Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Daily bee
, En' :red et Omaha poatotfice as ana
cla.a matter.
Sunday be. one year". .'
Saturday Bee. one year
Laiiy Be t without iuo-ar). . ei
Dai4' toe 3 nd Sunday, .wie ywer
Evening Bee with Sun..ayi. per mo... Sc
Dejiy Be (including unday, per mo..c
i aaj bta itauui eurii)), r oo
Address ail complarnt or irregu-ar,t.i.
la l. city Circulation Lt
Remit hv -'rait, express or P" i-trder,
t4 to tm Rm rubtieiil&aT ctauany.
Ohlv stanuu reccvo in payment i
cept mi Omen and eurn lvtuwi l
Omaha The Bee
tarns Oatska ii N at j.ufia ; aoait St.
Lim & Lutle Building.
Cmcago utf Mr,u-ue Building.
Kansas City Keience Building. ,
w Vora-ai wat
' Washington T2S Fourteenth di.. V W.
CORlttarONDZNCK. . . .
Communications relating a news and
editorial raa " snouii be audreasca
Omeba Baa, Editorial Department.
; 50,109 ; -
Stat f Nebraska. County of Doug us. as:
Pwlght Wiillama, circulating macager
ol lha Bea Publishing company, bsmg
duly sworn, laya that the average dally
-circulation, for the inoota o( April. HHA
-f " D WIGHT WIU--..
Ou-culaaon Ma;.ar.
Subscribed In tor rreaent and l"ura
to briors me Ul 2nd day of May, lU.
(teal.. ROBERT Hl.NTLK..-
Notary Pubuc.
SabewrlkeTS lenvlaa tha' eltr
traaorarlly ekaald have The
Be nailed theea. ' Addreea
will he rkaas'd aa ellea aa ra
ti arete d.
T 1
. Boost for Omaha and then keep on
.'boosting.,, ' "' .' ,
here Ki ah arctic world can old
Doe Cook be .
if little Cuba wishes to
free It had better be good.
The -convention tati-endert
-now wind up the procession.
A new broom 'Is expected to' sweep
cleaner than the on discarded.,
' Nothing much is being done
sweeten this coffee controversy.
The Iceman will get his harvest in
due time, even though It be delayed.
-' In polite Boston they refer to Ue
spit ball as the expectoration sphere.
"What la beerf aaks the Washing
ton Post Just aa it it did 'not know.
Strikes teem to be in the very air,
The Qerma. aviators have now. gone
Better postpone worrying over rain
for a week 'or so, tilt the soil really
seeds it. . i " ' , , " - , ( '
A It. Louis paper speaks of ."tour
ing East fit. Louis." - Better-uarry
brass knucks. ' ' ' - " " '
'. Jus( tbe same.' Senator Root will
make just aa good a chairman in
19ll as in 1104.
The Houston Post tells of the
Antr-Thlrd Term, league.'". It must
be taking its vsoatlon. ;
New Jersey was fighting ground
tor our forefathers during the war
of the revolution, tod.".
Looks as If. something Ilk
commission pita war being act
In the Omaha poatofflce.'
Back' to the mine", has been a
popular cry among th sntbtacit
worker and the country as wH.:.
' Mr. Bryan ia not a candidate, but
be wilt aot giv a bond not to accept
It th nomination, la tendered him.
Anyway ther la no dispute over
the number of delegate Instructed
for La Follette'and for Cummins. '.
Ksnsas City boasts it is a city ot
many blah opt. Doubtless th church aa
found that ordinary clergymen could
not vi It - i .-. . ; ; ,
' Th sign of to Urn anL tk
BSBdwrttiag' on the wall must be
uncomfortable reminders for Senator
Lorimer. '"
If all tbe'candldatea hava already
enough delegate to nominate and to
par what can they be keeping it -up
so fiercely for!
It Is not the fashion nowadays tor
a presidential candidate to carry his
own state, exploiting the old adage
about a prophet and hla own country.
Our democratic frlenda might dis
cover their much sought dark horse
in th Hon. J. Ham Lewi were) b
not disqualified by; tbe irridescent
brightness of his fulsome whisker.
How foolish it was in those escaped
convict-murderer to tnilst on being
killed rather thaa captured whea tbey
might so easily have returned to our
Nebraska Mate prison and been ao
ejuittad by verdict of a Jury. . ....
Before our commisalon plaa coun
cil mn go in much deeper ia tiia raia
ing of salaries and th creation of
near appointive positions It would be
cite In order to count the available
cash and ace whether th figure t
not written dowa on th red ink side
of tfca ledger,.. ...j... .,
SpeaJrisg of Grief.
Senator Stone, tbo gumshoe state
man from Missouri, professe to be
much srleved -(wean -republicans
tv tetu doing a little' quarreling
among themselves. The sntor'
solicitude . la doubtie appreciated.
but it I to be doped be has not per
! mined his sorrow to express itself In
tears. The senator wilt bate need (or
all the tears be can well up when the
Caltimore convention , opana , Talk
about grief at party atrlfe, there, will
'be enough in Maryland's fair city to
make a heathen try. much more a
MUnoari politician. The Piq that
Senator Stone now feels over repub
lican friction will seem like a thrill
of aweetest comfort beside the panes
which that fathering) of democratic
warriors promises to produce. ,
Mr. Bryan, stilt the alpha and
omega of modern democracy, main
tains bts bitter oppoaitioo to Harmon
and Underwood and a sullen, silent,
but all too significant attitude toward
Champ Clark and Is realty outspoken
for not, a single candidate. Hearst
pursues VVllaon and Gaynor with all
the ferocity of whtrh he is capable.
Harmon returns Bryan's attacks and
so does Underwood, now and then.
And the internal resentments among
-the leaders carries animosity out into
the-ranks of delegates. Tammany
.comes in for its share of abuse and
reciprocates compliment, ..
And . so the happy democratic
family furore goes on. If Uncle Joel
i rearly looking for an object of pity
Upon which to pour the libation of
his compassionate heart let him wait
yet a little while and Baltimore will
accommodate him.
Our, Ex-Admirals, '.:' ;, '.;
What to do wljh our ex-preldenU
1 no longer, as much of a problem
a what to do with our ex-admirals.
It la pointed out ia the house that
the I'mtod States today .hu HI ad
mirals on the retired list, for whose
maintenance w expend annually the
sum ot 11,000,000. We have but
twenty-eight admirals on the active
list, and. according to Congressman
Hobaon, who used to b k sm captain
himself, w bav 120 captain and
commander on th actlv .list of
whom Only two ha'v seen more than
two years of sea duty. ','
Id view of these facta It I aot sur
prising that a demand t mad for
the abolition of th "admiral fac
tory." The troubl may be In the
system of promotion or ot retirement
If ea Itfe I o' wholesome a to prv
rre'tb admiral In such number
to th f ull length of their errtc and
essbl tbBi to reatfh the tliuo'of
retirement Jn comparative vigor po
lbly.1t la not too. unwholeiom to
purau for longer period. '
In tlms of peace and with little
Itfospect of ai ahead U w'oUId learn
that anight bern to revise; yt
ruie ana regulation m tills reaoeoti
without imposing injustice or bjirij-
hlp on ' any faithful offloer hird
without by any means Impairing th
service.. It I regrettable that Con
gressman Bobson teem to hay td-
vaacod no satisfactory cur for what
he and others 'regard a a' decided
fault. ' " '
Protecting- tha Chicken Coop.
Whjle starting out a new r In
Our1 municipal' government w la
Omtb must lot b abov learning
retsona from " the " experience1 bf
smaller .towns Ilk New. York City
In vry great rndtropolltin city on
of the; perplexing problems I that
of sategHsrding th right and prlv
lieges' pf sntorp rising eltltao who
keep chicken for pleastir or profit
for th protection of th thicken
coop what better advioe can b had
than ii offered, by Mayor Oaynor In
tbl letter to a constituent:
Dear Mr. OOllby: I armpathlsa with
u In the loaa of your etnekena. Mr
ten rooat en Long 1 eland ha beaa sa
te red. Too - aay there, are eixty-flva
potlcemea in youf precinct. : Down my
way there are only tour ooaataMe la a
territory about tea time aa large aa
yours, with a population ast ante toes.
It la pretty hard to keep ahlckea ttMeves
out of the rooats by pollcemu. Hew-
ever, I ehall aea what (as ha done (or
you and your1 nelghbvrs. Can you Induce
the chicken to rooat Hither Tour
truly', ' ". W. A OAtNOa.
Onr mha, poultry Jander and
chines lovers will- doubtlee
notice. " . v t- .
The Su Diet Situation.
Th vlgorov. governor of Call
forala, who ia making hlmaalf coa
spieuou a on of th aggressive pro
gressives of the country at large, ha
a ero task on hla hands within hi
own state in th disquieting sttuatloe
at San Diego. Governor Joknaea has
seat a commissioner to that city to
see what can be don, to quell two
opposing forces ot anarchy, oa set
avowed opponents of constituted gov
ernment, the other th people, who.
I outraged at the" so-called fight for
rr apoech, are taking thing into
their own nan da and vial ting their
wrath upon offendera. Irrespective of
the law. "made and provided" is such
case. ' -' ." - .
The governor's own eommlssioar
has been warned that he may be
tarred and feathered ss th anarchist
Heirman was if he doei not deelat
from hi aetivilioa. Have th aood
leople of San Diego not sufficient
confidence in their governor to be
lieve that be would do -his beet -to
relieve this distressing sStustlon?
the popular nthas,sm expreaaeel at
taa polls tor good government in
California' uaabt to Inspire reform
la San Diego? Ia ther no fruitful
AcUcuiatiea t.ea elect loa alogasa
and everyday necessities? Her. It
seems, Is where the advocate of re
form government should make them
selves felt
It is' time for th law to take the
Place of tarring and feathering in
Ban Diego and bring order oat of
this chaotic state. - ' '' ""
Water board and water company
are said now to be trying to get to
gether. Had the water board mani
fested such a disposition earlier in
the game, as suggested by .Th Bea,
our people would be better off la
pocket by not lea than ' a milHoa
- "A man should say what he means
and mean what h ays,' Champ
Clark wrote la Mr. Bryan's Com
moner. It the facetious bouad dog
candidate wer backed up Into a
corner he probably would aay he was
only Joking.
A preacher carrying the aam of
Kaphtall Lnccock deserve to be
elected bishop, or something equally
as good.
Indianapolis Newa: The anthracite
strike ha also been settled, but as yet
the dealers are eMerlttf no epevta tn
dueements to th frugal householder to
contract for his next winter's fuel supply.
. Boeten Tranaeript: Everybody is glad
to hear that the agreement between th
eoal operator and the union miners Is
In be turned today, but the event would
be greeted with mora acuta rejoicing If It
were not certain that th consumer will
have to pay for It. -
Sprtniflel Republican: Th coal atrlke.
even thou ah adjuated. of course meana
iher BMcea. an It la now said to be
deubtful whether the usual summer die
count wUI be made. Tet prudeat people
wilt lay In their winter supply aa uaual,
tor fear ot wore te coane. Whatever hap
pena. the consumer has te "pay, pay.
New York World: Per ten years. and
more, since the Morgan "gantiemen'e
agreement made by th coal ran.
roads. New Tsrk and th eastern cltlea
have been paying as exorbitant monopoly
price. Tale vast, crude, cheaply handled
tonnaa pay a fancy price tor freighting
and .the profit Is reflected In a market
price of 571 for Lackawanna atock la Ull;
t r?ri4 tor Delaware Hudeont.of Ml
(or Beading, itl lor Lehigh Valley and
W for Jeraey Central. Thar I no more
argent eaie In Interstate commerce tor
government Interference than th exploi
tation of th pubUo by th anthracite
coal combination. ...
People Talked About
It Is indicative ef some popularity that
Charlie WlthneU polled the largeat vote
for city eomralaatenerand that without
any bombaetlo electioneering. Mr. Wlth
neU aaa the depart at ent of tire srotee
ta and water eupply. We don't doubt
he caa aaake firs and water ge wall to
gether, i
Miae Ellas Emeraoa. the eTaaddaugh-
ter et Ralph Walde Eaaerasa. to a aurae
la the Maeaackuaatte Oaaeral koepital at
The aamea et Sir Coeaas Duff-Oardoa
and Lady Gordo eaeaUoaed h reports
of th Tltanlo Inquiry In Lendoa, earry
a eaaaeeua aota at aristocratic, dtatlae-
tloa, and rlgbtly so. Lady Oordea to
dealgaer ot arlatecratte gowna and air
Coemo Duff la. iha huaaaad et a dreas-
Dr. S. A. Spltaka et Philadelphia an
neuneea that be Is carta la taa svaiita ef
females will never equal the brain et
males tor originality and coniprehoiiereo.
neaa. Tale being so, n sraat be apparent
te the learned doctor that let ef males
are gifted with surplus gray matter they
Candidates for office are aot the oaly
oaes "boneyfugllng" the plain
Over hi CMeajre a eureetoae otinaittkra-
pM tipped off t a plain suae hew te
coavert n Into ga, aad tw police men kad
the tree teat dirftculty la preveeittng tke
capper being amuiheieil with th plala
aaekera mooay. ,
After search ia several 01 ilea tar
helrm eager tor a title. Baron Hane vea
Ba'dlnger BekleDberg. godson at the king
ot Wurtemberg. ta ahem to annex Mtaa
S-a O'Neill of Ptttaburg. Tbe baroa
baa a long line of peor bat proud rela
tione, among wheee a bunch ef Fltteanrgtj
waey win radtata toy.
Dr. Pvancta Baeea. who died recently
in New Haven. Cob., toft bequeet ef
H4MM te tbe Hew Have Co amy Ann
Tuberroloala aoetery. tie.DC to "The Ca-
eectlcut ChUdrea't Aid eociety .and K,N
to the New Ha vea General aoaartal, and
SMde Tale unreslty the residuary leaa
tes ot the oJ eat ale.
- Hugh Ceeeaa of Marleea. N. T . a tid
dler and " a decent sun. to be aura,"
traagtae Mrs. Conlsa was honeleealy la
tke aiellyeoddi elaaa Ta make aura ef
hi roeoo'. a aaiaed bla ftadu aad
! etrurk ua "Tha Boya Water." Before
Isltv heel could beat tuna with the tuna.
Mrs Con km arabbed tha Implement of
tenure and smashed tt ea Hngk'a head.
Maglatrad McQuade, "a broth ef a
d'ye motnd." wltnaaaad "the treaty at
peace between th pair, wherara "Tke
Boyne Water" to ewtaawed forever.
IhbDav inOmalia
1 a w
i Br. a- riL-' j
Thirty Tears Ago
A meeting of property ownera on rer
un atraet sa bald at the Fir at National
bank te consider the question et batter
ing the ceodltKa ot tke etroet, aad a
resolution euead called oa th oouoctl
to put the pavement In temporary re
pair, Those preeant ware: Itannaa
Keuntxe, A. J. Poppleten, H. W. Tatea
Dr. Miller. amual Burns. W.'W. Low.
Jaavee Crelghtea. Frank Murphy. A. L
(trang. W. B. Boaren, E Roaewater. C
F. Goodman. Maa Meyer. F. J. Mcahar.
Fred Low B. B. Wood. Charlee Bain-
orf. H. Fundi, John MeCorraiek, M
The Bee quotes a letter to th Uncois
inurnal. which among other things aays-
"Omaha, beara e1dencee ef aroaperlty.
There can seemly be a doubt of her be
ing a city ef Importance in th future.
Che la ae small pumpkin even aow."
Owing te wet weather tbe base ball
game wae declared eft. '
W. A. Van Norman baa been appointed
special policeman tor lower Tenth street.
A diminutive pony came in by express
boxed ap and addressed to Q. a. Naaea,
care ef Dr. A. W. Naaon. '
Nawa waa received by telegraph ot the
death of tha wife of Hon. Lorenan
treane et Fort Calhoun. -
Ed Halney Is towering hla tw housea
on the aouthweet earner of Farnara and
Eighteenth streets to the new grade. He
propoaea next to tear down tha Judge
Porter houee on the opposite side of ihe
street .'
Th rouns friends et th Mlsse Minna
and Laord CeUetu. daghter of A. M.
Collette, gave tnero a pleaaant suCprlee
it their father' i raaldenee on North
Eighteenth atraet, and Improved the
evening with dancing aad muste.
Twenty Yean Ago
Th Ciusens Alliance held a meeting at
the Knights ot Labor ball, lit South Four
teenth street at night, to dtoma the Ne
braska Central bond propoattlon. Allen
Root took up an hour telling why tbe
laboring men should veto agatnet then.
nd i. H. Dument spok at length in
Lake school was tha Center et a grand
Memorial day celebration. Tha children
presented a fins bust of General Grant.
Bttle Albert Farmeiee making tha preeea
tatlon address. , The eld soldiers present
gave the youngster great encouragement
span his oratorical power. Miss Kmitia
Whltmora, prlnatpal, received the bust for
ths school. ' -The address of the day was
made tf Bishop John P. 'Newman of tha
Methodist church. Edward Roaewarer
and Judge Eller also made brief ad
dresses. Mr. and Mrs. E. L CTeveland of South
Omaha laid away their Infant son, who
died the day before.
Judy A. L guttan waa making prepara
tion to spend the summer at Newport
tt wat v otrt that th new Central
Telephone building to be' erected St Eight
eenth and Oougia streets as soon ss the
grading could "be dpnei would coit att.oM
and be one of the handaornest telephone
buildings In ths country.
The majority ot alt the living buffalo
war advertised aa being on exhibition at
Ihe lermlnua t the Benton A Halcyon
fialghta railway. "Admlaalen Z centa.
ohtldrea M cents." ,
Ten Year Ajto
Railway peats and railway eooimla-
aieaa Are obsolete," aald E. H. Harrlman,
upon his tarrlvsl at Aha- Omaha Union
atalkm. ,'U-le presdatereus for auch men
a legieralora and railway cemmlaaioners
t regulate our behavior. Why should men
ho- knew nothing about tha. railroad
business be given power to make rulee
tor it? Combinations are all well and
good, not enry Juitlflabla. but advisable."
With Mr. Harrlman. who atopped In
Omaha to look ever tha field tor ths en
largement ot the Union Pacific ahops,
were President ' Manrln Kughlft of the
Norihweatem. Vke-Prealdent Harahan t
tke lldnels Central and ether magnatee.
President Burt of the Vnlon Ptclfic. with
ethers, had arranged utta a sight-seeing
tour for them.
Jullue Myers, whs waa ta attend th
meeting of the National Vnlon sf
Mualeiane In-Buffalo, said he would there
make war npoa th South Omaha Trades
and Labor assembly, with which toe
unlea anetetoas were having a tilt
r. S. summer was saleoted by th
Grand Army ot th Republle and af
filiated eocietiee ss ths Deeoratlea Day
County Commissioner J. P. and Mrs.
Connolly went a a three weeks' Jaunt t
Buffalo, Detroit, New Tort aad Pennsyl
vania polata.
Brooklyn Eagle: Cuba ha "fired" 10O0
gbvernment employes la a lump- Such
wholesale good work hasn't been done in
Washington tor years: but Just wait till
a democratic president comae In; Just
St. Louis Globe-Democrat: Senator
Dixon has such a peaatoa for claiming
everything that It Is queer he admits that
Ma ewa state, Montana, la aa amphatlor
ally againat him that a contest Is out
ot Ihe question. . .
New Terk . World: Senator Crane'a
announced retirement at th end ef hie
prevent tana further amphaatsee the swift
ebanc which th old political order to
undergoln. Ha I one of the later add!
ttoae te the old guard walca has doml
anted the senate tor years and which Is
aow disappearing lth. .aa almost treat
rapwiur. . ,
ladlanapolta News: It aeema that the
demoerau hava agreed that tha .only pic
tures to be displayed at tha Baltimore
convent! wil he tboee of. Washington,
Jettenon and Jackaen. and yet some
Semocrau with good memories may recall
that there waa a man named .Cleveland
"ho made soanthing at A dernoeratto
New Tork Sua:- Mr. Bryna baa alwaya
beea regarded aron, favor by repubUcana
aa a deinocratla caadldaU for president
and la fpue ot the tact that be baa da
eland kinuelf out of the race in till th
attention ef the democratic party to being-elaborately
directed t him as per
haps Ikes etroonast maa that. could be
aomraated. ,
states: Actlaa In Bar Stat.
Sioux City Journal.
Th lewtr house of th Maaaaehusetta
laflalatura has taken Urn by the fere
leek aad voted te ratify the eonetltartoBal
amendment prsvtdtns tar tha papula
eMcteaa et L'aHad State eenatora. H
remama te be hoped that taa Maaeaehw
setw senstofa WIN reftoct as muck credit
on their state, aader toe new plan
under th ' '
1912. -
"fa 11 1 ., 'iffi 1 , IT
A Hint Wank. Taking.
OMAHA. May SI Te to editor of Tbe
Bee: It la probably true that the bill
board nuisance to her to stay, but tbr
th benefit of resident of varlou part
of the city R la hoped that th new city
administration will aew that peetera on
tbe billboards are aot tora off aad per
mitted to blow hate peopto'a yards. It is
bad eaouah to have them around your
haasse. but It to worse U b compelled
every dsy t pack up large sheets of paper
that are decorating the different pan
of your yard and catcbing m whatever
shrubkery yu bav.
It to elan hoped that th aew city ad-
ml met ration will aea that "griddle cake"
sign and "pan cake" signs of th cheep
tat materials possible cease to decorate
Farnam street the principal street ef th
city. Such signs give the city cheap
took and lie administration and its peo
ple a cheep senthnant CITROEN.
How Larky We Are.
OMAHA. May W-To the Editor of The
Bee: Did It ever strike you that man la
a wonderful creature beyond all under
Through almost tOCr) year ot recorded
history he has stumbled blindly along an
uncharted way. flattering himself In hla
Ignorahae, conceiving that hla blunders
were really progress, until now suddenly
uplift their Voices a host of omniscient in
dividuals to warn him of tha ever-present
danger that beset hla path. How. do
you euppose, did wesk and tottsrlhg hu
manity ever com up from th muck that
surrounds ths beginnings without the as
sistance ef these all-knowing persona,
who now oo benignly apread the benlson
of their presence over tha race, and eo
grsclously assume charge of Its every ac
tivity T . ,
We have alwaya looked upon tbe man
who first ate an oyster ss a hero: poor
chap, he was only foolhardy, filing ha
lacuatran system with typhoid bsccllL And
so oa, w may trace one Idol after an
other to Its shattered doom, aa tt break
againat the Irretraglble wisdom ot these
latter day apostlea of ax aot and Immut
able knowledge. What a blessing that
we have them.
Poor agea peat! Days that ws had no
Teddy to make bright tbe Uvea of hoi
sol lot, weakly battling againat ths primal
euraa! Times that knew no old Doe Wi
ley, who might have apared aa Inconceiv
able deal ot suffering to ths cava man
by pointing out to him ths faulty dietary
that cut htm off In his prime. Agea that
had no Glf Plnchot te point out that
"willful waste makes woful want:" think
ef th unnumbered foreet trees that fell
before the unthinking eavage, proud In
the possession his first flint sxe, and of
the havoc wrought by htm. when he had
struggled up a little higher, and became
peaaessed of a matalllo tool. And others
who might be mentloned-how did man
aver reach hla present state of develop
ment without them? And how much
quicker he would have 'com along, hsd
thay been there te guldeand direct hint!
Aren't we luekyi OLD FOOT.
. Aaaertra'e Annaal Fire Loa.
New York Trleun. ;
It la hard to get American to lake
th problem of tire prevention seriously.
Thay ate , optimistic and. careless about
Imperilling Ill's. sod properly through un
safe building methods. They prefer te
Insure agalaat individual mlafortune and
than take ohaacee. forgetting that that
method Involves far greater expense thaa
warring dlreotly.auxalnat. tb ravages of
fire would Involve. Climate undoubtedly
haa muck ,o do. with our larger use ef
inflammable material. But the great dis
proportion between eur fir toes sod that
of Europa Is due to hurry and lack of
Intereet. One way te cut down th high
coat of living is to stop offering more
than t-W.CW.MO annually te the flats ee.
Mortlalns Fararetfal ikalls,
Pittsburgh Dispatch,
tt h bone pressing oa th brain will
cause the owner of the bone and brain to
forget. It Is suggested by contemporaries
thst it would be valuabls to trust mag.
satea and political candidates For that
purpose It would be wholly superfluous.
Ths bens pressure treatment can be
commanded te th people whs are dis
posed to rely on promises from those
souree. . -
Stalklnar th wemlnatlea.
Pittsburgh "Dispatch.
Now It Is report ed Underwood. Barmen
and witoea are la a combine against
dark. The democratic rule seems to be
te combine againat th fallow who seems
te be la th lead. Hence the aacaelty of
Mr. Bryan, imbibed from experience, in
talking toe aominatlea rather thaa pur
suing It with a brass band.
A Ore-at Mlaaloa.
Houstoa Post
It was unnecessary tor the president te
state the mission upon which Archie Butt
weal. Ws sll see now that ha embarked
upon a great mission and that tha light
la shining upon tha upward trail to glory
asaanltlsa Barm.
Chlcaxo Nawa.
Whether Tsft or Roosevelt be nomin-
ated. the democratic BDallblndera
have their aurao books fuU f amaxina
eocuaauone made against Us nominees
on the authority of Ue country's next
most eminent republican
A Gatte Reminder.
Indianapolis Nsws.
The anaounoemeat that ths government
la going te dissolve Ue powder trust will
once snore remind some people of their
long held coavtctloa that Ue best way
te dissolve a traat to to eoak rl good and
Truth Oatraa srietkta.
New Tork Tribune.
Tbe tnddent ef th body of the ktag or
Denmark tying unraccernlsed hi Ua
morg a ot a atranga city proves one
mora that truth to et ranger and more
venturesome than fiction aver dares to be.
Whafa the t'aet
Wall Street Journal" "( .
What's ths use ot a university educa
tion In business, when ths Chicago wheat
traders who made fortune on the recent
rise dea't know that wheat. Is s dry
uHsenisceni unilocular caryepsiar ' .
t(l. V g 4
.Or .ii
A Wall Street View
araaevalt aad Brywsj th
Orpanlna Leader. Is tke
Ward Swat tbe BnaJrewa.
New Tork Financial World. '
Oftentimes Wall street ha a way of
finding out from tha real, at-the-front
Insiders la nations! political affair u
what ia oa tha program tor presidential
nomlaeUoaa. Lately soma eaunent WalLl
treat bankers received advices (rem high
political leaders that tha tatter were
well satisfied, from various political eom
binationa already made, that tha coa
ventlona of the twe loading parties would
name Roosevelt and Bryan as opponents
In ths presidential race.
Tha situation had beea meat thoroughly
canvassed. It waa declared, and all ether:
candidate la either party had beea
finally eliminated aava the two ' old
rivals Tha statement waa alas added by
these aam bankers who have perbmpa
good reeeo tor feeling aggrieved at
Roosevelt, thst et the two men tbey
would prefer to see Brysn win. Ths ar
gument to that Roosevelt long age out
did Bryan la radicalism, that ha would
go further by far than the Nebraakan
ever went In efforts te overturn existing
systems of finance and government and
tha Judiciary system, and that moreover,
Bryan had become greatly settled and
sobered in character and opinions, hsd
dropped bla' aid free eilvtr heresies and
could b depended a poo, in a crisis, to
refrala from advocaUn disturbing and
radical changes fn the law or govern
mental policies. In other words, he Wss
ths safer of tbe .twe men.
The spectacle of Wall street financier
turning to Bryan to aava them from
Roosevaltlsm Is both touching and novel,
and the above program, which baa been
outlined ta th Financial World by a
seriously minded representative at one
ef the greatest banking Institutions of
th country, seems peculiarly Startling,
but stranger things have happened. We
venture to suggest, however, that ths
politician who ventured to disclose the
reside program to Ihe Wall atreat finan
ciers are counting on possessing more
power or Influence thsa tbsy really en
Joy. He wiuot. Indeed, be a Napoleonic
ruler in pplltlcal affairs who can thus
sarly say that Roosevelt and Bryan srs
to enos more fsoe each ether for a strug
gle over the greatest prise on esrth.
Though delegates have in past presi
dential year been open t th suspicion
et having bean made th mar puppets of
eonnrvlng politicians. It Is inconceivable
thst In this year of political surprises
snd extraordinary developments ths two
man who are te contest for ths presi
dency should havs been selected so tar
In advance of th national ' conventions.
Public opinion and the delegate will still
have a little something to say. ws firmly
believe. Nevertheless, -we are In the
midst of the moat extraordinary political
contest" since Washington's first inau
guration; the real eonesqusncee no man
can forsee.
Geaeral O rant 'a Telegram Oa Iker
aaaa'a Famoaa March. '
New Tork Evening Poet.
A telegram of General U. S. Grant et
great historical Importance hi te be sold
at auction In New Terk City. It I dated
at City Point. Va., October li, 19M, la
addressed to Gsneral Sherman, and reads
in part as follows:
"On reflection 1 think batter df your
bropositlon.'t will b much better to go
south than to b forced to' com north.
You will no doubt clean ths country Where
you go of railroad track and supplies. I
would alas mov every wagon, horse,
mule and hoof ot stock, a well as ths
negroes. Ae far aa arms can be supplied
. I would put therh in the hands of
th negro, men. Give them such organisa
tion aa you can. They will be ot soms
ss, U. 8. ORANTY Lt-Oen."
Now" th significance ot this It that
General Sherman' commander deliber
ately ordered that policy of laying waste
the country which General Sherman fol
lowed In hi inarch to the aea, that be
gs almost at enos. For this policy ef
ruining th territory In which he sper
ated. Csnaral Sherman . haa ever sines
beea severely criticised, partly because of
th operation of th "bummers" who
followed his' troops. It is still the custom
la many sections of th south te lay at
hla door any and all loa of property.
What Sherman did on hi march to th
aa, Sheridan did ta the Shenandoah,
ravaging that wonderful granary from
which Lee's armies draw te large a por
tion of their food each year, until Sher
idan made good hi threat that a crew
fly trig ever. It would have to carry hut
rations on hi back. Ia Orsnf s telegram.
ol ted above, we have the clearest proof
that after three and one-half year of
warfare, he, too. had come te the con
clusion that the most humane methods of
Hot Days Are Coming
, The unprecedented demand for Fans dur
'ing tbe hot spell last year exhausted the fan
stocks of all Omaha dealers, and many people
had to go without fans because they waited
' until the thermometer exceeded 100 degrees
in the shade.
TTe cannot predict what the demand will
be this summer, but now is the time to exer
cise a little foresight by preparing for hot
days and nights that will in all probability,
be with lis again.
Fans for sale by all dealers. Order now.
conducting wsr wss s ae completely t
poveruh and wreck the enemy" country
aa to make a long-drawn-out resistance
juris TO A LATCH. . '
. e..v sxa
"HDSIS to sisner " "
doeen t aaera to be enjoying the fn
"Na. his evening's spoiled."
, "HSsrefTSJd he gave th tieke asller
a nickel too much." Cleveland Plain
Do you know. I alway did believe
there waa one redeeming point about
What was It 7"
"He sever eald It waa a Sapphire
fault." Baltimore American.
"What became of eur epic-tree friend"
-Hi eouian t atano in f- -
popularity waa suck that th club stewara
, . 1 1 a- w -r - him.
nameo. a iw r
tvery time stit one """Zu
name, th waiter mistook R for sa order
tor sooth ar round. "-Washington Star.
ball we ge Into th Eaat Side and
take a look at th -great unwashed'.
No; tot -us go t tha upsra and
lb great audrssd.""-UpPlBCOtt s. ;-
"Do ybu think It Is oosslbl te mk
an alrahlp absolutely safer-
- Dure " replied th mechanlclaa.
"Howf" 4 '
: Dlaabl It before It gets s ehartc to
, A .uTWrn(t lTiea I-rea -
Kvvv (nv gi u wiiu.
y 1'- M -v fteacea-thlB after
noon and found her out ' ..
Tom Vou 'vera lucky. Many fallows
done find their fence out until after
marriage. burton Tranaeript i
"What A nu think of Hughes a A
dsrk horse? ' "
"Hughes? Why, aay, a bean t got aay
" nat ao you mean t . .
..... . . -hsbv a liar Or
anvthina slaa. haa her Cleveland Plain
Dealer. ; . ' - V---'
v,. u.'.ut. AiA a moat unbuainea-
Uke thing to me th other day.'
wnet was itr-
.. . . . aaa - -' jaat tAaat n Brill
nd tbn 4vccpu4 4Uother Wtow.
. a-bswA fKAsav Aft jFPn (rnfiW
mm Lummuici - ---
.Wa. a (. a raalaAtiish Ihsl HfAWlBB. amfts IE
TV MSB laixiu va yvur -
you have never met them? . . ,
Mrs. Mutler I havs heard their-phonograph
selections. -Puck.
Indiana you know." Bald th wldly-
read man, "are very stoical. . Tbsy re
ever aiw w ug.
pant perawa in r". " 1
men. Mlnne-haha. "-CathoHo Standard
and Time. , ,. ,
"Wa re terribly worded abeut tether."
"Ia he III?"
"Y.a and eo III thst everything W do
for hint ia satisfactory." Detroit Free
u.- . ua I a Amie afarln
at a man." said tha striking blond lady.
TOtt SOIl l em repaeu air. .
"Tou ought te notice what happened to a
. .w k..M hi mi In a arowaed
sueet oar." Waahlngton Star. . .
A Noble Memorial. ' J '
New Tor Sua.
Me Waeae a. ft. widenar make A
aobl and beneficent public memorial by
adding M.MO.oi In memory of hie Son,
lost on th Titanic, to th W..e en
dowment fund established six yean ago
In remembrance ef hit wife. Th Wldener
ueniii school tor Crloeled Children
In Philadelphia I a charity as useful to
th community, as sympathetis to tn
whol nation, aa honorable te humanity.
s can well be Imagined.
THUS is a Older ana irrepsnww btitm
u.. ...mul In.n taefln h MBSt nST . IA
mankind; and thus a man et great and
fortunate achievement turn sorrow into
permanently fruitful labor for th n-
fdrtuna-aad depriv. -" f .-n
Wsahlngten Star. .
, . O Motor Car,
Tou caus m grief; ' '
My nerve you Jar
Beyond relief.
Teur tires explode,
In mud you stick '
' t'pon ths rotd "
. Where it is thick. ...
Or maybe you
Will akld and spin
- Where mud brand-new
- - Ia sleek and thin.
With you I roam.
And every time
t get beck home
Bedecked with grime,
. ; Tat there endures
Affection Strang
Which pranks of your
Cn never change.
Resentmente now . .. ...
You bid me nurse;
And yet I vow
You might be wore.
Although my lot
Tou fill with pain,
fm glad your not . ;
An aeroplane.
ai 31