tr-- ---- THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAT 29, 1911 BLAME PLACED 0N CAPTAIN William Aldea Smith Addresses Sen ate oa Titanic Disaster. BO AID 07 TRADE IS CEHSTOEB Vrari Waa Sat Praacrir laaaartr. Creer !a rraserly Drilled and laesevftea lam Owners JirM Bark Nam. (Continued from Pag One) or special knowledge of nautical attain; nevertheless I am of tb opinion thai vary few Important facta which were sus ceptible of being known, cacapad srru tiny. Energy la often exor desirable than learning, and tha Inquisition serve useful purpoae la tha stair. In tha eonwrructloo of tha Titanic," continued tha senator. " no Unit of coat -itrcumacrlbed their endeavor, and whan this vessel took It place at tha bead of tha line, every modem Improvement In shipbuilding waa supposed to bava been raalliad: ao cor, f Idee t wara thay that both owner and ballacr wara eager to go upon the trial trip. Kat Steady for Crisis. ofhea tha mats came, a atata of ab aolute unpreoandneee Stupefied both pee eeager and crew utd. In their despair, tha ship went down, carrying aa naedleaa a eacrlftee of nob.e women and brave men. as ever crurured about tha Judg men! Beat la any tingle moment of pass ing tiro.. f" "Wa shall leave to the honest Judgment of England Ita painstaking chastisement of tha Brltlah Board of Trade, to wnot laxity of regulation and hasty Inepec-tioii the world la largely Indebted for this awful fatality. Of contributing eaases there were very many. In the face of warning signals, apaed waa Increased and messages of dancer seenied'to stime late It to action rather than to persuade It to fear. The Titanic rushed onward on Its trur course one recognised as appropriate and agreed upon by marlnee as the In ternational highway for westward ves sels, yet dangeroue at this season of the year, when tha Labrador current may be bearing vast masses of lea across the track of ships orores of these totvcrini j sclera planted themselves In the very pathway of thla ship and were ao large and so numerous that. M the absence of fog. they should bava been easily dtsoern Ible by the lookout. If. as he says tn feu testimony - bo had been .supplied with glasses. "Captain Smith knew tha sea and his clear eye and steady hand had often glided b ship, through daagaroua paths, for forty years storms sought in vain to vex Mm ar menace Me craft. His Indif ference to danger was one of the direct and contributing caasis ef this aaacsa I eery tragedy, while his own willingness to die was the expiating evident of his fitness to live; those of aa who knew htm well not In anger, but In sorrow file one specific charge against him. over confidence and neglect ta bead tha oft repeated warnings of bis friends; but. la his horrible dismay, when his brain was afire with hoaeat retribution, we ran still see. In bis manly bearing and bis A Remedy IMo Family Should . Be Without No matter how bealaby a .human being: may as It Is safe to say that nbt many months asa passes without some obstruc tion of tha bewele. In -other wards, con stipation, even If only temporary. The bloa ling, tha dull feeling may start after the evening meal. It a laxative la not teXea that ntght It la certain that sleep will not be sound, and you will awaken unre freshed. Henee, It is Important for you and for all the members of your family that good, reliable laxities be always k la tha house for Just such emergency. It Is sure Is be needed, and when seeded you waat It at hand. No family that la care ful of Ita health can do without such a remedy. But the question of which rem edy to bava en band Is also at vast Im portance. ..... - The laxative most highly recommended by the majority of Intelligent Americans aa being best fur babies and grownups la rr. Caldwell's Hj-rup Pepsin. It Is a Mould sxratlve-tonH-, mild and never gripes, la. effective on -robust people and can be given with safety to an Infant. Children like It because of these gentle gualme and . beeauae It la pleaaaot to the taste. It Is the beet all around remedy you can have In tha bouse for any disorder of tha stomach, iivar and bowels, and many people like Mr. J. N. Covert, Nor folk, Neb., and Mrs. Pusan Attebury, Grant. Neb., say they would as soon be without the necessities aa without Dr, Caldwell'a Hyrup pepsin. , Anyone wishing to make a trial of this remedy before buying It la the regular way of a druggist at fifty cents or one dollsr a large bottle (family sisei can have a sample bottle sent to the home free of charge by simply addresalng Dr. W. B. Caldwell. Washington St. MontUello, III. Tour name and address on a postal card will da . AN OLD TIME . . ... BEIM THAT DARKENS THE HAIR Tor fenerations aege and feulphur have bean used far hair and swain trouble. -Almost everyone knows tha Value of such a eembtnalloa tar keeping the nahr a goog avan aotor. for surlag dandruff. Itching aoalp gnd falling balr, and for promoting the. growth of aba hair. Teaa ago tha only way to gat a Hear TonlO' of thla kind u ta make Jt la lad borne, which waa troublesome and not always saUafaotorv. Nowadaya,' almoet any up-to-dtbi druggist cap. supply big patrons' with a ready-to-use product., skillfully prepared la perfectly equipped labora tories. ... , , An Ideal preparation of thla aort is Wrath's Wags and Sulphar Hair Remedy, la Which Saga and euUhur, are aetnMneri with other valuable , remedies tor alp tioublea and thin, weak hair that Is low lier ha color ar coming out. After aslng remedy lor a few oays. yon will ho'ies tha color gradually coming back, your scalp will feel better, the dandruff will soon be gone, and In less than a month's Mma then) will be a wonderful difference ta your hair. Don't neglect your hair If It la full of dandruff, loatiuj Kl tola or coming sue Cat a fifty cant belli of WgauVa Hag and Sulphur from yqr druxgist.' and see what a few days' treatment will do for you. All draggteta sell It. under guaran ty that tha money win be refunded If , the remedy Is not exactly .as represented. obermaa McCoiumII Drug Co. agent. OCKAK STKAMSHIIfl. HAMBURG tUtrgeata.rj.Og, n ess aunra AMERICAN la aW woaai iBlOvaoe 0g CORSETS - CLEANED ' Ve maka a special price of tt anta for claenlng corsets. There iro hundreds of them that coat -earn t to US or mora laying away- Iq Omaha closets too oolite - wear and yat not wosa-out, Bead therrf beta and bava them tuned 'twill surprise you how .sw and fresh may will look ftor ateanlng. . ' 'end na your gloves. a great deal of palna too; we Judging tn, AM ir glove cleaning, and. oy the way they coma woman appreciate It - Tha price la IS cents par pair for aharl ones, It cents for elbow, etigth and H cents for full arm siigtb. ., ... s.. Rend thetn with your c.orseis. d reaves, walata, etc- Phono ,yvur onier and a wagon will call promptly. 1 i jamcuunv tJOODGlXANEBS AND DyERST 1513-I7J0NBSST.' Pttoairs Pooajks3lND.A-5tS8 GUY LIGGETT pres. ATLANTIO SERVICE IvOVDOS PAJUS UAMBIUO JUKI SAILINGS tTteaorta sVaiaa ta. Is.. m- 11 A. at. Assarua 141. A. St. rrretorws l&ta, S A. St Cleveiaad Sots. It a. srn. SUmswrg See, IS wees (.sua Aug. Tie. tn. lift Irea. raal Stta, U i. k JULYEAILLNG3: ' Otaelaaett eta, IS aeea .'PeauylvaaJa ..wta, IS A. at Axeenaa lita. I I. St, Prse. Llaeota ..Vaxa, t A. M ClevelaaA .....aeta. A. M. AUGUST 8A1LING3 Taleerta Aag- Tie. let. 11 A. K. it .... sva. ta aoea ...lata, 11 A. at SM t 9. at. aiaerta Aaf -T-Sax. 11 A-Xt rrea. Haeoia ...gist, IS aoea l.d Cabla only, twin call at Beulogua. list Cabla only. SU2SMZS C&U1SES Ta tee un r m nSTD sTXOB Elaat etetlgbtful cruises during faae. 'aAy asd Aagast, from SUxsears; to "ee way. Malta vase. WmWrgwa, 1urauoai se to ss days. Ooct (62.50 tad up. Splendid ooivlto, hvrgw eteam ahips -VICTORIA LC16K," KKOKWR I NZEsteUM CUClUaT awl -atETBoaV Writ tor booklet of any erulas. laa v. kvaaeoira at. k CUea4TaIU.eisaee4agt CeHrrlaxt Wis. asm j Anniversary Sale Begins Monday, : June 3d - HAYDEN'S Qraatett Saving Opportuni ties Ever Known Will Be Offered tin Buyers in . This Big Sale. .WATCH SUNDAY BEE for the Big Ad. HAYDEII BROS. FLOWER VASES For cemetniea, Uwns, park a, porchea ate. Artistic ta deaugs, mad en tirely of cast Iroa. Maka your aelectloa today whlla atoek la com pi eta, for delivery before aocoratioi day. Osalsa'StaTi Repair' Werts. 1206-1208 Douglas St teeaVsr-rVleltude for e safety, of women end little children, soma traces of bis lofty spirit laptala Sssltb ta Careless. . "The -mystery of bis Indifference to danger, when other and leas pretentious vessel doubled their lookout of stopped heir englms, finds no reasonable hypo thesis in conjecture ar specs is tloa;-sclencs lu shipbuilding was supposed to have at tained perfection and to have spoken her last- word; mastery of the ocean had at but been' achieved: but overoonfldcace seems to bava dulled the faculties usually so alert With the atmosphere literally charged with warning signals and wire leas messages registering their last ap peal to-the stokers In the engine room fed their fires auk fresb fuel, registering In that dangeroua placa Its fastest speed. "Nature gave a warning of approach big peril ao significant that passengers tn stateroom and steerajte shut out the chill and spoke to one another of the sudden peal, the stokers In the engine room fed cold. Hallors of the Grrnad beaks know tha Importance of the there rnometer, which Is, almoaf aa necessary as their safety 'as la the compasa. Even the quartermaster, Hichens, who regularly took the temperature of the water froia the sea. sold: .'et suddenly, became bitter cold' and added that the first order re ceived by him from Second Officer Lsght toller at S o'clock Sunday evening wag to take hla compliments down to the ship's carpenter and Inform him to look tn bis fresh wkler, that It waa about to freesa.' Senator Smith declared that the com mand of the officer of the watch to avert tha disaster actually exposed the moat vulnerable part of -the Titanic to the lea when the shock came. t "Distracted by tha sudden appearance of danger,", eald the speaker.' "be turned aside the prow, the part boat prepared to resist collision, exposing tha temple to the blow; at the turn of the bilge the steel encasement yielded to a glancing blow ao light that tha Impact was not felt la msny perls of the ahlp. although repre senting an energy of anoro tbaa a million foot tons,; said to aa-tha-equivalent ef the combined broads Idea of twenty ( the largest guns In our battleship fleet fired at the name moment, with a blow a deadly many of too passengers and crew did not even know of tha calHstoa nnlll tardily advlaed at tha danger by anxious frtenda, 'and even .then official statements were clothed In such confident asauraneea of safety aa to arouse no fear. Senator Smith said that awful forae of the Impact must have Indicated to master and bulkier that tha ahlp waa doomed. Ha commented caustically opoa the failure of tha ship officers Immediately ta give general alarm ar to establish aome orderly routine. , Of flee re loot Heads. Concerning the conduct of the ship's officers, he sald: " "Haphaeard.' they rushed by' ens an- I other on atalrcase and In hallway, while I men of aelf-control- gathered here and titers about lha decks, helplessly staring at one another or giving encouragement to thoee ieea courageous than (hem' selvea Lifebelts were finally adjusted to all gat tha lifeboats were cleared away, and although strangely hwkfflcteht In namber, wore onlyi partially loaded and In til' lnetaaeea unprovided with compasses and only three of them had lamps. They were manned so badly that. In tha absence of prompt relief, they would have fallea asy victims to the advancing Ice floe, nearly thirty miles In width and rising sixteen feet above tha surface of the water. Their danger would bava tjeen aa greet. M If . they had remained oa the deck of tha broken hull, and tf the see bad rlaea these toy targets with over 705 exhausted people wtld have been help lessly tossed about upon tha Waves with out food or water: , - "One wttneee- swore" that -two 'of the three stewarda In her boat admitted that they bad never had an oar In their hands before and did not even know what tha oarlock was for. .The lifeboats were filled ao Indifferently, and lowered so gulckly that, according to tha uncontradicted evidence, nearly WS people were need lessly sacrificed to want of orderly dia elpllne In loading tha few that were pro vided. " And yet It la said by soma well meaning persons that the best of discip line prevailed. If thla la dledpllne. what would have been disorder? "Among the paaaengera were many strong men who had been aocnatomel to command, whoso Uvea bad marked every avenue of endeavor, and whoee business experience and military training especi ally fitted them for such an emergency. These were redely ellenred and forbidden to apeak, as waa tha president of this company, by Junior officers, a few of whom. I regret to aay, availed themselves of tha first opportunity to leave tha ship. Some of tha men. to whom had been la trusted tha earn of passengers, never re ported to their official etetloae, and quickly deserted the ship with a rack leasneas and Indifference to the responsi bilities of their position aa culpable and amsalng aa It bj Impossible to believe. end some -of mess men saw they laid by la their partially filled llfeboaU and He tened to the ortes of dletreea "nntll tha noise quieted down, and surveyed from a aafo dtetsneo the anealfHk aaea. aad, womea and faithful fellow officers and seamen, whoso heroism lightens ap thla tragedy and recalls the noblest traditions of too sea." Wtreleea OpVrave Pro teed. Tributes aa tha valor of Phillips and Bride, the wireless operators on tha Tl- 1 tanle, were paid by Senator Pmlth. He j eald that tha final exit of tha Phfinpo boy waa "not so swift as to prevent him from pausing long enough to pass a cup of water' to a tainting woman." ' The senator showed that had not tha uader- paid wireless operator oa too Capathta I prepared for bed with bat receiver still ! on' big heed, tha TitanlCa distress sig nals never would bare been received by the reaeve ahlp. -When the world weep over a com mon 1000,- said Senator Smith.' all aav Uana ahoaM lake steps wisely to re ga ts Is wireieaa telegraphy and sea that operators are fairly paid." , Ha con demned tha "reign of alleaeo" concerning tha details of twa disaster. . . . In condemning the failure of the CaU- fornlaa to learn all about tha dlaaatar before the Titanic sank, and go to Ha rescue. Senator Smith said: -The ateamahtp Callforntaa waa within easy reach of thla ahlp for nearly four hours after all tha facta were hswwa to 'Operator Cottam. Tha captain of the j Carpet hia Bays ha gave explicit directions that all official ait magna should ' be i immediately sent through otifer ehtpe, and annus of psenngora enneie aa grrea psefsrenco. According to Blnna. the In apoctor. tha apparatus aa tha Caltforntea waa practically new and easily tuned to carry every detail of that calamity to the coast etarlone at Cape Sable and Cape Race, and should have done so, .' 'The course taken waa singularly tn ac cord with the reticence of the offldala of tha White Star company, who knew at I-JS Monday morning.'" aaid the senator. and yet at TM Monday evening a mea aage from their office, officially signed, containing the positive assurance of tha safety of the paaaengera waa sent To a half-eraxed father at Huntington. W. Va.. nearly two boors after their admitted famltiarfty with , tha details of the dis aster. H la Hrrle -wonder that we have not been able to fix with defintteneaa the author of that falsehood. Ceaasire fee Lard. Senator Smith reviewed the testimony of Captain Lord, showing that tha CalK fornlaa cam within four miles of the doomed vessel and that ha went to bis room, to lie down while signal rockets were being fired. "Jairure of Captain Lord ta arouse the wireless operator on bis ship, "who easily could have ascertained the nam of" the vessel tn distress and reached her In time to avert lose of life places a tremendous responsibility upon this officer from which it will be! difficult for. him to oscape." mid Senator Smith. . , Ceetrnete Two captain- "Contrast, If you will, tha conduct of the .yaptaia of tb Carpet hta tn this emergency and ImagUie what most ha tha aoiaotatioa of that thoughful and sympathetic mariner, who rescued tha ahlpwseck and left the People of the world hi debtor as hia ahlp sailed for distant eeaa a few daya ago. By Ms otter ssU-effacamont and hia knightly sym pathy, ho rendered a great service humanity. Ha ahould ha mad to realise the -debt of gratitude this nation owes to him, while the book of deeds, which had so often bean femlrtSr with hi nn affected valor, would henceforth carry tha nam of Captain Roetrom to the re motest period of time. . "The lessons of this hour," mid Sena tor SmttS tn eonctuslon, "are Indeed, fruttleaa and It precepts IS conceived If rules of action do not follow hard ope? the day of reckoning. Obdblet and anti quated shipping law should no longer encumber th pertuunentry records of any government, nexj merrlp admlniatra Uvr boards Should W pruned of dead branches and, legs, sterile prscapta taught and applied." Senator Smith recommended that lanes of travel should be more carefully de fined, strength of ahlp' bow increased, life saving equipment bettered, and dis cipline and practice made aa exaction. Ha mid buoys should, be carried to mark temporarily th place of tha ship's, bur ial la case gf accident; and men of atrength and spirit there must be, .won back ta a calling demoralised and de cadent . . , "But H per cent of the men before the mast In our merchant marina ar peeves or natuarallsed Americana,", he .said. "Evan England, that twenty year ago had barely . 7,Mt Orientals on her mer chant ships. : now carries; over1 itM of that alien rare. Americana must re-enlist In this service,- they" must become the soldiers of tb aua, and, whether In .the lookout, oa the deck,' or at the. wheel, whether able or oommoa seamen, they should be better paid for their labor and more highly honored In their calling; their right mum be respected, and their work carefully performed; harsh and se vere restraining statutes must be re pealed, and a new dignity given this Im portant field of labor." "- Children ar mu:b more likely ta eea. tract tha contagious dlosases when they have colds. Whooping rtuKh, dlptherla. scarlet lever and consumption arn dis eases that ar often contracted when th child has a old. 'That la why alt medical aathorrttee amy beware of colds. For th quick cure of old you ' will And nothing better than Chamberlain' Cough Remedy. It can always bo de pended upon and la "pleamnt and safe to tag. ior sam by a 'daaltvavr "-. Decoration Day Specials We place on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, sev eral specials in our women's suit department that are bound to meet with your approval. $5.00 WOMEN'S SUMMER DRESSES, $3.50 Lawn tissue, high waist effect, all sizes, in all new A CA popular colors, special yUasJU . " 10.00 WOMEN'S DEESSES, $5.00 ; A large assortment of dresses at this price, made in the very rewest styles, materials lawn tissue, linen, ginghams, 0jj AA . and chambray, all colors and sizes, special ........ .vWaWU1 $10X0. WHITE LINGERIE DEESSES, $5.00 itxeeedingly pretty dresses of white Persian lawn, trimmed with ; lace you could not buy the material alone at the fg a price we ask for the finished garment special ..... VVaWW . J NEW LINEN COAT SPECIAL . Every woman will be delighted at the opportunity of buying -' those regularly $7.50 linen coats for auto or - C A A street wear-especial v vaW w PURE LINEN SKIRTS Wednesday special $2.98, $3.90 and $4.90 WILL CLOSE AT NOON DECORATION DAY. e WATCH REPAIRING UM iKWB.iY.njr tssrta Ail War Guaranteod, DH0LM Rapid City Store . . Damaged by Fire - - RAPID CI'IT, & D.. May .-ipecll Telegram.) Swept by a fierca gala, fire partly destroyed tha large building of Tom Sweeney, ptjmeereserehsirt. here a ad for a time threatened e -bs- dangeroua Tho tiro apparently atartad from epoa taoeous ombostion ln a one of alteksr and entailed a toas- of f2e,0HU. It la fully covered by Inauranc. Tb clothing de part meat waa wiped out. FULLERTON PASTOR GOES TO NEW CHARGE AT RED OAK ITOAKRTOM. Job.. May'nAspeclal.) Rev. Jamea K. Driver, who ha been pastor of th. First Presbyterian church of thla place for the past eighteen in on tha. recently tendered hia resignation and has accepted the pastorate of tha first church at Red Oak,, la. Dr. Driver came .here from Vllliaca. la. Tha church has ex tended a call te Rev", W. . U. 'Cooper, who) was formerly a pastor ber. hut at th present time resides at Hastings and I tha pastor evangelist and Sunday school missionary of HagUnga . and Mebraaaa City Presbyteries, .',"'. ) A Change .. . , For the Homt Folks WliMth family bt the oiiul cereals, . Buy a package of : ' . " Post Tavern Special the new food made from the best'parts of. wheat, cote- and rice. It h&s f smooth, creamy consiiteiicy, and the unique blend of these field grains produce a new and ' distinctlTe flavor quite out of tho ordinary. . Post Tavern Special is full of rich nourishment, economical and easy to : prepare cook sam as old s fashioned porridge, and serve with cream and sugar. Sold by grocer in ISc plcje v Maria ky Ptwtpm CeTwal Cdu, LtU Pura Faod Batik Ci-, Kkk. Factoriez, LEADS THEM ALL If you want Quality Purify and Service order m urn Bggt TMt'PERPECT'BREW .- ACtNCieS'SVERYVytliKe; r THE0..HAMM BREWINGICO. ST PAUL. MINN,. J. A- TU H ,L reL DoagUuj l&M Boar 1013 Dougla 8L Local ReUUer. Omaha, Keb. ANEW FARM AND HOME IN COLORADO must have many advantage over th old one t keep you satisfied. Tu have been need to It and 29 bushel wheat crops, you will harvest ft and s buobela In th aan Lais Valley, Colo. . Tour oats will yield ouehela to 135 bushels tn th Ban Lula Valley. Tour potatoes will turn out tit to te bushels: In other words, you will rale Just about twlr aa much per acre, and do It ovary year. Our land la cleared aad plowed, ready to crop. Ton can begin bow. Toar crops will bring a good or better price than you would get at your present home. Seven flour mill ar ready for your wheat; potato buyers will contract your ere) before It la dug; your hogs, aheap and cattle will find buyers when ever you ar ready to eall. Poultry, eggs and butter bring better price tn th Valley than la Kan aaa or Nebraska Toar naw bows and stable will coat lose In th 8aa Lula Valley: dlmen elea stuPle only t2 per at. Ksoce peats and fire wood free for the hauling. It coata toe much to tell tho story la thla column; send oa your name and address for prices, term. tc THE CHARLES K. GIBSON COMPANY, Beeon sOtT fir aTatloaal Bank Beef, ITWjrTXa, O0&9. TODD'S ' WAT. PATENTED TEETH . Why Bo th old stylo half tooth whoa you caa get "ran teeth," Uko aadaro'a own? , DR. TODD 403 IBAI3BS IUILDII8 t