j :By Hershfield Desperate Desmond How Our Characters Get Mixed Up with a Lot of Royalty, Spnnons and OtJaerwiae H WOVdt. S- . 4" MY RfiSAVWAD IS THE CiA. I f LACED HA, HA . rM THf ,i-V c A TMj-..-r 5 OUT wHoTrrt; i.fTlS?! I See H0W3 tWePTf 1 Tiv!J?7 lr R-V ". 5' the Peasants are out(jA PWWEACCW AND HIS IWT, rTWCZAAKESCAIN MY CKANce-re sxEAKinrre -me BATTUr WTTM AOf CZAR'S MAKE UP AMD STEAL. WILL iVifeCT aVCTVIiei 7 ii r ' i v h i i I.. i- i. vvfr - ; s x l . r lnvsj i fcr tv - swat i i ii jvj -vi-v -f vs-i x 11 I.-THE TWO MONARCH. Desperate Deemond. the International crook I disguised m thi cur. The real cur, Nicholas, to having trouble of hi own. u tb peasant who war around by th take oar, ar going after him hafflmor and tons. Needles to say. Des mond earn aothlnc (or the (If ht exeepf In so (ar as he star uttlli It to accom plish til nefarious purpose. U.-tS THE MASQUERADER'8 HANDS. Slipping quickly Into the press of the fight, Desmond slide up to Claud and Rosamond and leads the beautiful girl away from her protector. Claude think the viliain, taking him for th rear, about to conduct Rosamond to a place of safety. Even the beautiful girl herself I deceived as to the villain's Identity and readily fol lows him from the fiehL III.-FACB TO FACE. A Desmond Is congratulating himself on hi escape with Desmond, he Is sud denly brought op against a new perlL The real cxar has been captured by an official and I brought before Desmond. It I obvious, even to a Russian detective, that one of the two men la royal robe to an Impostor, and a tet la nocomary to de cide which, IV. ANOTHER IMPERSONATOR. ' On of the Russian officials actually gets aa idea, a good one, too, (or it will disclose th Impostor without offending the real esar. No Russian official dar offend the eiar ia th slightest particu lar. Briefly the plan I to have a pro fessional impersonator appear a the Em peror William. Th fak eiar would be deceived and welcome th new impostor. V.-THE THREE KINGS. Saddenly th scene is changed by the appearance of Kaiser WUhelm, as it seem to the onlooker and Desmond. ' Trying to get away with It in an easy manner, the scoundrel hall th lroper senator as his old pal, tha German em peror. The real caar detects tin disguise, however, and doesn't say a word while Desmond ia giving himself away. VI.-CNMASKED. - ' . 'Tm th boy!!" erlea Dee Derate Des mond, "but those ar not my whisker-. kl. Th villain Is promptly unmasked by the impersonator, who reveal that ha himself Is also a mere masquerader. Th . real caar is vim) tested, and Rosamond rushes away In horror from th scoundrel. How th eiar deal with htm will be shown tomorrow. i - push M nefarious purpose. lows him from th right. ciae which. ,l f'" " ""f"-""- """" ""-" WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, bat M Insure proper classification must ha presented before 13 o'clock m. for tii evening editloa and before 7:80 p. am. for morning and ftundsy edi Uoaa. Want ad received after such hour will hare their first InaerUoa under the heading "Too Late to Classify." CASH RATES KIR WANT ADS. RKtALAK CLARIFICATION--One InaerUoa I H cents per word and I cent per word for eacb subsequent conseraUre Insertion. Each laser Una aiade oa odd days 1 M cent per words 91. BO per line per month when ad it rua wttaont change of Aaeata, Sasewsaaa aad aweleltuee, AGENTS wanted la every county la Ne braska to writ health and aoeident uv su ranee. Liberal commissions. Address World Aoeident AasoeiauoB. W. a W. Bldg,. Omaha, Neb. DBATHt AD rVMBMAL NOTICES. CAJORI-Emma, aged year. Tues day, May . he W survived by two . daughters, Mrs Dr. Hull of Great rsJIs, Mont,, and Catherine Cajorl of Omasa funeral will be held from the residence, lit North Twenty-seventh vmie, Fri day at I p. nt. Interment Mount Hope rnaa invuea. NEtON-rhsrle Albert, aged M ysars 1 rrwnih IT days. funeral (rem th family residence at Cut-off lake. May . at I p. m. Inter ment Forest Lswa cemetery, Friends in vitsd. SALK8MEN wanted, aide line or ex clusive; those calling on mills, factories. power plsntfln genersl; a steam spe cialty of merit; biggest commission paid; repeat orders certsln. vuuie tympany. Sears St.. Boston, Msss. WANTED-HenreeentaU v a to sell Kind, Vacuum clesner; the only perfect band operated cleaner wnlch sells tor K; w will send one lor examination, rna Klndy Company, 8U Paul, sllnn. lKTHi AND DBATHt. Births-Trsnk and Alma Welly, IMS Uard etreet, girl: Solomon and Harsh Boar. IS North Twenty-first street, girl; P. U and France Perkins, KU Pratt street, girl; N. end Ida Mekech. SU North Thirteenth street, girl; George W. and Kedle Long, HUH Maple street, girl; Henry and Lena Jacobs, IM) North Eigh teenth etreet. girl; George and Mary Ger hard, lilt Dorcas street, girl, Deathe-Mlmon Kramer, yaart. Bea trice; Mrs, Nora Taylor. M years, Hill Kurd-ne street; Baby Bryant, I years. Km W alnut street. aiiLDi.ta PERMITS. Reck A Chrutlsnsen. 1511-11 Spring street, pries aweiitng, ez.uan; lmn.p npnng street, brkk dwelling. $2.M); lxa-ll North Twenty-fourth street, extensions, 11.000; Chris Jensen, 1W-OM1 Don (lea street, brkk rare a, It, we. J r. fiturgeon. ill outh Thlrty-Mith aUeet, U.WO: Nicholas Amos. UK and li Douglsa strr't, al teration and repairs, tl.000: Edward T raver, brick triple dwelling. I'.UB. HELP WANTED FEMALE t lerlcal eed Offlee. M SALFT.ADT, esperTenced. t to HO. CO-OPERATIVE RBr"ERENCK CO, , WI6-W City National Bank Bldg ateaeeaeepers a DesseeOee. THE tERVANT OIRt. PROBLEM BOLVED-The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until yea get the desired reeulta Tala applies to residents of Omaha South Omaha and Council Bluffs Bring your ad te The Be ofltee r teiepnoae lyier wua W ANTED Neet young girl to aaalst with goneral beuaework. 'Phone Harney Mi. IW 8. aMh Ht. "!ANTED-Olrl lor general housework. Tel. Harney IN. WANTF.D-A good girt for general housework; small family, tat Harney. Phone Harney ill WANTED An eiperieneed white girl. tor general nounworx. in ramiiy oc two, st lid Bo. nth. 8c Har. WO. GIRL wanted small family, I for Avenne. general housework. wage, am Capitol WANTED A girt for second work, (j. tvth Ave. Phone Harney tWM. - UM COMPETENT girl (or general house work in a small family at adults. M Pant Ave. WANTED At ence. girl for general housework; family of three. Pbone Har ney ws or B-tl W ANTED-Jlirl for general housework three In family; good was- Phone W abater DM, W-ANTED Girl for general housework. vm Wirt m. Phone wbr lit wakted Girl ta assiR In aenera housework : no washing. Tel. Harney etc &m luneey el. iW ANTED A competent girl for (eneial ateework; small family; good wages. he Pent Are., Phone Itarnev 1M1 Vsr rsaA UD for general ward work. Anelr , -eea 11 and 11 o clock. Clarksoa hos- evtal. Y An Ft, r Experienced girl for gen eral lreewers; no washing BH Hrney. . WANTED General servant. Will pay It per- week te competent girt. Apply at or rice ox jascauter, vanning a Co.. Rroadway and Main street. Council K utr, la. GOOD fir i or wemaa fee general ate sfork. small family. lo4ce. rtsrney good wags. H W ANTKD-Competeat 3d girl, 15 Ave. Tel. Harney Ml 101 . W ANTfcD- A good 3d girl Apply tCS M laoel la arena. TOCN'O woman coming ta Omaha a strsngers sre invited le visit the Vouag w omen s Christian saeociaiion nuuaiug at St. Mary a Ave., and lith St.. wnere tney will be directed te aultabi board! en placea or otharwlsa aasistad. Look for our travelers' guide st the 'union eistioa WANTED Mslda Apply Rome Hotel. WANTED Bv Midwest Carnival and Exposition Co.. merrv-ao-round. all kinds of shows snd concesions for monster Red- men s Carnival at Omaha. June a to uly S; making two faaturdsys ana n of July, at allow grounds, also sll kinds of free acta; we supply free attractions for celebrations, fairs snd home comings. Address fc. 0, Mctiulgan, 8upt. of Privi leges, Room n. Crounse Blk., Omaha, Neh. Phons Douglas ibas. HELP WANTED HALE , BKbT brscer for men. Grsy's Nerv rood Pilla. u ner box. Dost paid. Unarms a Mcconneu urug v-o., vmana. nmo. J. A. GENTLEMAN. em palmer, isu ciucago si u. mm. u-i Ooud mea ar nara te get They don't wander around U streets look log for signs in wtadowa When yon need good help advert! In Th Bee. Bee Want ads ar reed by keen, aergetla men who wish te better their o edition. Rata la per word if run two or Inure times osnsacuuvsly. Tele phone Tyler Mea, iwitniu lUDAna tiuiw r, , M 1 . ... W.I, .4 ...... i BUS W, BMIlwii V i , V , hs, wvw,., pot satisfactory money refunded. BEA l XIKIWi White City Garden. lUAtJVlXiO plenty nt refershments. free ntertlnmnt for all. largest open no hall In Omaha. Spend an evening there. k'iin A k'y Eastman Good, complete tWJJAlVO stock. Largest (Inlshlog department In the west. THSJ KUBKrtT UfiMPBl lin Ctj, mt Farnam St. and a 8. lith Bt. at E. Morrill, ehlna paint. sXI Brandela Ta CARPENTER WUka AND Ki-PAIKS A. C, Leesard. Tyler le7. 1;M Leav. GLAZING 8PKC1ALTT salesmen wanted. Four experienced grocers' specialty salesmen who have had not less than owe year s road experience; good opportunity and permanent position for those who qualify. Apply noma noiei. a. i,augniin. Sera. WANTED Good buy. til 8. Uth nt. W. U. Tl. Co., WANTE1-Brlsht. enaraeUe boy of neat appearance to work at sods (oun- tsln. Apply M. C. Phelps, toda (ouataia. Brsndei stores Twenty per cent he than Omaha prioea HOME rUKNITURE CO.. Twenty-fourth snd L Sts.. South Omaha. Clerical aad Offlee. WE have a large list of vacancies to s filled by June L Cell and ae ua If aperlenced in any office Una CO-OPERATIVE REFEKENCE CO. 10li-l City National Bank Bldg. W AN TED Voung man or clerical work In office, talary lie per week. Ex perlence unneceseary. One year or mor In high acbool preferred. Addiew F lit. Bee. groceries srLsrs. Flrrucello Bros.. Tl 8. 14th. Doug. s7. FULL dree suit and party dreaeee for sale; also for rent, fi 9 to il.W a nigh'.. JOHN FELDMAN. N. Vtiv l. tl!t. ALL will be torglven. Mary. It you win meet me at the sign of the Crown and the Golden Bialrs on lath snd Douglas tract. That I where BRuUEUAAjtxi telle those iucky wedding rlnga ' eeite? aad T re dee, Drug stnre (anapl Jobs. Knleat Re Bids GRANDMA Wild Cherry cheaper than lemonade; all General machine renalra; lawn mower eharpened. John Brlce, 111 8. I.'th. D. ;. WANTED-ulctly first class foremen for sewer work. Must hsve exoerlerce In all classes el work. Good wages and per manent position to riglit man. Audrtne, Box i. oious city, ia. WANTED Tinner to work In open shop. No other need apply. Tel.. Har ney 7L ; Mleeellaaeaaa, TELEGRAPH Doelttons guaranteed rot by the Union Paclfie and Illinois Cen tral railroad If you gain your training ia aur school. Practice on R. R. wires. Ad dreae (or particular. H. B. Boy lea Pres. Roy lee college. Oman, wea. WANTED men on earner at Superior, Neh.; trencn worn y tool, gi.a on up. Kelley Const ruction Co. ' WANTED Men to learn the barher trads. Few weeks eonipietss. Another rush (or barbers tuts season. Best trsue ui exletence today. Good money. LtgnL clean Innde work. Call and investigate our method or write for catalogue. Meier Barber college, lh 8. 14th St. WANTED Mar PeeMe te ralee aoei, try with the Old trusty Incubator. Write lor tree catalogue, at. aw eonaeoa, uey Center, Neb. tOO GOVERNMENT PQtUTION OPEN. Write tor list. Franslts Insu- tuta Dept il P.. Hocnester. n. I. WANTED FOR V. S. A KMT -ASK bodied unmarried man betweea tha aget of is and A; clltsen of United Sletes et good character and temperate habits woe can speak, read and writ the Kngtie language, tor Information aeply ta ciuiun offlver, Uth and Duugiaa au. Omsbe, Neb., u; 4lh St, Sloua city. 1st N. leth H. Lincoln. Neb. MuVt-D TO OCR NEW TRAINi.iJ SHoPa The largeat flneet and beat euuitiped Plant (or autotc tnle treiatna. lv oe want pleasant eutooor wore, tens tneusanaa ot nwuey-meaing opportuat tire? urlte or cell os us. Day or uignt eisesea Caiitnited eouree; liberal terua. NAll.. AL At JOMOBILE TRAINUSU AH N, an - nn et., Omaha. Nea, YOU ARE WANTED (or government position. per month. Send postal (or im ei positions open, rrsaaita inettiute. Department !17 P., Rocbester, N. T. WANTED SITVATIOXS lioL'liK ewaning and lawn mewing prtcee reaeonaeie. eauafaction. H. e.,4. WASHING asd rrenlng done. T . H. sew. BUNDLE westana. s oente mush dry. S cents s dosea. W abater una, WA.VTKD-At ence, a white eeofc. TeL Umrn 47. or caH ah t Burt. WANTi.D-fiirl (or Ftifwre ttij Burt s eseral housework. WANTED A nurse vairi at once to tsee care of chltd. ReVrence reqjired. m '"egT'Otte Wsrney rliC WANTED- girl (or hJral houee erork, tnisil fsmilv. coed ;. Ht 80. m-h Ave. Pnene Hamev rj WANTED A coropelent at. (or gen eral heueework, small falMlv. Mra Jis-trs. Ill Per Ave. Hsrnev MSI WANTEO-Girt lot genersl boueework. .verport. i'orsd GIRL (or genersl heuereork, H ewevly; foot n fa-ni v. Apply ihv I. Cd yt. I'nvne Hsrney arse. l Miecvttaateee. "Gftl learn htrdresinc. Ol-ren- hrtet Vru..rj, lA door Cltjr Nat. Beak k ' Carey Lwdry, cut rataa Tyler 1AB. A-thai Family A bundle nundrv; guar. W. itid. FIRST K1A class practical aura, staraey LADY want day work. Call Red MS, Famiiy ah, roigh dry, bundle. H. s4l YOUNG man wishes poet 1 ion aa book keeper with lumber company. Address 3a, Bee. WASHING to take home. Dw-g!a rM. I'SD ERTAKZR3. Anti-Trust Undertaker Carketa 4 trust price. Pttoae H. Braaa Co . s. ta or W-liil aad save money. AMl'bEMiATS ANNOtNCEMKMa . GET your diamonds at Brodegaard a OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. Kt Douglas. Btavenaon. carpenter, cone Both phonea D. a. Onffltn. wig mtr- 11 Frcnssr Blk. 8. H. Cole -Sign Co. D. r,m. UM Fsmanv TO LOAN-LOW rate, la sums to suit. l Bee . Phone Doug. Kea UNION LOAN CO. MONEY Omaha Bill Posting Co, Har. D. k4. Upholstering, piano, (urn, rep, IxM Fag. Estimate fisa CottreU, aroh't, Red eon. PHOTO supplle. Auaoo film and paper. Saratoga Drug Co.. Mth and Amaa. W. U4 Wedding announcemcnta Doug. Ptg. Co. Neb. Heed Cw. 130s Jonea. Both phones. Guarantee Laundry. Fine work. D. s7a phoaphst; grocers DOUGLAS Prinung Co. Tel. Doug, set. BEE HIVET BonaVr.' W call and deliver. Both phones. Screena-Uelrtch Fixture Co.. Web. 26T. OFFKKXI N Plumbing, mechanical bathtubs. ilOle 111 Douglas Bt. NORTH KCP LETTER DUPLIOATINO Co., Sui Psxtun Blk., circular letters, any quantity; oldest establiahed compejy; ex perte of Multigraph and Neoatyia WANTED Repair work of all kinds; grinding and taw filing. Call lnd- B-jeJe. AKCH0R FENCE CO., Iron and wire fence cheaper than wood; laata a lltellme. M N. 17th Phone Red Bi HIBBELER'S PARK. imti for picnics. For tnformatltrfi, call liar, 414. Al'TOMOHlLJiS Aute lamps repaired. Omaha Silver Ca Murphy Did It REPA1K1NG, TRIMMING. PAINTING. Picture Show Snap: KS6 cash, balance monthly, buy on of th beet little moving picture show in th city, doing a good business Fric rid. -W.S. Frank M2 City Nat l Bank. Palate aad Glaae. - You are invited to come In and set color cards snd tslk over your painting and decorating. Complete line Bherwin- w interna paints and varnishes. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., MOM Farnam. Doug. 4750. FOR KALE Grocery store at Wayside. Neb. Address Mrs. f. 1. Browne, Way aide, Neb. LEFT in oawn; diamond ring; Isdies' watch and bracelet, from M up. Fried man Loan Bank, ml Douglas. Ed. Rotnery, Business and Real Estate Exchsngs Co.. Room ill. McCagu snag. TO ast in or out WILLIAMS, Room ill. McCagu Bldg. of business can oa HUPP AUTOMATIC MAIL EX CHANGE CO., (hares, tiO-Ou, per cent preferrea, tor fcie.uu. atuat sen roonc Douglas 1170 or address A-JM, Be. rrlatlas- Lew W. Ruber, Printer, QTlm BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. FOR BALE Restaurant doing beat buainee In th city. Reason lor sailing poor health; good II v railroad town la Nebraska. Address Y tt,, cars omaba BUSINESS PERSONALS LET th CENTRAL PRINTING Co. do your work. 1417 Douglas Bt. Tel. D. 17M. Lyngstad Printing Co.. Uth and Canltnl Ava TeL lnd. A-J0 for good printing. Attwraeya. W. Rhield. Attorney. HT B. of Trade gteel Task aad Calvert Ceeapaalea. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Com- pany. Mth and Nicholas D. 3g. Baa elaeetectvrere. BEM18 OMAHA BAG CO., Omaha. Neh, Baa and Pacaas- Men elect erera. Wooden Bos A package Co.. 1614 N. lfth. , Bnlldrre. HE A TON, tin work. Original Ameri can furnace. Sll Cuming D. 419. Chlrwpwdists. Dr. ROY, 1W Farnam. Douglsa WW. Wlaaa aad Lie, see. WTLLOW Be line a bear, liauor. ctrsrs sandwlohe. Alex Jetee. (01-i 8 Uth St VIRGINIA DARE wina He a laree bot tle. Klein Liquor House, KS N. lith Bt. Ciethlaa Maaafawtaiwra. Wear Ideal dreet sbtrts. M. E. Smith Co. . Cwraiew ana ateei Ceilleaa. CARTER Sheet Metal Work. Omaha treaaeerlea, Dairlee aad Sappllea. Fairmont' Dtedam butter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Deteettvea, L. W. LONONECKER UT Karbaeh Blk. Omaha Secret Berv. 4J1 Pa it 00 blk. D. U1A JAMES ALLAN SIS Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 11J. Deatiste. Bailey, tha dentin. City Nafl. D. SUN. Marh A Mach. Sd door Pax ton, D. 1083. Tad's dental rooms, mi Doug. P. HIH. JJreaeaaaklas. Terry' Dressmaking college, 9th A Far. Prcaamsklng by the day. Webster Hit SEWING by day. Red Site. Dressmaking and tailoring. Web. W77. Dressmaking Suits and gowns; good work guar. IjJt N. SOth. Tel. Web. 4MS. 1-piere dresses, csll for fittings R 47 DRESSMAKING. Tel. Harney SOAV Draasiata. , . DRUGS at cut price; freight prepaid oa rie order; catalogue tree tuiarmaa at McConaell Drug Co... Omaha. Neh. Kaerytkiac (ar Women. Elect vacuum cleaner, (J It day. Web. aSM, Dr. Babcock Co., B Wlthnejl. It A Har. Curtain laundered. Mr. Carmody. H. tut A-r.H. CARPETS and rugs cleaned on floor without removal; free estimates The Ideal Air Cleaning Co. Phone Doug. 7 ana u. Your TIKE EXPENSED cut In two. Expert tire repairing, work guaranteed. AUTO tiks Kt.fAiK co. vxi rernara. DREB8 pleating, button covered, ail tie and styles. THE IDEAL PLEAT ING CO.. 20 Douglas Block. Both phonea HAVING discontinued bana.ing AUTO MOBILES, we offer our remaining ateck eoaelsung ef three hign grade etreatea touring ears at bargain prices. Keune- aettier ta. itn ana jonee eta Kvrrytaiaa Kknrlral. Eiertrlc lighting fix., wholesal and retail. Burgess-uranden Co., sell riowara. ieex. away vnur old Bras. We make them almost as good as new. aoth!n but nigneet priced and new materials used. All work guaranteed. Arthur Stat Auto Supply Co, Jtut Far- ELECTRIC FANS "&il ARD EIC. Co.. UT 8. Uth. D. Sail. DRUMM0ND 1 Paaa. Wnlte car, coat $!. ei)ulPed. Elegant condition, worth tU. Will sail tor ll.hA BEAOOM1. Sc. 2T Farnam. repair aad vulcanise incture or blowout. 17 puncti Doug. FOR SALE Almost new, two-paeseager l-H. P. Cartarcar auto at a bargain for auk sale. Cost tt.eW; price, wea. Phone or write B. L. Ireland. Papillioa. Neb. SECOND HAND AITOMOBI1.ES SEVEN-PAtUSENOER 111 Packard; aaad eery little; ta excoUant coodtuea aad fully o.ulpped. iaejulra eflice J. L euanejete (-paaa. Tour car. H. P Be. M-tM. A BARGAIN (or Immediate cash pur ehaee. MlteheM. four paseenger. Model A, etx cylinder roadster. Fully eejived. in cluding self starter. Address T37. Be. FOR SALE ar exchanee tor Irva stock. one aVhoreepewer Crow Elkhart auto mobile. 111 model, four door, fully eutUpew. Tht I a treat car, absolutely finest running eanettioa, oruy reaeen lor eel ling, owner I going west and ba ne further use for seme. Cattle vr mulee preferred for exchange. Adores R T. R., bo -mrta ia. Bl'SI.VESS CHANCES Try ave re er eut eg CANGRMTAD M Ree Stag. Tea. D. M71 OMAHA FiiaM EX. LUu." kfotlea ptetare machine and Mm be, galas. XfAf'k'IKS Whit it Gudea. lactam tsent (or all, dancing tiiU Hex at). FOR 8 A LE For cash, on of the beet saovtag picture shews in a good town In central Nebraska, population about Less- seed location and good buatne. if eold soon will go very cheap. Only chow In town. Address. If interested T V care Bee. Te uulcklr bey or eeii kaetnee. an any a a Uuleca Ca- eS Bee Bi g, Ox. reeS Mill aad tterva. . Feed all kinds. Olencoe Mills. CSS Isard. Flwrteta. A. Pnnaghoe. h7 Far. P. MM. A 8WOBODA. I4LS Farnam BC L. HENDERSON, Wl Farnam. D. i-A HIH S FLORISTS. Boyd Theater Bid. BENNETT'S, cut flowers, . Doug IK. Fwaadrlva. MeDoaald tvrsas and kroaa foundry, alu minum, tin, lead catlings, lew jaexsun. Mevlaa, Stwraae aad Ceeaelaa- EXPRESSMEN'S Dellvwry Co.-Moving furniture, parking, fireproof storage, City office, Hi 8. 17th. Doug. 194. Ind. B-1M, Fura. Moving; i men, tl per hr. W. S74E PIANO anovlng. Cole's atorage and ex- areas. MM capttel Ave D. t; A-JWT. Meade, Art aad Laaaraaaea. PRANCI8 POTTER agent for Olbsoa manoonne ana guitars; aariaaa bsjuos. M Baldrtgs Blk. Nwre STEWART'S erica aad Seada 8EEDMEN. H K. MTH. ASTERS. Ike; Baivia. Verbena. 4c; Giant Carnationa. Giant Daisy. Pansy and Farget-Me Not a je per dosea; One piante; prepaid. Ferguson Brae, atatiaa D Omaha. Phone Beneoa !. SEED POTATOES. Jeea Duluth Mc- Ktnlev. Winner highest award. Tea bushel or a carload. d.a per bushel. Jeaa Duiuta Farms, R. a ouiutn. , Uptietaara. 8- F. Warn, fitting and rep g C Brandela Oeeeapathi. Alice Jnhaeen. SOW Brenle s Tha Bldg. Katheryn Nlckoles. Ot-t Braadels The. jwey ta th ittaUua Be Adver using. li North 3-3ool. front room in strictly modern home. First clssa taba, hoard. Easy walking distance, reasonable. Harney M19. D. O. Patent. Barnell. Sazton Blk. Tel. Red. TUT. Wlllard Eddy. IMP City Nat Bk. Bldg. Pbiatoaraphera. Rinahart, photographer, Uth A Farnam. REEiiHnpjST. u N. Si; comfortable room, table board If desired. D. W Plaiiaa. OMAHA 8ILVER CO.. tl 8. 'Uth. Rels-Hall Ptg. Co.. 10 8. 14ih. Ind. A-3W1. icTr-irt.T fiimiahed rooms. - modern house, gentleman preferred. Board it de sired, tie N. ISUl Bt. Iteaaarepkera aad Coart Reverters. Myrtle A. Kelley, ?0 Brsn. Tha D. MS7. Teat and Aeralaae. OMAHA TENT CO., Tel. S3 Douglaa nntriMT attractiva cool modern, south- esst room In private larnlly. Vary desir- shle neighborhood. zv xnorta wiiuei Blvd. Phone Hsmey W T reeks and gelt Caeee. Frail ng fttelnle. UDt Farnsm Bt. hoiisilKEEPING and ileeplng room. everything new. all N. ca. MmwW .... Mil 1 . . . . 1.1 V fur. ntshed south room In modern, prlvat home, suitable for two; breakfast 11 de sired, nsrney e. . EDUCATIONAL TUTORING, 1st to itn grade. H. SM4. FIRST SUMMER TERM B0YLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPENS MONDAY JUNE 3D Complete course In Bnslnea Bonk. keeping. Stenography. Telegraphy, Civil service or salesmanship. The catalogue 1 free for the asking. Call, write or phone for It at once. Address H. B. Boy), President Boy lee College, Omaha, Neb. ar;,, M U1DVO T rmm rAnma. t. gently furnlahed. nw brick, strictly high class Rualnee gentlemen or married couple preferred. LIVK STOCK FOR SALE Horace ana Vvaielew, RrTpVlFVS Barn. Horse and farm nxVCiOXi O snare (or ssla; draft and wagon horse to let by th day. S&U Sherman Ave. Phone Webstsr 1135. Buggy . Bargains" Must close out before we move 80 et ids, all kinds, nsw and second ham DRUMM0ND lith and Harney Sfs. " ' HORfiillS to let to day or week. 8her XJ.Ci.OXjO rnu'a barn. Stth and Clark. Horae and mares bought and sold. HORSES and cowa. 24 H Cuming SI ALFALFA hay, SU ton. Wagner, an N. IA l-mall teats mulee. W agner, an N. Mth. LOST AND KilTND PERSONS having loot aome article would do well to call up tha office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs etreet Hallway company to ascertain wnetber they left It In tha street cars. Many article each day ar turned In and th company I anxious to restore them to the rlgntful owner. Call Doug las it OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS RTRJvET RAILWAY COkFAJI. LOaT Chain with La Valuer, between Uth and Center and lith and Bancroft, Sunday morning. Reward.- Return, to Alteration Room. Brandela Stores. SJf REW ARD for return Poodle dog, taken from- .-31; Omaha: no qtieetlons asked. of French C St., South FOUND Boston bull terrier, Saturday evening. Pnone Harney erst. MKDICA17 Dr.Usbcock. sputi,et; both eeaes, Ht Wtthnelj bldg. Lth and Harney Sts Ladlea' guaranteed remedies. 401 Wale bill Women'a aJlm'ta'- Dr. Burke. 42 Dougi Bik. DR. RACE Cpeciallet. aertous and all chronic aiseaaes. Harney, uo-ig. i. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. K. R. Tarry cere Piles. Fistula, and other racial dfecauHa, without surgical operation. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cure. rite lor aoea rectal diseases with uatimoniejs. DR. K. R. TARRY. Ik K.n . Omaha HONEY TO I A) AN , taker? aad t aaitela. , NOTICE. . " ' tena aearotlatad oa real estate, rural. tore., elanoe. salaries, etc. Vary tow rate and confidential. We will appre ciate your call. BIGGEST. BEST AND CHEAPEST. HCt.larUJE CREDIT CO.. PN Fasten Block. . IU S. Kth Bt Tcleoaone Doug. 14H ' or led. A-14M MONET loaned aaiaried peopio, eroaera keeping house and others, without e. .iv! Mae oavmenta Offices in 47 pn-v Final cities. Tolsean. fa Omaha Sltl BXnk Bldg.. formerly X. Y. Lite Bldg. Money ax va an furniture, p.anoa and real estate at a aety.iun rai tkf interest. 50 D- B ds. ' A-1K CHATTEL LOAN!, S to IH. (..U-ARY LOANS. Vow ran get It teOay ot STAR LOAN CO.. 444 Paxton Block. D1AM1.1ND LOANS at SA aad i per cent. FLAIAL. ieM Dodge bt, IAMSb, O, K. Board aad Raw K. hauls trunks. D. ill A-MU. SI N. SlB'f ST. Roouia Phone Tyler 1S3S. and buard. DESIRABLE nlace. large porch, cool rooma, excellent board. SIS s. Sith Be, Phone Douglas 313s. IIRCK. mom snd suite, excellent board; private. West Farnam. Call Harney 46 FaraUhed US4 DODGE Cool, pleasant room larg porch, lawn Ress. rates. Douglas sua FRESH ALR vrr-x- t-noi. ROOM in new strictly modern horn in north part of city, one and one-half blocks to good ear line, two block from Immanual hospital. Strictly prlvat family. Phon Webster 1 1 1 , Q fit AlBantlv furnished rooms. IS.60 up. Com and look anyway. Douglas sen. 14B1 PARK AVE.-Fumtshed room. Mod ern ; oa car line, gi.en. nanny . Hi N. SbTH Two nlco (ront rooms (or gentlemen. Piano and telephone, iwug- lar 4181. Faralahed Meaekeeplaa guesaes, tlO N. (1ST ST.-Two light housekeeping rooms, semi-basement. Phone Tyler im. thc VASjHEL Two-room apartmeat. til" The Howard. S-room. private bath, iU. Slat and Howard. Two furnished housekeeping rooma (sclng Henscom park. No children, WooleVorth. Phona Har. ST. S NICE rooms, housekeeping. 111S 11th. - FOUR completely furnished rooma Phone Douglss 11M. kick front narlor. suitable for two, privilege of kitchen- ma uougiae. r-Aca U.-III nartlv furnish three rooma and kitchenette for couple or two or three glrla employed. Red 7SS4. , , . liafweaisaed Roame, private entrance nd toilet, unfurnlhea. tia park Ava S unfurnished rooms for housekeeping, strictly modern house Light, heat, telephone, ice. Aliada, kitchen ins. tier. HU rare flra-i-iiiu'Mo t light housekeeping, modern bouse. Har. u;itrii Til rent-Nice unfurnished room for gentlemen. Douglas 73e. v Heteta aad Aaanasaata. Dewey European hotel, 1.1th snd Farnam, OXFORD and Arcada si;lsl Wkly rata, iorxJtl HOTkX. all reauiremenu of (lrat-elass hotel, at ressonsble price. Ogden Hotel g Council Biutia. Rooms t to ST.Ul per week. Aaartaaeaia aad FMita. A ROOM apartment, new mowers brick: steam beat: short walking aiatance; gas stove, refrigerator, cupboard, wardrobe; blinds; la unary; one jsuiwr eerra.-w Douglas M. VERY desirable, cool, handsome. -r. apartment 110S N. Uth St,: modern, every comfort. See- Janitor at office. CHOICE THREE-ROOM APARTMENT in th California. Be Janitor. Douglas 37. Central, unequaled, snod., good condition. or s-r. flat, ail Tisard. SS N. SSd. S and t-room modern flat. Scargu Bldg.. K4H N. I4th BC, 8. Omaha. - Hall. 441 Ramge Bldg. D. MM, A-etal. KTRifTLY hlxh grade s-room apart ment on West Farnam St.; very choice. JOHN W. ROBBIN8. 1808 FARNAM ST. FOUR room modern apartment, gas range aad lanllor. S14.0 to M OO each. ' s-room. partly modern flat. UX N. Stth St. Site. 1 or S rooma. til K. 17th. J and up. M room partly awdera flat. 13 and ICS K. Stth. ' , . THOMAS W. HAZfin, Vt McCagu Bidg. TeL Doug. 1309. ' CLOSE-IN ST. LOUIS FLATS. ;17 B. SOth St.. t-room. ail modern. IS SO. SI S- hn Be i-rooin, all modern. W 221 8. ajtii St., e-room. all muuerai 3d HARRY WOLF. 4JS Brandela B.dg. Doug. SOte. A-SJL Faralaaeel Matwaea. WTTtstfiHED 7-room house (or sammer In Field club addition: sin.oet ne; mod- Hoasea aa t,otaa- - sfi-ivtKn. nacklng aad itorjag of heeiss , .Td ,ood. and piano. U our bu Omaha Van atorage, as riraucu 4143. A-liit. a. i,.r co nreproos a. Mth. by tha viaduct. offlc. W 8. uta a. lei. Da KiX-room modern coiwge. SUiDewey. H in all parte of the city H0USe3 can tens a. Co, Bee Bldg. 'tits iiai; Awe.. I-rooms eaodara. Vacant June IsL Thoa. F. Hall.. " RamK. cioth pnone. . , r carvtrul nAihM mlA fee warded; cheap freignt rates; movtag aa4 storing. aaprsssnisB s veuee -- -- Deuciss Set, City offlc. ei aV l.ta Sb. Bee Bldg. S723 CHARLE--ri) Phone Webstsr tOBS. obm modern bouse. U1S N. SOth St. A good homo, t large rooms, full modern, cir an. food order. Baraain rent T. J. HOOK. oMlco Ul V. lith. tin. , MvUfi, rii Vinton. Call Douglas 1Z or Harney an. saui Franklin Bt. . J t-room house, 3018 N. SMh St.. fit t-room house. S6i Ohio St. il.50-7 room and bath, Si2S Decatur. tSSSO-f rooms, modern, 21 Wirt Bt. W H. GATES, Mi Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phon Douglas 1294. Six-room, ttrlctly modern cotugt, vrytilrif in tin condition, ntasiy new, naar tire car lines, fin tbsda, clots in, S7.60. Ttlapnons Douglas 3T70. t PARK AVE. Fine, new S-room 1 bungalow type residence; interior weath ered oak; ell and absolutely modern,, ( MODERN eight room brick. 1M0 N. lata St. Phone Webstsr ar-a,. ALL modern, .7-room bouse, west iront. on Csntral Blvd.. 718 N. S7th Ava. Vary reasonable to (lrst-claas tenant.. K. . a. Bovles. Boyles College., both phonea s-r-. modern house with large sleepiu; porch. US 8. Cd St, JOHN W. ROBBIN8. Itt FARNAM BT, ":r. MODERN, weil;lrKated; heaiitlful yard; . 7S South S7th Ht. Web. SWO. Itaree aad Offleee. No. K a lath 8L, Bate. Tel. Dang. SS. xrnn RCNTT S.ifS square feet floor anac on second floor. South nd o( Ramgs building; St lineal feet; large ahow windows falDS Orpheum theater. Only W per month. W B. Melkle. sot Ramge Bldg. M'CAGUE BUILDING. ltTH AND DODGE. Attractive office, moderate nrlcea APPLY OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. OFF1C ET with uee of reception hall. Apply 10U City National Bank Bldg. OFFERED FOW 8AX.lt IF TOU' WANT TO BUT A CHEAP HARD COAL BURNER, LOOK AT THH Ufri.Vo tir. xtfRT SELL AT ONCE. H AVE PUT IN FURNACE. CALL WEB. STER ALL kinds good furniture (or sale at S64 Marcy. Call at once. nu.lorQ iahnanta. dreeeera ehif- fonters. dining tables, chairs, ssnlttry; eouhces best spring mattresas. rocker, gas stoves, ranges, kitchen cabinets, kitchen tabte. radiators, carpet, crook, erv and other things. 181 Clsrk 8t Oil Typewriters. RENT SB Oliver typewriter from tb ver 1 vt,niri . u. i-m., . ... n k - IM vhAtlv wHallOa, typewriter to your friend and 1 Jhara u wnerein 1 hw, , j j . . aiade If yoa eould. without ooatlng yea one cent. nv m r forever as your ownt Then write u far . . . ,i.,.um KTNMraAi, TvOeWVttee lull laiw.."- . 77, Co.. Eox L Woodstock. IU. TYPEWRITERS (or rent, t mo., ti Central Typewriter exchange IM Far asm. . " Maalcal aeerasaeata, ELECTRIC Pianos, music boxes player pianos. Continental Novelty, lit N. leth. Mleovllmaewa FOR 8AL-Hew and aecona-nasa carom and pocael atuiaro. xaiaaa saw bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix ture a of sll kinds; easy pay meats. Tea Brunswck'Balk-Coltnder Co. 47 - a, wl . POOL table, store, restaur ant fixture bought, eoid. Levy. Sal N.. So- Omaha. FOR SALE Two scholarships la the Omaha Commercial college aad en- la Ray Irs college. Bustueea utile. Omaha Bee. - SA FES-Overstacked safes: aU sixes and American EucHr Co.. with make: etrgataa. mo Farnaas at LATk model National Caah Register, almost new; a aaaii.- Lie North Seta ac, fcoutn umaha. ' FOB SALE Scholar ship ta Boy lee col lege, ("all at or addreaa Buainee office. Oriaha Bee. - - - " CINDk&S (or aaie cheap. Call W ebeter ?ua FOR BALaV -Cheap, one CedlUaa plana iuhu : on E.1ion home phooograpQ; rn- email cardeu. sues Poppletoa Ana laitk cabinet and US recoroa, large nora. Teiep'none Kamey OBi or D-W6. Ueae-a sad Cwttaaj. BTRICTLT modera t-room (1st ISO., K3 South th Ave. - SISi Chieagd, a rooms, mod. tea. ( 778 S. SSfl. 7 rooms, mod. i3. 3: namilton. rooms, SliiA . RINGWALT. Rrandele Theater Bldg. New t-room. mod. brick Cat. hot water keet. S7 Uth. XT. A. R1VGWALT. Brsndei Theater Bidg tf.il. N. 3th t.. cottage, elrtctiy mod ern in every detail, except heat. Reduced to nlr tl. ,1 PAVN'R SLATER Ctt. " "Boie .Agents, tb P'eor Omaha Nat I Bsnk Bldg. FIVE rooms; modern except furnace: r. tc7 :, lith. Owner pa water rent. u.ni-.mn VAX 1XD STORAGB CCX. pack. aen ter aad ship H. H. goad end pianos' ns charge for return anve teatuoa. Deug. lew ot B-Saa Call Tyier WI4; wheel, nearly also one ladies' Rambler coaster brake OLD iAFk. DKItiGHT. UW Faraeas as. W AN! ED Experienced bowling all o.n, xnu.uire Mauawa park or Tel. Doug. Yjvi. - - -. OLD KLOZ violin for sal. Call after noon. Thursday or Friday. .SB N. Stth 8c., South Omaha. . PERSONAL as-DAT BLOOD REMEDY. rjw-nsb Pbsrmscy, irtn as HAZEL LEAF FILE CONES Beat remedy for ttchiag. bleeding er protrud ing piles. 56c postpaid: lamplec free, Saermaa A McConneU Drug Co, Omaha. enrs- 8ALVATIO' ARMT aottelt 4 aft dothing: la (act, anything yea da act aead. w collect, repair and sell at IM K. Uth B (eg coat at ealleccioa. ta th worthy soar. PUaa Douaia out aad wageas will calL - A'