THfLBEE; OMAHA. THURSDAY. MAY 30, 1912. OFTEkKD FOR SAUB MaTu OHw typewriter front lb 'it .o. iqugiaa 3m WOULD you ukw our wholly visible menus and let tbera "rela 11 x,?1 tmntw toad If jrou could, without coating you en oat, hair the typewriter toktes forever u your own? Then writ iu for E? Sft!U'KL...52er?S Pertter TYPEWRITER lor not. mo, . Central Typewriter exchange, imVu. nara- Maaicas ELECTRIC Piano, music boxes, player pianos. Continental Novel ly, u ;. lath. . MasoeUaasaaa. FOR SALB New and second-hand carom fccd pocket billiard tables and bowline alleys and accessories; bar fix ture of alt kind; easy payment. To Brvutfwick-BalKt-CoiUndar Co- 4e3- a, Wth St. . POOL tables. Mora, restaurant fixture evm. r eh, umaha. enD Cii j -r- . .. .... n .r. x ww Kowanuuvi IB ta Omana Commercial college and one la Boylea college, (ukoi of flea. OuaHa Be. OA Fe. Overstocked with ascent-head at; aU alu and make; Uurgaiaa auyyiy y.U.. ilW P arUam t. - t-asu jvegiaver, almost new; a snap. Ufi North Mia at, feoutn Omaha. FOR fc'ALfeeicaolarehio in Boylee col Kg. Call at or address ttusineaa office. Omaha Bee CIXDLKS for sale cheap, call Webster itfJS. FOR SALS-Cheap. one Cecillias piano player; on Edison hum plionograpbi Willi cabinet and loll records; lares horn. Cull Tyler ion. also one ladis' Uomuler vneel, nearly new; coaster rake. OLD it A Mt., LitlluHV, mm cam-iai at. . WA.vrtl Experienced bowling alley man. Inquire Mauaiia park or Tel. Doug. PERSONAL . OUciUh I'haftuJ;. l?tn ana tKMjgtv rmt(Xy for itcaing, bleeding or proiruu la Pte-- toe fHtp-it . MwUnples tr. biMnauM m M.cCubhc.1 Drug Cu., Umau4w. MASbEUXllEiiPY iTaaU.:Vmi Allen of Chicago. MO 8. IT. lt tl. O. itmi. TBK BALVATluV AiOak. eoiiciu a(f clothing; iu I act, anything you do not need. W e oollect, repair aci nil at IM J. 11th BU (or coat at coUocuoo, la the worthy poor. PBubS Duuaiaa UJ aud wahioiu will calt TOUNQ man wishes board and room In prtvaia family, Is out of city baiuraay night and aUindays; rate must be rea aooaule; no culivr boarders or roomers; must serve breakfast belore V.W, dinner after e; would be permanent If found de slrsbl piaos. ia reiily give name, ad dress, lelvplione numtxrr, rata per month, number in iamlly. whether children or adults. U ZoL, Bee. Vliul n.u.iu.. h.ilm MlMtrlc vibratory and radiator treatments. Dr. Anna D. ytsher, ail Ware bia. Mi 8. lath. P. OA TOUNO women coming ts Omaha as tranger are Invited to visit tha young Vomeo ChrisUao aseoclau building t Seventeenth and Be Marys Are, where tbey wu. i directed la smialiie boarding places, or stberwiaa an listed. Lcok lor our traveler aid at lbs laioa station. Massage. Mrs. Rimi-nouaa. 0 Boton Bid XI i-NAIll'. 8weuin movement. Apt fllrtiaTlAUlii lad yarnam. U uk ' Vf i 1 1 V'F'n C fc. Broli, JW 'b. lotii. id floor. . WK KKNT ana repair all kind at sw ing Htachinea. lnd. A-lsw; Douglas lea MlbllHAonLA CYCL.K CO, . , loth and riaiaey ata ANN A 11 MAEKjS, tuwa "S- f . i nil. . Am a UmI 'hi AlASSA;l; liaPOfl treatment. Mrs. XU AOOdUIl h,i. sub s. 11 si. MA BOPV MAosAGli. iu- Neville. D. nia. WANTED Address of Mrs. Lena Shier. Address Box 2M. Douglas. Wyo. . VALULJl aM6aAv13.. eMS no. Ulb OU, K at dally, ouuuay; wiwa svoiuilss. hours 10 to 10. POULTHY XlNU PET STOCK. Screenings tlM pet' WU. VV agues', ail i. 1A lllwUi hbiAXh. VOA1M Oat All A pioperty and N'ebraaka land. OliEEs'a. KUAl ESTAlli CO., KM New Croatia Nat l Bank Building. MONV.Y to loan on busiioa or leer denos properties, ll,ui to &0u,u0. W. K. gMOMAS. bOO first Kat'l Bank Bldg. WArtiaU-.lV IViia . W. Farnam Smith It Co.. ml Furnambt. 'W anted farm loans. Kluke Inv. Co.,Oma. lido to Uv.uw aiade promptly. F. U Wead. Wead Bldg., Utb and Farnam. VANTEi-City loan, f eter Xtut Co. Of C1XV LOANS. Hemla-Carloaig Co., Ojjo-lS Brandila Theater Bldg. MAli, VlAM liilUO. 0maJl Nat., gang LOANS Farm and city property. A H. Dmnont Ic Son.. l(M Farnam at. FOR SALE OR KXCHANOK EQC1TX la IdO acres Nebraska land for good automobile. 740 Brandets Theater. FOR SALE or trad for cows, horses or chickens, incubators, etc., for furniture of different ualitiea. - 119 Cuming. TEXAS land wanted In exchange for 480 acres of fin farm land in S. Dakota. Ine 4a) acres are ail clear. Want Quit coaat land. S. A. Scott, 230 Mackay Bldg., San Antonio, Tea. - - FOR MERCHANDISE. Large tract good western Nebraska land, to exchange at cash value lor good general merchandise. Oive particulars, what stock will Invoice, location,-annual sales, etc.; when writing for land par tieulara. Addles. C. E. Brown, a Scott St. Council Bluffs. Ia. . WASTED TO BUY Household gas, clothes shoe. DitTl BlOiO Id-hand gooda. Keiaar. 1010 Center. D-M6X T, ' IT .. . .. ... a. nUI , ' . .1 li I r. Nlilfhoa A Ixian Office. 100 So. !2th. Chicago buy are. id-band clothes, sbosa, hats; beat price; will cull Tylr UUP. - AT.PTRV P"' tb best prices for old I irA-tWX fron malala rubber, etc OCEA5 STEAMSHIPS. THE ALLAN LINE ROTAL MAIL STEAMERS . MONTKAaa, LiVau-tfoOA-. Ui-iSaOW. Montreal, Havre, Plymouth. London. Tbe picturesque St Lawraooa Rout.' Four days ' oa lbs ove4i, tnree days In river and gulf. Splanuiii new 'i'urbui biaanwrs. falooo. aecoad-oauin and tnlrd eiaaa. tkiperior . uaa i isas caina sei-vie Coialus unaxcaUed. . Courteous atientioa, bena for clrcuiara, raea, plana, etc Allan Co.. . leariHii.-a eu. cnlcagu Anclior i-axie feieriisiups Maw -rork, Londonderry and Qlaago Mew Terk. Palaruo and Naples. Attractive raus for Uukeu betweea New York and ail acoicb. English. IrUa, Conunental and Mediterrannaa pouu bupaxWr accoaunortai UMi. escoilent car em, eXfident service. Apply prompUf tor reeervauon v local agent ot Aacaor Lia or iiesderaoa atroioara. ueuwral Agents. Chicago, IU. UVS STOCK slARKEl' Of WEST bbip auick to oouta omaba. 5av-j Bnieaga and ahnnaage. our ccnaiga. xueuta recti i and caraful auea uon. Liva gtswai Cwssssljailow Merehaats, Ber- Bros, a- Col String and responsible. WOOi bRQe,. a4-a Kxchange Bidg. Grear ivcat. Com. Co.. Omnia a- Uenvmr. - my. KeJ,naon t Co.. 'Mi Excnge iHUg. OLiFlON Com. Co.. Bi Exchange Bldg. Cox Jonee Com Co.. bunch of bu: .crs. L. 1. ltoaJKid at ct. za bjlcU. uiiia. Mtutin iirue. iv it . av.n e.xcb. ti.ds. yi oiwft RaM, c-aif. nog, er.evp. a Mupmcnta ta.iitoca uai nans, as yards. ua. Nsfl aauk. BEAL ESTATB ABSTRACTS or T1TLM. Bawd Abstract Co- oldest abstract sac in rieorsaaa. us Branaeia Theater. NTALSACAMPRELU 1714 BL'lLDavUS ISPObUbATIIMb. FeetTlc. (as fixtures. Omaha Stiver Ca Ideal Cement Co- 171b and Cuming aUa. Pacha, goa Blind, painting, decorating. H. Gross, lum. wreck'g, pit) a Paul. AtKEAGE FOR SALM BARGAINS IN FLORENCE PROPERTY 5 acres. block from car Una wMh (-room house, fell basement, beautiful shade and lawn, all fenced, plenty of inni. a una place for summer home, S acres Vi mils to car Una. good 0 room bouse, land lay level with spring water running through one corner of Place, party can raise chickens, cows, pigs, eta., to cut down the nigh cost of Jiving axpenM and you can work down town ail in seme. H block or 4 lots right close to car lino wiro i nouses that rent for t per month. Near business part of town, and priced to sell lor is,nu. Coma out any time and I will show you these properties, owners want to aell and now 1 your chance. C. I Ksthaway, Both Phones, Plorarace, wen, - Must Sell SUBURBAN HOUE of I acre. Im- provea wiin almost new i-roora house. One of the choicest locations in tha city; good neighborhood: larae rrontajta on macadam road; boulevard entire distanca to heart of tha city or handy to car line- 5c rare. Good schools; SI PEBB VIEW aku riuts KiuiiT. it you want some, thing which has no roual. conaldertruT pnes, tnen take tnis. but do not delay Can mass easy terms if necasssry. ol alt cash. ORIN 8. MERRHX COMPAVY. Uli-14 City National Bank Bldg. Acres Acre tracts for sal. See us for 1. i. I and 6-acr tracta near Omaha and South Omaha- N. P. DODGE & CO. 5th and Harney Sts. ACREAGE 5AR3aINS near Omaha, Orln 8. MerrlH. 1213 City Nat Bank BMg. CITY PHOPttKTV FOR OA LB CLOSE IN RENTAL PROPOSITION Two modern house on large lot COxlM ft, between Jackson and Jones, faces both lath and J9th 8U.; always rented and In a neighborhood that is fast becoming buslnesa property. Will be priced right for Immediate sale. Tel. Douglas 04S. Investment 3X0 and M 8. 18th St., M tl. frontaga an th at Thro houses and barn. Tbla la buslnesa property- amd lot alone la worth the prios h is asking.- Prloa, M.M0. Make offer. Revenue $H) per month. Price, KM0 - MAKK OFFER. Suburban Home . Ill Sunset St, Benson. On or two acres; an Ideal place to live; on a ma cadamised rosd, three blocks from ear; Improved with all kinds of fruit and shrubbery; fin 7-room modern bouse In A No. 1 condition; barn, 8x24. It's - as pretty a little place as there Is around Omaha. Owner Icav city; moat b sold. Price, 04,500. Make an offer. 0 'Neil's Keal Estate and-Ins. Agency V?i Farnam 8L" Tyler KC4. lnd. A-U Home of Homes in Tieid Club district. I rooms, oonven. lent, conplete In every detail. There are four bediooms and a sleeping porch, nur sery am good living -rooms. Lot "ax Lai feet well slanted to shrubbery and trees. The fluent yard in that district. Owner leaving the city. Will close out for I7,u0. Can give possession at once. - West Farnam House Eset front on Slot Ave., m the block north of Dodge Ht., 8 rooms, entirely modern and In good condition, only H.j. This has not been offered before. Call for full particulars and for tn key, Reasooabl terms. Harrison & Mtrton Here's 3 Snaps INCREASE YOUR INCOME. ' HOMIS AND STORE COMBINED. . (100 CASH. CS PKR MONTH. Ktco store buildins' and 4-room ootta adjoining, best repair; water, toilet gas, large cellar, barn, full lot. walks, ate Excellent location for family grocery or other business; no competition near, Tou can operate this and continue your posi tion or other business. A bargain at tt.TOO. 1610-Zl N St, douth Omaha. LARGE 4-ROOM COTTAGB. BRAND NEW, BEST YOU'LL FIND. K0 CASH. S3 PER MO. This unusual offer to right party for lmmeaiaie occupancy; house now vacant; bas electric light bath, toilet cemented cellar and walks: fine corner lot Htaist feet, east front; wall situated, two blocks to Military Ave. car; i2,M): 902 8. Or phanage Ave. Also seven select lots, on which we'll build when small amount i paid; 110 cash. 8 per month. See us about tneae ana outer nomas on similar pay ments. 050 CASH. IU PER MONTH. 0-r. cottage, best repair, mod., elec It. and gas, bath, etc; corner lot, E. and B. front; neat Iron fence; gist and Charles; B450.' . .. RUSSELL M-KITRICK CO.. 432 Ramge Bldg. Utb and Harney. North Side Lots On Easy Payments JIO cash and 0 per month buys one of those large lots at Xth and Fowler Ave. Two south fronts on Fowler Ave. and six north fronts on Larimor Ave,. te tween 84th Ave. and OSth; three east fronts on Kth, Just south of Fowler Ave.; six west fronts on 0tb Ave., between Meredith and Lartmort Ave. Prices, tgo to MOO. The Byron Reed Go. Both 'Phones. a S. rfth. A'Big Snap MS N. Kth St.: ti rooms, with bath, toilet aaa hot and cold water: east front - fine shaded ay walking distance. You can pay for. it like rent Price. tl.MO; terms, $100 cash, balance 030 per month; bouse lust vacated; you can close 4eal and be In by June- L - - 8. P. BOSTWICK. . 8 S. 17th 8t. Ground Floor Bee Bldg. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT $3,500 ' Good" r0-room modern home; cement atte aalks, etc.; tUO paid to anybody who brings buyer; caet Ot.SCg- to build; leav ing tows. TsL Harney 1870, or call an g. Jtto St ; ITS FOR SALE- That .high, sightiy east front beautiful and well uullt seven, rc m modern- bungalow on etth bt.. near Hamilton str " -REAL ESTATB Dundee Happy Hollow Go out today and sea the growth and improvements which are taking place In this residence dtatriet Work baa been started on the new outer boulevard sys tem, skirting Duadeo and Happy Hollow on the wast, which whn completed, will be one of the beauty spots around Omaha. Property Bear this fine drive is bound to substantially increase in value. The contract has been let for tbe paving of the north part f Dundee, giving Dun dee the public improvements of tha beat reside noe districts. . Whet her buying for a home or aa In vestment, buy where property Is active and where improvements are being made which directly benefit the property owner. Dsndee and Harpy Hollow have these advantage, besides tha natural lo cation and surroundings of a nigh class rradeno auburn. Value are still low and now Is the tun to select aa attractive spot for a boms and profit by tha Increase in val ues. New Dundee Residence Located In Happy Hollow, overlooking the Happy Hollow club grounds and th new boulevard. This houaa is up-to-date, attractive and well built, and baa the many little convenience o necessary to tha comfort of a bom. On tha first floor Is a good sued tiled vestibule, lead ins into a larse living-room, ail finished in oak. with beamed ceiling, built-in bookcase and large tiled fireplace. The dining room la also finished la oak, with beamed calling and built-in buffet, and open out Into a large, bright sun porch. Off the dining room and kitchen is a utile breakfast room In mission finish, with builtln settees and table. The sec ond floor ttaa four large bed rooms In whits enamel finish with mahogany doors. Oak floor throughout. Tiled oath room, with latest up-to-dsta fixtures. Stairway to third floor, where thsrs ta a maid's room: also ample st.wage space. The basement under the emirs bouse Is light and dry and hag a first class hot water beating plant If you are looking for an unusually attractive convenient and substantially built Itousa, ready to move Into at once, with plenty of ground around It tn a district where valuea era increasing, be sur and ee this place. Call on. George Ic Company, Phone D. 780 or A-17o. KB-U City Natl. Bank Bldg. ' New Stucco House 131 North 35th St. W have finished that stucco nouns and wa are proud of our work. If you like to see pretty -houses you ought to see this one. It Is built for sale, but that doesn't mesn that It Is cheap nor that any work manahlp Is alighted. Vou will not need t be told that when you See it. This 10 ia our bloek of Iota north of Dodae til. on Kth Bt. House open for inspection today and alt this week. " We offer It for sale at IT.MOi with a eO-ft lot or we can glvu you mora ground. . you really ougm to hava a 100-fL lot with sucti a home. Harrison & Morton How's This One? Hanscom Park District Six-room "cottage, r In first-class condi tion, entirely modern: oak finish In re ception hall, pnrlor and dining room: line mound iixtures, aanay cemented basement, east front lot. tPxtlO: nice lawn, good garage, paved street. Near 36th and Poppleton His, Zou should see this property at once. SCOTT & HILL, D. Oftlt; A-17U. . , aw MeCagu Bldg. Bargain Extraordinary--lrst Tune Offered-See It Today zm Ohio H room (muse: enttrelv mod ern, corner lot, south and east front. 7l 122; beautiful shade .trees;- Xld Bt paved, pavement all paid for. This property bas xcellent possibilities "In the way of re modeling Into a St. Louis flat and also building another house on rear end of kit Do not bother tenant, but see us If In terested. Price only K1.3M and on terms ob! that part is easy. Payne & Slater Co. . . 030 Omaha Nut'! Bank .Bldg.' .". $200 CASH :r . - and monthly fitymtntf wtlitur the nifty tons burtaiow. just flnlahed for occu pancy, tn HHd Club dtatrkn; cloe to car na in apM -iveif noornoou;- fec( uon nau. nving room, uinmt room. Data. kttchn ana two b4roonu; baamed aaUinb In dining room. wlonnade 1 opnlni tn recaption hH and dining room, nlcaly decorated, latut pattorn light fixture., cemented collar, permanent walk in yard and in front of lot. This mun be seen to be appraclatad. Just what. you are took iDg lur. BEMIS-CARLBERO CO. Slo-IU Brandels Theater. Phone D SO- Cut It Down . That's What Owner Says ' Price was $3,500 - tor parlor In cherry, f1rep!acs, hall and dining room In oak. I bedroome In blrd'a y maple, with cedar 'closets; third bed room off kitchen; makes 0-r. down and bath; one mora room above; .laundry, furnace, extra toilet In baaemenl: best plumbing; driveway on east aid leads to barn; 1st 40x120. south front, I big trees. If bouse were-new you would pay fc.uu) cor tms. uet to tne pnon now. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., '. MM Omaha Nat Doug, or A-H32. Evenings. H 3041 or ti. UM. New Bungalow. The owner must sell his new all mod. bungalow; oak finish In front rooms, rest Dine and - birch: butler nantrv. icebox room, enameled and tile bath room, Ursa basement, guaranteed xurnaoa, laundry connection, ahower and combination lighting fixtures, f'n east front lot near car and school. -Then hare been 24 new homes buut In this addition In- the last 0 months. Located In Boulevard Park. Price. 2JD; m0 cash. ' Rasp Bros. 100 MoCague Bldg. D. lOBJ: A-3051. Big Bargain North Part : Well built dwelling consisting -of re ception hail, parlor, dlnliig room and kit chen downstairs, three bedrooms and bath upstairs, all fine, large rooms. House Is entirely modern. Lot 4DxlI7. Uood stable. Owner intends movins onto farm anil has reduced price from Vi.fl to I3.i for quick sale. This Is snrelv- a oig sacriflca In vice. We 11 gladly show It any time. SUO'JLT & HILL, - D. 0815: A-17SJ. .. . 007 McCagu Bldg. save cmnitssiON - Buy of owner In Benson, strictly mod em o-rooai house, built by ,owner; leav ing state, must sell., . Tel. Benson, OOP. rosioiiice doi m. ITS FOR ALB That high, siahtlr eaet front, beautiful and well built seven- room modem bungalow on Sltb St.- near Mammon street. . MAP. OF OMAHA PTRRETS. Indexed. Mailed trew on sopilcailon. Cbas. E Wu. llamson . Co.. ileal 'Rotate. 'Inmraaee. rter-tsls. Car of property. Omaha.. TO BUT, 8ELL OH Kr.NI. O'lHsT Sa mux w. itoiiuLva, ma wamhau az. PITT PWOPKRTV fK KII.K. $3,300 , 5 Room New . Bungalow " 5931 No.;! 24th St Across from Miller v Park . -. Lot 44x165 Ft. This- is a new bungalow. . finished last October, and n excep- tlonally well built. 1 built It for a home, but oa account of leaving the dty will sell at a sacriflca. ' Someone's chance to pick up a snap. - . " -. ' Oak and whit enamel finish.' Oak floors throughout Cotonad openmg. Paneled dining room. Window seat and plats rail. Shower effect lighting fixture. Switch for every fixture. Duplex window shade. Bui ll-la cupboards ta pantry. Rough sand finish walls, des ' orated. Largs floored si tic. Full cemented basement Hot and cold water and laundry sink. ' Good fui-nae. coal bins. Best of plumbing. Pull length- screens. Sleeping room. Walks and improvements In. Yard aodded.' In . fact everything that gees to ataks a modern boms. Not a cent could be spent to Improve th place. Tha street ears will be ex tended to tha entrance ot Miller park immediately, greatly Increas ing th value of tbia property. Th price asked la lass than tb houss could ba built for. Terras can b arranged; Coma out and. look at this house; someon bom all tha time. Take Florence, Forest Lawn or 0th snd Port Bt ar: gat oft ' at !4th and Fort St a; walk north to house. tn North am st, ; . , , ; Tel. Webster' OTfO. . - PAYNE , INVESTMENT CO. - : WARE BLOCK :' 11,100 Near 7th' and Ranoroft Sia. 1-room nous and full acre, aaly I blocks mm s-arnam urj ' HJ0-a N. tMh St. T rooms, modern except neat; xjw cash, balance montnir. . H.000 Kth -and Icaur. f-room cottage. srrrtry, moflmi; iw cash, balance 9M per montn. CTJO-rth and Plnkney Sis.. I rooms. modern except heat; fins corner lot. tie-Ivsl Ames Ave. Splendid mod era 0-room cottage. Very ehesn. COOO-Beven-room bouse, same as new. - ZMh and Manderson, all modern but furnace; beautiful corner lot: plenty of fruit; paved street; eut-of-toen owners says (el me an offer. nSO-Iili Fowler Ave. Practically new r -story, 7-roora nouse; arompietely - modern : beautiful location and high class .neighborhood; tl.Oat cheaper than eurrouiMllnff prop erly can ba nought. ASeO-Please look at 70S g Mth 81. Th houee coatalne 8 rooms, Is strictly '. modem and tbe location the beet. A large barn goes with, th prop erty. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. PouglMl71. ' lnd A-HW. A Block of Ground Fronting on thro streets, on block from csr and school located In an anter- prising neignDornood. lust a little north of Port St. Price only H.ono. On lot worth one-halt af what asking; for all. Rasp Bros. Ks3 McOagua Bldg. T lji; -A-HM. BEATTlfUL corner. Utb and Rlnney Sla Enquire of Owner. 100! Plnkney. B-WH - ... . The Persistant and Judicious tea of Kawspapr Advwrtlatng Is th Road to REAIi ESTATB roaw a otawcH t.awps ro islb : CaUforata. , DO YOU Want ta know about . .'The Garden Spot" . i ' ot the . Sacramento Valley CALIFORNIA Ask us for litcrstur and full -information with regard to - LIVE OAK Rich Soli, Abundance of Moisture, Ideal Climate, Past - of Markets, Unex celled ' Trans porter! n - Facili ties, Mean Dollars to Ton. Ar you tb Inking of CALIFORNIA : and Vicinity? ' Do you want the best? Be sur to see us. Trowbridge-Bolster Co, 404 City National Bank Bldg. Doug. MM: A-ao7. Omaha Neb . BEARING NOW.. UNUSUAL. BsPWIALLT ATT RAIT TI VK to doctors and other professional men. also fanners and all who have that yearning for a plana to retire, now or later. Ia bearing now. Why wait? Fruit and almonds. Pays for itself- Only 0 per cent cash, 1 per cent monthly or an nually. "Money back" if not pleased. By bast town north of Sarramantn. Vou deal with th owners. Far paid. Go with us next trip while tbey last Write or call st one for sttractiv literature. CHAS. K. WILLIAMSON CO., OMAHA. NEB. (Bank and business house references.) IP TOU- are Interested In California land for fruit or ehlcken raising, call ea Ftxa 4k Westbsrg, 0U Be Bldg.. Omaba. . Colorado. ' LAND Finest farm land In Colorado snd wast ers Nebraska. We are just opening up new tracts. Soil black loam, clay sub soil. Fine wster. level roads, good market- Wheat yield from S to 40 bushels. .Land pays for Itself In two years. . PLATTE RIVER V.LLEf LAND CO.. SOV10 City National Rank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA - Traversed by th ATLANTA BIRMINGHAM A TLAM - ? TIC RAILROAD. ' Lands adapted to tb widest rang st crops. AH the money crops ot tne-south plentifully produeeol For literature treat ing with this comlrg vOinlry. Its soil, cltmata, church and school advantages writs W. B. LFAHY. PEPT K, - General Passenger Agent ATLANTA. OA- Mtaweweta mo srrrrHERN minnksota farms FOR BALE If you want to buy aa im- ? roved farm In Southern Minnesota writs or catalog. Southern Minnesota. Land to, suae Earth, Faribault Co, Mia. ." RKAXi. ESTATE FARM s) RA H l.M"t KtUt sttR lows. THE eastret way to find a buyer for ur farm la to insert a .malt waat ad la the Le Maine Capital. Largest etc cuiatloa ia the mat of Iowa, d&y. Tb Cai4tal is read by and beiievvd la by the standpatter of Iowa, who simply refua to permit any outer paper :o Uiair borne. Hat, 1 cent a tord a day; (L per line per moniai ceunt six ordinary words to in Unv. Adureas Alas Moiaes Cairfiat 1M Moioaa, la. A BARGAIN for immediate rash pur chase. Perfectly leve! ouarter srctltn. A one unimproved p:aine Varm land, near Mcl'onaid. Kan. Atlilre VX. Iee. . Naauas, FIFTKEN years to pay MO W per acre for Montana choice imgateC (aril, lands; l",v-v acres now open unuer tne Caray at ac Vaiier, Mout, no bunls of wlieat 110 bushels of oaia a butil ot flax - psracre. Write today. Cunioa, Hunt A Co.. Box A Valler, Mont M to 01O9.ftt f-nd for list. bhien tL Co.. Ranch -Isalera. Omaba. .Heb. 1 Aebraaaa. FOR SALE Improved Howard county farm; loo acre; good impiovemeni. 041 per acre. writs L- a. Moore, urand Island, Neb. Aorta Hotels. tl A ACRE POWN BALANCE SMM.L VtAKLT PAYMKNTS A poor man' opportunity to get a rich tortn tishota wneal triu. u to s.w an acres; ai.uoo aores to select from; 390 acrea In Morton Co. for OJtf an acre. Low Ry. raiea. Free mans and facta about our laiKis and business tts tn new Ky, towns. Reliable agt-ate wanted, fee or write Wm. H. brown Co.. Ilaynea. Adams Co., or Molt, HeiUnger Co., North liekota.' M lecellaaewaa. . m " qvinuioow D. U0L an' City National hank Bldg. rarm land ana rancnea. RAILWAY T1MK CARD liMUA AiluA teaia aad Maaea. talon Pacific , Dosrt. saa risa. overias uwltM a .u ma nan caua a Jaraa sett Mail.... 4 pa tUie a.wnn mywmm ,. t-l ftSi Unsa suns ill U st.U sw tee AasMei Uml ta.,.. .su.u sol s t n su IMavw aneilal e I at s I II aw Cvatasslal etst special sli JOpw all.a sis vwnrkiie lusress -a I H fm 4 JS sw Onsoa-Wsuuistaa 14n!t0-.elt 4 ve e a) aa NUl Piuu lent .4 I k tm s 4 a i Qrea bias Lxai. I U aat all M suawssiiai taeai su.4J sal l a is basoags, Mac seiaaa at i'awiiia BasY. Keek? MMstsls UaitM sU 10 w sit U sa Ctlcse 1k4I rauMasw.,ki M ua sis u aa Csia Ur saiseas. 4 w aia lla,a l'ftlcaB eiyreu ...ll.Uas s 1.1 sa aaa aaoiaw ww raaaaasr..s 1 11 B4B ail 11 a Ca4w-resraasa Llsinto ,lu WEST. Cktassa-Nab, ta. te Unaola s I St si I II sa riiaase-Oalefaea lins...,l I lire tints phtasoas Trass kapras,..s ISps sua aia ItaaSr Measuls tialua ....sis. 41 em ill Mas t klrase, Mllwaakea at SI. Paal . Orsrlsa Usual .stsa a 11 aa Perrr Local , lisia sll:Stpia Cslanse kasnafS ....,M.s I 4S pm sla sa Catenas Btttuasl ...s I U aa s I.4S aa Pwrf Least I I II sat SU M sa saatauas Lratrala Caiasss gisreas : ..s Till sa s IS sa Caicaae Ualts ......'. a I IS sa sl.ataat vaaoaga Arttaw-etera-M AORTaialOUMI. ' Mlsseastlls-CL ram baraaa.s I St sal lllaaaasuw St. Paul Uiaiteit.. T el rw I aa tels CHI Kaprasa ,...a I Sis si a Oikss cur Level sl asa s I u sa Hlaseapaiu a Daku ki..a 1 IN ,a s I 14 sat I" la Oil LlalllaS..,. ll.ttta klaas MlsseasU Eawsas ........ aU.w aa AaSTauUND. - Cerrell latl ,,.,.. I aa I IS ta IMilast ctiaase ....jaa Cklease laxal .all rat I I s ,a Caicaaa-Celarase ,i.,....v i.u sa Clkaa BpacUl ... ...... .... 4 W aw s I 41 aa raiina raaat-tsNars... 4 I a sa s I 14 pa Ue AasaM Liana llSie all H an 0-wUnS Liana stales s I u aa tarrall Uaei , .e 4 IS pa all W aa Fa Mall .1 la M si Uaa taear auplaa. Ileus Catl sag uswna .. a a aa aw Csaiuauil stale Xiwiue 11 a aa u.u sa WESTBOUND. Less ru ....-.- aa ill Haa nartelk-usllas i s a as aw sll.a sa Long liaa.LlBeels.,...'S I IS sa sin sa Uaalata-Sapanet I It aa SIMM, rMaSeec Hot Isruss , s I 44 a I H sa (aapar LaMar ... a 1. 44 pa 11 14 pa rrusoet-aikua ......... ..... I pm 0 1:11 pa Wabaab a Osaka St. Lseis' glpisas 0 sa is I II sa sfall aa gasraas Sf Usa SUUss Oustetrr Lecsl Una O. 1 1st PS kM.II sa Mlsaaarl Pavlflaw- - at 0. a ot laaa (Uieas.a 0 M sa S T -40 aa g. . A 0k. Ieu taaaaa.,su.U sat SI 44 pa Cbleaga, 0leal. Weetevse Tart Cur Uaiud.... I 14 ps' ' I ts sa ti Vllr kaprasa s I a as I B ps tsuasa Ctsraas. .a I Ki ps slasa Barllagtoa Siatloa ttarllagteak ; 1 Been CalUarais...,. PiiaM Sees gapraas..... Kaaraaaa rutau ...',...M la.a HUM i. Uia,ats Hail KortWaa Biprass kaaraaaa Kiiiraaa -Tealb Mas a Depart. . r. pat ,....s ate ps ..,. I it ta i. is pa 0 I a pa all II ps I U as ....A i a ps "".t'l.'ii'ta pa s 111 pa ail a pw s l et sa s I M ps 0 I 44 ps i u art Ira s I.u sa tlttpa s O il pa s a pa su la ps s I . at as S 4 14 ps SIS W as tin a aa s 0 4 aa a 1:4 pa all II pa I S) aa a t a ps s I aa bll.a as all Mas illu s I.u pa IVberlaf-rTuiwetk .... Ltaeets Laaal . aiauaawslS-lows Bellarae-rUltasaata .... Cfelaass Spacial pasvai seaviai ......... Cklcaaa Kxaris Csieasa raa Biprsas Craaoa (la-i tasl.., Ot Lou la Xjpraaa. Kaosaa cur St. jeaao. besets dtp A 01. Jea-S ... .tl 41 pa ...a I Uaa Webster Statlo .loth sad Weketei MlassaH Paelfka Daeart ami. ku.Hta Atbsre lawal 1 1 H ll tbleago, St. P. af. at O a Clip Xiaras Ilkts aU:atts Class cut Fsaaaatar...... I 4 a pa Tla CUr Paaaaasat 0 I t as Osaka Local Slats All pa . Hall tl sail en-art Sunday ll Suaiar ocean STtAlrihHirs. ."V From tha Kaart of NEW YORK CITY F Pros er tatetLat arlvfllfl alae. te eow f eatkawHarra-uwoaalePars at H basis, 1 W asaeial trata. Ever lanrr as vevase. I taeaarts, Isateisl sausias. daily awpers. OS. aaa'aS. liarary. Ma. mala Una pets all Its sane. Cvarr eacsiart knariaaloa. Qtrici, DelUhtful Voyage Via French Line Steamers -w ataamar "Pranea- labrpnat. fa- i Vcscmplt Screw Turawje Sleaater ail arceamar lata llMMa y jy .Paris rartaa. laWtaT elaraw Wt. - - -- TtftAWaoiaV. OSMcia1w7 II bt AH Aii ticM tasWrtpasT mA rar Ft jatitculi auk wt wT. B. BOCr. 1010 Psmam . Xi. ITEBSS, Pirst sTatlosal Sank. 7. B. BTMObOa. 1903 Parnam St tVrtlTE STARO Dominion Canadian Service HTtrni rAL-OurBEC-Livf-frPOot mm . t tf f, 29. Js . 7 , ar.. Kwf. i Ltarcr""- - !. Atni 7 rnk S.a, ActooM t1.7 CfK C ttMC bit t tl IV -JO ' i B'l a.. aunLT 1 4 DAYS SAT Ma FRANKLIN TELLS OF BRIBERY AsEfrts Darrow 3Iade Plam to Bay Jurors Early in Trial. FIVE TH0USASD TO BE SPEHT Witness Helatea Haev He 4iat at Rabert P. Bala, aa Hnaral Mas, by Talking wltb Mite About irtgawr. i LOS ANOELKS, Cal., May ,-Bert H. Franklin, former chief detective tor the McNamara defense, and now star wit ness for th prosecution in the trial of Clarence 8. Iarrow for alleged Jury brib ing, took th stand lata today and re in ted what he declared to be the manner which which he and Darrow, then chief counsel for the Mi N smarts, attempted to bribe jurors in the trial of James M. Mc- Namara. "It's about time to get busy with the Jury," Franklin airoted pet-row as say ing to him on October A 1011. The next day. be eaid, Darrow gave him a check for 01. on to be used In buying the, vote as a Juror of Robert F. Bain, who later became the firat sworn juror In tn trial. He said that he had known Bain for twenty years and that b had arranged for tha corruption of the juror. Franklin followed George N. Lockaood on In witness stand. A gruelling cross- examination of Lorkwood by Chief Coun sel Rogers of tha defenss'tsiled lo shake tha witness original story. It brought out. however, and accentuated certain facta which tha defense claimed: would go tar toward establishing an alleged con spiracy to Involve Darrow In th bribery negotiations between Lock wood and Franklin, declared by th defeats to htvs been directed by th district attorney. Lorkwood admitted on croa-xtmina lion that he never bad been served a a Juror In tha McNamara oasa, although he had been told by Franklin that his nam would be drawn. Tha defensa un dertook to show that Lock wood s name had been drawn after ha had consulted with th district attorney and aa a part of lbs proposed culmination ot tb alleged conspiracy against Darrow. Franklin took lbs stand aft a- a brief SORE FEET CAUSE, DISLOCATED BONES NCQLCCT YOUR PUT AND YOU NIQUOT YOUR HEALTH Tour fret raonrrs sort ear ttian srry other part ol your body. Par through your tret come most dlatilrou duettet. Aod yoiv feet cosnert with vital cords ot lbs brait ltd boor. If your fret sre sore, tired snd bumlng, bow do Tor WALK? Why. you iirtla, limp sad wait who sa snort, or courts. But, Rftdsr. do you know whtt strslniog sod limping will eaiual no, you ao nuii u you did you wonld bt careful with Tour fef you would BS- v. a nr. sdsi yog rvi UM ruru. Tua uniting Bay eaus ths dllloeatlon sf vital boot aod euros through out your irit that Bay Pause vou Drrtosaent Bill- try, brsls troubla SDlnsl iroitBM too snnornisi stood rrr eulation. Only sot preerotttlts of tha borriba Blsery snd dat- rr bss iver bars fousl. It's 0 AT1TE . Besdrr, S N ATTTE tha NKWEST Bud molt A8TOM INHIXO CTRK PUS SORK, BrRNINO.ACUmO PEKT. HAS- ATI'I K li Is s dry form-dlflerent Iran otliert. It doeao't mere mtka tour If at lmoovh-tt RKAI4 thrm. TOff PONT HAV1 TO BATHK TOtIS MUT IS OANATfTS-yml tlOVT HAKS A MUSS OR TtrOUBLS. SANA TlTK romes It t powrtVr pud you MmtlT tCST IT OK THI PEST tub aorntni, snd lbs tua IU snlot all day tor you. gAATITK Is Iht gratltsl ttid purort fFOlioRlZtk knots it makes the lt sod lbs body swart snd purs. Its bttllni qtiautln tats ths ttlng stit Cl nCRVS, PHICK1.Y MEAT. CCfFaA, IH ircr HI rig, CUaAS. BUA10NI AMD HEAL BL1NTKRS. Aik Tour fiRnooTRT for Me ar Hue aerkare t SASAI'ITE-lt will last a loaf t!ne-tt elli isv you from psia and horrible danger! of grslerted tore last PKWAIK HUBHTITlTrO ll rour dnirallt Sennnt auorilv RAN ATITE. 0KSD B, rtlj A LAIKIR PlitlAtig. pceb palil. dlraet to Tht GtHMIClDK tO. (Miktn ei lanvst audi F-zaut ista sl, uesvsr, celt. WANT TO QUIT Dril'iKIIlG? Neal Cores in 3 Days Ths man who drinks to sxcast lulls realises ths peril to but health, hap piness and business. Relatives and business assoclatea art tha ones who comprehend th truth. The excessive drinker attributes ths resistless de sire for liquor to domestic, bualnsss or other worries. Hs thinks b can gtv up drink at any trma H fools him self only. ObBervIng ones know that liquor has msatered him. Ths "liquor sppstlts" Is tb result of alcohol poison. This lurk In th system of every sxrsaslv drinker and can be eradicated only by medical treat ment Three days of th Neal Treat ment will destroy all appetlt for Strong drink. It creates instead a positive aversion for the tasio of liquor. -Th ran who in drinking away his health, happiness and financial resources will find that the Noal Three-Lay Treat ment will mak a new man of him and will bt tha best Investment he can pos sibly make. . The treatment consists of harmless vegetable medicines sdmlnlntered In ternally, without the use sf hypodermic I n rc Hon a The strictest privacy Is maintained, riatlsfaction la positively sesured in every rasa For full partic ulars call upon, writs to, or phone th Neal Institute, 1003 South Tenth street Every WOMAN ihould know about the wonderful Marrd "Whirling Sprsy' SYRINGE Bt cafent most convenient. Cleanses Invtantlr. If your drucffiitt caanot npptr fb MAKVfcU bead Mais p for umxrafM -;pL 1 oataos airocons HtvarUtanisTi IA lavaiM. l l ?Jr MARVEL COMPANY Eeel Ural Street NwwYeaw g Sal ay tiiaiana 4 Crag Oo. Mall asdars soUtrttso. V'. W t , v . ... st jm IES7 AW HIAITH Tl MOTricS WD CXIlft MilWimaoWi goorfiiKo brarr bss beea saed for over blXTV yKAkSbr MILLIONS of MOTHER far tbeir CHILD KN WH1LX TEKTHINO, with rEBFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTEN8 the CCMS. ALLAYhsU PAIN; CLUES WIND COLIC, sad a the brat remedy fur IlAJtRHA. It le ab aoletely ksrmleBt. Be sere sod ask for ' Mrs. 1? I TT I 1 a 1 tCl! V- 2 A 44 MntiaiasU t t I I a ! rubTW a eoocniog avrep, ana lata BO ttbef aisA Twrstr-Ove ccau a betur - ' 7 redirect and recross-examiaAtions of if Lock wood. After the must preliminary questions lie ' said thaC be had eMerect the employ of the McNamara defense on " Junct ion. Harrow, be said, wanted him to investisatt all of th prospecttvs Jurors who might be called la tbe -McNamara case as to th-lr views regarding th Times explosion, tbe VlcNamiAas and as to union labor. Job Harriman,- be said, was present at the meeting at Vilch means were discussed .of .acquuingi tbe information desired. ' r , "Mr. Darrow thought It was better to Interview the neighbors of the Jurors." said Franklin, "but I' told him I thought th best way would be interview flrst themaelveA Ha told me to. foUoWi my own, mer!iodr.M , ', . Copies of his reports on Jurors, be said, were delivered to Darrow.. Harriman, Scott and Davis, all i attorneys for tbe McNamara defense.-- ' - ' Ashed wl;o paid him. Franklin said that Darrow usually did., but severs! tunes hs received checks from Job Harriman. "Did, you ever' receive ' money. '. from Darrow ex cart for the. purpose, of paying your men?" aske Assistant Dretrtet At torney W. J, Ford, who conducted the examination.- ;lves C bee o One Theaaaad. Yes. on October . T received a check for 11 .000 from Mr. Darrow,". was the reply. , . - "Did you ever discuss the question ot bribing Jurors with Mr. Harrow " waa the next question. "Tea, air." said Franklin. Tb witness said that he discussed the question with Darrow first en October &, which was six days before the Me Namara trial was ealled. . "Wa . were walking along Spring trwt."-bs-aalftl' "between First and Second, and' M) Darrow mad th remark: "It's about -Urns for to get busy with -the Jury." Hs said hs wanted to talk with ' about if '., .' J . " .- -J Franklin was then asked regarding "1 acquaintanca win Robert P. Sain. He 4 taid be bad known him tor twenty,' years and bad had numerous talks wttJ Darrow about him. The Orrt eoBTeroa,. tloa with reference to the' bribery ,'t; Bain, be said, took place en tbe mora-- , Ing bs) received the check tor H.00 tran Darrow. He had told Darrow, aalduWi that Bain would be a poor' Juror tbnx' McNamtra. becaue of Ws preJudlOAt-i against union labor. ' He thought h1 could "get him. however. . I'Wt '- talked tli matter ovtr," con mined FrSn lire, "and had decided to spend l(,M'W'w the Jury, 04.000 of which was to hs"'gtveti-' to Jurors and 11.000 to myMlf. ..-? v."' Franklin then told of taking lit check? for 11,000 to tha bank and depositing 1 n his awn nama After drawing a obaek , for 000 sgalnat the deposit, ht said.'-ha went out to Bain nous. No on was at bom and later he mad snnthtr catU;' At thl point'ths defense raised the ab-',' Jectlon that the prosecution wag not pre- , sentlng Its case In accordance with thai . taw, contandltuj that before ths aUsgsdJ bribery of Baa could be shown the stsfp would be oompelled to prove the alleged bribery of Loukwood, the offense com-, plained of In tht Indictment agtlnst Dtr-n row. i i'. Attar nearly a. half hour had beta con turned In argument Judge Muttoa rulea against the contention of the defense anri ordered the witness to proceed. , Talks vrllb Mrs. Bala. Franklin .then told of bis second vltlV to the lialn home, where he found Mr.' , Bain.. He asotrtatned from her, h said,,, that there was a mortgage on their homaM and' after learning whether she would look with favor on hie proposition bs sal4,"J that ht told kar ba would gtv Bain .4 down II Bain agreed to comply Mth hlsvi eondltloM and a further sunt of tt,W J sfLer b bad cut bis vol for lbs acquit.. tal of J. B. McNamara. "Mrs. Bain said! Bob was an honest man," continued thfj witness, "and there might be some trouble , ta getUng blm ta agree to the propoal- ', Uon, but she thought b would do It" iU At thlo stage court adjourned until tojt morrow morning. .. . 1 ' " ' The contempt citation ot Robert J.Foa. ter, tht National Erectors' association de tective, which tbreattnsd to divert tha? acUvlly of tht oourt from the Darrow" ' trial, -was transferred today to Presiding' Judge Willis' department of tb superior. K court, where It was est tor bcatluc nex, Frtdajr. ' .-' .' ' 1 'ill '.tl.ii Methodist Nurses : TJoooitto TiinlnTYias -t- AllfWVlIU XAAWAUUlkl ..;u.4 at Coimeiicement-: Kim young womn who have devstad , ' four yean ot their Uvea towards mastsp tag the dull ot th proftailonal nursa at th Nebraska Methodist hospital trsro ' leg school fur purses held their ccrtmeno-' sitnt last aigbt in toe atcaoa xsuwaist Episcopal eburcn. roruetn ana rarnaia - streets. Ths young women are: .. Barbara Attn, lnes Van Gordon, Harriet " Jensen. Martha A. , Hill, ' Eva aterrF-J weather, Mae Crutiiinger, ossphlne Hard- Ing, Kdaa M. Erkart .sod Catherltw)-,, Hopper. .. . .' :.'':-"' ' .': Tbe cemmncement exercvatar.- tbe niae- -i ttentb of tha school, "war atundad by . trowd of relatives and friend who packed'. ; the little church until the ushers Were, .' Compelled to refuse admission ta let'' comers. - 1 ' i Rev. E. B. Crawford, pastor of. th Hanscom Park , Methodist Eplocop- Church, presided. Tha principal address wss made by Rev. I. F. Roach, pastor ot .' . St. Psul's Methodist church, of Lincoln.-- Mr. Roach declared tbat a wemaa whs . r devotes her life to the world, si most . nurses do. Is possessed of, greater op- .. portunitles for deTelopeneat of mortis -among those she meets than any other -of her sex. Tht speaker dwelt at terns length upon tht bard conditions which a -nurse must encounter after entering upon. ' her duties and ths ultimate results she"- mutt attain- Tb diplomas were presented - by President 0. A. Luos of the trsining srhooL " , ." Uuban insurgents -rfi Seize Two Villages- Li , . .Vjve. HAVANA, May JO.-Slne Ue bosrtnirJng- of the tniurreetiqn In Ortente, 'pews from the front never waa so meager aa today-i Information reaching Havana wa-con-'' -Bnd to Indications of Increased boldnwi, r on the part of the Insurgents as evidenced-. by tbelr tuoceasful attacks on the' vtl-. lages of Ramon de'Las Yaxu&s snd Trrr bagarainea where tbey defeated tbe rural guards snd captured a sergeant togetbeeviet s-itb arms and ammunition, "v.: ...!.'. These two 'plees are about twoa."-;: miles nor thee at of Santiago and art within?" the sane af operations where tha aat1owar and Inmrgent forces are now fsee to": face. They' are -included la th !Bi;? beavjly wooded region between Guan-'.'. tanamo, Saa Luis. Lasisys, and .Pairri r Seriaao. According to reports from Eaatjagt.f tbe rurals were routed.- , ..-j.- g. - ' ' "'" A Key to the Situation Be Advertising: - swas