; S4 frames, p.75. Kront. per .tf-gsi. keg. Hit; par (-gaL keg. tLS. . Bank of England Stateaiesrn LONDON. May X), The weekly state ment of tho Bank of England shows the fol ewlnr charwesi Increase. Total 1 74.WO 7S.00O Circulation Bullion Other securities. Other deposits... 4.029 0 Public deposits.. 71.ff aw Notes reserve Government securities unchanged. Decreased. The proportion of the bank' reserve to liability this week. Is 4474 per cent; mat week It era ti SI per cant. ' Kaatsaw Cftr LrVs stork Market. KANSAS) CTTT, MK. May 3. -C ATTLE Receipts, l.MM head, IrwIudlroV ST0 south erns; market steady to weak; native steers. R249.26: eouthrrn steers, IS Efl I.4D; southern cowi and heifers, tti&g 4.S0: native cows snd heifers. tLKSttd; stockers arrS feeden. M.7Vrf7.z5; bulla tttOhd.Ti; Hives, tf.Wi&Xo: westerti steers. t.2oili western cows, t.m 4.00. , . .' . noOS-Reeeipis. t,ws head; market weak to W lower: bulk of sales. 7.s 7.; heavy. 17 45t7.a: packers and butchers. fi.a37.5; light. P Wtf.Bi pigs. fe.StW. . . ' SHEEP ArNir taiM-riceinTS, z.trs head; market slow; muttons, HahtHX: lamhr. aiswirieiw; range wetnera and yearlings, fd-ehtrt M: rang ewes. KJS; Texas gotus, t3.Wr4t.7S. St. Lejwle Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. May S. CATTLE Becelpts. 3" head, Including l. Tex an: market steady', native beef steers ttOOfcS.S; cows and heifers.; stackers and feeders, tt.7i7.W; Texas and Indian eteers. t5.24f7.7i; cow and heifers.; calves in carload lots. tt-OOSt. HOGS Receipts, head: market W lSe lower; pig and lights.. .tt.2S)7 .44. aihted eon nutcners, , eri. t; good heavy, 7.4043T 5. SHEEP AND lAMBS-Reeelpta. ltXXj head: market steady: native muttons. .tf7.2i lambs, tf.-onym.'sx. - St. Jaawpt, Live Stock KasdswL ' ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. WCATTLE-R. o-irtt. m bead; market steady: srerrs. t6.7et.0; cows and heifers, tS.2&fifS.9; eslves. M-.6t HOGS Receipt. 12.VW head; market 60 lec lower; top, fJ.54; bulk of sales. 7.S i7.4t. HHblEr rAjtno rieceipta, tw ead; avsrfcst strong: lambs. 7.g!.$9. Oankl Hay Market. OMAHA. SterT -HAY No. I M.W9 y: No. Z. tK.eiatf ; Na 1 mWdllng. tl.v93.a): No. 1 lowland, fllOeglJ (ft OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Cattle Beceiptt Light, Without Much Chanjt in Prices, HOGS SLOW. TEH CE5TS LOWES ahecw and Lasses Caattaa la Liaht Heoelpts, While FrrF-ee Kkew Llt tie ar Ss rhaaae fas- the Dy SOUTH OMAHA, May at WIL Receipts were: Catnav tteera. atieap. U1IK3S4 KUIMkVjr. ....... s,,l, Official Tuesday 4,i)14 M.lal Official Wednesday .. IK ts 4 Estimat Thursday ... S.MU . Four days this weelcEli 5el4 Sams days week ago..U3 H Batns days X wka, aga.lM 4t.tW Bams days t wka, ago.14.slt 4t,fi iiams days 4 was. ai.i4t Sams days last year...U,U m,i The following table shows the receipts ef cattle, hogs and ah asp a naush oeashaJ tor ins year la sate, as caanpare wita last year: lt'.i UU. luc. Dec Cattle ; S.5M 4J1.47t .4W Hon U&74 UU.S 44k6m ...... Sheep 94.shi .au 13i,A9 ...... The folia wing, tabla shswa the range of prices paid for hogs at South Omaha tor the last few days, with oomparlaonst Data. Hil. iHH.,m0.iU.;19uS.l)l.l. May H.17 4JV1 1 1 til I iii AMI t i May a. t ii!'l 4l I t W '37 it t a Way a. 7 4SW! 59 t ' i t Mi III It May 24. May ts ieitkwtit . 1 e vi v 7 4.W M ll 7 19, . Ni H, ll8ttM7 14al' tT T t Mi t 17 T Ht l )( May a). May . May . May . Mny . 7 tits lt3l704iKJ(ht 1 an,, sis - lOTsaistwisis I t3l IK' US1S 'Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards. South Omaha, Neb., tor the twenty-tosw hours ending at I o'clock: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hose Sheep. HYl C. U. k St. f 1 I Missouri ' Pacific... ' I '' .. Union Pacific 4 t 1 CAN. W, east... 1 ' ., .. C. A N. W west.. H 4 .. C. St. P. M. A (.... 11 .. C. B. A Q east.... I ' .. .. & a (A. wel.;.. 21. 1, 1 C R. I. A P.. east.. 1 4. C. R. I. A P.. wast.. M ' - Illinois c'emral.,,.., t I . .. Total reeelnts... 144 ' t DISPOSlTlON-HEAa ' Cattle. Hobs. Sheep Omaha Packing Co lit i.M3 m sa htm m 171. ,34 441 Uf A4. .' 441 1 m it ..... 14 ' ewift A t o Cenehy Packlray Ob.... Armour. A Co.., ...,.. Murphy Monell Sinclair Cudahy from K. C....... Hill a eon F. B. Lewis Huston A Co. L B. Root. A Co...... J. H. Bulla L Kotnechlld... s .... ..... Other buyers. IM Total .......7.467, mm i.m CATTLS-Cattls raeeipis today ware very moderate, only sixty-nine cats being reported in. considering mat 11 was holiday the supply was- plenty large enough. As la apt. ts be the. cess on a ho day when the kliana gangs at tna Dacklns bouses ara either not working at all or on snort time ins aemsna was not very urgent and the market as whole laektng. la activity. What less oat Lie there- were here said la goew son, practically everything being cleaned ud by lv o clock In the morning, nuea cattle aa buyers seemed to wsnt sold at prices that wars In many eases steady with yesterday and In other oh Iblv a ilttia lower All In ail It Indltferenl and featureiees market, wita hardly enough on sale or hardly enough business being dsns to make a good tees 01 values. Quotation on catt a: Oeod ts choice beef steer a l0.uo4ie.lO: fair la good beef steers. ue' oomesoa ts fair seat steers, t.6ut,.al; gawd sseoanos oewa a)Nl heifers. M.it4.i.i: good to cnoias sows. .J.Sfli.7i; tsir to good cows, to .7S. oMamoa ts fair sews, tl.uun4.uu; gmd u choice stockers snd feeders,; rslr to xood stiMikasa. and feeders. M.TSdt fc.B: common to fair stookeraand feeders. tt.2bts4.i6; atock cows and setters, veal calves, tt.wsjs.wi eutia, giage, etc, st.MMjri.wt ReprssenUtlvs salesi BKSIF BTKERaV k rr. Na . 1 m IN Hi liei I ntt 1 m. net is ,.....ii 1 m . .. an t 74 11,. I 1 It 44.. IM T1 Mil ...isri ia im 1 AThfERS AND HBIFBHS. 1 .,., tti 4 11 t , im 1 n . W4 I a- ... 444 I 4 9. 14 141 I I CO WO, 1 474 t T . I ,..) It ,..iia 4 14 ,..1444 t - ,., W ill . an. 4 ,.. 144 4 41 ...laa. t ay ,., 14 t i- ... ne in ,.. m 1 44 . ... tie- I ,..ias 1 a ,..1414 4 44 ,.. rw ... tat - 1 774 4 a 4 I.. ..,.1141 4 U,.....,. I IIH 1 14, 4 IS I 4 14. I MM i 14 I ' heifkrAC"' 1... Ml 4 m 1........ t 4U 4 14 . I I 444 d Tt ll.... I , lit 1 11 I........ BULLS. I IN 4 4 1., , 1...., lit 4 41 I ,. 4. .'. It t, .....lttt I M 1... CALVES. 1 .....rare i,....... itr r- 1 It 1 41 144 1 a I Ms-1 1 li.......... US het., I........... 1 10 I... IM tit STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. It M IX I Tti I I tti lit 1 74 4 I 444 I A 4 T41 4 H' f U M4 , tt 4 44 HOOB-Hog trad was rAnrmered hard again thts morning, the demand having Its usual holiday appeareaee Only two of ths larger pscaers are working their Wiling gang today- and btrytng smsa tltlon did net exist. Fair sted receipts following tbs heavy runs of tbs but two day were partly responsible for lower trend, bulk selling at figures ahwat a dime under yesterday a averse market. Something Ilk t.NS bead arrived and with ths trade dull from start to tlnlah clearance was delayed until well along toward mldday Stilpawra toots about tern dosen loads during early round, but the oemand from tht Quarter- etopneo abruptly, lea v Inst more than enough hag on sale to meet packing requireroenui. Spreads between heat las. Mtcasrs awa. light were narrow, a usual, value cov ering a range of about a quarter. Best heavy hogs on sale brought 17. hi, as com pared wtlh yesterday' top of te-4. while bulk was fairly well bunched within HH 07.S. Represents tlvs aalsa: ' . a,. av.ta.Pr. Ne. T. gk. r. a 1" ... t u. 14 w t a M im 4 1 te a 84 aia -I.-.... 14 i i.... .i,T isxra i4 ss m 14 ' ... a af ... 1 a a n ... 1 jt n at m 1 w it in 1 a 74 in aft a at a i it. tt a ia 14 as ia fa t. at aii. 44. ,.k ... 1 a. a ia im i t a i a a a Jul ... 1 a w ms ia r a a ia ... la a iu it is ....... :et mil r at ... i a a is 111 a 114 ... i, A at ... 1 a a.....M4. ia 1 a . a at a t a m m a ia a ia a 1 a a .at ... t a T4 sa w t a it sa ... 1 a n it; ala u......i aa t a a ..sit ala 1 as ... rs a at a 7 1 a ai at 1 a a ia ... i a 47 at ... 1 a a at ia 1 1114 44. sa at 7 a a ta im 7 ik 14 sa ... t a ta w 11:4 a at a t a 74 i4 a iisi, n a w ta it at a 7 uv a et ... is u ta mm is. n s? a -ns ia 1 a. ta at 1 a 44. at a a a. at a 1 ait it. at a 1 a m itm a ..... 1 u rt at a 1 a a it a m ti rrr a tp a at a t a a st . 1 n n t ... 7 14- a a . i ?i ns a 1 it a ra ... t a n. sa a t a set ta 1 a 11 sa a in a a Mia ti at a 1 it 44 at ... t a a a? ... 7ii a., ta ... ta n sa at tu c a ia t a a ....... ... 7 u h. sw 4a t a a ia ... 7 u a at a 7 u a im ... 1 a u tm ... ta a a ta T a ti sis a 1 a 7j ....r at 7 a . 44 a ara 74......4SS. at til tt, at hU : it 1 s ... is .m? at t . r .so : ,n ... u !H 1I tst i t r.t .M a 1 tiv, .n ... i .ns m m ... t m la . ... t a) .SM ... 1 4t .MS at t at IS T N 4 ... ser a t tt 4 ....ns a i 1 ... Kt lit t i;h t ....M ... T in, 4 ... tM ... 1 1T 4 ....144 1!4 t ITi, 4 .... M 1 ITS 4 4..S4 t I1H 4 si., M ... f ir 4 ... J n at ts 1 ti 4 IIS t M at Me ... 7 tt 4 SHEEP la most rerpecta lamb trade was a repetittsn of yesterday's market, the demand proving dull despite a meager supply. Offertrtga amounted to only seven or eight toad and consisted largely of shorn lamba the eame aa recently. Parkers' orders were anything but press lag, however, as attiring gangs ara all idle today, and It required two or three hour, of trading to nmke a clearance. Prior ruled generally tteady, good shorn lambs eeibnK up to tt to, Shear, were too sea res to afford a oaot ahia trade, only a few bunches of ewes and wether being available. StrMly choice owes, ramus fieee-. ere wanted around ftTMpVI. while wethers, sian ahsrn, we Mid hardly aelr sbevs ti-Ur si most. Nothing wooled has been cs-nlng lately, the entire receipts of tat shsea and iambs shswmgup siwrh Comparerl stlh last eeak1 clas car rani artces for bath- shoes and stmb average about itea.iy, the market lie nig featured Wy a slsck demand and gen erally limited ewpstv. Quire a struts of California spria lambs arrive li Monday and thay acted eraaluhr, tA t.S). Nothing whatever has Veen fjd oa country aoroant-thns tar this weeis, ss the damaMl.fne teedem baa praotiunlly vanished, weekly purchases lately huv been decidedly small, packer bluing everything exren an - ooeneionai load taken out far hear! a at a abort feeding i errs Shorn sheep and lamb: Lamb, ggnd to enoire, r ws w: iambs, rnir to good, tf.7Mrt.3t: yrearanes, v; wsthsrs, te.7t4ie.oit ee tA2ivi. Hcnrest'mAtlv saissi No. Av. Pr. ia ahwrrl laliihs ; M 8 W IN snora laaibs.. U 7 Chteag Live ack, Marbf t. CH1CADO. May av CATfUL Rs- ceipta, 3 head; n:aikct slow and weak; beeves, !ffi.w: TWxits eteers, ki Uc) ui: weettra sirere, t3MiT.: atnehrrs and reedera, itjkjAa; cowi aad htllers, KM Hod.-i-Reeelpt, ' ja.M hud: market weak, te lower: Hunt, Mhii7.41: ntKed. 7; heavy, IT.OoifT.aj. rough, IT. TJa. tMiaUtr AND L.AaBST)seeista i,,H head; market toady, tiativ, U.ilj.:M, western. 14; vearllnga, B-MlT": lambs, native. tl.W3t.IIO; western, t.K9 lit. Liverpool iieattsr- Msrket. LIVK1VPOOL. May t. W HE AT Snot, steady; Ks, 1 red westers wlntea, taM; No, I Manitoba. 7 101. Future, firm; July. 7d: October. 7ad. OOWN wet Americas, mixed,- olds nulet, fsijUjdi American mlxet, new kiln dried, steady. 6a 114. Ftiuraa, firm; Jury, te Sd; September, te IVW- Wswt MawlaM, ST. LOIMS, Mo., 14W BV-WOOI Heady; territory and western medium,. 16lto: fins mediums. B17c; fine, 1091C0. HOG SUPPLIES KEEPING UP, . WHILE PRICES GO LOWER CINCINNATI, O., atar to. Special Tel egrara.) Price Our rent says the number f, boat marketed, a .ebeui the earn a for the preceding weeki failing moder ately abort ef the corresponding period last year. . Tblal wtstgrn ughterlng reached tW.OW heart, compared with tK.I8 the praosdlnc week. For a corresponding tint last year thw number wa (as, too, and two years aga tt was 4N.M. From March 1 the total I .na.ost) against ttOkffW a year aga, a decreaee of hogs. Th qsalrty at stouk being marketed I good, and averaga weight In varlotw markt have gained mederaeeiy, as rsaenlly In dleated. Pflees) o hoge wer wefl main tained m ttts-early lare-of ihe wsekv bat Were subsequently lewvseav aseV at the ala. ths general averaga foe bxAiulaant market I about psr lot pound, com. pared with a week ago, , Number st bag slaughtered at paces mentioned glno March t: lWt. HIS. Chicago .....LsMs - l.ito.wt) Kansas OHy . vi.a 1.1'.' South Omaha Ht. Loul St. Joseph .... Indianapolis .. Milwaukee ... TW.etir. ai.SM. .. 446 mt UO.OnS ia.w Mm u.t ttwd ro,ot tis.out 74.'in) t7J,IO0 MMn ' moo Cincinnati ... Otiunwn ..... 124.000 Cedar Rapid Sioux City ... raftcm tw.oo U6.IM0 raui CARNEGIE FOUNDATION OP ; EUROPE PUNS' PEACE WORK PARIS, May KL T)i first gsweesl meeting of th European section of the Carnegie Founds tisa for International Peace, presided over by Leon Bourgeois, ml natter of. labor, was. concluded tonight with a banquet, at which member st ths commission rsaressntlng all th countries of Esse were present. Baron D'Esteumelles Ds'ConsUnt, whs wag chairman of ths baaqeet, anasuasag a- tbs, fatindattaa had decided to eon- oentrate It efforts upon ths education of th ro seen of tbs peep la ef all nation This tt was hoped to accomplish by more frequent lest urea, exshsnxe of visit be tween representative ofth various na tions, ths distribution of literature and isr tally by a. wswld-aids attempt to tsatliy erroneous or exaggerated Informs on tending) to causa trouble or destroy International relatione. fa rones a. vea Suttner of Austria mad an eiOQuent sddrees urging; ths womea of ths world to labor for th peace, of th waria - , SEARCH- FOR BABY MARLOW STILL WITHOUT RESULT CLEAR LAKE. Ia.. May -(r7oetsl Telegram.) Deputy Sheriff Samaoa of Kossuth county was here last night In man any Hh Hugh) hfmrttrw. father of th trriettng baby. Daryl Marlow, They wars fg llsalial a Mg hand at gypsies and overtook them Just east of the city. They had an apparantly vahlts child with theac but tt was not Baby DgryL It M stltl believed that th child wa killed by being (track by aa automobile snd earned away to. hide ths crime. OR,. PALMER FINDLEY GIVEN OFFICE BY MEDICAL SOCIETY BALTIMORE. lid.. May D.-Offloer of th AmerlcaB Qjrnaeni'ngical xoctsty were steeled today a follows: Pram dent, Dr. Henry C. Css- ef New York; first vtc president. Dr. Osorge H. Nobel. Atlanta; ascond vie preaident. Dr. Osorge OellsorB. SC Lsuttn counsel. Dr. Howard A. Kelly. BalUmors; Dr. Otarg Ward. New Tor, and Dr. Palmer Find ley. Omaha: secretary. Dr. Leroy Brown. New York: treasurer. Dr. J. Wesley Bo vee, Washirsrton. Msewrd gtsewtpts sf Hssja. SIOUX CITT. May V -Hog receipts broks all former record at th local yards today, 74. dot being received. Meveatrste sf oeras tea mere. Fert. arrive. SUM: Ton HAMA YOKoHeas AVONMOt-TH., CHEWsntaxt.. ...Keral tnvt ...K o Mum a Cbnttn ANTWIBt'. AFFAIRS . ATjS0UTH; OMAHA Fourth of July Celebration Planned After Public XmUqi;. IIXOEIaI. SESYICES JOE I0DAT AHIrlrs st lavwrseratiwa for Polish Bssas Drasra la Fire Start las la niah cased Is . KitlBsslehed. I 'Arrangementa looking t a big hratlon of th Fourth of July In Son'.h Omaha - war , planned last nigh at, a meeting of th Boaster club had tn th city hall. Mayor Tata Hector wa elected chairman and 4. C. Walker, aes. rotary. T. J. Bhaaahan of th Packer, National bant was re-elect rA treasure of the organiaatron. An extensive program was- msoped ou; by the large number at buAeeee- m-w and rlrltrn present sod every effort will be mad to ehirsw ths ecethratran of Mat year. Social and commercial organ ltatlona throughout th- dty will be in vited to pert Id pat la ths drssnstrattoa and a huge parade I contemplated Amusement and athtetie contest, are to be part of th entertainment, which wa turned over to th different committee. appointed by th chair. Th next meeting of th club will take plan on J una 7 in th city ball. TH following committees war ap pointed: Finance, T. J. Shanahan. 8,- 3. Oolditrom, M. Heat'. P. 1. Mania, I. McKale. J. 8. Walter and T. Hoctor Prea committee, new writers of - the different paper of th dty. A contu sions committee, a committee on ground a committee on music and a committer oa amusement ware elso appointed. Jerry Howard ipok, on th lack of pa triotism as manifested in the program mapped out and exhorted th chair ti us th meant at hi dlspuml to endow th celebration with such feature, tt would Instill pstrtstum and educate th foreigner of the city In th meenlrvg of ths national Institutions. Iloward'4 remarks drew r suet to crttlcUm from P. J. Martin, who resented the Introduction of certain remark of Howard a tn un just and unmerited crUtdera uptn ths oslebratlon last year. hea lore ta Present PUT. On Tuesday evening. Jun 4. trw serrtor clss of the South Omaha High school will present Monsieur Heaves I re, a tour act comedy by Booth Twrklngton, Th play a .under the dtrsettaw of Mies Mills Fit oh, and reaearssle have bees going oa for ths last, aw wee ss, Ths rasa Monsieur- Heeucolrs......... Huseell PMIp Maior MolyavsUiav.,, Kdxa Klrtdso Besu Nash...., .......LouaIU Kluk Rskell., ,,,,, Kt'lu Kewrer Stutrt her He, ....... Wlnlhros Las ...lo, linrey William Wooley Dean Robertson Kdn Elate ....Adel Davis Helena KaHn ..Terei's Keplet .... Msi tine Murdoch Helen Towner he, BaniiMnn Biikait juiurre Francois Lady Mary,......, lAdy l.ocy Mi Hull-lot ... Mies Presby Mrs, Msbeley , y Kauatten., Comtsst d araensbury.Agne Mwsuback Memorial Day nervines. All vtierant, both Mu and (ray. Wom en's Relief Corp. Spanish War veterans. Son and Daughters of voters ns and whool children and frisnd are Invited to tag part in th exercise et thw day. All parties will meet near 1. r. Kraue' tor hi Albright at l:a p. m., twrre In line snd-mereh-to Laurel Hill eemetsry sad fwrm araand- thw grav. it Ctmirad Fred J. Mtsr, FoUovMng a ths sragranH Musk- by th t"ntv Otsnd Araty. a te BapubUd rltian, atrvioss, .Mtnlc by th choir. . lieenin'a sddrsss l ftettsshurtr tiemral Lagaa' eeosr N. U by Arthur Fancoast. Women' Relief corps ritual lervlc. Penetiatlon. Song-by audlsnsa, "Amarvoa." Addrsta by Rs, llttsy. Decorating th grav, (rrrse ay Iw Tees Dceoratroa day eelebratim la Omaha this mornmr gavt wsy to tht Bopular Intersst In, Oaatpbeil BrMksra' big drew. Crews sf Baa, wsmea and ehlMaen frsta the stiy aad tarraiadlatl onntry spent - ths merang en Vwaaty ttmrth street awalgna rbs psrads. Pea nut aad platt lemoned, asxt the garish finery thai gwes with aehsa Ulusaiastsd th way aad byway sf th. slty. Th CsmpbeU thser ata- g4vs aa after twsoa and night performance. Pwl4sa Hesa A us lie 4 lea. Artislat of inomsusstlaa- wees drawa up yesterday by a asrab at Polka tttawa ef aautr, Omaha ta. Use, puip at or gaotang) what is te hs- kaowa as the Polish Horns, assorlsitna Ths aeescia tlon t planned alter lbs. pattern of the Asnnaa Knms of Daagtas eowaty sad will hava A cuHtti slock of ta,A divld)') Into share of tit, par value. It h irnmt t rset. v bay. a torn modlous building for ths eruertslnment and development ef th PoHeh people of th chy. Fir originating In th boiler room of thw high school at Twenty-third and K treats less dissevered yesterday evening at T o'clock by William Wooley, a atadent of th Khosl. The- Mas was dtsroversd tn a pit at paper In ths eeurjne rosta aad th flame had awa through th. est ling immedi ately below tn elaat raom on th first floor. Wooley. whs wag awaiting tat re tarn of Secretary Jaate P. sulllvan (ram hms. Called the Ur depart tnent. The daman a appreai rested at Hett Itetiariiag at ths. frast tVtar sf bit sta at Thirty eaves th and I street. Jobs Nnvtckl and Fete Bosnara pro I at devests ting raid yesterday ' evening and, according ta ths sol lea, re i daeed the turmtur and.avovabie st th ! haul tt 1 pi Inter, a loses and shredr i after having driven th women and chll- j drsa cut Into the streets, ! Novlckl was anabl It) airs, any cause i for km coaduat, but Boasara aecoantwi ( tor ha shers sf ths wsrtt try a eonstltu-1 tlonal aympathy for th on making the 1 Both, spta aar held for Judge James CaKenaA i Maatts City Ossein. 1 O. W. Munson of Cotome. ft. D., ta the , guest of South Omaha frieods tht week, i PotMIs of th different school ara en- Joying picnic at tbs parka, attar choc! hours, i O. W. Raymond has returned to his home tn North Platte after a short vtait with local friends. H. A. H odder, avoortetor of ths Maaie City Barrel company, and ha force of workmen, left vesteidsv afternoon oa A fishing expedition to ths Platte river. 1 Mtse Alice and U err ones Browneon left Tuesdsy for Kanras City, whers they : win visit wtut tnsr brother, K. 1. Urown soa. Mr. and Mrs. Chrl Christiansen ar at Cotsrldg. Neh., where they war called by the death of Mrs. Christiansens aster, Tuesday. The subtle offt-es snd choer of the city will be closed for the day in honor of th soldier and sailors who partici pated ta tbs civil war. Th Weodmea of th World me last night at their hall to arrange for the Memorial day. Jun I ws chosen as the dy npoa which all ths camps of South Omens circle will meet st Laurel Hill te commemorate ths virtue ot tneir deceased ansmbers. Musicians to Honor; f Titanic Brothers One-half hour ot this afternoon 1 es ton of th convention ef the American Federation ot MuUcians win be devoted t th holding of memorial service for th dead Titanic muMoiana. A eulogy will be delivered by Secreury Owen Miller, and abort 4 perches will he made by 8. L. Hat ley. George W. Bep and Charles A. Deri In, The Titanic commit tea will ask the con vention, tn send U.att to th surviving relative, of. tbs Titanic musician who were dependent upon Uierh for support. A circular tetter will be sent out by th national secretary te all the union af filiated with th federation asking them t rats funds by subscriptions, by giv ing concert, and entertainments or in any ether way they may see fit for the relative of the muaclan who went to a watery grave la th Ui-fated ship. It I expected that front tlO,on to pi.OOO will be obtained In thus manner. Th amount ot money turned Into th natlonaj treasurer will be published In th Inter national Monthly, th federation paper, each month until October 3D, and will then be turned over to th United State . foreign consul to be distributed. A latter at condolence will, be dratted and published In ths monthly paper and a copy will be engrossed to adorn th walla of the convention ha)A New Suffrage Society of Business Women Th causa of woman tuff rage secured another half-nelson held, In Omaha last night, whan nearly a hundred buttnest and ptofesslanal women, gathered at the Young, Women' Christian aasocUtlaa and mad plant for another tuffrag an sanitation. Independent of .th aaaocta. Uon 110 w tn txlsteac here. . , . ,-, Sufftivg was discussed from every en!: and th woman war enthusiast!. However, except tor selecting, pwroaneat conuuUtea, nothing wa dona, AV th next mai ling officer will b elected aad plan formed to get tha new organisation Into th public . At this meeting -It will be dsutdad what .variety ot. suffrage the association will etpc-ute-mllttant, liberal or progjeejlv, . ' ' Tha following committee wsr stmecT; NsaunalionsMisa Anna L, Peterson, Mr-. K, L, Potiar. and Miss Katharine Himhee. i.'iatltiitlan Mrs, Draper Smith, Susan . Paaun aud Miss Da v lea. . M.'inberalilp-.Mlea Franct Drhvet; Mrs. C, W. Hayes, Miss Jesn McDonald. Una Harvey atsHs aud Mm, J. P. Ptui - M'DONALD ORDERED TO WALK BEAT, AMD WILL RESIGN Jamea H. UcDenatd. fat, tig yeare, A detsetlv In tha. elty, ptice. departnvanu was yesterday reduced Is the rank, ef Itatsalmaa sad aeaianed ta a "beat" at thw far end ot Sherrnaa aveaua Ta.rai raassn far MaDonaUrs demstwa t twine withhold, aad the only explanation , ot tered for the change la that tha depart ment caa get along with on less data ttve snd caa use Mother patrolman. Mo isaaakt ears, hs wilt, rsslgn, f rem th force before he will accept th demotin and walk a beat. Aceordin t Chief Donahue. Mr Donald was Isf, without a partner when Andrew Patslra ws prenioUMt to ths position ot deal, serges at aad neothsr petltloa oouhl ha found for MoDeneld. ts PEDESTRfAM ISJNJURED .. .;,. WHEN AUTO TIRE BURSTS D. S- MrCltntock, IUI Capitol avemsa, was struck by ft flying pises of Iron fraa) the rear wheel ot an auto' driven by Oesrg Maitow, ttU Ohio treat, at ILK clock last night. McCllntock! suffered a bad bruise of on of hi left and wsh tsAsa-ts the Omaha, Osneral hosplul.fqt trwatmanC f ? AscorAlng ta Marrow, who i a gxrag owser, ha wa waiting; toy a ear to pa at- Six tenth between, Dad a treat and, Capitol avenue, whan ta. tti exploded, throwing the rim, with, tsrrtfl teres t. ths sidewalk and linking th peosatrlaa. HURR1ES T0 CATCH TRAIN ' AND BREAKS SPEED LAW Fred rerngsli, a stookraaa living at la South Thirty-see end etreet, was arsested; taat night by Motercyele. Palteemaa, Ernary, whs. eherged him with ssceeding tin (need Hmlt Synaall was driving eoeas frtsnds te the railroad station and her) but a few minute te catch the train when th officer stopped Mrs, HA wag relaerd upon a 1st bond. Tall Clowe rsHwawls-a.,-. I PIERRE, S. D., May . Special Tel: egram.i-Lontra B. Cull, the staJWar candidal for governor.' spoils here- lata evening and marts hla main tatuaa cour reforai and batter rnsthods of assessment, with Mat aid for highway and th with drawal of Mais- land treat sal for long series of yeara. Thus 1 th clos ing taHt ef hla oxarpalgn which, be has bees making In, th eastern part ot the Anniversary Sale Be-ins Konday, Jane 3d 25tlLaaw, nayaen Showing will represent month ot careful eiectlng and buying by our rarioua manaxsra. Profits nav not been eoni'.d ered In our efforts to five you tint blggeat money worti of a tieaction you Avar kntrti, WATCH FOB FlRTHKIt . ASSOCSCEMEXT8. PREPARE TO COKE MONDAY - Ton never before Bad ft sav ing opportualtv Maal to this gals' offering. Brcs.-ac. - . 1,. i