Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 31, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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Foil a saiU of new.
f June Astronomical Happenings J
Oa the twenty-first of this month it
l it. p. m. th sua mcM IU big best
northern declination and safers the sign
if Cancer. It U then at th lummr sol-
stlos. and th day la th longest of th
year, fifteen hour and four minute.
However, aa tar- aa minutea ar con
cerned, the thrs preceding and fir fol
lowing day ar alsa of th some toncth.
In faot all In day of this month ar
th longest of th yssr, th variation be
tnr only fourteen minute. On th tint,
fifteenth and lat day of this month, th
sun rtoea at 4:64, 4:U, 4M and aU at
7:t 1M. 1M. Tha ear licet (unrta. 4 SI,
oeeurs from th tenth to the twenty
first, and th latest auneet from th
twenty-eighth to July 1. Th sua Is twa
and a half minutes fast on th first, en
tlms on the fourteenth, and three and
a half minutes slow on th thirtieth.
Mercury and Vmus are not TlalM thli
month. 8atura may be noticed In the
early moraine, aa It rlie at i on the
fifteenth, and at t:M on th 1Mb.
Mars la a conspicuous object in th eve.
nine sky near th brtthttst stars of th
Twins, Castor and Pollux. Its own east
ird motion among th constellations
may easily be ea by reference to th
find star.
Jupiter, however, la the dominant pttaet
of . the month. It Is In opposition to the
sua on the first, and I In Its best po
sition for th year. It then technically
becomes evening star and risen near tlw
tlms of sunset. It la th most brilliant
rshxtlal (em la th sky, eln( mar
than twelve times "brlchter than Its
near neighbor. Antares, hi tb heart f
th eorpmn. Any small Ufesoop will
show Its four satellites. ..
Th moon IS in last quarter oa th
seventh, new oa the fourteenth, In first
quarter on the twentieth, and full oa
the twentr-etshth. It I In conjunction
with Mar oa the eighteenth, and with
Jupiter on th twenty-sixth.
N Th most - Interesting event of the
Vt month. Is th oceultatloa of Antares o
'i .the twenty-sixth, when on of th bright.
"IK stars In tits heavens wtq be eclipse
by the moon. The phenomenon will b
visible sll over the United tatsi. as
may be gleaned from the map published
"8om erf these days. George." said the
Manicure Lady. 'I'm going to forget how
much mother wants me at home, and
I'm going to go out and look for a room
ing hoiw. Goodness knows I can't stand
things at ths house much longer, the
way things Is."
"What seems to b th trouble, bidder
asked ths Head Barber, whose) pale face
and shaking hands suggested plainly
enough that hs had troubles of his own.
"Ain't you getting .treated right at
-Mother and tbe old gent la fine." re
plied th Manicure Lady. "Or course, the
oM gent doe get on my nerves a Uttle
now and then, whea be comes home
1st from some meeting of them congen
ial gptrita be is all the time idling about
but ths worse he does a) to make a little
too much noise letting bis shoes drop
and hanging up his eoat and vest on
the statues of th poets that mother got
him ust Christmas, but he Is such a dear
old sport after all, that me and mother
can t fasd M Is sur hearts to ehlde him."
"What statues of poets T" asked th
Head Barber. "How do yon mean hang
ing his boat on statues of poets 7"
"On. H was some statues mother
bought, aa I told you. They looked like
marbls busts, only they was soras kind
of plaster of parts, I guess, becauss they
broke so easy. Ther was six of them In
th original set. Mhwsr Poe, Mister Long
fellow, Mister Whtttler, Mister Byron,
Mister Shskespeare and Mister Mlltos,
three Americans and three English gents
"Mother stuck them all tip on the
mantel the day h got them fnr the eld
gent sad Rxy stood solid enough 'till a
week later. Then father came borne one
night with enough grape la him to make
him took Mk a vineyard, ant when he
was trying to put hi derby hat en Mis
ter Milton, the groat poet's Bust took
a Brodi to the floor sad got smashed
to pieces. Father said he didn't car be
causs bis derby dlda't get broke and the
poet was English anyhow.
"About a month later th eld gent bad
a party of politician ap bs tb boose sad
after they bad went be tmragbt Lord
Byres statue was tha marbts dock,
sad whew be tried to wind it as) be
basted It aa tb Oosr ths same way
Mister Milton went that left only four
poets, and on by an they went th way
of their broken pals. He broke Whtttler
when ho wss showing tb bust to s
ysung lady from New England, and
Longfellow got smashed whea ths oM
gwat wBoed 'to front of the flgurs eat
night gad Kept saying, -Recite Hiawatha"
The ee'
mwoj Acnotu Ate
ttir AMO its
7! c
la tha entrant number of Popular Astron
omy. Th annexed diagram will tell as
what we may expect to set In Omaha.
Tha flgur represents th moon as it
will appear on the night of the twenty
sixth. Unfortunately th moon will be
nearly full, so that much of th impre
slvneaa of tha oceultatloa will be lost.
The dotted half of th clrcl to th left
(Ives outline of th who I disk, whin
th full curve close to It repreesnt 'th
lalbl boundary of tha moon's shape.
th termination as It Is called. Th let
ters it K W denote the cardinal points
If wa hold th diagram with tha point C
on top at p. ai. w Shsll see th star
disappear at th dark edge at th point
D. This disappearance will b vary sud
den, stajtltngly sudden to on that uses:
a telescope and hss never observed aa.
oceultatloa before.
Th atar will remain hidden behind th
mcon for an hour and twenty-three rain
tee until MSI. when It will reappear with
equal auBdenness at th point R, th
point T being then oa top.
Occupation at planets and bright
tars are very rare. It will requtra no
urging therefore to Indue all lovers ol
astroaoray to observe th great .avsnt
scheduled for tbe twenty-sixth.
Crelghtoa University Observatory.
Fjl , j-W
The Manicure Lady J
Of course a bust can't recite, and th eld
gent got that enraged that he beaned
Mister Longfellow with' as Indian club.
Mother aays we can't keep nothing beau
tiful around the house aa long a father
belongs to them lodges.
"What hss sll that got to do with
your leaving homer tbe head barber
wanted to know.
"Nothing. George. It's Wilfred that la
driving m frantic. The poor boy hss
got It so far In bis brain that he's a poet,
and a good poet, that ha won't keep no
good steady Job. rather got blm la as
shipping clerk's assistant down on
Broome street, and all Wilfred did wss
ts write odes ea ths dry goods boxes
with thera paint brushes they uss for
writing addresses.
"His other Jobs was all tha same. If
he should hurt a week out at one of
them mother and I would faint. Tou
see. bins being out of work most of ths
Urns means that hs Is all ths tlms touch
ing me for change. All be usually asks
for la quarters, but he is a frequent
ssker. and hs s two-bitting m and Stater
Msyme to death."
"Don't leave your parents, child."
warned .the bead barber. "When your
brother asks tor dough, say Ho, but stay
home. Think of all them pitfalls and
snares, kid. and keep on Hiring la the
Bronx. There comes a customer for
The New Liner
Oh, let us bund a liner next
Of such stupendous sis
Its keel shall scrap the ocean floor.
Its smokestacks sweep the skies;
And Wlssn she sights a berg apon
Its way to ths equator.
She'll pick It ap and seek It la
The strip's refrigerator.
This weeswL far ahead of data,
Shan have it stern In dock
At Brexaerbaven. Liverpool.
Or Havre, or Qrwtnoc.
Its bow shan bs la Hoeeksa.
Aaet every gay world rover
May sta-s from either asde tbe sea.
And walk or motor over.
Tbe Persistent sjm Judicious t?s of
beeepetser Advertising Is tb Bead t
Business Swcesss,
YWnP Aaa z 1
MAjtvev I Art ieaU ao-
WNii IMMOCM. vTCArtTAiJ rev 1
fSTlf M"TO rlfi WAV.
mc lovrtr pc. rwe cvcLor
rrtat5 tCKtt
ttm-Z MS tJVASrOM fhUm
V. DtaTH AsseiisV JfAPc
s . .
rTrrC WetXHtOfr'&
My Trit ligr
Atrrc 7?itos
A OArtW CO.f JtbT
JHDMs tjf TtU. -A(r'
wen I OMEJX Av
clctam rne nau
vstMC. DaTDtr .
-i. T I
We mils: 40 Hv
TrtCH I jO tstT AHO
MoJtve vf new twC
KTIWflN T nt? IrVArJ
tMfrirV WAt-lr1 OCO
The Making
Whoa a girl at betwsea twelve and six
teen shs Is ssld to bs at ths ungrateful
age. - t-'
Paraoaally, 1 think it la th first dan
gerous age. and thera are sevsral oth
ers, for a woman does not (top st forty,
as the heroins of a famous story seem
ts believe
Th Impressions gathered by ths child
at this ungrateful age ars desp and not
easily effaced.
It Is now that Cos getl her first Idea
of her own future, and ah begin to
set a standard for herself, according t
th thflusncf which ars brought to bear
upon her.
Between twelve and Sixteen a girt get
aa idea of her own good looks, and shs
begins to try so enhano them. Her
vanity develop, otten this vanity Is like
a hot bouse plsnt stimulated by ths con
stent sttentlon so receives from tha
members of her family, who doesn't hesi
tate to eay "Hew pretty Dorothy I get
ting to be,", right before her. ts If she
bad no ears to bear, ar brain to grasp
ths significance of the reraark.
Bo many girls ars spoiled st this eg
that In other families th budding charms
sad beauty of the young girl ars sever
remarked saea and Isabel Is frankly told
that an la quit ugly while, on tb con
trary, she I slowly evolving Into a very
pleasing, aatvrai young girl.
1 think It's Just as wrong to harp spot
a girl's physical shortcomings during thi
abnormally sensitive period ss it Is to
tell her that ah la going to be a beauty.
Many a girl who at fourteen, was awk
ward and lanky, and at flfteea developed
a frightful crop at pimples, ha beea
mads desperately unhappy by ths sar
casm sf bar family, aad as of tern as aot
a girl Uke this develop nt a raw
boned, self coMeus young woman, whea
with a llttla help sad encouragement, shg
could bav overarms bar -mystcst awk
wardness and learned to cars for ber
skin, ang lrscosn to time s graosrot and
attrsctlve woman.
The phy steal readjustment which goes
on In the young girl between twelve sad
sixteen, and wlilt'h often lasts Tttt sight
eea, la acssueiteess 'for taw poor eass
ptexlons snd especially for the plmptee
sad blackheads,' which begin to show
themselves on som subjects after th fif
teenth year. Where a child Is aaaemto
you can expect blackheads to appear
about this time, snd there Is no nse try
ing lotions or selves. Th anaemic girl
simply hss not fores enough In her sys
tem to throw off tb tmaurirjes m the
skin. The blood doesn't circulate properly,
and It is useless to expen these spots
and Motcbes to disappear antU the rot
of the matter has beea remedied.
la our system of education the hardest
part of school fife cornea Just st tha
time whea a girl needs rest, auiet aad
tb most ear. No wonder our best schol
ars era nsrveqs or saaessic and break
dowa at examinations.
Jf tha pretty girl's parents want ber
t get through her school days without
losing tb vitality aad sarerigtb which
She needs, they should see that she gets
plenty of fresh sir. the snost wsoJesom
and staple kind of food, enough amuse
ment and fseakhy recreation, aad is la
fetd early every a-ght. The average Ameri
can girl of this sgs does not get enough
sleep. cbs Is always trying t keep her
snd up socially, to go to parties, to en
tertain, and she tests that she ts much
abused if she does not get her shard
of Umter-snag. All thts with her school
wort t a treuieonus strata -ea aer aer-
My! How the Judge Hates a Gossip!
Copyright ml National News And.
fu. let vw 00 Tvvi TiAe-
w wmcmun JJ IP
AMUNt Og. Of you ttfniM.
VOU ttAwC'0v)6H TO 00
oat AOAf. Stmi
Mr Jtw w a poj op rxAr
OaVU.a5Ji, C(-0Lll5X
Mat PcjHT JftlijtaT r- pfrp
fSrVAN 0sS AieU.AlO
etasv VNCTM -me
Hi HEP .
am twr Trte Hoiua up -
trrfi CAMUAfre AAtD TAff
thc oo ANome mm
M lb. A Pvvfi, 'M AUVAti
THItQtw-H aV I f.M.
4j A
1 Aa. A
of a Pretty Girl
vows system, aad ft Is ao Wonder that
foreigners who com to our shores Insist
that we have no young girls In America,
eflly cMldtsa and women, for' the aversge
high school girl dresses, acta snd looks
at least five years older than she is, and at
prevent she affect styles which even bef
saetlKr aolud coa-lder ruber advance
Jk tt' - .
IrLwi tr, vv, .
k JliHt d
bH- -v '.? 'i fwt-; sajfj
. A LI L;a..j.i,iS I I
tNraT THAT""
1k)TH IHM7
Af? . J I I 1
vai . e, i. iTk
"so aan u hact Ai Good a.
TM UTTl-e Swn(M0I
"rVrtT Mouth OP A CAwa? TO
sr5tTT0-6 ftTIWrAIN
THtEii Tjooa-Hcy VPTbraT
AuMrAbr. Trrevj wSTtdl
tAf Pin a- UTHC WNtH Af
Mic3 TrW Xpca-Neil.TXeN
uj-rrxeo. rr svas T.0rA thc
Crie TMwN UrtMCO AwAiK
AMw IMfAavri OinHCav.
oo ei a fat mau tf-er"
a, i-Aafe 5rj!. .Her
.aasasMs-i I i,
Whea you realise how small a part
the Americas father plar In th making
of our pretty girl. It's a wonder that so
many of thera grow up Into charming
and lovely women, making comparatively
few mistake in a grown-up world for
j which they have la no way beea fllted
To be pretty and well dreastd sod have
4 S
Drawn for
i j r
JONrvowHe. f
I tub mov il V
Mecklenburg's Declaration
Mar . ITTI.
Th Mecklenburg derlarattotr-lh first
expression of that spirit of rsaistaacs to
British rule which Anally resulted In th
Independences of the I'ntted colonlea-ws
passed ITT years ago
ton by ths peo
ple f Mecklenburg
county, North Caro
lina. Th king's address
to Parliament, de
claring th colonists
rebels and outlaws,
the occupation of
Boston by t)is red
costs and the evi
dent purpose on the
part of th Brit lata
government to fore
ths Americana Into
submission aroused
th Mtoaltnburg
farmer to a high pitch of eicltemenl.
and meetings were held throughout the
Representatives from each of th sine
mllltls districts met to consider the situa
tion. Aa election was held, and on May
at the delegstes convened at Clujtrlott.
After a spirited discussion, which lasted
(ar Into ths nlaht, it was ssrlded vnaat
mously that th only thing to dp was to
I i
r S(
By.Margaret Hubbard Ayer
a good Mm, that It about ths Only Mrs!
that the avsrsg ttsl parsat has tar his
daughter. His son Is taught from early
boyhood that he must do something, snd
to aoooiapllsh his share et the world's
work, hs muat bavs a high atandsrd of
honor, honeely snd Industry. Ths boy
gets this knocked Into him one way or
tha other; tb dsitghter Is supposed to
Imbibe a complete understanding sf
morals and responsibility through that
famous (em mine Intuition which only -begins
ts be understood snd apprsclstcd
after experience and mi stakes hsvs
taught bar their dreary e in of caution.
No matter how sweet snd Intlmats ths
relationship between mother and daugh
ter, there are certain things which go
toward th making of Our pretty girl
that shs can learn more quickly and
easier from her father If h bs gained
her confidence, sad ha doae some! hi as
more toward forming ber character llisa
paying ths school bill.
Ther would not be one painted r
powdered schoolgirl fscs la father ob-
Jected rationally, quietly, and win a
sensible Illuminating explanation. -
ut when he Is not too busy to notice
tb makeup at ail. be surety rasas. As
one girl put It to me the other dsy,
" Father Just threw a fit When hs found
I ased makeup, lis ssld he'd throw me
out of the bouse if I ever put powder
or rouge oa my face again. I don't ass
anything so bad about It: all the girls
us powder, snd I'm ) pal, th rouge
makes si took much nler. Now I wf-h
my face before father come home, so
bs doesn't catch m at ft I don't see why
be mad such a fots."
Of course she didn't nnderttanl. be
cause father caremily side-stepped tb
real reason that h did not want his
daughter to patnf and powder, and look
Ilk anything but the sweet and pur
girl that shs la Hs did not want her
coeifrwnereel with class of women at
, whose existence ths Is entirely unawsre;
en th other hand, h could not deny C at
many of her friend and that her own
another ased powder occasionally.
Sweet sixteen, unfsrtunstely. takes to
powder a a duck to water. Our pretty
girls often look like little Pierrots, with
their whitened faces and cbaiky noses.
They think it Is grown-up and becoming,
and they do not reaitte that very
vsstlg of powder and maksup takes
sway tb beauty of their youth, ths sweat
innocence aad caiuvr of their facta.
Pswder. except , whea H Is sssoluMly
. necessary, snekse ny fas look elder,
snd It makes ths young face look hard.
; As tor paint of asy kind. I thins: the
only way to frlgbtsa sweet stxuea out
of M Is to ten her that tb slightest
vestige of paint snakes every Impsrfee
tioa la ber skta show up aa it under a
magnifying glase. end the as eg the
artificial aids to beauty will eventual IT
aults ruin the tcxtur at bar saia aad ts
stake It yellow.
Par really pale cheek thera is nothing
so good as deep breathing. Taea a cold
spoaas bath ra ths morning, followed by
a brisk rub with a crash towel win bring
natural rosea ts ths face. Don't drink tea
er coffee. If row are a Httte "pals face."
and try and give ap candy and suaatttuts
If there la any way that It eaa be dose,
arrange tea sleep out T doors; a steep
ing perch for people who Hv In the
country is worth ths price of the Invest
ment as Use Amsrwewment to ths general
health of the) fanuly, and the so4sg of
v J
The Bee by Tad
- li-.
. S'fc
declare for Independence. A committee ,
wss ar points to draw up tha Mohrtioaar
snd ths meeting sdjoumed to meet again
oa the following dsy,
Aeesrdiogly, ea May II, 177. at high c
noon, ths delegates reassembled. Their .
minds were fully made us, and, without
a tremor or the wests of a minute's tlms,,j
they went about their great work. .
Ths resolutions decreed thst sll com-"
missions granted by th erowa were null "
and void; that no authority other than
that af tb Continental congrsss snd tha
Provincial congresses existed la day of "
ths colonies; thst military officers werd"
to be sleeted who should bold their eom-' '
missions Independent of Great Britain, "7
nad thst an Independent local govern-
merit should bs Immediately established.
Tbe reeolMttona bains adantad. the ssork
of ths meeting was publicly proclaimed '..
tt the court bouse door, snd ths season, i
being a vary busy eaa, the farmer-pat-rlata
battened beo te their farm work.,.
The resolutions were published on June ",
U In a pPr t Charleston; on June M 'i
st New Bwae. In the North Carolina
Oeette. aad on June t la the Cape rear
Msroury st Wilmington.
Ths publication produced a profound tm-
pression. Martin, ths roysl governor,''
sent a copy of tha Mercury to th king, :
saying: "I dally sss ths soared majesty 1
of my royal master Insulted, his govern-A
ment set st ntught, and the whole eon-!
stltutioa anhtnged snd prostrata, and 1
live, alas, Inglerlousiy only to deplore It.'
Although th Mecklenburg rolutloBa4t
era ssat ts Philadelphia, they worn aot,.,
sfllelslly, brought to lbs stlsnUon of :
congrsss, snd no refsrenc was mad to .
them la th proceeding of thst bodyma
but th work that had besa dons st Char
iot's was too treat to In covered up; snd
todsy everybody know that a year snd-,
two months before ths fsmeus PhlktdeWM
phla Declaration of Independence was-
proclaimed to the world ths men of Meckb
lenburg bed publicly snd solemnly re-".
solved that they were forever through"
with King Ooorgs snd hi government. -
. ii . - r
The Dictagraph
By MISJC.l irviso. , ;7
Ws dare aot have a quiet gams - -;1
Of poker an tha sly, ':.;..
Ws dars not kiss a pretty girl -
When But a soul Is nigh, e
Ws dsra not talk sbout our friends, -
Or tell a Jcke, or Isugh, ( i
Because It may be lurking Dear w
The tattling dictagraph. -
No lark behind the teacher's back
Ksr mlehtef in ths scbooi.
Nor gossip st th sewing stub,
Where gossip I ths rule,
For any place, though It may be
Not big enough by half.
To hide a mouse, may yet conceal
Ths truthful dictagraph.
When night lets fall It starry veil.
And ws retire to bed,
Ko mors beneath It do ws search
Par burglsrs grim snd dread.
But In a fuller measure yet
Ths rup of four we quaff;
Ws look behind tb picture frames
To find a dictagraph.
I'd Ilka to spesk my mind about
Ths man who first conceived
This aoaectenos la a collar bos,
Tnls spy that has m peeved.
I'd Uke to meet him In th dark
And have sa oaken stsff.
I'd like-but bosh I It amy be Beer,
The tell-tale dictagraph.
Woasaa and Her feet, " I
Women have mors troubls with tern,
feet than men; but, contrary to general
opinion, tt Is not because they wear their
shoes too tight. Women ar careless ta
ths house. Shs saves her oM shoe for
boosewear her old shoes thst ars out of t
abspe, run over at ths heel, broken' dowa
st the arch, and loos and stlpshod la
general. Wear a Hght-wslght tie for--tl
house If yoa will, but Sea thst tt flu -light
at the hurtep and that la best Is :
slweie kept square aad true. .r
city people te their roots for sleeping ;
purposes hss brought out all kinds of
sew bedsteads, swings aad "' " kr at
moderate prices.
Early hours, out-of-door sleeping, sun-
pis food and exercise, those are the '
secrets of good compiexioa for the girl ef'
M years. Her compiexioa troubles ars
das always te nerves, bad circulation and '
bidlgxtlua. and It Is by curing these that '
shs can get back ths peach-like bloom '
to bar cheeks which la tns charts of"
yowUs aa beeitb, '