Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 31, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Mutt and Jeff
I -$ I l XT-l 1-.. Tuc I I I - t. y 1 . I II caj: TMM . 5lUalr 1 I f U m That 1 I wa eat I . 1
. S Tmts! I ; what r-zr-J usLUN.Hfwe 1 J , y
I e II III II I I ! m I Li . 'J I " . 1 t - I . J
I . 3. -U. -J-
fttiheri TJb ik irer Pro re To
Bach for tie Eourke Family.
titer tjeaaee Preae Dlaaatraaa
the Oxki Tem, wit rail
Ual M Oppertaae
BJOVX CITY. May -Paul Brown In
the first IX m and "Red" Whit In tk
ascend. hld Omiln safely, while their
mites batted eail etctsrlea la a deaMe
heeder, by the (com of I te 1 and It to
i cor, Aral (am:
eiovx CITT.
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Ml look, rl 4 11111
French, lb. 4 111
Meyers, if I t I 4 I t
Tennsnl. lb. ,4 114 4 4
Breen. rf. ...... 1 4 4
Hmtth. a. i lit
Ruiy. b. i i i
-adman, 0. 1 I I I
Br p. I I I .
TOUl ..J...;... 5 l , H U l
au. . h. a a. .
Psvldann. If.',....... I , I
ovk rf ... 1 I 1 1 ' 4
Thsmisoti, eT ....... I 1 I
K., lb 1 I
KcmiIoii, n. ........ 1111
Mipfnff. lb. I 1
WMrn.r. m. 1...... I 1 I I
.A r &..!. r 117 1
noMltMD, p. 141
Trtl ... T 7 M "J
Ikutnl far Klrhoff In th ninth.
Ann City 0 !! I
Oiuhs ! I
Tva-lwM hltn: Million. Thrm-baM hit:
MUHos. raeritin bin: May. aamaa.
Mnlaa baaa; TMiaat. iwuM play:
aalon to Wantwr to Kan. L(t on
haaaa fUmix lv ; Omaha, t. Ilaara
an ban: off Urowii. 4. Ktruck oul: By
frnva. t, hy HoHtaMO, a Timai tM,
mptm: Knfp.
Piad aowiH wnvt
10UX f iTt.
AB. R. H. a. A, E.
MIHIMI. tt ............. I
rrne ta, .,....... I I 1 I
Marwa. If. 'II 4 -
Tn.nt. Ik ....... I til I
Draxt, rt, J . I
Kmltb. a ...........I I t t J I
Retiiy, b. 1 ,
tn,a a. .........4 I t
Wait. I
Total. .."i W U 5 ."l 1
' - AU. at M. O. A. B
pivaon, If. t lilt
fl. rt J i
tnomaana. t ......
Kana. lb. ....I 1 W
lohrenn. a. I 1 t I
k.aW. !b. t 1 ill
KwiiaW. lb, .... '1 I'll t
hD4i p. , I
ItW ita, p. .......... f 4 . 4
Arbofaat .., I 1 I
fotala a I M U
Haltf tar Htcka bn ninth.
IHnx cor I 4) t I -w
Unahi 444141 4-1
To-haa Ma: Ifrjrtr. TrabaM, John
awi, Arbniraal. Homa rttaa: Mam, Kmltb
111. NtahoK, Jiinaaoa. Haiiiftaja bHi fmlth.
toian baata: twaaion, . Kaa. Uoabia
playa: ttmakm a J Kan. Irflt
an baaaa: Bluul ty, ; fXnalia, 4. Hut:
Ofi Hbodaa. It ta alt aad etir-tMN tn
wnn; att Hbka. 1 rn on and fro-tktr
llnntnta. Baaa a balli: Off Wbita, I;
If Khwlea, 4; tt IHrka, t fHrutk out:
By Wblta. : by Rbadra, 4; by Hlrtt. I
W! pitch: RV4ea. Hit by ltob4 hall:
eanloa. Bna Tuna: Irda. tmptra,
Lawala Fall 4a or la tba After.
bES MOTNM. la.. May T-tVa Molnea
proa 4hs first rm of th dotiblhaadr
n th second of th arrtea with Un
Mn. to a. Sath attchara war aaateady
at tha wart, twt war (tvaa Bond sup
pan. Scora, Trat fame:
H. K. O,
paha, rf.
I artla, of.
4 1
1 4
1 U
1 7
t 1
Catlitao, ta.
tnaira. y.
BJa, If. ....
k'area. as.
raomaa. lb.
riatowakl, c
Hsca-e. p.
total '
.. . T 11 It U 1
AB. a H. O. A. E.
Batihiiasau. sa, ..( l r 1
C. . 4 4 I I I
Cabk. rf 4 1114 4
M-rorailrfc. at. ....4 4 114 4
iwbaur. la. A 4 1114
Mullen, lb. f a
bttlier. cf. 4 4 4 1 4 4
btrsteaa. ot. 114 14
fatltb. a. ..J 114 4 1
orDy, ...f 4 a
TotaH M 1 M I 1
Baited for Bmrth ta saMh.
pa Moines 4 1 I I 4 t -7
(Jscoln i ...... ...-..4 1 1 4 4 4 4 4-4
Two-bass Mt: T latowakl, Aakn. Claim,
Bwrhamiwer Threa-baa hlta: Bmlth,
l".'1,5r'w bh: Cot, rrrvt baa on
tf JJ ,! f esnfh, . Btroc
at-he I bail; By Anttb. Thomaa Fbaaed
bah: akrataaa. shows) haaaa: Oobe, tmt-
IJOfom. . T'wrorr: K'l.una TlmeVl:a.
.JrJSST BnT twbwr' bat
tla, twuflaa atnatn. oat thine an
nd allwisi but tlx wltwej hits. wTae
bwra. peannd traano:
. . 1E4 MOINES.
: P7 AB. R. A a A. E.
i,e.R. mm.. a a :4 4
vwiw. w.,..MM.H., i a a
l a
Biiigan, a.. ........ 4
Cbilre, ............. 4
lwrieo. tt.,.. 4
as t
Tfcomaa, lb t
. V.i, raw .h. I
I atow"l, e... 4
JaoafbM-. p... 1
toa, a.
) , - i i
faugga ...... .' 1
1 I
4 1
4 4
4 4
4 4
Totals. ! 9 4 1 SJ 4
:.xr UlrCOLX. -
AB. R. H. O. A. S.
- t 4 11 1
Are Now Sailors; That Is, Jeff
Col. Sb ,
. 4
. 4
Cobb, rf
Mccormick. If....
Barbour. b...
Mullen, lb
Millar, cf
t'arnay, e
Hacarraaa. p..
... 4
... I
... I
.... I
1 II
Totals Ii t I 14 4
Ratted for MrOraw In th alnhtli.
Rattwl for Uouslaa In tha lhlh.
IVa Molnra.. ..... 4444444-
UuaolB 444144444-1
Two-baa tittb. Tbom. Mrrrmlrti.
Plrat baa n ball: tiff DouKibaa. :
off HaSTman. I. truH ot: fly !U(
laas, U: by Hurartnan, I MM wlin
piiohM) hall: Cuna. Pd ball: Mo
Ora. wild pitch: Hritian 8toln
baara: Mlln. Mrfiornilrk. Ift on
haaaa: Tf Muflw. l Llnroln. I. Hlta:
Off IKiualaa. In Hint Innlnfa. Time:
l , Catplia: fclaaana.
Taprka Halaa Laadrra Itatlaaary aa
Draaaaiara firaaada.
ST. JOHKPII. Mo.. May M.-8L Joaepb
and Topka broke tren la IHa two gamaa
played bar today, th Mttora wlanlac
th flrat, I to i. nd 81. Joseph tba
ond, I to 1. Score, 'rat (am: .
acore, second cania.
AH. ft H. O. A. a
It ell v. tb 1441 I
Powell. If..
wataon. rf I I 1 4 r
Xwiutnt . cf 4,1 1.1 4
orion. lb.. ' 1 . 1 14 4
Hellly, Jh...., 41
Mainka, aa..... f fill c 1 i 4 I
Johnaon, P 1 1 4 4 4 4
Toll 7 " 17 11 I
in K H. ft. A. E
Waleh. Sb I 1 I 1 I 9
Km, .,... 4 4 J i 4 i rf I 4 1 14 4
Gardner, lb 4 411
dear. If 4 . 4 1 4 4
IMilln. 3b I 4 4 1 14
Kenory, as 4 4 4 1 1 4
Chapman. 4 4 11 I
Urandom, p 111
ToUl ... T T M I 4
! jfB; :.4 i44i44 i
Tapwka IMIMt-l
Taroa baaa Mta: SwIUIac. Rallly. Two
baaa hlta: Bnrton. La. fUcrlfl.a tilta:
ttotlry, Meratea. Ptnlea baaa: La.
Ift on haaaa: Topeka, It m. JuaaTli. i.
doffl, 4. Haaaa on baila: Off brandoro,
1 lilt bjr Wnha ball: Uy Johnson,
Wenh. rxiflni by Brandom. 4, Tlma.
IU Vmplra: loknana.
In a battmi bra Torwka detealed wt.
Jn,h la tit mornln same, I to t
bopr: !
TClPr.Kjk . I
AB. ft. H. Q A. E
Walafi. Ib t 11)11
Ktwa. rt.,... ......... 1 t i .4 4
I "wl ft .(Mtl4H
llardaar. lb I
dear. If I
1 I I
I. 4 11
1 I i
nima. b ti i
i:n-y, aa.. .......... 4 1 1 4 1 I
haiwnaa. c. ......... 1 1 1 I 1 4
jMBaby, p 1 I f 4 1.4
Total Mil 1
, ST. JOriKPM.
AM. . M. O. A, E.
Ktly. Tb I 4 14 14
i'owell. If..... 4 lit 1 4
Waleon: rf 4 1 4 4 4 4
ltwmn, ef...., 4 .1 I 4
Horton. Ib 1 111 1.1
Itelllv, tb,... 4 4 111 4
Melnka, aa... 4 4 114
Harhant. .. a 1 I a v a
Melon, p..
4 4'
Chelletta, p .... 1 4 4 4 1 4
rrremaa, p 4 4 4 ' : 1 4
Roth 1444
Totala .....II 1 1 m U. 1
attd or Cbetlatta ta aaThta.
Toaaha ........... J 44144414-
Thret-baea hit: Bartoa. Mils: ftft Me-:
Doniifll. 1 In Iwa4hlrda tanlnc: oft Chl
eff rVarman. 1 la one-third Innlnaa:
off FVaemaa, 1 rn on brntnu. Btruck out:
By normay. : try tjnaliatta, X Baaea ea
aalla: Off Horaatnr. : off McDonnalL L
Iiftuttla play: Emory to tvalah to OardDr.
in on naewr: it. joerpn, a; Tope a, s.
Tlaaa: 140. I'mblra Johnaon.
Vlalaaaa (aptar Opstaa Cwataa by
Km ta bethlna.
DEWVER. May at-Wlchua defeated
Onvar ta tha firm aams Bars todar by
7 to 4. Boors, first lux:
, , DENVER..
AB. K B. O. A. E.
Unyd. tb....s 4 4 1 1 14
ftulWaV 4 4 1 4 4 1
Rwal. rf (4411
CaesMy. rt 14111
Kanwortny. lb...... I 4 4 1 14
Chemnell. If 1 4 4 1 4 4
trerry, as. u.... 44 I I I
pahr, c...... I 4 414
Olmatrad. p Ill I I 4
cenraiat? 1 (
Tatak B 4 4 IT . 14 4
AB. B. H. O. A. B.
Pttttfrsw. rt.. ...... 111144
Cram, rf 4.1 I 41 4
MMdleton. cf........ 1-114 4 4
Haahea, tb 4 1 1 I 1
Callahan. ....... 4 4.1 1 14
Koerner. lb......... 4 14 4 4
Ma. M 111114
Clammona, c 14 4 14 4
Kllla. p I 11 4 14
- Tout n t i w i
Batted tot Otaaataad In whata.
Wtehlta I t I I I I M
Denver 4 44444444-4
Two-base hit: Oalf Horn run: Mid
dleton. Karrtflce hit: Oala. Struck aut
By Olmatea. : by Kllla. i, Baaes on
balls. Off otmt. a. Hit by pttcbo
ball: rrtttarew. lft c bare: Dearer. 1:
Wtrfcrta, 4. Ttaw: 1 H. Vatplra: Jack
Bear, aacond tama:
AB. K. H. Ol A. E.
Pwtflcrww. rt 4 I 1 I 1 1
Cr . If. ..J 1 1 14 4
MMldiotoa, ct ........4 1 1 I I
HuaHea. la. .. .. 1111
caiaaa, as. ...... a .. I I l
Koerner, Ib. i 1144
Me, tb. 4 I 11 1
Waoob. e. ,. 4 14 4 4
Parry, p. ........ ......1 4 4 4 1 4
Totals ...". 4) f M J7 t 4
, " A8. It H. P. A .E.
UM. . 4 14 11
Qmiiav Ok. 4111
fcea l. ef , 4 J 1 T I 4
Caaatdjr, tt ........ 4 Ml t i 4
at ti ii i i i
I 1 I
I 1
Standing of Teams
W.L-Prt. W.UPc.
St. Joeph 17 14 .t.-i New Tork 4
IwMialU ,et Cin-1nnatl tt W Jt
Omaha... til Cblreufu., It t7 JS
Denver.... H ,812! Pltabur.'h 17 14 All
Mnint C'y to I .11 m. I Aula.. It XI .tw
Wlohlta.. 17 .t'V PhUa M I .424
Toneka.. 14 13 .41 Boston..,. II M M
ttacola.. It M .W Brooklya.. MB 411
. W.Im. W.Ufct.
Oilnuro.. 38 II ,7"ini Cnlumbua 17 .-
Boaton.... 11 .M. Mlwne'p lla 17 1 .
Detroit., yi 1 M Toledo ... 14 .
Plill 17 14 Mil Kan. City U 21 Ma
Cleveland 17 1 .47T St. Paul M .433
Weak ara II U .tCiMnwaskaa II 3 .tM
New York 11 it .. Indiaa p lla fl 17 .
It. Loul U B .WiLaielsvus.. 11 J
W.L.Pot W.L.Pot.
Haatlnira ...II I .M"aU City.ll I .417
Kearney ... I 4 . Neb. City. ..11 7 .411
rramnnt ... I I .( Humboldt 4 40
3. Inland... I IM aVatrtca .... 1 14 .444
'alumnus .. 4 I ,i7l Auburn I 14 .444
Tork 4 4 .evi Hiawatha .. I at .BS)
Reward .... 7 .451 I
luperlor ... 4 U .M7
' Tatrdaya BeaaKs.
,. a.gTKRN LSAOt'B.
Ofntha, 14: Slnut City, t-tk
Wlohlta, 7-7; Peaw, -.
Topeka. -l; St. Jorih, 1-1
U&iwta. t-t. Das Motnea, 1-4.
St. Low!, 4-t; IPttsburtlt, 4
Clnrlrmatl, 4-4; CMraao, M, .
Boaton. I; Brooklyn. 7.
Naw York, 7-4; Philadelphia, 1-L
ttrolt 4-M; St. Louis, l-l
Chlcaao, 3-1; Cleveland. I-W.
Phlladrlphta, 1: New fork. L
Waahlnatoa, 14; Boaton. 1-0.
Indianapolis 1-1: Toledo. I t
Loulavilla, 1-1; Columbus. 4-1.
Milwaukee. 1-4: Kan Mta City, 1-7.
Mlnnaapolla, 4-1; St. Paul, 1-0.
Fall Ctt. 4; Hiawatha, t.
Nebraska Clry, 1; Beatrtca, 1
Auburn, I; Humboldt, 1.
Ckaaaoa Tsday.
Westara Leaawa-Omaha at Mean City,
Wlohlta at Lwaver. Tooek at 41. Jo
seph, I4nooln at Dea Molnea.
.National - la(uw St. Louts at Naw
Tor. Clnrlnnatl at HtlsbariU, Bostoa at
'American Aaaoolallsn Indianapolis at
Toledo, LoHlavMi at CMambu. Milwau
kee at staaaaa uty, atiaaaapsMs at an.
Paul. j
Nebraska State Wf ua-irastlnf at
Tork. Urand laland at Kearney, Framorrt
at Cohambua, Muaminr at Baward.
Mutk Lsaaus Ueatrkis at Nebraaka
Ity, Humboldt at Auburn, lllawatoa at
ail Clry.
Kneworthy. Ib, .... Ill 4
CkanrwU. It ...... 14 114 4
Coffey, a. 1 1 1 I t
FYamnea, a. 4,4 I 7
Loonard, p .,. 4 4 4 4 1 4 4
ScnraUMeV p. !
Spahr. 4 4 4 4 4 4
Totals . B 4 M B 7 7
Battsd for Pramba la tha tttntb.
Wtehlta ...I 4441114 4-t
Denver .,..4 14414141-4
Two-has Mm: Qtiinin (1). Caaaldy.
Thr-has hlta: Koemar. Hurhea til.
Sacrifice, hit: Caaaidy. Sserlflo fly:
pohrelher. Struck out: By Bchrelbsr. i:
by Perry, 1 Bsses on balls: Oft
Bobreibar, 1: off uonara, IT rrry, .
Double play: Baall to Kenworthy. Hit.
by pitched ball: Kenworthy.' Left en
: iieaivwr. u: v. icnita. taainaa
Itched by Iionard. two-thlrda: by
oh re I bar. elrht and one-third. Time: It.
tmptra: Haskell.
Crewar Imin Bwaa Masaai C4ty.
CLR1AR LAKE. la. Mar M (Knwlal
Telirraro. Fifteen hundred people aaw
Clear Lake trim Mason City today, try a
oor of 4 to l That elaoaa Otaar Laaa
aaain at tba head of th Iowa Stale
Lincoln's Words Used
. Against Roosevelt
WASHINGTON, May .-Tbe actlvltlea
at Coloaal Theodora BoovU war ae
nouncad In th house today la 4, pascB
btiatltns with sarraam, B!rvrd by Bap
neeuitailr FlUdeiald ef !Vw Tort.
Rapraaesitatlva I1nraM - dertared
RooNrrR tha (raataat dancer tared By
the rapabtta." and owned at tank trera
a ptrh by Abrahaak Uneata ta bear swt
th har(. -
As aa hadleatloa at Koossvatt atti
tud aoaaard tha presidency Mr. Fltaaar
ald produced a memoiandum prepared
whea plan for new executive offices at
th Wttft flout war winter eoostdaratlom
m TK4. Bald a diaruaatoa ot tem
porary and permanent eaartara tor tha
presldrtit appeand la th haadwrftin(
of Colonel Rooeevelt th word: e 4a
pw maaent dierimi thy ttfatlr."
The W as baartty aadaracered.
contended Mr. ritasmaid. eavuai taa
doeument at ana's Uatnh. and the demo
cratic side of tha aoase rocked with
The New Tork tnmbsr a 01 led directly
to Ronsti.alt eatrecta trsaa a apeuih de
ttvared by Abrabaa Uaosla befara b
TeuaB Mea'a lyoesm at Sarlraxflald. Hi.
Woman : Not Guilty
of Poisoning Babies
NEW TORK. May B.-Wieifred An
kara, the yoans wotam aaat.d of setsen
mc nln babte tba Brooklya hopttal
aod tafants" home, was anrulttad late to
day. , The crowd trhech tilled the court
room cheered the rerdtct. '
Th ledlctBMnt chaired Mb Anker,
who waa a kitchen helper at th aarserT.
with eaasin( tba death t eary an at the
ehHdren. Aa etaar iadlctnents are atin
pMin( aha waa bald ta CS Bawd.
It 1 haltered that h wardlct ot o
kulttal oa th Brat fcdTotrtetrt prao-
UealK aad Cs caaa alat inkora.
Phillip Scord Bat Once , in Saca
Conteit it Home.
In teeaal Caatrst Vial lore
1 The Baaa la rant laada wa ''
.. Thro fcataa ea Bait awB :
:f Criera -
crowd of th season on tba National
lea cue (rounds aaw New tork easily de
feat Philadelphia tba afBrnrav TM
visitors aoored three ran la tha fw-et
on thTsa asa oa Ball by Chhimtrt
and two error. After that New Tork
had no trouble In holdln th lead. Scots
first lima:
Kbit trwtut. : pwuOmrerbv. -xa
h oil as M o. a I
raeajea, fl... till rPktsut. St.. 4 4 1
Dane. It.... I 111 Ttn. rl ... 4 411
snMir'ia lb I 1 t , It... I t I t
Momr. rt.. I t I tLietenu, Ib 4 I 1 t
Seeker, el.. 4 II 4I. fa... I t t 4 1
Herws. Ml.. 4 I t t e Donee 11 1 I I I I
Meiren. e... 4 ( I t elMelaa. el., 4 till
PlatHiet, ta. 4 4 I I iMersV .,- 4 1111
Meraaaid, pt 1 t a ...! t t I I
---- ... I t t t
teUla 17 ttnill
esttl ...41 lull
Batted for Beaton In ninth.
Nw Tork ....4 114 4 14 4 1-7
Philadelphia. 4 t 4 4 4 4-1
uard, 1; off Beaton 1. Kim on rrrort:
fly: Becker. Stolen bases: Devon. Snod-
(raat, Murray. Double piaya: Fletcher to
Doyl to BaoTlgraa, Onwnry to Ludara
to Moras Left on bases: New York, !;
Philadelphia. II. Baaes on balls: Off Mar.
(guard, ; off Soeatoa. L drat oa errors:
New Tork, I: Philadelphia. 1. Hit by
pitched ball: Snndtrasa. Struck eutr By
guard, 1; off Beaton, J. flrat on error:
Marquard. Tims: I I. empires: Owea and
Score, second fame:
0 1 I A4B0AB
Baveea, .,. I wrert, (lllll
tlerle. It ... I lit tTliua, it.... t ( I
laeearta. Ik 4 til 1 , rl... 11
Mairu. I..I I I I tkeeeraa, tb. 4 It I
Bert, rt -I tit 1tU. (S...4 11
MerMa a .l I I I oif,. lb, till
kterei e... till traeau, a.l I I I I
rweMr, ait 1 1 t IM'aa, ....! till
Ctaaaau, .. 4 1 1 ICtkHnenv pi it t t t
. w.AIMa'f, pi I
Tatekj.,,.41 IBB textaiu, ... t II I I
Seaaean. p. I II It
BreWM .... 1 I t t
. ueuetk ... I t t t t
Totala si "I it i
Batted) for Ataabadsr m the fifth.
Halted tar Bebalu Pa the aeveotk
izJn: r.i l.llttiH
Two-bt httt: Murrtv, Pletchdr, Cran
dall (iv. Ktta: ciff AteaanoVr, 4 In five
Innratra: w ttehuita. 1 In two lairtnaaj eff
Braanaa, 1 In two Inalasa. Saortftce kit:
Devor. Stolen basaa. Hera-Mr. Walsh.
tmbl phiya: Doybj b Fletcbsr to
Briaatarai); rietehar ta Parle to Sued
(raaa; Walah ta laeolaa ea Luderua, Laft
on haaea: New tork, Pluiadalpnla. k
Baaea on Balls: Off rrandall, 1; oft
Che! mora, 4: off Ataiabdwr. I Baa aa
rrora: New Tork, h Ptilladeipbea, L
Struck out; By CTiuulall, 4: by Aiesan
der, :. Tlrne: I it L'mplr: Brsnnaa.
.' ' Caaa Oet roar la Matt.' ,
CHICAGO, May B.-Olioato mada It
taw wtraKM vlctorle ever OnclpnaU
tsday By wianlnc two tamea. Chlcaro
rested Baurby and Smith early ta the
second (arm. btrtarned a lead ot six
runs and never tra la aar ot defeat
Score first faun:
AB H O A (
(bersarl. lllll tBeartwr. I..II I I I
ce, a.l 1 14 tUarama. ef. 1 4 1 4
Twaae, ... 14 IHetWl't. Ill IU I
Haaaa. ikl 111 l.ttckell, rt. I I II
trtlaaa. 4 S 1 4 tkaaa. ft 4 ill
war, lk.-.t 4 traaM. ail III
Brer, ab.... I 1 Ik,
aa- a lilt
a... t I I 1 1
KaeSaua. lllll n,
a... a a a Baawa, p.
.14 4 14
It t B B 1 Tetalt. ... B I M II 1
jCTilcaKO ....4 4 1 44144-
BohaUe. Ooubla Pkur : Bvara to
tie . W. il.. tti t,. . . - .
boy. 1. Strock mil: By cVicney. .
by Beaton. . Tim: . I ax L'BiNras:
Bailer and rmneran. ,
boor second same:
asciNNATt. eturaoa.
wsbia, . I t 1 I ttkMaid. M. I I 1
luraeaa, I I I I taMHa, a. I I I I I
K-Niul, III I j I iTrler. a... I lilt
MKeked, It. I I 1 1 ti bat 111
.a i a lauajaa an t a
a. I I ib!, it ...
.till IBvaea. la.... 4 lilt
Clara. e...l Jit tMMkaaa. 1.1 I I I I
attr. P.... MM tuvaaaat. II llil
!! ... I
u nea. pt 1 I 1 I Taaaia at IN I I
- Tatale...M 4 tt t " " . ,
Called tad at MshtB by acrtetbant
Chlcaao .....i. 111414-1
Ctnelnnatt 1 4 ) 4 4 4 1 4-4
Two-baa httst elebmaei, Ttrlrer. Tl.ce.
beaa bit: MHrhelL Hnst Oat Basrby, I
la oa inntnc; alt Bnuth, I la eae tnaux;
oft Humphries. 4 In eta Innlnfa. Sacri
fice hrta: Rlre merman. eV-nuir. Baler,
avan oa bails: Oat treats, t: act Sanaa,
I: eft Lav-aadM'. t; u Mutnpbrtea, t,
Birui'k out: By Lavender. 1; by Bmlth.
1: by Humphria. 1 Tim: 144. u ta
per: . BMHar and rtmaaiww.
B-rwwt Wwaheaw ta Btath.
PITTS BCROK. Mar g.-Ptttsburth
wea the second (km Troth St. Louia. I
to t. O Tool ,eJread ta tie aiath.
when he aMovrsd thre hlta and Issued
three base ea beta. attuuT St. Louts
three raaa. Hob. ween waa substituted,
with th baaea full, and hit the first
batter. forctrB ta another ran. Ha thea
serac oat Bless. Basra, first tram:
ST. axx pirTSBt-Kaa.
AB.Itd.A 111(111
bfaava, tb.. 4 t t tftXa. lb... I till
ElMa. a.,., t KMr, . I lit
WI. Bllll Uee. at ... lllll
B-aetoe. til I I I twiieeB. l..4 1 t
aa. rt 14 HUM . 1111
Hnr. aa.. I I II tviei. aa lllll
rjelaa, el .. 1 4 Crter. k! I I I I
wiaa. e. ... t I 4 tmtmm. lllll
Ball, .. 4 BeUr. -., t I I I I
. .. -r - - -rielta. (
teaa.... s tKn stNeera. k I I 1 I
tw....JI IBB 1
flblt tfcr Te ha kwrh.
Ptttetnrrr . 4 HttMIM
Be Loaal.. ......... 44444444-4
Twe-bauw twt: IWIaa. 4iiii I a:
Waeea. Kraal Ka, Baana. Mil: tf
CaoiBlta, 1 Is an and iaa third atas,
eft Retstri 4 TB eertrt and twa-ti;(rda
Inntaaa. Sacrifice hits: ttustte. fwtva.
fclaaea las at: Erra. 1, Caraf, atar.
Hduar. Wtnto. DooTil plttv: Mowrey,
Ma see and Konetchy. Left on baasa:
Pittsbur. ; St. Louis, t Baaa oa balls:
Off Camnlts. 1; oft Hendrix. I; off Bailee,
t. Ftrat base on errors: St. Louis? 1.
Nit hp pltear: Oak, by Camnlts.
Struck out: Camnri. 1; Hendtir. I;
Ball. 4. Trait. 1.41. Unrstrea, Kltra
Klen and Bush.
Scor second fame:
Brm, It ... 1111 tMuaa tb... 4 lit
ranr. ... nil etua, It 4 1 I
at.... I I 4 tltoewer. l 1 I I I
Wllaoa, if... 1 I IK'satotr. it 4 1 U t t
Mines. Pa... IB I tlhaae. rf... t lilt
VIoi. m till tHeueer, aa... lllll
', Bl
ribs, tllll luefeea. ... t t s
r. e lilt tBllaa. a 4 1 111
O-TMrie. p... 1 I t I ell. io. p.. 1 1 I
BeMaeea, pt t I I WIIr I 4
oale. a l a i
Taula.....!! U II U 1 Wince 1
' Touie n Ull I
Batted for Harmon In lb fifth.
Ratted fee fla la tb aiath
Pltlabursh 1 IIIIIIIM
St Loula 4 II
Two-baa hits: Carey. Wilson, Mowray,
Evsns. Threa-baa hit: Leach. Horn
ma: Vlox. Sacrifice kite: Miller, Mc
Carthy. QTonia stolen baara. UMa,
neon III, miner. Ienr. uouwa .iaM
Miller (unaMietrd). Vpa aa balla: Oil
u root, w; oil tiarmon, z; on ijaie, a
Hit bv nltched ball: By Romnaon. iMkea.
Struck out: By O'Tooie. I; by Robinson,
1; by Dale, 1. Wild pitch: Dsls. Left
on basee: plttshtirah. V. St. Louie, MX
Hilt: Off OToola. II In l(ht and two-
tniroa inninkt; on Harmon, te in rear
r.nlB; oft Dale. 1 Mi tour Innlnfa. Tim:
Lit. ty mpirea: Kiem ana uen.
Bsatenl Baaes Beaaklya.
After pltchlnf elk (reat Innlnfa In th
nnrntrut kam Kent blew un and Boa
ton mads fir run, ft ticker succeeded
him end Jackson (ot tha only hit aft
Rucker. a home run In left field. Score:
11 H 0.1 I AB H O A S
Unraa el. .. 1 a 1 I tMrrMa'J. tb i t I 1 I
Delr. ef 4 14 1 SKIrte. II.... I lilt
twllt. It... I til Itveeaay, la. 4 I I I I
Paebert, II I I I I miller. rl...l tilt
Wheal. H...4 I trjarkaas, il l I I I I
Huaimel. n, 4 1 I 1 enevlla. is.. 1 s -a B V
Teelar, aa... I 1 I I ttenut. ... 4 1111
WMae. a... till tknaa. ..... t t t I 4
(eat. p...., I I eHeaa. p t till
Raeker. p... I I tneaaelli, p. 1 t t
Haeaer .... 1 1 1 17 U taeewtr 11
TotaB tt t tt 4
Watted for Ha la the seventh. .
Batted tor Klrke In the aiath.
Boaton .... 4 4 4 4 4 4) 4 1-4
Brookm I 1 I I M
Left an bases: Boaton. Il Brooklyn. 4.
fhra baas Ml: Hummel; Horns run:
Jaokson. Sacriflr hit: Moran. first
en errors: Brooklyn. I. Baa on balla:
fr Mesa. aff Ke. d: stf BuewST. L
aHraeb eat: By Heat. I: by Donnelly, 1;
by Kent, L lilt by pitcher: Smith, by
Hess. Hits: Off Heas. t in nx mnmira;
off Denwlly. 1 In two tnnlnfa; off Kent,
I In Sevan tnnlnea; aft Marker, 1 ta two
a Intra. Time, 1:4. Usaplras, Bason and
Scarlet Women
Hock to Omaha
from Other Cities
Desplt Ih4 tact that (ha Bd"' fa
OtTMaVa la clamped down tlftiter at IB
prsssat time than It baa aver Ben, tn
daslmbla man and many women ctikbet
from beaver by the new reform adfhfft
trtratloh have nocked her la rh at
fresh fields. Their comlnt had preaedtad
B m tM4m tb the pettca.
laurt Blfht btrveral Dwnvw etraat
awa war atrsMed try BatroiiaaB aad at
tha trattr tha said that they eaavt be
cause fe-owatntaric ksra Bad taM HaaB
thai fa)Mh' teal Bawl Omaha."
stde t erdvaary m than have aesa ar
eered aut at , then aj a
bar at first earn trooks aad Bonflileaat
abttl tb) laws twand araad Uvirai la ta-
aaistal the aaw aoaaera.
Detaattvaa tasve beea autetly at wara
for tha taat taw dajra ta aacertaia it pes.
arMa wbb IBs aewuenieie are. Bad how
many f tbeav Tbatr reperts wlU ae
u emitted 4 th cbiet ot belle and
eeeae masair at eepMc with the prob
kwa arm 4a srekad. .
One wemaa arrasted taat setkt waihkj:
"What are tra (olcf te do, I aaai
her froaa Kaaaas Cltr and before that
from Oarreatoo. Daavar aad Council
BiatXa are eeosad aad tra are hua(ry."
WASirmfrTOH. Mky - the
ea t army and navy eTfesert, awTa
ta th Ibbk nt leajsjl T4dn4 tbatr
father are tanabek Mbara IB secure
opport unit eta ta atrter th . th ataas
sent ha antnetittd Mrtea at ttena as
eadeex at West BrjtMt MHMary atttaaay.
Thee trera aalaoted ar coareHIv aa
stukiaMew trota a Bat at fJfty bsaataa.
at tkeBr aaaadiaB war:
A. K. KUW. waa of Catrtala 1. H- Xtak.
t". 8. A.. rtird: H. C. Jones, aoa of
major W. K. Jones, pay department; J.
M. Crane, so bf Colimrl C. T Cram.
Nhnb Infantry: W. A. Baem to ot Xa
Jor WUIIam J. Snww. Third field, er
tillerv: Frank . SchofleM. aoa of John
C. Scorn. cMef Clerk Whr dpmhent;
4. B. Benaatt son of atstsr i. B. Bn
nett. ret-fourth - tafaatryi Oalfle
Krayanbahl. aoa of Ueutenaat CMoael M
O. Kravanaubl. Third field artillery: r.
O. Bonham. eon ot the late Lieutenant
W. B. Eton ham. f. B A ; K. O. rrHsa.
ana ef tSenereJ Tastter Bk ttse: D. d.
Newaardtn. js ot Mater B. J, Krw
dea, retired; C H. E.ana. bob at Major
K W. Evan, pay rrmit: K. M.
Ralptn. ewa at Mwenaat N. J. T. Bal
ptn. V. a. N. retired, aad 4. W. Bau?
frly. aea at Lleatrainl Onlaaal Ofwea
Raffsrty. retired. r ;
mmm isstsucts eight
BL fl U Meat- Maty W Moatana
aeea bi bb Iras atlr ahrpiad tha eaaaaaf
tea tiailiirleaa aslm am the eaadj dacr
and waairnrtlnc th elf ht eSsaaatsaa It
tialUassre te teu r atav
for The Bee by
Clerihad Tnkei Secwd VVy Wide
XarffiB Afttr Losing- fint
Wbtee aw tat WtohWa Bas la
Btsth- After Bap BeW Six
Baaa flail Bear ten
' l.lir. . .
CIXVFLANt), May B.-Cevflind won
frost CTtlcafU I hit afuTTttoon. 1 to t
hHt -WftpttctiBd tiaTifl. WHO (av wly
to Whit In tba itxth after Chyvttid Bad
cored six nine. Both teams, fielded
poorly. Beer tVst Cam: -
CHtCAao. avBLS-D.
AB.1I.0.1.B AB.H.O.AB.
Balk. Ik.... 4 111 tanaar. tt... t I t t
txrt. It I I tOleea, lb.... lllll
Mauna. tt. t I I r-tt I I 4
a ai a. 1 a tmiaaa a
feljMs, rt.. 4 1 1 I IFiaa. M....1 I I t t
t a iri'sa. en t t t t t
weaear. a..t t I t fPe kiapa'. est 4 111
Bala, a t I taau,
U 1111
a. t.... lllll
tram. 1 1 I IA4aeia.
teaterly, a.. 1 t I t
I a It IMHi-eeU, p.. I 1
Oaeraa. p.... I I I I
vBttieaer i s s s a I 811
Billed tot Mitchell In th elfht.
rievaland .........4 1 1 4 4 4 4 41
ChlcafB ...4 4 141414-1
Two taw IRs. Bali. ' BrrsBnfharii.
Saorlf ee aM: Adams. Ii Lara. SoMm
base: Weaver. Matttck. 4JuWe oiar:
Kuhh 10 Rain. Basel ba ball: Off
Mttchtjll, J. cMrnct ut: By Mitchell, 4:
by Osorfs, I: by Welsh. 1 Wrnt: Mf
Mitchell, 4 k eUrht 'malnas. Wild fittoh:
Waiaa. Lsft a belie: Cloafo, 4;
Cleveland. 1. Flrat baas oa errors:
Cleveland, 1 ' TUn, 1:U. rjlfinirdl: Coa-
Bamy esa rfari.
AS B-0.1 I
Bark, .....! 14 1 IfrntStv, ff... till
lewa. IS. .. I 4 14 lOTM. . 1
baa, (.114 1 JJaehaoe, ef .. Ill
, ... 1 t I iFraTS, niili
a. a).. a 14 saMeete, a.4 441
lb.. 4 IB , ft.... tie
'. aa.. 114 Irvtiaya'. j ! 1
a. a.l 1 4 t 4 Ball, is..... 4 114
Waa ear,
urer, a
a.... ia eaeai
lr, .,1 144
lie. a... I Milt
Matuek .,. .,
Ai t.4l 111 1
teteM M I U It I '
Batted for Whit IB nlata. ' ' '
Cleveland 1 I 1 1 1 f t
Cklead 1 1 0 4 4 4 1 4-t
Tew baaa a!: OKoa. Or;, Bed.
Three base aU: Jaokaoa. Hacrtflce hwn
Olaon. Jackson, ttojen lias: peckin-
r"B U, BMaViie fntiiBi (MB. .n. B B-av I lBn,
Ih fry tnatmra. off Whlta, 4 ta Ihrss
inainsa. in rat a ea baila: ou Ureal.
4: of Ijinf. 4; oft Whlta. t Hit by
pltcfied ball: By Lett, Rait any. struct,
eat: Bv Ores, ti by litum. l; be wbns.
I. Pasnd balls: . Bealarly. Vi Mayer. 1.
Wild plicb: Inpe, J rirst en error:
Cleveland, 4; Chios-. L Left on base:
Ctevelead, 11; CAitcaaw, 4. Ttrae; 1 BA
Vmpu-as: Mart and Coaoolla. .
Boataa Breaks Bva,
"BOSTON, Mat B&oftnana had ttl
lKb Mama del btt tntree tjifl ahaniwn,
UasMraTtaa wlnalna, I tt I lbs visiter
had bo difficulty hltttaa O'Brien. All told
thirteen Bycal player! went but oa strikes.
Beetoa trea a piteti s battle hi wan
Bedlent hat ttl Mafas. a ab-year-eld
Wuhinston reoruik Error tKured
larfaiy. Scnnij
BObTry. BAUR .111 I Wf .
BBJIi4.A.B. Ill.tll
Reeset. rl.. I t 1 1 tnaaaa. If... .
T.r. IB..1 4 11 It-eaar. la... I tilt
l urn, as. aits tsniea, .... w e
Uvle. ... I 111 IC Walter if! 1 I
eertaar. Bj. t I I tOaaail. U - 4 1(11
trailer, lk. I s a Slsmrat. tk.
tt4t I t 1
W' tfFailtPa fe.. I V 1 I 9HBf&f"fswL
rrwiaaaaf. ties twaii
saaaea, t I iaia p.-1 14 1
tUM..... 4 HI I I M 4 l
Bostea 1 MMIII H
Waahiofton 11144-1
Two has hrti: Lawit, Willlami.
Thn baa BK: Oirtnr. grnrea bases:
Bra low, 1: Wahter, rovr, i3ar4aer.
Saerlflea ftp.' Bradley. Imtt ea basaa:
Boston. 4; Wssbiastan. 4 Bases ea
ball: Off Bed tent. 1; aft Enfle. 4. Flrat
aat Ml arrera: Boetoh. 1; Waihtnftoh.
L Btracft oat. By fremerfl. 1; fcy End.
I tinea, t bee. Eatplreb, Perrlnd bad
Score, ascoad BaBst:
k .. I 1 II IBeeebt, rt.. 1414
Peeaan .. 4 4 11 STarkae. tk.. I 4 I
'. St.- 1 I ea. t..4 11
Wamr, ft.. if tuv. If.... 1 i 1 II
MM, sv. 4 t 4 eoailaes, la. I t
mm, as., a a a esfiawv, is. a a u i s
B.BrMa. all I iwamier, a. I I I i I
AlaaeiH. . I B) tTleeaa, a.l I I I I
Maeea. p..t lit efnm p.. I t I
....aiMIJ .1 t t
TelalB....4l B4T l ,
4AwUe....4 III!
Batted sr Vmu ta klbtla.
Washemtaa .... IIIIIIIM
Boatoa ......... 1 4 4 4 4 4 4-4
Tww-taa bit: raslsr. Thi as bit:
esrdaer. Sacrlfic hit: JUnamlta. Slolen
baebs: Itaaolt. duhiiain, Hooper. Drii Nl
ran Terse t weaaar. Left ad teita-.
Weahteatea. I: Bowea. 4. Jlasesonbails:
Off O Brien. 1: off Johnaon, 4. First on
rt: Wastniarton. 1- Suaf Out: By
Jehnsen, Mi try O Brbua t, W1M ptrsh:
O Briea. Tub: 44a, Lsapire. Ciaeen aad'
Tlarr eat , Advaarara. -
trr. IOI IB. Map Br-St. Ixrrrt and De
troit wntm eesja ta tk eoay a aoubi.
header, la the Brat feast Bauaiaartaer
bid the visit on to six scattered hate,
while his team mates hit the ball at
opportune mcmwrrs as -wva. 1 to a St.
louts HteBers were hK hard aad often.
walls the meal uetaers play ta rafsed
form, Detroit Vlhninjt the eecond fame
Bp a aeere of B) to 1 Jcor. first fame:
BBTBOtT. . .. 4f. bMt
Mill I an h a a 4
UsHa. aa..4 I I 4 IhbereXL at- 1 1 s t
Maw Mil eSesaa, ef... 414
Cebe. et I I t t tttaTUI, Ib-. 4 III
Crer. I t vbatasnt. If., lllll
ne'taaiv. m enaa. is tat
5it, lb-4 In t tAeataw av. i
S-lay. a X ill ix-kbeTL a. I l ( a
aasiaa. . t 1 brearsawA II I I I I
Maika. ...! '-
rvaaav-.-ae w s s (
v4.a.....o B V -
Detroit ... . 4144444-!
St. beets ...... Illlllta
6teesn tmsea: Gainer. AueUa. trr-
Hlt by pttohed balk Br M jJilB, 1; by La
port. 1 RSMk aa baltt: Oft MulUa.1:
oft ttaivantartner. 4 Stt-aHt oat. By
awnrsiiser. a wrucfc dot: Br Basaa.
j.rtoerl; br Mallaa, 1. Ttoa: I Si. t-'m-
paes: vt trvt atut o ixrugnnn -
oafTrwT rr. were
as n o it . iaa.a.1
iXeeoaa. aa.. t S llOnrla. el.. 4 1111
b aV-. 14 4 teUaua B I I M
"Bud" Fisher
think., ru.
atk ef..... III Mtevatl. it..,
Cvweforl. Hi I 1 I ILaeone rt.. 4
De'baaty. Ibl I I I lPr.ll. H....4
Oataor. Pt .. I I I tAavIM, ... 4
Jsertartr. Pbt t I lWaUeea,- aa. 1
Staaaaa. e... till eStepbent, a. 4
Deaeraa. p. I a tbaar. - I
mibuo. ....! t I Hit. hell. p.. 1
Mania ....1 1 t t tveiDtaa ..1
saunas, "..! tKtllS .... I
Sarwe, a 1
Tetai.....!i lira I
Mate .. II 17 t
Batted for DenevaA In sixth. . ,
Batted for Wallace In mmh. .:'..
Batted for Mitchell In ninth.
Detroit 1 I I J I S ! I 4-
St Loo is .4 144 4. 41W(
Double plays; Sterol rrf to Watlaca ta
Pratt. Louden te Delaaty to Gatnor.
Shotten to Steval I, Morlarty to Delehanty
to Gslnor. Hit by pitched ball: By Petty.
Gatnor; By Mitchell. IywdVrt, S frock out:
By Donovan. 4; by MltcheU, 1; by Petty,
li by Dubac, 1. Hits: Off Donovan. 4 ia
five Innlnfa; off Pelfy. 1 In tlx innlnfa
ffioTI ont: by fnrbue, 4 In four Inninc;
by Mitchell, t la three Inalnas. Time: 1:44.
Urns! roe: O'LpuabUa and Waatarvalt..
" A able tie Defeat Yaab.
Phnadtehla aaily defeated New Tork
Vaudin was wild Ind hit hard. MorrrJ
trat va IMer. but the focal ilrij
sot hM htm. He Save New York its enlyf
run when be hit Wolverton, haltluf fof
Stump, after he hid panted Zliui. Han.
sail end tlarvlner: Soore:
AB.H.O.A.S AB H 0 A B.
Lerl. W....J lit tranMa.. if., t I I 9
OlerMa). ST.. I 4 I tttaa. ef..;:. lit
Celllaa. Ikll t t ICbaaa, lk... I III
Saber, lb... I 1 I t trree. If...... 4 f I
Men, if .1 I I I tOertoar, bill
ktekitas. III I I I tH'eaeil, laaa 1 til
Parry, ea.... 4 111 tftna. a...l I 1 I
ftewiaa, a... I 4 4 t tW'vertsa, Ik
Mil .l t.l 1 1
, t t I 4
..B 17 fi .tXeCeaaal( .III I
'V :. Tetaa.....u'llt tt, I
-CHaiieu lur tubib in nulla.. ,.
fnilladelphla 1 1 I I 4 1 1,4 4-T
Ww York 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 -l
rt srrorsf phrtdltkla, 1.
rwni T llamas, .Searifle kits:-Col
lins, Morfan, Murphy, Stolen bases:
Collins. Baker. Left n baw: Nv
York. Ill Phlladslpkla, 4 Double play.
Barry to Collins to Mclnnee, Baaes au
balli: Off Vauflm, 1: off Mornaii, t
BtrucB out: By Vaufhn, I; by Moraran,
4. Hit by silekad ball: By MoT Iran, .Wol
verton. lime: 1M. v
Umpires: ,Es and
dProclaniation Made' . '
: By President Gomez
KAVAltA, It- lk-Prd7it .tjedne.
kit faaued hrncwmatlOB la which n
4BT4' IB att: ': "it.-
"A (Torip of men beloriftnf to the
eororad flc hv fttea m van. and al
thevfa th ejaovamient Started In eariou
Psftl of th repubHe It now exists only
IB Ortewt. havlnf Been crushed also
where, thank w th vaMr arid afflciencr
Cf tM rbniart Ind raraiaa. TH rebellion
Hew SOSMIIIM aY (Usled aprhMna- Under
th BtltelWB at bron deatlread . at
(raUfyln7 ahtsT ptilttoal ainMttoaa.'
uaiMuu, t,nsa, aray awiat cruiser
Cuba, brvaeirat Oanerai MoMaeautdo and
ta troops, arrived, kr re fxmtkht- Tb com-BBtBder-m
elilaf of tb army at utoaewl
traf te th Iront.
A battd ot nesrors last rtflft attacked
Caiiaaasra, la Ih vtelMty of th aavat
stattea. hat were repulsed by taa local
volunwera. Inamrfenls fire oa s trvtsw
train ttamnts Bmm Manual tlaao to Saa-
Uase, but did n
Th mothers in Windsor acboot dit
trtot wut (te a reraptioa Friday dvenln
Mar 4b irent t M 4 fx Bv. to tk fathers.
leal lea Beetle Sew I err. .
FIBRftB, B D. May. M.-Spola!. Te
fraaw) Henry Bll Eafle. an India, treat
Cra Creak reservation, eras lodef Baar
teaeed by Judre Rice ts tw pears' wa-
prlsannieat on coavlcUoa oa
t hers stssllnf ,t ,
MA tfisitn
Tbwty CbBW!tlBT. IWt . N rtja Tflf
oumics anop
Th beat dresaied men ere sot
always the ones that pay the moat
fee their elothea. The suits I sell
win wear aad look risrht as krr.f
as yoa wast te wear them. Every
popular atf la la the lesaen'B fash-'7
ionable eolnie 444 aad 43440.
... 14Y I
M 4