Desperate Bga j i i ' i i i.j .. "I" u - 'I I - - tM 'ittri- rrzl .... I--. .pc-c' I'THROIGH THE WINDOW. While Owptnu rjeamond. th lattr. aatioaal crook. I welting to lb cold out side tb cur's poise, be la further an-, noyed by seeing Claud aad Rosamoad . tnsfd. Th lovers ar being entertained .tilt Informally by Nicholas, on whom CUud'( manly frankness and Rosa mond's beauty ba mad a great lmpres ton Claud praiau the impsraJ caviar. WANT ADS Waa ede raced rod at aat tlaaa bad a laaarw anise rtamlflretloa asvst ktr aresaalig bWor IS clock as. foe tb rrwMjac diUoa aad bafar T:M B. g. fwr norsjii aad Sand- ed Unas, Waa ads races rod after sue man will haw their flrat rvartsua aader tb aasdln "a'aw U Oaaslf." . CASI RATEiVuK WA.NT AD RSXiCLAK C1AJ81FICAT105I Oat Bsamuaa 1 it tea per word ud 1 aaa par word for aaca sabeenu t eaaaarattra tasmUoa. Eat lasar ttoa Baadw a odd day H-ewat par a IUW par uaa aat M ton wltaoal naaa ' DEATHS ABO rtNBRAL NOTICES. h NDBERO CarL ag years. Funeral Tuesday sftemeon at I from th residence, till Leavenworth treat, la lament Forest Ls s. -lAMLINO-Frenk M . May M. ltd; agd t years. I months and It day. Fuaetel Monday. May It, at o'clock p. m. from North Presbyterian ohurch. Twenty-fourth and VVirt streets. Inter ment Forest Lawn eewietery. Frlende In--died. Deceased is survived by bis wife: one son. B. M. Hsmllng, and on daugh ter Elisabeth Hamitng. ' BIRTHS AND DEATH!. 1 ' - Blrtha-A. and Cecelia Anderson. 2W3 1 Poppletoa avenue, boy: E, D. and Pearl i R. Cowatsey. 1 Blondo street, bey. M. i and Uey Columbo, list South Sixteenth I street, boy; Fred E. and Pearl Carlu. I 1.11 North Twenty-fourth street, girl: H. and Sarah Barmettler, I'M South Ninth pir-ee-., w . i nrwi'n sou mim i.unq, W South Twenty-fifth atreet. boy: S. W and Mary Gilbert, Clerkaon hoepltaJ, bor; Anthony and Basel Rubeek. 1 North Twenty-first street, bar: Frank and Kat Tylowskt. 94 South Thirty -first street, bsyi O. L.-snd Aurell Twn. Clarkson bespit!, boy. Deathc-Netts Chris Nell en. 44 year. KM Frederlrk street; Frees Henry Scawedmberg. at veers. ttt South Thirty fourte street: Mr, alert Wilcox. 17 year. MS Dwy avenue: Edwin Ander son. M veers, 1 North. Thirty -fifth street. , MARRIAGE LICEiesE. Vi . . . . The following marrtag llsenss has been Issued: , evsros and Residence ' Ag Ernest Webeck. Omsh , tt Aana l. Walstrom. Omaha tl HELP WASTED FEMALE -i Maekare aad Domeotte. ; THE SERVANT OtRL PROBLEM sLVCD-the Be will rua a Servant Otrl Wanted Ad FREE unul you (at the dedred reewlta, Tbia appUe to reeidents of Omahe. South Omaha and Council Blufls. Brlag your ad to Th offio or teiepnone Tyler WW, 1 OJPL for eeneral houetwerk, no waah "tntf, good wag. MIS Dodg. Mr. Cba. Rich. WANTED-tlirl for general housework! Mrs, W. A Qordon. ttii Mlbtary Av. rnon weeeter mi ANTT.D-A alii fr general aouee- wwk sAd to assist with cooking. Call nr rnasy at HM Poppteton Ave. WANTCD-A rl for second work. U Sth A-e. Harney WAXTED-Chambersaaids and scrub rtna Millard Hotel. -. WANTED A competent girl for gea erel housework Codre St. 0'E cook snd laundraes sad one girl f general howMwork Prlvsi family twee grown people. tH North Uth a GOOD nur girl anted. Apply at eiy mti Pacific Sr. . FIRST CLASS chamber maid, perma nent BeaitKm. Fsmiiy hotel, phoa D oerieno child, references Tel Hernev iIRL for general housework Phoa cenlrp Haroey M eH4 rdr St GIRL for aenersl bouMWork for the summer. Tl Harrv KM. l uodr. WAXTED-Girl for enrl houoework tJ3 So IM St.. Tel. Harney 111. WANTED Vung girl t ssstst witn housekeeping; two la fenny. Phone tarney s, t'OMPf.TENT clrl tor reaeral heuee- waek: Mrs F. - Kennard. Fslrscres. . v, ASXi.U-Ci.rl for tenaral bouaeeork l urt. - U ANTED M'dd e ed woman for gen eral beuseenrk. lu mn, after . m ; tfk for Mr. gadeaberg r writ tut fsrker. A COMPETENT girl fee general aoaa orlf. t: ivjiu Phone Harrier 49. tilRU tut general housework, aid ImSM'. Phone Weheter 111 - iRL for general houeework; email 'awiuy; wages SI per weak, lnqulr Jt ,pltoi Av. . WANTED Neat vo'u-g g.rl to assist 0i neral boueework. 'Paena Harney e. Kin m.. ASTF.D C'rl for ceaeral houeework. TX Herney Re. ty.f for gtoeral houaework; I In Uav 'it- r)8 Ppppleton Ave Harney Wt W A TET-A aurse girl. Mrs. M. aUa tel. it. Cth St. Harney KU - OIRL for ear-el housework: family of 4 Call- Harney SW It M'lton Mac. TOTKO wsmsa ewmng t Omaha a trsjvera are wmted to vtett the Toieag ChrtKMa aaaadatlea uI4'b M. Marr Ave-. ad nth Sc. wweea sy WW directed t euitabla boardlBd -sb er staarwi asm te. ueok tar trsvetere guide ck Unens erstlea. . ?ktii i- 4 ww , u ec r 'x typewriter-, ' has some executive i -y; ftae efdo buelness, good chance I - nrht men; rwterearea Exchanged i V Be, Bee. -UIMcort order cierka. Apply 1 , ark.. Ptoon iouias OM . Desmond 1L-A CLOSER WATCH. C To get a closer view of tb dinnr . party and to overbear th conversation. Desmond climbs upon the folding. anln ' of th floor below. Th villain bopts to bear soma remark that may aid Mm In capturing Rosamond, for ba la more thaa determined Ho make tho gtrl his wtf Like some vt bird. Desmond la perched outtld the royal window. HELP WANTED MALE AftsUt takuiii aad Boltcitwre. AOE.VTS wanted In every county In Ne braska to write health and accident In surance. Liberal commieaions- Address World Accident Assoctatioa. W. O. W. Blag . Omaha. Neb WANTED Strictly high-grade, exper ienced stock and bend salesman. Propo sition where you can make good piece of money In next days. Will pay guaraate and commission. Oh tele phone No. Address M 22. Bee. Oood Biea are hara to get. They don't wander around the street looking for alga In wtodowa When you need goad help advartls la The Bee. Be Want ada are read bp Beea, oaergetlo mea who wls t better their ooaditloa. Rate I per word If rua two or mure time consecutively. Tele phone Tyler IMS. AGfcKTg-arn MS to tl a day Hi- troductng labor and time saving neces sities, psmpis or summer Laaer Free A-m Specialty Co., loci Clay St.. Topeka WAMtU-Vouns man for aalraman in th city, nxparleuos not Beceasary. U Tfl, care Be. AGENTS making ltd to 1:1 dally selling photos snd post csrds; exhibitors: nsw pstent: send for particulars. Felix Kar pisek, Wilbor, Neb. . WANTED-Five well dreeeed. energetic young men to travel for mesa tine, sol iciting and appointing agents Special offer to college students during summer months. Apply or address W. a. Harris, fanltol Av. Bora WANTED Oood boys. W. V. Tel. Co, IU S Uth St. Ctarteel aad OMtee. OFFICE men. sxpenenced la eorrespoo dsncs and collections. 11.106. Stenographer and office clerk, tnt Salesmen, experienced In general mdss.. il.Stt Bookkeeper and stenographer. BTS. Collector. Oood eommlerlon CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. lOH-IS city Nat I. Be nil Bldg dress suits snd perty dieeees for ssls: also for rent, li on to i io a night. JOHN FELDMAN. V N. lWv l. xlls. FOR a position tee us. Ths largeat aad bast In ths west. WESTERN RKF. A BOND ASS N. 171 Omens Nstinnal Pank Bing WANTED-A good bookkeeper or ledger man Wholesale house. Mutt be a live one Orv age, axpsrlenc and solan'. K K Bee. Factory aad trade. Drug stor tsnsp) lobs Kntvst. Be Rldg WANTKD A good plumber, none other need spt'lv; good wsasa. P. ". Cav anaugh. Vermillion. S. D. WANTED-Ornamealal wire and Iron workers: good wsges, steady erork. Ad dress K. Pickens, care southwest Wire snd Iron Woiks Co., Ksness City, Mo. WANTED A sheet metal worker, slso wood worker. Apply Brown Truck Mfg. 70., Rslston, Neb. , Mleeellaa- TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed jroa by the Union Pacific and Illinois Caa Iral railroads If you gala your training la our school. Practice on R. R. wires. Ad dree for particulars, ri. B. Boy lee. Pres. Hoyles College. Omaha. Neb. WANTED Men to leer the barber trie. Few weeks competes. Anothtr rush for barbers this season. Beat trade Hi existence today. Oood money. UgnL clean Inside work. Call and Investlcstv our method or write for catalogue. MoWr Bareer college, lie b. iftn ft. WANTKD Mor people to rsiss pool, try with lbs Old trusty Incubator. Write tor tree catalogue. M. M- Johneoa. Clay Center, Neb. TSnt GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN. Writ for Hat. Franklin Insti tute. Dept U4 P.. Rochester, N. T. WANTKD FOR U. a. AKMY. --Able-bodied unmarried men between th age sf IS snd .. citlseus of United States at good character and temper! babtta who tea apeak, read aad writ th Xaglia language. For information, apply to re cruitlug officer, Uth and Douglas Su. Oman. Neb., N lis 8u Sloua Ciur. la.; lis w. letn at.. Lincoln. Neb. MOVtL) TO OUR Sew TRAlSiNil SHOPS. The largest. fiBeat and best equipped plant toe ajtomootl tralaing. Do ou waat pleassnt utdoer work, wiu thossande of money-muuna: opportuni ties Wrtto or cau a us. Day or uigat basse. Inllmlted course; liberal terms. .NATi.. AL Al'TOMOBILE TRAlNt-Mi Aao n, au in mtb Bt . Omaha. Neb. Tou arb Wanted for jcovernrneat Ctloa. fm per month. Send postal for of positions open. FrsnkUa Institute Department 117 P.. Rocheeter. N. T. WANTtD Short order clerka Apply Msnaws Park. Pbua Douglas tT WASTED 8ITCAT10NS HOUSE cm rung and lawn mowing. price reasonswe. sstisraction, H sua WASHINO and aronins dorm. T . H. SU. BTJNDL& washing. u oanta a dosea; rourb dry. SI centa a dosea. Webster 21a. Carey Lsdry. cut rates. Tyler UW. A-1SU Family A bundia laundrv. guar. W. a. FIRST olaae practical Bursa. Haraey an. LADT wants day work. Csll Red I3B. Family waah. rough dry. bundle. H MM WANTED Politic-n ae chauffeur; host of reference K VHX Bee. MIDDLE-AtiED. praotlcal nurse wlehu a place to care for a old iavahd couple er id gentleman or lady: expert good wsges and uaneponatlen. will (lie good recommend. Bex let. Grand Island. Keb. EXPERIENCED sir! wants a position to teke car of isvaild child. Address 1 Decatur. CVDCRTAKZRAV. Anti-Trust Undertaker Caekot truet price. Phoa Braes Co.. S. m er F-1TJI aad save Phoa H. T. money. AMVS EXISTS OMAHA FllM EX. HotMa ptottlrs asaeala aad (4m barla IIL-READT FOR RA1X. Some people tay that If you bv a cora and It aches, rain la coming. Others pre dict , rata by rheumatic peine. Other look at th cloud or th actions of th bird. A few look la th paper to so whet th weatber forecast Is. Anyway, her w have a maid In ID palace. The maid has a pain hi her toe. Ready for rata she lowere th awning. AMT.SKMEXT8 WANTED Bv Midwest Carnival and Expoaitlon Co . merry-go-round, all klnda or enows saa concessions ror mostor rt ea rn n s Carnival at Omaha. June SI to July 4: making two Saturdays and 4th of July, st snow grounds, also all kinds of free acts; we supply fro attractions far celebrations, falra and bom coming. Addrsss E. C Mctiuigsn. Supt. of Prtvi leges. Room 12. Crounr BIS., Omaha. Neb. Phone Douglas Soil. WANTED A bsnd of from eight tu twelve pieces ror Fourth of July celebra tion at Broken Bow. Also merry-go-round snd other attractions. Addrsaa C. A. Currle, Broken Bow, Neb. AKKOL'WCEMErtTS) BET bracer for men. Orsy's Nerve Food Pills, II per box. postpaid. Shermaa A McConneJl Drug Co , Omaht. Neb. J. A. GENTLEMAN, gfg; smbslmor. 1C4 Clilcsgo St, D MSI. B-lSOe. EL CONTKNTO HABANA ciOar. Boa . postpsld, P it; try hslf dossn; If hot sstitrsctory money rerunoeo. ska TON Dituti CO.. uuj Farnam. omana. k'AniCi; Eastman Oocds, complete rvULtAnO Woek, Largest ' flntahlng aepsrtment in tn wst. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO., HU Fsrnaa St. and a n 1MB St ' GET your diamonds st Brodegaard e- U. E. Morrill, china paint. S3 Brandsl Th OMAHA TENT CO. TeL sd Dougias. Stsvsnson. csrpemer, wnt Both phone D. d. Griffith, wig nur . U 1 renser Blk. GT 47I'ft CARPENTER WOK. LiAJiU AND REPAIRS A C. Lassard. Tyler 111 ITM Leer. a H. Cole Sign Co. D. Bei UI4 FaTnam. M0NEY&SS2 w " Phone Doug, cwi UNION LOAN ca' Omaha BUI Posting Co. ISU Har. D. M4. Twenty per cent less thsn Omaha prioea. HOME FURNITURE CO., Twenty-fourth and L Ste . South Omaha. Uvhelstsrlna. Piano, fura. rep, IBM Far Est mat. fiee. Cornell, arch I. Red iW. PHOTO suppliaa, Auaoo film and paper. Saratoga Drug Co., Mtb and Amee. W. U4 Lawa niowei-s eharuened. iMrfecl work. Keeeonabie chargee. Hth and Corby. B-SMl Wedding announcemeata. Doug. Pig. Co. Neb. Seed Co. 1201 Jones Both phone. Guarantee Laundry. Fine work. D. tXil ALL will be lorsnea. Mary, If lou will meet me at the klsn of the Crown and th Golden Slslrs qn loth pd Douglas l reel. Tnat la where BRODEGAAlvU sells thoss lucky wsddlng ring DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. Set. BEE HlVE-a .J-Jgs: sr!'" ve call and deliver. Both phonos. Screens Weirlch Fixture Co . Web, art! bathtubs. IM mo Dougisa at. Co . V Psxton Blk . circular totters, sny nn..llli. . I ..... M.-klt.Kul mmmm iw - oi pvuuiB'Spn ana rww. WANTED-Heaslr work of all k.nda; grinding and saw filing. Call Ind, -s ANCHOR FENCE CO., Iron and wins fence cheaper than wood! lasts a lifetime N Uth Phone Red 114. HieiC teacher and promoters; bigh elsss a nod oereonslttv. Eltnor trav eling or local eeeretarlea and teaching. Addreea Universal Sohool of music. Maia office, 4U Paxroa Blk., Omaha. Neb. A UTOMOHlLJlB Auto lamps repaired. Omaha Silver Co. Murphy Did ItS& RFAf'(f will repair and truloanla OtUAJO. , punctur bloweuk isa. ii. Farnam. Doug. 11 IA Tur TIBS c-w-veva . i , - Expert tire repairing! work guaranteed. AUTO TIRE K.PAIW Co.. isa Farnam. HAVING discontinued baodling AUTO MOBILES, we offer our remaining stock eoaeuting of three bign grada Flreetoa touring car at bargain pctcee. ILacIoe Sattley Co.. teth and Jose Suv TIKE REPAIRING f- Urea. We mall them almost aa good a bow. Nothing but bighorn prised end new materials used. All work guaraateed. Artaur Store Auto Supply Co.. J93Q Far nam FOR SAtE Almost new. muaeiw S-H. P. Cartarcar auto at a bargain for aulck sal Cost !!.; price: A Phoa or writ E. L. Irelend, PapUHon. Neb. DRU ALMOND 4 Pass. Wnlt car, ena CM tqulpped Elegant condition, worth flHa.. Hill sell foe tl.MB. j . - i SECOND HAJiD AUTOMOBILES SEVEN-PAliSENGEJl 111 Packwrd; tteed very little; la exoeileat onnHaa aad fully quipped,. iBqutr t(Ka i. u Brandel 4 Son. a-pass. Tour car. H P. Bee. M-MS. ftvsnrsss ctia-kcxji. TO get or out of I iiim caS oa CANQkKTAP. M Bee But Tel. P. MTI, AN established msaufacturlng buaiaess mealed la Omaha dealre to oa'srge Its bustness and baa Just Incorporated, wttk S.aH capital etoek: want to place SVatn to tiosm more stock la s mounts of n m to lion, ten show s(, least X per ceat oa tn-esiment: might consider party to oak tct'-eert or road saleamoa. - Address FOR SALE Tn Fraakila Moving PM ture theater, on of the ben pay iaa t ne sted in Omaha. Will ataad iBveaiigatloa F. E Goff. StlT Frank li a St. Ed. Rothery, Biulaasa and Real Estat Rxcharure Co. Room l. MeCegue Bidg. TO get la r out of bualneaa au ea wiuJaMS. Room 411. McCagu Bldg. UVERT BARN. PYIR RALE Rol barawta; Is horses. S carrtsgea. fulry equipped : bulMlar 14 tee loag By as rest: ami) etajra; best teens m Wyoealng. Ill hearts cau.. Ask for panjculara. This I a snap; part caaa. si. DuSliad. Csaper, Wyo. . A Simple Maid Servant in the. Royal Palace Spofla the Villain's Spying IV .KNOCKED OVER. Th stmpl precaution of tb maid-servant has very serious results for the peer lag Desmond. Tho awning on which the villain waa perched Is auddaoly lowered and his foothold lost, Desmond goes hurt ling through tb air. Instead of plotting th cepture of Rosamond. Desmond has now to think of some method of saving ew skin. - BISIXE8S CHA.NCE8. To quickly buy or eell ausiBeea. any kiad, anywh . Kennebeck Co- ial Be Bi g. Oa, MEAT MLKKET-Bsst locatoln town of IJOS doing good business. Address. Journal. Superior. Neb. WANTED To rent, hotel In good small town, am practical hotel man aud wish to deal with owner or lessee Oiract. Ad dress C. M. Wllber. Beresford. K. I. FOR SALE Resuursnt doing beet business In tb city. Reason for selling poor hesith; good lira railroad town to Nebraska. . Address T car Omaha HL'PP AUTOMATIC MAIL E5 CHANGE CO. shares. . s par cent preferred, for e2S Must sell Phone Dougiae SJTe or address A-PW. se. RESTAURANT, central location, first class pstronsg.. averyth:ng new: - will hM, inveetieatioB - If vou want a moaer maker addreaa '." Omana Be. Council Bluffs. THE hotel at Cook, Neb., . addreae M c. Thowia. ItaamlBat aswaa t GOOD s-r. rooming bouse: Income IN meatb; does in. o ist, car aws. BrKnfEBg PERGONALS jAtiteraey. . O. W. Shllds. Attornsy. HI of Trad. Be- MaaatactBror. REM IS OMAHA BAG CO., Omaha. Neb. Baa Bad Paoltsco Maaatactaror.. Wooden Bos Package Co. UH V lth , ' Ballders, lirl Tr, V tl. wvrlt - Arietaal Amei4 can furnaces, yil Cuming b. sin. IblrwBwdlet. Dr.' ROT. 1 Farnam. Douglas 4SM. . Clethlaa Ataeataetarere. Waf Ideal dress shirts. M. E Smith Co. .taralew aad steel lelllaga. . CARTER Bhoet Met si Works: Omaha. Croamorlo. Deirlee aad Bspplle. Fairmont' Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COLU CREAMERT COMPANY. MAriTrFS Denclng ll summer. JUAUXU-fjp tyoct-i. three tlmea a week. Com aay time, lilt Harney D. MM. Deteotlvea, L W. lONtiNECKER. Tf Karbach Blk. Omaha Secret Serv. 13 Paxtoa blk. D. Uli JAMES ALLAN HI Neville Blk. Evl- deac sorured m all case. Tyler UM. Dealleta, . . Bailey, the dentist. Ctty Nafl. I Deal let. Mach 4 Mach M Poor Par ton P m Taft s dental rooms. .M? Doug D JU. a - DrewemaklBaT. Terry's Dreasmsklng college, :4th lc Far. Dressmaking bv the day Weheter DRESSMAKING. Tel. HARNET 3a SEWINO by day. Red CO. Dressmaking and tailoring. Wab. aTTT. Dressmaking Suits and gowna; good work guar. Vd N. Fth. Tel. Web. 4U DRE8SMAKINO and deairning. Mr. Hodgen. IM North sTth. Phone South joa ' Drsetslas. DRVGS at cut prtcee. freight prepaid oa tie orders; eatalogu froe. . Shermaa- a Meconneil Drug Co.. Omaha, web. alvors-ltiaa: tor Womoa, Elect, vacuum cleaner. II to day Web. 4W4. Dr. Babcock Co. 5e wTthnell..! Har. Curtains laundered, lira Carmody. H. eS3. A-r?4. - CARPETS and rua cleaned -on fVoor without removal; free eati mates. The Ideal Air Cleaning Co. Phone Doug. ;sl and ISM. DRESS Dlstlna. buttons covered, all else and .style THS IDEAL PLEAT- I.NQ CQ . Pougiaa Block. Both phone . . Gvvrrthlaa Ixevtrteaj. EWtrte tlghtlng fix.f wholes! le and retail. nurawss-tiranoea t o, HI Howard. IXSL STANDARD ELECTRIC CO. Telephone Doig. 3t South uth' EL EDWAKD r.- SCHURIQ. Mgr. - '2d Hand Electric Apparatus aad rape Irs. L Bron. S3 it. uth St ELECTRIC FANS &eda? F1c Co . Sl7 8. Wth D. &a - ; , .. . Food JSlUa Bad Btaewev Feed' all ktnda.' Glenro Mts.'33 Iiard. , arlwrtets.. ' , - I .- . , - - - A. Dooagme. par Far. D- l A-MSt Hl& A SWOHOnA. U1A funiia Kl t. HENDERt-ON. 1U Far asm. pHSt BATH S FLORIST.'. Boyd Theter5idT RENN ETT S. cut fi'ower. Doug U! IsesSrtce. " M cDoaaid an and arwaas reusdrr. a hi. annum, tin. lead castings. letT Jacksoa. Merles, Stwewa and Cleexaiag- KXPRJtdSMETTB DeUvwrv Co -Movtn rurnltore. pwck'rg, fireproof storag. City ornc. lit tn. uoug. z4. ind. B ut PIAO moving. Coles atorage and ex- prose. HH Capitol Ave D. ITO; A-Mt. Forrra Vsn A Storage. Tyler ue. BU4. Furw. meting. ? men, a per br. W. JTd Maeee. Art Bad Uageaave. FRANCTB POTTER aretrt for Otfceoa mandolin and guita-s. Faxlaod baajoa. 1 Baidrlg Bik. Narwerree aad see. STKWARrs -SEEPMEX. -Ih K. rTH. ASTERS. IV, Salvia. Verbeaa. r Oant Carwattons. -Giant Dew v. Pemy and Forget- Me-Nora, Be per aosaa: On piaata: prapard. Ferrusoa Bra. Suxioa Bl'BIEB8 PERSONAL UptleUaa. B F. Wura, fitting and rep g 44 Brsndels Uetewpathy. Alio lohnson. - Brsndels The Bldg. Kstheryn Nlckola. 3e-s Brandels The. Palata aad OUea. T- Tou are Invited to- come In and get color cards snd talk oner your painting and decorating. Complete line Sherwta WHIima palnta snd varnishes. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., ltx Farnam Doug. 4T. , . . ' v. v-eteele. ' 6. O Rsrnelf. gsxton Blk. Tel. Red. TIFT. WiUard .Eddy. ti City Nat Bk Bldg: ' Photoajrapbera. RlneJigrt, photographer, mtb a rsrnam. .e j . PlatlBg, r , OMAHA SILVER CO.. ill B, Mth. Steaograpkere aad Court Reporters. Mrrrla A.' Ketley. 704 Bran. Th D. (MTI. Prtsulac. . Lew W.Raber, Printer, 2uh,. Pre nuii. E.PI I SANt B Ctrr Ctlt nT. LET th CENTRAL PRINTING Co. do yoer work. 1417 Pougls St. Tel D 1754 Rws-Hsll Ptg Co.. IW 8. 14th. Ind. A-aiX Lvngatsd Printing Co.. 14th snd Cspltol Av. Tel Ind. A-aan for good printing Stool Teak aad Calvert leassslea NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Com pany, 14th and Nicholas D. 3a. Teata aad Asvalasa. OMAHA TENT CO.. Tel. BB Douglas. Trwaks aad Salt teea. Frellng A Stelnle. IMS Farnam St Wlaca asd Uaasra. WILLOW Springs beer, liquor, cigars sandwiches Alex J-tee. tni-S B. lJth St. VIRGINIA DARE wine. tSc large hot tl Klein Liquor House. IT N. 1Mb St. EDUCATIONAL TLTOniNO, Ist lo st h grsde. H. K44. FIRST SUMMER TERM ' B0YLES COLLEGE ' DAY, AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPENS MONDAY JUNE 3D Complete courses In Business Book keeping. Stenography. Telegraphy. Civil Sarvios.or Salesmanship. Th catalogue IB free for the asking. Csll. writs or phone for It at once. Address H. B. Boylss, President Bcyles College. Omaha. Neb: LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horwe aad svblclee, RFF.CK'S Bni. Horse aad farm Xir-Ji.Vii 0 meres for ssls; draft and wagon horses to let by the day. 331 Shermaa Ave. Phone Webster 1138. Buggy Bargains Must rloss out before w move g ve hicle, all kinds, new and second hand. DRUMM0ND Uth aad Harney Sts HORSES 10 ? " 8Br- man barn. Mtb and Curt Horsesud mares nougnt and sold. HORSES and cows. 341S Cuming St. . ALFALFA hay, I1T tonTwagner, mi N. 14. Small team roulea, Wagner, ml N. loia. LOST AXU POl'ND ' PERSONS having lost some article would, do well to cail up lb offica of tb Omba a Councli Hluifs Mreot Railway eompaay to ascertain, whether they left it In th Btreet car. Many arth-lea each day. ara ttiiM4 In and the, oompany la anxious-, to rutor them to th iightfui owner. Call Doug las 4E - UAIAHA a COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET MA11.MAY. csirAjN Lost" locket' contslmna two ntcturM. Imitation diamond. Name Inside, gv waro n mumen to -w. a. Tudor. Jona Deer Plow Co. LOST-A white rale weaHrut roller eet with blue atones. Reward Tel. Harney L LOST-A. O. V W. watch fob charm. Phono Webster MP. - MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. -St. Tarry vure Plloe. Piatuia. and other racial diseases, without surgical operation cure guaranteed and ao moaey paid until cured. Wrlta for book oa rectal dJUKases witn teotimoniala. PR E R TARRY. Be bicg . Omaha Dr. Babcock, specialist; both aexea. 2ft; Withneit hklg iMh and Harney st Ldte gurmeed remedie 44 War bik. Women s silm t Dr. Burke 41 Doug. Bik. DR. RACE Specialist, nervous and ail chronic disease 1U Harney. Doug. Stt. MONEY TO LOAN - Salary awd 4, Battels. NOTICE. . Loin negotiated oa real estate, furni ture, ptaaoa. salartea. etc Very low rate and coofideetlal- Wa will ao pre date oor call. BIGGEST. BEST AND CHEAPEST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. M Paxtoa Block. ar a Hth St. Telephone Dong ' 1U er Ind A-M11 MONET loaaed' ta.-led Beoole. wooaea kweMMt boua and other, without ea- rurtty; easy paymeata. OtTtcaa Mi a prla- ctpi cittea. Totmaa. SB) onsss Natl Bank Brag.. lermerty N. T Life Fdg. CHATTEL LOAN'S. & to tie. SALARY bOA.vs. ou can gat it today or szajk LQ a uu. sa nstaa By V.-BLMPETT-BUMP. Luckily for Desmond ther IS something to break bis fsIL Lnlucklly for the something-, be does bresk tb falL The villain falls fair and square upon one of th palace police, and squashes tbst guardian of the csar flat upon th ground 8ucb an act la one that no-self respecting police men. RumIso or otherwise, could afford to pass up MONEY TO LOAN Salary aad t kaltela. . MONEY '. FOR DECORATION ' DAT. ' 1 W mak loan to the working man or women or Omaha on JUST A PERSONAL. NOTE. No security, no mortgage, .no Indorser . . required. IF TOU NEED MO.VET -It will pay you to see us. NATIONAL LOAN CO. ' 4fd Bee BM g. . (th Tloor. Phon D. Mil. real estate at a very .low Doug. 13Td !M Bee Bldg. - A-tS DIAMOND U'ANo st 31 snd per cent rwiiAu. ujs uooge t Tel. Fed 1. I-WANT a few mortgage aota. O. A. Acaies. eis s-axtoa via. OFFKRED FOR RENT .- Memrd aad Rwome. O. M. E. hsqls trunk. D. U. A-MU. HIS N 21V irrUnAm, K... Phons Tvler 1.U1 ' ST. MART S, SAH-t. nlc rooms with IM North -Cool, front room la strictly modern home. First rise tshl. board. Easy walking dlatanc. reasonable riarney mis. A( geatlemajt or coupt to room and board, private home, clos In. Harasy see. WALKING distance, Very desirable. newly furnished front room with board for two g-ntlemen. Ktrlctlv modern house. Oood homo cooking. Reasonable, jnu uewey Ave. Dougiae ens. , DEalRABLE place, large porch, cool moma, excellent oosra. -ij ts. Jjto st. Phone Dougle THh. MADlrtON HOTtL. Ths most Meal place la the city for permanent guests Ouring trie summer. All out aids rooms with fine ventilation and every convenience. First cinss table board. Rata reasonable; walking dis tance, zist ana cnicago. b'aealahed Boom. 124 DODGE Cool, pleasant rooms targe porcn. iswn fteea rate uouglaa tola. NICELY furnished rooms, private family, gentleman preferred. Board If d- sireo. lit N. uth St. LARGE cool front room, modsrn. In nsw private home U 7704 Cuming. FOR RE.NT Two neatly furnished rooms in -tn-tiy modern house, very reaionante. ZM Ames Av. Utr-K fw.n, n.,U, -l,l.KI. fn . pTiviieses 01 aucnen inq. a-kov. fortsbls room, with bath and telephone convenient, tn private bom on beat car line, call at !0 N. Mth. V6 PARK AVE. Furnished room. Mod srn; on oar lip. FS. Harney S9W. COOL, modern rooma. clos in. slnil or double. Sa04 Davenport BRIOHT. attractive, cool modem, south- ssst room in prlvat family. Very desir able neignboritood. 7733 North Central Blvd. Phono Harney 1M. FaralelMd MowaekeeptBS Sews IM N. 11 ST ST. Two light housekeeping rooms, semi-basement. Phone Tyler iA THE MANUEL Two-room apartment Ct Th Howard. J-roora. prlvat bau. M. fist and Howard. Two furnished housekeeolna rooms. facing Hanscom park. o eoiidren, Ml wooiwortn, rnono Har. ssj. i KICH rooma. housekeeping. UU S. 11th. HARNET ST.. Wi-blrlctly . modera newly furnished rooms for housekeeping. singis or ensuiie. Also -sieepmg -room Hsrney J83J. 2H6 ST. MARY'S AVE.-Two nicely fur niched, modem south rooms, complete for housekeeping; refrigerator and cook ing gss. T B gth Ave Housekeeping rooms. ill SO, KTH AVE.-turnished house keeping rooms. Phons Douglss 4639. S SO. 2STH AVEClean. cool. mod. rooms for housekeeping. Tvler ! SOME nice rooms for llaht bousokeeB- Ing a Frnm. FURNISHER Three hand o ire house keeping rooms. ' electric tight, lawn, shsde. large porch with awning. S3. Ill South th St. . . v FOUR ROOMS strictly modern; , hot water best. West Farnam District. Phon A-ST43.- FOUR completely furnlbed room. Phone Dsugla Ittl. rirsla4 A Bert Herat. KICELT furnbibed all modern apart ment close tn. to couple for three or four months or will sell furnishings snd lease Call any time Sunday or evenings after 7 o'clock at No. U Maewood. th Avt. and Harney e. Phon during week Dour1 as IfS ' v. -rasaked Mob FrRNISHTD house of eight rooms wtth garsge. on West Farnam car Hne. Call lis N. h or Tel. H. 1 bafarslshed Boeass, . THREE or' four cool and pleasant room In prlvat, modem home: ahsdy law, clos tn: references. Harney set FOR RENT Three or four modern un- furnlslMd rooms to couple employed. Va cant June 1st. Referere required. Call after 4 p. m. and Suuday. 374 Spsuldlag. Webster SSS4. FIVE unfurnished rooms ta modern cottage- HI S. Sd - Hotel aad Apartaawmsa. Dewey Foropww hotel. 11th snd Farnam. OXFORD and Arcade- ar-cuu wklp rate. DODGE HOI r.L ail reouiremenu a first -claae hotel, at reasonable price. Ogden Hotel A pal isaeat aad Flan S-ROOM Blram best: bort walking dlstao: stave, nfrlgwrmtor. cupboard, wardrobe; bunds: laundry! Baa Jaaiior eorvie. Dougias Met. Central. aneouaJed- a or s-r. fiat, ell awd. good condition, Tfeard. M. Sd. HershfieW VI. BEFORE THE MONARCH. "I'm tb boyski:" cries Desperate Des mond, "and I defy the essrskie!" The vil lain I now lac to face with the autocrat of the great Russian empire, and has no chance to He bla way out. for Claude Is ther to Identify - him. Th csar sets wbstever brains he has to work trying to devtse a punishment. It will be shown . . la tomorrow's paper. OFFERED FOB RENT Apartments asS Fists. " I and i-room modern fist Scsrgo Bldg . lima N. Itth St. S. Omsha. Hall. a Ranuce Bldg. D. HO. A-etO. . Very Choice Apartments In the California. See janitor. Doug 6i3T. ment on est rarnarn r-i.. verj wwiw JOHN IV. BOBBINS. IM FARNAM ST. 4-rooni flat. 3d floor. r North Mb. 4- room flat, fd floor. 937 North Hth. 5- room- flat. Id floor. Kid Cuming St, S-room- house st 1 North I7th 8t - O. C. REDICK. Attorney. 1AI7 Farnam Ftreet. VERT desirable, cool, hsndsome. -r. partmnts. ling N. Uth St Modern, every comfort. Sea Janitor at office. 'sioaaea and Cottage, SUMMER horn, high, sightly, beautiful g-arre woodland north of Florenc. g room, large sleeping porch, furnished or unfurnished, for season. Phone Harney KM. MOVING, packing and storing of house held goods and pianos Is our business. Omsh Vsn "A Storsgo Co.. fireproof storage, ltd o. Uth. by th viaduct Branch office. a IHb Su Tei Dw flt.l A-llW. 113 00 o rooms and bath, near Bemla para. Tel. Web. iJ - HftlltAO. In all parts of the city. dUUBCS crelgh Hons a Co.. Bee Bit Bldg. S-R. MODERN, well-located; beautiful yard: ISO. T2S SouthSTth St. Web. 263U. IM Hah Ave., et. 1-rooms modera. Vacant June 1st. Thos. F. Hall. 43 RamKe. Uoth phone. STRICTLY modern t-room flat, M South Mth Av 4-room cottage. 112 00. S0i South 11th St. Phone. Doug. 1177. MAGGARD van and BTORAGB CO, pack, move, stor and ehlp H. H. good ami piauos; no charge for return drive to office. Doug. 1U4 or BX2I. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packeu aid for warded, cheap freignt rates; movl is and storing. Exprsssmeo's Delivery C j. Tel. liougiaa are. city allies, iie a. i.:s ai be Bldg. CHARLES 6-room modern house, Phon Webster Sus. 261 COHBT ST.. 7-room houa water. electric, 114. ; G. E. Turkingtoa, nK Baa mag. lilt N. 30th St A good home. I large rooms, full modern, clesn. good order. Bargain rent T. i. HOOK, offica 1141 N. itn. FOR RENT 7-room modem house at ra N. 60t h Ave.. Dundee. Tel. Harney tSU. owner, flrat door south. s-room house, modsrn. 3'2S Vinton. Call Douglas 1 or Hsrney 77. K per mo. I to 4 rooms. Tel. D. 2107. NINE-ROOM cottage. 70S S. 17th St. BOOO, Nina room, clos In fist tootm. Flv room flat GALLAGHER & NELSON 4 Brandel Bldg. Omaha, Neb. rfP.uT.DAn u uArirou ui,pn 1 ARBOR PHONE DOUGLAS ltst! STX-ROOM cottage, hall tile bath. k finish, nearly new. 107 N. Mth St Doug, la 3770. , . Six-room, strictly modern ( cottage, dverythlnf in fin .condition, nearly naw, nr threa ear lines, fine ghadei close In, 137.50. Telephone Douglss 770. V SSS PARK AVE. Fine, new ;.r bungalow typo residence-. Interior weath ered oak; swell and absolutely modem. J40 - Store ana Of floe. No. H g 11th St. y4& Tel. Doug. tag. u-iam;v. v,i irru DODGE. Attrsctivs offices, moderat rn'il nrvrl leuru'iiTiAu fiTnn Intr m -. . 1 . . ... . . . . v, "...uu u r- 1 1 ,u e squar feet or les. Sprinkler system. Low insurance rate. Inquire 1111 Howard BV I IV J) V V'T , . I. 1 " - -- - ucauw.v , I WtWm, over 111, Harney atreet: Urge, sightly show windows snd especially eultabl for iuii,n-t j, ,iwm wn uui or laaie lur nlahing. Th Sperry-Hutcolnson Co- WIT U. . , C, . . ,- . - amti. wen equip-- ped. for rent by night, at liOt-1 Harney street, second floor. Office or salesroom e llut. - ney tnew 1. Third floor at 1606 Harney (new). Of flew at tu? - n - ... . - floor. Stor at Mil Harney street. O. C. REDICK, ATTORNET. -' 1M7 Fartam street Etnn. me r-, , . . Store at H'M C-imlpg street. . Store at S3 North i th street. Store at S3S North i4th street. ' Store at PW North 11th street. Stor at 334 North 2fth street S. Omaha. O. C. REDICK. ATTORNEYT 117 Farnam street. - . FOR RENT-" v s ne , . n . , - -. , r "t secona ftmiT - eolith m.a c . 1 ... Hneal. feet; large show window facing W. B. Melkio. Jr Rsmge Bide. OFFICE with use of reception room and stenographic services, if desired. Flrat else office building. Very reason OFFERED FOm SALC Farwltwsw, TTPEWRTTERS for rent. 1 moJ 1 Central Typewriter xcbang. U07 Fa nam GOLDEN oak ball seat, library taWeT rocker, davenport, sanitary couch and gas plate. Cheap. Call 72 N. 1Mb. St ir vaiTvTvt r..- r a, . JJV X A LHriS .KP-l7K.E!f'JL0l- AT THId , -9 At-r aef Ax ij, r.LL A T OVf" E . HAVE PUT IN rCR.NAii CALL Wta CTTB aTAvaw. - " - ) V