Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE BEE: OMAHA." MONDAY, MAY 1'7.- 1912.
Mayor Hoctor at Head of Com
mittee for Fourth of July.
Trial at Men Indieted ay Laat Gnii
Jsrjr ia Likely ta Brlag Start
lias Dtsclesares Eaglea
Plaa Street Fair.
South Omaha will have-vnotber monster
Fourth of July celebration, with Mayor
Hoctor at Its head. This was determined
yesterday when Mayor Tom announced
that ha would Issue a call for a mass
meeting next Wednesday. Hla honor
stated that h was taking up the matter
at the Inst oca of the business men of
the city, who have been ursine him to
such action for soma time. The. meeting
will not be under tha auspices of any
dub, society or committee now organised.
The call of the mayor for a .meeting
next Wednesday night will pro"tly put
a quietus on any runner efforts to make
ths celebration of tie Fourth a private
venture .in the hinds of a coterie of
Interested parties. Tha 'Booster club !iad
called a meeting for next Thursday night.
with a rlew to ths election of officers
and the organization of a celebration for
tha Fourth of July.
Business men throuehAiit tha eitw ana
anxious for the organisation of a strong
working committee to plan and execute
a biff orosram for tha nation's hirtluljw
and It ia hoped to make the celebration
of this year superior to thst of last year.
Trial 31a y llrlaa Dlacieswree.
The announcement of the approaching
trial of the South Omaha men recently
Indicted by the Douglas county grand
Jury has attracted little or no publte
comment. Notwithstanding the apparent
lack of interest considerable politics Is
being played by those Interested la the
It Is known that one man who fell
under the brand of the lnTestigatlng
body because ot his fidelity to others
Involved has become very dissatisfied
with the-treatment administered lately.
It Is whispered about among attorneys
interested In the case that the trial of the
Indicted men la apt to bring out con
sldsrable more Information along specific
TNines than was accorded ths prying search
' of the grand jury.
Eagle Plaa Fair.
Active preparations for a street fair to
be held some time In June are being mads
by the local aerie of Eagles. The exact
time bss not been definitely settled upon,
but It la thought tha the celebration will
occur some time In the first week of June.
The fraternity Is seeking the permission
of the city to locate Its tent and booths
In the alleys lying between Twenty-fourth
and Twenty-second streets. It Is also In
tended to temporarily vacate the use ot
Twenty-third and N streets In the section
Immediately surrounding ths Eagle home.
Memorial Services Today.
Today memorial services will be held In
most of the churches of the city. At the
First Presbyterian church, of which Rev.
Dr. R. L. Wheeler Is pastor, the Phil
Kearney post. Grand Army of the Re
public, will be the guest of honor. A. W.
Jefferts of Omaha, through the services
of Judge A, U Button, bss consented to
address tha congregation on a Memorial
day subject.
pec 1st music has been prepared and It
la expected that a large crowd will be
present y
0Hera Leaves Today.
John E. O'Hern. created general super
intendent of the Armour plsnts through
out the country, will leave today for Chi
cago, where be will assume charge of his
new office. It hsd been Intended that
Mr. O'Hern should defer his departure
until June 1, but urgent business caused
a change of plana
Roberts Mors to Chicago.
Oeorge W. Roberta former city en
gineer, leaves today for Chicago, where
It Is understood he will accept a position
In the engineering department of Armour
at Co. Mr. Roberts has been city engineer
for two terms and la well Informed upon
the fine points of street paving material.
It Is said that Mr. Roberts will make his
home In South Omaha, but Till travel
considerably on ilia business of hla nsw
Rase Gete tha l;nepeite.
Harry Rose, a car repairer at Swift's,
complained to the police last night that
he would have to go hungry for a week
aa the result of a childlike confidence
placed In an uproariously dressed
stranger who operated for an hour at
Twenty-fourth and N streets selling bum
Jewelry. I
Ths methods of the stranger were such
as would have delighted the hearts ot
Jeff Peters or Soapy Smith of tan bark
fame. He passed out cards of Jewelry
and razors among ths crowd wlih the
assurance that If tbey gave him ts they
might get something unexpected In re
turn. They got It. Harry Rose Included.
For the stranger after asking If they
were satisfied with their bargains I put
on the top speed and left nothing hut a
pained surprise and the memory of glim
mering tall lights In the minds of the
gulls who "bit"
Patrtrk Ease a ttrad.
Patrick Egan, 11 years old, son of the
late Cornelius Egan. died laat evening at
the home of hla uncle. John Larkln, IS
South Thirty-sixth street He bad barn
sick but a week and his death waa un
expected. The funersi arrangements
have not yet been made.
Isbarsss liemrs.
On car line snd boulevard. Fine twenty
and one and a quarter acre tracts. Im
proved. Get our list. A. W. Junes Co.,
U3 North Twenty-fourth.'
Mmukv lt- (ioaslp.
Mrs Nssgel returned to ber home la
tiKllanapolls Friday.
Mrs. J. K. Northrup entertained the
Kesod Whist Hub at her home Friday
afternoon. Prizes at whist were won by
Glass before Breakfast
tones up the stomach, dears
the head and does you food.
' Janos pi
Quickly Believes
1 -1
Mesdames J. Northrup. R. Dennis, W. R.
liancutk and C. r"rnKHn. Tne club mil
meet with Mrs. W. B. Routt next Frltay
Chicken dinner Sunday. Atlas cafe, t
cortn Twenty-fourth street
Meters John Smith and Tllloson are
fishing at Woodlake, Neb., thus week.
Take dinner 8unday at the Atlas cafe,
as North Twenty-fourth street.
Mis Florence Balleny of Plaltamouth
Is the guest of Mrs, P. She hey.
Atlas chicken dinner Sunday, U:Ju,
North Twenty-fourth street
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Smith left Tuesday
evening for a visit with friends at, Chi
cago. Family Sunday dinners a specialty.
Atlaa cafe. sua North Twenty-fourth
Mrs. George Schille of Omaha will be
hostess for the Junior Bridge club Thurs
day evening at a dinner.
' Mrs. John Smith entertained Informally
lor ner guest airs. Naagel of Indian
apolis. Tuesday evening.
Cool dining room, fine service. Atlas
cafe, tie North Twenty-fourth street
'A white French poodle was taken off
the chain at Si; C street. outb Omaha,
Saturday afternoon; 5 reward.
Miss Cordelia McCullocb gave a 1
o'clock luncheon Saturday afternoon In
honor of Mias Marie Whitney of Atlantic,
la, guest of Miss Louise Schlndel.
Merit buttons as testimonials to their
proficiency in the piactlce of the Palmer
writing methods were awarded Friday to
twenty-six pupils In the Highland school.
The Boys' and Ulrls' lilee clubs snd the
members of the high school orchestra
enjoyed a picnic at tlu t'ountry club
Thursday afternoon and evening.' A t
o'clock dinner waa served. Covers were
laid for seventy-five.
Major Morgan Heafy holds a purse and
money which he says he found In front
of his home st Twenty-fifth and F
streets. The major will net tell the exact
amount found, although Judge James
Callanan claims that the money Is his.
Mr. and Mrs c. W. Owen entertained
the office force of Biers Bros. A Co. and
their wrivee at their home Friday evening.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. H. O.
Kiddoo. Mr. snd Mra Joe Flynn. Mr. snd
Mrs. P. Lavelle. Mrs. W. Bolen. Omaha;
Mr. Dow. Springfield. Neb., and Messrs.
Jos Sevick and Roy Oreer.
Miss loulse Schlndel entertained at
bridge Friday evening. Four tables were
arranged for the players, who were:
Misses Allle Powell. Cordelia Mcullourh,
Georgia Davis, Beulah Davis. Stella Con
ley, Marie Whitney and Louise schlndel:
Messrs. Harry Cheek. Hugh McCullourh,
Lloyd Bennett Leo Wilson, Hurd Stryksr,
Seldoa Coniey and Cromby Schlndel.
We desire to express our heartfelt ap
preciation of the many kindnesses shown
us by our friends during the long Illness
of our beloved husband snd fathsr snd
especially for the many tokens of estsem
sent to us In connection with the funeral.
To Swift ft Co., to the Woodmen of the
World and to the Ancient Order of United
Workmen we ere particularly grateful.
sure, josepn vols, Mattniaa vol.
Miss Vera Ds Bole was hostess at three
tsblee of bridge Thursday in honor of
Mra Naaget, guest of Mra John Smith.
Miss Louise Schlndel won first prise.
Tables were arranged for: Mesdames
R. E. Schlndel, John Smith. Naagel, Mil
ler; Omaha; T. J. Parker: Misses Laura
Rudesdorf, Lillian Rudesdorf, Msrgsret
Del pah. Peggy Jones. Louise Schladel,
Hortense Eada and Vera De Boia
A pleasant automobile party wss given
by Miss Leta Kellogg Saturday evening
to the rouowmg guests: Leslie Hlrkey
Clsra Blade, Marty Sheehy, Mary Miller.
Bertha Johnson. Gertrude Sullivan, Ger
trude Holmes. Florence Brooker and Mar
garet O' Toole. Detnty refreshmsntf -re
win ai ansa xkeuega a snm a,.,
ride to Millard.
The Alohah club held He laat meeting of
the season Saturday afternoon at the
home of Miss Helen White. The mem
bers are: Misses Peart Laverty, Abble
Lake, Frances Tanner, Haaei Cook. A del
Davis. Maurlne Murdoch. Helen McKee.
Madge Sturrock. Mary Lewis, Clara
Harnum. Margaret Welsh, Kathleen
Welsh and Ola Alswortb.
Mrs. C. C. Cllne was delightfully sur
prised Saturday evening by a number of
friends, at ths horns of Mrs. A. W.
Tsgg. The occasslon waa a farewell In
nonor or Mrs. c ins who leaves Monday
evening for Canada where she will spend
tne summer. Those pressnt were: Mes
dames W. B. Routt. W. H. Hsncock, A.
w. Tsgg. J. wyness. uuy rierrner, Wil
liam McNIchols, C. C. Cllne. Dr. Beck.
D. G. Robb. J. K. Northrup and Hoy
The Scoffers' club entertained their slrl
friends at a lawn party Friday evening at
tha home of John Nijton. K the party
-a: Misses Esther Todd. Bertha Peter
son, Louise Dunning. Adel Davla, Olive
Hamilton, Naomi Byrnes. Helen White,
Mary McCullouch, Helen Tyner end Helen
H'jin, ana nosers, bagsr Kiddoo. rubs
Fhllp, Leo Lowery, (Shirley Menefee,
Frank Foley, Esri Keefer, John Orchard,
Ralph Lyman. Mints Miller. John Mum
Steward Berger and Donald Kloka
Several girls from the htxh school and
Lincoln school enjoyed a picnic at River
view park Saturday. Mrs. Mcott wss
chaperon for them. The party Included,
Misses Marjorte Abbott. Margaret King,
Marian Compton. Margaret Bliss. Clara
Bkarda, Maud Wells, Alice Thompson,
Haiel Warren, Ethel Bevtncton. Olive
Scott, Ruth Derbyshire, Grace Sturrock,
hum uoooara, Anna Crowe. Anna
Maurar, Lurile Faulkner, Katherlns
Crawford, Bessie Bothwcll and Alts
us via ,
Misses Anna and Katharine Rowley
were hostesses for a large whlat parly
Saturday afternoon. The players were:
Mesdames) T. Moore, R. Parks. P. Rush,
J. Goes, J. Jameson, . E. P. Lelady.
Omaha; J. D. Weir, Omaha; J. Hlocey,
Misses Nell Kief. Charlotte Lovely, May
Moore, O'Brien, Omaha; Mary Bell, Ross
Kelley. Bva Ooulllvan. Omaha: Patricia.
and I ma Clifton. Mary Kennedy. Frances
wuiaru, Aine rowe l. Aa-neo Fltsaeraia
Anna M surer, Glsdys Vsn Sent Beulen
Davla. Georgia Davis, Mary Sheehey,
Grace Petersen, Agnes Riley, - umsha,
Bess Melds. Omaha; T.eure Petersen,
Ella Petersen. Anna Welsh, Mary Welsh.
Mary Kltsgerald. Msrgirft jrarks. Katn.
leen Parks. Mara-aret O 'i ooie. Leta Kel-
logg. Gertrude Sullivan. Anna Mcslahan,
ue MCHanan. Mercedea Hreen. Lillian
Shrugm and Madeline Lang.
A novel aziair of the week waa the
banquet given the boy members of ths
Epworth league by the fctltchery club
Tuesday evening. The dinner vas served
In courses at the different homes of mem
bers of the club. Ia the party were:
Misre Stella Holmes, Stella Gray, ton
Phllp, Mae Amir eaten. Carrie Andreas.
Florence avilier. Nina Sec Will jiarv
cargent Lulu lllrkey, Marr .i iKiims.
Cecil Nixion. Frances Csae. Irene
Thomas, Myrtle Taylor, Flora itoblneon.
Mortem a Lee. rays tunes, axilla Curtis.
Jesn Bothwell, Bessie Bothwell,
Roy Greer. Hsrry McWillianw, s'aul
Jordan. Austins Ftnley. M. T. brass, rj
roy Tibbits. Karl Hodgens. Harry Nlxlon.
James Jacobeoa, John Nestrum. Thomas
Pish. Leo Duvail and Mr. and Mrs. Lair
and Mr. and Mra F. M. Camminga
A most deUghttuI surprise party
tendered Mr. and j Mra. C. U Talbot, lii
North Tweiity-seirqid street. Mftoduy
evening.'' M-mlers of. the epelaj sialf
from AUsh iispler No. O. J5. 8., pre
sented Mrs. Talbot (marshal of the sold
with beautlfel Mtver souvenirs, ss re
mentlHancee M their plea-ant titp to
Fremont, where lny carried olf hivh
honors for trie putting "Th Star
Crowned Croee . A'tdcuda." Iieaore tile
stand ctiepter. Thore pree.M were:
Messrs. and Mesdames VV'. G. .Memsun. L
L. V.,n .-ant. N. IL Csrhara. P. 1. Far
rell, George French, Arthur Howe. Isaac
Hrayton. K. E. Ames, J. V. Miller. C. A.
Cline. J. W. Parsley. A. D. Majors. II.
C. Vermillion. G. brewer. Perry Wheeler.
C. L- Talbot. Mra. O. McConnaugliey,
Misses Treda Baumsariea and taffls Mc
Connaugbey. ,
Ssm Hutchison, saanager of the tourist
buanras for the Unwn ' Pacific and the
Northwestern, Is m town and give out
the unowmant that beriming July 1
and centinerng cratil Septets-iier 1 the twa
toads will run through jsrrturer trains
from Chicago to the Tettowstone park,
tearing the first Lamed place every San
day asue ulng. -
The "See Aroeric" Me.' say Hutc:l
cn, has grown to such a dee w that the
service provided far his tccwM neees.
xary. He predicts that the business U'o
the park this season will be per cent
greater than last, which waa tha banner
Ltwyer Piuet Short, Vgly Word sad
Gets Smite on the Bulb.
rear. Calls Beth at These Desea.
After Which They Exrhaaae
Aaelegsee and Start Agala
Attorney Thomas H. Mstters struck
Attorney Henry E. Maxwell on the nose,
making the member bleed, during the
trial of a law suit before Judge Charles
Leslie in the equity division of the dis
trict court yesterday afternoon. Judge
Leslie severely reprimanded both at
torneys, but fined neither for contempt
of court, though afterwards he said both
might have seen fined. Matters attacked
Maxwell when the latter called him a
Maxwell, as attorney tor John A. Coon.
started a law suit against the Tri-State
Investment company for p.XO and had
garnished Matters, claiming that he owed
this sum or more to the company. Mat
tera was placed on the witness stand by
Maxwell and aaked If he did not owe
the company the money. Matters denied
the chsrge.
f.eBpe fro pa witness stand.
As Msxwell proceeded with the cross.
examination he repeatedly declared his
belief thst Matters' statements were
false. Finally he declared what Matters
said were lie and Matters knew It. There
upon Matters leaped from the witness
stand and struck Maxwell on the nosa
Blood spurted from the Injured nose.
Ben 8. Baker and Mr. Matters, who
also wer Interested In the case, prevented
further hostilities.
Judgs Leslie ordered the attorneys to
take their seats and postponed the hear
ing until Monday. He told Maxwell he
hsd no Mgrrf'to use such language There
was no excuse for It he said.
Jadae Hasas Dawa Oplalee.
The attorney might have the opinion
that his opponent waa not telling the
truth, but he should not have expressed
It la such violent language." The Judge
then told Mr. Matter that he should be
ashamed of himself for striking Maxwell;
that no matter how great ths provocation
he should not bar resorted to personal
violence He told htm he had disgraced
himself. '
The attorneys apologised ta the eoujS
and to each ether and admitted that In
the heat of the discussion they had done
what they would not have done la ordt
nary clrcumstancea
Kern's Death Caused
By Faulty Guy Hope
Imporpsrly adjusted guy ropes, attached
to a new derrick, which collapsed Wednes
day afternoon and Instantly killed Martin
Kerns, aged 15. were found to be the
causa of young Kern death. Kerns was
an apprentice at the Keeley Boiler com
pany factory In East Omaha, and waa
employed that day at painting new tanks,
which weighed I. 2 pounds each. Having
nothing to do. hs Is thought to havs
Joined the . gang that was loading tanks
upon flat care. In some unknown manner
two of the three guy- rope that were
strung from tree to the derrick, broke
and caused the heavy weight and the
shaft to collapse, and fall upon Keraa
fie was terribly crushed. It Is possible
thst a law suit will result from his death,
aa Judge Ben S. Baker had every wlt
neses' testimony taken down shy a
tisnoirspiwr. '
Art Guild Gets Out
Attractive Folder
The Omaha Art Guild's artistic little
folder la Just oft ths press. It I printed
In brown and red Ink on coffee-colored
paper and Is embellished with a design by
Mis Ruth Felt of Council Bluffs. The
Guild has been formed to encourage the
appreciation, production and patronage of
the graphic arts. On ths back I the
constitution and bylaws and en ths In
side notice and rule of the first annual
exhibition. The guild has . already a
nourishing membership, both active and
associate. The officer and executive com
mute are si follows: Doan Powell,
president; Ruth Tetnpsett secretary-
aaurer; Robert F. Gilder. Cordelia
Johnson. H. A. Raapk. Esther Hanson,
and John Blood hart.
White Slave Witness
Will Marry Soldier
Ida Miller, 17. held a witness by
federal authorities against two Chicago
member of a white Slav gang. Is to be
married Tuesday morning In ths Douglas
county JIL William Darvtn, a prtvau
at Tort Omaha, will be the bridegroom.
Darvln. the soldier, hs been In the army
tor over a year, but say he Intends to
buy his wsy out 'within the next six
month snd take his bride back to Chi
cago to lire.
"Believe me. either the county or city
Jail Is a terrible place ta be In these hot
summer " exclaimed Mayor Oahl-
men last night after- he had finished a
casual tour of- Impaction of each lockup.
f wish w could arrange to rsve a better
The mayor has been balding conferences
with Police Cnmmlesloner Ryder and the
lesser department heads with the view of
bettering the conditions In the elty Jail.
About the ee inly Jail he Is powertes.
'When four person, and sometime
six. have to crowd koto one five by five
foot cell In the Summer Hh the ther
mometer at te. then I think In the name
of all that's human, something aught to
be done."
Twa months sgo wnen the North west
ern consolidated two of it train sn the
Omaha-Chicago service It did away with
the train leaving her In the early even
ing and the on that arrived here late
at night and which afforded passengers
earning west a dsyllgbt ride acres Iowa
The officials af the road have found that
buahtesa has increased ta such sn extent
that tne return of the service is abso
lutely necessary.
Begmn'ng Sunday momsrur th Korth-
westera's old service win be re-established.
Fttbonnd th train will leave
Omaha at t ie In the evening and west
boand win leave Chics ro at : o'clock
at aixht Tha service lu be dalTf.
Peratrfcat Adverusuia
la ik Road te
Bif Return.
Graduation Week
to Begin May 31
Program for the thirty-second snnusl
commencement week at Beltevue college.
May 11 to June 5, has been Issued and Is
as follows:
Friday. I'M a. m . senior class chapel
exercises, on p. m.. normal school snd
academy commencement exercises. First
Presbyterisn church. Address oy the
Rev. Robert K Wheeler.
Saturday. p. ni.. recital. First PreS'
hyterlsn church.
Sunday, 11 a. m , baccalaureate ser
mon by President Stephen Wharton
Stooksv. First Presbyterian church, t oo
p m.. sddress before the 'hrllian asso
ciation by the Rev. Alexander Cerkey.
Wayne, Neb.
Monday. &aH p. m . senior class play.
"Shs Stoops to Conquer." In the grove
Tuesday. M a. nr. base ball game.
alumni against varsity, base hall reminds.
II a m.. annual meetlnK of tne Hoard or
trustees. Clarke hall, i 30 p. m , Junior
class olav. Twelfth Mum. In tne grove
sa p. m.. recital, first rresnyterisn
Wednesday. 9 Otv a. m., cias reunions.
lo:5 a. m . Bellevue college commence
ment exercises, thirty-second year. First
Presbyterian church. Address by Hn.
Richard U Metcalf. Lincoln. Neb.; J 0
p. m.. alumni reunion and business meet
ing. Clarke hall. Address by Rev. F.d-
asrd F. Hammond. (C Norfolk. Neb.;
: p. m., alumni banquet. Fontenelle
hall: : p. in., president's reception
Kankln hell.
Wharton Names Mettles at Super
intendent of Mails.
Henry . Groses and Lawrence
Proalx Made Assistant laperlw
teadeats af Malls Other
Changes Aaaeaaced.
Inaugurating for Omaha the plan of
pnstnfftc reorganisation that Is being
installed throughout the country, changes
In the personnel of the different depart'
menu have been announced by Post.
mastsr Wharton to become effective on
June 1.
W. J. Mettlen, chief clerk to J. M. Mss
ten. superintendent of the railway mall
service, becomes superintendent of malls.
James I. Woodard. assistant post
master, retains his present position, but
In connection with these duties Is msde
superintendent of th finance depart
ment. .
Henry 8. Orogan becomes assistant
superintendent of malls.
Lawrence Proulx become aaalatant
supsiintendent of malls.
After ths postofflce has been working
under the new system, a third assistant
superintendent of malls will be appointed.
Oeorge L. Kleffner. at present a mall
carrier from station B. Is assigned to
a clerk's position In ths department of
mails with a chsnc later to he promoted
to assistant superintendent.
Two Important changes have been
brought about by Mr. Mettlen transfer.
John O. Berger, present superintendent
of mall, will be returned to the railway
mall servlcs under Colonel Mastrn, from
where he was transferred to hla present
position three years ago.
Joseph H. Xkldmor. chief clerk of rec
i-ords and , supplies of the railway mall
service. Is promoted to be chief clerk
to Superintendent,, kaasten.
Under the plans of ths te-organlaatien
there are no assistant superlntendenoles
In Ihs finance division, but the present
heMs of th different departments
postal savings bank, money order, stamps,
and cashier remain as chlaf clerks.
Rumor of an outsider being appointed
superintendent of malls caused quit a
ferment among th postal employe the
Isst few days, bringing a climax Frl
dsy. The clerks and carriers wsre called
together by Interested parties and sn In
vitation sent to Mr. Wharton to attend
th meeting. President Maher of the Let
ter Carriers' association, acting a spokes
man, asked the postmaster If he hsd aa
yet any communication to make to them
regarding th appointments. Intimating
that unless one of the present superin
tendents were promoted It would causs
friction. Ths postmaster assured them
that every detail of service, record and
qualification had been taken Into consid
eration In the recommendations made to
the department and that th appointments
would come from hi superiors.
Mr. Wharton said yeaterday that It was
his desire that good will and harmony
exist In th postal service here and that
that fact was also considered In making
th appointment. Ha hoped, he said, that
th selections would cause a bet tar spirit
prevail than la th past
Supt. Ellis U. Graff
By Training Alumni
Alumni of the teachers training classes
to the number of IS gavs a luncheon at
th Rome yesterday afternoon In honor
of Superintendent E. IV draff and As
sistant Superintendent Belle M. Ryan.
Miss Marguerite Bcott of th class of
lli gav a toast to th "Class of 112."
Superintendent Oraff addressed the
teacher He discussed the value of the
teacher holding the viewpoint of the child.
Teaching, he declared, was not a material
istic, but an Idealistic profession.
Miss Msrian Funkhouser was toast-
mlstres. Mlrs Clara F. Cooper, principal
of the class of Wtl. tesponded to a toast.
Just L's."
A toast to Omsha was given by the
entire clssa- Bells, ringing for Omaha
and for Superintendent Graff, were fur
nished the teacher by th Commercial
club.' - '
Big Donation is Made
For Old People's Home
Ten thoueand dollar ha been added to
th endowment of the Old People's home
through the generosity ofllr. and Mrs.
C. N. Diets. They give giOHB each. Both
Sir. snd Mrs. Diets are deeply interested
m the welfare of the home, and grieve
expressed to Mrs. Tllden their faith in
the success of the movement to raise
funds, v
With the tM gift of the Kilpatrlrks
snd given by Mrs. Clark. Mrs.
Tllden believed that -very profltsbls
week has been passed, and that little
trouble will be experienced In raising the
SVI needed ta build the new home.
Slanr sufferers from rheumatism have
bees urprhed snd delighted with the
prompt relief afforded by- applying Cham
berlain's Liniment. Not arte ease of
rheumatism m ten renuiree any internal
treatment whatever. Thai liniment I tor
sx(s by all dealtra.
Little Polish Girl Tells Court She is
Not Responsible.
Caart readers aertaas Problem af
ks te ta Blame for Alienated
Affections, aad la Deepalr
Give. It t p.
Little hVyear-old Mabel Shedleyekl says
the ways of th probation officer are pat
understanding. Mabel speaks Polish bet
ter than she speaks English, but she Is
very proficient In either. She spoke for
her mother In juvenile court The mother
was charged with harboring a pigeon
that had maliciously alienated the af
fections of another pigeon's spouse.
Mabel explained. She said earlier In the
season a whole flock of pigeons hsd be
longed to them, but one by one they bad
gone away. "I don,'t know where they
went." she deiisred. with a shrug of her
shoulders, "but Ihey left. They never
csme hack. After a while there ass on'y
one pigeon left. Hs wss a he pigeon.
TTTen he went aaay. When he came back
he brought a wife. Now who la respon
sible for thst? How can we tell whe.-s
the pigeon came from?"
And Mabel glared across the tshle xt
one of her neighbors who hsd firmly ss
rted that the pigeon's wtfs waa her
pigeon. The court waa In a quandary.
How could It be proved where the pigeon
sot his wife? Judge Kennedy gave It up.
The neighbor left the court room In
sr.ger. Mabel smiled graciously snd would
have favored the probation officer with
a kiss, butNhe was bashful. "And. any
way." he ssld. "I don't trust you yet.
Msbel. for you took three dosen valen
tines from a drug store and gave them
awsy and you ought not to havs dons It"
Redman's Damage
Suit Puzzles Jury,
Which Disagrees
Ths trial of Benjamin A. Kedman's SV.HIO
damage aull against Henry R Uerlng
for alleged alienation ot the affections of
Mra Laura Redman. Redman's former
kfe, resulted In disagreement ot the jury
at 1 o'clock last night The suit must
be tried again.
After having had ths esse under con
sideration for twenly-four hours th Jury
waa called In by Judge Lee A. Eslelle
laat night. Whan asked If a verdict had
been reached the Jurors replied In the
negstlvsv snd th foreman ssld thst sine
th first ballot ths members of ths Jury
had been evenly divided.
Judge Eatell said he had hoped a ver
dict would be reached, a th trial of th
lawsuit had been unpleasant and trying
to him. since he Is a persons I friend of
the father and the unci of th plaintiff
and of th defendant and his brother.
Still, I think It useless to keep yon
any longer." ssld the court, "and you
are excused."
As the Jurors filed out of ths courtroom
they apprsred haggard from the long
strain. Ssld ons ot them:
We were evenly divided from th start.
Ths question of th amount of ths dam
ages never waa considered. W nsvsr got
beyond ths question whether w would
find for th plaintiff or th defendant". '
Water Case Counsel
Fails in Agreement
Attorneys for ths water company and
th water board conferred yesterday with
a view to compromising th disputes still
pending and procuring an early transfer
of ths plant. Ths conference resulted In
no agreement.
The water company's desd of th
Omaha water works and all water com
pany property to th city was filed In
United Slate circuit court by th com
pany yeaterday. The consideration named
In ths deed Is tt.98S.2SSM, th purchsss
price held valid by th circuit court of
sppeal. with S12.4M. added for cost of
Improvements and other expense sine
th tlma of th purchase.
The deed Is merely for the plsnt and
property and does not refer in any way
to matter still In dispute, such as
hydrant rente la The filing ef the deed
la merely one of the technical step la
connection with th actual transfer of the
plant to th city ifii I without signifi
A program of music and recitations will
be given by the girls who are Junior
members ot the Ltninger Travel club of
the Omaha high school on Thursday aft
moon of this week at Jacob Memorial
hall. Several appropriate and patriotic
feature will be Included on the program
which wll be In charge of Mis Carrla
0. Brown of th fcu!ty.
Folowlng. the committee In charge
Mia Olg Anderson. Mis Edith McNett,
Mis Gladys Line and Silas Mary Day.
Mrs. Harriet H. Heller, former head of
th detention home, la visiting In the city.
Mra Heller Is now doing sociological work
for th United Charities of Chicago. After
leaving Omaha aha became head of the
women's building at th stats university
at Lincoln.
In Chkago ah worked for a time with
Jane Addama at Hull House. She went
to Uncoln late yesterday and anil return
for a week stay.
Miss Fdlth Kellogg a telephone operator.
TK Howard street, was returning horn
Ion from dres rehearsal of the Mlksdo
when a men wslked out of the shadows
at Twenty-second and Howard street,
took sway her pocketbook containing S3.
Miss Kelkxg notified th police. The
holdup occurred at midnight.
A man called up Beaton's drug store
from apartment No. 2 of the Sterling last
nlglif and ordered tl-S worth of medicine.
"Be sure snd send SS.7S in change. he
gdvlsed. The advice was accepted and
In return for the ehanze and the medicine
the messenger took worthies check.
The police could not locate th men.
fseaperale ahawfla;
pains la the chest require quick treat
ment. Take Dr. King's New Discovery
for safe and sure relief. 50c and SI . For
sal by Beaton Drug Co.
Modern Tonic, Tona Vita,
Will Surely Build You
Up Again.
Are you en ot th run down, halt
alrk nervous people with which th
country 1 filled? Do you feel tired
all th tlma with very little vitality?
De yew aleap bedly and feel a worn
out In th B.aralnT a whan yoa went
to bed? Is your circulation poor and
d yoa catch cold easily? Havs you
stomach troubl and an Irregular
appetlt? Ar yoa nervous, moody
The are sure symptom at oar
roue debility. If yoa are struggling
along m thla miserable condition the
bast thing yeu can possibly do for
yourself la to take Tona Vita" th
woodej-ful now toeje that ha the
unqualified ndorsstnnt of more phy
sician than any ether medicine ever
before oftared ta th pabtle.
Her I what th Iter. " Ouctav
Fred eric k. pastor af tha Evangelistic
thurch. Canter Street, Milwaukee. Wis.
has to say ot H:
He Is a
Jolly ood
V aaaaaaaaanaaaa
He is one of those good souls who is everybody's friend. Ha
only gives the worst of it to hiniBelf and the girl at home. He
doesn't realize this, but everybody else does. Many a wife, with
tear-stained cheeks and aching heart, sits alone during the
dark hours of the night while the "Good Fellow" is buying
drinks for those who he thinks are his friends. He honestly
intended to go home to the one who loves him, but he is unable
to withstand the desire for drink. The man is, at heart, made
of the right kind of stuff, but whiskey destroys his good resolu
tions. He wants to quit, but can't, because his will power is gone.
Three days at the Neal Institute will remove his appetite
for drink, put him on his feet and bring out the real IvfN that
is in him. The Neal treatment consists of a purely vegetable
medicine, taken internally and administered by a regular
physician. No hypodermic injections. Utmost privacy. Treat
ment absolutely harmlesss.
Call personally, write, wire or phone. We will gladly send
further particulars and booklet Address Neal Institute, 15CJ
South Tenth Street. Telephone Douglas 7556, Omaha, Neb.
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