THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. MAY 29. 1912. OFFERED FOR SALE , . , - Trwrltera. . w ran. no, ita. Central Typewriter exchange, utoi Fer- TTPFWPWrOB - Healcav s-raeat. ELECTRIC Pianos, music boxes, player pianos, coniinenrai novelty, 119 lath. Miaeclla FOR SALE New and second-hand eerorn and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories: bar fix tures el sl! kinds: easy payments. TIM POOL tables, store, restaurant natures twugntsoio. Levy, sio so. Omaha. FOR SALE Two scholarships In the Cmsha Commercial college and one la Boy lea college. Business office. Omaha ea. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes: all sixes and makes: bargains. uuaei new, a snap. ias ior in xtta etc. cou 111 crnana. FOR SALE Scholarahln in Bovlee col lege. Call at or address Business office. umsna Bee. CINDERS for sale cheap. CaU Webster FOR SALE Cheap, one Cecilllsn piano player: one Edison home phonograph; with cabinet and ISO records: large born. Call Tyler 1011, also one ladies' 1 (am bier wneei. nearly new; coaster brake. OLD SAFE. DillUGHT. 1M Farnam St. PERSOSAJu M-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Olstllah Pharmacy. Hit and Dodge, HJOlil. LEAF FILE CONKS Best remedy tor itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles, &oc postpaid: samples free. Kberman A McCooneil Drug Co-. Omaha, MASSEOTHERPY wMtne! Allen of Chicago. 10 S. 17. 1st f L P. Wei. THE 8ALVATIOV ARMY solicits east- ff clothing; In fact, aoyihlnx you do not Md. We collect, reoalr and sell at lM W.. Uth Bu for cost of collection, to the worthy poor, mono wougisa iu sum sfttoni will call. Vital massage, baths, electric vibratory and radiator treatments. Dr. Anna Q. Fisher, 11 Ware blk, 3tt 8. 15th. P. fiBa, - TOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian assootauM" building at Seventeenth, and 8u story's Ave, where they klU be directed to suitable boarding places, or otherwise see is ted. took for our travelers aid at the Union stsuon. Massage. Mrs. use, am Boston Bid f A HQ A CUT ewedJso movement. Apt. fllAbOAUJi Farnarn. D. -. t A nvVTin treatment. E. Brott. .11 16th. Id floor. WE RENT and repair ell kinds of sew. intf icacnines. in a. a-iqw; wui" NEBRASKA CYCLE CO, Isth and Harney at. a VTVT II f A WIfC scientific mes- anun i-i. in 'iin"'i jajg, usuj Far nam nvtlt Blk.. ADt. X Red SWA manage as? kS&'s". r "' BOPT MASfaAGffi. ra-i Nevtll. P. tux WANTED Address of Mrs. Lena Ehler. Address nog xm. uougias. t "vacuum massaou. a so. uth st. R. A daily, nutKUty; open evenings; hours i 11) u. ' POULTRY iXU PET STOCK. screenings per UW. V. sgnsr. Sui r. is. KKAIt ESTATE LOANS OMAHA .property d Nebraska lands, ' O KEEFE HEAL ESTA'J'E ClL. His New Omaha Nafl Bank Building. MONEY to loan on buuisss or reef dtoee properties, SLOW to 1600.000. W. U. laollAS. HB First Nst'l Hank Bldg. WANTED City loans and ' warrants, W. Farnam Smith Co., lla) Farnam St. DOS to alti.aoo made promptly, F. P. Wesd.' Wead Bldg.. Uth and remain. WANTED City loans. Peters 'f rusr Co. do; ClTY LOANaL Bemla-l'.srlberg C, . Bemls-Oarlbei Theater Bldg. "310-1I Brsndel G ABVIN BROS, a stTlaTk LOANS Farm and city property. H. Dumont Son., teal Farnam 8L FOR SAIiB OR EXCHANGE For Sale or Exchange-Complete outfit for running country newspaper. Two presses, cutter, ate. Address X U. Omaha Bee. 1 -. ,t iT V . 1 iA m, N.hra.W. 1. rwl for good automobile. ", Brandels Theater. FOR (ALB or trad for cows, horses or hickens. Incubators, stc, (or furniture of different auslitlea. WW Cuming. wcv id 1 .... J wantut In a.huTI.J, fnr ICl.VAU MUU T- 11 . m acres of fine fsrra land In 8. Dakota. The m seres are all clear. Want Uult Coast Isnd. & A. ecoU, tS Mackay Bldg., oen ASHsiiu, WASTED TO BOT Household gds. clothes shoes. Bl3 Id sand goods. Kstssr. 10X1 Center. D-ttsi n.u tnr nlA rl.ithlnlK KatbSO'S I .call urrire, iw po. .iru Cbicaso buyers. Id-band clothes, shoes. . . . . ; ... ,, ItIA gats, nest prices; will eaiu . j m, . a T PTRV Pays the best prices for old "lil JJAiX iron, metals rubber, eta OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. THE ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMKR MONTREAL, LiVs4Ur'OOi4 wLASOOW. Monireal. Havre, Flymoutn, London. The Picturesque SL Lawrence Route. Vaur days on lite cean, three days In river and gulf, einiesdld sew Turbine Steamers. Saluoo. second-cabm and third ciass. superior one-class cabin service Cuisine unexcelled. Courteous attention, bend for . circulars, rauw. plans, eta. Alias Co., u; N. Paaroorii Bu cnlcaso Anchor Line SSteaoiaoips Mew Tors, Londonderry and OWagow Kew York, puuou and Naples. Attractive rates for ucksls between New lark and all soovca. English. Lisa, CenuaenuJ and Jeediterraneeu points, superior if """ft eacellent cui awe. efflrttist nervine. Apply promptly lor reservation to local ageut or. AncSer Line or Henderson Broiners. Uaaersi Agents, Chicago, 1U. ' UVB STOCK MARKst O. U ttSl shin . . stock to boutn Omana. Sav xoueage ssd snrinkags, . Your consign menu receive prompt and careful sueu ties. - Live glees Csensalastea MershMis. Bers Bros it Co.. Str-ng snd responsible, V.OOD BRut., at-ss fxenange Bldg. tzient West. Com. Co.. Omana A Denver. ciayrtOMOSon ai l-o.. aw Exchange jsiog. CLIFTON Com. Co., tu Exchange Bldg. Cox at Jones Com Co., bunch of hustlers. L. E. RUHERTS St CO.. at Excn. UKU. Msrus Bros. c Co.. JUi-4 Exch. Bidg. . oKOS. nandie cattle, nogs, soeep. Deposit V oa ei sniprueats IB 8 toes Vera, v-ri bank. 3niy bans at ysrds, HEAL KSTATB ABSTRACTS OH VaTlOs. Rasa' Abstrsot Co.. sidest abstract flee In Nebresks. 100 Brandels Tbes 'i. KEALB St CAMPHE1X. 1711 1 arnu. aC SLlt.SH. II ISkUSkAllOS. glectrle. gas fixtures. Omana Slfvsr Cs. Meal Cement Co I7tn and Cuming sts. Fuchs, Son A Blind, painting, deeonruna- U. Gross, lum. wreck's, pis a PauL SCREACE FOR SAXR ACREAGE SAB3AIKS near Omits Crrln 8. Merrill. 12U City Nat. Bank Bldg. crrr fropektt for sal IT'S FOR SALE That high, sightly east front, beautiful sad well built seven, room modern bungalow on 3Hh St.. near Haml Hon street, - TO BUY, SELL OR kt.S'l, UKaT SKg MUX W. fibaiisLNsV sits FAxUiAAt AX. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALS. New Dundee Residence Located tn Rappy Hollow, overlooking the Happy Hollow club grounds and the new boulevard. This bouse Is up-to-date, attractive and well built, and has the many little conveniences so necessary to the comfort of s home. On the first floor Is s good sued tiled vestibule, lead ing into s large living-room, all finished in oak. with beamed ceiling, bulit-hi book case and large tiled fireplace. The dining-room Is aso finished In oak. with beamed cethng and built-in buffet, and opens out into a large bright sun posreh. Off the dining-room and kitchen Is s little breakfast room in mission flnlsii, with built-in settees and table. The sec ond floor has four lars-e bed rooms, in whits enamel finish with mahogany doors. oak Doors throughout. Tiled bathroom, with latest uo-to-date fixtures. Stairway to third floor, where thers. is s msM's room;, also ample storage space. The basement under the entire bouse light and dry and has s first class not water heating plant If you are looking for an atttrsually attractive, convenient and substantially built house, ready to move Inls st onus, with plenty of ground around It. In s district where values srs Increasing, be surs and see this place. Call on. George & Company, 'Phone D.-75 or A-TIM. Q-1I City Natl. Bsnk Bldg. Our Houses are Built Right If you buy on of us. row can depend upon its being well built Ws Invito close Investigation of the houses which we have under construction. Here are a few we Intend to sell. Perhsps yon might be interested tn buying one of them: One s-room, also one A-rooiu. strictly modern bungalow st tUh and Franklin. One e-room, strictly modern bungalow st 1944 8. 11 St. One (-room strictly modern bungalow st 11th and Laird. One X-room. also one 4-room. bungalow on 41st, just south of Grand Ave. Look these over while being built, we win sell sny of the shove on easy terras. Full particulars for the asking. SCOTT ft HILL, K7 McCagus Bldg., Tel. Douglas iu or Ind. A-lSt Suburban Home One or two acres, lit Sunset 8t, Benson, sn ideal place to live, en s macadamised road, three blocks from car. Improved with all kinds of fruit and shrubbery, fine 1-room modem boos In A-l condi tion; bars Ox3L It's s nrrty A little pise SS there Is Around Omens. Owner lesvlng efty.. must be sold. Prtc M.Hl Mak ss offer. O'Neil s Real Estate & Ins. Agency Tyler MM; Ind. A-M1J. 1506 Farnam SL OWNER LEAVING CITY Six -rooms and leoeDtion hsH. modern square house, built last year, oak finish. large bath, sleeping porch, full cellar. lot 43x131, south front, located 163 Seward. This house is built by day's labor, ms terlsls best of every description, but on sccount of leaving it is placed on the market for only K30. This Is less then it oan be duplicated. Be It st your con venience and then se us. BEMIS-CAELBERQ CO, HO-313 Brsndtls Theatre.' Phon Doug. PS. CLOSE IN, MIGHTY CHEAP We hare M seres, I miles from Gretna, all under state of cultivation. Hss tour- room bouse, barn, well ssd wind milt, and other out-nouses, ail lencso. 'in price is rlsht and will be glad to u&t same and snow term upon reuuass. GALLAGHER & NELSON 481 Brandels Bldg. ' ' Omasa. .Neb. Easy Terms Good 1-room houe on s fin east front lot: nios shade. Convenient to oar sn school. Zasslrsbl nelghtbarhood; hous hss lust been planted. Prtc S.40. Small payment down, balanc Ilk rent. r. iilh and Franklin. 8COTT s HILL, " m McCagu Bldg. Tel. Douglas wit A-17B. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT $3,500 Good M-rsom modern bom; cement sMo. walks, etc; lloo psw to ssyoooy wo brings barer; cost KM to bnlld; lesv lng town. Tel. Harney UT8, or call U Ktn st. . FOR SALE e-room (nod am cottage. 1771 ft tin. Red 177. j BEAUTIFUL corner. Win and Blnney Sts Enquir of Owner, lew? Flnkney. B-aat RKAL ESTATsV PARM At RAW IS 1AWPS W9U MH Csillormis. rs timt an inUrestaA ra Csltfornu ktad for fruit or chicken raising, call on Flxa A Weinberg. HI Be Bldg.. Omasa. Csnsdn. , Birr LAND IN CANADA Thoee wish ing homes of their own in Swedish-American settlement In Manitoba or Saskatche wan, Canada, near schools sad churches, close to thriving R. R- towns, best of soil. tine groves, good water, near lases. low prices, easy terms. Circulars and relia ble Information; excursion rats, etc. sn application. A. Neiaon. P. O. Box Mi. Howrega. nso. Colors So. COLORADO LAND arms. Stock . Ranches. Fruit IMPROVED. UNIMPROVED, 1KR1UATEU AMU UNIHRIOATED 11.41 acre stock ranch. 44 seres deseed. U.0GS acres lessed. plenty of water, wind mills, tanks. Improvements tor stock. This la so extra good stock ranch. Price ,euk ten acre stock ranch, two rood K-r houses, spring house, bunk house, barn, oorrais, etc. all fenced. Soring on About every quarter. Cut ovor 0 tons hay and can be made to cut three times as much. Extra good stocs proposioon. rne jo,wl Si. down, bsissos ea ternss to suit. is seres, two miles mtk of Sir u ears. 30 mile east of Denver, 1-r. sous, bora, good well. pump, fenced sua croee fenced. I sere in wsest, gvoo suaw xrics SO) fit aero. - - - - - MS acres. lli miles south of BeoiMtt fenced. V seres in wriest: fin soil; lays well, rrtco aw per sere. We have s very lanr net or mmta stmiisr to the sbov to pick from. Price BOO per acrs and up. Writs us for par ticulars. CANH CANN. m Tempi Court Bids. Denver. Con. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by th ' .ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM-ATLAN TIC RAILROAD. . Land adapted t th widest rang ef crops. AH th money crops of tn south plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with this coming onnntry. Ha soil, climate, church sod scnooi sdvanLSgee, writ W. D. LEAHT. DEFT K. ' Oenersl Passenger Agenl. . ATLANTA. OA. TUB nor fans I to Insert a amaU wast ad tns Dss stolnes carntai lrwt Ht. rukades la th stats at lows. 4110 deiiv. Tb Capital Is read by and behaved In by u stsnspstter er lews, who simply refuse t permit any other paper la nsr boms. Rates, 1 cent s word s day: gui 11ns nor asontn; esoat ats srdlasry words to tn Une. Addfcss lies - - - Csssisi, Osj AWlnes. is., - REAL ESTATE r A RtNtH LA Mil FOR S4I.R WS SOUTHERN MINNESOTA FARMS FOR SALE If you wsst to buy an Im proved farm in 8outhem Minnesota writs for catalog Soul hern Minnesota Land Co.. Blue Earth. Faribault Co., AUsa. Mow lass, PTFTFErt vesra to esv MAX m for Montana's choicest irrigated farm lands: 7S.0ia acres now ooen under the Carey act at Vsoer, Morl; M bushels of wheat. 111 bushels of ears, 19 bushels of flax per sere. Write todsy. Clinton, Hurt? A Ce.. Box A VsHer. Mont. RANCH EJ-CW to 1HB.0DS. Send for list. Shonen A Co..- Ranch Dealers. Omaha, Neb. gtaraau. - FOR SALE Improved Howard county farm; is) seres: good Imptovemeors. 146 per acre. Writ L. S. Moors, Grand Island. Neb. M tsoe llsnewan. e im.Bi.Av D. ML Ml' City National Rank Bldg. nrm isna and ranches. Brownell Hall Girls Give Class Recital Before an audience of X laughing, nappy, care-free (iris of ages ranging from It to 10 yesrs. snd their chaperon, the girls of Miss Issbsil Lowden's locu tion clsxa gsv a recitsl Iset evening st Brownell hall. Th program consisted of drams, singing snd dancing. Tfie event was given by th student? themselves, sis In number, assisted by two or thro girls of tb seminary. It represented the class of the school year and was theTr final effort In elocution before the summer holidays i The principal number was two scene! from Dsvtd Copperfleld In which tn fol lowing, the entire class, took part: Misses Augusts Kilpatrlrk. Calls Bolter, RulU Borcher, Harms Forbes, Maud Oey, Helen Hethlefsen. Act L seen t of Sbsksspsars'g "As To-j Like It," wss played with Maud Gy ss Rosalind. Calls Boltsr ss Cells, and Augusts Kllpstrlck taking 'tb part of Duke Frederick. Th Garland and Spanish dance bv Miss Msrgsrat Btubbs. Miss Adelaide Fogg were festuroa. Services to Be Held in Soldiers' Circle Memorial services will b held at the soldiers', circl la Forest Lawn cemetery by Gsrfleld circl No. 11. Gettysburg circle No. 48 and th ladle of th Grand Army of the Republic Thursday morning at M o'clock. Th program will be as follow:- . - kl arch Heeded by Boy Scouts. John N. Merger, marshal of th day. Song, "Amerlco." udieoe. Invocation Naiionai Chaplain Csmllls Klllott.. Address. Rev. M. a McLaughlin. ' Son. "Toll tns Ball." children. alxerctses for unknown graves, children. Song,. "Scatter the Flowers," children. Ritualistic decoration, officer of ladle of tti Grand Army of tb Republic. song, isdiee of tn Grand Army of tn Republic. ...'.'., Firing sshrM, owtaebment Signal corps Fort Omaha. Tsd. by trnmoeter. Decoration of all soldiers' grsvss by scouu and cniiartn. SPECIAL FEDERAL GRAND iURY MAY BE CALLED A special federal grand jury may b ordered during th present term ef th United States district court because of th arrest of W, G. Baboock sod C tv. Jack son and their sd milling th theft of A postal money order from a counter of th Omsk posoffjee last Tuesday. They were arraigned before United States Com missioner DaaMI yostsrdsy a4 held, ball being fixed at pm sack, which tsey were unabl ts give. - If Baboock and Danlsl eiprsss a desire to slesd guilty and thus hsstsn their sentence, a apscisl venlr will be ordered to Indict them.- Whil th special grand Jury Is sltung it I probabla that Allan and Albert, charged with "whit slavery" by enticing' two girls from Chicago thro week ago, wl) also bs tndlctad. WEBER AND FIELDS' JUBILEE DRAWS RECORD ATTENDANCE Th advance gala for th coming f gagammt of . th Weber and Fields Jubiiee Mwipany st th Boyd Theater, on Tuesday night, June 4, for one per. formance only, indicates a roeord-brsak-Ing attendance. ' . Th eompany played for Hi perform ance at th Broadway theater. New York, closing May 11, t gross receipt of over 1300,090, snd In that Urn oon, ldersbly mor than 200,00 persons had witnessed th roaslcal pot-pourri of Weber-Fields reminiscence called 'Hokey Pokey", and a mlnlatur bur- lesque, "Btmry Bulla and String.'' Tb company to be seen her is en tirely th original New Yerk organisa tion, comprising beside Weber snd Fields themselves, Lillian Russell. Fay Templet on, WHIism Collier, George Bobaa. Besai Clayton. John T. Kslly, Ada Lewis, Hslenn Collier Garrick and Fraakl Bailey. RAIDERS' AUTO STALLED AND MANY GET AWAY Council Bluffs poltc bssded by Chief From rstded tb thither land road hous at Fourteenth avenue and Thirty-fifth street but night ssd arrested fifteen s snd on woman. Th womsa and of th men belonged in Council Bluffs, all of tb other being Omaha fis. - Wall so rout to tn road boos the chief s sato blow a tire and the) pouc patrol pseud, him and made th raid. Th chauffeur was repairing the tlr when ral aots load of men snd won escaping from Mm place passed th broken dowa rsldera. Chief Froom Is attesspttag to keep out of th Iowa eRr the element that eteesij tb bridge when tb ltd In Omaha was damped down. HIGH WIND PREVENTS - .. FLIGHT OF BALLOONS Major Samuel Saber, commanding of ficer ef tb belleoa corps of tb sssurii division ef th artsy signal corps arrived Sonday and If In charge f the flights. He I accompanied by . Wmum & Aasmsan of St. Loots, a member of th St Loam BtsDoon dub. re flights ht eras balloons are planned for this afternoon. . These win oaear st times when th weather permits.- Th dirigible may be brought tnto as Wednesday or Thursday. Pcrststeat Advertizing la th Itoad t Big Returns, - AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA City Council Spends an Unpleasant Hour Over Some Old Bilk VOTING MA CHUTES TOP AID FOB Rnbber Cwsssway Sne for Soss Hoos Bosskt Lone A aw lire Mall Xsnstr Twts Aban doned Recess Vassfo. of Coaaell Meetlag. Bill for two voting r mines east Ing S.m, presented from Isst admin istration. , To bills tor K.!M esrh r resented tor pajment for hose received by th fir department. Water company asks that Its tax be reduced from rw.MS to 144C.09A, th value placed upon th South Omaha holdings by th appraiser. Council ssked to send sanitary in spector and probation officer to con ventions meeting to discuss their resepctiv sphere of duty. Psckers National bsnk gives C0. SN security bond depository of city funds Bond of Stock Tsrds National bank for asm purpose, ap proved. Ak-Sar-Ben club organised by th local Arm ot Eagle given permit to us streets contiguous to thtlr building' on dates between June t and . Fir Hall No. I at Thirty-first ssd R streets, ordered bsndond beeaus of unssfs condition of building. Com pany transferred to now hall at Twenty-seventh sad Madison streets. Ordinance compelling proper fire protection and fir escspe on all buildings In th city ordered drafted. M. Higgin ask that Thirty, sventh street In th vicinity f M street be vacated In favor ot his narking planL Offers transfer of bind In return. .. " , Ordinance authorising paring of sidewalks o both side of U street from Thirty-ninth to Fortieth street Coram time ef thro to be appointed to investigate th records to determine th ownership ef ertsptnalsd sswer lying north of Q street, acar Swift' packing hous.- - .Board of qualUatlon to mt June U and 12. . Mass meeting td pre para for Fourth ot July oelebration called by mayor for Wednesday night at 1 s. m., la th city hsll. Old claims and bill against ill ity sprang up last night to affright th! gas ot th city council which Is struggling to maintain a policy of at riot eooomy hi city affairs. On claim for 11,100, waa for two voting machines bought February, WL Th two other item amounted to M40O. and wers for two sets of Or boss bought, on by th former council and on by th fir and polio commissioners. Nslthsr consignment bag bean paid far M a notification from the Manhattan Buhber company through Its attorney ac companied A summon front th district court that haled the City government into court on Jun M t show cause why tb bill should not be paid. Th thrss claim were the aubjeot ot a long and doleful meeting of tha wurf oom- mltte which confessed that tns bills would probably have to be paid. Prssldent of tit Council Ter Alton IB asking th transfer of firs company No 1, from the ball at TWrty-first and R streets to th new building at Twenty- ssvsnth and Madison streets, said k did not know "bow tat th nam of Ood any on could' hava lived through th last winter la th hsll at Thirty-first and R street."'-. - - .- - Altos declared It waa an outrsgs f?r th 01 ty to xnct much leas dtmand that th flrenwa Uv la A plaos sx posed to th weather and In continual danger of col. laps. Mayor Hoetor suggested that th company be rdrd to temporary quart- ta No. 1 hall ratbar thaa to No. I. where th mayor . said there wis nut proper road or nvw way on Twent; seventh street south of T. He luted that tha maintaining of a company at hall No. 1 would glv additional sscunty to th stock yards and packing districts during tha tint when th fir depart ment had had It force ourtsllrd because of shortage In th fir fund, Alton re fused to aocod to th mayor's lugges tlon, holding that th people u tn suulh- dlstrict of th city -had a much tight to protection ss th stuck ysrds 1 packing houses. Major Hoctor finally . resorted a solution by referring th matter to tn polios and Or com mission with th recommendation tuat An i lulling Scalp Forms Bid Habit CM Zenso and Yon Won't Xaed To Scratch Your fealp. This Is Gaaruterd. wet tb Liberal as Trial Bottle Todsy. For any skin affliction. Hch. dandraff. ecxema, ptmpie. btotchea, as ZEMO. No matter if you hsvs tried everything else under th heaven aaa KEMO. If your scalp Itch, fly to fKMO. If year face is covered with pimples rery sbooi truly upon ZEMO. If yon have th worst esse of ecxema ever knows Jut ran ember MWMO CURBS. Tou spply ttould SIVMO with the rin gers, just a touch of It No trace Is left. And though It vanishes Instantly, you know ZEMO Is at work. Ton know It by the relief, the almost Instant relief. Too-feel Uila la th diss ppea ranee of an Itch, all pain, all distress. Oet th liberal zWcent sit trial bottle of ZBMO a oulckly aa yea can. Relief from skin distress can't come any too quickly for you. And remember. ZEMO I guaran teed. ZEMO Is sold by druggists st U N for th regular ate large bottl or 3 cents for the Uberal sis trial bottl. Get It at any Drug Store, or send prtc to K. Ross Medicine Company, 8C Low la. Mo. ZEMO is sold snd highly recom mended by leading drugglsta throughout America and In Omaha by Sherman it McConneil Drug Ce, Kth aad Dodge. Uth and Farnam. Owl Drug Co., Uth and Harney, Loyal Pharmacy 2T-f No. Kth th company be tianaferred to hall No. 1 as soon as possible. Parker Ask Lead. Alleging that hi business demanded in creased acreage. M TliKgina. an tndepend eut packer at Thirty-seventh and t streets, asked that Thirty-seventh street near M be transferred to his use hx lieu of a strip ot land to b made over by kirn to the city. The only riffis on the surface of the council meeting was the wsrning served by Rlha upon the parking and stork yards internet who sought to have an Invest!' gallon to detemdn the ownership of i sewer at the Swift property north of Q streets. He ssld that th company upon whose land thasswer was should pay the cost of maintenance and repair. Council mas Waters uld the council that the dilapidated otwer was in such rondttton that tb Stock yard company had set a crew of men to work already without awaiting th decision as to th ownership of the property. Mayor Hoctor announced that st the solicitation of th business men of the city he would call a mass meeting In the council chamber Wednesday sight for I ha purpos of making preparations for the public celebration f July A To Stop tan Judge James Callanan was deaf yester day morning to the pleadings of friends snd sttomeys who begged for leniency towsrd tb scorchers and speeders ar rested Saturday and Sunday. Rameat Charmqulst, who put th clutch of his machine to the high speed while touring through the free state of South Omaha, we taxed S and rest by the irate Justice. Lew Rushing, another automobll- iss i iiars rw wnn recKiess e riving, came under the wire with S fin and Fred Hyna drew la and costs. Judg Csllsnan was wrsthy and pri vately declared his intention of punishing every violator of the speed ordinance. The chief of police aad council hava taken notice ot the Infraction of tha speed law to the extent of authorising th chief to hire a mortoreycle cop. W. H. Vane wus sworn In a a special pottcemaa Saturday night and aa effort will be made to break op the gang of reck leas drivers who come careening through th city st break-neck peed. Memorial Prortaesalloa. Ia honor of th dead sailors and soldiers of the nation. Mayor Thorns Hoctor yes terday Issued hi Memorial day procla mation Th word of hi honor thrill with patriotism and lor for th "privi leges and principles" represented by th flag. In accordance wlih custom, alt' city offices win be closed on Thursday. Th folio lng is th prorlsmation: Whereas, the 30th dsv of Msv has been set apart and designated aa Decoration day. and Whereas. It is BPOronrfatA thai ih. heroism of th volunteer soldiers be kept in memory, that It mav fnsnir nar.i, and loyalty In th minds of all Amen osna, and Whereas. The members of th flrand Army of the Rsnubllo sre rauidlv an. s waring th summons of th Great Come manrier who call thsni from tin scans of their trlls and triumphs Now, therefore. I. Thomas Hoelnr mayor of th city or South Omaha, bv virtue of the power In me. do hereby proclaim (he anth day or stay, A. isii a legal ho irtav. sacred lit - tlx memory or our Midler and sailor dead, and th deed of heroism and valor -of thnes survivors f our nultoosl iragnly whose ureseac we sre still permitted to nlov. Il this dsy b free from raree and perplexities of business activity and the hilarity of thought sea snort, and let our citlsens mske n an occasion of review f the eaoriftcea snd schivrraenta of Ih great sat volunteer army that ever graced the earth, snd from their Bufferings sn.l success let us learn lo cherish more drsrly the principles and brMleuM repre sented by Ih flag of our enunliw .and guaranteed to all who find protection he. nsath It sheltering folds. Let us en this day assemble In memory of th sailors Did you get NO housewife wants other than beauti ful silver on her table and she can have a complete set of spoons and table silver of this beautiful pattern free. Five coupons like the one below and ten cents will get this spoon at The Bee office. Certificates given by Omaha merchants will be exchanged without any charge whatever at The Bee office for all other pieces of a 65-piece set of Wm. Rogers & Son's silver. THKBE MER CHANTS GIVE OOl'POXS And certificates with purchases: AXJatfCAX TasAiag ' Cor. lstk sad Peeglss ate. Ltrxtrg Bmea - fOaTsT wTTTLatw, Co saunters Dls- Roger Bob emir pattern. for postage. kribator. Don-In. ISMS lad. rim. asm atreet and No.. mm nrui tlLLUIBAX 1611 Dosg-aa, Ad rvser. BhTTCSsTTTC BASAD Postoffiee BTw Bsglud Bak- r, ssis Aeareae worth at. BAAgOEIg riOlUl DEFT. Sraadel Store. FXBKAgXa rest. co. tit Beuth lath XTXLLBB XJQ0OAV OC. IAD Faraax as. rBwBATat gTATIOSEST CO. 14U Faraaas at. - Address TE1I - IIUOI PAtJw CO. ldth and ra Pestofflo. and soldiers and decorate with garlands their graves. Slaboary riser Office. Deputy County Assessor Frank Ma honey closed hi office yesterday after having completed the work of the rax office in South Omaha, in leaving the office lu South Omaha Mshoney refused to give out any figures because of the number of protests filed with him by the property owners tn South Omaha. It st expected that the assessments will bs questioned snd possibly changed. Ms honey declared that it waa not up to him to change the esaessments and that the protests filed would In the end have to be determined by the county sswrssor. Waste t'lty Geasln. J. H. Bulla went to Washington. D. C. Saturday on a business trip. Charlie Srarr la confined to his home with a sever attack of throat trouble. FOR RP."T-4-mom. modern col tare. 3th and J Sts, Mrs. Jessie Cans hey. Kl N. Kd. Rasmus Larsen left yesterday for the old country. He will spend most of the summer In Sweden Coroner Willis Crosby will hold so In quest upon the death of Anlun Sigmon at Larkin a chapel Wednesday at 1 p, so. The ladles' Aid of St. Luke's Lutheran church will meet at the home ef Mrs. Kroeger, 411 V street, Wednesday after noon. The burial ef Pstrl. k Ggan will be held this morning at . o clock from th n-stdenc ot John Larktn. Thirty-sixth and H streets, lo St. Mary's church. Burial will b la SL Mary a cemetery. Wrinkles Go Quick EASY HOME TREATMENT aauty Doctor aad th Medical Profes sion stand Agha la Ajsesssseat. ' Msrvsling at tale Wosdreas slew Method ef sUsaoTtser Wrinkle. Which for Age Baf fled the steading Bapsres f the Barta, WRINKLE BOOK FREE FRIICESSTCKIQ mm mm IUtho4 mt &4UBOTUC Wills klM. VO OMMUU. ' Wo riara Vo K .. Kfctkte V mltaaa TrMtflMBt. llavwr Otavtrfl U Ttali Book Boat Tt Did rttt vr JllinWI WtMMil itst tsruikloa triwrnpox-ltT ? Tin Nvnt lht- Brkhtw and trtwtriUia thM lln-i trf wppet frmtnln brauly Kr. Iba first IUaM Ml r.c thai PrUrMa Toklo rwi-rit WtM w4m knw, anT ft U rtHNitot. K mt WriM bar l "term Ian ajnam btMNi t mbn ttw arcnu trf trta rtrttUI bMutl, tum ana) (orrnt han ktM lit wmti tWuii tit- But si last tin tftwttitrtjwa, kaa baxMi ua.. bpkl. u4 tharai It awt afr tt f AnMrle-a lajtly Who writ fmitvfKlUftl, tlM tU ksnwIMgc abnttt ihlw wnmlvrful anr tavfhcHl , Tha PtiBcm Tokt rlnkl tfcbnk t rum- full f tlatwTtF iMlfag ntl Dtmpmihi fa IM Amtrltaii UdtM. It UHa, wlthotai taiuMlfak aH a Mat i ft lliMrca Tfnp fpw litmauat (or r tovltti wrlnkln without h-mftti irMtngi. adsPAsar nUoa, ar alaattva, me w.hani-al apt'tianctM. Hot Boat to IbtwiM Ovr TB Tata Fn-rma Toa btaak ta KKiV i rwr lady who vrltaa, aia(rt thoaa oh mvmk? yaan I at. To itMaa ttw IMncaaa Tnkla matfeor -ta4a bo hop, for thay aava aacisM-f haiaalvtji fr auca a king irmrlutj. It ta imfrowibla to bawafit Uirouca thta aiiowi4a aftt ID ycr of agt. fa ara a Matraai, woM j ilk i Mi llaa a alrt ?a.a? If ram ara ftfty )atra af , ou4 you t. ta hpak I la Beln4l4 roua Wftsitafl of twantr-tlvaT If ro ara fnrfr. wyaid fnn Ilka ta loo Ilka a girt juat awl tbf bar taaaaf Th-a ta you thta awak will aa af iraal valua. No maaar will ba arwaptaaj for trMt IMaaaaa Tnkio Hook atv-ut vrlnklta. n will ha givaa to aou KRRK. KICAUED PKIVATKUT, WfM o-llea that taara baa aavwad tha ainat aptPiHhl tar far Araartcaa -naM of til ataa ua ta a amy. It U a maaaaia af tha flkoat hart aa awar. atU aa twitka aatnhlaaj ArwarHt-aa. ft ta a traat to Iti uBtqin onataarta. All aa Raa4 4 la aaa. par a rn&w aapr. aaaraaatac 1 n Tn-ta, . Cs iuna i;u Rrat-ht Bui Mine nmm, Catav It tail bo i twtaaaw tmr wrtaht by aa llraly taw traatmaot Is aaJf tight gajia. this spoon? Clip This Coupon Omaha Bee Daily Coupon NO. ft. Wednesday, Hay 29. 1912. TIili coupon when presented with the four ethers eoncutlvely numbered, and 10 cents to cover the 'coat of handling, entltlea th bolder ta one Wat. guaranteed Teaspoon of Le Kaco Out - of - town readers will add to extra tf pea He ta the Oty bring pea Mil t the ffio f Tb a Clip Thii Coupon Yearly Subscription Coupon Omaha Baa This coupon when properly signed end presented at the office of The Omaha He lor mailed by those resid ing out of town) will bring to th holder foil interac tion how every hon.e can secure a full dosan Wat, Bog. rs A Don guaranteed Teaspoon at once. Also, the sender will receive tree eataioga f all place of tht set together with th a am bar of cow pen and certificate reeulred for each place and tee asm of Omaha firms Issuing than to the pabii. Tala offer appBe t rpaa whether a yree.os nbecribar t Tb IOWA WOMAN STARVING.; Had Not Eaten Solid Food For Over Cix Months. . REDUCED TO SKELETON But Restored To Health And Her Family By I nttrd Doctors. Council Bluffs furnishes a case that bests sll record for going without food, lire. John Shenard ot 31U Fifth Ave., lived without any ootid food whatever, aad very liquid nourlahment, for over six swaths Luring that time she lost sbout srxty pounds in weight snd suf fered untold misery. Two years pre vkuia lire, Bhepard waa a magnificent physical specimen of woraaahood, but after ah bad suffered from stomach i rowel for over a year she waa a mere shadow t her former eslf. snd sh had given op all hopes ef ever being well i again. At last she heard of the won- derful work bains' done, hv the United Doctors, these expert met ileal special ists who hsvs their Omaha institute located oa the second floor of the Ne ville Mark, corner of 1Mb aad Harney streets, and decided to place bar case In their hands. The results uf the treatment sre best told In the follow Ing written statement nude ajr sirs. Biieperd for pabthaflen: "Lear Doctor: "You will reawraber that whaa I cam t yon almost two years ago. thai I thought I was going to die from I' leers of the Btaraecb. 1 had been uttering for ever sts wieaths t th extent tliht I wss unable to tske 's mouthful of solid food, or even a drfrflt of water and retain It oa my stomst-ra, I had been t resting with the best pfrvf slclsss 1 could find m Council Bluff and Omaha, all ih time losing flash and strength antll I reached the point where the doe lor said It wuld b necessary to have a surgical operation and make a new opening In my stomach. 1 had lost a muck tlwh that I waa enly a mere hadew. and knowing tint ih United Uurtor accepted no cases they oould aot cut,' I entered their office with fear and Ir tabling, lest they would rcfuee to treat nve. After a thorough sxamlnsUon. th Doctor told at ho oould make .a well again, but that'll would tsks a long time. I was over joyed at this statement, and commenced treatment at sac, After the first doss of medicine I ess sbls to retaia milk, th first thing which had digested tor m tn months. I began to Improv at orue, and now then after It months; I am eating and digesting practically svery thing I want, sad feel better thaa I have lu years. From a mars sksleton of M pounds, when I commenced your treatment. I hare gained flash until ' I sow weigh 121 pounds, and am contin uing to Improv every day, I feel that t owe my Uf. a wall aa my present good health ta the treatment glvea at by th United Dostora. Yours very truly, Airs. John F. Shepard, HIT Fifth Ave.. Council Bluffa, Iowa.; Anyone suffering with any chronlo. deep seated disease ef th asm, blood, stomach, river, kidney and digestive organs. Including rheumatism, neural gia, constipation, A Indigestion, catarrh, sptlepay, goitre, dropsy, wtak back, bleating, eexem. disss ss of women and disease of men, ran not do better thaa to consult th United Doctors, no matter what ether medical advisers may have said about their osee, Kxarainatloa la free and yoa will be oandidly told another your case I curable or not If It I Incurable you will be firmly but kindly told the truth aad none at your money aaeptd. PATIENTS CURED -OF ALCOHOLISM By Neal Treatment ARE ALWAYS GRATEFUL From the many letters received each day, originals of which ws will show anyone in good faith interested, the following is a sample; "Chicago, 111.. Jan. 14. Hi:. , "B. E. Neal, M. 0. "Dear Blr snd Brother: I thought I would let you hear from me, aa t feel Is good as I ever did In my life and thank you for It, but I have not lad any work since I came home, so I can't send you any money until I to to work. But don't be Afnld. ' t will pay yon every cent just as som as I can get work, tor yoor treat ment made a man of me again. . "Yours respectfully. ; ' "No. Kensle Avenue. t; We never disclose the name of any patient In public print or elsewhere, without his written consent We have permission tn this ease to refer anyone to the patient for a personal interview or show his letter. Don't delay or doubt, because it costs yon nothing anless yoa are entirely sat tefled at end of only three tUys' treatment - For further Information, call, phone or address Neal Institute, 1503 South Tenth street, telephone Doug las 75S, Omaha, Neb. NHKt RUPTURE 1 sll varieties onred I t s few dsvs wtthoot sis or lose of tine. M sr will e accepted aa 1 the patient I eured. Write or esu, HsHtr Ssstm Cwe Ba.0-Ars(.oe , Ft"aMk Va Vrpeph sxi- e