Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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Xew Tonic, Tona Vita, In Use!
at Health Resorts For
TM8 Trouble.
If you sre nervous and run down with
ittie -vitality or amkltion. and feel en-r-
ally emlscrable and hatf sick, you are
suffering from nervous debility. If so
you should Investigate the new tonic
Tona Vita," and find out what a rreat
i coord it has made lines first Introduced
j v.irrely a year aito.
(' fo jpn know that "Tona Vita" nuw '
1 Pronouiu-fil by hundreds of physicians
s the most remarkable tonic known. Do
you know t'oat "Tona Vita" is uped lu
:-ish class sanitariums and he&lth resorts
;i a nerve food and tonic? ro you know
H at during Ihe past year more than fifty
thousand people have stated over their
own signatures that "Tona Vita" has
completely restored their health.
Mr. 'James t.. Hlckey. of 3 North
1'ivisi'on Street. Buffalo. X. T.. the well
know a National League I'mplre. Is one
ul these. This Is what- he says: "The
nature of my- profession frequently nec
essitated Irregularity in sleeping and eat
ing and as a result I became a Tietim
of nervous debility. I had headaches
and Indigestion. My nerves troubled me
also and 1 dtd not get sufficient rest
from my sleep. I would become fatigued
very easily and was almost prostrated by
hot weather. ..
"I had tried other means to restore
my normal condition when a friend sug
gested the tonic Tona Vita.' I took his
advice and am glad of it. My appetite
improved at once, sly headaches be
came less frequent and have gradually
-disappeared and ! am no longer nervous or
depressed. My stomach is now in perfect
condition, in fact, I am thoroughly re
juvenated." We have an agent In every city who
will refund the purchase price if "Tona
Vita" fails to completely build you up.
Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.. 16th
and Dodge. Owl Drug Co.. 16th and Har
ney, Harvard Pharmscy, 24th and Far
nam. and Loyal Pharmacy 307-9 North
Mth St. has the agency for Tona Vita In
Omaha. The Approved Formula Com
pany. Dayton, Ohio.
Furnas County Eighth
wade Have Lxercises
BEAVER -CITY. Neb.. May 2g.-(8pecial
T. Irgranu-The Furnas county eighth
Kiade graduation exercises were held in
th t n.; ... .. .... - r.
. ...uj.n,,, .ii I'll r tins 1 1 r i
noon. R. v. Clark of Harvard, candidate
lor tate superintendent of schools, de
livered the address ot the day to a large
audit m-e composed of 100 eighth grade
Ki aduatrs and their friends and relatives.
This is a new thing In the way oT eighth
grade exercises, all of the towns and
many of the country districts being
represented. After the exercises at the
chun-h. the visiting fduates were given
a reception by the Beaver City graduates.
'-piii".m i i'uiik. m icviimRn i
ginned a verdict for SIMM in a
rjiragcs against the Western L'r
TECTMSEH, Neb.. May 2&-(SpectaU-T.nvln
Young, a Tectimseh man, has
a case for
nion Tele-
ttaph Tompany. The caae was tried In
the district court at Kansas City, Mo.,
and occupied the most of a week. . Mr.
Young asked damages In the sum of
Ktf.flW for personal Injuries. Several
months ago Mr. Young was walking along
the public streets of Kansas City, when
heavy block and tackle, under pressure
of a rope upon which several men were
pulling, dropped from a pole and struck
him on the spine. He alleged great
physical Injuries and action was brought
for SEO.OOO. It Is said the case will be ap
pealed to the supreme court of Missouri.
Mr. Young has a wife and several chil
Chares Damaged) br store.
FA1RBCRY, Neb., May 28.-(Specta!.V-The
vicinity near Gladstone, six miles
northwest of Falrbury, w as visited by a
small tornado Sunday night, which struck
the German Lutheran church and demol-
.shed the beautiful structure. The cloud
apparently struck the building and did
no other damage. This was an expensive
building and - was erected several years
ago. The church was so badly damaged
that It will be necessary to overhaul the
entire structure-
Decline! to Hake Report of Physical
Valuation to Bail Board.
Answer f Ru. la tht 9.atate
rralav Street Railways Is Xot
$e as a that 4'averlaa
Caataiea Carriers.
BEATRICE, Neb., May -Speclal.-After
several months of hard work the
steering committee reported to the Com
mercial club that a budget fund of 110,-
481.86 has been raised. A big jollifies
tion meeting was held In their rooms last
evening. This money will be used in ad
vertlsing Beatrice and making permanent
roads leading to the city. The business
men are now together on common ground
and are working for the best Interests
of Ihe city. All are striving for a "Big
ger, Better and Busier Beatrice."
Two horses, valued at 1300, belonging
to H. T. Beats, who lives southwest of
the city, were struck by lightning Sunday
night and Instantly killed.
W. T.'Ronblns. an Inmate of the poor
farm, died Sunday afternoon following
an Illness of several weeks. He carried
a card showing his membership In Fits-
hugh Lee lodge of the Brotherhood of
Railway Trainmen of Paducah, Ky.,
otherwise nothing is known concerning
FA1RBURT, Neb., May .-SpeclaI.)-James
Cemeck, a Bohemian laborer of
this city, was struck and killed by the
Falrbury-Nelson local passenger train
Sunday evening near the eleventh and A
street crossing. The locomotive and bag
gage car passed over the body before the
train came to a standstill. The limbs
were severed from the body and It was
frightfully mangled. Coroner Dodge will
hold an inquest. Mr. Cerneck is sur
vived by a widow and several children.
He was 4S years of age and had been
working for a nursery firm In this city.
I DON'T claim to be prophet.
clairvoyant or anything of
that tort, but I can look Into
the immediate future and gee
that there will be an extraord
inary large number of "Nor
folk" suits sold VERY soon.
Acting on my own belief I've
put In a large line. See con
tents of window No. 1, at, suit
Cor. 16th and Harney Sts.
Kales agency for Manhattan
satrta and Society Brand Clothes.
Toothache Gum
fay Millisas tfca WW (Sat.
AtaiwMrWad, lie
C. . Dcmt 4 Ca.. Drrsoir. febea.
. bio kail rrnss
Tw Kaflte prtotcil in Mr Halt
tag 1kr-urj aJMl aunt i Arm
all r tfca worM so tar caa
md yarn Kraa aamplwa, ttk
Boofca, Paacra. MacutMa. ate.
atoiksj Be to rmr coat f prtM
14 jrwr nam aal irfll racatva
b Mil Fr PROOF
Iftfram. Va.. Mar. i. tall. Cm
tlaenea I bits, alraady rttiad
2-us of Mil, aad atitt
lhf w. arofa of aapTS, tmm-
tM. racaatBoB, ate. tar vbtcfe 1 fca aftaa aajtl
1 U Bt trft. H. T. J AMES
9mi Bit Matt fa., C-1S W Vt-t Al,
etrs frwsa Osceola.
OSCEOLA. Neb., May -Special.)-
County Superintendent Rasmussen Is pre
paring for the county Eighth grade
graduating .exercises. The date set Is
June 16. Prof. Wolfe of the Slate univer
sity, delivers the address.
The laying of the corner stone for the
new 140000 high school building will take
place on Wednesday, June Us according
to present plans. It Is hoped to have the
participation of many neighboring Ma
sonic lodges and a program of Interest
will be arranged.
On Tuesday evening a farewell gather
ing of the friends and church members
of the Osceola Baptist church, the oc
casion being the departure of the pastor,
Rev. C. J. Johnson, who leaves next week
for his new field at Surprise.
Yoatfcfat Couple Married.
8HCBERT. Neb,, May -(8peclal.)-Clarence
Henlka and Miss Nellie Harmon
were married at rails City Saturday.
Mr. Hsnlka was one of this year's gradu
ates from the Shubert school and Is not
yet 1 years of age. His bride was
graduated from the Shubert school with
the class of Ml and recently finished
teaching a term of school in the country.
Fhe to If years old. Mr. Hanlka Is -a
Salesa Mer Is Drowned.
SALEM. Neb.. May J8. -(Special. -Lawrence
Led better was drowned In the
north fork of the Nemaha river above
the mill dam near the ice house. He
was 12 years old and the son of a farmer
living near town. Lawrence was sent by
his mother to town for groceries and on
the way met two other boys and they de
cided to go swimming. The body was re
covered by some Salem men diving for It.
Weel Water Bay Badly Hart.
(Special. -Wle. son of Mr. and Mrs.'
George L. Colbert, living five miles south
west of town, met with a serious ac
cident Monday afternoon. He had climbed
a tall tree and fell to the ground. Both
arms were broken and he struck on the
back of his head In such a manner as
crush In th chest. Two physicians' re
port bis caw critical
WEEPING WATER. Neb- May -(Special.)
The graduating exercises at
the high school seniors will be held In
the Congregational church next Thurs
day evening. There are twelve In thj
class. The senior class play was gi ven
hut Saturday night In the Phil pot opera
house, and Sunday night Rev. L. , p.
Townsend delivered the baccalaureate
sermon to a large audience.
KTKOMSBfRU. Neb.. May .-!ipe
clal - -The commencement sermon was
delivered Sunday at the First Baptist
church by Rev. " Mr. McClure of the
American Methodist Episcopal church.
The graduation class this year numberr
twenty-three,- with thirteen boys. The
class day and graduation exercises al'l
be ran ied out this week.
FI LLERTON. ' Neb.. May 3.-(Spe.
da 1.1 The baccalaureate sermon to the
graduating class of the Fullerton Hig'u
school was delivered Sunday by the Rev
Ambrose G. McVay of the Methodist
Episcopal church at the First Presby
terian church, when union services wrre
held. The daas day exerdaes were ob
served at the same place tonight and
commencement exercise will be he!d ;
rriday evening. May tL The Alumn. ;
Banquet will be served at th Methodist
Episccpa! church on Thursday evening. '
LINCOLN, May 2S- Special. )-An an
swer to the petition of the State Railway
commission requiring the Omaha & Coun
cil Bluffs Street railway to make report
of physical valuation to the commission
wsa filed this morning In the supreme
court of the state. The answer sets forth
that the act governing street railways
does not come under the same act as rail
roads; that the statutes of the state defin
ing public sen-Ice corporations does not
Include street railways; that none of the
lines of the company are operated as
lnterurban linea: that no power has been
conferred upon the 8tate Railway com
mission to require the street railway com
pany to furnish any information of any
kind or nature regarding physical valua
tion of the property and sets forth that
the commission has no right to call for
anything whatever along the line of the
complaint filed by them.
Mitchell Roada Reined. j
The state auditor has refused to ac
cept the bonds of the town of Mitchell
voted some time since for, the purpose of
a sewerage system. The grounds for the
action are based upon the fact that the
bonds were voted by an set covering in
ternal Improvements, but does not Include
sewerage. The auditor claims that a spe
cial art provides for sewers, but provides
that the bonds shall not exceed per
cent The Mitchell bonds call for per
cent and on that provision the bonds were
refused by the auditor.
Mlate Hrlriae at Mrtirevr.
State Engineer Price and his assistant.
Mr. Roberta, have gone to Scotts Bluff
county to assist In the letting of a con
tract for the building of a state bridge
at McGrew.
Major Penn and Captain Kesterson of
the adjutant general's department left
this morning tor the rifle camp at Beaver
City, where rifle practice will be Indulged
In by the Reaver City company for a
week. From lhSr" will go to Alma,
where that company will practice shoot
ing next week.
Fire Commissioner Dandall and h'
Deputy C. K. Kelso from Grand Island
are In Fremont today to Inspect a num
ber of buildings reported as not up to
Wm. G. Korub, sentenced from Boyd
county for stealing a bale of hay, has
applied for a hearing before the supreme
court His sentence wss from one to seven
years. His bond has been fled tor two
thousand dollars.
A surprise wts sprung before the state
board of Irrigation which meet in th
governor's office todsy by Judge A. M.
Post of Columbus In the Koenlg-Bsbcock
water power case, appearing with an In
junction from the district court of
Platte county, restraining A. C. Koenlg,
his agents and others from prose
cutlng a contest against tha Bab
oock claims for water from the Loup
river. . The Injunction runs against
Koenig. his attorney, Rlcketts and
Flansburg. add also W. E. Sharp, presi
dent of the Lincoln Traction company A.
W. Field, C. T. Boggs and H. E. Helner,
rthe latter four gentlemen having bought.
so it Is claimed. Mr. Knenlg's rights in
the power project. Judge Post. E. J.
Strode and Judge Root, attorneys for
Ba brock, asked for a little time to consult
and an adjournment waa taken till after
noon, when C. C. Flansburg. one of the
attorneys for Mr. Koenig announced that
his client was not willing to proceed and
run against possible contempt proceed
ings. Governor Aldrtch then announced
that the board would take no further
action at this time.
Bryaa Speaks on Keartk.
William Jennings Bryan has accepted
an invitation to be the Fourth of July
orator at the celebration In Lincoln on
Independence day.
German Athletes
Picked for Olympic
LE1PSIC. Germany. May .-As a re
sult of the two days toouts for the
Olympic games a team of twenty-five
track and field athletes has been selected
to compete at Stockholm. They are
headed by the sprinters Ray and Her-,
mann and the middle-distance runner,
Braun, who are regarded as prominent
candidates for first places In Hweden.
Ray. who on May U did the 100-meter
race twice In UH and 11 seconds and
Braun, who on May It ran WD meters In
!:54fc did not compete here. The per
formances both today and yesterday were
generally mediocre owing to the absence
of the German cracks. The weather was
cold and the track poor.
Pole Vaulter Pasemann, who was
thought to threaten the American com
petitors st Stockholm, Injured his knee
and performed poorly.
WASHINGTON, May The addition
of water to canned products will be con
sidered adulteration in th future, except
In those cases where a certain amount
of water Is required for the proper
preparation or for the sterilisation of
the product, according to a pure, food
decision signed today by Secretary Wil
son of the Department of .Agriculture.
"The can In canned food products
serves not only as a container, but also
as an Index of the quality of food there."
the derision say a "It should be as full
of food as Is practicable for packing and
processing without Injuring the quality
or appearance of the contents. Some
food products may be canned without the
addition of sny other substsnces what
everfor example, tomatoes. The ad
dition of water In such. Instances is
deemed adulteration." .
CHICAGO, May 2S.-H. N. Mangelson of
Clinton, la., tonight was declared the
winner of th tweltyh annual skat tourna
ment He won thirty-one games snd lost
five. As th rhsmplon for ths year he
was awarded a 11.0011 prise. August Thlea
of Chicago wss second with a total of
1.074 points. K. Kreuter of Sheboygan.
Wis., was third with a spsde solo sgalnst
ten matadors, while H. M. Fellens of
Fond du Lac. wis., secured fourth posi
tion. T. C. Close of Cleveland wss elected
Persistent Advertising is th Rosd to
Big Returns.
It's the Day of the
BLUE and the GRAY
and siK-akinjt of Blue stiul Gray, do you k' 'w !li;it Uioso
are the two really popular elothing color' this Spring?
Blue serge is the most satisfactory Dliu 1:.Umc :nul our
guaranteed True Blues the lest Blue Seiges ever pro
duced. We've a magnificent line of gray fabrics too,
plain grays, gray stripes and checks as well as fancy
gray mixtures.
If you want to wear a King-Swanson
BLUE or GRAY Suit you must buy it
before 6 P. M. on Wednesday....
$JQ and up.
Omaha's Oiily Modern Clothing- Mora.
The Home of Quality Clothes.
j" ffi the best
. ' at each
Langford Hammers
Flynn in Australia
MKLHOl'RNf:. Australia. May S.-Sam
Langford. tha heavyweight negro hos.w
of Boston, defeated Porky Flynn also of
Boston here today. Flynn was being
hadly hammered thst the referee utoppe I
the fight in the fourteenth round.
rain delayed remaining qualification
trials for the Memorial day H mile ra e
st the Indianapolis Speedway today, if
the weather clears and th track drlm
before night It Is expected that F.dd.v
Hearn and Ms Case, Mtilfurd snd hla
Knoi and Ormsby and his Opel will k-
agstnat the test of two miles and a halt
In Iwo minutes late In the sfternoon.
Tha Favorite Rye
01 due venerations"
llnnlobsa Takra tiasae.
PVtOSSEn. Neb.. May .-iHeelan
Score: -
IHinlphan SdSSllJt 1-U II
Prosaer 1 I S s s -l
Batteries: nichmond snd Kins: Prosser.
Phlpps. t'onkrln "nd Plsster. Home run":
Bielimondj snd Spellman. Thrce-base lilt:
Mpelman Twn-buse hits: l.uby CI. Rlrh
mond, Klna. Orr. Monroe, elolen bases:
iKiniplmn. 12: I'roser. I. Struck nut: Hy
Richmond, II: by I'Mptm. !: by Conklln. 3.
Base on halls: Off Conklln. ; of Itlch.
mond. i. Illl hy pitched bsil: By Rlih
mond, J; by Conklln. 2. Double plays:
Huellman to Saileler to Monre; Scudder
to Spellman to Monroe.
t "
Orlnles for a l.ssse.
The orioles would like to get a game for
Mav . and June 3, - Teaiua manluig l"
book gam. s call for Henry at SuuihJ.
Key lo the SItuatlon-Bee Advertising.
costs no more than
; ordinary, rye.
Then buy SCHENLEY and
enjoy its delicate flavor, mel
lowness and 4 times distilled
purity. ; '
Bottled in Bond
Each bottle Is sraled with
the U. & Government Stamp.
Its age Is guaranteed by the
U. S. Government
Its purity by the Schenley
Distilling Company.
Its Quality soeaks for Itself. .
Whan you buy Rye, buy Schenley. At all dealers).
Schenley PlstllHn Company, Locesco, Ps.
iaaMaMaMH.iir..m......... """mimilsTllls
t SJt
a. JLM
The First Cup of the
New Food Drink
v will decide two important points
Satisfaction and Economy
Tnstant Postum tastes much like those rich
old Java Coffees that came from the Dutch
plantations of the far East so rare nowadays.
And it is absolutely free from "caffeine"
the drug in coffee, which has proven harm
ful to many coffee drinkers.
Instant Postum requires no boiling. Stir &
teapoonful in a cup of hot water; add cream
- t
and taste and instantly you have a
rich food drink that is palatable and healthful.
Many coffee drinkers find this new bever
age a healthful and delightful variation from
their usual cup. -
Instant postum
saw snM Ste Ol ""
Poetum CeralCo Limited
L II v( -.., j-su"
.... i
Special Demonstration
Herrick Refrigerators
Showing I his celebrated refrigerator In actual use and
demonstrating the perfect DRY, .COLD AIR CIRCULATION.
We want everyone to in this nor than ordinary refrlg-,
erator and learn Us true qualities. We boiler it to be ths -best
preserver of provisions made. , J
THB HKKRICK comes in sprues, ahlte enamel and opal .
lining. It Is msde of solid oak with round corners. :-
They sell st $14.00 up. ' !
Your Inspection is Invited and particularly during this
week's demonstration.
Orchard & Wilhelm
Carpet So,
H'e tljse Thurtday, Jlemoriil Day, attS O'clock Vm.
No boiling Made in the cup
It saves time, money and worry to the busy housewife; and its delicious fla
vour makes it popular in the household.
' a
Tins containing sufficient quantity for about 100 cups of Instant Postum cost
50 cents at grocers. Smaller tins' at 30 cents make about 50 cups.
Coffee averages about doable that cost
JZ al
!v2 : r
A The Cool,
Summer Drink
Pure and Wholesome,.
Light and Invigorating.
At Lake, Summer Park,
Picuic or Cafe order Old
Age. ... , ,
In Ambit Bottles
Family Trade Supplied by: .
Bottth Omaha WM. 4ETTKR,
rit Phone So. mm.
Omaha HTCiO F. BII.Z. I.ttl
llmiglas St., Phone Itoog. 1511
Jetter Brewing Co.
nv;yfi ' sii a
MTmBi-ifssiiis iiii is'sia
Comic Section
,The Sunday Bee
i - ' .
With Happy Hooligan. LittU
Nemo, the Katzenjammer Kid
and the whole interesting family