0 THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, MAY 1912. Sherlocko the Mf cow t SrxeN OUT CF THE FiELO - 'r, nui ' TIED Tom mi iti- HELP ME" FIND HER. ' TH K BALVATlUV V anltclt. ae- off clothing: lu fact. ani-thlna- you da not need. We collect, repair and Ml at 1M N. 11th 8t, for coat el collection, w tbs wormy poor, rnone Dousies tub aiid imi win mil Vital massage, hatha, electric vibratory and radiator treatments. ir. Anna u. Flatter. 401 Ware btk. S S. 15th. D. 17Se. alaeeage, Mra Rittei.no lm, a Boston Bid YOUNG womea soniing Omaha aa gtraxigere are invited to visit the Young Wamea e Christian aeeociau building at (seventeenth and 8t Manr'e Are. where they wiU be directed i a ul table boarding piecea, or otnerwiss aaaiateo, Leak for ear travelers aid at the luaia elation. f A S A (iV. Bwedlsn movement, Apt. lam rarcam. D. l A 13 VITTin treatment, fi. Brott, 111 e-aa.ca.ae.w s. 14th. Id floor. WJC KENT and repair alt kinds of tew. DC Machines, lnd. Altai. Douglas ist. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. lath and Harney Ste. A MM A H f APTvS Bclantilic me- AiAifcn ! i aaeto. law r sr. nam. Pavldae Blk.. Apt. rled am Kl ASK Ai ft JiPrt IreatBient. Mra. JiXAOC-AUrj Steele, a b. U St. BOPY MASSAOK. -1 Neville. I. mi. WANTEO-Address of Mra. Lena fcliler. Address Box 264. Douglas, Wyo. VACUUM MAOoAuli. JU bo. Utb St., R. dally, bundayi open eveolnfa; hours W tn 19. Peraistent Advertialtui la the Kuad lo Bit Returna. POt'LTRV AAU I'ET STUCK. Screeolnci U per 1W. Waiaar. ail N. Is. FOK bALG-Buft UrpttKtun rak for hatching, al.o nine hena and cocks. Web ster lui. UKAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA property and Nebraska lands. OJCEEFK KEAL tTATK CO.. MM Nw Omaha Nafl Bank Building. HON hi Y to loan on bust es or rear dtoco properties. 1.0 to tbOt.ua. W. U. THOMA8. W Klrst Nat l Bank Bld. WANTED City loans and wer rents. W. rarnam Bmith 4. Co. U faroani ! Utn to HO.OW made promptly, r. U. Wead. Weed Bld.. Wth and Farnam. WANTED City loana Peters Trust Co. 6 If L I I X IrUAWB. ptllliraiiinn w ' 3.0-1 HrnnO-lp Thw Bldg. U AliVIN BEOS. ,!rtJ!S LOANS-rarm and city property, i. K. bumont 4 Son.. MM Farnam 8t- FOR SALE OK KXCHASCB Farm Ranch Highly Improved; all fixed up, only 1 mlle of town on main line of R. K. For further information address owner, 1DU Otanwood Ave. Omaha. Neb. For Sale or Exchange Complete outfit for running country newspaper. Two presses, cutter, ate. Address a, care Omaha Bee. EQUITY In 1W acres Nebraska land tor good automobile. i Brandels Theater. WANTKD TO BUY Household gds. clothes ahoes. D3W1 B1M Id-band goods. Kelaer. 1020 Center. D-Mbi WE pay most fur old clotmng. Nathan Ian Office, W So. Uth Chicago buyers. Id-hand eloihaa, shoea, bats; best prices; will cell. Tyler UOO. VY AXTrJIJ TO KKNT WANTED room with or without Board. West Famam district. Private family preferred. Reference. C. W car of Bee. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. THE ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS HONTKbJiU Ututfuuu tiiSOOW. Montreal, davie. Flymoutn. Loadon. Tbe Picturesque SL Lawrenoe itoute. Four days on Lbs ocean, three days IB river and gulf. Splenaid new Turbine tt earners. tfihTi aecood-cabin and tnud ciaaa. Itupsrlor one-ciasa easts eerviee Ceuelna unexcaUao. Courteous attention, baud for urcuuera, rataa, plana, ate, jiUas Co.. li N. Uearovrw BU Cnlcaae Anchor iaiua bteamaiupa Hmw York, londonderry and Glasgow Kew York. Palermo ano NP"aa Atuacuva ratee) tar tickets between New Sork and all scotch. ngusn, lrua. Continental and aiediterraaeaa potsta, fcuiierlar accommodaueua. eaeelteat eu sua efflotent aervloe. Apply pramptlf toe reservation to local ast at Aacaer Una or Henderson Brouaere. tieaaia! Agents. Chicago. 111. LIVE 6TOCK MAKKt Ott WS1 bbip .- st oca to eouta umaaa. sav t mileage and aarlnaaga. Your ocnsiga naauu receive piutfliA and careful ettea uas. Un gtselt Caasasl sales ateecbeale, Byere Bros, at Co. titrng and reaponalbla, WOuD BRoa.. -!- t-xenange B.dg. Oreat West. Com. Co. Omaha e Denver. Clay, llpoinsoa at to., aw a.sv.'ange mug. CUFTON Com Co., tu aUcnange Blag. Cox Jonea Com Co.. buncb of nust-era. U . RObt-ttTd at Co.. t Exca. bw aisrun Mroa. at co. Ast Exch. U.dg. 1 Auci DkUB. handle cattle, nogs, tiieep. Depeatt i as or sbipmentg tn block lara. N-t'l ank. Only bank at yard USAh E6TATK latliutls us ItiLa, Reed Abstract Cow sldeet abstract o glee la Nebraska. isH Brandeia T Dealer. NEALB A CA-atPBELi. 17M a'arnaas ac atbkLAlk.lts' sAbuttatAilu Electric gas Brturee. Omaha Stiver Ca. laeal Cement Cec lltb and Ceasing sta. Kuchs. B.'n a avanet. painting, deceraur.g, H. Gross, lum- wreck g. pin H a; Paul AtktAhk b'Oet Ai.a ACREAGE SAEOaINS near Omabs. Crm s. ilerrlU. City Bank Bid r J UrtURtOUS -JiHUCKS.' HovTl AVM Jl U -SOON 66 Trtft.-Hjfcet irTL. S rtfi3j.L Monk- The Adventure of the Cow that I -et us lcss L she J I just wNtEftEt) I f H VIATSOl Dees not this ) I i CoMt, wa hukt up I ah mr. NtRVO, an AunsricJ S' x 1 uMATCv J I -rv,,, .-rar- V V I ' v" ' V I U APwr nee. a .,. I TOO. 6CND COW IN, r1 , . i REAL ESTATE acre;b rod iai.c TWO MXE-ACHE TRACTS. Two miles of court house. In the beau tiful Moeuulto valley, rl. h new land, every foot of It good, fine building sites, nice grove of elm. oak and linn trees, small orchard on ana tract, good vineyard on other; theee are exceptionally fine tracts and well located: they wont be on the market long; If Interested better eee ue at once; .tw0 buya either tract; So0 cash, be l a nee long time at par cent; If you build at once will reduce cash pay ment to a nominal amount. McOee Real Estate Co.. lis Pearl St., Council Bluff. FOR RENT A very Bice suburban borne and gmraen farm, three-fourths of mile from town; good 4-room bouse, barn, chicken house and out buildings; eome fruit treea and a email paten or Berries: about two acres In pasture and the bal anoa In cultivation; not too late to put In a crop; very pleasant place to live; let me show you the place; rent flit for the season ending March I. IsIL (ieorge G. Clerk. 11 Pearl Sc. Council Bluffs, la. Telephone 174. CITY PHOPkVHTY Fuel lAbat PRAIRIE PAKKuMn.Uoim! muntty In Omaha, no sheds, chickens, al leys, tin cans or dead cata. Has publle garage and aoclal center club house. Houses and lots, ROTO to 6.ono. Four new bouses now being finished. Easy terms. Cheapest property of Its claaa In Omaha. The Paxton Real Estate oom Deny. M War Block or 2701 Fowler Ave. Phone Webster HIL FOR SALE BY OWNER room modern house and I lota, or one or two vacant lots, Znd and Wtrt St. Best location In Kountaa Place. If you want something good at the right price. Call Douglas 1701 or Call at C07 Wirt St. IT'S FOR SALE That high, sightly east front, beautiful and well built seven room modern bungalow on Mth St., near Hamilton street. CLOSE IN, MIGHTY CHEAP W hv 80 acre. I mllt from Grvtna, all under tat of cultivation. Has four room houM, barn, well and windmill, and other out-houives, all fnnced. The 'price la right and will b flad to quota aamt and show farm upon raqutst. GALLAGHER & KELSON 43 BrandaH Bldf. OmaTia. .Neb. I a .T -A s.g n i n If TiIklTVir"T II Ail rV J . I nitrx aaa s bl s. at . n. .. la.a. Ia. uAuiKanal fVnrit f rvuui nuuw, gjo I. .a. mania rugt An feeA all flsSH lat,VM strvat. permanent waitii, email payment down; your own time on paymenta. Tel. rnont rt rwiw t. NEW FIVE-ROOM HOUSE u -. a.m kt Ilia ine. Terms simnu c ' 1'. , .. , . - - . . . to suit. Located SS.'l Taylor St.. near school and car. Come out and sea It Phone yyensier ikx. tmn sil.r-4.rMm modern cottage. ins p. en. nei wh. f,-i r, CAT V Qw n.nr an eleesnt ft- room house, hard wood, oak finish, strictly modern; fine location. MM Har ney. Tel. Harney 1143. FOR SALE BY OWNER All modern 7-room house, bath, recep tion ball, den and aleeping porch in Nor wood addition, fronting boulevard, 30 feet from main entrance of Miller Park. Price. M.OOO. Sinsll rash payment down, balance Ilka rent. Interest on money per cent. Also have a nice vacant lot in same addition. Pt.oaea Harney J9T1 or Harney III". TWO lote In Ralston. Both bargains. Phone Douelaa TO BUY. SELL OK KI.NT. KlKdT 8KB JOHN W. HOUMKii. U0 fc'ARKAM T. REAL ESTATE, rum at ch lamps roa ai. California. n TOD are Interested In California land for fruit or chicken raising, call en Ftxa Weetberg, (it Bee Bldg.. Omaha, FREE! literature will be sent to anyone interacted In the wonderful Sacramento valley, the richest valley In the world. Unlimited opportunities Tnousaada of scree available at right prices. The place for the men wanting a home In the fioeet climate on earth. Write to a public or ganisation that gives reliable Informa tion. Secretary, Sacramento Valley lie veloproent Association, Sacramento. Cal." Colorado. F ACRES good farm land near Grover. Weld county, at I" an acre. Tims on ll.li Box zs. Denver coio. COLORADO LAND Farms. Stock Ranches, Fruit Lands. IMPROVED, UNIMPROVED, IKK1UATEU AMD IMltrUUATED 11.4s) acre stock ranch. 4M acres deeded. 13.1DU acres leased, plenty of water, wlnd- mtlla, tank a Improvements tor stock. This la an extra good stock rancn. nice p. (no. IsM acre stock ranch, two good S-r. hnueea. SDrlns house, bunk bouse barn. corrals, etc. sll fenced. Spring on about every quarter. Cut over ijD tone bay and can be made to cut three times aa much. Extra, good stock proposition. Price M.MD. COO down, balance on terms to suit. ita acres, two miles south of Straus burs. 36 miles east of Denver, J-r. bouse, bam. good well, pump, fenced and cross renced. acres In wheat, good toll. Price 3t per sere. Ma acres, ltt miles south of Bennett. fenced. IM acres in wheat; fine soli; lays well. Price $M per acre. We have very large net or lands imiiar to the above to pick from. Price per sera and up. Write ue for par ticulars. CANN g CANN. 207 Temple Court Bldg. Denver. Con. taesrsls. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by the ATLANTA. BIRMINGHAM ATLAN TIC RAILROAD. Lands adapted to tbe widest range of crops. All tbe money crops of the south plentifully produced. For literature treat lug with this coming ct'ntry. Its sou, climate, church and school advantages, write W. a LEAHT. DEFT K. Ueneral Passenger Agent. ATLAKTA. GA- 4 quarter sections In one township. Stanton county. Kansas; gt an acre wholesale: agents' commission. SJuA, Bog tti, Denver, Colo. REAL ESTATE FARM at 1IH LAD FOR rJ atasaaa. t quarter sections western Kansas: i , i. n,t ti un . will ... fct ana agents' commission. Box ati. Denver, Colo, Bssvs. THE ee sleet way to find t barer for your farm le to Insert a email want ad m the Dea afotnea Capital. Largest alr filiation in tbe stats of Iowa. UOu) dally. Tbe Capital Is read by and believed It by the standpatters of Iowa, was etrnsiy refuse to permit any other paper in tbelr homes. Ratee, I cent a word a day; ti-M per line per month; csuu au srdissry words to tns Una, Adareee ilea ateiaea Capital. Dee aiocuee, la. Bllaae "aflNNVeOTA Fa1T1 jB want td'bse'rrb-1 in sooTgmv for sAue if j van etat lis . hue nmvmA n in SU,uthrn U naSIJ c (or catalog Southern ailnaeea i J-- jkL Op . Blue rarth. Faribault Co.. aflat, TTi Big land boom starting In northwestern Minnesota. Get In the game buy soma cheap land on sssy terms Cheap ex cursion rates. We have our own salesmen and offices at Thief Klver Falls allnn.: Broadview. Mont ; Gooding, Idaho, and Seattle. Wash. Write for rales and par ticulars. Our reputation ami financial responsibility are ungueetloned. Good agenis wanted In every locality. Write now today. El. WOOD LAND CO.. (Inserporated .) xT-tui Asdrua Bldg. Minneapolis, Minn. ktoataaa. FIFTEEN years to pay igiM per acre for Montana's choicest Irrigated farm lands: 70.4IO acres now open under the Carey act at Valier, Mont.; W bushels sf wheat, lit bushels of oats. It bushels of flsx per acrt. Writs today. Clinton. Hum at Co.. Box I Valier, Mont RANCH ES $2,0w) to 1100.000. Send for list. Shorten A Co., Ranch Dealers, Omaha, Neb. I own quarter sections Nebraska land, scattered; will take V an acre, net. Carry two per quarter h years, 4 per cent. SUA JSB. nan v n. rv, .viw. vn sun, neuiivi wuii.x, - i ' acre, all caab. Must act quick. George at. nawaine, ova law, en.. I-Jwr ri DU vated; KW worth of modern Improve ments A bargain at 14 per acre: rea sonable terms, as trade. Clauds A, Davla, Ord. Neb. ( sections good land, Lincoln county, Nebraska, at ID an acre; half cash, bal ance 4 years, 4 per oent. Commission to stents, I1.SJ0. Box tai, Denver, Colo. FOR SALE Improved Howard county farm: lMI acres; good Improvements lii per acre. Write L. S. Moore. Grand Island. Neb. . l.ttti-ACRE ranch, Improved; au) acres cultivated; 7 miles from railroad, Cuater county. PricA, te. Korduulst, 13 Neville Block. Nsrth Dakota. 8NAP 4.000 acres from one to seven miles 1 1 cm uiviaiuu iu . m oi v.,v o. Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul railrcad in Dlltinga gvuniti nnn isamvim. able for colonisation or ranch. Greatest Snap in ins neat cwuu.j in tna a,avn. Price, 17 per acre. Act quick If you want It. Call on G. H. Suit, Marmarth, N. D. Tease. TRUCK FARMINO. Everybody's doing It, Doing what? Raising crops all the year around and realising from Ivot to tl.Ou) per ears. But you have to be In San Benito. Join our excursion Tuesday and tee this groat country. Write us or call at our office GULF COAST lfc,VCt.UI-ME.PIl Wtl.. TU Brandelt Building. Mleoellaaeewti T. C. TORRISON, D. 119L (91 City National Bank Bldg. Farm land and ranches. Kaaaaa City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITT, Mo.. May S. WHEAT -Unchanged; No. : bard. 1 WVjOl.15; No. J, litHaiu; No. 1 red, tl.lbai.17; No. a, ll.isril 15. CORN Market IQlc lower; No. 1 mixed, SStc; No. S, l3Slc; No. I white, c; No, a Mc OATS Unchanged: No. t white. 549 ieVrC; NO. 1 mixed, ilVjfi 52c WHEAT-July. tla. September, ! RYE 4"-i9lc. HAY Weak: choice timothy. ULtOO 25.09; eholce prairie. t30.Su3n.00. BUTTER Creamery, ate; firsts. 24c. Seconds, ae: packing stock. lHc. OATS-JiAy. bo; Sepumber, 41"4 tlSc. . ' . KGOS-Extras, lie; firsts. 17c; seconds. 12&13C. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu. U.m js oco Corn. bu. 71 ) JSOuO Oats. bu. 10.0U0 4.400 Vbllarlelpbla Protiuce Market. PHILADELPHIA. May K.-BUTTEH Oeadv: western creamery, special, &c: western creamery, extra. Tic; nearby prints, extra. S0c. O r I r tu , renna. irenia ana otner nearby firsts tree cases. It. 00 per esse; current receipts, free csars. 45 56 per esse; western firsts, free cases, M M per case; current receipts, free cases, is. per case. CHEESE Steady; New Terk full creams, new. lHc; part tklms, Mfl4c. Pesria Market. PEORIA. I. ly .-CORN-tea4y; No. 2 yellow. 41c; No. 4 yellow, 7e; No. I yellow, 74Vc; No. 4 mixed, Hfltno; No. 4 mixed. 71,0; sample, 08ic. OATS Quiet; No. 1 erhite 44a; Ms I white. 444& - Mllveasks Orala Markst. V1LWAUKEI. May J. WHEAT No. t northern. 11 leHffl.ieH. No. t northern. B 171l IH; No. f bard winter, p.lfrffl 14; July. U U4b91-UH; September, tLOsa.0 14- CORM-No. I yellow. 9le: No. t white. lc: No. a, 7et0c; Jury, 7H; September. HTlt1mC. OATS-Standard. 56fl"c BARLEY Malting. B WClg. Mlaaeapolle Urals Market. MINNEAFOLIs. May AV WHEAT Mav $i U; July. September, tl.ta. Cash: No. 1 hard a.lS; No 1 northern. tl Wil.leA,; Nr. I BOTtnem, f4.lltjl.a4S4; No. I wheat, tl.U81.UVe, . Posed Copyright. 1512, National Newa Atn. GRAIN AND PRODDCE MARKET Bavinr Support Comet Oat on All Breki in Wheat cosi como FBOM COnHTET Trade to Fairly n allies keeaeae st af the rasa plal ate sf tbe Peer beraslaatloa at the OMAHA. Msy . lilt It It vary noticeable that on all breaks '-'heet vaiuea buying support comet TO V,Ofll offerlnga are absorbed, quickly wci a the market. TWflliad.. la Maala a aulh.. IVTl 'itlon and with any signs of lain aa and Nebraska buyers are In dwelt to run away from the market. Crops at the present time are In good shape, but rain Is needed In several localities. More corn la being bought from country holders, which tends to relieve tbe strain In the cash situation. The trade la fairly bullish because of the complaints of poor germlntlton, scar city of seed corn, together with the late ness o fthe season. Fine weather over the belt le favorable to planting. Wheat opened ateady and ruled dull until lust befoie I he close, when shorts covered on dry weather reports Cash wheat wee Vsu lower. Corn was week early on reported heav ier country offerings, but short telling waa short-lived and values firmed up and closed higher. Cash, corn Wat 'sj&M lower. Primary wheat receipts were tm.OnO bushels and shipments eSI.OTO bushels against receipts Isat year of t;l.0M) bush els and tbipmenui of 474WI0 bushels. Primary corn receipts were fTt.OVO bush ale and thlpmentt Hw.iOe bushels, against receipts last year of I7X. bushels and shipments of iMo.0t bushels. Clearances were l,0tO bushels of corn, none of oate. and wheat and flour equal to aW.us) bushels. Liverpool closed. No markst. Holiday. The following cash aalee sre reported: Wheat-No. i hard: 1 cars. 11 04; No. t hard: 1 oar, ll.tn, 1 oar, ll.uSVs, No. i mixed: 1 ear. 41.04. No. 1 mixed: 1 oar, tl.OTU. Corn-No. t white: J cart, c; 1 car. 7SV; No. I white: I ear, tut; 4 cart, 7SV: 1 car. TWic; 1 car, 7c. No. 4 white: 1 car, 75c. No. I color: I car, 77tc. No 4 oolor: 1 ear, 75c. No. I yellow: t cars. T4c; 1 oars. ;tea; No. 4 yellow: I oars, Tie; 1 car, llc No. 1 mixed. : cars. 77c; t cart, 7V; t cars. 74c. No. t mixed: I rare. 74c; I cart, 74Hc; U cars. 74c; 4 cart, 74Vto; No. 4 mlsed: 4 cars, 7Jo, I oars, ;ivc. No grsde: 1 car, 4Jc. 1 car, He; I car, 47W. Oats: No. t white: I care, 51c; No. 4 white: t cars, HVc; 1 car, lie. No. 4 yellow; I oar, 41 'c. Oasaka Caen rrtese. WHEAT No. 1 bard. tl.allat tW- Nn t hard, tl daULOSt,; No. 4 hard. II 08Vrl .07. iun-w wnite, T.svn'sir'; no. a white, 7lF7Hc: No. 4 white 74074t:: No. t yellow, 77W-77V4C; No. I yellow, 74ifi7ilo; No. 4 yellow TlOTlc: No. t corn, 74ya77o; No. t corn. 74t!e; So. 4 corn, 7Hf73c; no grade, S?0r. OATS-No. I white. iiefi52Hc: ttandard, Sitf5!ic: No. a white. IlV.S3c, No. 4 white tOvrQilc. BAitLKY Mailing, lc41.14; No. 1 feed, Tuotuc; heavier than feed. Ttejiuc. RYE No. t, attrc; No. 1 raise. Carlo! Recelpta. Wheat. Corn. Ottt Chlcagit , 17 Minneapolis ....1M .... U .... 11 Omaha Dululh CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS rest ares si the Tradlag and Ctssiauj Prices en Board of Trade. r'uif a n" 111 . r- . . . - ' ' . " " J, a,aj ' 'ii eocount 01 complsints from Nebraska that rain waa needed and because the drouth In western Kaniai nag only been broken In part, wheat today showed unexpected strenxth. Wheat closed firm, 4c to 13 IV" above last night. Lateat trading leu corn vary ing from Vc decline to c advance, oata up Hd'-tc sod provisions unchanged to e increase. Wheat speculators at first believe, that tha rainfall In Kancaa waa confined to eastern and central Kansas, where mois ture was not required and that dryness still plagued tbe western plains, where the crops bad bean parching brswn. A nuying movement nere received much Impetus before word was received that the downpour had extended a considerable distance In northwest Kansas. The break that ensues earned tns market s little below last night s level, but prices soon rallied, helped by ttsttments that many thousands of acres In Nebraska were In danger If rain did not came quick. atuslneaa In tbe latter part of tha ses sion so far as the wheat pit was con earned, appeared ts be largely to keep near to short, owing to the uncertain out- loot regarding crop eonaitiona In the west. July ranged from tl u to IMO', dosing firm at It lev a gsln of 44c net. Corn closed at Intermediate priest, after having been ewayed alternately by the wheat strength and by a forecast of fine weather and of laiger receipts. July fluct usted between 7rrliii74ec and 75a$i5c, with the close firm. Ve up at TSHe. Cash grsdes were In fair demand. No. 1 yel low, S3c Cash houses led the buying In oats. July ranged between eChtc and alt. The close waa strong. although the top tlgurea of the day snowed a rite of 4c over last night. Provt stone averaged firmer. In the end September lord waa 7Vc us, bul the added expense for the rest of the list did not exceed s nickel. Article! Open. 1 Hlgn. I Lew. I Cloee.lTes y. Wheat leat, 1 1 lav.) 1 USi 1 14; 1 UHl I uly. 1 10SW 1 !, 1 ' 1 (Pt.iiOtW 115'a IMS 1 ec..I t,VSj 14M. 1H 1 I I I I M itm 1 14 im.: 1 la July 8ept 05ijjl4i,v, flee 1,i 1 corn 12 I IBH! 1H '771, May. JH! 7Si 7SI 611: 47S! 43HI July Sept. Tlac 4gJi4S44l ID 4.V. 4-V. 42 4i Oats May W'4 40t 41 43 Juiy.fSOH'?! SeptHia-ITH 47S 4 Dec 441 Pork July Sept. Lard 11 m,' u rwi it lrtai i is : 1 U 42441 It 8 I It CV, 14 ei'Vs vl U I It CSI I W S2H1 r I I MT0 I MM I July 10 jru Bept'.ilt2'-e U M I W JV, I It e tict.i rv 1 1 iv es 10 771 It AlKa 1 1 Juiv innru-ai w X I M w 1 M mai id 14 Sept.! 10 rcv 11 b I 10 24 ( 10 ttV, li27uit FLOUR Steady ; winter -patents. 42-10. iSlK; winter ttraigata, 14-6oaa.iv, spring pttentt. t4 00fjIO: spring tualthts. tUO .: bakers. 14 toert.ts. RYE Nn. t. lf:o. ! BARLEY Feed or nrlxlng. 76flJc. fair lo choice, malting. 111441 21. SEEDS-Timothy. 7.utj.80. Clover. Il4ini-.VJ0". PROVISIONS Pork. mess. Ill I7y 1S.50. Lard tin tlercesl, 110.50. Short ribs (loose). I10.1JV Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to St.u bu. Primary re ceipts were 903.O0U bu., compared with sTtxOUw bu. tha corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipte tomorrow: Wheat, 14 cars: corn. 104 cart; oata. 111 ears; hogs. 44.0DO head. Chicago Cash Prlcrs-Whest: No. 1 red. tl.livtOI II, No. I red, tl l1.14i No. I hard. I1UW1 14: No. I hard. 111101.14: No. 1 northern. Il.lt1.21: No. 3 northern, I1WII, No t nor 1 hern. II .1101.17-. No. 2 spring. II Wl.lt: No I spring, tl l9 Ml: No. 4 spring. C oeffl 11; vslvel chaff, tl.HKtl.ai; durum. H iMll.lu. Corn: No. A &-; No. white, 13c; No. 2 yellow, tic; No. I. 7j7ie: No. t white, u"1Ic; No. 1 yellow. TJtituc. No. I, 74r;; No. 4 white. '74kV".7o; No. I yellow. 74tfy:He. Oats: No. 1 white, o4WY"' No. t while, nu,ti,-',c; No, white. e-Vdjltc- stand ard. ttoHe. Rye: No. & llOBo. Barley. TbrOtl 24. Tlnvoihy aeed, I'..luu.i0. Clover aeed. 14.ounX.nli. BI'TTER Weak; creameries. IXMic, dairies. 2utr24e. KtUJS-titeady: recelpta, 11.401 rases; at mark, rasee Included. ihl7e; ordinary firsts, ldulec. firsts, 17ibUH. CilEEt-E - Easy; daisies. USflif.Sc twins. IMlMHkc; ysuna A merlcas. It WO Uc; long horns. lic, I54c. POTATOES Steady; receipts 27 cars; Wisconsin. H.ObeiLlI; Michigan and MI11 neeota, l.Uu.a. POULTRY -Alive, steady; turkeys, 12c; chickens, Ulve. VEAL-Steady at tt12s. NEW TORtC CEVAAL MARK.ET aslatleaa sf tha ttar Varlsse Coat asodlttes. NEW YORK. May 24,-FLOUR-Qulet; spring patenta. U aOaAIO. winter straights. It leal., winter patents, .lf.s. spring clears. I4.t0v4.l0; winter extraa, No. 1. It.tuat.W; No. A tUOat.W; Kansas straights, tAloal tl. Buckwheat flour firm. Rye flour, quiet; fair lu good. IbObaMO; choice lo fancy, U !6u6.aV t'ORNM E A L steady; whltt and ytllaw, tl.74ul 40: kiln dried, It S. BARLEY Steady; malting. 1J.10C1. a I. f Buffalo. WHtAT-Spot market steady; No. t red, tl.aiVi. e. I. f. aomceuo basis, to ar rive; No. 1 northern Dulutb, U MVs ' o. b. afloat Futurea market closed un changed to V net higher. May closed, tl SN: July. I1.14H; Sepumber, I1.00H. CORN Spot ansrkst steady; export, 45lc tab. gfloat. Futures markst nominal. OATS-Spot market quiet: tttndtrd white, aliee In elevators; No. t. 41c; No. A 41 Van ; No. 4. lis; natural white and white clipped. alwdlMc en track; futurea market nominal. Recelpta, 2.twl bushels HAY-Uulet: prime, tl 10; No. 1, JIB; No t I14MII W: No. 1. 11160114 HIDES-Steady; Central America, Ho; Bogoia. M-eHBc. LEATHEK Firm: hemlock firsts. 240 27c; seconds. Kejlec; tblrda, HC. re le: is. lie. PROVISlONs-Pork. tletdy; mest. I3I.40 74: ftmlly. nOboen W; short clears, tVLOOtflAsl. Beef, steady; meea, liW)ti lik). family. UIUOSIAUI; beef hams, I-IOO 61109. Cut meats, quiet: pickled bellies 10 to 14 pounds, Ill.OfttjlZOO; pickled hams. I12.MOU00. l.erd, steady, middle weet prime. IlleOeiOa): refined, steady; con tinent, tli-ui; South America, ell.00; com pound, fr.(ili.2e. TALLOW Steady; prime city. 54c; apa clal, f. country. 4Wv?f"4C. CHEESE Weak; receipts. I.4 boxes: state whole milk, while averaga fancy. 14J4414bc; stale whole milk corored. average fancy. 15c; whole milk, under grades. lSfllty-! tklms. 7JUWc. EJ-rlteay. recelpta. 14.0 casee; fresh gsthered extras. 21OUV1: sxus first storage packed. mXifi: Ilrst stor age packed. lVauVtc; extra first regular racked. l.ne; first regular packed. Wa lH4c; western gsthered wbitae.lM21VsO. BITTtR Firmer; receipts i.sw tubs-, creamery extraa. -fTarrVrc: lactory current make, firsts. MSftc: factory, current make, seconds, 2.'Jlc: packing etock. current make. No. i. 21c; factory slock, current make. No. a, ls'stf'.arttc. POl'LTRY-Allve. steady: ctilekent. broilers, aue; western fowls, 17c; turkeys, 12r dressed. Irregular; chlckent. broilers. iMjJe; western fowls. IMtwlllAc; turkey. U4i3C. Sf. tala (isnssml Market. ST. 1XIUIS. Mo.. May 2 WHEAT Cash, steady; track, No. 1 red, tl.lv. No. 2 bard. I1.144J1 17SI. ,... COR.V-Steady; track, Kb. I, etc; No. I white, 7HC. OATS Finn; track, No. I 4f4Hc; N 2 white. loVaOboVtc. Closing prices of futures: WHEAT Higher; May, 11 14'4; July. ILolSftl ulH; September, tl i,l -. COrtN-Lower; May. 444c. Juiy. 77c; September. 74Vc. (5ATS-HIgher; May. MHc; July. tOSe: September, RYE Nominal; 44c. FIXUR-lulet; red winter patents. K SI 66 75. extra fancy end sirtignt. t4.7uo i : hard winter clears, D 7te 1A HAY-Firmer; timothy, WiJB40; prai rie, 420 lff24 U0. PROV!-IONS-Pora, unchanged; Job bing. i4 Lard, nncbanged; prime steam, tvb'iiot". Dry salt meets (boxed 1. unchaned. extra shorts, lli42S; clear ribs tiOSlS: short eleere. fl6.ru. Bacon (boxed), unchanged; extra snorts, in c,; clear ribs. IlLelvs; short cleara, tll.rv. POULTRY-Dull; chickens. 12c; springs. BjjSe; turkeys. 12V; ducks, lie. geese, 5c BITTER Dull: creamery. 221J?;c. EGGS steady; UV Receipts. Shipments Flour bble 7. ! Wheat, bu .' J." Corn, tiu 2 ' WW oats, bu 44.W. M.OItt Kaaaae City Live Stack Market. . . -n . n I V ... aZ riTTl E Va RAllMDClll, a. av " ' ' ceipta, 1,104 head. Including tm south erns; market steady: native steers t4"9 1 25; southern steers. I. 2531 2a. southern cows ano neiiaia, e.-t.v-w. . ..... snd heifers, tlaftS'S: stockers and feed ers, Xtt.aei,.a; OUIIS, I. caw,aa. a.av tfsi; weetern tteere. tt.09lot; western COWS, 4.2A7e. HOOS Receipts, it& heed: market steady to 4c lower; bulk of tales 17.449i.70: r io:.70: lights. 17.7.m; pigs. li SSu 47l. . SHEEP AND lei9 i.ec-eifitr, none: .- -. SI IWii Oft- lamKa naiftri ,Kur, . . v - . .. tb.aO&I.IO; range wethers and yearlings. It Zc-'K1; range ' ewca, 13 OO-jjo a, Texas . , . a, mvmI -7. gaca, aa.vw. Drawn for The Bee by Gus Mager OMAHA UYEJTOCK MARKET Beef Steers Eig-her, Feeders Lower for the Week. HOGS DOWS H FT 1X5 FOB WEEK Shorn l.essbs, Ceastltatlag Balk st Week's Receipte, Sell at Clsss ts Ten ts Fifteen Isveee Than W eek Ago. SOUTH OMAHA. May 24. lilt Receipts were: Csttle. tlogs. Sheep. Oftlc'sl Monday IJM WO 4..04 official Tueaday 4.M4 17, Official Wednesday.... 17W 14.01) tifficiat Thursday l.Jl U 3 Official Friday tM I.J7S Kaliniatt Saturday.... 17 4. 44 Six days this week..U,Mt Same davt last week. .11. 44 San.e dayt I w ks ago li A-A lame dayt I w'ka. ate 15.4M Same dayt 4 w'kt age 14. n sauit aaya last year...l.al Tbe following table shows tns recelpta of cattle, bogs and sheep at South Omaha for tbe year to date, as compared with Isat year: 111:. mil Inc. Dec t altie 247 ,4; 411 401 4s,lsk Hogs J,.;i l.OItl.tbl 417.111 Sheep i;,U7 ..JU1 14.S5I The following table thowt the range af prices paid for hogs at south Omaha for the last few days, with comparisons- Date. I I'll. 1I1.I1H0.:1.1WS 17.1M4. May 1 7 el'tl IKII1UI 1 1 mi m a 04 f All SS May 17. Uay It. May U. May 90. May B. May a. T 111 IOI I M 7 Isai I 44i I 441 7 .'f 4 K 4 ( 4 at 4 i t at I al 4 Mt ' lit I 72 I 4 ssj I Ml I ! ' I42 t 4I 7 tl I gi I 24 4 X4 I 441 I 44 I t I l. I 1SI 4 K I ti I - I ill I a. I III 1 111 1 t Mi I Jl 4 17 t IH 2. 1 1 I TOi I II 7 1' t 14) m, u Hay ii. May 34 Msy 1 'Sunday. Recelpta and disposition of live slock at the Union stuck Yards, South Omaha, for tweniy-lour hours ending I p. m. yes larday: RECEIPTS CARS Cauls Hois H'rA C. M A. St. F 4 Wabash 1 Missouri Perlflc I Union Pacific JJ C. A N. W., eaat 13 C. N. W . weet 1 1 (.., Mt. P., If. gt O I C, B. g .saat I C., B Q . weet 11 .. C , n I. A- P.. east t Illinois Csntral I .. c. a w Total receipts 1 111 1 LlSPOblTlON-HEAD. Cattle. Unas Omaha Packing Co 4M Swift and Company 1.771 Cudahy Packing Cft AMI Armour at Co i.ev Wlr A fn lal Other buyers I Totals 1 AM CATTLE There were no freeh recelpta of cattle, or at least none ot any conse quence, and the market wat absolutely bare of supplies. For the week receipts have shown a little gain over lest week'e smsll run and a heavy falling oil, as compared with a year agu. Under the In fluence of light receipte and a good buy ing demand, the market baa been In a, good, healthy and generally aatlsfactory condition, so far aa moat kinds of cattle are concerned. Tha big bulk of the recelpti this week consisted of eornfed steers, most of them on the tslr to medium order, but with sprinkling of right good killers. Under the Influence of liee buying on the part of packets, the market during the week has advanced It Ike . the best cattle hav ing sold up to gilO, the highest price ever paid at thia point. Cows and hentis of the better grade have been In good demand all the week and have commanded strong prices, the trade as a wbule being very satl.iectory to the sellers The less desirable grades have not been quite such free tr active sellers, but still ihey have sommandeu relatively good prices, and for toe week are not far fr.,m steady. Stackers and feedere have been In light receipt all week, which baa been fortu nate for the seil.ng lnirre.it. in view of the fact that the country demand hat been quite smsll. Owing to the lack of buying support, even lite few cattle ar riving ahowed a tendency to accumulate in tha hands of yard traders to such an extent that prices eased off and at lbs close of ma week are as much aa IsitaUu lower. Quotations on csttle: flond-'fo choice beef steers, t 1.000110; fair le good beef steers, cuys.o, common to lair beei sceers, 4v.'si1u7.'aj; good to Choice heifers, f 7t2.7o; good to choice cowt. 7504.71; fair to good rows, tt.alia474; common to fair coat, ta.0ct4.K; good to choice slock eis and feeders. tVlu7.2e. fair to good lockers and foedns. 14 143121; stock cowt and heifers. 14 0071125; veal calves, M0u0s 24; buila. sua:, etc.. R5o97 HiniS-llogs opened with buyers bid ding ic tnd In some csaas possibly 510. lower than yesterday and It looked for a time as If the general market would t lower The trade, however, speedily firmed up becoming fully steady with yeeierdav en which basis meet ot the hogs sold. Toward lha close some little strength developed and a few sales looked. If anything, a Utile better tnait yesterday. Taking the market as a whole It could hardly be quoted otherwise than steady with yesterday. The trade whea once under way wae fairly active and everything In eight had changed hands before 10 o'clock In tha morning. The quality of tbe bogs waa not so good a yesterday and for that reason the sales do not show up to well on paper at they would otherwise. Receipte for the week font up tf ofci head, being the largest tince three weeks ago and larger than a year ago by al most 7.004 head. In spite of the large run the market at t uliole has been in fair thape so far aa tha demand hat been concerned. Buyert naturally took ad vantage ot the large rune on tome days and prices were sharply lower, especially during tha early part of the week. Part of tbe loss waa recovered on Thursday, but lost again on Friday, to that at the close ot the week tbe general market la around ISVl'-So lower than at the cloje of in- wee. SHEEP There were no fresh recelpta of sheep today and none on sale to make a market. For the week receipts have been very llbersf for this season of the year, showing a large gala over last week and only a s:ight falling off aa com psred with the corresponding week a year ago. As has been noted from day te day tea recti! ts have consisted aimust entirely 4.S1V All! I tour 1 LtJil 41.417 I.Kfi 17.HH 1J,I4 43.174 KiCfl 11 wU ai,XH i;. a.,se4 U:M of shorn Ismbs. with light sprinkling of wnoled lambs. There have been no wethers, yearlings or ewee of any eon sequence received during the week. An w rational etrav bunch bee arrived, but all told not enough have put In aa appear ance to make a market. Shorn lambs, which, aa noted above, have constituted the btg bulk of the re celpta have told 10 fairly good advantage. On Monday and Tuesday there were sev eral bunches good enough to bring 14.60. Iur1ng the letter psrt of the week there wna a falling off both In quality and In price, so that on Thursday the beet Ismbs here were only good enough ts bring lt and on Friday there wat nothing sravl enough to bring over x H. Taking the quality Into consideration (he market could hardly be quoted over 10A150 lower than last week. The feeling It that a strictly eholce bunch of shorn lambs would bring aa much aa 14.50. A few scattering loads of sheep and awes received during the week sold rela tively high because of the scarcity, but tna demand at init season or tne year ia not very brisk for that kind of tttitt and the feeling la that It would not takn vary many to overstock the msrket Still supplies a the country are so small that thrie la not much danger ot too many coming. The wooled lambs received during tha week have til been from the same feed lot and hava told at la.3 and tsV CHICAGO MVS! STOCK MARKSTT Desaaad tat t stile Dall Hega l.e wee Mhee p klwe r. CHICAGO, May sV-CATTLS-Recelpta, Kb. head; market dull; beeves, t.l0.4il; Tales steers. 4nj?lB, western Hears, t4 .(4i7IO: stockers and feedere, M4f: cowa and bsllsia. C.wa;.si: oalvaa. a,.sud Oil. HOGS-Receipts, 11.01 head: market wenk. fo lower; light. I7.IUD7 41; mixed, !7 2o7.; heavy. . 47. 75, rough. 17 24 , so. pigs, 4".s.. bulk at sales, f,.M 811 EE AND LAMBS Receipts. I.Ont hetd; market slow; natives, fJ 7MM.at; westerns. oWi yearlings VbU7l; native lambs, MiAvglM; western lambs, le.Jlt4.10. St. I.eele Live bisek Market. ' T. LOUIS. Mo Msy 24 CATTLE Receipts, l.Mt heed: no Texsns; market steady, native beef sleert, tt.oni.a; eowg and heifers, 13 Soul 50, stockers and feed era. H 75O7.0O: Tcxat and Indian steers, t..KJr7 cowa and heifers, tl BJ-,.r4; calves In carload lots. tSfitW. HOUS-Receipts, A 500 head: market tleady: pls tnd lights. lio7l0: mixed and butchers, I'.OOfl ;.a; good heavy, 17.74 ;.. St. Joseph live Stock Market. - ST. JOSEPH, Mo Msy -CATTLE-. Receipte 100 bead; market steady; steers, MiauAM-O; cons and belters, tlSJlOO: calves, M 504JS 40. IKHiS-Recelptt 4.w1 bead: market, weak to ts lower; top, 17.75; bulk of tales, 'VllKEP AND LAMBS No theep; mar ket ttetdy; Ismbs. 7.i0AW, Stock la Sight. - Recelpta of live slock at the flvt princi pal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha ) , . .... St. Joaepb 100 4 0 .... Kansas City l.lno f.n) .1.. St. Louis 1.0 t.w Chicago im U.0M l.los Total recelpta l ie) M.S00 1.40s LEGAL NOTICE. RECEIVERS SALB OF PLANT AND PROPERTY OF SIOUX CITY FOUNDRY A MrU. CO. - Notice la hereby given thet In compli ance with in order of sale made bv the District Court in and for Woodbury eouiitv. Iowa, In suit of Joseph T. Ryer. ton A Son, a corporation, plaintiff, against Sioux City Foundry Mfg. Co., a corporation., defendant. Equity No. 21A, now pending, the undersigned Ra ce1 vers will sell at public auction, at ths office of the said defendant at East Eighth and Division streets. In tbs city of Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa, on ths 17th day of June, IS It, at the hour of two o clock p. m. ot said day, lha fol lowing real and personal property ot ths aald Sioux City Foundry si Mfg. Co.. to wn: Krai Property, consisting ot ths plant site at East Eighth and Division Streets, 2t feet by eisi feet tleas a strip Mild to Stlckley-Hunter Co. of 71 feet by' M) feet), including all buildings, side tracks and appurtenances, together wtik all machinery Installed therein. ' - Personal Property, consisting ot kit office furniture and fixtures, and all ma chinery, toels, patterns, drawings, blue prints, and all equipments and appliances not a part of the really above mentioned, contained on said premises, or used icj the management and operation of said) Foundry Company'a business. Also all Stork of 11 ere hand lee hand at sale of sale, consisting of furnace s. tractors, and other goods snd commodi ties heretofore kept for sale In regular course of trade by said Foundry Com pany. Aire til Stock of Coke and Coal. Ima, and Steel, and other rsw msterisit used, hi manufacture by said Foundry Com pany. 7 For a complete description of said real pioperty, and eech and every of tbs ar ticles of personal property above referred to. reference Is hereby made to a full, true, complete and accurate Inventory ofj aucb property which will be on file snd) subject to public inspection In the riffles of e-iid Foundry Company st sll -es during bust nest hours on and attar . va 7th. mt. Tha said real and persona! property comprises the whole of the pisnt, prop erty end stock of said Foundry Coma pany heretofore used by M In the opera tion of Ita business and will be ottered) for sale and sold In gross In order thai such purchaser msv assume tbe imme diate charge, poeseeaton and control .-if? said plant on consummation of sale, mm going concern; except that the tractors. rur nai-es and otner goons and eotcmosi tles kept for sale In the regular ooureo of trade. Including tbe Iron, steal, repairs, coke and oca I. which necesaanly fluctuat ss tu uuantity from day to day. will be offered and told In aucb manner as that bide may be made thereon by ths piece, ton. or pound weight er la such manner ss such articles are usually sold, an In ventory of such property snd stock to b made up and tiled In tha office of tlw company, subject to public Inspection as axoreeatd. three days before the sale. so sa to epprlss bidders of the approximate quantity on band at date of aale. , The terme of such aale 111 be cash. Dated at Sioux City. Ia.. May 27th, J913. JOHN M. M DONALD. D. C. Ilil'U Receivers of Sioux City Foundry A Mfg. Co.. Sioux City. Ia. Shull. Karnsworth. Sammls At Stillwelt, Sioux City, lit. Attorneys tor Revetvere.