Daily Bee Looking Backward Thia Day in Omaha TEX wTATHEB. Showers; Cooler VOL. XU NO. . 295. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, MAY 27, 1912-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Omaha; WARSHIPS LEAVE ON HDRRY ORDERS , Earibip of Atlantic Cleet an-t Four f Battleships Bettered Haded for Key West. BIO DELAWARE TAXIS 05 TON Spends Iky Filling Bunkers tad Field Equipment EOSFITAI SUP WILL SAIL Solace Bettered to Hare Orders to Go Dunns; Bight OTBXB VESSELS TO JOU FLEET lilarulln at Sew York to that Wkn Shta Reach Haptens Roade They Will Be Joined by Tkn , Km BatUcehla. NEW YORK. Mar M.-The armored crulaer Washington, flagship of Rar Ad aural Huso Oatarhaua, commander-lo ch iff at tha Atlantic fleet, and four bat tleahlpa of tha fourth division ailed seuta. supposedly lor key west, an burry onlara today a few hour after arrival la port from Provlncetowa, Mass. Tha battleships following tha flagship war tha Ohio, Missouri. Miaaiaalppl and Minne sota- Tha gunboat Yankton accompanied tha equadroa to eerve aa a dispatch boat. Tha battleship Delaware of the first division remained in port all day taklnc aboard Its ootnplement of mart nee and field equipment, and together .with tha hospital ahlp Solace we expected to sail d urine Ah night. . . T The flax ship Washington and tha bate ' tleahlpa dropped anchor off the naval station at Tompkins Title, 8. I., shortly after dawn today, where they are be lieved to have received new orders, for at about M o'clock residents of the Island heard the rattle of the (rest warships' anchor chains stain and In half an hour the last of the five vessels Jjad passsd out to sea. It Is understood that the battleships have on board several hun- JmJ m.4n mint tk.t . II-.. ...... reach Hampton Roads the battleships Georgia. New Jersey and Rhode Island of the third division will be ready to Join them oa the trip south. Imp ortant Decision in Trial of Darrow to Be Made Monday LOS ANGELES. May MFlghtlng every Inch of the way, the defense In the case of Clarence 8. Darrow, temporarily at least, stopped at today's brief session of the Darrow trial the narration .of 3eorge Jf. Leckwood of the attempted bribery of fclnweM by Bert H. Preaklla. The ruling of Jujg Mutton at l:S o'clock Monday afternoon, to Which time adjournment was taken shortly-' before noon today, 'will determine whether avt lenoe of alleged wholesale Jury corruption ball constitute part of the state's case against Darrow. k ,' ' " .Both aid admitted that a crisis had been reached In ta ease of the noted awyer. ,- .., ; : .1 A ruling against the' admissibility of evidence showing alleged offenses other than the attempted corruption of-fcock-wood would be a serious setback to the prosecution and aa important victory for Jie .defense. With the exclusion of the evidence In volved la the question the state a case would be confined to testimony germane only to the Lockwood testimony, which would hasten the end of the trial by at . least a month. . 'There will be no such denouement aa mded the McNamara trial in that' of Clarence 8. Darrow for Jury bribing, ac cording to District Attorney Fredericks today. Reporta to the effect that Darrow bad offered to confess and plead guilty rare characterised by Darrow as "lies." "I never had anything to confess la this case,' said Darrow today, -"and never had any conversation with anyone regard ing a confession, nor any intimation or thought of that kind." Fredericks refused to state definitely whether the prosecution conducted any negotiations with the detenae, looking to a plek of guilty. He said, however, that ha expected the trial of Darrow to continue an 01 the Jury agreed ea a verdict. Sudden Flood Causes "; Loss Near Yankton SUTTON. Neb, May SS-Speeal Tele gram.) Reuben Antbes 'and hia sister Delia will start tomorrow for aa over land "hike" to California, where they expert to make their home. The total trip will be approximately UM miles and they expect to) travel ut the rate of thirty mike par day. Mlaa Anthee hopes to break the record for long distance walking for women. The route to be followed la Iron Sutton ta Cheyenne, to Ogden and direct to Ban Francisco. They will carry with them nothing but ' a camera and will depend entirely on the country through which they peas, except ing wast can be packed la a suitcase, which they will ex prate ahead and expect to meet once a week.. The Ladies' Walk ing dub. of which Miss Anthee Is a mem ber; will accompany them as far aa Harvard -toluol low awning. . NEW RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS NAMED FM THREE STATES WASHINGTON, May -H Specie! Tele, gram.) The following railway mall clerks have been appelated in Nebraska: . E. & Dooglaa. ant norland: Oscar J. Bates. Betharm A. J. Sciesm. Table Rock; D. Ok. WhMehora. University Place: W. J. BMatekar. Brady: C. D. Marble, Breeham: B. L Mitchell, University Pease: Claade I Karrever, Means City: Carl. Sf. Ttiaaipaoa, Cetlege. vice Frank Sa. OeHLtllantnB, aaarCUaVaHB ' leera: U A- BHekeUe. Burlington; U ft. Dennis. ReaVting: Rex aV Burner. Iowa City; L Stewart, Floyd: C. C. Oxley. Sfartea. Wywmtag: Bab art A. Wood and Robert iJfsaes. Sawrtaaa, Pava- a- Haeasa, Commencements in Nebraska High and Grade Schools ALLIANCE. Nek, May A (Special V Tha ccantr enoeaoeat ex arna as of the AiBai.ee High ecboot, held In the opera house Wednesday evening, had aa attend ance taxing tne h wan to capacity. A Cbvs of win st 1 sa graduates eeoupted the stage, with the numbers of the school board, and war presented with diplomas by D. W. Bug-bee. secretary of the board. After the Invocation by Bar. a A. Wilts, and a 'musical program by tha members of the class. Superintendent Pate of the city schools introduced Governor A id rich, who spoke for nearly aa hour. . Mr. Aidrlch said la part: "My or thia evening may properly be termed "the philosophy of education.' He spoke with masterly eloquence on the various phases of the eurriculums of our present day system of ed neat ion and brought out the salient points of the great ora tlod of Demosthenes upon the crown In such a way that all were compelled to be impressed with the . Importance of the c rani cat auhjecte, which are taught, and which many people consider to be perfluou. He concluded . by forcibly bringing this point to the attention of his audience that "The only object of an education is to develop a capacity tor thought, to the and that certain fixed mental processes become the natural order of the mind la act of civic vurtue Land the broad spirit of altruism, which Is absolute unaelflshneaa.' WEEPING WATER, Neb.. May St (Speclal.V-Tha graduates of the eighth grade schools of Caaa county that had pa seed tha examination met here Satur day to receive their diplomas. There were 177, or twenty more than one year ago. County Buparvatondent Mary A roster gave them a talk prior to handing out 'the diplomas. In the morning ciphering and spelling contest was bald and in tha former- Miss Alma Hall of Plattsmouth was winner, -In the latter Mies Eva Sehllchtemeler of district No. IS, Nahawka, waa winner and Mlaa Mar- cell Lowe second. WACO, Neb.. May M.-Rpaotal--Or.nv mencement exercises of the high school were held Friday evening. Misses Ketea born and Brown and Roy Leuthje and Cecil Thorps completing the high school work. BURWELL, Neb., May H (Special.) The baccalaureate sermon to the Burwell High school class waa preached by Rev. H.K. Mills at the Methodist Episcopal church Sunday and the regular gradu ating exercises were held Wednesday evening and the elaas puty waa given oa Friday evening. The graduates are: Clarence Thurston, Mabel Hallock, Esther De Lashmutt and Mabel Green. GREELEY. Neb.. May .- Special.) Commencement exercise of the Greeley schools were held at the opera bouse Fri day night before a gathering of K patrons of tha school. The elaas of Kit consuls of seven young women: Eva McBeth. Ueorglna Talbert, Florence M Harra.ilU. Nellie Gray. Ella Cannon. Marguerite Doyle and Mercury Sutton. Each gavs a brief address and the pro gram waa Interspersed with vocal and Instrumental music. Deny Madero Asked to Kesign His nace CHIHUAHUA. Max.. May SS.-That con. grass had requested Madera to resign the presidency and that ha bad agreed to dJ so June 1 was the substance of a tele gram received at the rebel army head quarter today. The name of the sender of the message was not made public, though It was ad mitted that It came from a peraoa Je Mexico City. With the mountain passe Just north of Bachtinbe, forty miles south of here, as their objective, the thousands of rebels who Thursday ceased the struggle to hold Rellano against the heavy fire of Gen eral Huertaa federal troops, today are scattered along the route from the south. MEXICO CITY, May'M-The reported Intention of Madero to resign waa branded tonight by members of the president's family as too ridiculous to merit serious denial. Oustavo Madero, the president's brother, said, that no such thing waa even thought of. MAZATLAN. May nV-Among the refuges oa board the United States trans port Buford, which arrived here today, are nicmbera of a religious colony of forty from ths Isthmus of Tehauntepec. who reached the transport after an ex haustive trip. Among the refugee were Mr. and Mr Thomas, IS and 17 years eld, respectively, who two year ago came from Dee Moines, la., and started a banana and pineapple plantation, which waa destroyed by brigands. The Buford sailed at S a. m. today and due to reach Baa Diego early Wedneo day. Refugees from the extreme south report a strong anti-American feeling to prevalent. HITCHCOCK ASKS STATISTICS ON FIVE LARGE INDUSTRIES WASHrXOTO!r. May K.-A resolution designed to lay bar the capitalisation, earnings, etc, in. the Iron, etaeL sugar, cotton and wool Industries of the United State mas Introduced by - Senafor Hitchcock of Nebraaka. It calls oa ths president for. a ajmy'lailoa of statistics In these lines.' Mr.. Hitchcock said the return mad te the federal government under tb cor poration tax law wcuid anew enormous proflta There was some dlevusatoo la the senate as to tha propriety of making the laformuica public. The reao'.ution aeat over for' further conslderatieB. ConMnlealoner Cabell of the bureau of internal revacoe. It at said, baa complete Information regarding the bustneas of every corporation la the country. This in forma tioa had bean procured to deter mine the taxable earning auder the taxa tion law and could not be pabllahed ex cept by cuiiiislual authority. UNION. Neb, May JA - .-"portal Tete araia.) The cornnaenoecnant exerctosa of tha Union achaoh) were held la Woodman ban last sight Jodjre A Hen J. Beeaoa of Plattsoeuth delivered the address to the caaa the graduates being Mlaa Ruth Chenowetb. Mlaa Mary Backer and Mr. Vane Harria - v - Tne presentation af diplnaua waa made by C L. Grave, a bat af the board. Praf. A, P. JERSEY EIGHT NEARSITS END Iresideiit Taft ax Colonel Roote- rtlt BoxniBf Up Roads lead' inr to Gotham. TJOSI STXEHTTOOS v" Conunutj,. . Covered by X -acnti-e. colo: o nr facto FACTORY BBTEICT Both 8ides Confident of Winning in the Voting. STATE ISSUES USED BY WILSOI Oraaaerata, ''alike Btepablleaae, As Ctahtlac Oat Their Difference Wlthea BeeawtlaaT te National . Qaeatlema. NEWORK. N. J, May Se,-Prealdant Taft. Ex-President Roosevelt and Senator La Feltette rested today after three day of the hardest campaigning they have ex perienced since they began the tight for the republican, presidential nomination The president and Colonel Roosevelt have made more than forty xecbea each since 1st Thursday and plan to wind ap their speaking tours by two days more of rig orous work. Senator La FttTletta haa mada fewer speeches, but baa addressed many Uieaaands of voters. Governor Wilson' supporter declare that hia speech at Jersey City last Bight defined the principal Issue at stake In the democratlo primary campaign. The governor aaserted that the real Instruc tions given the "unlnstrurted" delegates on the democratic ticket would be "any body but Wilson." The republican and democratic campaigns In New Jersey dif fer widely In that the republican candi date have made their appeala upon na tional laeaes. while Governor Wilson and hi aupportar and the local speakers that are pleading for the defeat of the gover nor have dwelt upon tha party struggle within the state. The Taft manager today expressed sat lafacllon with the president's tour of the "commuting sons," where more than half the population of the state reside. This part of the state Is also ths factory dis trict. Roosevelt leaders aay their candi date will receive a vote from the factory worker that will more than offset any advantage Mr. Taft will get from the "business men's" vote In the residence towns near New York City. Both side claim the four delegate at large which will be elected by the vote of the whole a late, and at least sixteen out of the twenty-four district delegates. If anything the Roosevelt els una are the more sweeping Tne nrst four district, which In area constitutes four-flftha of the state. tending free Cap May on tha south aa rar nonn as Mew Tor city are In doubt. aca aiae euum two aa sure." President Taft had to interrupt hi rush for a short time last night to have hi throat treated, but expecls to be In .ex cellent speaking form agala by tomorrow after reeling a day and two nights at hi brother horn In New York. The president will start early tomorrow. Nlaitlng the towns along ths Atlantic shors, which heard Colonel Roosevelt Sat urday. He will, continue his fight right up to the' hour of opening the primary election, having arranged today to apeak at Glaaaboro at noon Tuesday aa hour before (he polls open there. Colonel Roosevelt spent the day quietly In Oyster Bay. Tomorrow be will Invade the country to the southwest of this city, going aa far aouta aa Princeton. Prairie Hens Raise Large Broods in the Nebraska Fields YANKTON, . D, May K-tSpedal Telegram.! Three Inrhe of rata fell In Yanktoa thia morning. Rhine creek rose to a height not known el nee the town was settled. Msny homes were flooded and at daybreak Inhabitants were rescued by boats. Great damage waa done to city and Country bridge, with heavy Individual toss. Half of the rainfall (ell In .twenty minutes. The Jsjne river valley la flooded and there will be great loss to farmers. It la feared. The water la new rapidly subsiding. GLENWOOD HIGH SCHOOL HOLDS ITS COMMENCEMENT GLENWOOD. la. May 9A-(Spertal.- The usual capacity audience greeted the twenty-three graduates af the high school at the opera Bouse laat evening. The auditorium waa spring like la the pro- fualoa of green and white, the cess color. The program waa varied and unusually Interesting from the spectators' viewpoint. The salutatory by Elate Evans. the valedictory by Alice Lamb, the eaua re by Ewart Howe and the das prophecy by Hasel Miller were wen rend ered. The scene from "Beatrix of Clare," by Edwin Deupree, Clarence Carter, Max well Morgan. Eaart Howe. Kelle God icy. Ruth Brooks and Aaron Bachman brought out the hlatrtonlc talent In the elaas. Foe ae" Cbenre la Withdraws. TBTTMSEH, Neb, May St. - Special. I Bert Cnvrden. the young Inaa who was srreatrd twe weeka ago upon aa sJlegei eharra of forgery, has beea given hi freedom. Conden sal accuaed with har Irg cashed a check far twenty-five dol lars at a local restaurant, upon which the same of Jacob Flnxer. a wealthy farmer, wiv signed. Mr. Finasr. R la said, de nied the authorship of the check and ft was turned down at tha bank. Cow-den was to come up for preirmlnary exaalna- tion wtthia a few days, bat tha parties came re ea arreemerjt and the cnarge was wlthdrawa. - SeWeta tf-reee Brtaug (Meat Prieee. TECUMSER. Neb, May K. (pedal MUe Halstad waa m the St. Louie afarkets. Monday, with a carload of horse for J. E. Halated and S-m if this city. He topped the mark si arr the day with a toaaa cf alack dial fers nhich sold for S7av The fauns sa bead watch - - a From the New York Journal. TAFT PREDICTS A VICTORY Azures New. Jersey Audiences Ha Xore Than Enough votes. REVIEWS HIS ADJC5ISTBATT0N Calls I'noa Baoeevelt far Proof that Aay Official Aet Waa Deaa leder Inflneweer at oaava. HACK ENS ACK.'N. J, Hay H-In four of the most thickly populated New Jersey counties Hudson, 'Essex. Paasaia, Ber gen-1 President Taft yesterday assured hia audiences that hi rent minaiion for tha presidency I certain. H appealed 10 the voter, however, to mas. n:s majority in the republican national convention more decisive by adding to the S7fl delegates which ha said are' already Instructed for or pledged to his candidacy the twenty eight delegate from New Jersey. From early morning until late at night the president waa on the go. Vila tour through the "commuting sone " wss made In an automobile and for ths most part over dusty road and during the greater part of the day the automobile moved at a speed af mora than fifty miles aa hour. When he reached Englewood late tonight President Taft had covered 13 mile. : ' While he continued hi attacks on Colo nel Roosevelt. President Tart's speeches were, principally a review of the legisla tive achievements of hia administration. He strongly condemned the doctrine of the recall of Judicial decisions, which hs asserted would mean to "lay, the ax to tha tree of liberty." Thirty Delegates ta (sere. At Fasaale the president said: There are many who have not made up their mind a to now they will vote la this contest and will be Influenced by what the victory, will be. It do not think that la wise, but If you really want to knew how It I going. 1 will tall you. I have mor than M delegates to the republican national convention pledged or Instructed for ma. Only set are necessary to nom inate. I have, therefore, thirty to spare. would be glad to add New Jersey a to the Hat. but.. they are not necessary to success. It Is only because I wanted the fig urea aa large as poaalble that I deter mined to come to New Jersey. Mr. Roosevelt's nomination Is Impossible." In many of hi speecbee the president discussed the charge mad by Colonel Roosevelt that tha political "bosses" are supporting the president's candidacy. He denied that this la true. Dcaaaaaa Proof. "I call upon Mr. Roosevelt." said Presi dent Taft at Montrtair. "for the proof to show that any official act of mine haa been done under the Influence of "bosses' or men enjoying special privilege. Mr. Rosaevrit says the bosses' are all for me and that therefore I must be for the bosses.' Mr. Roosevelt and 1 are prac tical men." i There was much laughter when the president referred to Coeanel Rooaevett a "a practical man." and when the ap plauae bad subsided the president smll- j ingly added, That what he told 'Brother Harrtman." . . After pointing out the achlevementa of his admtnlMratloa and making a plea i tor tha eunnart af all voters Who -w.M, la a coosti rational government" the president continued: "Whoa a seen coma forward and eaya, 1 like your politic and pond and I'm goaag to support yew,' would Mr. Baoee waat aay. WeU. yoa must pass a civil rata ' The Best Time of Day ' fear',-- rCo'.' City Commissioner 'Shot by-Friend Who - Secures' Nd Office JACKSONVILLE. III..- May -Charles W. Brown, city eommtsalbner of Jackson, vlll. waa shot and killed late today by Ambrose Hurley, formerly chief of police. Brown waa killed sa he. sat dletaslng a letter. Ms assaasln firing without warn ing.' Five minutes later Hurley, Who had driven to his boarding place three blocks away, tent a bullet through his ewa head and died Instantly. The . double tragedy was du 'to an "Imagined grievance'' Hurley had against Brown. A year ago, after Brown had been elected a commissioner of Jackson ville under the new form of government. Hurley did not get an expected appoint ment lo a city position. When drinking Hurley often made threat against Brown and thr latter had been warned frequently that he had better keep hit eve on Hurley. However, he had known the man a long time and la ssld not 10 have had any special fear of him. Hurley had been drinking recently and yesterday bought a revolver.' Mr. Brown was a civil engineer with a large business and wss prominent In the business and social life of Jacksonville Old Baltimore Hotel Suffers Severe Loss BALTIMORE. . May M-Ths' Eutaw house st Baltimore and Eutaw street a the -oldest 'bote In Baltimore; waa btdly damaged, this evening by fire which started in ths basement from an explo sion of unknown origin. Much of ths loss waa caused by water poured Into the structure; a five-story brick building. All the- guest escaped In safety,' as did the ' employes. ' but several of the fonrier were obliged to come down the fire escape. A guest named dale of -Chi- esgo returned to hia room by -mean of a ladder and saved shout flja) worth of Jewelry. ' - Practically the entire hotel bad beea reserved for the use of the Oscar W. Underwood force during the democratic national convention. LENGTH OF COMMISSIONS' . TERMS IN DISPUTE . , . HART1NGTON, Neb, May. St-(pe-cial.f-Thia county la struggling with 9ts same problem that I perplexing Thurs ton. Pierre and some other counties af the state, towlt. whether' rountycorn mlsal oner's term Is three or four years. Heretofore the commisslonere - of Cedar county have always served three yeare. but It haa been recently discovered that ths statute apparently fixes the term of a county cornm.'s!oner at four years and the qoeetioa aow arises whether It 11 necessary to elect a commissioner . In title county thia fall. As the matter now stands both the democrat a and re publicans have nominee and keen Inter est Is felt In the situation. If a com miss loner's term is four yeare the pres ent Incumbent for the Second district. ,7""t"' ' " r' era tic nominee, Mr. Carroll of Randolph, will have to make the race eat over again some futurs time If he desires the office. County Attorney O'Gara haa taken up the matter with the attorney general and the candidates will govern theenaelvea sseiniliai M tM acini oa FIGHTING SPEECH BY, T,' R. Dd ?'. Li. Kot Bait Contention. HE EXPECTS TO BWEE? STATE 1 . Aesens Prefeskleaal B eases la Fast Aeeastamed to Try Serosa Arm Tsellea, bat Will Kiel . Stead - far Them. ELIZABETH. N. J.. May aV-Wlth all the . emphasis at his - command Colonel Roosevelt declared yesterdsy he would not permit "discredited politicians and hoaaea" to take control of the re public au national convention. . He asserted that professional politicians In the peat had been accustomed lo try strong-arm poll, tics. "I won't stand for It a moment," ke said. Colonel Roosevelt made these slats menls In what he called a "fighting speech" at Plainfleld. toward the close of the most spectacular of his day' cam paigning In thia Mat. H hot about from place la place by train and automo bile, firing off speeches In rapid succes sion to thousand of people, who cheered him enthusiastically. leaving Trenton early In the morning a rut across ths slat to s number of coast resorts, and than worked his wsy toward New' York, making his laat address la KHxabeth this evening. After speaking here he alerted for Oys ter Hay to remain over Sunday. .1 ; Mekes More Cbargee. - "Our opponents have no thought of win ning unless they can win by deliberate cheating in the national convention," said Colonel 1 Roosevelt at Plainfleld. "The national oommlttee at supposed to psaa upon the rights of delegates to sit in tha con vast ion. If It chooses It can turn out delegate lawfully elected by the peopl end put la others.. It is. therefore, vital to have a national committee that really represents the. people. Our opponente have shown that they Intend to try to use the national committeemen who have been beaten la their own stats to alt la Judgment la the eonventioa that repre sents victory over them. "For. example, we have thrashed tha bosses ha Illinois and Pennsylvania, bu the national committeemen who alt In I he convention from those stale repre sent aet, our seventy delegate la Penn sylvania, but our opponents' six; we aot fifty-four In Illinois, our opponent got . .-.. .' "I went our opponent to understand thia: If. .the, people are against me I have nothing to say. but If the peop'e are for me and discredited bosses and politician try to upset ua, I shall have a great deal to say and won't stand for It a moment. We will , not permit th rspresentatlves of special privilege to up set the verdict that tha people have 'come to. We mean every word we say. "Whea we went Into this fight w went in ea the assumption that the people bed the right ta decide who their candidate should be. The professional politicians have beea accustemed to try strong-era; tactic and could do so with Impunity when the fight represented a contest be tween twe factions. It Is not that sort of a fight tMs time. . It la the people against the bosses, and I serve aetle that the bosses will net be allowed til upset the will -of the people. Weald Fat Throaah Flatters. "It Is win or lose with ua la cnlcag" we In tend ta put through oar platform We Intend that R ahall declare outright BISHOP BRISTOL COMES TO OMAHA Former Pastor of MoXinley As signed to This City by Metho dist Conference, ASSEONXXBTS GIVES EFASCOPACY Comes to Kebraik From Field in South America, BATED AS BBAIaLTART ORATOR Held Important Chnrfes in Illinois Before Ooiny to Waihinrton. flTJELSEIf SEHT TO EUROPE Caere A as I a at ABtt-Salewa Leaarae ea Floor af Caafereaea by Dr. Saaaeel Dtekte Create Seaaatlaa. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., May .-( Spe cial Telegram. -Th bishop of the Methodist Episcopal church ware aaaigaed to their raatdaaeaa yesterday. Btonop John U Nuelsea af Omaha has beea assigned ta Eurteh. Switzerland, ta place af Bishop William Burt assigned to Buffalo. K. T. Bishop Frank M. Bristol to aaaujned to Omaha la place af Bishop Nuelsea. 1 Bishop Bristol haa bad charge at the Methodist work la South America dur ing the tost fear rear. Bring at Buenoa Ayr. B waa aeaetad btohoft at Balll more In Bat and was tar tea rear pastor ta Washington. D. C. He woo national dlasJaettoa as Prsaldsat MeJOalsv-a pas tor during fcto entire term of office. Btahop Bristol waa bora ta New York aatte. but waa reared ta nttnei. Ha wa ed era tad at Nerth western anrrarattr and Garrett Blhtoal naadtute. Ke beM a number of Important pastorates ta Chi- ' rage and Evaaatoa before going to Waah. lagtoa. He baa a wita. and three sooa. all la business. Bishop atrtotet to a Brilliant ' platform speaker, scholarly and rhaata af speech. He haa (aada a good record as aa admmlot rater. Attache Antl-saleee Leaeae. "I am prepare to prove thai the move ment to change tha headquarter of th church temperance aoclaty from Chicago ' ta Topska. Kaa, I In th Itnereat of th Anti-Saloon league. I am prepared t ptovt It I simply a scheme to do harm to the church temperance society. Th head af the Antl-Salonn league. I am prepared to prove, said thia aoclaty must get oft Ihe earth." With thsae words. Dr. Samuel Dlekle. president of Albloa college at Albion. Mich," created a sensation In the gen eral oonferenee of the ' Methodist Eptera-f pal rhnrch during tha dieruastoa of th report of the church' coaanittea on tem pera and amidst ) cries of dertaloo, continued hi attack, ea tha eeatmittee report wnlea waa uaiaisssa a ijsssii Oevemor J. Frank Hnley of Indiana, Earlier In the day a ehort battle had been fought over th oommlttee report en dorsing the. work af the Antl-ttsloon league, but ;the report waa adopted. Dr. Dickie's amendment to the oommlt tee report that Chicago be substituted for Topeka was rejected after a long debate In which Pur ley A. Baker of Westervtlle. 0, secretary of Ihe Antl-Haloon league, answered the charges made againss him. In election held today 8 Earl Taylor, W. F. Oldham of India- and F. M. North of New . York, east conference, were elected corresponding' ascretarie of tha board of foreign mi as lone ' aeeretartee Re-Klerted. As secrets rtee of the board of home missions and church extension -Ward Piatt, C. M. twavwenj and Robert Forbes, all of Philadelphia, were re-elected. Dr. Thome Nicholson ,of New York waa elected secretary af the board of educa ttoa, F. J. Maveetle of Cincinnati and W. Sheridan secretaries of the Freed man Aid society. D. B. Downey of Nw York secretary of lha board of Sunday) schools and J. B. Hlngely of Chicago secretary of tha board of conference claimant. Th piseopaer committee' report oa th appointment of bishops, waa aa fol lows: Atlanta. Frederick D. Iete; Bostem, John W. Hamilton: Buffalo. William Burt-. Buenos Ay res. Homer C. Stunts; Chsttsnoogs, T- S. Henderson; Chii-ago. William F. McDowell: Nashville, William F. Anderson: Denver, F. J. MoConnell; Foo Chow, China. W. a Lewh: Helena. Mont. N. Luococki 'Kanase City. Kan, W. O. Shepherd: New Orleans, W. P. Thlrkteld; New York. Luther R Wilson: Ok Is Soma City, Robert Mclntyre; Omaha. F. M. Bristol; Peeln. China. J. W. Bash ford; Philadelphia, J. F. Berry; Portland. Ore, R. J. Cooke: St. Lou la. Charles Smith; 8L Paul, William A. yusvle: San tv.w.aA Rdwin H. Huahea: Waehlne, ton. Karl Cranston; Zurich. Swltseriand. Joha L. Neulsen. The conference after a long debate left to Ihe Judiciary committee Ihe eaea of W. F. Oldham, the missionary bishop, who wa elected to a place an the board of foreign mlealona , Dr. Oldham waa stationed la India and the conference asked the committee ta decide whether H would be legal to transfer him to New York. The question of election of a sue- ' rusor to Bishop Oldham, if the commit tee approve th change, will come bb next Monday. The want ad col umns 0! this paper will buy or sell for you almost anything salable , or "bnyable," from old clothes or furniture to expensive jewelry, to automobiles and houses. They also hare found thousands of employers for employes and em ployes for employers they are doing it every day. Turn to the class ified pages now and see what is awaiting yoa there. - Tyler 1000 (Ceattaaed aa aaaaad. Page.) F