Tig r3'-; THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 26, 1912. B Ths Omaha Susday Bee. fvVSVEITil EDVf ARD ROSEWATtK. irVlCTt eUeaKWATiiB. SUITOR. BEE BUlLstUKO, FAK.NAM AND En' .-red at Omaha poslofflo as cass matter. curau tJi. 7 - ...... , Eat unlay bee, on year ""iiTi J S? Daily Im aad Sunday, ana yesa....... Evening Baa with Bumlajr). per " Uajiy b wiuiout euDOajJ. par lno::Tj; Aaareaa mu CDUftiaHiia or la aitvjj t City Cm-uleUoa ixsso. REMITTANCES. Remit bv draft, eiprsss or nos' erdr. unlr -ca stamps received In pay"" pi on Omsua and aaatara sicaande. at accepted, r orrmu. ' Omaha The Be Vididlog. feouth Omasa uk M council siiufis Scott ft I inn.i.-i Uuie Bunding. Lueeo-b MaroueU Building. Kansas City Hellene Building. . i'ork-al Wart Toirty-lhir. Vaateaftao-m founaaata Sl w- COa&WONDBMCB. . ., mi am and lilor-Jn-v-. ehoc ba addraaasd Omaaa Baa. Milan, wfiai f AfKU. CIROULATWM. 50,109 ante af Kabrmsk. Ceuntr of TJougla. aa: Dwtght William, eiewnetla umi at . fls ft ruwienins. cecaim,. duly sworn, aayi uat the avares dally circulation, (or Ibe enonih ot April, lilt "' 'owik'WIW-e-' Orculeuea Manacar. Subscribed la my nreseoos and ewors to brtore aaa tats Ind dv it May, WJ. Ilka.. I BOBtRT MUNTW. -tf . , Notary puaue, . 1 akacwrkara efweisag , ska esty taaiawrartlr afcaald aara Tka ' Bra malt 4 facta. ' ' Address j i wltl Ba akamad aa aetaa aa a- 'Folki cut almost fcsaT th June tugs bUS. ;. "Color Una at 4h Bf. br cf JodgmoDt. ' - Not the . Tha miutclsna ara comlDf. Oaidba bUom bar aam. ; JThet Mia m aaa FourtB ol Jnlr ihould eemiaeBea It Juna.- ' - 'Llttla Cubt) ouia so gund It longar for Malco to get H tba lima- light '.'f '' Not a bullet has passed over the; llne since ntbat ultimatum Mexico. reached Ara the Teddy bear manufacturers finding Interest Ib du'rrant politico these days! . It will hav to be someone else than Jack Froat wb knocks out our fruit crop tbl year, ' No use guessing od what the dem ocrats are going to to antll the re publicans do H tirat. - ' ' -When that eroM-ceuatry aeronaut drops In on bs tiers 'bo will fib everything looking' u -' Not autir CmfT ieidel was fleeted mayor of Milwaukee did the pompa dour erase come tiack. . i . . Every oure In "a while fy Cobb threatens td'ttaVe' Oeorgta the big gest atate la tbs-ualoB." ' Vhosa university, cadet TnsuTracte did hot ib anything' very bad, bat they had bettor ot do it kgaln.. , i-i'-a J-nr. - It begins to look as if Kansas City might have.o .completefl'flew -epot before the aad of the Hyde caae. T a laymaa up a tree it looks as If the Methodist ohutch would soba bo oompoeed of Bone bat btshop. ' Tbl country la up against the. or deal of getting Bleat ior, , fear without aa order for two new battle ships. . '. '' ; 'Registered rMto auoibere sad the popalattoB ooeBt already seem ts bo tloslng B. fatrijy does race la Ke-I brash. ' ' Before the Be' election rotla round Deavep ohoald wrganlse a so ciety for tBs -prtveaQfta of cruelty to oaniidatea.. - - -: ; '.Ta tuaraBteed.daadelloB onlm gnlsher, Itke the device to heat a house ib wmter wlthoat fuel, 1a yet to. be is vented. I?J. " .Omaka seed to' prld berself ok belag obo of the bel paved (diet la the country. It li poealM to rvgaii that repetatloa. ' ". '. ' AaaMatioa talk Is aonsssso, aan Cy Warmaa la his Canadlaa clab d dreaa. He wilt. hv Chajsvp Clark and Mike Leo after him. ' The Beit thing our new eoatmls aion plaa coancllmea should do Is to pre the first appoint! bie-blter ceugbt graftin'g'or eoldleHngJ. Viz ' -W K. 'Fortunately, these -,great.; church cnferBC ar all carernlly sched uled to end le Unto to et out of the way for the big political conventions. The" senate' report, eeft-peds? the (act .when If 'say th life-earth ( ap paratus of -the Tltaala was "pataet lca'.lj" faequate;"riui1naUy7 Is the aerif. .; - ' : . The national socialiat platform denounce "rlolenc a a weapon of the- working classes." That win not hold sack sons, and daughters of rest as. Doe Reitmaa and .Emma Goldman, though. ' i Hie Publicity Side. IB B6aXljr--TT--lty that Bad adopted the rosimtsaiaa. plan of oy- rameiit, and which claim great benefit accruing from It, it la ad mitted by those who want to ba hon est with tbetnaelvca that the galni have coma as much from favorable publicity aa-through greater effi ciency aad aconomie administration. It goes without saying that the cities which adopted the com minion plan first wbea It waa new sad novel succeeded in reaping a tremendous amount of free advertising, which those that come, after can hardly hope tor. The publicity side of it. however. Is still ana of the chief as sets of the commlssloa plan' of city government.' aad It Omaha wants to get full return on Its latest venture la municipal government It most not neglect this aspect. . What must ba Impressed on our people la that It is not only the needed Improvements and reforms accomplished that counts, but also success In making . these achieve ments, so far as they era creditable, known to all men. Just now this favorable publicity can. and should be, acquired for Omaha need not ba discussed la de tail here, but It should not ba over looked because aa opportunity offers in the transitional period to open doors easily bow which. If passed by, will ba found tight shut a little later. - Borne and Health. Dr. Evans, the Chicago health ex pert, laid sound stress la bis Omaha lectures upon the prime Importance of healthful conditions la the home as the first essential to sanitary con dition outside the borne. IB the city at largo. While there Is nothing unusual In sack a statement. It Is timely to hsve it called to our attention, for some how people seem to be more Indiffer ent to tbeae little matter-of-fact thing Bear at kand that form the commonest side of their lives than to snythtng else. It la Bot scientific to be clean and to maintain sanitary oonditloae. It 4 - almpiy i every day eoBunoB sense, and It Is not a high commentary npOn our popular intelligence that we aa a people all th. country have waited for scl- .nr an mma alnna and rouse Ul tO' these Simple fscts.; But It m well to b roused. It Is well to bo told that sanitation, like charity, should begin at borne, and it should begin with the child In its Infancy. In Omaha Infant mortality It not b menacing problem, although It seams that It la Chicago, and also la New York and other large cities. The federal . census shows that In 1110 1.4 T babies under I years of age' died In Chicago, and the Chicago Board of Health van tores the assertion that of this num ber Tf per cenCor 1.661, "wre un necessary death! Tn ' othet words. ffboee little ones oould easily have bees saved by proper car and eon dltlona. It ta tbl condition which Unen like Dr. Evans have in mind when they direct attention to the u- brem Importune of clean, sanitary borne. And BO bom Is 0 poor that it cannot bo tntda wbolesom and healthful Bow About the Sane Fourth f .What 4rogrss baa been -mad In th country for a safe and sans Fourth at dee th ' last Independence day celebration? Did Ibe Amertcaa people forget their agitation as soon as they soaked tibo lwt lacerated fltigor IB oil? This Id itirely a burning question, yet It doe Sot seem to keep ablate through tke long winter month. It ehrtveli up evea before the end of Inly.' Right bow la the time the agftatloa li aiaelty renewed each year aad H h continued until the Fourth come along. 8tni real progress and Improve ment bar been mad. The .casualty list for 1111 ahewed Very material reductions, showed that onr agitation bad bat teeB ft vain. Many of the largest titles, including the very larg est, have adopted the safe and sane method of celebrating our anniversary of independence and doubtless many mora Will adobt t this year and leg Mature aa well a city Councils are shapiag tangible laws for It reelrle ttoa. This la ths only way the reform will ever- become effective. It I to be hoped that greater progree will be ahowa thla year and that sooa tke Amertcaa people will entirely aban don th barbaric way they bare bad of exulting Ib their freedom and tnde peadeac. - 6ut Coutry. ' ' . Former Speaker Cannon baa i sort of babtt of reminding his colleagaes in the house that th United States ha aa -annual production of thirty tno,ut$ftd'BUliiofci . of dollars, more tfia. per eeptrofv.wbieb la con sumed'' by (he people' of tB United Ptatei. It la a very commendable sort of habitant thi time when so much unwarranted fear about the future of the 'country Is .being - thougatleaaly modthed. . - : . . ,; ' This ' tafttOOviOOb.oeO-producUon 'is more" thath oneSthird of the output of tbe-clvilleed world. The staggering figures Bait make ' all ' Amerkant proud of tbeir country, of tbe hound less reeoarce and energy that make possible such a stupendous showing. Onr population la a small fraction of the world, evea onr territory ts but a.jkath across on continent Surely aotiilng serious can - be the matter with our country so long as, tn Its Infancy, it I tuning out more than one-third of what the world produces. A significant fact o remember, too, Is that we are consuming 90 per cent of this stupendous output, hav ing but 10 per cent to market abroad. We must Increase the output, gigan tic as It is, for sooa the 0 per cent may not bo enough- for home con sumption. Certainly 19 per cent ts not excessive for the foreign trade of a nation like ours. Bnt tbe Ameri can people are not Indifferent to this situation, as they are evidencing In their work for greater efficiency, for Industry and Intensive agriculture for tbe farm. A nation aa young aa ours aeed not become apprehensive wbea it has but begun to scratch Into Its natural resource. The American lickaame. Americans are inveterate habitues of the nickname. They apply It to about everything and everybody. The president of the United States Is not too big to escape. Our states and cities all have their alcknames. Th boy from the time he is old enough to take bis place Ib tbe middle of the dusty street with a doxen other Ju veniles goes by soma otber name than the one his parents gave him at his birth. It is a parody for every thing. It Is on tbe stage, In polities, business and sports. What Is the spirit? Not ridicule. not cynicism, not always a lack of respect. No people have more sane respect for their country and Its rul er than the ' American people, but they are very practical about It They are a happy, u a worried, faat golng sort, upon whom the power of the vernacular Is tremendous. But, more than that, Americans ar aa expressive people and vernacular phrases are decidedly so. They seem to have coined a new vehicle for thelc thoughts, a street langaage that ta responsive to overt demand and much mor flexible and fluent than th mother tongue, from which, however, they sever stray perilously far. That onr blcknam habit and onr vernacular have tbeir attraction for other I shown by ths readiness with which our friends from other countries, oven the oriental, with bit cumbersome and complicated lingo, adopt them. And yet. what a re freshing relief It roust be to some of these newcomers to get away from their native tongues and find expres sion la something oven no mor ele gant than American slang! Some Farm Figorei. While ther were 114,138 more farm la the United State and 40, lOd.oll acres more of farming land under cultivation than in 1100, the percentags of Increase In the number of farms .and the total acreage waa below the percentage of Increase la population on the Whole, or In th urban centers. Our back-to-tho-fsrm movement, therefore, receives only partial- stimulus from these st Hixtics. The moat encouraging fact Is that ths acreage of Improved land In farm showed an increase of 18.4 per, cent, which wis greater than tbe other ratios and yet less than either the general or urban population gains, which were re spectively II and 14.8 per cent. The rural population showed a gain of 11. 1 per cent. Discouraging a this la In comparison with ths others. It le even worse than It appears, tor In rural" population Is Included the entire population' outside of Incor porated placet, comprising New Eng land "towns" of J, 600 or mor In habitant. Ther 1 nothing In the figures to glv any fait hopes to the coun tryside movement It will tk sim ply stern and. persistent pushing to turn th . tide of migration toward the- country, whither It should, for every economic and many social reasons, drift It ths people would only study this subject they would readily under stand the financial advantages, to say nothing of others. In going on the land. la tpit of the small land Increase Just cited, the value of all farm property In the United States In those ten year Increased 80. per cent That sets at rest any doubt at to tbe profitableness In returning to the land. Schwab for a Carnegie Medal Charles : M. ' Schwab hat Jut rescued a friend and builnes asso ciate from what the emotional scribe would call B watery grave. While both wera out fishing the friend landed a whopper. The - whopper caught la a tree. The trtend of Mr. Schwab shinned up the tree for the fish. Th limb on which he was climbing care way and h tell Into tbe water. The ' water wa deep. Mr. Schwab wa oa th bank. dressed, and not seeking a cold plunge. But, without hesitating. Schwab plunged la and' asred bit friend's life at tbe peril of his own. Now,. Mr. Carnegie may not ap prove everything that Mr. "Schwab haa dona la the steel business, but we submit that the Laird of Sklbo owe Schwab or of tbe best gold modal be haa in stock, and none of these pitted things, either. - Hoot mos, gl blm boob o' tbot! No pro fessional Jealousies should be - per mitted to deprive th hero. Schwab, of bin Just reward. Mr. Carnegie may chuckle to himself ever how he got the better of hi friend, Rocko- j feller, to .the. tune of-B few dozen millions Id that iroa ore deal, but he should noOaags. at Charlie Schwab and deny blm tbe reward of his valor J'ist because be bss it la his power to do" so. Mr. Schwab haa earned B hero medal and ought to have It' And It most not be a bronze, gold-washed affair: sot Steel, but pure gold. If heroism among steel kings Is to be properly encouraged. Convention Procedure. . While current interest n) the ap proaching national president-nomi nating conventions ft almost at white beat It is plain that many erroneous impression are prevalent aa to eon-; ven Hon procedure aad 'methods. All these conventions are delegate con ventions; that tfe, mad up of dele gates sctlng In their . representative capacity,: is contradistinction to a ; coaventtos tn which everyone who attebds may participate. .To insure an orderly assemblage with a definite membership from the outset It Is necessary to kav a temporary roll of delegates Who are entitled prima fade to seat. The only body duly authorised to act for the whole party tn making up this temporary Iroll la the national committee, which must pass in first instance upon all credential presented. Where there ar more clalmants"tban the number apportioned to any state or district it devolves upon the committee to determine aa between them which shall go upon the temporary roll, and that roll wbea completed be comes the groundwork for the tem porary organization of tb conven tion. Ib order that things may Bet be left to go at haphazard tb custom baa grown up for the committee of th parti ea respectively to select some capable and distinguished party leader to be recommended to the convention .'for Its temporary chair man, although H always remain tor tbe convention to accept that recom mendation or to substitute another. If a question is raited upon th tem porary organisation the will of the convention la takes by roll call, hod the roll call It the temporary roll mad up by th national committee. Tb thole of the convention I then Installed aa temporary chairman, which position he holds until the permanent 'orgsntratloa effected, over which be may, or may not, b retained to preside. This ts tbe procedure that hat been evolved by our party system for tb organisation of political conven tion, and ft la th procedure which wlH h followed substantially with out variation both at Chicago and Baltimore. It thtt lack of Ministerial tupiily due to lack of seal on In part of parent to org their tons to pro pers for the ministry? Or doe not ths sacrd calling attract tb parent as mnck aa- the mor lucrative field of worldly occupation? Mr. Bryan now wants it distinctly understood thai b has differed, with tb democrat Ja confrere on only minor detail and that nothing stand fn th way of him endorsing all that they hav done or omitted to do. Colonel Roosevelt, It h admitted. llket milk so well that he often gets away with four or flv cups of It t a meal. Th colonel thus lays him self open to - being called a molly coddle unless It la buttermilk. Omaha taxpayer ar still paying 4 V, per cent interest on 17,060,090 deposited In banks that ay only t per cent In return, to tay nothing of the 1175,000 rake-off on th secret sale of the bonds. Look around at th buildings of ill kinds under construction and you stay-at-hom may b impressed as much aa th visiting stranger how noticeably Omaha it growing. According to "the attorney tor th defense," the Coffee trust haa not done anything punishable In thtt trust tutt. That't what all the other trusta also said. The Commoner declares that but one reactionary was 'elected aa a del egate from Nebraska to tbe Balti more convention. Wonder who that' one can be! Kill Laaeetnae. - New Tor Sun. About the only uncontested seats at the Chicago convention teem to be thoas a Dotted la tbe press. Whither Joy BeekeaaJ ft. Loots Republic in ths midst of base bail strikes. Wlld- cyed politic and th beginning of hot weather the school picnic should not be f.rsotten. It Is th sanest thing at them A Fesrtk Hrleles. Wall Wrest Journal. Like Dtsrenrs description of a second marrtase aa the triumph of hope erar experience.' to Bryan lmaglnatioa s fourth nomination wipes away all humi liating memories. The ktarttaa la Cwba. Sprlnstleld Republican. Whether ar not the armed uprising Is Cuba proves formidable. It serve ta re mind a that s presidential campaign has begun there as well as hi the Unite) States-' President Oomes t present terra expires on January 11 next- Ths trouble over the soceesetoa la Cuba, on th whole. seems rather quiet and ladylike eompare.1 with onr own, but ther are ample poasl- buttles ahead. It .may prove a turbolea season In both countries. Ilalnilkcbmrd ILisDay inOmalia UJSIrniJ-U FROM BEE FILM Thirty Tears Ago Rain rnterfered with the ahootjrit tourn ament, hut the' aveais were pulled oft none the leas. For th Decoration day eetebratlon next Tuesday the orator of the day WIS be Hon. James W. Savage, and the fire department baa agreed to Jotn In the parade, for which the Nlnlh Infantry band has also promised to head the troops from the barrack, together with General Crook and his staff. The young people of th Lutheran ahureh held a social at the residence of their pastor. Rev. tr. Stelllng. at the southwest corner ,9 Seventh and Howard street. A suipin was grren O. A. Wilcox at CrtaVkahank A Co by fifteen of th clerks, who proceeded to his residence at Twenty-fifth and Capitol a venae ,d Presented htm with a set of Warerty aoveis as a birthday gift. The ladies of ths Omaha Tnmvereln gv rare well party ts Misers Hary and Carrie Lang, about to start on a vuit to New York City. Charlea H. Dickey, brother of J. - J. Dicker, will soon vMt Omaha, coming (ram the Sandwich Islands oa hat way to nis sia home la Ottawa. IIL atlases Jennie Deltone- and Pedis Riley have gone to Nebraska City to visit Miss France Butler for a week. Twenty fears Ago Th Methodist ceneral conference. i session sine May 1 eloaed ha delibera tion and tn eiegates began to Scatter tor their homes. A published card or thanks for th hosnlUHty of the city wa signed In behalf of th conference by Bishop John P. Newman of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. n C. Snyder announced th birth of a laughter. Article of agreement war signed In Omahs for fight between Denny Daly of Omahs and J. W. Dammev or Me Francises in Omaha, Jun IT. Daly would emer in ring at III and Dempser St la. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Thompson left for a trip through th northwest. Including SJt DOlma of miniMnal Mmmi Sfl-e Thompson planned on Spending the sum mer at Madison, Via . , Friends of M'.ss AM Mills tandartd hsr a delightful surprise. Meeting at the horn of Mr. and Mr. Williams en Far nm street, they went tn a body to Miss Mill home ea Fortieth. Those In th group wera Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Mir rears nartman, miss Alda Parker, Miss Emma Free. Mia Cad Johnson v, Oeorg Lawrenoe. Mr. Arthur Robinson, Mr. Delt. Mr. Oould. Mr. Robert Weir. Mr. Norman Kennedy. Mr. Lot Johnson. Mr. Will Clark Ind Mr. Loudon Chart ton. Several Omaha men. Inclurilnr n Ar Patrlrtc O. M. Hitchcock and Augustus neurits. er v witnesses In Unmlt. to th shooting of a prominent, bank president of that cite Kv a a.i, t..h. man, who declared he sought revenge for in pespoinng or Ms home. - , TrO Veani Ago W. O. Bears of Tekamsh. speaker of th Kebrask hooka of representatives, was th principal ipesker at th Ak-ftar- Ben den on tb occasion of Nebraska editors' night. With. Frank Owen nitchltt mA Thoma catching. Omaha shut out Colo rado Springs, I to a Owen let down (fn Millionaires with throe hits. Oeorgs Stone, aran SnoeAMl rnm n,Mi. i .k- w... . v.u Ul, .1 , , 1 1 UU' ' field, made three bits, a did also old jos uoian. Standlns room was at A nrimima th North Omaha Improvement clubf meeting at Magnona hall, Twenty-fourth street and Amea avenna The timm Included vocal solos by Herbert Deeming, Miss Hooper snd Mrs. Qrsnton; a piano sow ty Mr. Rockwell: e recitation by Mis Kimball; trio: violin, cello and piano by Messrs, Franti and Cook and Miss Hancock and selection by Prof. Croft's orchestra. A Vol of thanks wss ex tended to President W. A. Hanson for the entertainment snd refreshment Ths Swedish-American n.nuhHr-. league held a meeting kt ths Swedish library and elected these nMr.r. e..u. dent. J. L. Jacobson; vlos-prssldents, Krod flodmaa and A. J. Coleson; secre tary, W. P. Swsnson; assistant secretary. 4 u ousts vson: treasurer, Oust Hamsl. Gsonre W. Unlnser delivered ea . lustrsted address to A large gathering t ataaonlo temple, escorting them through tb Holy land, a Journey b bad but recently actually made. SECULAi SHOTS AT THE WlFIT. Indianapolis News: There's on thing those Methodist candidates for bishop can be thankful for, anyhow, and that is that they don't hav to go up against a preferential primary. Washington Herald: Bevsn ion of Bibles In Spanish and Portuguese hav Just been shipped to South America by th South American Blbl society. We hav always thought our little brothers down ther a gay lot. but ws did not ex pect that things War quit so bad. San Francisco Chronicle: It 1 not at all ersdltabt to the church organisations of this country that they should exhibit lukewarmnesa In th matter of th peace propaganda. U the Christian world would liv op to th teachings of ths Christian gospels, or even strenuously In sist upon their being adhered to as nearly as possible, th problem of disarmament would socfl b solved. What U the mat ter with the preachers? Why don't they preach peace and demand that the armies and navies which mak Its maintenance imponlbl be curtailed and finally abol ished? Philadelphia Record: ' Th Northern Presbyterian church I Invading the Juris diction of the Southern Presbyterian church. It Is now holding Its general as sembly tn Louisville, and haa selected Atlanta a ths place of meeting next year. The two bodies will eventually units, though th result would be an in conveniently large assembly ualeas ths unit cf representation were reduced. They bar th same church polity and the same belief, snd art kept apart only b recollections of the exciting times of th slavery controversy and th dvtl war, aupplamaoted by th fact that "modern ism la theology" ts rather mora eonuno la the worts than In tb south. Cause at peace Mw tried. . Jndlanapolls News. Th defense committee of ths Russian duma has aae.a t the expenditure of Ctt.Gcp.0U on the aavy. aad Germany la expecting to spend SStl3.t this year, gO.T50.BQ next year and S,Soa.9 yearly thereafter tn a similar manner. Thus does th cans of International peace advance. - 1 L i may aa. ' . i J People" and Eyents It Is said that P. W. Jadson never takes a vacation.' He I so busy man aging the extenatvt business of the Mid land Glass and Paint company that, paradoxical as It may seem, be- finds his recreation In his work. However, he deviated from this ml recently, when he took an actlr part In nominating Howard H. Bald rigs tor congress. F. W. says be derived a great deal of pleasure out of this. For S day or two th New jersey mos- ljulto may continue In th pursuit of hap piness unmolested. All ener gis ar cen tered oa swatting voters. Cheery members of the Methodist fold, even though denied th gaiety of th dene and th theater, may find com pensation tor th loss ta Bishop Homer Stunts. Accident Insurance agent never tack lessons while fat plays th gam. Harry Day of North Adams, Mass., worked at tb perilous trade of steeplejack for ten years without ever sustaining an accident Last week he fell oft a eurnfts a foot high and brok his right ankle. While shooting around "th enemy country," gaping at the forest of sky scrapers. Colonel Stanley O'Bsnnon of Be Jersey had his pocket picked of Ht Colonel O'Bannon It One of Colonel Bryan's many doubles, but th resem blance did not restore th money. Former Governor Pennypacker or Penn sylvania Was handed an gj.sm Job by th governor th other day. In honor of th vent celebration wa palled off and Pennypacker cut loose with a series of lamentation oa th "degeneracy of th times" that by comparison, make Jere miah's sobful sple k picnic ragtime. Pen nypacker did not decline th Job, how ever. Th present Dalai Lima of Thibet It J! year bid ana is learned tn Sanskrit,- Tnibetsn and Pall. H IS said to be Very devout In th exercise of hit priestly func tions. Rtsln between I and 4 A m.. ht devotes th major portion of hid (lm to hi prayers. Oa tri average h sleeps rri-s hours out of fhg twtnty-four. Hi M said to be passionately fond of animals, particularly of dog. ' With much plausibility and tore It ts argued that tldrly plutt with young wive Would eonserv epttSphy by leaving thetr estates to th widow Without re strictions as to remarriage. Thtt tbi new husband, having annexed a good thing and Iclsur td enjoy It, would express his aratltud cheerily in glowing period of epitaph y on brants or marble. Besides, a chunk of cold comfort from S grateful successor hslp td mak on contented with th situation. Automatic Mail (The Most Per , - Practical Demonstration TOGETHER WITH $10000 Prize Contest Tie entirfj week begirtning Monday, May 27th in tti north window of thfj . . MILLEIi, STEWART & BEATON COMPANY, - !. 413-15-17 SoutB Sixteenth Street. ' A miniature model of mail catching, delivering and ei changing appliance, and of circular track and station standard, showing the actual and simple operation of the greatest of all mail catching inventions. The sim plicity of the mechanism, the ing the "catch," and the any find all other deviees, "Will thoroughly impress you; It is the ONLY device that V .. ' Absolutely Catches Both Ways at the Same Instant ... .", Be sure to observe the practicability of this mechan ism. Look into the window of the Miller, Stewart & Beaton Company, 413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street, dur ing the week and become acquainted with the enterprise and experience the pleasure of seeing the demonstration of a Nebraska man's marvelous invention. If yon cannot view this demonstration, write for partic ulars or tne project and contest American Automatic Mail Catching Manufacturing Co. 928-30 City National Bank Bldg. - DOKfSnC PlXiSASTlIXS. He-Tou really should cultivate Mr. Goodman. He ia looking for a wife. Bhe-But 1 am not a wife. Snow m feme man who Is looking for a atnxw woman. Boston Transcript Mrs Fllnn T wonder If my husband isJr is gray? he wlU. ... He's hades of hair aV l- . - " I will love me when any hslr Her Friend Of course loved you through three si ready -Boston Transcript. Husrand (cheerrly-Well. love, hav n ire-un, spienara; , - - children and got them off, washed the dishes ara maoe some pi, . - - -the luncheon table and answered aotn leters 1 still had time enough left to daxa my stockings. "Harper s Bsxar. The Meat Eater-I see that the leaeer of the Paris motor bandit gang was a T7hTvegetrlsn-Te. nd perhaps you 1 noticed that he didn t fear death? I w. . c- ... j -n . riH blame him 7 . Then they clinched. v s . . . . .-w. ,- - I.V-n wnusjl "IjOOK neao. awwn, . . - - dries and triad to cents b wound tne, pahk before breskfast. but It doeao t do my llvah a bit of good.". . M: - "Uh! i ns arraid the good effects or the center before breakfast are counter w. nf the da-caster after dinner." London Taller.. . . .. 1 w.i u.. W ehtld yelling! Whet on earth la the-matter? "That s Mrs. Scribble's boy. She s al ways whipping him because he uterrnpta . , ...I' wHtlne- far- the pupers about how to make home happy for the near nun varm. jLmcrlran. ' - r TEE UTTIiTi vTBAnr.TA " W. D. Nesblt In Chicago Post. -I fjollered for a miracle, I argued loud an ions; , -- - I put th" case before m in some stale- pirnts mujniy smms. I said 'twas no use talkln' If miracles wa don . In other days, 'twas assy to show m only I walked off might proudliltw-sB' smiled at th" perfume . :. . That sort a" whispered to m from a Inao. susn In Dioom. .. .. I set en' made 'em listen when 'd let em hav their ssy; , . . t showed m by cold logic w srs Bvm In today. , Wj W went clear hack to Jonah. n Moses an ins rocs . . ., - There was no claim that thy mad I couldn't set n' mock. . ' Then when a Johnny-jump-up toughed at tne from th' grass , --. I taw mv twisted aperrlt Uk In fookln' glass. . . t hollered for s miracle I dared 'am Just to snow . . One marvel like they talked about of ten An then I saw th' orchard-last month all aei inns asrfi. dead an' oar . An now a sea o" blossom that sanctrfy Out yonder In th medder lot th' dandy-. (ions oiaxe: ... Th tendrils o' th' grapevine reaches Out dosea ways. i hollered for nrfraclsl An rlgfit before. my eyes Is miracles s wonderful as Whe th" , dead arise! ' . " r v . A tree sllve. wrth blossom, a vine, that snsses uh iesv, ... A swallow that can fmd Hs nest- Again below in eaves: . I hollered for nilrscle-there' pn been For I was brlnd, but tn a flash 'twas given me to see. . YOU!4 Prescription if left at an? One) of our stores' will receive th most careful and prompt attention of s refc--hrtered. graduato pharmacist. "" No ffubstitutlon of drag M per-'-' mitted.- . - -.- . .. -,1 v. W employ a fored of pair-, i mactsts largo enough to give four prescription Immediate at-, tentlon, . evea on out busiest day. Tbl service' coitt jrou no mor tbsa yon hav to pay . elsewhere. . . i :. ' i - ' - Shermiln-jf cConaeil 1 fed Device) precision exhibited in mak undoubted improvement over Catcher 3 ' )