The Omaha Sunday Bee PAST ONE. NEWS SECTION PAGES OKE TO TWELVE. IKE WEATHEB. Generally Fair VOL. XII SO. " 49. LUnll.ltK UAIIIIUI' RETAIN HIS SEAT III THE SENATE ..i t Friend ef Illinois Senator Find "' They Are Unahls to Vaster Sufficient Totes, POLL HADE ONE WEEK AGO Only Forty Unconditional Pledget Could Be Secured. SIXTEEN TOTES ARE IS SOUS! Week's Work in Effort to Win Then Over Without Eerolt SEEEXAI GOES TO CHICAGO Report JTiee Pretident Will Notify Senator of Eesult of Poll WILL ASK . .HM ; TO BESIGN Buktn ef Catena- Mm Think He Should Betlre Without Ti lessly Mmhewswasla; These Farther. WASHINGTON. May X.-anator L ti mer of Illinois will recslv word direct rmm hie. friends In the senate that tbav cannot bop to uva hla in hi Bght for tb retention, of hi seat. While It U not adraUlad that LorlnMr will be urged to rw- alga. It wa laid ha might decld on that co una, Vloa Presidsat Sherman left Washing ton laat night for Chicago. It wai aaid hla mission was private business, but It wa rumored that he woald sss Senator Lorlmer and eomraunleata to him the reeult of a poll ot the senate that has just been concluded. That poll shows Certain for Larimer, ; certain to op pose him, ; doubtful, 11. There I one vacancy. The attitude of the senators, whose votes are classed as doubtful has given the friends of Senator Lorlmer much concern. Although nearly a week has sons by since the poll wsa made the Lorlmer supporters have not been able to add one name to their list. Those elassed as doubt- foj here refused to aire the Lorlaaer men any Indication of their Intentions. ,. Lorlmer men were forced to the eeacru tfoa that ths list of doubtful votes was too large to give teem any sheas to wis If the case were brought to vote. It was decided, therefore, to submit the exeat situation to Senator Lorlmer, Want tr1nver te Reefgtt. There waa as ens ot the Lorlmer tup. porter authorised te speak for the Junior Illinois senator today, but It was argued that he should resign and not further uselessly embarrass hla friends In what they felt would be a futlh, ..mis. It waa argued further that Senator Lorlmer should be content to rest on his former victory and the fact that a majority of the committee which Investigated the tharges the second time bad reported In tie favor. Finally It was agreed that' the only thing that could be done would be to meant the situation to the senator hlm elf. : His health has , been Impaired ihroughout most ot the present session ind he has been unable to remain here look after his own Interest It was Sought that he might be Influenced to tbandon the fight on that account. ' One severe blow to the Lorlmer forces a the knowledge that Senator Curtis if Kenans, who voted for Senator Lor mer last session, -would be against him f the case again came to a vote. True ft sets the gain by Lorlmer of Senator tones of Washington, who last session roted against him. ' Senator Curtis Justified bis ehsngs by us friendship tor Clarence 8. Funk of Chicago, general manager ot the Interna lonel Harvester esmpany, a life-long Mend. The Kansas senator says the eetimony given m the but Investigation dearly raises a aneedoa of veracity be ween Funk and Edward HI nee, a Chl ago lumber dealer, charged with having (Continued on S sound Page.) The Weather Forecast till T p. m. Soaday: For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity -Fair tonight and Sunday; net much dtang la temperature. v Teas pera tare at Omaha Hours. Deg. S a. a..- S a. m. Tarn. Sa. m. . m. Ma. sa il a. as a m.: 1 4W s i Ulim t p. aa...... S P. X. I aeal Weather iteeaeeV. mi. mi. isie. ins : night St . M rrecipltauoa -SS . M A Normal temperature for today, St do- n-eea. Deficiency la prectpitatloa Since lurch I 1 inchea. -Deficiency corresponding period, jsil. l1 incase. jDeflrteney . Inchea oarrespondlns period, m. ' Weather la the Grela Belt. The weather la warmer In 'the upper su reoivo. we upper jeisanwppi an ip per llieourl valleys and throughout the vest and northwest, it Is slightly eeoav the lever lake rev ton, in. Ohio and over Mississippi and lower Missouri alleys, Geoerally eioady weather pre aii on the Pacific slope and light ram a telling is southern California, gome ry Ugnt and scattered showsre escurred elthta the last twenty-four hows la the antral valley and lake, eat gear nlly clear weather prevaile thai morn a from the Becky mountains te the ttlaattc eoaet and eoaditioae are fsver ,4 tar cootlaued tslr la this vicinity night and Sunday, with no Important base la susvsratura. L. A. veuH. iff r ATLANTIC FLEET SENT TO KEY WEST . United States is Hairing Prepara tions to Meet Possible Eventu alities in Cuba. . 1 ' NEGOTIATIONS WITH REBELS merer Government Is Willing; te Great Aaeaesty te Bad Have eat, Which la Spreading; . Very Rapidly. WASHINOTON, May 15. The third and fourth divisions of the Atlantic fleet, with Rear Admiral Osterhaus. commander-tn-htef of the Atlantic fleet on his tempor ary flagship. Washington, In command, have been ordered to sail for Key West, Fie. These divisions are now at sea, the former on. Its way to Hampton Roads and the latter to New York where they will rales 'their 'quota of marines to US to each ship, making a total of MM oa the two divisions. , . .,... Tne hospital ship Solace will also Jota so two divisions. . The asvy does not expect thai' the bat tleships, as such, will he, necessary for Cuban operations, but, It happens that they furnish the only convenient means of providing a sufficient number at the -Lalwaya ready jnartoes at various .points oa the Cuban eoaet to afford protection and rallying points for Americans oa ths island. The first and second divisions of the fleet carry about an mariners. , ... Commander Mitchell, commanding ths gunboat Padaeah, ths first to arrive at. Quaatanamo, has been told that he may Monty guards for Amsrlcan property, on. request, without reference to Wash ington. If, In his discretion, It la believed they are needed. The battleship Nebraska which left New Orleans last night for Hampton Koads, It Is ssld. will bs told by radio to anchor at Ksy West as a part ot the precautionary fleet" Willing Oraat Amaeetr. HAVANA, liay S.-H waa aeHeved hers today that ths Cuban government Is trying to open negotiations . with the negro rebels for the purpose of arrang ing terms of peace. The terms. It Is said, will be based an an amnesty promise to the rebels. . Recruiting for the army continued to day with Increased rapidity, however. It was noticeable that very few negroes are offering to enlist. Ths report that a band ot armed blacks waa operating at Harlanao, In the Immediate vicinity of Havana, was de nied, but rumors are current that bands of, rebels are appearing In other pans of the province. A- column of volunteer veterans Is' about te depart for the province 'of Orlente, under the command of General Emlllo Nunea, president of the Veterans' association.- It probav wffl number eje oho, &, , will be materi ally strengthened by recruits on the way. ' Secretary of the Interior Laredo Bru said today that the government fully j expected to receive most favorable re port from the frontier before; night, i It le rumored today that the strike of the kmgabormen and lightermen, which was suspended two weeks ago. pending negotiation for arbitration . Is ' likely is be resumed. This would have serines re sults, as K would cripple the military strength of the government by outing off the euetoma receipts on which It Is dependent for the trsnspw tattoo, equip ment, pay and arming of the new men new being enrolled. " ; Rebel UeUsg FUatatlaaa. SANTIAGO. Cuba, May 3.-A strong band of armed and mounted negroes this morning attacked the plantation of El rilo. about fifteen miles from this city, and carried off all the horses, provisions and other plunder. The government Is dispatching troops from fiere to Oauu tnamo. Steamers have been chartered for the purpose on account of the' complete utarruptloa of the railroad. . A strong fores at Insurgents Is sttack ag ths Santa Lade sugar plantation near Orbara.a the north coast ot the province of' Orlente The ntaotatloa Is American property. Ke government forces are anywhere la Urn vicinity, bat the employes are mak mc a encsissM resistance. AMEs'cQLLEGE OftATOR V WINS -THE FIRST PRIZE CES MOD.E8. w. Hay W. a Emersea of Ames eoileg won the first annual Mieasarl alley oratorical con teet at Draka anrreratty here hut Bight His subject was. "America and the Peace Problem la the Orient." J. David Arnold of Drake took second place, hi eubjeot being. -Menus of Modern Ii i ens H. C Mandt ef So University of South Dakota waa third, with the subject "Human Right 'Over Property Right.'' OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 26, 1912-ITVS n .am iam a saw BURNED TO DEATH AT STAKE Two Thousand Persons See Hob Tor tare Negro at Tyler, Tex. . ATTACKS YOUNG WHITE WOXAN Vlettsa Make Written Cealessloa sad Repeats U Ver Welly Jaet Before Match I Applied t the Tyre. " TYLER, Tex:, May .-Dan Davla, a negro, was burned to death at a sinks la the streets of Tylsf early today after he had confessed to assaulting 1 Miss Carrie Jobnsoa of this city, a week ago. Two thousand persons participated In the lynching. .. . Davis had signed a satement confessing to ths assault, but before the match was touched te the pit of wood on which the negro had been bound by the mob, he was asked again If be waa guilty. I am guilty,-, he cried, and a moment later the flames were leaping high hbovo uia ana. Devlg was brought her early today from Athena Tax. Whea members ot thei sheriff a posse, arrived at ths Jail with the negro, they were confronted by several huadrad dtlsent wh waited until ths black had written his aonfesdon, then demanded thai he be turned over t them. Officers and cltisans whn bad gath ered Inslds the Jan prolesteOut finally surrendered the aegro to ths mob, who numbers mads, protest useless, thd of ficers ay. Frm ths Jail the prisoner was led t the public square, whsr several wagonloads ef wood had been plied. Hs was tied to a rail and attar he reiterated hi confession, a match was applied and the flames enveloped him. The mob stood around ths fire until K had died down and llttls ws left hut charred bones and ashes, ' Ths work of the lynchers was don quickly and quietly. , Ths determination ef the men who had the sxscutlon In charge appeared to have a sobering ef fect upon them. - . - In his written statement Davis tot I hovr be and and another negro attackvfd Mis Johnson.. wh I tlis daughter of a farmer, as shs was walking along s ran road track to Tyler, Monday afternoon. May U. The pair left her with her throat gashsd. 'believing her dead. She was later found after as all night search. ' While the girl herself did not Identify her aseallanta. be waa Identified by a man who claim t have seen him In the neighborhood soon before the crime was committed. Ths girl's condition Is critical. Davis said his partner had been arrested in' Waco. I v , , , New Dirigible . .. . ; Balloon Torn to . ' Pieces by Storm i " ' f , LEIPSIO, Germany. May B.-fbe dirig ible ballon Parssval VI was destroyed tble mornlag. by being' iom from Its anchor by a squalL Ons ot the soldiers on guard near the balloon was Injured by the ryUut tsckle. The Parssval VI bad arrived only ibis morning, sad had been encaored la an opea field. The flexible dirigible ballon of the Parsecet typs have beea almost a un lucky a the rigid Zeppelin dirigible. Parseval VL destroyed today, bad al ready met with several aoddents. It waa severely damaged on March M. 1ML by being dashed again ths balloon shed at Johaanlsthal, near Berlin, and agi near Brunswick, on April S. MIL Parssval II was totally wrecked at BIHerfeld' on May IT. 1ML Parseval HI ws badly damaged during a farced landing In a snow storm near Bttaffeid an Novem ber M. DC, and Parseval V was destroyed by Ore at Hannoveiweh-Muenden on June a, oil -j SUPERIOR VISITED BY LOGGING PARTY OF SUNFLOWER TRAIL SUPERIOR, Neb,. May &-SpectaL- A large number of business men went to Webber la auto yesterday to meet and ort Into Superior the logging party of tth Sunflower Trail, the principal automobile route through. Kanssa and which will now connect with Harvard. Neb making Superior the principal stop along the route. ... H. M. Anderson at Betel t, Kaa, presi dent ot the Sunflower Trail, delivered a speech telling ef the advantages ot being located opoa n popular automobile route. Thousands ef eastern tourists are planning come this way this summer and they win find some mighty One reads la this oouatry. especially alos the Sunflower Trail. Tslephos) pole along the rout are marked with yellow bands .that the I SualWwcr Trail, I I Coming and Going in Omaha TAFTSAYSHEHAS 570 DELEGATES President Makes Statement in' sn Address at Kearney, New ' , Jersey. FIGTTKES GIVES OUT BY LEADERS aanasaeaaa Me-Klaley'Say Tatt Has Five Has. dred Slllr-Seren Dlxea Says ' ftoeeevrlt Uaa Sla Has- dred Tweaty-Nlae. i . . NEWARK, N. J., May SS. "I have more than ITS delegate Instrurtsd or pledged declared President Tsft In a speech at Kearney, near here, today. "New Jersey I not necessary to success, but I would be glad lo add It. Whether I do or not, I hsve Sn delegates and Mr. Roosevelt's nomination Is impossible." ' Flgeree ef Both Leaders." WASHINOTON, May S.-Wtth about (ixty dslegstss remaining to be selected, both the Tsft and Roosevelt manager to day gave out detailed figures Intended to prove their respective claims to absolute control of the Chicago convention. Repreeentstlve McKlnley claimed tor President Tatt MT Instructed ana pledged delegates and eoacadsd M to Colonel Roosevelt In neither total did he In clude the result ef ths Ohio primaries. Senator Dixon claimed for Colonel Roosevelt Instructed, thirty-eight pledged and fifty-two will to bs elected" In Arlsons, South Dakota. New Jersey and Texas. Adding the La Follette and Csmmtas delegate forty-elx. he claimed a total ot SB fo Colonel Roosevelt. Approximately 771 delegates to the demo cratic convention have been elected or slightly mors than two-thirds ot ths total of 1.0M. The msxlmum strength claimed by ths respective headquarters today was as fol Iowa.. . Clark,. Instructed, SB; pledged, total. L ' Wilson. Instructed and pledged, zrc; cer tain a second choice, SO; total, SOS. rnderwood. Instructed, MO. At Harmon headquarters It was sHated that an estimate ot strength would be prepared next week.. Bomb Sender Gets - Term in Solitary Confinement PITTSBURGH. Mey ,.-Wlltlam D, Pastorlu was sentenced In criminal court her today to serve four So six years In solitary confinement n Riverside pen! tentlary. after being convicted of sending a bomb to Alexander R. Peacock, former partner of Andrew Carnegie, and million aire capitalist, and attempting to extort , from him. Pastortous, It Is said, told his attorney. A. C. Stein, details of an alleged plot to assassinate President Taft The plana, h said, were made la Nsw York. It was Stein's purpose I have Patsortous tell hla story la court, but this was abandoned and th entire matter Fas placed to the hand of government officers here. Attorney Stain said the plot waa a suit ot ths abrogation of th Russian treaty. HORSE STEPS ON WOMAN'S t CHEST AND KILLS HER MITCHELL, S. D.. May SWSpoctan Mra. Joeeph Bennett was accidentally killed this morning at her home M Letcher. She attempt d to step Into the wagon to drlv to tow sad lo som way, her dress caught aa she waa getting Into th vehicle and she was thrown te th ground near the horse. In falling ah gave a Jerk to the liars and oas ot the animals la stepping back placed Ita foot on the breast of Mrs." Bennett. A soon as the horse removed his weight, which held her there for a moment, Mra Ben nett got ap and walked t th house aai a physician was sent for. Before he could reach the house Mre. Bennett bed passed gway, death being to an- Injury to the heart. The body was taken to Mount Ayr. Ia., for burial. ' DROUTH IN PHILIPPINES RESULTS JNjSHOTT CROPS WASHINGTON, May S. Th marlfet for the principal Philippine ruptee, rice, hemp, sugar and tobacco, may bs atfsctec by a report by cable to the Insular bu reau from th governor of the Philippine Islands to ths effect hat. doe to sa al- coatlnaou eight month' drouth. there win be a shortage In all ot thee product- per cent tor rice. S per cent for hemn. B nsr cent for surer sad In par e,m In Whocoa. Copr has escaped the drouth. . .. . SECTIONS FORTY- PAGES. BAPTISTS MAE AGREEMENT Northern . Branch Will Withdraw Missions from New Mexico. PLAN FOB CONSOLIDATION Two Conventions la New Stat Will Meet and Ferae Slaale Oraaat satlea to Be Controlled by Saathera Branch. PES MOINES, May S -Ptrtf which has divided th Baptists of Nsw Mexico tor two years ws brought to an end at th Northern Baptist convention today, when the delegate cast a practically unani mous vots to turn ths slat over to the Southern Baptist convention. Derision of the question ram with ths sdoptlon of a report from ths committee named to confer with ths southern Bap tist convention. Ths report railed tor the withdraws! of ths American Baptist Hems Mission society from Nsw Mexico axd tor th turning over of th work of that society to ths bom mission board ot th southern Baptist, convention. It also required thst ths Baptists of Nsw Mexk-o, bow divided Into two oenveattons shall meet and organise a Joint conven tion within sixty days after the ad op tion ot I). committee's report. - . , Row Prlaelplee ml Ceaatry. runaamentel principle of comity to prevent thd repetition of such a situation aa has prsvalled In New Mexico for two ysars. were adopted as a part of th r. pert They ar as follows. L Th Independence of th Jocal Bp I. The moral interdependence and Ik -oprtion or napuat cnurche in pro moting the Intsreets of the kingdom of God, I. The purely sdvlaory nature of sll de nominational orgsnlaatlnns In their re ligion to Baptist churches. Rsv. D. L Schulti of Pennsylvania to day discussed the work ef church among miners and was followed by Rev. J. 9. Unberger of Kansas, who advocated sev eral chsnges In ths present line of work. Near problem Dlsraserd, Thst ths negro problem is one thst will nsver be solved until there is greater co operation between Ihe north and the south, was th declaration or Dr. Charlei L. Whits, associate corresponding secre tary of New York, who addreeeed ths convention! This problem will bs con sidered along th lines that ultimately will fasted th educational boards snd missionary societies to th public and religious school system of th southern state, and sonserv ths best traditions and spirit of thoss "who In both ths north and south hava built their lives Into a growing tempts of Chrtstisn education that alma to train leaders for the raos" In th opinion of Dr. White. t Dean Talbot Denied New Trial in Suit of Miss Mercy CHICAOO. May aV-MIss Ea'her Marcy, former student at the I'nlversi'.y of Chi cago, who oome-time sgo wsa awarded a verdict of K SOS damages against Mr. Marlon Talbot, dean of women at the ill. varsity, for alleged slander, obtained fur ther legal support today when a nvtloa for a new trial of her suit was dtnltd by Clrcaf Judge Homer. , - Counsel for Mis Talbot, wh argued that Miss Mar era remark and gesture In th trial were sufficient ground for a new trial, announced that th raa would be earned to the appelleta court. RHUS KINZIE DENIES ; . SHE WAS SENT TO HOME Rinis Kinala, the government' chief wltnees In Its ssas against Leo Van Gorkom, Orover Miller and Roy Murfleld for '-whit slavery" wes recalled to the witness stand bit yesterday afternooa and under cross-examination denied being told t return home by Van Oorkom over th long distance telephone from Har isn. la The suimss said no on of th three defendant ever so much sa hinted at her going home. The government has yet halt doaea witnesses to b examined and th defense will call twenty The National Capital ' Satarday, May S3.1SI3. The Senate. Met at noon and resumed oenatderaMan ot metal tariff levlaton hill. The House. Met It H a IB. and raeume4 emaUan. tlon f tb naval appropriation bill. Adopted resjIutl'.B oa.lina oa Artarnev Oeaeral Wlvke-ahsm (or papere in mat ter of charges sgalnst Leslie J. Lyons, United States district attorney for west era Missouri SINGLE URYAiN TO SPEAK TO WAR VETERANS Exercises Are to Be Eeld on Thurs . day Afternoon at the Audi ' torinrn, OLD 80LDIEES WILL PARADE Mlnlntar Battleship Will Be Laaarhrd Darlagr the Attrraeaa at the Foot at Doaalas Street by Navy Veterans. Hon. William Jennings Bryan will b th principal speaker at ths local Me morial dsy exercises which will be held at the Auditorium Thursday aftsrnoon. His toplo has not yet' been announced, hut It will be torn patriotic subject, ap propriate for the occasion. Bryan will arrlva Thursday forenoon and whtls hers will be at th Paxtoa hotel, Hs will leave the earn svsnlng for Lincoln. Prior to th exercises at the Auditorium a parade will be held In which all sble boaied civil tad Spanish war veterans ot Omaha, togsthsr with local , military organisations, will march. Th sarsds will (arm on th tight aide ot Capital avsnue promptly at t o'clock,, and, from there ths line ef march will he south on S xtesnth to Douglas street sst on Doug- la to Fifteenth, and thenoe south on Fifteenth street to the Auditorium. In addition to th war veteran ther will he deistailnns of naval vsterans, national guards, mall csrrlsr and the. Omaha High school cadet regiment. A platoon ol pellc will msrvh at tb head ot th peiade. R. tl. Howell of Leo Forty camp. No. L will act a marahall. and his two aldee wilt be A. N. Yost. Oeorgs Crook post NO. St, an Charles L. Thomas, George A. Custer post No. T. Carriages containing chairmen ot gen eral committee snd speakers of ths day will drlv from Capitol avenue, weat ot Sixteenth street. Th Women's Relief Corps, the Lsdles of the Grand Army of the Republic, and the Henry Lawton auxiliary will form a salutory Una on Howard street, facing Fifteenth street. Program at Aadltorlam. Following will be the program ot th Auditorium exercises: W. H. Russell, chairman. Grant Poet No, HI. Overture Orson' band. Song. "America", by the Young Men' Christian association quartet. Reading roll of the year's dead by Mayor R. S. Wilcox. . , Tape-United Btatee bugler. Dirge Green's band. "Lincoln's address at Gettysburg," by Rev. Milton B. Williams. Song by Young Men' Christian asso ciation quartet. Addree by Hon. WllUsrs Jennings Brysn. Music by Green's band. - Song by Young Men's Christian asso ciation quartet. After the completion of Ihe exercises at th Auditorium a miniature battleship wlU be launched 1 the. Missouri river st the foot ot the Douglas street bridge. Thl service will be conducted by the Navy club of Omaha, assisted by th Women Relief Corp. Th battleship which will b ased will be carried la the parade. . - Decoration at soldiers' nd sailor graves wit be held st IS 'clock Memorial day morning according to the following schedule: Grand Army at tb Republic and Women Relief Corps at all cemeteries where exercise are necessary. Oeorgs A- Custer post Ne, 7 and Wom en's Relief corps No. SS at Prospect Hill and Mount Hope Cemeteries. L' S. Grant post No. 1M and Women's Relief carp No. lot, at Forest Laws and Jewish cemeteries. Oeorge Crook post No. Stt snd Wom en's Relief corpe No. SB at Holy Sepul cher. Weat Lean and Bohemian ceme teries. Camp LeeForhe No. 1 and Henry Law ton auxiliary No. L wlU bold Deooratioa services at Fort Crook and at West Laws cemeteries this afternoon. German Airmen Vote ' to Strike for More Pay BERLIN. May SL The German profes sional airmen have unalmoasly decided to striks tomorrow If the demands ot the German Aviator unioa for a minimum wsge'of ITS monthly, which was presen ted todsy to the aerop".an construct! oa companies la not treated bet jr nooa. Tomorrow I the principal day of Use Mg national aviation week, and a striks of the airmen will cause Its failure. It Is stated that tne wa;na -f some of the protseatonai aviatur arc ea ,ow a STJ a tsoata. v 3 J COPY FIVE CENTS. PURSUIT OF VICE WILL BE CARRIED TO END BY RYDER Superintendent of Publio Safety Will Not Let Up Until Purpose ' is Accomplished. POLICE GIVEN INSTRUCTIONS Sale of Liquor Will Be Stopped to Protect uoensea riaces. wo TAVOBJTES BEING PLATED CommiMioner. and DeteotiYS Haye ' Outlined Boose Crusade. SCAKLET WOMEN ABE PBOBLEM It Will Be Easy Enough to Put the Amateurs Out of Business. WHOLE THING IS Disrruuiw Coatlnaal A""", ll.atl a. It Applies professional Harlot. Polio. CommU-on.r Ry th. mov t. wipa Bln,ty.on. ar- cu-r h found tb fining or Imprisonment - -fectlve, but simply of the "orew ot scanet orvel Ryasr saya Mast Sbnt VP Sbs Ls.t Monday morning Detective Steye Malooey was detailed by my order to vV fir warning to svsry n-nxand . b-own to be celling n! orTrpected ot It. that they u rtut ptn.Pn cult." oa th. word quit.' Hs reported his daW mtervlewa n I ZT notes of conaiiiono e : rr ,-w.Hiaa and while be lvl I "mi difficulty 1. doavlnelng ttpsru concerned tnt ms vrindup ther all promlssd to stop. .... ' i. . At thee bootlsggera --now w - hspt their word I indicates "h ratta. Delectlve Mshmey consulted with aftsrnoon and laW down his rta" of". r1y, gons over tl.. flsld as abov. outlined. H T.I a He will continue waa who v p.- to proceed. The saloonkeepers of this city, who pay tne ne- Uw. ar goag ' ru money. , 1 . No One Hae a Pall. w-.nhv te my mind. Us In th fact that no person ha beea her to test his pull la this matter, and that .. .it ,.. ! enforcement I Put lip ... '. . . -,111 ,n about to I nil ospsrtmeow - - ths task, however dimcuu or o-ar oh.ut ward le any man's tafla- snca Chief Donahue and hi men under- tand sisctly what I sxpsetsa ax weoa. , i the allahtsst feu they WlU fall In their duty. ' Th problem of handling tan eocini cvU I am giving the moat serious tnougai. Arrests ot street walker and foolish girls not far gone oa th wrong road W easy. Ths veteran prostitute present a different sltustlon. but they, too, can D located and arrested. After we have lunU tHem at the tall, then what? Of course, they might be driven aeroaa tb Bridge, or otnerwis sens w "wi .. .. n. , , . , ..... , , . ftw. am tnreai. ulnar eiuee v mm e llke-and we would simply chang orsw , f scarlet women. Her 1 a now lor rork. fallowlna arrsat and nossfbly b. ' tor conviction, that may well engage the attention or tb best, nrasaauy, will ea frankly wa seed bein, but la Just what way to set stfsctlv reeult I haven't yet decided In my owe mind. Continual arret and flnlne ar tmar!a onmenl wont get us anywhere, toy as snot mveetlgatloa snow tnat many at ta elrla end women don't know where thei next meal Is coming from or bow thap ar wia mi ymy - m -m " ' ' - , repugnant ana oisu sssing, ana n may Wa Mn lit Anlv the eruda and bee. barou means at our command Indefi nitely te minimis thl evlL I bop tor bettor developments though, and am will ing to give all th time heeessary ta bring them shout." tir ... t warn to Duy an automobile cheap? Want to sell one at the best selling price? The want nd columns of this paper are the place for your ad if you want to get automobile results quick. Begin the week with an ad in The Bee and you will begin getting re sults in an amazingly short time. You may make, a business deal . involving several hundred dollars through the use of a small Bee want ad.- Try it to morrow. - Tyler 1000. -E,