Questioning the MILLERS LEAD IN EACH GAME - Young Strikes Out Ten Ken, Hold ing Sun ti to Four Hits. ) HANDS SHUTOUT TO ST. PAUL Five te Ketklag Vfotery for Mlase- spells Is Chalked l la Alter jm Gesae First basse Re aalte Six Twa. . MINNEAPOLIS, Ulna.. May lA-Your-g truck out ten men and bald St. Paul to four hits, soaring a S to victory tw in locals In tha aftsrnoon (am here yximy. Decannter was halted freely -after the fourth tuning, Thomas relieving In th eighth. Score, first fsm: sinurvui. sr. net AS.M.O.A I AA H 0 A E flrmw, el.. I lit tlntlw. a... Silt Aiilier, aa... I I 1 Kiuirar.' It I I miliiaae, l I Fmie, if... Ill All. & 4 1 I 1 aeaty. U. I cm. is. I I I r.uereea, p. I I I lUMao, I I M I IHanrt, If . 4 I I I I MMMl, B I 1 I lAwrey. ik.. I u I IIIbM. if..l I I I !. c 4 I 1 ILevla. !.. Ill OKirser, I t I I Total. M I IT II I TM1H.....S inn I Minneapolis 1MIMIIM at, Paul 4 4 14 0 1 -l f we-biae hit: Ferris. Thraa-bas hits: Ferris, Lewis. Horn runs: GUI. Lewis. loubie plays: Altlier to 0111; QUI to Al tlser to QUI. Bases on balls: Off Pst- I tenon. 4: off Karger, S. Struck out: By ' Patteraon. I; by Karger, 1. Wild pitch: Karger. Sacrifice hit: Altlier.. Lett on bates: Minneapolis 7: St. Paul, S. Ttina. 1.54. Umpires: Blarhaltar and Connolly. Scars, ssoond gsme; i m.vNCAmua. sr. ratru ASM. O.AC AIH01I Clmar. cf.. 4 Sull as... 4 III Aliliar. ... I I 1 I aHataaaa. itlHIl K'tliltr. Ik 4 111 M'Cara'k . 1 Willlaaa, : I 4 I aHovart. II.. 4 1 I rrrt. rl...4 1(1 Klm. la... I I I I Allaa. a..... I 1 I I Airtr. It .l till Da'kutir.' Villi eRIfl.rt. rl.. I I out. la I t II asurt, e 111 Tauas. ...! 4 aL.ia. la... I til Dm'n, I I Toula a) II If 14 awaiak I . .. Tkaaua, ... I 41 1 ll ,n In the! - McCormlck battsd (or Hoftmaa Inth. Walrk battad for Daoannlar is lhth. .- utnn..Miti a a a a i t a th. St. Paul Two-baa hits: Williams. Dalahanly. ami., haaaa: A It liar. Kllllfar. Oil I. Sac- rifle hlta: -Kllllfer, William. Double l.v Miliar Wl I Mama is Olll. Hltk Off Dcannler. U In avs Innlnra; off Thomaa. 1 la on Innlna. Ln on oaa Ulnnuntla It- At Paul. 1 BtrUClt OUt By Youna. K: by Daennir I: by Thomas, L. Base on balls. Off Toun. 1; oft DecMtnler . Tim: IM. Vat Blrea: Blerbaltar and Connolly. - ToaT Saiadea Cavaar. 'ifiOLUMBL May .Pltchar Tony of ftoulav1H ahadrd Cooper tat afternoon lfd took hi team through to l l to I Vktory. His tailor to covr first donated tl.'j Columbus runs. HIU by Me loan and Hayaan tied the swore. Burch a pass and stall in tha ninth developed Into th wla . Bum run. Score, first game: , eoumnva. wmsvpjj ' as n o a a AB M o a r lkaHaa. ef .A IS anaiek. 4 I Htix-a aa, Hill aMoaea. 4 III C-ealM. ft. llieleea. ct.. I I I I raffias, la.. 4 11 auaaaaa. Ik. 4 Miner. Ik... I Hayeea. ri I I 1 Oka'rte. HUH araa4. Ill Oeraar,.aa... I 1 I 4 aBa'alllai. aal I I I Jialik. a.... 11 aipaacar. ' atQuillu, ft I Ctaa'a, pi I I I ' Ial..n IRU Taul...-lt I M at I Columbus ,. i-l lAulavlle - Stolen asaes: Shelton, 8aerinoa hit: Smith. Sacrifice fly: Oerber. Two baaa hits: Sbelton, Hlnchmaa. loudermllt . Double plaa Smith to Oerbar; MrQull laa. Oerber and Miller. Hit ay plteher: Gerber, Millar. Bass on balls: Off Ms ulllsn. 1; off LoudermUk. t Struck out: By McQuillan. 4: by Lotrderinllk. t Left on baaes: Columbus. : LoulrAMa. a. Wild pitch: MeQnlllan. Time: 1 Lmplres. Ferguson and Handlbo. Store, second gam: , ' touts vi i. cow Mr a , ASn At ASH OAS 'rak, H....1 1 aalaa. at . I 11 aim. ... Ill 4Hnc'aa, HI I Mataaev cf.. 111 ecsatrn. at 4 1 I Vaaaai. Ik . 4 1 a Irarrtas. I. I 1 1 1 I Kajaaa, X I I I I atllllar. Ik... tenrit lki I aojmaiaa. m II II IH'allMr. 14 4 4 Marker, aa... 4 till Senear. ... I t I aswtta: a till Taw. .... 4 I aoeaaar. a....! J I 1 Tia.....aJ"? S ul T-a....." n t Columbu ..J 1 . S-l Loutsrlll l-t tllorea basest Csngaltoa, O" RowAa. Purch. Two-base hits: ShattoB. Lennox. . Bases on bail: Off Cooper, 7; aft Toney. a. Struck out: Bry Cooper. S: by Toney, 4. Left on baaea: Cotumbus, : Loolsvllle. 11. Time: I K. Umpire: Pergueoa and Uandibo. - Jaaaaa Defeats ' TOLEDO. May Mi-Pltener Bill Janvsa. recently secured from Oevelaad. cele brated his return to the Americas asso elatioa this aftarnooa ay beating In dianapolis. I to t A doubt play en whtoh Ksieer was retired at the plate a?d Woodruff at second, cut oft a thieatenuig rally and practically aseed th game for Toledo. ore. first game: INDIANA PaTUS. TOUCOO AS H O. A c al I I A g KaMer: el... 4 1 a e aKHea. 1111 waearw. a a anisra'as. lb 4 O Lserr. sa. 4 I I I IKatte. la. I 1 I "aaiaaa. aa. alia at aeaaaas. as I I I neetar. ia a SM aseraa, f....l n-C rtar. mill aria-a. if ... ! l l l imam. R I I 1 I epamatt. la.. 1 11 alerta. a. a 4 I Las. & a 1 4 at leas. I-- -4 14 Faaaaea's. glial TMata... Si u n it 1 Tana-er. m inn 1 iFkiUnspolis I I I I I 1 H Toledo ll-2 . Thrae-bsa hits: H enter. 1 Stolen ease. nick, r-acrlflca fl : NUeav, Sse rifive hits: Chapman. Woodruff. Left an baaee: Toledo. 3: iBdianaaolts. Kasea on balls: Oft Faikeobenr. 4: off Itixan. 1 iltnack oat: By FWkeaberg. : by Hlxea. 4 lioatn plays: Htxon to aruuaraa to nantcr. Bnmki as Derrick. .hirMR to Hincnman ta Derrick- Ls firm: tlsves. Tttne: l;4i. , Goors. - second grrf : . . TTJUOO IKDIAJtAyeUl. 1 ' AS at 1 1 1 AS U OAX Wiaa. U... I I s ,... I I 11 Jt ae. 4 I 1 a aer,fT. mini aVnattai SV 4 11 artjwy aa-.l a I t. aa I I I llasaata. S. Ills "-aa. af 11.1 SMcarar. 1S..I 1 F. ff .. 4 He-Mr. ff 4 I I Bams. as.. I 1 It 1 awi i,.a, ni t I 1 Why and Wherefore of a Monday Laal. I t 1 tClarke. a. Jasiaa. p.... 4 I I I Liaka, . Hlioe .. Tetala.....M 11 II U 1 ..14 ...I t 1 ... I Touu n mil Batted for Williams In ninth. Toledo 10 1 I t I M Indianapolis 4 4 1-1 Two-bssa hits: Chapman.' Nile. Stolen bases: Brannle . Bases on balls: Off James. 1: off Lanke. L Struck out: -By Jamas. I; by LJnke. 1. Double play. Burns to Land to Htnchman. Left on bases: Toledo, t: Indlanspolla a. Wild pitches: James, 1: Llnke. 1. Passed ball Land. Time: 1:66. umpire: Hayes. Blaes Defeat Brewers. KANSAS CITT, Msy W.-Ksasas City eapturea tn aiternoon session. ? to s. A single, two doublee a triple and a walk gave the locals four runs In the sixth and the visitors were never able to catch up. Gallia, a youngster who replaced the veteran Altrock, esid Mliwsukee with out a hit: KAKIAS CITT. mUWAt'KEK AB I.O A C U H 0.l t It kerit, 1 I I aUakaM. Ik . 4 I 14 ckallar. 1.1 I 1 I Cbarlaa. Ik I I I Lran. af I I I I aRanaall. If. 4 1 1 Cerr. Ik I 1 ta 1 Maeee, It... I 111 CarrMae. aal I I I eCapraa. II... I I 1 lasiaa. .....I 1 4 1 Cna'elle. efl I 1 DevMr. I I 1 I llela Ill Oealaea. if.. I I I I alaraaall. a. I I I Kaaeeaa, p.. I I 1 I ineaharty. Ill llapeuai. pi I I Totals llll I Tatai!.. ...M 4 M at Kansas City........ 4 1-4 I -T Milwaukee 4 4 4 4414 Two-base hits: Schiller. Cerr. .Coulaon. James . Sacrifice hit: Carr. Sacrifice files: Downey, Rhoadea. Stolen base Love. 1 Bases on balls: Off Doughertv I: off Rhoadea. L Struck out: By Dough erty, 1: by Kipaicka. I: by Khoades. A Doubts piaye: Lileboid to Lawls to Jones, Rhoadea to Corridon to Carr. Hlta: Off Dougherty, S In all Innings: off Slap. nicaa. 1 in two innings, t-eri on baaes. Kansas City, i: Milwaukee. I First base Kansas City. 4: Milwaukee. L Hit by pitched bail: Csoron by Rhoadea Time: l.te. Lmpties: srwin and Ander son. Scots, seoond game: KAN1AI CITT. atn.WAt.HEe Al M.O.A IV Al.H O.A I It ksrM, si I 1 I lUaaaM. Ik . I 111 Srhaller, 11.. Ill 1 anuria, lb.. I Laea. ... 4 I I 1. MUaAall if . I I I I I I I III III Carr. la..... 4 4 14 I IJaaaa, Ik ... I Cemeae. al I I I ICaarae, If... I rroasaar. a. 1 1 I I esraan. It.... 1 Deanm, Ik. 4 I I I rsas'alM, ell 4 I 1 I K.I I I I Ibaala, as... I s... Ill 4 .Sckalli. a.!.. 4 r 1 Oallla. p.... I 114 INIelieliae, ll 1 4 14 - Hasmiela, a. I a aa a a Totals at 11 N 11 Milwaukee S1444I44- Kanaaa Clty....... 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 - Two-bass hits: Jones (i), Chappelle, Carr, OConnor, Randall, Corridon, Coul aon. Sacrifice fly: Lewis Stolen base: Coulsoa. Double piny: Randall to J ones. Baaee on balls: Off rilspnleks. 1. Struck oat: By Nicholson, 4: by 81sp mcks, I-. by Altrock, I. Wild pitch: Stapntcha. Hit by pitcher: By Slapnlcka. Oallla. Left an baaes: Milwaukee. 7; Kansas City. 1 Hits: Off Nlcholaon. In flea and one third Innings: off Slapnlcka. 4 In two and two-thirds Innings; off Al trock:. It In six and one-third Innings: off Oallla. 4 In two-third. Innlnc. First on errors: Milwaukee, s. Time: 1-00, Lm plres: Anderson and Erwin. . DAWSON DRIVES CAR T0VI0T0RY Continued From First Page t but Marquette and his mechiniciau aete not Injured. Prayer withdrew 'tis Fire stone-Columbus because of gear trouble. Tire trouble overtook De Pslml's M tr ades In th IWth mil and he atopned for a change, but at th two hundredth mil lie kept his lead and had let a new reoord of I 31 et Tha former mark waa l a.M, made by Bruce Brown In a Flat last year. - ; Stale Blaaes Tire. An rW son's Stuta blew s tie In hi IghtiexJi lap and the car waa taksn off tha track. The Cass No. I, driven by Wsilon. relieved Herrlck, broke a crank haft and waa taken out. - Da Palme oon tinned to pull ahead of tha M-nll mark-just half the distance. Hla lima was S-oVM, just iM minutes batter than Bruce-Brown s tlm last eyar. Totxlaff waa second and Dawson third t S miles. Ds palma'a average waa SLI miles aa boar. Hughes' Mercer ran oat of fuel la tha araety-ixth lap, Dla- a car blew a lira- ta the sixty- seventh aad Wtabart s Mercedes went out IB the eighty second lap. Da Palnva made Inn miles hi 1.11:21, heating Harrona'a time last year of M. Ha areraged 44:14 sal lee aa hour. National No. went Into second and Burtnan a CutUngT was running third at m. miles. Flat, No. z, .waa forced back to fourth.- . DePalma was- about three laps ahead of NankMsi No. at SM mtlea." Ms time being 4 better than last years time. ; - , " . i . .. ' DePalma had uacrtsaaed kls lead an Na- tionat No. 4 to four lap when he com pleted Us four hundredth mtla la 4 M M O setter lhan Harraua made IL KatMmaJ. Co. I. waa seoond and Flat. No. X third.. DePalm s average was JB.4. araaa la rear Lark. -. Burmaa was driving la poor rock, hav ing to stop st tha nits repeatedly. Bert Ding-ley's Simplex went out la Ms lmb lap and Mstsna's Under la Hs UOth lap. bra result af accidents. - ' Boa Burma s Cm ting turned over a ertver and mechaalctaa aa the back stretch ta th UPth lap. Barman and Harry Goets, asechaafelaa. were not hurt but foe car eirlt. The Cutting's rear wheal eollapeed and tha car relied aver bast Burmaa and Goats escaped with a few cuts aad bruises. Burmaa wis tied with Flat No. 1 for third place when the accident occurred. , The Mercedes bad araised a fiftii lap oa the National at 41 miles, which :t eovared ia tMM. almost aeha!f hour better then la - year. - Daemon, who went back-uto the Ka Kstaaj No. s. and Da PsJma both had SHE' Winners SECOND. "'-.., , ml DARE DEVILS ttn laps man to go, was Mill leading Dawson, , hi nearest competitor, six rounds., Tetxiaff went back into hla Flit. De Palnaa la Trouble.. , With only flva miles to go De Falma'i Mercedes dsveloped trouble and the Na tional No. s lapped him. Crowd See Bare. Under a cloudless sky thousanda of en thusiasts from sll ovsr th country aa- aembled today at the Indlanapoila apeed way for tha greatest event of the auto mobile world-the second annual running of the American 104-mils sweepstakes. At daylight began the exodua from the dty ta Speedway park, by train, trolley and touring cars, and th sun found th grsnd.tinds on the outer edg and the parking apaces of ths Inner circuit of the brick aval beginning to Mil with ths enormous crowd that waa to see twenty- lour of tha most famous drivers and cam battle far the honor and fortune of enjoying with Ray Harroun and tha Harmon "Wasp" the classic litis of win ners of ths greatest raoe of motoring. The course waa cleaned of greass ac cumulated during the weeka of practice grind, glistened in the sunlight when the big" motors pulled out along the repair pita, swarming with mechanicians. Har roun and his Marmon last year did the distance In 4:11.44 and every pilot today was determined ta cut hli mark In his effort to com in on th OD.OOo offered for the winner of th race. A crowd estimated at 71.404 cheered as the drivers swept out 00 ths track for the braks teet. SHORTSTOP BRIDEWELL IS SERIOUSLY INJURED NEW TORK. May -Manager John Kllng of ths Boston National., aays that Arthur Bridewell, the shortstop. Is so bsdly injured that ha will not be able to play again this season. In fact, bs does not think the player will ever be able to get Into uniform again.. Kllng do med there Is- friction between himself and President John M. Ward. Sorfaltt Wlas Twa Gaaaes. NORFOLK. Neb.. Msy -tgpeclsl Teleerani.t In twenty innings today Nor folk's base bail team was scored sgainst for only one run. Norfolk heat Lwurai. 4 to 4. end then best Osmond In sn eleeen- inning game, z to 1. , BZLAKS ALL jIXCOEBS UP TO 430 MILES AT mDIAIAPOLIS. -J,';.'Vp:.'- A : V um : f, k r " ft Bti UAiAHA. juiAs. Copyright, 1913. Na tional Kews Association. I in the 500-Mile THIRD. Y , sir , WHO COMB OUT AHEAD AT INDlANAPOLia Bell Wins Races and Sets a New. Record', For Omaha Riders Walter Bell, riding an Indian, broke the Omaha motor ipeedwiy motorcycle twenty-five mile record yesterday after. noon, making the distance in H. Carl Hulmqutit, on a Reading stsndsrd, waa second, and Hart Bowman, Indian, third. The race waa a free-for-all. All machines r stripped for racing, but wir from tork. Bowman's mount waa provided with "open port" for better speed, but Bell waa too much for his competitor. For ths first four miles the two rode neck-and-nerk: then Bell drew slowly away. Ha kept Increasing his isad until tha race ended. The summary. FIRST RACE. Ten miles, twin -cylinder, private own ers, stock machines: Ed Hylen, Indlsn. first: George Asnderson. Indlsn, second; Hank Hayman, Excelsior, third. Tim: ki:X SECOND RACE. Flva miles, slngls cylinder, prlvsle own ers stock machines: Carl Adolfeon, In dian, first; Mark Schwertn, Indlsn. sec ond; Fred Bell. Indlsn. third. Time: 406. THIRD RACE. Fifteen miles, terln cylinder, trade riders, stock machines: Wslter Bell. In dlsn. S rat: Carl Mtitmaulal. ileadlna standard, second; Ed Hylen. Indlsn, third. lime: a.ji. FOURTH RACE. Flva miles, single cylinder, trade riders, Mock mschlnee: Carl Adolfaon. Indlsn. first; "Chief Charley Noah. Indian, eacond: O. Rimer. Indian, third. Time: FIFTH RACE. Twenty-five miles, free-for-all. any kind at machine: Walter Bell. Indian, flrat; Carl Mulmqit'st. Reading stsndsrd. second: Hart Bowman, Indian, third. Tlmei- Jt a. Prliee for each race were: Ftrfat, tire caaing; second. Ismp; third. Inner tube. McFarland Given ; Popular Decision INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. Msy -Psckey McFarland of Chicago won tha popular decision from Ray Brbnaon of indlanspo lla' la their ten-round bout st th In dianapolis ball park tonight McFarland had the belter of eight rounds and Bran son managed to break 'area In the other two. , With the exception of th third and ninth round th tight was all McFar- land a. Bronson waa at his best In the third and ninth rounds. Ths first tour rounds ere fought In a diluting rain, which made the ranvas slippery and Interfered with the footwork of tha two fighters. In the first two rounds tha fighter felt each other out, with Parkey getting In a few Jabs to the face and body. In the second. Referee Ed Smith of Chicago cautioned Mc.Va.r-i and1 ta refrain from hitting low. Btonson brought a little blood to Mc- Farlind s nose in the third round and broil even on in exchange of punches. The Chicago fighter had a Might shade ta the fourth and then went Into the fifth and drove Bronson ta tha ropes with a rain of rights and lefts. Parker's jabe ta Branson's wind In the clinches begsn to tell and tha local boxer waa breathing hard when tha round ended. Ray missed several swings la the sixth and wss sent to th ropes sgaln. where tha Cmcagoan got In several hard blows at close range. No much damage waa don In .the seventh, but McFarland started la the eighth and jibbed Brotv aoa at doss quarters almost at WIS. Th ninth waa pretty, maca of a slugging match la the eenter of tha ring with honors about even. Broasoa appeared IvLAi oi, isiJ wtu OS ft PITCHING Nm a it's am. ove.v Auto Race FOURTH. blows to th fare and body staggered him In th tenth and h wai holding oa whan th gong sounded. Th fight waa at lit pounds. . , In Ihs seml-flnili Young Herman of Pekln, III., knocked out Chick Hsyei, the local bantamweight contender, la th second round of their scheduled ten- round bout. Hayes went down under a right swing to tha Jaw and took the count of eight. Aa he waa gelling up, Herman landed another that lent him to tha floor. He tried to gat up again, but was knocked through th rope.. POWERS LETS BLOOMFIELD GET T00FAR IN LEAD RANDOLPH. Nsh, May !. -(Special Telegram-l-Bloomfield defeated Randolph today In a game featured by a deiperate rally , In the eighth by Randolph but they were unable to overcome Bloomf laid . lead, gained through tha poor pitching of Powers. Courtney, who relieved him, waa -a pussl to Bloomfleld, striking out nlns men In five innlngi. Score: R H E. Randolph ... S 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 44 1 Bloomfleld ... 1 1 1 1 4 4 1-T S I Batteries: Powers. Courtnev snd Hail: Webber. Weat. Three-base hit: Barnard Two-ha we hit: Schwarta Htnlen kaeee Hamblln. S); Lamb, ill. Umpire: Gordon. CREIGHTON COLTS LAY OUT ORCHARDjN FIRST GAME CREIflHTOX. Neb . May DS.-(Speclal Telegram.! The Crelghton Colta won their ftrat game here today, defeating Orchard, 3 to 4. Score:. R. H, E crelghton .....4 441441 -rl 44 Orchard 4 4 4 2 4 4 41 4 4 Batterlea: (strain snd Krsuae: Lvnt snd Billings. Esrned runs: Crelghton. 1: Or chard, 1. Two-base hits: Thelse. Moore. Three-base hit: Forsberg. Struck out: Ry Strsln. 10: by Lynt. A Time: l.m. I'm- plre: Hufimlth. Psrslstent Adverttr-n is the Road to Big Return. i a; vv f . Ie'!- 1 J N'.' Yt I f Drawn for The Bee WHAT'S The. OF :r!M PA.A.YWC- OOT TVi iNnn 9 YARNEY BECOMES A CHAMP Adami Newspaper Man Leads in Nebraska Shooting Tourney. NINETEEN TIE FOR SECOND Champion Eveat Ceaatsts of the shooter .Settles; Ferly-XInO Oat of Possible Fifty Tarejrta. i E. W. Venter, a newapsper man from Adami. won ths title of champion shot gun shot of Nebraska yeaterday In ' th Uat dayi' shoot of th Tnlrty-sevsnlh annual tournament of the Nebraaka State Sportamen'a association. - He smsshrd forty-nine out of a noalbl fitly targets. Nineteen tied for second place with forty-tight targets ssch, Not only did Vsrner secure Ihs chim plonahip of the slat, but he tied tor first place for the three days honors with S. W. Huntley. Varnsr ihot at 4S4 targsti during ths regular .hooting and broke iTS, did Huntley. The championship shoot waa an extra vent of fifty target.. Over fifty men entered, but Varner waa Ihs only on to get anay with but a single mus. , Th a Ind wss aomswhit strong and played havoc, with tha targeta aa they were thrown from the Iran., 'but deeplle this fort ths scores made were beter on a whola than during th two dayi previous. Ths profesilonals came up strong, but aa they wire not competing for prlte. or money, Ihalr scores do not effect the amateurs. For tha three dayi mart thi fleet ten places wer taken by the following mirkaman: First, Vsrner, Huntley: ascend, lloon, Oraham; third. White: fourth. Rlbhouser. Ridley, Bray; fifth, Townasnd: sixth, Caldwell; ssventh, Wsg- gonar; eighth. Gammon; ninth, Ksutfkey; tenth, Schroeder. ... . nraree af Yesterday. Following wers ths score, made at.r dy out of poallbl 1M: Day : Carter Rlbhouser .. ""rosl Msgnusson . Cspatlcks Thompson . Msrshsll .... Bills Caldwell Garrett Whit Neville Wlnko Llnderman ., Gammon ..... 101 Dixon 151 Thorpe ... 1411 Porter Ill Townasnd 111 Verner .... lM! McNsmara Wl Gross twi O'Brien ... 144 Hnlsworth miMsiwell ,, nil Krautakey 1411 Ridley .... 1211 Watklns , V4! MrDonel ., USiBesney .... 1 Fslr Van Colt. 1341 Brown Armogast lit 1 Huntley 1 Graham Isr ...... IITI Waddlngten ... 1! Brsy Hoop Schroeder Gases 11 Brsy Eaton 117' Huff ord MrKlnney 11 Uellatly waggoner 141 Miller niiiunir . ii miner ............ I sn Whitney 124H Lovering U4 Morrtii lui Nebraska City Takes - Measure of Beatrice NEBRASKA CITT. Neb, May 94- (Speclal Telegram.)-There waa a large attendance Oils afternoon to se Nebraska City win from Beatrice the first game of the series. It wss a pitchers' battle. Up to tha eighth Inning not a atngla Best rice player reached second base. ire: R U.K. Beatrice I I I Ml I 1-1 II Neb. City I I 1 I I I M I 1 flatteries: Belts and Darrow: Buah end Goldwatt. Umpire: Meyers. FALLS CITT. Neb., Msy -( Special Telegram.) Fell. City won the first gams of the eerie with Hliwatha here today. Scor: R H E Falls City 1 IMIIIIMI1 Hiawsrha ....4 1144444-411 Batterlea: Rvley and Harmony; Con nell and Sheets k. Umpire: Ward. - AUBURN, Neb., May .-(8pecial Tela- The Cool, Satisfying " Summer Drink Pure and Wholesome, Light and Invigorating. At Lake, Summer Park, Picnic or Cafe order Old Age. - In Amtr BottUt Family Trade Supplied by; South Omaha WM. JETTKR, 2503 K St.. Pooaei So. 80S. Otaakav HUGO F. BILZ. 1H24 Doaslns St-, Pbone Doug. 1543. Jeiter Brewing Co. ' MilTH OMAHA, NLB. by Hal Coffman To VW in gram.) Auburn's heavy hitting won to day's game. Musser got a hit every lima up. while Primely drove out two three baggers and Stills ell secured a home run. Score: R H E. Auburn 0 114111 -S St Humboldt ... I 144444 4-1 SS Batterlea: Znndermsn snd Museer; fork, l ucaa and Diets. Umpire: Mc Finland. Kcotle Wins laai riaan. SCOTIA. Neb.: Mav . -(Special Tele gram. 1 Scotia won from Ord In an eleven Inning time her today. 8eutter of Scotia struck out seventeen of Ord ssmi prtifesalonsla. Murphy featured at bat. getting five hits. Score; etcotla 144431114 4-T Ord 0J440444144-4 Batterlea: Gutter, Ammsrman; Cuah Ing and Liemcnte. Smoke Mild, Fragrant CIGARS of Delicious Flavor X l .Ki! !' STRW That fj; 'l.giini I OUT AflOTHEB. J i Ji- HrfM c You will find spatial anjuyiuenl ba "ESPINA" Clear Havana Ths fsvorite bran! of bankara, anorchanla, clubmen sad others who want ta amok tha beat. 70c Straight and 2 for 25c ' Eaphu Cigars are made bv erpert cigar makers In Tamps, from tltjr Havana tobacco-the beat selection of the choice 1411 Cuban croa, Made ay LEOPOLD 3WEIX eV CO. ; New Terk sad la ease, fls. O. B. sT-rFtlFOBB, IS 12 ftrnis Btrset. Oka si a simnirtos TiUllIilIlIitD OCEAJt 8TEAMSH1S. HAMBURG tat i as I a. Co. AMERICAN la the World LaifAOua , Ovra 404 ATLANTIC SERVICE LOMKiN PAKih HAMBLRQ JUNE SAILINGS . triotorla I, uis . .stm, A. St. Pre. Liaaola ... Its, It a, at. Amerika 13th, I A. AC l a-.atori ...... lrjta, A. M. Clavsland . ... ..aotu. 10 A. It. Baakarg 430, IS aooa. ksia'a A eg. vie. 47 ta, 4 a. af. are. it3ta, 10 A af. JULY SAILINGS Olneiaaatl 4th, IS aooa T4eaaayaania, HAS, Amerlka ...lit, t S. M. Free. Uaoata . .lata, 4 A. K. Olsvelaad Sata, 4 A- af. AUGUSTSAILINGS Zalasrla Aag. Tls. 1st, 11 A. at. Pres. Oraal . lik. It aeon AmerUa 14th, It aV. St. Otnetaaatl 444 1 . St. arAlsesrlaAU.Tta.S4ta, ttAJg. Free. Ktaaota ...list, 13 aeea id Cabin only, twill call at Boulocu. list Cabta oaUy. two issuks tmross AROUND the WOULD STor. 4. 1S Fab. ST, ma from New Torklfrora San Fyaro Z S. 8. Cleveland V, Durattorr Eschl Cost iftV) up Cruise 114 Day) OJU Including all necessary ex penses aboard and ashore, rait way, hotel, shore excursions, carriage, guides, -fee, ate. Writ for booklet af any cruise. EAMSSRS-AwEBlCJU la W. suadoraa SHU Caicsa-o, Ql, as local a-!. WW tn stop it th pits. De Piima. with only ta 00 get tit, avonger. but a rain all