Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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Strongest Interest in Tnde i on
- Buying Side of Wheat
' well Ariiatit la that Sapaltee Mast
Grow Lea tack Heath aad that
Braiiti Dat-tasT Saaiater
Will Exceed Sapply.
OMAHA. Mty Uli
The wheat market lias the spursrancs
of having tome of the strongest intertt
in tu tiaae 011 the buying side. If uut
this would mean Mist private KMiti on
ue glutting crop fully confirm th dft
sge to the e waeat bait, especially
Ivan and .Nebraska, i hwre la aio an
eitieaey leeilng in the northwest ewr tu
exceo&ive rainfall In th spring wheat
oeit. Cash sales of wheat are neavy and
stock are rapidly dccreaxancr. if the
much seeded tains do not materialize tile
aituatiun will be very bullish.
'ifnrre 1 aa unsettled feeilac In corn
futures until the May option contra:!
are settled. The bull artumant la that
euppiie of corn roust grow leas each
month and regardless of some Increase iu
. urn movement demands dunn toe sura
oitr will exceed in supply. Toe beers,
hvwever, feel confident owing to the M
iresstd acresge and food growing
wcstiier. I
vtoeat opened strong and higher on
l rung- rabies and no rain la Kansas or
.rlrks. selling' was free on the ati
vance and eloslua values wera tower,
cash wheat was 4tle lower.
Com ruicj steady and about unchanged.
Borne comilslnts are being tecetved on
tne newly seeoed crop, cash com was
unchaitatad to c hisher.
Primary wheat receipts were 324.MO
bushels and shipments war tu.0ut bush'
els. against receipts last year of sil.vut
unes and shipments or 3SS.W9 nuanet.
Primary corn receipts were bush
el and shipments wera aUMMt bushel,
against receipt laat year of 1,4J buss
els and ahipmenta of fit.Ou) bushels.
t'learsmss ware bushela of corn.
Lets) bushels of oats and wheat and flow
equal to m.m bushels.
Uvarpool closed 44 to Ha hlxher an
wheat and Vd to Kd lower on corn.
I he following cash sales ware reported:
'Wheat: No. 1 hard, t car. 11.4; 1 oar.
titm. Corn: No. i white. 1 car. vtu; 1
car. 0c; 1 oar, TsVjo. No. I white, 4 care.
?e; g cars, nc. no. t wut a. 1 oar,
'i:: 1 cart, 77c Mo. 1 color, 1 car, 7to.
.No. I yellow, 4 cars. Tec. No. 1 yellow.
t car. ieVo; U cars, 74Wc; 1 car, 744e.c;'l
car, 74c No. 4 yellow, I cart, 72c; 1 car,
?lc; I car, etc No. mined, i cart, "c,
1 cart, 74Vc. No. t mlsed, 1 car, 74V. It
tars, 74c; 1 car, 73c No. 4 mixed, 1
car. 71c; I ear, 71c; 1 ear, JWo; 4 cars,
; I car, esc; 1 car. sic. no grade, t
cars, tic; 4 cart, SMtc; 4 cart, ate; 1 car,
Mc. Oats: No. I white, I car, UV; 4 cart,
Uc No. 4 white, 1 car, ilttc; t cart,
elite. ...
Osaka Cask riliiia.
WHEAT-No. I hard. fctttWJSH: No. I
bard. ei91.0eH; No. 4 hard, U4491.4yj-
C'ORN-No. I white, 7MmbMSc; No.
white. TTtyTV; No. 1 yellow, 74ty7tc; No.
t yellow, 744r74c; No. 4 yellow, 4kVf7)o;
Ha. t, 74V.t74.c; Ne. t, 7M,t14Vj; Ne. 4.
flt71r; no grade, tt4Se.
OATS-No. I white, enitjttke; standard,
tttjtWe; No. t white, slVtc; No, 4
anltc tlBalWc-
BAKLtV-iilltlng. WcfMLII; No.
feed, jotTec; heavier feed. ftB4o.
KVB-No. i. Mietc; No. I, leoeso.
- Carlet ttaeelpt.
. Wheat. Cora. Otta,
Chicago 7 at let
Minneapolis la ... ...
timtha U - r
baiulli V
raataraa at Ike Tradiag aad Claala
Prtree aa Baard af Trade.
CHICAGO, May .-gt elements from
Kansas and Nebraska bankers that crops
tin id be sllright if rain came In the
next aix or seven days tended to make
wheat apet'Ulatora go slow regarding aen
watHinai dispatches sent la by field ex
pert. Largely In cvnsequsnre the mar
ket closed weak with prices ranging from
VvHc net lower to Ma advenes, corn
flioaed a loss of (t to fee from laet
night. Data were off He to Vee, and
provisions finished Irregular varying
trem ?Sc down to a gala of a ah ad a.
Iwke In the course of the session
bullish news carried wheat above last
night 1 level. The latest lldlnga of thtt
oil were that the extreme dry belt In
Kansas contained l.lou.OWi arret of wheat,
that two'ihiids o' the total was probably
worth lets and that th remainder prom
ised only a email yield, fcaat of the
drouth district, the crop, It wsa as
sited would be at per cent less than
adhatad May 1. Aside, however, from
mere conservative report! through flnan
. ial channel the character of th market
was much Influenced by the (set of the
I ohday tomurrow. A general deslra to
reduce open risk brought about heavy
ialitrrg on the part of longs and In the
ens helped pull down the market aa a
- Announcsment of another record breast
tent wheat crop In India had some beer
s effect. The total growth was of
ficially estimated at mort then I.UO.ertt
busheit lu txeeaa of th big figures of s
year ago. (tost fluctuated from U.rt-Vs
I IOS to 1.1!, with final sales et 1 ls
wJ l-. a decline of H6V- from yestsr
day t clot.
Country offer of corn exhibited scon
laereas. The weather also was In the
nisia against the bulla. .Nervous shorts,
however, brought about transient bulge
m the May option apparently without
substantial reasons, July ranged be
tween Tie and 1eV. closing weak, He net
lower at Ti'f. Cash grade were In fair
demand. .No. 2 yellow was quoted at
it wag a choppy market la oats. July
rangtd from between ttSc and ovc
The doee. Mo even, represented a dowa
tn ef Hyo from last night.
Provisions wrt weak. Vher was no
great pressure though to cell and this
aett-ark la prices did not averse to ex
ceed lev
Cloeing price of future:
Art. Open, I Hlh.i Ixiw. Clo., Te y
May J 1 14
1 14 I i is-,' in I 1 131,
July.4 !
-' I rs-il 1 11
t 11 ev'.si I e,
"DecJ tV
-,; KW,
7i 1 :-
73i V 1Z'V . J31,
43 H i IB 1 U
. July.
Dec.! ei-e
Osu 1
si i a 1 u
July )..
JS eiS SeiaBai
nept .4J,Ml
Dc.l 4SSI
Perk i I
' 4J
july.f l 47Hf U W
11 H
it n ins 1 u r-.: 11 k
Lard ! I 1 1
July. M Oty SHj M K 1 tjt,
. r-eoci W W eTV( M 74 Mat
1 i m, 1 i
Oct..! Ms7ittttIItMI
. Ju-y I 9 t i r jet n a; m b
etn.; tr.-jnm 1 m 1 ti km
w re
I 4t'i
I t !
PljOl R Kirm: winter pttetH. KM-
I S; winter straights. Rsinji r: spring
leitertta, tfc-b je pf-lnf ttraighu, MJt
ta baker. 14 e4.eV
liTBNo. . tic.
BARLEY Feed or mlttng. a9e; fair
to riiotc malting, B.Ujl r. ..e.0e. Clover,
tit a '..
paovi810N-Mess perk, tit rr-rQtVA
rsri itn tiercesl, tie.. Hhlrt rib itooeet.
Ml B.
Total -Hearsnces of wheat end fteur
e-f-e esual to bo. Primary re-ci-ir-te,
were B4.ei hu-, compared with
el eis) bu. the cwrrwpondiftg tw days s
year a"o. tstimatsd teeeipta for tomor
row : Wheat, t care; corn, 34 cars, oats.
St car; sutrt. 24-est ivead.
Thlcato Cash Price-W hest Xs, J red
tl. tail 14: No. t red, tMltjLliV. No i
i-ard. 13-41.14: No 1 hard, fl.llwl IIS.
. i northern, R,ISl.a; Xs 1 northv-ra.
II ;4i.i: No. 1 -rtiiern. K lift. IT: .No. :
wnsr. l.w-fLIS; No. 1 spring, tl ! u
u. 4 Bprtnc. tie4-t.O: velvet chaff, tl tt
: I, ourum. tljOtAMe. t orn, Xo. J. 7
?- No. I white, JSJVejai,:; , f yr.Wm
vi--a: .Vs. 3. WVTJVc: No. t whit.
K.V-- I-yeilow. 17',wac: Xo, 4. 741
- - Xe, 4 !.lte. 774T--r, No. 4 yellow,
.-!,, Oat. Su. J walte. StVrfsVAtr: X
I Mte. . -V: No 4 wh, s41c;
-enard, Sa-nV-c- Ry. rV. t, s. ar.
ley. 7cfl.2S. Seed, timothv, r.rt.
clorer lit VX.m.
Hi 1I1.K t iamricB. SfrSc; dalriet.
KiKJS-Steadv; ret el PH. C 171 eases: at
mark, caaea lnclnded. L,1) l4c . ordinary
Iirets. isc; firsts, lie
CHS&SE Weak: daislex. UMttxr:
twins. UStOUc; young Americas, Uit
Uc: km horns, t: Mi 11c
POCLTRV-AUve, ttead; turkeys, IK,
chickens. 144c, - .
VKAl-btead.' at taUc.
waetatlsws f the Day Varies
NEW YORK, My !.-rLOUR-Julet:
spring patent. winter etraiihl.
ti.lift.V2i. winter patents, tt.tosji et; spring
clears, xt.ep4.; winter extrsa, Ne. I
M.toeMit; No. t tHt74: Kansas
straights. IS.iefie.aV Buckwheat flour firm.
Rye flour, steady: fair to good, Is.GOfri.rt:
choice to fancy. ts.Be.. ,
CORN M K A k Hteady ; while and yellow.
tL70lJ: kiln dried. M.S.
BARLETgteady; mslllng. IL164JL2I. c
L f Buffalo.
WHEAT not market eaav: No. 1 red.
r 23 c I. f. domeatie basis to arrive
and export. U.23 f. e.' b. afloat to ar
rive; No. 1 northern Duluth, tl.a f. o. b.
afloat. Puturss market closed Uc net
lower. May closed tl.ll, July, tl.U!;
oepremoer, 11.11.
CORN-Spot market easy; export. lHe
tab. afloat. Futures market nominal;
shrpmests, Ujei bushel.
UATS-flpot market firm; stsndard
wnite, taVjtjAe in elevator; No. I
&fc: No. 1, tttWvk-: No. 4. CWSMsr;
natural whits and whits clipped, 41 He on
trees, ruturas market nominal. Receipt,
Cm bushels; shipments. 14. Out bushels.
HAT 4ulet: prime, tl.: No. L tl 66.
No. I I1.464J1 M; No. 1, tLtS4Li.
HIDE8-Ksy; Central America, ate;
notoia. M tji'.c.
LEATHER Klrm: hemlock firsts, St)
tc; seconds, teipk:; Uilrds. il2:; re
ject. Be.
PROVISIONS-Pork, firm; mess, K.J
wjo is: ismiiy. tx.uma o); short cler.
Ill .. Beef, firm; mess, tlt.9
lo w. ismiiy. sis iwwu .c; peel hams. 191.1s
twi w. cut meats, quiet: pickled bellies.
M to II pounds, tU.asmoo, pickled htm.
Ill.ntyU.os. Ird. easy; middle wen
prime. ie &!; refined, esav: eon
tinent, tll.oi: Houlh America, Uui; com-
pouno. se tv.z.
TAl.LOW Steady: prim city, 44c; gp.
etal, site; oountry. Mt'c.
CHEK8E Wesk; receipts, 4.4M box;
tat whole milk, white or colored, new.
tpsclsl, 14c; ststs whole milk, whit or
ooioreo, new. average nncy, 14c.
EOG gtaady and unchanged; receipt.
tt.W4ee. easy: western chick
ens, broilers. tOteHe; fowl, IMtqnic; tur
key, lie. Dressed, steady; nearby broil
ers, &4J4V-: wslern fowls, ItWtyllHc;
turkeys, 134) 2Sc
BUTTER Steady; receipts lis tubs-
packing stock, current make, .No. i. loir
er-r' papains evoca current make. NO. I.
it. Lewis trsaeral Market.
Tsra aad Wheal tteslsa Balletla.
United States Dmariment a( Aerlnul.
ture-Weather bureau' report for th
twenty-four hours ending ills, m., Tttk
marldtaa time,, Wdnesday. May , ltU:
Temp. Rata
(tatlsna, Huta. Low. fall.
Pt cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Cloud y
Cloudy '
Asniaao, men., it tl
Auburn. Neb.. 77
"Brokea bow . N
Columbus, Neb. 71
Culbertson. Nb. ..
rsiroury, rten. 7
Fairmont. Neb. 74
Gr. Islsnd, Nb. 74
Htrtlngten. Nb 44
Hastings, Neb . 41
noiareg. r eo, re
Lincoln, Neb . 76
No. Pistts. Nb 72
Oskdtis, Neb., en
Omaha. Neb ... 7
Teksmsh. Neb. 4g
'Valentine, Nb. 7
Alia, la. at
Carroll. Ia...... 44
( larlnda. la.... 74
Sibley, la, 11
Bioiix City, Is. t
'Minimum tsmpersiurs tot tweivs-heur
period ending at I a. m. Not Included
in tversges.
No. -Temp. Rain
Central. Station. High, Law, tall.
Columbua, f It
Loultvills, Ky ... it
India soils. Ind. 11
Chicago, til tt
St. Louis. Me .. It
Dei Moines, ia. tt
Minneapolis .... 4S
Kan. City Mo tt
Omahs, Neb...,. 17
Cool weather orevslle threusnsut the
entire corn and wheat region, tiood rain
were general wnntn tn it twenty-rour
hours In sli except th Omaha and Ksn
sa City districts. A few very light and
scsttared howers occurred In eaetern
Nebraaka. Rain of on Inch or mors oc
curred t th following station: In
Mlrhlgtn-rilnl. 1.4. llllnols-MsrUnton,
ltd; Olney. l.i. Indians Indienapolis,
l et; Madison. 1.14. Ohio-Bellfnntalne and
Canton, 1.49, Kentucky Bowling Greeen,
Kuksnk. Lrt; Ursenaburg. 1 40: Wll-
Uanuburg, 1st. L. A. WELSH,
Leosi rsrscsstsr. Weather Bureau.
at, l.ssle Ueaeral Market.
ST. I.OU18. Mo.. Mty .-WHKAT-
Ctsh. firm; track. No l red. U IMvl im,
No. I nerd. u.lltt)l.ix.
COK.N Irregular; IrscK, No. I. ax; no.
t white, ate.
0AT8-Lowr:.trscs. No, l uwc; No.
t white. iotptuSc.
Cloeing prices or ruluree:
WHEAT Lower: July, tie; Keptem-
bw. U Otrttftl.en.
CORN-Lowsr; July. 7Jc; September.
0AT9-Lower: May. uvtc; July, eo'tc
RTE L'nchsnged st t4c.
ritOL'R Dull: red winter patents, ti 50
41t: extra fancy and straight, tt,8
hard winter clears
RKrD-Timothy, io 00.
BRAN weak; 11 U4J1 it.
HAY-Dull: timothv. CB.enotl W. '
PRO VrHIONH-Pork, wnchanged; lob
bing, flies. Lard, unchanged; prime
stetm. k toejie 4H, Dry salt meat,
unchanged: boxed extra short,;
clear rib, trl 40. hort clears tll ft. Rs
eon. ttnehanged; boxed extra short,;
clear Hps. lU.&t: short clears til Ti.
P)ILTRT-Steady: chickens, lfc:
springs. llsc; turlttys lie; ducks, llff
25c; geese, sc.
ni'TTKR Lower: creamery. :lAc.
E'Xitt-Lower, Mc
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bblt...'. ., 4.4ns
Wheat, bu.. I7.ets) Koot
Corn, bu i
Ost. bU 4S.O 44. KS
ksssae City Ore I a aad Provisions.
-Ch. ateadv to Sc lower: No. 3 hard,
tl ItSfrl s .No. t. n 1 1JH; Nov t res.
II IMI HW: No. t. tl.llttl.U.
4jRM Cnehanged Is 1c lower; No. t
mixed, etwsov; Ne. t, 7r7Hc; Na,i
white. XMc; No, X flSc.
OATH Steady; No. I white, ISthMc; Na
1 ndxed. Utilise,
Dosing prices of fotores:
WHKAT-JuIt, ttttV.: September, fi t.
tny-Jly. ;4ee; September, 4tSc; De
cember. Sc.
OATtS-July. t4V; seotembcr, 4114
HA V Steady; choir timothy, teety
Receipts Shipmeme.
Wheat, bu. o.iwe S7)
Corn, bo " )
ou. bu n.m 4 t oo
wlaarwpell tieala Market.
H.I7S; July, fl U: September, tl M.
Cash. S'l. 1 bard. II VMi: No. I northern.
n.MMil.ieS: No. t northeta, ILUW-UV:
no. 1. n iosBuav
CORN-Nol f yellow TewTic
OATS Na. whtts, tie.
RTE-Ne. t BMfMc-
B RAN In M-pound aaesx, IS
rUi: first patents. It.suws.7e; sec
ond patanta. te sMst : fti-st dears, tl t
4.1; secons clears,
SJHeraakew tirstw Market.
I sorthers, 11 SAsqll.tlS: N 3 northern.
n IMs I its; : hard winter. II IMM 14.
Julv tt ;i: ptttna.T tl es'tWI esS.
CORN-.Xs yettow. 7sr: Ne. I white.
o: So. I, TtqrTTe; July, 7sSrv. ee
CUT Standard klV
BAItLCf-Malting. K tastl.Zt. . f
Ksjr v 1e Situs noo-llew Adierti,ag.
IUilA OlUU fflAiliVLl
iviux wivvn lumuujs
Trading- More Animated it the
Eipente of Valuei.
rtbark la Sees H tics af Rsathssest
erw rteade Mas Ortgla la Belief
that riawda Will Affect
NEW TORK. Msy 21 The stock mar
ket today awakened from its torpor snd
became decidedly more animated, but at
the expense of value. A combination
of liquidation aad snort sejig. In
fluenced perhspe by unfavoraule rail
road earnings caused a sudden reversal
from the steadiness of the opening.- By
noon prsctlcslly every leading stock was
soiling considerably under yesterday s
lowest prices.
Pressure continued to center around
the coal shares, with evident unloading
of such Issues ss Missouri Pacific Rock
Islsnd. Kansas City Southern common
and preferred and Chicago A Alton, these
receding 21 points, with concurrent
weakneas in allied properties, Reading
decline was aacrlbed to th company
poor etatement for April, which reflected
the effect of the prolonged anthracite
strike by a combined net decrease for
the railroad and Its subsidiaries of II.-
K.40b, wnlls the Trie system for the
same period reported a loss ot almost
On th other hand Canadian Pacific.
which roe simost 4 point st the open
ing, ahowed a net gain approximately
of ll.ui.OJ for April and Northern Pa
cific and Central of Georgia alo.raale
good returns
Tne setback In tba securitl of th
southwestern roads, which went so fsr
ss to affect some of the bond, seemed
to have Its origin In the belief that tne
recent flood In ths Mississippi valley
must nscensrily affect the returns of
ins lines traversing ths trtckn country.
Such prominent Industrials ss United
Ststes Steel. Amslaamated Conner end
American Smelting felt the fores of the
ssriy Decline to the extent of a point,
but support In these lines seemed better
than In tit railroads mentioned. Before
ths afternoon eeealon had proceeded far
in 11st ninirted a tendency to make
some recovery, out declines supervened
snd the better tons men gsvs way to
sn Indefinite drift, which continued until
tne last nair nour. when Union Pacific,
Steel and Can and a few other prominent
storks mad full recovery to th accom
paniment of sn Inert eloaa.
Monetary conditions were Inclined to
grester firmness today, especially In the
una maturities Losses of local banks
to the subtreasury thus far this week
are fully twice aa laree aa a week
A broader market for commercial paper
waa noieo, witn increasing purchases by
New Kncland Inatitutiona.
Tha bond market was heavy, some of
the active Issues, ssnedallv collateral la
Showing weakneas. Total sal, par
vain, amounted to t2.OM.000. Panama
es coupon oeciinea per cent en call.
Number of ssles and lMSdlna euotatlona
today wars at follows:
tales Hits. Us. Cless.
Atlls-fssHaers stt
Astslcemeta Cesser ..
Amerlgea Asrtciiltefal .
m 1 1
, M.MS
aawrlcaa Beet sussr.n.. t ies
Aatsrles Css i.m
Aswrleaa C A I 1.404
surioss isttes oil
Saisricss HAL.
Am, Ice Secsrttlee....
Assert Ltssse ....
Aawrtes LscesuHlv
Aavsrless t. at R.,,.,
Aw. s a R. ere
AM. Stsel rsanerle.
Aw. Suear Rstlslst...
Aserrlcss T A T
Aweries Tebecee I4.
asserlfea Week ....
Asseeetts Hlslst C..
Aleklae efl
Atleetle Ceel Us...
Sslilwers a 01..
SMSIetew Sletl
1 H
... u.
H tetu xn
H Hi M,
1,11 !,
4SS 14444 14l
Me i 'it'i
4 res i, 4i4
1,14 14 14tVt
Ml 1414 IS14I
41 U.
,. 1W
M 1414 IMS. las
14 t 17 ?,
hraehlre RssH Tt.
Ckasdlaa Pselfle ...
Centrsl Leslber ...
...... S.IB
llieie mi, ma,
...... set n
feolrsl Leslher pt ...
Csstrsl et New Jersey.
tlleMSesks A Otis....
Ckkess A Alls
rake 0. w , ..,.
Cklcese a. W. st
Cls .
CtKete, M. S St. P..
C . c . C. tt. L....
Cetera P. A I
Cetera t Setar...
nieaeliast Oss
t jes 1144
is 11
14 Vt
44 U
M U44i
lew is4
44 H14
.- H
,4M 14lt 14114 141w
te 11 ui rs
1 1W4 1114 is)
let Hi II lis
ele . ttta
Core ptesuet
IMIaeere Heasss. ..
Ueavse XI area.
d a it. s u . aw
hustiiere' Severn le ss
Kris ... 4.I4
Krle 1st pM. law
trie M el 44
ttli l 1114
1444 1444
M K , U
tSkt 41 , 41
171 14114 iiev,
Oeeersl trlsetrle
Urest N en hers all
greet Merreera Ore etts.
llttsels Cestrsl
iatsrsereut atat.
liter Met s'4 .......
lait ill las
sss lia iw
last Ills at
II 44
l 41
1111. US
111 . l4t
144 lt
Mw Ml
Islerestlwasl Ifsresstar ,
letsr-kUrise I4
Isterasf tenet Pater
Istsrsstleaal Pswp
lews Osstrsl
Kansas CHy testasrs..,
K. C SS St
Laeleee OSS
Usisvuie a Na.iiie..
. t,lt
, 1,141
Ul 141
iii" iii''
Miss. A St. Leals
si , it. r. as s .m
Hlaseerl. X. 47 T. ......
., K. T. N
. MS
7 40
- 44
I) 4t
11 41
ttst -
144 141
41 MS.
atlssserl Iweine
Nslieesl aiecutt .,
Nslleaal Lse
N R R et si at M.
New Tent Central
1 11 U llTt, Ilia
IS 471 tit 17
tn n iiti 111
re 1114 tiw si
tare mit 1114
ISO 14 XI 134
1 te 11m t; ii4
44 114V. lilts 11144
T., tV A W
Norte It A Wasters
Vertk Aweriess
Northers Peetrts
ratios Matl
tt U....
LIS 141 II4
te 3.44 n
ass ti 1114
Heel Csr
Palees Csr
fUltwer ttsel tsstsg...
Resllst ........
ReMIc Steel
HeeeMle Siesl phi...,,.
Fleet talsM Co
tat likuvl O tM..
41 ItUj tit
111.1 1711, ll
w Pi It
! 7714 771 34. a
n et Mi
l.4s mi M44
1 A F. M M...
ti. toots w ,
1 s. w. t
Slees taemell a at I...
Soeleer Pwtins .......
tsetrisnl Rsllesf
IT 44 tl tte
Lies M
tee 74 i
Rsllwer t4
Tsssai is Cs ,
1.741 4444 441
Tun A rsctlK
T., L 4 W
t . t. u a . i
tstee Ps.ifie
I alee ferine t
t'silod Stale Realty ..
tat s Ses
It. set ltl 17
Ml s
M 77 TT
ITS 44 tt
M,SS4 l
toll fttai Sosser..,
tsHed ttstss Heat......
I stool ao4 ,
list rveeer
M 114 114 IMS
ASW 43 11 t
V -rerallae Caawastl ,
LUt si 11
Waesst .,
SSkesk t4
Westers Msryise .....
est 11 11
jet 44 MS
tes n 71
te tt K4
Letlsk VaUer ..
, tl SSS 1T7 171
, Let n
. I 14 14 1
te rrt ir
kls Coeeer ...
TUr Ceaaalisalo
tetsoer ttr Us. 4SS a M
I A U f 1 44 M U
Ttl asies Ssr tt sr, us 1
eatwa Slesek Marwet.
BOSTON. May . Ooelng Quotation
cn eteck were:
Allseee tteeaek 4
Asssl. Ceeeee slNeesB CM 11
A I 1 A I ...... a Nltosts sllee 7
Artaees Cote I t-tlKortb Sett XV
S. A C. C A a M. 7SNortt Use
a At..,
. t!lM nialsies M
,W Ooreeie Ill
. rsQotr 17,
, sSSiass II
. USteeertar n
. ttUtseenes A M.. 1 -H
, ISTsassfeek 4S
.11 V t s a A M...
, t tt pr
, it sit row. ir
. Isl'ul Caesar Ce 41
A Kerto.....
Oek 4Us C. C,
Cost Sett 4 M .
Sttees Co
Oeasr tw ' ......
sale Rerele Cesese.
Kerr use
ia Ssit Catjajer.
- t
Se-oe Vosrk Mlalaa tsawsuv.
NKW TORK. May Cloaiag quota
ttstas oa intnlng Mocks:
Atloe ,l7iuttle Caaat .. I
Ceo. Teeeel start. tSUeikea m
So tojwa It On Is -w ....... s
Cow ri. A v. snMr , m
Ires !) ,.,.aVtsaael X
Le4te Coo, MTeoew strkst ...... at
r-wtteia W4 Tree try.
vrASHlNftTON, May 9J.-AI the bo
gnrmrnr ef btsstness today the esyrtditlon
ef tl-e I'ttited State teeeaojey w: W'arti
Ing baksttr In treasury erttce. $
in banks and Philippine treasury, kw eu -HI,
totsj bsiaave la seoeral fiiad, lut..
7t.S: ordinary receipts yesterday were
fi.l3S.ta wiUi ordinary dirburse merits of
I year. tt,it.307. as against a surplus of
JUi WM at tins time use year. 1 neae
flrurcs exclude Panama canal and public
debt transaction.
.New s'artt ttssry Market. '
tall, steady; J'.tj-S per cent: ruling rate.
74 per cent; closing bid. IS per cent:
offered at 2V, per cent. Time loan,
teadj: sixty day, t per cent; ninety
day. XIV per cent: tlx month. J'-TiJ-,
per cent.
per cent.
actual business tn hanker' bills at 14-1440
for sixty-day bills and at H S7J9 for de
mand. Commercial bills. Ks.
SILVEK-Meiican dollars, 4Sc.
BONDS tjovernment, easy; railroad,
heavy. ...
Closing quotltion on bonds today were
as follows:
17. ret. It, teg...l4lter. M. at. 4a...
4 eesssa mtUsees 4a ............ 14
rj. g. at rag 17 ts K
esesea 1K. C. h. Is Is... 72
V. I. 44. leg. ....... 114 L I. otb. 4 ml.. 13
4s esase 114 L. A N- eel. 4s.... 44
Allts-Casl. 1st Is... 1M. K. A T 1st 4s. ti
Asi. As to M1H 4eoa.4a M
A T. A T. r. 4..lllaMe. Pacific 4s 71
Am. Tatsess 4s..... HSN R R f M 4s M
ee 4 lW'iN. T. C. s ! ... IT
atoost A Ca 4sH 4 b. as. M
Al'klaoe gse. 4s.... slN. T. . H. A It.
e ev. 4. Tt cv. Is lav;
So er. ss let ev. 4V W. tt a - M
A. C. U 1st s 44 k et. 4s 111
S A O. ss MSN. Pacific 4. S
ae l ) eo Ss t
B, W. IS., si 0. g. L. rMg. 4a.. 41
treat. Tr. ev. 4 .. asPen. ee. Xe 1114.. 17
OS. ef ne. Is 11 H eee. 4
roe. Lest her Is KSRasllsg get. 4s t
ft. et N. S. I 4..i:i tilt P. rx. 41 71
Cke A Oslo 4. KN 4e tee. Is M
e tef. Is M ML! W. e. 4s.. 11
rslcss A A. IS.. 11 "te 1st gelt 4.. 11
C. I. A Q. i. 4s.... MSS. A. L 4 44
4e tes, J M Ss Pie. eel. 4s 11
C M A f 4 4. W 4e e. 4s M
Ctl.tF.tkl4 o 1st ret. 4s ts
4 rfl 4 tlae Rellwey Is. ....17
Cola In. I 71 en . 4s 74
Oilo MI4. 4s. tales Psrirtc 4.. ..!
C. A r A 4S M
.. .10114
as 1st A tef. 4a.. NT,
A ft- O.
II C. I. Rubker 4....1H
46l' , ttaol !4 M...ll
74Vs -tlsr. tit em. Is.. MS
4Waoa.h 1st to..,....l4
71 e lat A es. to... 47
a ret. Is...
ratllln' Is
Iris s. I. 4s
4s tea. 4s .
o ev. 4s. as
4s series B.
st wrtsr at. 4.... 17
nWt. dec. ev. to.. It
ne. Rise
ttswi rsetrai 4s ... 11
Ill Can. 1st ret. 4s M Me. Pse.
to.... 1
Ister. Met 4a .... Bpss M
SI4. "Orlsre.
loweU atsek Market.
lINDON. May a.-Amerlran securitl
opened steady and a fraction hither to
day. The early trading was light, but
orlr Improved under the lead of Cana
dian Pacific. At noon prlcet were from
te 10 points above yesterday's New
York cloalnC
RTJTTER No. I. l ib. cartons, tic; No.
I In et-lb. tubs. Uc; No. J. J8i4c; pscklng.
Be. . .
CHKKBB7 7mportod Swiss, tic: Amert
caa Swiss. He: block Swiss. Mc; twins
too: dtliKa. foe; triplet. Mc: young
Americas. ie: blus label brick, Uc; U tu
be rger, Mb. He; Mb. tic.
Fish (frasb frntenJ-Pickerei, ft; whit.
11c; pik. Uc; treut. Uc: Isrgs crapple.
1 tllSc; Spanish nwksial, lie; eel. tto;
htddockt. Uc; flounders, 13c; gren cat
fish, 14c; ros thsd. suo . h: hsd roe, per
psir, ttSo; salmon, Mc; halibut, eVtc: ysl
low perch, tc; buffalo, ': bullheads, lie.
POL'LTR T-Brollr, t6.004.t.t per dot,;
tpringt, XsjfUc; htnt, Utfltc: cockj, llo;
duckt. tOtttOc: gas, lie: turkey.
pigeons, per dos; HA Alive: Hens, 110
li4tc; ois rooctera, ac; oia aucK. zuli
feathered. Uc; gees, full feathered, to:
turkey, lisjltc; pigeon, per dot., 7e;
homersir dos., ti.U: usl. Mo. 1, U iu,
Ns. 1 ribs, Kc: No. 1 nb, lc: No. t
not, its; no. 1 cnucas rtc; rto. 2 chucks,
to; No. I chucks, c; No. 1 loins tlttc;
No. I lolnt, 17c; No. I Mnt, 1j,c; No. i
rounds, Uc; No. I round, Lie; No. I
rounds. iic; no. 1 pit tes, sc. No. :
pistes, 74c: No. t pities, 7c
VKUETABLES Beu. old crop, per Is.,
1V4C, Cbbsg. WKcunsin. per lb., 4u;
new California, per lb.. 4c, Celery, Cal
ifornia Jumbo, per dot., t. tt. riorida, la
th rough, 410 dus, par cass, ti.ii. Cu
cumber hot house, per box, t-'.'sl. Kgg
plant, fancy Kloriu. pr dos. :.o0. liar
Uc, sxlr fancy, white, per dot., lee
Lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per dot,, too.
Onion. Cslifornls. white, boiling, per lb,.
To: Wlseonsln, yellow Ulob. per lb., to.
red tilebe. per lb., ic; spsnlsh. per crsts,
list. priy. Isncy southern, pr dot.
bunch, sow 1 sc. 1'srsnip. fsncy south-
rn. per dot. , bunches, v7c, Psrsnlpt,
per lb., f ie. Potatoes. Mlnneeuta Red
River Early Ohio Seed, per bu.. tl ;;
Minnetots Ksrly lloso seed, per bu..;
Bllst Triumph areed, per bu., tl lu; wit
contln whit stook,. pr bu., ti.uu. Ruts
bales. n sacks, per lb., 140. Tomatoe
Florida, per 4-bsk.. crat. 13 71; Cuban,
per t-bsk., carrlr, U Turnip, per Us.
"r'iltlTg, KTC.-Auples; Extra fancy.
Bsn Davis, per bbl.. fl til Wtnssapa. per
bbl ti: fancy MIssouli Pippins, wr b
Ml; Idsbe Jonsthsn. exUs fincy, per
box, tS M): Whlnton - Spttxenberg. per
box. Hot: Wsshlngton R. Hesuty, per
sex. tttii V.shlntm Stymsn Winttsps,
per box, tt.M. Hananaa: - Fancy select,
per bunoh, f, Jumbo, per bunch,
t2.7ttto.7. Dates: Anchor brand, new.
At 1-lb., pkgs In box. per box, tt.A; Drum-
dsry nranax, new, ju 1-10, page, in box,
per box, ti Figs: ' California, per ess
st U No. 1: Pkg., kc; per case ef M No.
12 pkg., A! to. per cs of 44) No. f pkts.
It; bulk. In ts and Stub, bosea. per lb.,
tec; new Turkish, t-crown In tu-lb. box.
per lb., uc: s-crewn in l-lh. box, pit
Ik., too; -crown la 3s-ib. box, pr lb.,
17c Graoe fruit: florid. 34 ell, oer
crsts, tt. 41 sits, pr crate. H.M. tS-M-44
is, per crate. o-ev. urspes: sssisga
In bbls. V-fXafl te. Lemon: Llmonelr
selected brand, sxtra fsaey. 300-Jo ii,
par box, H: Umt Ltmoneira, (anoy, duo
sot una, per box, t-A; Mt-t is. Mc
per box less; Cslifornls lemon, tot-st
Use, per box. HJ.4t. Orange: Cali
fornia Camellia bund Navels, extra
fancy. to-ul-lee-l.s-Jit-zis-a sixes, per
box. extra choice, all Ur. per box.
tl; Elepltsnt brand, lU0-174-aat-si slses,
per box. t3.b; Ito-Stii-tM sites, per sox.
tJ.tV Pin pel: ro-M-M slses, per crale.
ts. gtrswberrtet: . Louisiana, per case of
4 pint, tis. '
Mlw fcLUAXsr.ui o A'mnnas, .tarra
gons, per is. ue; m scs tots, le less,
Coccanuts. per sack. t4 08. Filberts, per
lb.. 14c; la ssrk tots, ic was. resnuts,
roasted, la tack lots, ptr lb.. 7HjC; reaeted
lees than sack lota per lb.. Ic; raw. per
lb , 4c. Pecans, isrg. par ID . uc; in ecx
kit, to sms. Wtlsuts, new crop, mi,
California, per lb. 17c; In sack lot le
Uea Cider. Beer Nehawaaa. per It-gal.,
Vt bbL. tt 01. per iaL. bbl.. fAM; New
York. Mntt's tr U-aal. bbl.. xi"0; per
-cai. bbl.. twit Honey, now, M framea.
13.74. Krout per U-gaL kt Ctt; per
l-gst keg. tLaV
Metal Market.
NEW TORK, May .-METAL-und-srd
copper, firm: spot. May. June. July.
August and September. tlA2Ujts.f). Lon
don market, firm: spot (Tt Its d; future.
f74 t td. Arrtvala reported at New Tork
toC-y. t tst ton: Custom nous return
stK,ts exports ef at.4t7 ton s fsr this
month. Lsas t-oprwr, tlA7TTT : electro
lytic. tl4.7t: easting. It. RVrfrlt.SH. Tin.
spot and May. Mo Tie 46.3; June, ItitJ
t: July. 444 CStt'tl: Aurust. tottga
44.17,: September, t4i.90tJ44.tsX Satee. S
ton June, at 44.34: ti ton June, at let tt
. .. SOt tft- OA ,o l.llv t
945.48: S ton Auguot. at 14.3. London
market, easy: spot rax Me: futures, tl.
ft. Lead, steady: 14 14 ti. New Tork:
94 14a4 M. Eaat St. Leeis. Lottdon. fit
II td. Spelter, steady; o.9w7.s.
New Tork; ttt.7etex.lst Esst St. Louis. Im
don. d 17 Sd. Antimony, outet:
Cook son a at . Iron, Cleveland wtrrants
to ta London. Lssrslly Iron wss steady:
No. I -rowntlry northern. tlAetsfJaVT: Na
X t!.01i.o: No. t southern snd No. I
southern oft. tJS.Mwli.7i, .
rate Msrkei.
rare market chased eutet st a net Vt
of frem 99 to points Sale, t Sas) beg:
JWn ix Mc: Auaruet. is tsc: leptemher.
it Me: trotter. 1156c; November U Me:
December. Jsnusry. ' Birr; Kebrvaary,
tiac: Msrcti and April. lAiae. Toro, arrow
will be a holiday in tn local market.
Spot coffee ojiiiet: Rio. No. 7. 14te: San
toe. No. 4. lite; nil Id. tHnet; Cordova. K
Ituc. '.'..
Hey tVwexla Market.
Tb dry Ttd tasrket wa autet m the
vrtmsry d:vtaei with price g welly
teadv. Joetssrs are oV(n a better trade I
ta summer foods for tmaaedlata delivery. .
Cattle sire Slow ajid Steady to lea
, Cents Lower.
Shew a aad Lambs la Light Receipt,
bat Desaaad to l-lbt, as Vsaiil
Orfere a Holiday, and
- Prices Daly Steady.;
SOUTH OiiAHA. May a, lSli
RfMipU wei Cattve nogs. Sheep.
orndsl Monday t.714
Official Tuesday 4.41
Estimate Wevlnetdsw.. tefti
Three dsn this week. 10 U4
3sme days lat week..W,73
Same dy t wks ago., i.571
Same days 1 wks ago. 01 .tit
Same days 4 wks ago.-UtTj
S day laat year.... 1.494
The folio wing table showt ths rscelptt
of csttis. hog and sheep st rtuuth Omahs
for 'the year to data, as compared with
iast year; ltll , lU. inc. Dec
-'ltl n. 177,771 41H.tM 40,93
Hog ...146,44o l,tt,M4i 447.S3S
Sheep ........ a4.77 lt,J7ii.
The following table shows the range of
prices paid for hogs at South Omaha for
th laat tew days, with comparisons:
Date. u. iitu.jiiiia.iiaut.iiiotuui.iiacsi.
May MA 7 i I L 7il 1 til 4 sal L It! 4 23.
say XI. I 1
I 42i e 411 I I l 4 Mi t !l
7 4,, t et) 1 1 ii t ari it U a
t ty, 51 1 4l! 1 1 11 i
J IMi, t ti) 3l W I 041 4 Si
1 4H,' i ty t It 7 IO; ; H, t 991 12
I i tt Ml 7 HI t lei I X
7 9 ; t , I 17; 7 Hi 6 Si, t 90, -
stay J. 1 :
May s.
May 24.
May m.
May 36.
May .
May St.
I Jo, J 0J( I 3 I 8i
May t!
I 7 us, 1 aii ! a
Receipts snd disposition of live stock
at the L'nlon Stock Yards, South Omaha.
Neb., for the twenty-four hours ending
at 3 o'clock: .
45,139 13.1W
ii.oU 1S.M3
W.4 S.2T7
lt.o i;.w
K4S 11,877
' Cattle. Hogr Sheep.
P.. M. ft- 8t. P.... t a
1 Wabash 1 4 1
Missouri Pscirtc... t 4
l'nlon Pacific .... 1 7 4
C. 41 N. W., east.. S Vt
C. N. W.. west.. lot 4
C, SL P., M. A O. 14 . 35 1
C, B. 4V Q , east... U 1
a, B. Q.. west.. U ' 41 I
C, R. I. V P., east I U
C R. I. ft P.. wt .. 1...... .
Illinois Central I i . ..
C. O. W 1 .4
Total' receipts... MB SH ' 45 " 7
" Cattle. Hess. Sheen.
Omaha Packing Co.:.. 401 aim , tM
Swift and Company:,
' 414
Ul 4,115
cudshy packing Co.,
Armour V Co
Schwarts A Co
Murphy .,
Morrell J..:
Hill Son
Huston A Co
J. B. Root tt Co.....
J. H. Bulla
U K. Hiiss ........
Le RotechUd
Other buyers
Totsls .......
, "7 ,
1 17
, '
. ss
440 ' at
..1719 S.UI 3,47
CATTLhT Cattle receipt wr fslr to
day, making tn total for th wek 10,134
head, whkn I slightly smaller then tor
the same dsys last week, but larger than
a year agu uy about 7 head.
While the very beet aeef steers hers
wers pernaps steady, the general market,
especially en the pretty good klnda and
down, was alow t KM lower. There waa
ont buncn of cattle good enough to bring
W.uu, the hlgheat pries so fsr this waek,
Cowt and heifers wers In moderate
upply ana tirlctry good dry-lot slutt
sola etesaily st price that wr tuny
steady with y cetera y. . On th other
hsnu. the common and medium grj
and everything showing ft 11 tlow and
lower veiy aay.
There were very few ttockert snd feed
ei in the ysrd. but the demand con
tinues tery light, with the result tKst the
merest Is stcauuy working oownwsrd tor
uie lexk 01 a good buyin suppuri, -
ijiiuiu.ioiia w.i ,-utiie: tiuwu tii choice
best steers, f t.mejs.10; fair ts good besf
sioois, 41.sif0.iAi; common to uiir oeef
ovteis, ev.toe7.v, aooti tw clinic hifis,
4o.,'6ti7.'i; good to choice cowt, S.7o.7s;
fair to good cows, Ie.te9s.7i; oommon te
lair cow, 14. 0(494. at; good to choio Mock
er snd feeders tt.77.0; fair te good
tuckers snd feeders, te.Ou9i.1i; common
to fslr stocksr and feeders. M.uut4.o,
stock cow and heifer. U vest
cslvss, MOOfri-M; built, ttatit,. stc, Iii
tilt .
Reprssenlatlve tale:
At. Pr. Na Av. Pr.
.... 4JI 4 4
44 17
IT I 14
ton 1 4
.... tit t it
....1441 I 4
uii I is
II 11U I
II 110 I tl
4. ton 1 n 11 iii 1 44
a i 1 .
1 a
17 1441 14 I.
....1144 Is 4..
.... IOM 7 U II..
:..,.Mr T ii a..
.....lit! I II.. 1 Tt ' it..
US 7 Tt St..
441 IT II..
Uai I U
,1141 4
UII t tl
114 I It
1117 I I
U44 1 a
14t t 44
1 ....
,....1111 T u Mat
Ml t a
..... tn 1 a t in a
..... mil 11.... et 11
ii 1 14.:......... m 1 4
at u u ....uii 1 a
..... Hi it t.. m a
......ti tw t. ....lea ia
1141 l 1.. ......... I14S 1 a
..:,.isa iw i...........i!ss 1 a
.....nit 1 a 4
. ... ill t a
lit la
,..114t 4 1 1.,.,..
late 4 a l ....
..ia . I u
i "-"i
.AS tt
7a 4 a
...... II t M
...... UM it
...... lit' 7 4
its 1 a
Uas sw 1
..... a t ti 1
.... te 4 as 1
..... IM I IS 1
to t 4 1
... in a
.... U4 ID
.... in 1 a
.... ia 4
... ti I -
. It I 4 I.......
...... 741 T 4
...... 411 1 1 a mm,
ia 4 4 11 wu I 44
OOS Hog thortage talk Wss further
discredited thl morning by the arrival
sf about r?,0U head. Packers followed the
sum basr tactics at th opening that
tiiey did yesterdsy, but dim bid early
failed to buy many bogs and prices fln
Uly settled to level only a nltket lower,
the bulk of th run selling st this decline.
Lniavatabje sdvtces from other markets
seemed to have no direct influence upon
th trade, the market appearing more or
lee independent.
. Cnlike yesterday's session, movement
during the morning was fairly active and
a W1 puartivn v wo www vansawa nanwa
betors II o clock. There were aeverai lull,
in ths demand, however, and larger
droves were purchased by Instalments.
Shippers furnished a fair outlet for good
anedlum waasht butchers, but Inoulrv rruwi
tiiia quarter lacked urgency ana compttl-
tion Utrougbout wa rather oult.
Beat heavy lmgs oa Sal brvuant 97.49.
as omBartd with yestenao't top ot ft.-
bile busk atsaod wKnin . , ,., mu
margins betwcea the thrt general cias-s:
acesonabiy narrow, it: tit
it ;. snd less.
i t'0' f'lln.t
After the biz bulk ef th hoes bad
. ! chert ed hande and aum ef the btiyets I
Iliad lined their oroere ana ten th )anss 1
the market easea oil. uoetiig very slow
with late bed as much as He tower thaa
yesterday and ia ataa
Reureswatatiy sales
Me. a, ss. n.
...."... 171 ... I 44
ti.. it I It
it.... ...m ta T
m m si 1
t: in ... t it
44 111 IB
n 111 ... 7 a
t...r...m ... t
a Hi 44 t it
as ai ... I it
aa ci 14s T 2
u a ... t
.......! 4 t J
U 411 . . 7 Is
...;... ' 7 1
4... ...HI M ta
tl 31 III 7
IS...... ,4 IB
41. SB 419
a., ni I J
a.. .....tra is is
w in el t as
nr.. rn ... t n
tt rt M l
Na- St. ta. Pr.
u ... IS
a ut- 13
aw at T a
et :oi ... t o
....... X at TH
ts a st t x,
M I IM t 3
7 st ... t m
SS Ut 4 T li
14 .at te ta
:w ... 73 .
n J t t
a t m ta
....Sit WIS
n mt at t a
. SI 4 t 7711,
I U4 It I 17
-ai in,
3u ir.
....,. 34 9 1 a
r :.3t a t a
c ... .r4 a t a
t -T74 a t a
ti......a ... ta
a .,...34 a.ta
at ... ia
- tw ... t a
t a
I at
'tt Ill Ml 7S 4!.......M .. 7M
4 714 ... 7 C I7...,.M UTS
71 34 1-4 J Stt 14 7 it
K.. t.t St M 17 ZU 1 -
a in is n m a m i v
c si wis 74...... .ra ... t
IS 1M 4t 7 !5 tl II. ...
17. ::.... as t a a htm -
a? s it ' 34....:..t74 n i
74 en 4 7 a n sti 7 . ,
it 3: hts n....:..m t 7
ii m it t a n in :
SB SO W It M let ... IS
11 tat ... . t u ii sh at -1 a
st.......;ii ... T2 ti..:... sst .:. Tit ,
41 IIS It T 3 o7...'....U7 E I li .
St. 513 ... T3 .. III at '1
t a UTS 71 144 15 7 ii
71. ......Ill It 7 a tl !7I N it
;t in n 19 ra .. in
ti ra a T a n sit t t &
!J1 ... 7. 44. SIT ... T3o
Tt t MIS sa tn tl T C -
71 .I 14 7 a J !t ... 7
M. 745 14 7 S ".......! WIS
xa B It ii Ill If 7 31
r ta it T a u ... u
H . .a m 11 a ia tss t
SHEKP Lamb trade opened slow and
weak and the market as a whole poe
eseed few eredliabte trait. Moderate
receipts were Ignored ' completely snd.
packers bought with ss much Indiffer
ence aa if the run had been excessively
heavy. This sttltude wss partly ex
plained by the ftct that tomorrow tt
I)ecortlon dsy, killing gangs generally
remaining Idle on legal Holidays
About nine .- tosds of stock arrived,
mostly shorn lambs' that were fair to
good. Nothing strictly toppy wi in
cluded tn the upply, the best Iamb on
sale bringing to 30. Other offering that
traded up pretty wll moved at tt.2e,
general trade being quoted wesk to a
dims off.
There were only a few bunches of
sheep on sale and vslues were poorly
tested. A short deck of prime ntiv
ewes, minus fleece, cnsriged hsnds st
tt.ot, but the proportion of metured mut
tons was too smsll to warrant a revised
list of values Feeder market was alto
dormant, nothing whatever selling
country account thus far this week.
Shorn sheep and lambt:, good to
rnoiee. ,3ix..'s9: iamb, tatr to good.
7.7tt.2S; yearlings. tna.7S; wethers,
H.;ttro.(); ewes. tS.S4j4.00. .
Representative sales:
,. 75
. T4J
. 7
. 77
7 j
f SO
$ i
:mi shorn Iambs
3i8 sht rn lambs
31 1 shorn lambs
A3 thorn Ismbs
Tread, at Prices fsr All Stack Is
CHICAGO. Msv 29. CATTLE Rsceiot.
18.400 head. Market steady. Uc lower:
beeves,; Texas ateersv M.tta.;
western steers, ttockert tnd
feeders. M.Sfje.U; cowes and heifers, slat
4JS.OJ: coivea,
HOOS Receiptt, msTJO head. Market
low. terrOc lower; light, K.9kij1.U; mixed,
I7.l0ti7.iii; heavy, 7.10fi7.U; rough. 7.I0w
7.30; pigs, K.004J4.M; bulk of ali, t." 3ft
head. Market steady ts tOc lower: native
t.atj50; western. 4.003.49; yearling.
I6.Mv7.45: naUv Ismbs, to.009o.90; west
rn, ti.76r9.a). ; , .,
Ksaaaa City Llvs Stack Market.'
celpte, t.SJO head, Including 2,100 south
ern; market atesdy to Hk- lower; dressed
beef snd export steers, ttl.Corjl 30: (air
good, KSoeiT.OO; western steers. t.&ti..!M;
toekers snd feeder. tn.0rab7.ti: southern
tee re, tf.I6J.4u; southern cows, fits)
ISO; native cows, tt.j7.t4: native heif
ers. K.00fo.:i; built. Si.iuS4.7i; caivet.
H(X)8 Receipts, I4.00 head: market it
Mc lower: bulk of sale, t7.2tti7i: heavy,
l7.49v7.i7H; packer and butcher. 17. JOS
lights. t7.IOS7.: pics, ...7n.Si.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, t,00)
hesd; msrket 16rrISc higher; apting
tamos, irv.w; iambs, msomotxi; yeai
lings, tt.&0i7.i0; wethers. tt jOffe.: rwes,
M.tntM.00; Mockers end feeders, tiooti.;
Texas (oats, e3.O06t.7la, ,
St. I.aa!a Live Bttae Market.
ceipts, 100 thesd. including 1.409 Texsiw;
market ateedy; native shipping am ex
port steers.' dressed and
butcher (leers. If.7ieit.a; steers under
1.004 pounds. tiMtraUi; storkers snd feed,
ere. M.7ofl.ft; . cow and heifer, t4 7M
i.90; canners. t4.7iki.7i: bulls, i.0MjS.i;
clv, tAOOfrtit; Texas snd Indian
teem, .jOf7,7i; cow and heifer. It.
7.00. . , .
HOOS Receipts, 11,90 head; msrket lb
10c lowr; pig snd lights.';
mixed and butchers, t7.V7.4i; good
heavy, I7.ttsjrl.ts.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, J,.''j
head: market steady: nstive muttons.
tt.OWM.2i: Ismbs, rMftlM: culls and
buckt, e4.oS4-; etockers, 2.7o44.tW. . -
It. Jweepk Live Stock Market,
ST. JOSEPH, Mo,. Msy ts.-Reoelpts
1.309 head; msrket stesdv; steer. tj.76&
too; cows tnd heifers, txLOO: calves.
T4 OODS.iaj.
HOt. 8-Receipts 1.50 hesd: msrket slow
and lowsr; top, 7.6i; bulk ot Bales. ri.Jbw
SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelptl too
heed ; market steady' to stroiur: lambs
I7.iftt.ij0. . ,
kterk la llakt.
Receipts of llvs stock st the five si-ln.
dpal market yesterdsy:
. cattl
South Omaha
St. Joseph
kansa City
St. Louis
. Totals .
.. J! M0 . m.W 34.000
1 Cat tea Market. , -
closed quiet, unchanged; middling' up
lands, lLMc; middling gulf,. li.7Sc. . No
Futures dosed steady. Closing bid:
May, 11.02c: June. I0.94c: July, Hole;
August, 11.09c; September, ll12c; October,
U.19c: November. U Be: December. 11.3c:
January, lLttic; February, 11.3c; March.
chsnged. U 9-ltc.
Philadelphia Pred eee Market.
Steady; western creamery special, 23c:
extra. 17c: nearby prints, extra, 50c.
EGOS Firm: Peonsyivsnls snd ether
nearby firsts, tree esse. 9400 per esse;
current receipts, free esses, ti.54 per esse;
western first, free fuses. 14.01 per case;
current receipts, free cases. AVis per esse.
CHEESB-Wuiet: New Tork full cresnis.
new. LtLije. part aklms. fslr te good.
ICtJItc. . 4 ......
' l.tverpaal erala Market.
steady; No. t red wetern winter, ts ed;
No, I Manitoba. 7 l1!; future, firm:
Mar. 7g lld. July, 7t 7rd; October, ;
CORN Spot. American mixed old.
qtilet; tt 1144: Americsn mixed new: kiin
dried, steady, ts lid; futures, weak; July,
t iM: .September, is Sd.
I --.
t , . , . ; ' '
PEORtAMay S.-TOp -Steady: No.
It y1!,?- rf?T- -Jc; !
y,'J- til a JTJi --il-SL 3
I mixed. ToUc; No. 4 silled. TTSC; eam-
Die IMiTOc.
OATS-V lower; No. t white, sec.
isxsr Harket. '
strsdy: musewvado. as test, t-4oc;
trlf ugat. 94 test, xstc; molasses sugar. 49
, test. I.Cc. Refined, steady.
Oil sad ttewla. .
Klrm. tic. .1
ROfIN Firmer: type F.. t7itt7 S: IX. - - -
. - - .mvm .
Immanoet Carney, who type rate a tatt
ering etabttshmerrt at S3 owth Twelfth
ttreet, asked ths po&ee Isst sight to as
sist him ta fltsmnr bis wife, aged S. who
tlsapoeared froea sw seas tl MB4 Atlas
street Isst Friday. Cerwey say a as do
rneatie troubts occurred to .cause her to
teav snd he ta greatly wcrrieej,
Tsnerdsy ftemaoei be received a
postal card written ta terman which
sore the sting. "Am 111 ta a aespital;
sill be bom seess." but a Malik of ail
tie ko rural by the aaUc ttst Bight
failed te et aay md Ths sstacw are io
dtned ta the belief tret woman it naffer
ing flora a alight touch of insanity.
e. Hogs Sheep,
2.400 K.OM 7 300
I.WO " t y ' t.600
1300 14.000 4.009
I.UUV 11 OHO t.m
U.0W . la. dot 90.000
Become. Unmanageable oa LeaTWi
' worth Street and Jumps Curb.
Tvea Persess froias Staatsa. la-, trl .
Severely Hart sad Others Skakea
"' tp la Accldewt Vear Caasien"
" "".-'' Blaffs. . , . . t."
Mrs. E. H. Allen, wife of th president
of the Allen Bros, company, was badly
cut and bruised about the hesd and body
and an auto belonging to Joseph John
ton." plumber, was wrecked early last
night on Leavenworth ttreet near SWrty
thtrd when the machine Jumped the curb
snd Mrtick her aa she wsa out walking
with Mr. Allen. '
In the suto wers A. DeLansey. a 8otith
Omaha man who travel for a Kansas
City fursnct company, snd Joseph John
ton, a plumber, who was driving. Accord
in; to DeLanney, on of ths tires of tha
machine wss In bad shape snd when
Johnson tried to turn out of the car
tracks. It cam partly oft,, miking tha
driver lose control. Th car swerved from
the middle of the street snd bounded up
the curb, tmaihlog ths rear wheels and
affecting the engine, but retaining enough
momentum to crash Into the pedestrains.
Mrs. Allen was carried Into th home of
A. W. Reynold at XS Levnworth
street and attended by County Physician
Schleler, who happened to be pssslnc
while making a professional esll. He gave
Mrs. Allen tttentlon and the police am
bulance took her to her home at ths
Winona apartments. Her Injuries wera
not serious ones, but were pronounced ex
ceedingly painful No bones were broken.
"We could have gotten out of ths wsy
had ws been given wsming that th
machine wis uncontrollable," said Mr.
Allen. "At it was, we thought that the
machine contained friend who wanted to
talk to us so we did not think of danger
when we taw It come our way.".
Staatoa, la t'owple aad Others
lajered Near Cooncll Blaffs..'
Five occupants of s big touring -car,
formlruj a plessurs party from Stanton.
Ia . were all painfully and two of them
seriously Injured In sn automobile acci
dent that happened laat evening on: the
"White Pole" road three miles eastvot
Council Bluffs. ' - -
Ths party was returning home and
had left Council Bluffs st I o'clock, and
wera struck by. another car that came
up from the rear. The Stanton csr was
overturned and thrown Into the dltcb.
Two of the party, Mr. Johnson and Mis
Peterson, wr seriously Injured. John
son hsd his left leg fractured below tha
knee, nil snkls dlatoctted and his
shoulder broken. , Mies Peterson received
a number of serious brulsei snd is be
lieved to hive been hutt Internslly.
All of ths members of ths party war
brought to the Jennie Edmundson hos
pital in Council Bluffs and had their
bruise cared for. All were sola te go
to A hotel live Johnon snd tils Peter
son. Only the most meager details could be
tscertslntd, for those who war not seri
ously hurt refused to talk and tha others
were unable to do so, Th automobile
that caused the Injury brought them to
th hospital, but the names ot It owner
er diver and members ot ths party were
Ithheld. Dr. Donald M terse wsa called
to the hospital ahd cared for thou hurt
th mott sarloutly, but filled to dltcloss
any detail of the accident.
Grocer's Big Barn .
v Destroyed by Fire
Fir of unknown origin destroyed the
barn at Thirtieth and Ellison streets be
longing to Charles Roberts, grocer, yes
terday. Th lou Is estimated at About
fan and Is covered by Insuranc. At 1:90
neighbors saw smoks uulng from tha
roof of th barn and a mlnut later tils
barn broke Into flames If It bsd been
tartsd In a doxen places. No horses
were In . th barn at the time, but ths
loft wat full of hsy and grain. - ,
. Proposed workmen's compensation law
will be discussed by Victor Rosewatcr.
editor of Th Bee at the monthly meeting
snd Bmoksr ot th Omaha Bar associa
tion . st- the . '. University club this
evening. The sddress will be followed
by general dlscuttlon of ths subject.
Mr. Roaewster Is s member of tha com
mission appointed by the governor to
ttudy ths subject and report en a work
men's compensation act for patsags by
the leglslatur next winter.
The legislative eonrmltte will make
oM.Atnmendatlona for nro Dosed chtnses tn
! Awaralns learsl nroeeduraL
A ShM for Wilier
Heavy walkers Policemen
and Mail Carrier here It a
shoe for you.
A ipexialljr constructed shoe
tor men wdq are constantly on
weir feet. Made of plump
giaaaru aia, tia linen root fnrm
t last, double sole to heel, sole
treat osx msae. double steel
banks, water proof.
Our customers (et from u
to la months' service out ot
these shoes.
vie nave tnea In all sizes
inm a 10 12 and B to EE. A snoe tor -
ftlt Af In.-. aw a.
w.-ksw. w,u ciir 1 or
ezprcei '