r .V CM LABOR WITH RELIGION . " 4 Men and Eeligion Isnrtrd Mere ment Want Support of Labor. XBSS 10 ADDiISS WOUQUS rimnlMh af Lab- eewpr th Pulpit of LlMrii Cbwevbee : eacT MmM Bellalem Fa- iFrem Siaff ''orreepooderit.l LIXCOUi. Neb, May BV-tSpeelaLV-As n Incident of tb Man end flellgton movement on of the eetlvttlaA 1 ef fort to get th chunk aad the laboring roes in eloeer touch and more he many. Churchmen isv recognised that In su) Instance at least the laboring man wa drifting away from tha church and that each iw it m teeming mora difficult to reuh.Mm. Two plana to solve the problem were suggested sad adopted. One ra t have toe mlnlateni of it. eity spun at the labor tample and to Bend mtntatsrleJ dctasate he the Central Labor unlet- Teals Ut the ether waa tried and errentean. repiweenlatlves of labor occupied the pullpts of ae mear Lincoln churches. Tba attends at practical It all of the churches waa tare ' and much Interest was shown hi the laboring man's Idea of the eegaoleed church and Ita attitude toward the man who tolls, and the reason why so many of thia clsss. If not Indifferent to rell gloa, hava beoom oWinri with tha Idea that the church too often waa the Inatru. ment, or at toast under the control of the oppreeaora of labor. Clarence B. Patne ef Lincoln, haa heaa re alerted esrtsry-treaurer of tha hHes isstppi Valley Historical aeeocletioa. which recently hell Ma meeting at Bloom Ington. lad. Nut year's meetlnf win he In Omah. ' ; Telephone Physical Valultea. Tha physical valuation depart meat ef tit State- Railway centmlaatea) haa aa pitted the valuation af rM ol the tela pace plant, la tha stats, hut haa not teaa able to let tha larger concerns aa yet railroad, valuation bavins; abaaraed moat of Its energies up to data. As tba hearings an railroad valuations are aet concluded and tha Burlington net yet undertaken. It la difficult to tell Just when the end nee re '"I be able to let at tba Omah and Uacolo telephone ay tram . , i, The Board of Public Unas and lund. Inn. la touting: up ita attia ftnda that the hoys at the Kearney Industrial school, are the heartiest eaters ef any Inmates af state Institutions, though, the little one at the Orthopedic' hospital run then t cloaa second fln aome Mm of edibles. The little onaa are essectelly streets on consumption er bread and tha matron at i tlBMS desnalra of heme able te fill them us The most expenslvB food, measured an the percspita basil, is tha Tuhersalealt hotpltaJ at Kearney. The Inmates ef this Insutuuosi eat leas te quantity than any others, aut from the nature ef thlacs the food If axpeneJv. The larfast total feed consumption la aa the hospital for the In sane at Haatlngfc pwnlns to tha larft number of Inmaieai . Hem It requires; for Instance, fttteea btiKels af potatoes per 1 day as) tha aaraa-., . ' Kearney Bar Meartr K eat pa, The avpresne aeurt la preparing la take Ita summer vacation, the sua altuai at tha etust eag aeeeduled as nismmtnnt Jus a Thoutrh there wlU he aa hearings after that weak astttt gtsmhsr. tha court has a Urea number of eases under ats alderatlea which- have beea argued and submitted, skirt win besurtlcleot ta keep the luatleas out of misciitet mast of the time ar least. Judas teamen has aaaa shewing symptom sf unseat, hew- ever, for tease time seer time sayeae Indicate the sondlttoo' war rWht for fishiaa. Commencdment Time for Nebraska Sobools AUBOBA. Neb.. May BBaealal Tele iram.) The twentyeenth aaaual eam- meneement af the Aurora hi scheel was sires rrtdny iftlt m tba oaar Twenry-foor rradustaa i aearead dial eight boy and sixteen gtrta Tha earn Heats eljsHohsrehlp for highest rank In rises. Issued by the eeilogee af Nebraska; was awarded to Miss Alma Qreeahena Commencement week beams mat Bund? evening with the hacoalaureate semna by Rev. Ft P. Reeves ef tha Ongreea- tmnal church. On Tuesday alght the cleat gave the play, "Aa You Line It" to a terse audience, Tha etsag address was given by Rev. J. D. M. Buckaer of the. Methodist church and. last night the Slumnl banquet was glvaa ta Ulgsmadtr WEEPINQ WATER WOMAN IS SERIOUSLY INJURED WteriMO WATBR, Meek. May PL-(fOMeJalr-Mre. W. A. Roes, Uvtsg three miles north i act at A visa, waej seriously Injured aetiardap. tier tittle daughter bold the whip aad struck aa af tha harass, tha team started, aad Mrs. Rase la aa effort- te stop them we uaj aver. Mar rhrht hip waa alalacataa. the tart side was IreK ure, wi l relied a tbe bach, and suatalaid m tarnaj mjurlee. Mr. aad Mra. Ross bev ftv small children and bad planned motoring te Colored at aa early data. I The Elkhorn Life & Aceideit Insonnci Ccspaay oifers tka Boat aUracUvs aad equitably pqUclaa, .' aad want tB Bkor tfests (wha er wlth t cxperieBce) to la trod uc thtlr 1, II aad IB yap- par cotahlaaUoa Ut Axcldant poUclaa to the public. Thar ar winners. For full parttealara. writ txa home oftloa at i::fcu, nrj.ui FIGHTING SPEECH BY T. R. (Continued from First Pa-5 tor popular rule We are Bred o( fw rule ef the aeasea.' President Taft'a eipreaalon of belief that h will wra the issentBatieai waa r !rrd ta by Colonel Roosevelt here tonight- . "I aaa that Mr. Taft ssye hs Is gotnc ta win." the colonel hesraa. "Wall, due lac his Ohio aampalcn ha aanouaeed that the derlaion of Ohio would eettle It. Ohio has decided and haa glvaa ma forty out of its forty-elsht delefUea. U Mr. Taft ta contented with the deomion then surely no human bains In the United Btatee haa a right to be discontented." Most at tha afternoon Colonel Koosev rslt spent In an automobile, leaving ha) train at New Brunawtca. Colonel Roeee velt said several times that ha was sure of victory. "We have got them going." be said at Oranford. "and we ar golnf to put It through. I believe that wa are going to aweap New Jersey as wa haves t swept any other atate." "Our opponent any they're Boraa to win." he said In another apeaoa. aoa t believe It We'll hammer these through the ropes. " OOLQeiBl. W Tw M'MAV Tbreateawal Aetlaav Asearted leseeml aB Bstraardlaary, CHICAGO, May JS.-Colonel Harry I. New of Indiana pea, chairman ef the subcommittee on arrangements- tor tha rspubllaaa national eonventlon, today ls aued a statement In reply to Ormsby McHarg ef New Tor, who yesterday de clared that tha Roosevelt forcea would refuse to abM by the selection of United Btataa senator Ellhu Root as temporary chatrmaa of the national asm. mlttaa. The atatement follows: 'it la dlffloult ta behave that such a threat aa tMa should be made. The re publican national committee Is the recog nised authorttr-rthe effloUl aady of the party-charged with certain duties among which hi the making of neeeasary praparatlona tor an orderly conducted, oosventlon. "Incident te this la the selection by the eammltte of temporary afflcers, warn duty It shall he ta preside ever the earlier dellberaBoae at the aonvsntlea and until the convention ttaelf la the regular way can. provide for Its awa permanent ofllosrs, at Well sjaaU'lod. "The naoM at senator Hoot ooourred te aiy mind wttheut previous aoasultatlnn with an rose aa that of a republican whoss great talents and eminent poajtMr. made hiss oonieicuoualy and pra-eml-aantly qualified to perform the duties attaching te the temporary ahalrmanahlp - "Tha members sf the subcommittee on arrangementa unanimously approved defl ator Rant's selection and pot the least objection to him had some ta my ears from any member of tha republican na tion si eommltteav "An, open declaration at this time aa behalf of any aandldat ta h affect that his follow era propose ta defy all party authority, as, repudiate the aeMoa of Ita highest official body, and the further threat to sat all regular and established order at defiance, Is. unusual and aa traordlnary to my the least I hava aa further raaaoa for believing It has solid touadattos) than tha state- it attributed ta Mr. McHarg hi tha frees this morning. .. , The nailoaai orntoittseS has prooaeded with' tts cemanUsa preparstioaa In its estahllabed. BsM-fcaaored maaaer and It will ah Irk do duty davolvlnf upaa It," Deft frem Taft Haaaera, WA8HINOTON. fclay hV-The sUta- menta stada la Chtcaaxi yesterday by Ormsby McHarg. contest attorney for the Reoaevelt aattonal committee, , that tha Roosevelt leaders would andouktedly try ta substitute Sena tec Clasp, Governor Hartley or Ooverner Johnson for Senator it aa ssmparay ohslrmsa af the i awblleaa aalleaal aeaveatloa arsught a set af detlaaee frea the Taft managers "Be far aa My RosawraM's eMermlaatwa ta contest- sweater Rao aa tampatary Irmaa kt eoaocraad.1 said Mr. Mo Klnley. "the frlenda af President Taft welcome tha contest. It will nature a teat of strength right at tin outset af the vaatlan, which will plainly demonstrate ta the peopt that Mr. Roosevelt la minority la tba Chicago convention. furthermore the frlenda of the president wfll welcome any further ' testa of strength aa roll calls or otherwise which Mr. Roosevelt will see fit to demand la the convention. It te tba Intention of tha Mends at the president to glv Mr. aVooatvalt all the tight he wants at Chi saga. Mb MeKialey said la hi statemeat, Mr. Roosevelt waa bow nulatlng that tha laaMstrarp ehalrmaa of tba republican committee "reeressut him aad Bot tbe re publican party," Another stsiement from the Taft bureau today sharped tha Rooaevelt forces were at work aa a phut to bev newly endorsed ittenel aammltteemaa aome ha Chicago far tba epealaf of the ceanmlttao's seasloa June C and attempt ta take tha places at tba maa now holding aommttteaehtps for tbatr reapectrr state, la thla way, would attempt ta central tba oesspxMtea during tha bearing at eonteete. It was delated, tlx OKI) SIX STILL tlTBsKIBBB Bewvwlt VPrtar ta Cemnty Cemveatlaaa, COLVMBUB, a. May PV -Rename frees thlrtp-thre counties which held county conveatlona yesterday snd eh te the state omrenttoa ta be heal ht June. Indicate that the struggle ai dent Taft and Colonel RooaevaH for the ats eicates-s.t-tare is eravantloa will act Bnally be settled un til threshed est on the floor of the stats convention. Ooverner Hannoa vrlll be practically aura to go to tne xsxjnmor eonvana with the BBdlvtded state delegatloa, aa staOcfeat ceustles were bound by tbe unit rule te Insure him a fun Rs gained PB delegates today bound ky tltisN rule. Governor wnaoa 1U I est rooted delegates aad Harmoa about M fchagates whs) are act heuad. Roosevelt was tha victor m eoavaaOeas, gaining UP delegates, aeuerB- Ing te reports toaigM. Three ocavea ttoas Isatructed far Piaalseut Taft- supporters of the pre however, that ha wtll centres tb auavaa ttoa by a small majority. Stxty-eifht coca ties have aew named delegates Com putlng fbe resBtnlnT countlee lie all ef the leturB of tbe primary, they say Pi i eld eat Taft still bev gataa, Rooaevelt V with seveatf-eU ua iBStrwcted. . Cotonei Roosevelt carried the majority of eountle today. Hie grcatoat vlctary was ta Mahealng county, which bad beea expected ta scad a ddagatloB af tbirteea THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MAY 27. for Tsft. Instead It Instructed, for Roos'elt. "A large aumber of the anlnstrueted delegates selected today are on the doubt ful list, not being pledged either to Taft or Roosevelt," said Walter Brown. Roose velt! Ohio manager. "There are Roose velt men on the Cuyahoga delegation of fifty-three." KENTlCKVa VOTM FOB. CI. A BP. speaker Sweeps Slat la Pemsaratle Ceaatr raaveatleaa. LOUISYILibj. Ky.. May -Clark swept Kentucky In the denestfatle.eoa ventton In Hi of the U eounUes today. Returns from about half tha counties save him mora thaa the U lnstructad votea necessary ta control the atate oon ventlea her May One county In structed for Harmon, grrlng him eight votes, and aaa aad part ef another for WHsoa, grrlng him sixteen votes. This, the Fifth district, comprising Jef ferson county. Which held precinct con ventions today, was earned for Clark. The victory today will give Clark tha entire delegation sf twenty-ell votes from Kentucky to tha national demo cratic convention. A lively fight Is being waged for control of tha state between, the adminlalraUea and: forces headed by Senator -elect James. BIG FIRM TO CELEBRATE Haydea Broi. to Commemorate aar ter Century la umaaa. GUST CAMIVAL FOE A WIEX Waaderfal Grawth af Thla Kater- prlalag Ftraa ta Be lhwa tw tha Pablte DarlaaT Fire Week ta Juae. On week from today Raydea Bros. gigantic stars will start a week s eie brstloa af Its twsnty-flfth anntvarsary ef business la Omaha. This oalabratloa will take a unique form In that startling bar gains ta every department will be of fered as aa Induce ment ta tha public of Omaha te visit the tore te aaa what wonderful changes hav eeen wrought la this great aetabllshment Te properly put the announcement e the great anniversary before tha pubUo this section of the country Haydeo Bras, will hava the largeet sdvertUemest aver sat forth In the west era country, ft will occupy tweaty-four pages et The Omaha Sunday Bee June I For twenty-five years tba firm of Hay. dea Bros, has beea doing bust sees la Omaha and during that time It has built up a reputation for Itself for square deal ing and bottom prices that has made IU founders the envy of other merchants all over the wcat The firm of Hayden Bros, succeeded the firm of John Hayden at Columbus. Wis, la 1171 Four years later they moved ta Chicago, where they oadueted a modern stars from U7I until lafl, when the call at the west seised Jeeeph Hayden and be Induced his brsthara te epea the Omaha sstahHsh meat. Here they hav mads their home and bar they have prospered and built up eas hi tha greatest mercantile esub- Uahments la tta west. . Is honor of the coming anniversary int entire pwat with .! five and one-ttilro acres of floor space and sixty -seven com plete depart menta baa beea entirely re modeled. o tbsA many surprises await those who eater, ta take part ta the cam bratloe, ... . , Waaderral fans are WraaaMi Ona-ef thw-greatest chance will be soied la th music department which has larsed to aenamnvwate tne me- muala dapartment. la whuh daily caacarts on the Vlotrola are given largs crowds Tba floors bev beea strengthened Jo carry tba weight af the huae etook af tha husat saodeht at ptaaes aa plaao ptaysra, A mad era ce ment fleer haa beam Installed and the en tire room decorated. On the walla at this up-to-date room ar to be see Ute-elsed oil portraits of tha old music masters and here alas la carried tha vary latest muelo of all kinds. - Manager Crawford Is proud of hi en larged rurnitur department, which has beta moving forward by giant stride during the aut' year. Some of th big ooatrects secured by this department wet that for furnishing tits Douglas county courthouse, at a' cost of TT,ow; some at tha ether large establishment fitted aut from thia department wore th Wellington hotel, the Plata hotel, the Flamor hotel, tbe new wing to St. Jo seph's hospital and Bt. Catherine's hos pital. seven of the leading buyers at tha lira save recently returned from, tha east where they hava been buying th very latest ataranandlae especially for thla anniversary ante. Pat Johnson, has a stock dt la ess and aUka which, wtll be tha envy ef every good beuaewifa .wbea ah visits th store asxt week. Ha. has bought heavily, relying on tha ack nowledged eplendld reputation of Hayden Bros, to hava the very -latest at this class at goods for the dressmaker and tba women wha make their awa. cloth si. Try Hereon First. . "Try Hardens Crst M tba motto at thla star. Printed with all tta advar ttaameais end it b the pride ef tba store that kt makes good oa Its motto, tbe Idea being that whan an laspecttoB at ta marcbaadiaa attend ay Kaydaa Bros, bat beta mad, there la no seed for further aearcb. Another object at tba motte la that tha barer wtll be to latpnaaaf with what hs eaas that no matter It ha does ae a Utile -shopping" be wlH return. Twenty-flv rear age Haydea Brat. spaaed up tor Virlaats ta a small etore oa Sixteenth street, between Douglas aad Ddga streets, with a tblity-thr-toot front aad a depth si Mt Uec. "It h dif ferent now," say Joseph Haydea. "Tims snd Omaha have dealt kindly wltk at at this monster estabUahment at over fir acres sf fleet apace, every part Riled with ap-te data poods. wUT testify.' , Makaa BUa Own Ptloea. Oae ef tha bshblat et Jeeapk Hajdea that ka will aet est any cava ta aha tha prtea at whiab ba a bM goeee. and as a eoosocaccKC had many aammerrlal battlea wlU msnu taoturera who try ta aame tba prtea at walcb geoda wtU sett. But sir. Haydea a) flna aad as a, aeasaqimnnt many are tannd here at a -leas prtea thaa ta ether plaaat: He says he will aet be eio tated to by any treat er eamhtnatloa aad that be win sell hie msrehandias at his Of Haydea Bros, R has beea eaM I they are real public aeaetactora because sf tba fresh vegetable department which they eeerata th year rawed. Si distance la tee great ter A. Xing, me neper ef this eeaartmeu to aetxf tor treeb gardea truck when tt ta eat et aeasea la this sertloa and. aa a conseuueor. gsaat b roads hava been made m the buylag ef canaed geoda, ter the ho sac Ira laaraad bew sauch aattar kt la ht hava tbe freef , TAFT PREDICTS k YICTORT tOoetinued from First Page.) asrvlca asamlaaltea W as U you the ttamlardT " la Pssasie President Taft paid a tribute to Victor U Mason, presldsot of the Board of Trade or that city, who was recently killed In an aeroplane accident in England. In the campaign In tm Mr. Mason was assistant secretary of the lepuMlcaa national committee and he and Praatdent Taft became very etos friends Just before the president reached Pas- sate Thomas MeCram, - speaker af the New Jersey sous af assembly, fell from his automobile, which waa tba fifth, car behind the president's much la, aad was slightly Injured. Tba automobiles dial ralaed a denae stand ef dust aad the obeuffeur at Mr. MeCram'e automobile res tha ear rat aa embank meat- . ThraVar Bill Will ALLIANCE, Neb., May BWBpeelal.V- Homeateaders la this county have been anxiously awaiting the outcome of' the Three Tear Homestead Bill." which haa beea before congress, gives, a hope ful "word" today ta a telegram from Hob. M. P. Kmkald that "Ceaa-resr agreed on trill and wtU likely be rati Oed." INDIANA MAN SHOOTS THREE OTHERS IN CHICAGO CHICAGO, May MOUs Webb ef F. Wayne, Ind., shot three esea earl; today when Detective Croneoa. aad Torpy of the Twenty-seooad street police station tried ta arrest him. Ons at Webb's victims probably will die. Wsbh fired at th detectives, but they dodged and the bullets struck ether men. Th fight occurred cat the south std. Wahb wet arrested after he had fired until his revolver was saTpty. PIvasenta at Oeeaa Steamers. Pert. Awtve. telle. Maw TOSK AAristle K Tors. MW ToRK ...... .k. A. Vletaata kerlle. paw TURK , NEW 'YUI1K prw topk...... per Qrtwa tee Pseets. ' paw tokb KSW YORK KSW TORg , MEW TORK MADEIRA PALSRMO ANTBKr . CleetaseU. Qirswx .... CaaWeela ... VeMnt ... ralleeelskav . UlTHAUPrUN.. MAFLBS.., 0KNI1A.... .keea. albert.' " twill. Keeelsis bate. : ru'ua Liav KRCMRK NtW TORK ROtTHAMrTOK... OLAtOOW . at Wasuaawa. Atsesel. atovitxg CMssiM. HAVRE...., .1 JA DOVER Veeeiteet. ........... rknsasls. MeseMM. ' 1 Mtssseseua UVERmni... ...... UVRRROub. IjONUOX Th Perstatwt and Jn4K3u Vs of Newipsper Advartittna kt tba Road ta Bum nee Mucosa ScKKt is o3 (rur) wKcn turci into your, glass u wKea it left tKa trrwery. , It tKt Brown Bottla. . It kaf Out tli ligKt. Laglit dcvclojifi in'beer Jcculiar tast. aad dasa-tw-' DX4 odor. n ri... . ' THis is not a tKaory. It if fact Ivy' tentist8. . .' !; ScKKta is J)roi)crly aged befortj leaving tK. brewery. . ; "It will not cause biliousness, nor ferment in your macK.' ' ScKlitt in Brown Bottla coota you no more tiah cotrt rnon beer in ligKt bottW, ,', i .'' ' . af ........ f - '-V V 1912. VeteraKs M tM&dsi Fort KemDen and Belief Corp At tend JSnaorial Scrriea. TEABS TBICZLE D0W5 CHEEKS f First Ceasra-atasJ ! Urini Addreaa ta Ceaeiaenllea t Brav Her Waa Faagbt -ter Their Ceaatrr. : Memorial services of the Qrand Army sf tba P public and tbe Womaa's sUUaf eorpa waa bald at tba First Congreg a tioosj church Sunday "morning. U. S. Grant Poet Ka. 11 attended by the eorpa attended la a' body. The church was' decorated with large flags and bis aad bridal wreaths. Sped! musts waa rendered by tha choir with solos by Dr. Freeman tel and Mr. Heaa. The stalwart company of old sol diers enjoyed "Crossing the Bar." a tenor sole; "Tha Spotless, Flag,' by Mra Hess, and other selections of a patriotic pod rsrnlnlaratit nature that brought tears to the eyes of the young and old. Rev. Frederick T. Rouse, pastor of the church, spoke from the words of Da.vid p be received from tbe priest, th old sward of Holiath: ."There Is Bona ilk that, give It ta me." "Make triead with your memory." was bis .theme, . and he spohe of the "slender cord oa which hang all the richest sf the Wh chord of memory." . . ... Trarh Cnlldrea Heroic Seeds. " "This cord' msy" h broken by accident an that at anas fa effaced all the' treas ures ef sac's history; or H mar be atrophied ky neglect. It will brfnf th greatest loss te our narfon if bur aehool ehU4a are not taught tha heroid 'deds et tba past, that they msy knew who feu need and who austsmed ear country. "The richest treesura that a maa laya up la not the treasura of property, but th treasura et memory of nobis deeds. "Although It haa been nearly Kt years tinea ws bavs had war with England; although It baa beea aver. a generation. duo our great ejvtt war;' although we may hope that tha aaa af war with arms m passing yet there wilt stilt be need sf brav men and sound hearts tod. the fighting tdg. . , . . - Slavery ef tb Vr Waa.' - - " 'Does It not demand, brav men to rid aur land et tha white slave traffic wait as It did tba black slave traffic! Shall w aet ned a courage ta alba lasts the alavery af tha lew wage and tb slave-drtvtns af unjust fiuaaeial power? Oar aaatest may pot be with tha sword, hut It will require th sans euraga aad the asm sacrifice." y . , Commander W. Ft. Russell, U. S. Grant Post Mo. US. IhajnJnd the oongregalloa and the ahold tor tha courtesy of tha aervtca. All remained standing while th vstsraaa end their relief corps a fl d -. v n . 1 tt bp em g ii aur eeFMiii sgaaw - - Schlitx Bottled Beef Depot' 713 S. fftl St, Omaha, Nebr,; f he Beer V ,i - Oh ft) marched" bearer. out. preceded ' by ' the color HOLD (KBVICES AT CKMKTEBT Spaatsk Wer-'TMemsa Hav Ma- BBOrtal at Wewt Uvi Cemetery. Impressive memorial services for tb soldier wha met death Ta the, Bpeniso American war was held at tbe grave of Charles Hsason aa tha Camp Lee Forhy lot at West Lawa cametery by CFamp Ue Forhy No. I t nltcd Bpanlsb War Veterans and (Jeeneral Henry "VT. Lewton Ladles' auxiliary yesterday afternoon. The high wtad marred the beauty of th day, hut despite th breea and the clouds ef dust that ooeaslonsJly swept aver the burial around more thaa let persons attended the atrvtceev - - - CKy Commissi oner John J. Ryder pave tbe address ef tb day. 'He euiosised the men who left their home and went forth t fight sxamst the Bnantsh appreaser at a helpless people and dwelt apea the thought thai- the United State ht the nation that Is known as being as ready ta take up arrow ra detente of the 'op pressed outsMc ltg borders aa to take up arms In defense of Its own people agaMat a foreign foe. Mr. Ryder praised th women of tha country, who defend th homt and maks it a home that snakat men who will flfht hi a tuat cause when ever cajled upon,' forgetting salt and shrinking from lie sacrifice. They art the maker and defenders. of tha bom. Mr Ryder said, and, after all,, the home tt the aaaaslt of the nation, " Veteaaas lav Cbarg el Bevvies. Com kiander Jerry W. Vance. Chaplain K B-- Porter, and' Marshal of tha Day Howard B. Hsviai. who ht commander af tha department - et Kehreska af the United Spanish War Veterans, were m ehrge ef tha service. They read the ritual tor m mortal service while email boys and girls stood aver tha grave with flags. Tha frara had bean covered with Hower by members of the auxiliary. Following the rtual reading and the address by Mr. Ryder member of tlit auxllllary softly sang, "Nearer, Ky God. t That," and a squad of Nebraska Na tional (utrdimaa tired a revolver aalutt avar the grave. Tba squad, was fa charts at Corporal Parkin and was compottd of Privates atmjsoaa, Orr, Speei. Wyman and Rota, Th aervtca' closed wtth the toundinc ef "tape" by C. B, Maps, of Mapef fife and. drum corps, Tha, veterans marched ta tha oeroeterj- trsta rtty-eUth aad Leavenworth streatt, tha fife and drum eorpa- accompanying them. Members et tba auxiliary followed tot carriages. Th auxiliary under the leadership at Mra. W. a Blackest. Xrs. Howard BV Havens, .Mrs, Jeery W Vane aad Mra, Maeoa ksld Its memorlel ritual ' service and severed the grave with flower. Tfeea renewed tba veterans service. Wtthla the year Camp tee Forby v peett to Improve the let and make It ant or tha most beautiful ta tba erty. It It to be the burial place of th Spanish i Set that is branded "IkkTitz.'' msm war soldiers' whose relatives wish them b cried there- A bags shell tram the battleship Maine ass been procured and will be eat upon the lot. BRAVE BIRD GETS THOUSAND FOR WIFE'S ArrcCTiUIia ST OCX FALLS, 8. .. May M.-Spe- dal-r-On of the tew case la tbe his tory of the r.ata or northwest la which a Sioux Indian sued another Sioux IndUa tor tba alienation ef bis wire s affections has Just been disposed of by a jury la -tha state circuit court of Tripp county. The" plaintiff la the action was Brave Bird, a Bmux warrior belonging en the-: Roeebua reservation, while tbe defendant was one of his brethren, named Curtis. Brav Bird sought ta recover damages m tba sum of IS.0M because Curtis Is al leged to save won his (Brave sBlrd's) wife's affections. A great deal of testi mony waa Introduced by both the plain tiff and the defendant, and after wrest ling wtth the .testimony tar some Jwurs the Jury awarded Brav Bird damages in the sum of ,, Woaaaa Pells From Load at Hay. ALLIANCE. Neb.. May J8.-Speelt -Mrs. Peter Krsjcj living north of Ken tell from a load st hay sustaining- a broken cellar bene end two broken ribs, brought to this city and surgical atten tion given. At this writing tha aged lady It resting essy snd chances are good tor a speedy recovery. Many Delightful Ways of , .SerTiiig Spaghetti Th houeew'f who Nets upon spa. ghsttl aa msrely a aids dish should learn mora about it, both for economy's asks and tha saving af her reputation as a provider ef good things to eat A little booklet, publish by th' makers of Faust Spaghetti, will glv her a new Ught aa th subject, It tails aaeay ways et serving this delectable dish. Many families tow make Faost Spa ghattt th 'kief dlah for Sinner case a weak. Aad .key get freew It food elf menta far In excess uf those contained In tneata. sgga, fish, etc. Ask your doctor about thia He will tell you that Fauat Spaghetti aot only contains more pour- . lahiog power than the food so often considered necessary, but that It eon- taina these elemanta In a mors easily L digeeted form. T - Ail seed grocera Ball Pauat ipsghtttl I K MAULL BROS., te and IPs s packag. Wrlta for tha free Booklet et Recipes, ltti Bt. SMia Aveaua, Bt. fceni. ate. AMVSEMBJfTS. LAKE . tIANAWA NOW OPEN ' More beautiful than ever tefor''; r"': j 1. A- First C3ass Eestau rant entirely enclosed, with screen. . - Dancing in the Grand Ball Room. Fine Music Many other attractions. Admli.ion to Puk Free Brandeiw Theater One jrifhl Only, Vrtday. Msy 31, yrlaasi SO ts . Bansa. S1.S0 aad tl. The Senior Class ef tha Omasa Bigs. BcAool. Ftessats Bohevt Marshall's TiBguag Comedy TJrama. . "A Royal F-nily" BAberatt Preduetioa. Cast ef Forty, IsclBdingfersoaJIcAkA at " Beats at Braaeete oa Offioa Base Ball oiU2Aii wicami ROURKE PARK Bbvy Bs-ttvay-aa Itoaday, May 7, tsAise Bay. ' Cars leave llth ana Farnam, 1:1a. j0emoa sailed 1:1. PIANO RECITAL lVWUliE MIKOVA Tiesdar iTenlut Kij 28, 1912 BRANDOS THEATRE Asswte by .. .' Itme. aVmlss Ormsby, atoprtao, ' htae. Borglam. anoowpesvrt. - Ttlctt, 50c, 7k 1100 iBi USO Mow Oa Bast At Ben Offtak CLUNE'S THEATER Twsaty-stxta aaa s-aiwaat atrests. .... PHOTO PLAY siBtUB,) AaTa Muatri Matin 8aturdsy and Sunday After. Boons. Open Every Bvenlag. -. A Complst Chanaa of srograni Every LT Adalta. 1 Ceata. Children, f Oenki ROME SUMMER GARDEN Entertainers & Photo Plays - Dine Out Doors. sttsibt a tag is a liBlsslBa-l Osata OCEAX STrZAMSHIPS. HAMBURG-AMERICAN; - Vomivm Faria Bambttrp; : '. vkskvaet-via UaM.V.m.n. Uaela.Jaa VWens Le- leee t t,ertss-.,-Jea i taiu-cuttss a at Carts neasstset, ' eyirat Cskla ailr. Tssaabeaw Bmeiwaa taa, Mat wvst juav aalpav B Caesago,. SX. B.taaU ageas) 3