Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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ir.5.--'.iKa-l?-..!w'i.e. i
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Circuit Court Says There it Ko limit
to Moisture Contained.
nssaba Orasserlee SmT Tbey Will
rmtlnr M Make Batter at tka
Saaae Grade as Tbey Hare
An excess amount of water In butter
la the process at In maklnc dofi not
make the product adulterated and for
tliia reason cannot ba taxed I centa a
pound a auch, accordlna; to a ruling
handed down by the circuit court of ap
peals tlttlnc at St. Paul. Heretofore but
ler ronulninc more than M per cent
water haa been aubpect to the tax mak
ing it net-canary for butter makera to
ihurn a product containing leaa than thla
tmount of water to aell the article aa
The case la a writ of error questioning
a Judgment of a bill of Information Died
by the I'mted States to forfeit 11. ISO
pounds of butter claimed by the Milton
Hairy company of Minnesota. There waa
a trial by jury In the lower court and at
Ihe close of the evidence the court d la
willed the suit on the ground that the
edence failed to raetaln the llbellant'a
cause of action and that the M per cent
regulation of the secretary of the treas
ury waa unauthorised under the law.
Judge Sanborn delivered the opinion of
the appellate court, which uphold the
The government haa given no Intention
-of appealing the caae to the supreme
court, but it la thought probable it In
tend! to and make teat caae of it
- Whether or not creameries and other
butter makera could. In the proceaas of
butler making, obtain a product which
they could sell with any amount of water
n H that It could hold haa been the
xauae of many suits brought la different
The caae of the Alamlto Creamery
company sgalnat Rosa I Hammond, col- j
lector of Internal revenue, Omaha, waa
decided upon In favor of the defendant
In a decision handed down by Judge T. C.
Hunger, December, 1910. The company
sued for recovery of the tax paid of 1
cent a pouad tor butter declared by
the Internal revenue service to contain
Mora than M per cent moisture.
- The result of tha recent ruling will
permit butter makers to float sn article
on consumers If they choose which will
contain from li M It per cent water, or
aa much as It will hold without break
ing to places. The consumer will pay Jo
cents for water when he buya butler for
cenla s pound or cent for every
sound selling at cents. Tha ruling
allows a W to it per cent additional
profit to Ihe creameries which the con
sumer pays,
Omaha maker of butler are not gen
erally committal on whst they will do
er not do aa tha result of tha ruling. "It
will make II easier for the creameries,
hut wsj will continue to to keep up our
grade of butter." said tha manager of s
local creamery.
Sunday Excursions
Abandoned by Roads
' Low rate Sunday excursions sre things
Of the past, so far aa Ihe Omaha roads
are concerned. This Is the edict that haa
gone forth, and during the summer Bone
ot these excursions will be run from
Omaha or from other points oa the sys
tem. The Burllagtoa discountenanced and
frowned upon the Sunday excursions
ever the Nebraska and western lines
some years ago. Oeneral Manager Hold
ings haa always opposed them and conse
quently they have not been run for years.
Other roada have permitted them and
have run them Into the stats and Into
tows. But there will be no mors of them.
The roads centering at Chicago and Bt
Louis placed the ben upon Sunday ex
cursions several weeks ago and now tha
Omaha roada have followed suli.
Railroad managera contend there la
money In Sunday excursions, but that the
precedent set Is a, bad one. Excursionist
have ihe starting point sober, but upon
their return, a large number of them
came back hilarious Another reason tor
the abandonment, any railroad managers.
Is that Ihe present Mas of good rail
roading Is to glvs employes aa much time
for rest and recreation as possible. A
Sunday excursion meant the antlrs day
lor a train crew, returning home tired
out and not fit U work oa to following
A Life Sewlea)
of suffering with throat and lung trouble
Is quickly commuted by Dr. King's New
Discovery. Me and $1.0. Par sale by
Heatoa Drug Co.
The Coffee Men
have removed from
the Public Market
to their main etore
at 313 So. 11th
loth rhonws
About the middle of
July twill remove to
new building at
18th and St, Mary's
. Avenue
Potted Rants
Salvia, Cannas, Fuahoias,
Tube Rosea, per dot 25c
Hanging Baskets.
Vegetable Plants.
Open Decoration Day.
Hie Kebraska Sesif Co.
I "hone rjoagU 1201.
ISIS Howard 8C
Wore. 1( ".JlMl I T ,PM
Decora. II II II TU l -J1 II Decoem-
-1 - Js- .
Ms I i I .
Women's Wash Dresses
Valies to $7.50, Special at $2.50
i . vv.. 11 uaa
These are House and Road Samples of Women's and
Misses' Wash Dresses from a prominent Philadelphia
manufacturer, made of pretty, crisp summer and warm
weather material -every one is a smart summer style
daintily trimmed with laws, embroideries, etc., hun
dreds of them having no duplicates. Some
are slightly soiled; they are actually worth
up to $7.50, on special sale Wednesday, at.
$12.50 WASH DRESSES at .6.98
A special lot of ISO beautiful Wash Dresses made of crisp, new col
ored lawns, percales, chambrayi, etc.; also a few lingerie dresses
In the season's most becoming styles, prettily trimmed In em
broideries, strap erfects. etc; worth up to (12.50, g no
special at pOa70
Smart, practical Lines Tailored Suits, In while and natural colors,
33.08 $5 86.08 88.98 $10 nd $1250
Summer Waists Specially Priced
Women's Lingerie snd Tailored Waists In popular summer models,
new coatee and pvplum styles with Dutch neck, long or abort
sleeTes very specially priced at 91.00
Stunning new models In Wo
men's Waists with low or blgb
neck In Cossack snd coatee
styles scores of exceptional
values, at $1.45
Exquisite model In waists for
dressy wear every smart new
rreatlon Is shown all are
daintily . trimmed extra good
values, at 81.05
New Banded Sailors
$2.60 Values at $1.00
Just 300 smart, fashionable.
Banded Sailors made of Milan
and genuine Jumbo braid, in
the newest straight rim and
draped effects copies of the
famous Knox blocks blaek,
white and burnt, red and lav
ender colors that are very lie-
corning; worth $2.50,
very special,
There Is an exquisite style and elegance about Brandela
Hats that appeal to all lovers of artistic millinery. Ws are
sow displaying every dainty creation for summer wear
beautiful French hats together with many clever conceptions
from American Designers. The services of our chief designer.
Mrs. Isabel Cabuj, an artist of unusual ability, la at your
service to aid you In the selection of a hat that will be In per
fect harmony with your features. Her experience Is Invaluable.
Long Silk Gloves-Kayser make in 12 and 16-button
lengths extra quality silk, double tipped fingers
white, black and colors, at pair . . . .$1.00 and $1.50
Long Silk Gloves 16-button length, single row of Paris
point embroider), double, tipped fingers, Milanese or
Tricot weave white and black worth up to $1.25, at
pair 79c
Beautiful, bright colored muslin, cotton and silk flags In every Im
aginable site, mounted or unmounted; In baaem't, each 1 to 85
Red. white and blue bunting, deep colors specially priced In base
ment, at, yard 3 "4 a
You will find most interesting
reading on the want ad pages.
Have you read the want ads
yet today?
We Sell Pictorial Keview Patterns Be
cause They Are the Best Patterns Made.
10 S. (EL H. Green Trading Stamps
FREE to All Wednesday
Rut In order to set them jtm Blast brln- Joe Books to the Premium Par
lors, Balcony, Main Floor. If you are not now a collector of 8. H. Green
Trading; ti lamps we will five ru 20 FREE KTAMP8 for every book you wish
to start. Also those who already have booka and wish to start new ones can
secure these 20 free a tarn pa It they come to the fremtum Parlors Wednes
day. Remember
10 Free Stamps for All Your Old Books
And 20 Free Stamps for All New Books
Wool Dress Skirts in a
Big Sale Wednesday
Some of them were .purchased from a maker who is dis
continuing his business and the remainder are from our own
large stocks. Just four lots of them arranged to make the
selection easy and priced to make this the best skirt sale
of the season.
Less Than Half Price
Lot One at $1.98
Dress skirts of serges, Panamas.
Scotch mixtures, worsteds, striped
materials, etc.; wltb high girdles
or natural waist bands; black,
navy and tan: actual SPI CI ft
15 and ft values at..Ma.0
Lot Two at S2.98
Wool dres skirt of serges and
fancy mixtures In a good variety
of the best styles: choice of black,
navy, tan and gray; tailoring of
an exceptional qual- 4C QO
lty; to 7.60 values. JJ else .O
Lot Three at $3.98
Women's fine dress skirts of Pan
amas, serges snd fancy mixtures
In a large assortment of choicest
styles; black, navy, tan and gray
for your choosing: CI Ckft
17.60 to f 10 values. aJJJelO
Lot Four at $4.98
Dress skirts of the famous Altmsn
voiles, silk snd serges. In plain
tailored styles snd with braid
trimmings: come in black only:
I (10 to 15 CA QO
; Wednesday. vVT.0
Notion Bargains
for Wednesday Only.
Pearl buttons, worth 10c th dosen,
Wednesday So
;o-yard spools black and while ma
chine thread III all numbers, two
spools for ..Ss
JOc bolls of four yards of embroid
ery edalnsa, white and rotor.. to
tc rarda nickel plated safety pins,
t carda for Sa
Women's and children's 1&e pln-nn
hose supporters, all colora Ss
10c fancy bat pins, Wednesday, to
close .....1
tc boss small let plna ......(..Is
lOe bolls of four yarda of flniahlns
braid, Wsdnesday So
Stationery Specials
For Wednesday Only.
10 . k ereea Trading Stamps
rise Wit Sack of th ToU
lowiaf Berfaiae.
Three pack- shelf paper In ss-
aorted colora ...,...... .10
Roll lunch paper ...10e
100 decorated napkins ....10a
Postcard albums that will hold :00
cards . ... i lOe
i parkasea envelopea. commercial
else 10a
Boa of fine stationery 21 aheete of
paper with II envelopea to match
In each box Wednesday 10a
American Beauty Corsets
Beautify the Figure
The figure corseted in an American Beauty
Corset looks slim, graceful and fashionable.
There are many models suited to the require
ments of varying types of women. They mould
the figure into smooth, graceful lines, without
interfering with the comfort of the. wearer.
Dozens of the newest models are here,
ready for your choosing at .
$1, $1.50, $2, $3 to $5
Expert Oorsetieres will attend you. Per
fect fittings with all corsets at $3.00 or more.
Memorial Day Picnic Necessities
f A. wa, r
Open weave hammock made of
best quality three-ply, hard spun
yarn which Is tha yarn of greatest
strength; assorted bright colors,
site J4x4 Inches; specially priced
for Wednesday selling only at 03c.
Covvtred market baskets, for
picnic lunches, etc.; 23e each.
Paper platea, lOe the down.
Klght-ball croquet sets. Wednes
day while they last. OSc the set.
These sets sre turned from se
lected woods, thoroughly oiled
snd nicely varnished.
Foliling drinking caps, large
site, 10c.
Meet knives and Fork, for pic
nic or kitchen uses, fit each.
2-lb. Can
Coffee 52c
Ami-Other Pure Food Bargains for Wednesday Only
1 bottle Snider s fiNtlad !ressins Isc
I can timder's Pork and Besna ............... .lac
t ran Snider Tomato 8oup Ic
1 bottle Snider Cocktail uce lac
With eOB.SK. Stamps. Wisaialey See
Assorted teaa and Large ran Bennett'a
ntan.vs. lb SSel Capitol Hawaiian sliced
Tea slftlnas and 11 pineapple fur SO
stampa, lb. lsePInt can Oat I lard's pure
Bennett's "CspltoJ- flour I oil re oil red-y-ed to "
special offer ef allS-lb. sack yVlow corn
aaca at sij! meal I or
r ar Bishops CsM-
fornia frultate ....Sao
1 7 sounds aranutated
sugar for S1.0S
Three parkafe Ktar
and Crescent macaroni
and 10 stampe as
I lbs. tc Jap rice for sa
Walker' hot tsmslfs
and II stamps, ran lie
IS bar Seaaetl' Bar-
- SaSeas far lis
Three packacea Toasto
corn flakca and I
stamps tor Sa
Onion salt and I a lam pa
bottle for la
cakea Sweetheart toll
el soap l st pe. at
Peanut butter and iu
stampa. Jar la
Pick lee. assorted, and I
stamp, bottle le
Full cream cheese and
1 stampa. lb.
Best Lamb Chops . .... .15c I 8Vi-lb. Pkg. Leaf Lard, $1.00
Hamburger, 3 pounds . : .25o Best Pot Eoajt ...... .120
Kxpart Onttstry at moderate
prv sJl work la charge ef ex-
,' T s-aoie ne. ' Penwlain nmacs
ernlv equipped efrkw tn tmiaha
rariBBi rxoa. raxroaT blocs
CdTWer lets am Verosaa Sss.
Rousing Bargains in Wednesday's Sale
We Close
at Noon
We Close
at Noon
Sale) Wash Dresses Wednesday
Thousands Upon Thousands of
Nobby Wash Dresses
At Prices Actually Less
Than Worth of Materials
Women's, Misses and Children's
In all the the newest styles. Fabrics in
clude Linens, Marquisettes, Tissues,
Ratines, Chambrays, Lawns, Embroid
eries, etc
More Tub Dresses Than All
The Other Stores Combined.
1000 different styles for selection
All Day Wednesday and
Thursday Morning
On Sale in Two Lots:
y.1.00 to $7.50 Dresses 1 1 .05
Bcores of prettty styles in all
sixes, H years to 44 bust
lawns, ginghams, cbambrays,
linens not one worth less than
15.00 and up to 1 QC
$7.50; choice .... J 1 slO
I)T NO. a.
$13.00 YVasfi Dresses $3.00 All
over embroideries, piques, mar
quesettes, tissues, linens, lawns
in si! colors and sixes actual
values to 115.00; ff
for this sale, choice .vOeUvl
Another wonderful line of Linen snd Lingerie Dreses on it 1 A AA
saie Wednesday and Thursday at J1V.VV
25c Embroideries 12c
Wednesday we place on sale a big line of 18
in Flouneings and Corset Cover Embroider
ies, a fine assortment of 25c values, choice, yd.
Men's Summer Straw or Panama
Ready for Yon Here at a Distinct. Rovinrr
Only Two More Days Till Decoration Day.
11 w eas. . J
Will Show You Panamas
at $6.00, $5.00 and $4.50
That are H to better quality
than elsewhere at the same
prices. All newest shapes.
Will Show You Straw Hats,
Special at $2.50.
That we know you can't match
elsewhere at less than 13.00.
Many other splendid values.
Wash Goods Dept.
Closing out sll Spring Wash
Why will you pay 2 5c for
Egyptian Tissues wbsn you
can buy them here for. . 18
Why will you pay 25c for voiles
you csn buy here for. . . 15?
Why will you pay 35c to 39c
for Scotch sephyrs that you
can buy here for 251
And everything else along the
line at reduced prices.
French batiste at 12
Domestic batiste at 10
Irish dimities at 25?
Domestic dimities at 18
40-ln. bordered batiste. . .25
36-ln. French percales 12
Domestic percales, yard wide,
' 10
White Goods Specials
For Wednesday
Chamois finished longcloth tor
undergarments, worth 15c yd.
Pr b Ho: li yds. vf 1.19
Chamois finished longcloth for
undergarments, worth 2Je yd,
Per-bolt of 13 yd... gl.98
Persian and French lawns,
worth 60c, yard 3Q
Persian and French lawns,
worth $1.00, yard 59
Irish Batiste pure handkerchief
linen, worth IL25, yd.. 75
White Tillies snd Bedford
cords this season's fabrics
worth 75c, yard .139
Wednesday in the Domestic Room
Some Snaps You Can't Afford to Miss
M-lnrh Imported Ginghams, val
ues to 18c yard, at 10
10c Longrloths or India IJnons,
on sale, yard 7H
$1.39 Bed Spreads, full slse, as
sorted patterns, st 85
IRc Cotton Voiles, good patterns,
sssorted colors 12 H
Percales Worth I'p to 13c, light
and dark patterns, yard.-lQ
7?e Bleached Muslin, 36 inches
wide, on sale st ....5J
30c Ready Made Sheets, 72x90
sle, on sale i . . . .35
SOr Bleached Table Damask, 68
inches wide, on sale at... 194
fte I -awns and Batistes, fine
patterns, at, yard
I25sc Turkish and Huck Towels,
large size, st. iq,
10c Hope Muslin, St Inches wide, st yard
r """SSSBBwnaaaa.aasjasaBa.asn,.
Our Bis Special Purchase Sale ef Broadway
Brand Men's and Boys' Suits
Offers Omsha buyers excellent quality and up-to-date styles st
wn ."U"J mi,wd y ties,
Mrs a Suits, worth to
Men's Suits, worth to
SIS.00 ....$11.75
Me Suits, worth, Men'. 8ults, worth to
Boys Suits, worth Boy,- gmt, m4
to sji.95 4jso ......$2.45
Our First Car of Pineapples Is In
TH Pineapple market Is crowded
at the present time Just aa soon as
tiie market riirnta Itself, we look for
an adYenre or about -5 per nent.
Wednesday we will pls'-e this car
on rale at the followlns prices;
Kmali else, earh &?: per dnsen . . iSc
Medium sise. eerb i St'; per dosen Sc
ale Hem htrge else, each IV: doz. sc
Lara aise. eacn lc; per dosen
Rxtra larse else, ea. i:'Tc; doa. St. 45
Per rase. 42 and 4 slse S2.7S
Per rase 54. ami S else :.Ti
raacy nsorl auawaerrl, ease ef
S4 tuaraa S2.X5
IS lbs. as vraaalate (arar . .SUM
4s-!h. sacks beat hiah arade Diamond
H family flour, special for Wednes
day, per sock I1.3S
1 s bare beet branda laundry snap 25c
7 lb, best bul laundry starcb 25e
1 l ib. pkg. cold water atarcb
1 4-oe. cans conlened milk i c
14-os. par best domestic macaroni
t He
Cor flake breakfast food. pk(.
Mclanwn't peanut butter, lb. ...15c
Peter's breakfast cocoa, lb. .;&c
The butter trust was compelled to
come down The supply ,.Ttl,
too m.H-h for then, to held up ,h,
hith price. By irsdln, at Hyln'a
you flsht trust price. y n
Beet No. 1 creamery batter, carton
or balk, per lb. . . . T!
The beat No. 1 dairy butter
flood tebl Knit., it.
The best country ' creamery
TV-?rV. "MMta for 1 asaper Tea
. . vr.
1 bunches fresh radish ... t
bunches fresh onions .. Tl
J bunches fresh turnip U.
t bum-he. fresh uparacua
2 bunches fresh parsley 11
fresh cabbage, lb. ...... K
Fancy waa or atrln beana,Uk''ise
rresh peas, ouart ji?
Fancy ripe tomatoes, lb. . Ja,
1 heads fresh leaf lettuce .." .
J beada fresh head lettuce . jj;
I lbs. new potatoes iX
4 bunches pieplant to
Quart boxea fancy ripe tr.wb'rrie
l lOe
Try HAYDEN'S First