i THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY MAY 31. 1912. 12 82! AT THE GREAT UD em, mvm -BRANDEIS STORES- Offer Hosts of Tempting Specials for REMNANT DAY A month-end clean up of all the remnants, odd pieces and discontinued patterns in our stock. Every item points the way to economy. Friday Basement Bargains Fancy white goods for -waists, dresses and children's wear in perfect lengths up to 12 yards Dotted Swisses, dimities, striped and barred batistes, fancy f striped and checked lawns, these high cost .. 1 1 If i f-1 : -t --a w Ytrd Wide Bleached Muslin Remnants at Yard 5c Pretty new patterns in lawns and batistes for sum mer dresses in three special lots The regular JOc grade will be sold at, yard 6'c The regular 12Vc grade ' will be sold at, yd. 82C The regular 15c Batistes will go at,', yard . . . . .10c Drummer's sample strips allover and embroidery edgings-4 to 6 pieces of a pattern pinned together Friday for each match ed set will be 5c Hundred! of sample bolta lace and embroideries, value up to 10c - yard on bis bargain square at, yard 2ttt: Tard wide light and dark pat tern drew percale remnant! and. bolta on bargain square at, yard 5 Remnant! of calicoes, lawn!, eballlei, etc. Imperfect print ing sale price, per yd. .2H Unbleached sheeting, the reg ular f-4 width for making full lie sheets very good grade that Is a &o value from the bolt at, yard 15 Neat checks, stripes and pretty plaids in ispbyr ginghams bare Just been received at, Trd 9 Remnants of 22-lnrb wide fancy dreas ginghams, 16e values special bargain for Friday at, yard 6tt All the Remnant and Sample Pieces ' FINE LACES and INSERTIONS French and German Valenciennes many to match and forth up to 15c a yard 2 big lots, ' 01 it ....y2v-uv t yard Fine lace medallions, festoons, appliques, yokes, etc., in crochet and venise effects; also remnants of lace and insertions on big bargain square, each, 15c 27-in. fine sheer Swiss and batiste embroidered flouncings, allovers and corset coverings worth tip to 75c, at, OA yard OtC Big Bargains in Embroid eries Up to 18 inches wide in flouncings, corset coverings and wide edges and insertions, 1fl at, yard IvC SDIIIIER WASH FABRICS Imported novelties, exclusive patterns and single dress lengths, bordered and allover patterns, French printed voiles and marquisettes , open work embroidered nov elties, etc; formerly sold from $1 to rn. Aftl $3, main silk aisle, at yd. OW)yQmVl 50o to 69c summer fabrics, in beautiful patterns, also semi-rough silks, sheer materials, embroidered novelties, etc, at, r. aVUly I yard All the wash goods and silk and cotton fabrics in lengths from 2Va to 10 yards extra special val- NEXT SATURDAY UKRESTRICTED CHOICE Any Yoman's Trimmed Hat IN OUR STOCK AT HALF PRICE This is our annual offer that attracts thousands of women in Omaha. Your unrestricted choice of all our ' women's trimmed hats at just one-half price. BRANDEIS STORES YDER GETS ILDRICH'S YEW Sovexaor Ispretftct Himself About the. City it Iaformal gteetiflj. tTIlS SIXDLT TOWAXB OMAHA 5 C m tuueree cur ' r" - rKtiilir te week Omt cass- leetea Pisa and lie Will Had lelerfeew. J"Havia a chaws to tmk away for a ft bourm from the trouble Incident to subtle otttc. I went la Uaoola Wednes .Wy nmu M the gweat'of Oould JNets. la hw ear," aM John i. Ryder. -oerl mend sat of pottee. 2 While there we called ea Ooveraor 3 drick at hat efftce aa4 afterward had Bi wits Ma. The goveraor aerurally Squired as te the sttnsltna ia Omaha JMr th new regime. He waa glvea ,. tacts of the srtuaUea a tar aa law tare awreawed. Xiatrar AMrlrh , mwil the . Sought that a goad seal aC ailmppre- nnes haa arise, from ooe cause Sicker aa to hie attitude toward Uua He asssrted, sad I belters him. fat be deatre to he kaoaa. aot aa aa mr, Mui frtead, rcr interested $ seeing: Omaha hold her posttiea ai -e of tbe treat ones ol toe bmoj, sand forte ahead ta Uw point where ana M a know aa one of Use heat gov Wnt4 it)ea of the nstioa. Ha waa eM at t?ie hope of tha sew council, from w e njayor sowrr the floe. aa4 had eome ft mmraoiooa to otffr tor the etart at f -4r aiada. . - . ' iia aarat rtam. The faveraor lrK!a to aw that, .-wo be es a ana aareeau of taa . mmwtoo piaa aa le a tboma ke-.-.r at tt effifaicy. be aaa aa atapoat ta ae ha peatioa u ia the attht- eet decree baraaj or hamper the aew aa- ailnltt ration. Omaha la entitled ta the atoral backlRt of the whole Mate, ta the tOToroor i view, aad to the poelUve ea eeurateaMBt of thooe la autborlty, while It la puttlnf the aew plaa la operation and testing tu BMrtta. "Ha franklr admitted H will require time antf the teat af a fair perloil of ex portent ta show what caa be done In hrttortni the aiethoda of dolnt public aeee and handUa the perplealDt problems that confront us. I waa (Ud ta leara that Ooveraor Aldrlch Ukea a broad view of the aew departure. He aald to me, ia effect-. , Will at latorfrra. Vhaaha ehould have full and frre oponunliy to wore out Ita awa aalvatlen and It win have It so far aa my office coaaarued. Year people are the beat juacee of the problems they have to deal with, sad my hope and bet let la they win dsal with them wisely and la a way to win approval from the people of the whole state. I have no dtspoMtloa te fmd fault or erl actio hastily or harshly but aa the contrary. I have alwaya de sired to maintain the very friendliest re lations with the people of Nebraska's sjetropoae. la addresses la ether Mates I save sever failed to point out and t phsstse the many good potme of Omaha. and I Intend to omtlnae to da to.' "Of coarse, this la not a literal ouoia uoa ex ma toveraera laadvare. bat It mvea the easenca.' aaid Mr. Rjder. "I am alaa ta rive saeilcMy to the atttttaV' of the tovaraor. and I doe't thmk he will wuarrsl with aw for dome as. because he waa frank aad hearty la hit erpres- Tew. wfd leak a foot wane before yoa find a bettor miiHrtee tor coarha aad colds tbaa Caamsartsla'a Coarh Bsmiily h not only sjvea reikef-ll aarea. Try it whoa yea have a esura or eata. and y are certain te bs slaaul with the prompt cure watch it ana eKeeC Tec sale bjr al oraiera. ; w Shoppers' Light Luncheons Are a Spe cialty at Our Soda Fountain. V S9.95 You Can't Always Buy Suits Just Like These at... Ever since we announc ed this special purchase of women s $18.00 1 to $25.00 suits to sell at $9.ya interest in tne: women's srarment store has been at nign tide. Saleswomen who have been in tne department for years have pronounced; them the best bargains mey ever itnew- time of the year considered. Principally plain tailored styles in plain colors and fancy mixtures, serges, worsteds' and Scotch tweeds? Selling has been quite heavy so we have added Borne from our regu lar stock, that are the equal of those that came In the purchase, in every way, to make the tlte range for women and mtaaea complete. Only about 160 remain for thlt Frlday t selling. One lot cravenetted coats in stripes and plain colors, worth $7.50, $10 and up to $15 day, choice S$5.95-M ram' eeM J? V sat? -pad 1 1 I'M .A Muslin Wear Combination tulta -either cortet cover and drawera or cor tet cover and aklrt wortb to 1126 the ult, Friday, $1.59 House Dresses One lot of light tnd medium colored percale house d ree led In square neck tylee; reg. $1.25 value, Friday, , 93c LingerieWaists 11.60 lingerie aaiaU In 13 differ ent atylea; beauti fully trimmed with I area and ambroid erlea, Friday, 95c CORSETS Two Extra Special Num bers for Friday's Selling Some silk brocaded and model corsets-odd numbers, discontinued lines, etc.-in medium lengths, equipped with good, strong hose sup porters & elegantly trimmed $3.50 Values TM r f rtday . . vPleJw Lot number two consists of new, clean corsets direct from the factory. They are made of batistes and coutil, in medium bust styles with extra long skirts. Boned with non-rustable boning and supplied with extra good hose supporters, Specially Priced, at tZC Sheeting FemmflU, 17 it All of our remnanta of S-4, 1-4 and 10-4 aheetlngi that regularly aell at 20c to 3 He the yard. Friday, while f "J t they laat, at 1 2C Pillow Cites it 10 le The best 45i3-lnch linen fin ished pillow easel regularly told at He each, are reduced for Friday a sell ing to 10ic Curtaia Swisses, lie St-lnah curtain iwlatea in a large variety and small dotted and fancy figured patterni, worth 12 He and 15c A the yard, Friday 1UC Hock Towels it 8 it lSx3(-lnch white buck towels, Including a few doien with red borders; regularly priced at 10c each, Friday C I tnly, at ....O3C 0 I0-quart gab vanlsed water barketsi per fect goods of a goad, heavy quality, Fri day's price. 15c Lawn Mowers. $2.95 Before you purchaes a lawn mower we want to show you a new line we now hsvs on sals. Built on snttrsly new prln clplee; can be easily adjusted by anyone: guarantssd for two yeara The prices on these ranis fronv It. II te It.. A (od ll-lnrh lawn mow or. ruarsnteed for ons year: on SET Q e ssls Friday at fTrtrTT -quart good oualllr tin spriaklars. like the II-luetratlon. special ly priced lot Friday at 25c ie-quart das. dee No. Eight else tr ket tles nickel plated over a copper base: aa extra good quallty.egularly sold at 21.26: like the Illustration; Friday, 95c Wash Goods Remnants at Half Price I Every waah goods remnant In our entire stock will be on sale I Friday at half price. The lengths vary from one to ten yarda. I Friday Pure Food Store Bargains . cheese. li-lh each "Queen ef the Pantry" pastry flour and 4 stamps . .l.a pint rsn Oalllard's pure olive oil reduced to oe Small sweet pli-klea and 1 atamps. quart . .sse Bennett'e "Cspltol flour spsclsl offer of s ark for Lares ran Bennett'e Cap itol pears. : st'ps. tas Flower end veaeteoie seeda pkf e Is-ib. sack ysllow corn meal for sOs 811 cskes Bweetheart toilet soap, 1 st'ps. ass Home-made cooklee crlep end freeh. lb. lis Butter (Sl Eggs Wieah Osaahry Sat sr. direct from tije farm. Me, tec k SSo the pound. BeasetVs OapHol sisssiai f Batter the finest butter made anywhere--In 1 Ib. brtcss of r'r snteed weight. Fri day. 26c lb. Newly laid eeaatrw Priday. 19c dozen Hand eheess. each SVie Bennett's Beat coffee and 2 siimpa lb. aaa I lbs. Bennett's Keel eorree. s at pa. 1M Assorted tees and 71 stamps, lb. S8o Tsa slf tings and 10 slam pa. pound , ... lee 17 lbs. grsnulatea sursr for 11.00 l-tb. cn Bennett's t api- tol beJtlnr powder and let stamps 1100 Full cream cheess and le atamps. lb. ... sse Iten's Tejrlet or Ora- Itan crackers, with Id stamps, pkg. 10a Neufchatel each Snlder's salsd dressing and 14 stamps, bot. la le bars "Beat-'Brn-AII" soap for Ma Peanut butter and la stamps, jar las Walkers hot tamaleo A Is stsmaps. can, lis Three cans Eaais Lys and 14 stamps ... las J-lh. roll Premium hut tertne for eao I lha to Jap rice ...sse Snlder's pork and beans snd 14 stamps, ran 11a Glass tumbler of mus tard and 11 stamps, lee rtiMwisaanwl' (JJ Extra fancy Missouri atrawberriea. S1.00 the erat of 24 ouarta or 2 quarts for..,..8Se Florida pineapple, all slsee, 22.76 a crate; per dosen, hSc SI. 00, $l.2i and,l.SS; each, mc 10c lt' and I5e S large plain lettaea Ac S large fancy bead lettuce Sc 4 bunches rhubarb.... Sc bnnche green onions Ac Large Juicy lemons, worth 30e the doiea.'.aoc FISH and MEAT BARGAINS for FRIDAY Baby Halibut......:... 10c Fresh Hexria', 3 lbs. . . .25c Country Sausage, S lbs. .25c Boiling Beef, 3 lbs... Corned Beef, 3 lbs Hamburger, 3 lbs FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Houss Dresses. Besutlful hTVrenchma- Unn Cf- L- Pretty Kitchen Children's made to sell Dresses in voile, hun, tissue irlnt dte"" and Misses' Apt one arse aa- "ceases, hirh fronv II to 42.44, sheer linen. Pon- hams. linens. Coats, plain and , - , low neck, llg-ljt at aaa. BSe. aSo. see. silk, etc white India lln- larxe collars ortmant or pai lni AlTli eolora. at tsa, ne, aaa, gee sua. eta. () UM terBli worth Ic ,ues t to 14. 48s 48c $4.98 rgjSs TiTgy 15c 39c Indies' Besuti- ... . Rere Preeses. In Lsdles and ful Bulta, white Ladle a' and Ladles Trimmed Misses and Chll- dark colora and Misses' Baits serge, blue. Misses' Serge Hsts and Sailors Irene Hats Ma white, prettily and Coats, slight brown, gray Ponaee snd Pp- . ase. 41a aad made, worth to ly damaged and novelty Hn Coats, fug, 14.4 SMI aad g3S, 18-5 aad and $3.98 51.98 96.95 $3.98 9c j 39c iWiM tzss&r &&t: sDb SrSy tsvzssn 98c I 25c I 48c I 79c $1.39 98c WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN THE MEN'S SECTION Men's Suits, all Men's Suit. In Men's ! Bulta Men's aUtl $S,"I4 8"k To. B? staple patterns, handsome assort strictly hand Tlr.f "Jl r worth cd- alsee 14 to 4t mmt "I ty,t tsllored, bin OOJ S OUC IQg O0 worth 11 oft pure wool, worth dark and light ,w 1 W ei.ve worm .t) iu.sn, at color fabrics-r Laps, Men s Attractive Men s Snappy , - - Union tjulta Dress Shirts $4,85 $8.95 y 11.45 19c 45c aa. 790 22.0 Men's Men's full slit 12. W Men's oflf-bu't'ton 'in ' 2S4 Lsdles; fel"- fthoe. and 0- Worll ghirta- ?hr0?n,, 0x' whlt. on";. nd 0s" snteod to 'g.ve fords fords worth IJ.40 fords ttsfaction $1.45 1 39c $1.95 $1.85 $1.25$1.35 . 14o Men's 24. 4 Boys' Suits , Boys' 24c Men's - 22.44 Men's Men's 'Wool Handk.rchl.fs. ITltyll'"1 ' lr' BeU M wo1' 21" W0' 3c IQ1.95 1 19c I 10c $1.18 7gc NEXT SATURDAY JUNE 1 You owe it to yourself to wait until next Saturday and put in a supply of Muslin Underwear. The entire stock of beautiful Undergarments from the Fa mous stock will go , on sale Saturday for the first time at 9c, 15c, 25c, 39c, 89c and $1.39 DADUAH DDrn Of! Southwest Gor. HHLLTIILU UU. 13th and Farnam 25c .25c .25c Getting the Dost Out Ttm ewaHr per tore we aprU. 111. Oar slant tiaa any aftsisiis. Tea gwt Jl 1 a tsiu i inu i-iii ssassssaassassay3ssassSssaBsssswflasss IMtot&l&m6BBmi'mBm0i'lmmmmmM had as sewswsls ews ' ii eg tx ZZJ'' aaea ma - awssaawaa sham 11 SvVL zjfwB&&. ' ss'aad ? awadl aaltt'? j Myi swa jar eawe J panida ef dwa. Bat asd adat. I. yj tSr rsJsse tha waa aa sashsa tie NXV, f scoda ssesr fiwab aa-1 fall mt Mi, n aT k cawt houss thaa It was saaulsad lim tasassiir I here t- TjOOD Glianew and Dyers' 1515-17 JONES ST.' GUY LIGGETT pres. ROTKLl AM RBIOBT. MOVING PICTURE HOUSES . PROTEST AGAINST AIRDOME r "-" Dew. to'S movie Bietara nroartators are determUwd ta wut the Atrdorae fra teralty eat of bustoesa la owe way er another. They hare already tried the piaa of Inductac 01m axebances te refuse ser vice ta opea air theatera la tha restdeaos districts, hut they haee heea told that Atrdens money looks Just aa load ta them as any other eota of tha realm. Defeated la this wist several dowa twwa aioorletors aetd a aieettna yee- uptowa eaeapatltora eat ef buslaess, bat they win not say what their Mass are. or What actios has heea takes, it is said ea reliable authority that the Beat mere win be a Indue the city council to re voke the Uoeoaee at the eirdone aro-srtetors. CoerJe Oeanisas by Sex 8TREATOR. Hi., slay la,-lira Shales- la dead and her hushaad. of FrtncerUle. j bettered to he dyiaf as a result af betiui oietcotiie by (as hut axht in a local hotel. They wan eorouta home from Evanatoa. where hater had attended the coavtotioa of ay. adr-t. vuuC pJtt- sftrjajfjon THE.- Evans Hotel Hot Spring, So. Dakota AMONG THE BLACK HILLS. A deHfhtful place to spend your summer Taxation. 8 w 1 m m i a g Pool. Golf Coarse. Tennto and all other out-door amuse meats, also Music and Dancing. Tbe beat waters ia the world for chronic ailments of the stomsch, liver, kidney and rheumatic. A modem hotel, with all tm BTOTementa. Serrlc and enlain unexcelled. Ratea 2 er day and ap Spertal ratea by the week on application. Address Arc you saving the coupons? :Your spoons are here-FREE! I You can get them for five consecutively numbered coupons, I like Xo. 20 below. Cut the coujions every day and get a dozen I Fpoons. Tuy of the co-operating Oiuaha merchants, get their I certificate and coupons and you soon will have the entire 65 1 piece et of Wm. Rogers & Son's beautiful silver. ' All coupons must be exchanged at The Bee office. Ten cents must 1 aeoosipcnr The Bee coupon, but no charge la made for merchants' certifi cates. The, 10 cents pays cost of handling all the silver. 11.20 for the complete set of Si piece. . Clip This Coupon . Omaha Bee Daily Coupon I SO. 20. Friday, Mar It. This coupon when presented with tbe four others I consecutively numbered, and 10 cents to cover the i coat of handling, entitle the holder to oil Wnv I Rogers A Sob guaranteed Teaspoon of Le Kecea. I eaire pattern Out-of-town reader will add 2c extra S for poeugs. Wrlte for booklet EVAI1S HOTEL CO. Hot Spring. Booth Itahaaa. TfTESK MKR CHAXTS GIVE OOVPOXS and certificates with purchase: iarucK TKlsTIS Cor. 18th sad Boagiaa Sta. i.tTxtrs ana IOBB STTTTLB, Coassmsis Bts- srtbasor. Boagla. strs Btrruia ' -"'" Ul Seasiaa, aa ioj. ivrnim Tew ata-taad sk- ary. aais Mavea aenk at. BaairSBTS nvoauw "V "J I 6e4 No. Vb,?VV I teesaess as tha J tHMtoffk fa of The Bes 1 y Clip This Coupon , yn nASXA run. oo. u aowth ita at. uqooa oo. Ywarir SabcriBtioa Cupon Omaha Bat This eeuoev. whoa properly signed and sneer ud at tha office of Tha Omaha Bee tor mailed by those reeia- ssiof wwa wiU onus ta tha holder full laXerme t?o. bow eryher.e cas secure a fuU doaaa Wm. itog Irs A Soa guaranteed Teaspoons at aaoe. Also, the eander will receive s free catalogue at all sesces at this set toeeww ww iiad oerttttcates retulred tor aaoh ateca. aad taa Ksmas e( Oaaaaa xirma issaiaa vmm mm u gratToaaaT oo. teat raraam at. SlOt CO. L aad Thai eftea apaass I Is evoryeao. I whether a imiil J sassertbsr te Tha I Mmm or wee. e J